c1 Final Edited
c1 Final Edited
c1 Final Edited
Plaster is a building material used for the protective or decorative coating of walls and
ceilings and for moulding and casting decorative elements. In English, "plaster" usually
means a material used for the interiors of buildings, while render commonly refers to external
applications. Another imprecise term used for the material is stucco, which is also often used
for plaster work that is worked in some way to produce relief decoration, rather than flat
The most common types of plaster mainly contain either gypsum, lime, or cement, but all
work in a similar way. The plaster is manufactured as a dry powder and is mixed with water
to form a stiff but workable paste immediately before it is applied to the surface. The reaction
with water liberates heat through crystallization and the hydrated plaster then hardens.
Plaster can be relatively easily worked with metal tools or even sandpaper, and can be
moulded either on site or to make pre-formed sections in advance, which are put in place with
adhesive. Plaster is not a strong material; it is suitable for finishing, rather than load-bearing,
and when thickly applied for decoration may require a hidden supporting framework, usually
in metal.
Forms of plaster have several other uses. In medicine plaster orthopedic costs are still often
used for supporting set broken bones. In dentistry plaster is used to make dental impressions.
Various types of models and moulds are made with plaster. In art, lime plaster is the
traditional matrix for fresco painting; the pigments are applied to a thin wet top layer of
plaster and fuse with it so that the painting is actually in coloured plaster. In the ancient
world, as well as the sort of ornamental designs in plaster relief that are still used, plaster was
also widely used to create large figurative reliefs for walls, though few of these have survived.
1. It should adhere to the background and should remain adhered during all climatic
2. It should be cheap and economical.
3. It should be hard and durable.
4. It should be possible to apply it during all weather conditions.
Department of Civil Engineering, Page
5. It should effectively check the entry or penetration of moisture from the surfaces.
6. It should possess good workability.
Browning plaster.
Bonding plaster.
Thistle plaster.
Carlite plaster.
Hardwall plaster.
Dri-coat plaster.
During your homes constructions, plastering makes the rough surfaces of the walls smooth.
Plastering covers rough edges end an even surfaces, those increasing Durability and
strengthening walls.
Plastering also gives a good finish to the walls of your house and this will make your home
look appealing.
To improve the appearance of the surface by providing an even, smooth, regular, clean and
finished surface.
In case of external plastering, the objective is to preserve and protect the surface from
atmospheric influences by acting as a protective coating.
In case of internal plastering, the basic object is to protect the surfaces against dust.
Cover up
Base preparation
To provide a satisfactory base or ground for decorating the surface by applying white
washing, painting, colour washing or dis-tempering.
Lime plaster is a type of plaster composed of sand, water, and lime, usually non-
hydraulic hydrated lime (also known as slaked lime, high calcium lime or air lime). Ancient
lime plaster often contained horse hair for reinforcement and pozzolan additives to reduce the
working time.
Traditional non-hydraulic hydrated lime only sets through carbonation when the plaster is
kept moist and access of CO2 from the air is possible. It will not set when submersed in water.
When a very thick layer or several layers are applied, the lime can remain soft for weeks.
The curing time of lime plaster can be shortened by using (natural) hydraulic lime or adding
pozzolan additives, transforming it into artificially hydraulic lime. In ancient times, Roman
lime plaster incorporated pozzolanic volcanic ash; in modern times, fly ash is preferred. Non-
hydraulic lime plaster can also be made to set faster by adding gypsum.
Lime production for use in plastering home-made Cisterns (in making them impermeable)
was especially important in countries where rain-fall was scarce in summer. This enabled
them to collect the winter run-off of rain water and to have it stored for later use, whether for
personal or agricultural needs.
Clay plaster is a mixture of clay, sand and water with the addition of plant fibers for tensile
strength over wood lath.
