Grade 7 Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan

In Science 5

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to :
a. Identify the kinds of weather disturbances.
b. Explain the meaning of typhoon signals
c. The pupils will work cooperatively as part of a group.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Weather disturbances and its effect to environment.
References: K-12 Teacher’s Guide page 360-367 and Learner’s Material page 360-365
Materials: audio visual, picture cards, manila paper


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
1. Customary Greetings


Good Morning class! Good Morning Ma’am!

How are you today? Were good Ma’am

Before you take your seat, kindly pick up those Thank you Ma’am
pieces of papers around you and see to it that
your chair are properly aligned.

Is there any absent today? None Ma’am

That’s good to know.

2. Review

Can you recall what was our lesson yesterday? Yes Ma’am

What was our lesson yesterday? We observe the weather changes of weather
before, during and after the typhoon.
Very good Mark. Now lets have game . I will
show you a picture and try to classify whether it
happened before, during or after the typhoon.

Anyone who wants to try? (Everyone is raising their hands)

Yes Jaime tell us what you have observe in the

picture. Is it before, during or after the typhoon? Very good, it is before the typhoon.
Next Jaypee
Very good, it is during the typhoon.
Last one Queen
Very good, it is after the typhoon.
So how will you describe a weather before the
typhoon? Before the typhoon
-There are formation of dark clouds and the air
is cooler and dry.
How about during typhoon?
During the typhoon
-Strong wind and heavy rains.
-big waves in the sea
-Surging of winds in counterclockwise direction.
Last, How about after the typhoon?
After the typhoon
-Little rain but not as much during typhoon.
-Environment are flooded
-Damaged plants and structures
Very good class! It seems that you are all ready
for our next lesson.

B. Motivation

I will group you into two. Then I will give each

group a picture card. You try to observe what’s
in the picture. Each group will share their
findings with the class.

Do you understand class? Yes Ma’am

Group A, What is in your picture about? Destroyed houses

What else? The tree was cut down Ma’am

Very good group A. That is the effect when there

is a bad weather.

Group B, can you tell us also what is in your It is raining and flooding Ma’am

What else? They were wearing raincoat and using umbrella’s


Very good, that is the effect when there is a

continuous rain. It can cause flood, heavy rain
and cold weather.
C. Presentation

I have prepared a video. Do you want to know Yes Ma’am

what is the video all about?

Before we start, what are the things to Behave Ma’am

remember when you are watching?

Ok. What else? Focus and pay attention on the video

Okay! I hope you will behave that way.

So are you ready now? Yes Ma’am

(The teacher will play the video)

Do you understand the video class? Yes Ma’am

D. Discussion

What is the video all about? Its all about Weather disturbances Ma’am

That’s right, can you identify what is the Heavy rain Ma’am
weather in the video?

Correct, what else Joseph Flood Ma’am

Another? Hannah? Strong wind Ma’am

Very good class!

Today we are going to discuss the different types

of weather disturbances.

The First one is Tropical Cyclone. It is usually

happens in the tropics where the oceans easily
gets warm. It begins as a tropical depression,
then becomes stronger and develops into a
tropical storm until it achieves the wind speed of
a typhoon. Inside the cyclone are bands of very
high strong winds and heavy rains. When the
cyclone reaches land, it causes violent winds,
heavy rains, and flooding. A tropical cyclone can
blow away rooftops, uproot trees, cause floods
and destroy lives.

Kinds of Tropical Cyclones

There are five kinds of Tropical Cyclones.
1. Tropical depression is a weather
disturbance with a wind speed of up to
61 kilometer per hour.
2. Tropical storm is a weather disturbance
with a wind speed of 62 to 88 kilometers
per hour.
3. Severe tropical storm is a tropical
cyclone with maximum wind speed of
89 to 117 kilometer per hour.
4. Typhoon is a destructive weather
disturbance with a wind speed of 118 to
220 kilometer per hour.
5. Super typhoon is a destructive weather
disturbance with a wind speed higher
that 220 kilometer per hour.

Storm Signals and their meaning

Storm Signal No. 1 – Is announced when the

typhoon has a wind speed of at least 30 to 60
kilometers per hour. Twigs and branches of
small trees may be broken, however very light
damage may be sustained by communities.

Storm signal No. 2 – is announced when the

typhoon has a wind speed of at least 60 to 100
kilometer per hour. Branches of trees break and
some trees are uprooted. Light to moderate
damage may be experience by the community.

Storm signal No. 3 is announced when the

typhoon has a wind speed of at least 100 to
about 185 kilometer per hour. At this point
vegetation is badly damaged, and houses made
of light materials collapse. Classes in all levels
are suspended. Electrical power distruption may
be experienced. Moderate to heavy damage
may be experience by community.

Storm signal No. 4 is announced when the

typhoon has a wind speed of 185 kilometer per
hour. Destruction at this point could reach
dangerous levels. People in low-lying areas are
advised to evacuate to higher grounds due to
the risk of flooding. It is potentially very
destructive to communities.

Storm signal No. 5 is announced when a super

typhoon will affect an area. This storm signal is
characterized by winds of more than 220
kilometer per hour. This typhoon is described as
“extremely destructive or catastrophic” to the

Last is Storm Surge or Daluyong in Filipino, is an

abnormal rise in sea level along the shore during
a strong typhoon. Storm surge whips up large
waves that pound against the shore causing
massive destruction.

Do you understand class? Yes Ma’am

Very good. Now if you understand our lesson, The pupils will identify the weather
can you identify the different weather disturbances.
disturbances .

E. Generalization

What are the different weather disturbances? Storm surge Ma’am

Will you give one Shane?

Another type of weather disturbances James? Tropical cyclone Ma’am

What are the five kinds of tropical cyclone give Tropical depression Ma’am
me one example Ben?
Tropical storm
What else Lea?
Mark? Severe tropical storm
Queen Typhoon
What is the last one Anne? Super typhoon

How about our storm signals, do you still

remember how many storm signals we have? Yes Ma’am. We have 5 storm signals

Can you tell me what will happen if we are

experiencing signal No. 1? Signal No. 1 has a wind speed of at least 30 to 60
kilometers per hour. Light damage in the
community only.
How about signal No. 2?
Signal No. 2 has a wind speed of at least 60 to
100 kilometer per hour. Branches of trees break
and some trees are uprooted.

Signal No. 3? Signal No. 3 has a wind speed of at least 100 to

about 185 kilometer per hour. At this point
vegetation is badly damaged, and houses made
of light materials collapse.

Signal No. 4 ? Signal No. 4 typhoon has a wind speed of 185

kilometer per hour. People in low-lying areas are
advised to evacuate to higher grounds due to the
risk of flooding.

Signal No. 5? This storm signal is characterized by winds of

more than 220 kilometer per hour. And it may
extremely damage the community.

Very good class! It seems that you really

understand our lesson.

D. Application

We will have a game. I will call one pupil to go in

front and he/she will pick a picture inside the box
and you will guess what kind of weather
disturbance it is.

Do you understand class? Yes Ma’am

Ok lets start.
James please go in front and pick one picture
inside the box.

What weather disturbance is this? Storm surge

Next Anne. Tropical cyclone

Last Ben Typhoon

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