Littelfuse ProtectionRelays SE MON330 Manual
Littelfuse ProtectionRelays SE MON330 Manual
Littelfuse ProtectionRelays SE MON330 Manual
E-mail: [email protected]
REVISION 0-H-121218
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Littelfuse
is not liable for contingent or consequential damages, or for
expenses sustained as a result of incorrect application, incorrect
adjustment, or a malfunction.
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SE-MON330 Software Rev. 0-H-121218
2.3 DETAILED STATUS TAB Enable the Enhanced NGR Short Detection mode to
The Detailed Status Tab (Fig. 4) displays information include a calculation of NGR resistance based on the
from the following categories: measured voltage and current values (when available).
• Metering displays NGR Current (A), NGR The Nominal NGR Resistance is the nominal
Current (% FS), NGR Voltage (V), and NGR resistance value of the neutral-grounding resistor.
Voltage (% Setting). Ensure that the correct value is configured and the SE-
• NGR Open Detection displays the resistance 330 is calibrated.
change (ohms) based on the most recent
successful calibration with the system. 2.4.2 GROUND FAULT
• NGR Short Detection displays the Effective The GF Trip Time is set on the front-panel of the SE-
NGR resistance (ohms). The Effective NGR 330.
resistance is based on the active measurement The GF Trip Level is set on the front-panel of the SE-
of the SE-330 detection circuitry regardless of 330 or SE-330HV as a percentage of the CT-primary
the energization state of the transformer. If the rating (2 to 100).
Enhanced NGR Short Detection mode is The EF Trip Level is set on the front-panel of the SE-
enabled (see Section 2.4.1) and both the NGR 330AU with one of the following ranges:
Current (% FS) and NGR Voltage (% Setting) • 0.125 to 5 A using the EFCT series CT
values are greater than 3%, the Effective NGR • 0.75 to 30 A using the SE-CS30 series CTs or the
resistance value will display the resistance ELCT30 series CTs
calculation based on the NGR Voltage (V) and For the new revision of the SE-330 series the GF Trip
NGR Current (A) values. Level can also be set to MEM.
• Status will display relay, trip, device, and When the GF Trip Level front-panel dial is set to
general status information. MEM, the GF MEM Trip Level (%) can be set from 2
• System Info will display the date, time, serial to 100% in 1% increments. The drop-down list displays
number, hardware revision, and the percentage along with the equivalent trip level
communications type (if applicable) from the current. The default setting is 15%.
connected SE-330. The Effective CT Primary is based on the type of
• Factory Diagnostics will display additional earth-fault CT used, and the connection to the SE-330.
status information from the SE-330 which can The following selection screen will be shown when
assist with testing and troubleshooting. configuring this value:
The Standard GF Time Measurement Mode uses a trip- The Poll Period is the time between queries to the NTP
time accumulator for detection of intermittent faults. If server. The default value is 60 s which is typically
the Non-Accumulating Mode is selected, a ground-fault sufficient to maintain time synchronization to 1 ms
trip will occur if the measured ground-fault value is accuracy, but it can be configured for periods as low
above the ground-fault trip level for the duration of the as 1 s.
ground-fault trip time setting. See the SE-330 manual The Timeout is the maximum time that the SNTP Client
for more details. will wait for a response from the NTP Server. The default
value is 5 s, and the minimum time is 1 s. If a request fails,
2.4.3 CONFIGURATION no change is made to the SE-330 internal clock.
The Pulse Period (SE-330 only) and the Vn Trip
Level settings are front-panel selectable. 2.5 EVENT RECORDS TAB
A fail-safe or non-fail-safe mode can be selected for The SE-330 series stores up to 100 events (10 events for
relays K2 and K3. the previous revision SE-330) with the most recent events
The K1, K2, and K3 Relay Assignment configuration on page one as shown in Fig. 6.
allows each relay to be assigned to one or more Clear Records will clear all event records from the unit.
functions as shown below: Save as Text will save all the events from the unit to a text
Available network settings will be displayed if
available. The settings will vary based on the type of
network installed.
The Report Control Blocks are edited through the When a data set is added or edited, the data set
RCB tab by selecting the RCB from the drop-down list properties window will be shown. See Fig. 12. The
and changing the values. See Fig. 10. data model is displayed on the left, and the data set
Data sets can be added (using the + button) or edited fields are displayed on the right. The Logical Device,
(using the pencil button). The default data sets Logical Node and data set name are listed at the top
(Measurement, Record, and GOOSE) cannot be and can be edited. To add a field to the data set, select
edited. See Fig. 11. it from the structure on the left and click the right
arrow button between the structure and the included
fields. To remove a field in the list, select it and click
the X button. To change the position of a field, select
it and click the up or down arrow button. Click OK to
keep the changes, or Cancel to discard them.
Ensure that the newest version of SE-MON330 is
installed prior to connecting to an SE-330.
SE-MON330 can be found at
1. These screens appear when the USB cable is plugged in to a powered SE-330:
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2. To open the Computer Management screen, click Start, right-click on Computer, and click Manage.
4. You should see the “CDC-Echo demo device” with a warning icon.
7. Ensure that SE-MON330 is installed before continuing. Navigate to the installation location of SE-MON330.
The default installation location is shown below.
NOTE: The USB driver filename is called usb_cdc_ser.inf, but Windows should find it in the installation location
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8. You will see the following warning. Select “Install this driver software anyway”.
9. If Windows has successfully found the driver software, the following screen will be shown.
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10. In the Ports area in Device Manager, ensure you see the following (COM number will vary, but remember this
11. Run SE-MON330 and select the relevant COM port. SE-MON330 should now connect successfully.
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1. Hover the cursor over the bottom right corner of the desktop until the sidebar appears.
If the screen doesn’t appear as in Fig. 28, the PC Settings may have an update and recovery option where the
Advanced startup can be found. See Fig. 29.
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9. In the Startup Settings window, select “7) Disable driver signature enforcement”.
12. Right click “CDC-Echo demo device” and click Update driver software.
If the following warning appears, select “Install this driver software anyway”.
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15. If Windows has successfully found the driver software, the following screen will be shown.
16. In the device manager, a CDC Device should now be installed correctly.
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SE-MON330 Software Rev. 0-H-121218
December 12, 2018 0-H-121218 4.0
December 11, 2017 0-G-121117 3.8
May 16, 2016 0-F-062415 3.7
August 19, 2015 0-F-062415 3.6
June 24, 2015 0-F-062415 3.5
April 2, 2015 0-E-040215 3.4
June 6, 2014 0-D-060614 3.3
December 4, 2013 0-C-120413 3.2
October 17, 2013 0-B-101713 3.1
September 11, 2013 0-A-091113 3.0