Clay plaster has been used since antiquity. Settlers in the American colonies used clay plaster
on the interiors of their houses: Interior plastering in the form of clay antedated even the
building of houses of frame, and must have been visible in the inside of wattle filling in those
earliest frame houses in which …wainscot had not been indulged. Clay continued in the use
long after the adoption of laths and brick filling for the frame. Where lime was not available
or easily accessible it was rationed or substituted with other binders. In Martin e. weaver’s
seminal work he says, Mud plaster consists of clay or earth which is mixed with water to give
a “plastic” or workable consistency. If the clay mixture is too plastic it will shrink, crack and
distort on drying. It will also probably drop off the wall. Sand and fine gravels were added to
reduce the concentrations of fine clay particles which were the cause of the excessive
shrinkage. Straw or grass was added sometimes with the addition of manure.
In the Earliest European settlers’ plasterwork, a mud plaster was used or more usually a mud-
lime mixture. Mckee writes, of a circa 1675 Massachusetts contract that specified the
plasterer. Is to lath and sile the four rooms of the house betwixt the joists overhead with a coat
of lime and hair upon the clay also to fill the gable ends of the house with ricks and plaster
them with clay. To lath and plaster partitions of the house with clay and lime, and to fill, lath,
and plaster
Old Economy village is one such German settlement. The early Nineteenth-Century utopian
village in present-day Ambridge, Pennsylvania, used clay plaster substrate exclusively in the
brick and wood frame high architecture of the Feast Hall, Great House and other large and
commercial structures as well as in the brick, frame and log dwellings of the society
members. The use of clay in plaster and in laying brickwork appears to have been a common
practice at that time not just in the construction of Economy village when the settlement was
founded in 1824. Specifications for the construction of, “Lock keepershouses on the
chesapeake and Ohio Canal, written about 1828, require stone walls to be laid with clay
mortar, excepting 3 inches on the outside of the walls…which (are) to be good lime mortar
and well pointed.” The choice of clay was because of its low cost, but also the availability. At
Economy, root cellars dug under the houses yielded clay and sand (stone), or the nearby Ohio
river yielded washed sand from the sand bars; and lime outcroppings and oyster shell for the
lime kiln. Other required building materials were also sourced locally.
The surrounding forests of the new village of Economy provided straight grain, old-growth
oak trees for lath. Hand split lath starts with a log of straight grained wood of the required
length. The log is spit into quarters and then smaller and smaller bolts with wedges and a
sledge. When small enough, a froe and mallet were used to split away narrow strips of lath -
unattainable with field trees and their many limbs. Farm animals pastured in the fields cleared
of trees provided the hair and manure for the float coat of plaster. Fields of wheat and grains
provided straw and other grasses for binders for the clay plaster. But there was no uniformity
in clay plaster recipes.
Straw or grass was added sometimes with the addition of manure providing fiber for tensile
strength as well as protein adhesive. Proteins in the manure act as binders. The hydrogen
bonds of proteins must stay dry to remain strong, so the mud plaster must be kept dry. With
braced timber-framed structures clay plaster was used on interior walls and ceilings as well as
Economy Village, the lime top coats are thin veneers often an eighth inch or less attesting to
the scarcity of limestone supplies there.
Clay plasters with their lack of tensile and compressive strength fell out of favor as industrial
mining and technology advances in kiln production led to the exclusive use of lime and then
gypsum in plaster applications. However, clay plasters still exist after hundreds of years
clinging to split lath on rusty square nails. The wall variations and roughness reveal a hand-
made and pleasing textured alternative to machine-made modern substrate finishes. But clay
plaster finishes are rare and fleeting. According to Martin Weaver, “Many of North America’s
historic building interiors…are all too often…one of the first things to disappear in the frenzy
of demolition of interiors which has unfortunately come to be a common companion to
“heritage preservation” in the guise of building rehabilitation.”
Cement plastering
Cement plaster is a mixture of suitable plaster, sand, Portland cement and water which is
normally applied to masonry interiors and exteriors to achieve a smooth surface. Interior
surfaces sometimes receive a final layer of gypsum plaster. Walls constructed with stock
bricks are normally plastered while face brick walls are not plastered. Various cement-based
plasters are also used as proprietary spray fire proofing products. These usually
use vermiculite as lightweight aggregate. Heavy versions of such plasters are also in use for
exterior fireproofing, to protect LPG vessels, pipe bridges and vessel skirts.
Cement plaster was first introduced in America around 1909 and was often called by the
generic name adamant plaster after a prominent manufacturer of the time. The advantages of
cement plaster noted at that time were its strength, hardness, quick setting time and durability.
The site that we were assigned for our mini project is located at Bhadurpally village
( Hyderabad, Telangana) Which was under guidance of Primark projects private
limited Constructions.
2.2 Theoretical background:A brief theory about the subjects that deals in
the project
In this chapter literature review we have learnt about the research of plastering finishes and
gives a brief explanation of mix of mortar and the materials in a proper ratio.
It is a Plaster Finish in which small pebbles or crushed stones of suitable size (generally
varying from 10 to 20 mm) are thrown onto a freshly applied final coat of mortar and left
The mortar for the final coat is usually made by mixing cement and coarse sand in the mix
proportion of 1:3 and is placed in about 1 mm thickness.
The pebbles used for dashing should be well washed and thrown wet onto the final coat. The
pebbles may be tightly tapped into the mortar with a wooden float or with the flat of the
In many homes to create a good blend of smooth and rough surfaces, a scrapped plaster
finish is created. It is a plaster in which the final coat, after being leveled and allowed
to stiffen for a few hours, is scrapped with a steel straight edge old saw blade or other such
tools to remove the surface skin.
Various types of scrapped finished can be obtained by using different types of tools in
different manners.
In this plaster finish, the final layer is usually 6 to 12 mm thick of which about 3 mm is
removed in the scrapping process. The scrapping is done after the setting of the final coat has
taken places
A textured plaster finish can be typically found on boundary walls or part of a feature
wall to create a textured interior décor installation.
A textured plaster finish is created by making use of stucco plastering, finished with
a rough surface but often smoothed over to create repetitive patterns.For textured finish
mix of sand, cement, lime, and water used blended with various additives such
as fibers and synthetics acrylics, and even coloring pigments. In this finish, ornamental
finish or textured surfaces are produced by working with various tools on the freshly
applied final coat. This finish possesses all the advantages of the rough finish.
Figure:3.3Textured finish
Stucco plaster finish belongs to a type of plaster that provides a superior finish. This
plaster can be applied for inside as well as outside surfaces.It is usually placed in
three coats which make the entire thickness of the plaster roughly 2The first coat is
known as scratch coat; the second one is a finer coat of brown coat and the third is
known as a white coat or finishing
White and colored marble chips shall be of 6 mm to 12 mm size shall be used which
obtained from crushing hard marble stone.
Exposed aggregate finish plaster shall be 20 mm thick. The procedure of application shall
be the same as for the sand-faced finish. Mix proportion should be 1 cement: 1 marble
chip and the pebbles to be used shall be well washed and drained
The admixture shall be thrown wet onto the undercoat while it is still plastic using a
strong whipping motion at right angles to the face of the wall. Loose mortar on the top
surface shall be cleaned or removed by washing / brushing with a water jet.
compound of approved make and manufacture shall be used for plastering. These
compounds shall conform to IS:2645.
Use of admixture consists calcium chloride shall not be permitted. The material should
be brought to the project site in its original packing.
The compound shall be well mixed with dry cement in the proportion of 3% by weight or
as recommended by the manufacture.
Care shall be taken while mixing, to see that waterproofing material gets well
and integrally mixed with cement and does not run out separately on the addition of
This type of plaster finishing is smooth in nature with leveled surface. The proportion
of 1:3 is used for Sand and cement for making mortar used in finishing.The application
of mortar to the wall is done using wooden float.
This plaster finishing is usually completed in 2 coats of mortar mix. The ratio of
cement sand is kept 1:4 in mortar for the first layer with 12mm thickness.
Initially, the first layer is applied and then cured for 7 days, which is followed by
the second layer with a thickness of 8mm.
As per requirement, the ratio is kept at 1:1 for sand and cementmixture. Use of sponge is
done after when the layer is wet to add the required characteristics.
9. Rough Plaster
Rough finishing of plaster requires a Cement Sand Aggregate ratio of 1:1:3 for finishing
work, having a coarse aggregate size of 3mm to 12 mm.In finishing of plaster surface,the
mortar mix splashed on the wall, and then it is finished rough with the help of float made
In this Finishing of plaster surface, the mortar mix splashed on the wall, and then it is
finished rough with the help of float made of wood.
This finished plaster is more durable, waterproof and crack proof and crazing proof.
It is like most last finishing plaster coat which is having a thickness of around 12 to 15
mm for a good quality finish.
The materials of Gravel Plinth are compressed to the required degree manually after the
application of mortar. Gravel plinth could be used in different colors and shapes to give
a colorful appearance to the wall.
Cracking - The development of one or more f1ssures not assignable to structural cause.
Crazing -The development of a series of hair cracks on the finished plaster surface. Known as
'map crazing', when it forms an haphazard pattern over the wan surface affected.
Dubbing Out- The operation of attaching pieces of slate, tile, etc, to a wall with plaster, and
then likewise covering them in order to fill out hollows or to form projections.
Raking - Removing mortar from masonry joints to provide suitable key for the plastering
and pointing.
Rendering - A mix which is applied white plastic to building surfaces and which hardens
after application.
Spatter-dash - A mix of cement and fairly coarse sand, prepared as thick slurry. It is thrown
on as initial C08ting to provide a key on dense backgrounds having poor suction, or to reduce
or even-out suction of other types of background. .
Neeru This shall be obtained by mixing Lime putty end sand in equal proportion and chopped
jute @ 4 kg per cum of mortar. The mixture shall be properly ground to a fine paste between
two stones.
"Mortar". for white or coloured renderings, only quartz or silica sand shall be used.
2.4 Aggregates
All Aggregates other than sand shall conform to 15:383- 1970. For roughcast, crushed stone
or fine gravel upto 12 mm maximum may be used in the finishing met. The grading and
maximum size will vary according to the texture required and the type of stone; an aggregate
of the desired grading may be obtained either by using a mixture of stone or gravel with send
or ,by using crushed stone grilled from the maximum down to dust. The proportion of coarse
material (over
4.75 mm 15 sieve) to fines sh8ll be between 1:1 and 1:2 by volume.
These shall be either small pebbles or crushed stones of si2e 6 to12 mm end well washed.
IS:2645-1975 shall be followed. Water proofing liquid shall be "AZROK" or other equal of
approved make.
Figure:3.10 Trowan
All tools shall be cleaned by scraping end washing at the end of each day's work, or after use
with different materials. Metal tools shall be cleaned and greased after each operation. The
tools shall be examined end thoroughly cleaned before plastering is begun. Cleanliness Is
particularly important with cement plasters, where contamination with set material may
seriously affect the performance as well as reduce the effective life of the tools.
( jj) Very rough surfaces, such as rough stone masonry Three coats
Thickness of Plastering:
Finishing coats (and single-coat work, where employed) shall be of such minimum thickness
as just to provide a sufficient body of materials to harden Satisfactorily under the site
conditions in any particular case.
The total thickness of two - coat work exclusive of keys or dubbing out shall be generally
about, but shall not normally exceed 20 mm and it shall not exceed 15 mm in the case of in
situ concrete soffits. The thickness of three-coat work shall be about, but shall not normally
exceed 25 mm.
On completion, all work affected by plastering operations shall be left clean. Special care is
necessary when removing set plaster from glass to avoid damaging its surface.
Suction adjustment - The careful adjustment of suction is very necessary for good plastering,
and may be done either by wetting the backing suitably if it is dry, or by sprinkling with a
cement-mix as in the case of a concrete surface with low suction. Without the aid of suction,
plaster would creep and slide down due to its own weight. On the other hand, high rate of
suction withdraws all moisture from the plaster and makes it weak porous and friable. Too
much water makes it impossible to keep the mortar in position till sets. A failure In bond due
to excessive water leads to further failures as the pocket formed may hold water and break up
the plaster when the water freezes; or if the water is salt-laden, the same results will be
produced on evaporation by crystal formation. The wall shall not be soaked but only damped
evenly before applying the plaster. If the surface becomes dry In spots. such areas shall be
moistened again to restore uniform suction. A fog spray is recommended for this work. .
Adjustment of Working to the Setting Properties or Plaster - Cement plasters and cement-
lime plasters contain materials which set when brought into contact with water, and the fullest
Such plasters may be overworked both before and after application with resultant impairment
of the set of the gauging plaster. This not only reduces the strength of the material, but also
gives it the shrinkage characteristics of a pure-lime plaster with its liable accompaniment of
the surface crazing. It is essential, therefore, .that mixes shall be used as soon as possible after
water has been added and that following working periods recommended shall not be
Control Cracking
In the case of discontinuity backgrounds, the best treatment would be to separate the two
portions by a neat cut through the plaster at the junction. In the case of discontinuity from
wall to ceiling, a cornice that would permit slight movement without cracking may
advantageously be introduced. If it is not proposed to provide a cornice, B straight cut
through the plaster or a groove joint at the junction may be provided.
In Load bearing construction, cracks are 8150 caused in the top floor partitions due to roof
movement by variation in temperature. Development of such cracks shall be prevented by
isolating the top of portion from the roof slab. To achieve this, plastering shall not be carried
over the junctions of partition walls with roof slab.
When plaster is applied to provide an unbroken surface over board or slab background, the
plaster coat bridging the joints is subject to higher stresses and any movement in the
background will show by cracks along the joints. To avoid this, the plaster is reinforced at the
joints by fixing jute scrim or suitable wire gauge. This treatment meIY still be ineffective if
(a) Use of well-graded sand and suitable proportion of various ingredients for mortar,
(c) Proper addition of solutions and other materials to improve the bending properties of
mortar , (d) Observance of adequate Lime intervals between successive coats so that
each successive coat undergoes a portion of its shrinkage before the next coat is applied
and thus reduces the skin tension in the proceeding coat,
(e) Proper workmanship as regards application of different coats, and
(f) Avoidance of quick drying in the initial stages.
Pointing shall be of the type shown in figure below :
The joints shall be raked out properly. Dust and loose mortar shall be brushed out.
Efflorescence if any shall be removed by brushing and scraping. The surface shall then be
thoroughly washed with water, cleaned and kept wet before pointing is commenced.
The joints shall be raked to such a depth that the minimum depth of the new mortar measured
from either the sunk surface of the finished pointing or from the edge of brick shall not be less
than 12 mm.
Flush Pointing - The mortar shall be pressed into the joints and shall be finished off flush and
level with the edges of the bricks, or stones so as to give a smooth appearance.
The edges shall be neatly trimmed with a trowel and straight edge.
Ruled Pointing - The joints shall be initially formed as for flush pointing and then while the
mortar is still green, a groove of shape and size as shown in drawings or as instructed, shall be
formed by running a forming tool, straight along the centre line of the joints. This operation
shall be continued till a smooth and hard surface is obtained. The vertical joints shall also be
finished in a similar way. The vertical lines shall make true right angles at their junctions with
the horizontal lines and shall not project beyond the same.
Cut or Weather Struck Pointing - The mortar shall first be pressed into the joints. The top
of the horizontal joints shall then be neatly pressed back 3 mm or as directed, with the
pointing tool so that the joints are sloping from top to bottom. The vertical joints shall be
ruled pointed. The junctions of vertical joints with the horizontal joints shall be at true right
Raised and Cut Pointing - Raised and cut pointing shall project from the wall facing with Its
edges cut paral1ed so as to have a uniformly raised band about 6 mm raised and width 10 mm
more as directed.
The pointing lines shall be truly horizontal and vertical except where the joints are slanting as
in random rubble masonry. Lines of joints from different directions should meet neatly at the
junctions instead of crossing beyond
Mix of Mortar
All pointing shall be done with cement sand mortar 1:3 or richer mix.
The sand to be used shall be fine, passing through 600-micron IS Sieve and conforming in all
other respects to Para
Raking Joints
The joints in masonry to be pointed shall be raked square for a minimum
depth of two times the thickness of the joint within 24 hours of laying of masonry.
In special circumstances, this period may be relaxed to 48 hours. The refi11ing and pointing
shall be done within three days of raking of the joints so as to ensure good adhesion between
the two mortars.
Cleaning Joints
Before pointing, the joints shall be thoroughly cleaned of MY dirt or Joose1y adhering
mortar, washed out properly and thorough1y wetted.
Filling Joints
The joints shall then be filled with cement mortar which shall be rammed and caulked into the
joints. The pointing mix shall neither be too dry nor too wet. The mortar shall have just
enough water so that it can be moulded into a ball by a slight pressure of hand but wm not
give out free water when so pressed and wm leave the hands damp. Pointing shall be carried
out as rapidly as possible and not touched again after the mortar has once set.
Final finish to Joints:The joints shall be neat, defined, regular and of a uniform width. The
joints may be filled either flush or raised as required. The surfaces pointed should be kept wet
for 21 days after pointing is completed.
Note 2- For single coot plaster the f1neness modulus of sand should as far as possible 1.5 and
conforming to grading zone IV of 15:303- t 970. Where only fine sand is available the
fineness modulus of send may be improved by mixing the required percentage of coarse sand.
The strength of plaster mix gets reduced with the reduction in the fineness modulus of sand.
Note 3 - Other mixes of cement/lime and sand may also be adopted depending on the Quality
of sand available and local conditions provided the strength conforms to any of the above m
mixes given above.
Note 4 - Lime is presumed to be measured as lime putty. The joints shall then be filled with
cement mortar which shall be rammed and caulked into the joints. The pointing mix shall
neither be too dry nor too wet.
Table No 2
Conforming to
(i) Dubbing and first coat (both 1 lime : 2 to 3 sand A and B
for external and or internal Or
surfaces) 1 Lime: 1 pozzolana: 1 to 2 C
sand Or
1 lime: 2 to 3 pozzolana( for C
first coat in the case of two
coat work)
(ii) Second coot 1 Lime: 1 pozzolana: 2 to 3 C
(iii) Neeru finishing Coat Lime and fine sand ground in C
equal proportions
White or light All backing Less suitable for All conditions Will probably
colours in any of materials industrial require some
above finishes maintenance to
keep good
appearance in
urban areas
In this chapter we learnt about defects in plastering and process of plastering, materials
aggregates tools and accessories pointing on brick work, pointing on slab curing and
recommend mix proportions in detailed
Table No 5
Internal wall
Total 258.25mts2
Table No 6
External Wall
Total 133.84mts2
Table No 7
Total 22.8mts2
Table No 8
7 Ov 0.3 0.18
Total 14.75mts2
Internal wall +External wall
1.6*50/0.0348=2298kgs of cement
7.11*1600=11376kgs of sand
Cost Estimation
IS:383-1970 Coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources of concrete (second revision) (Reaffirmed
IS:1661-1972 Code of practice for application of Cement and lime plaster finishes (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1987)
IS:2394-1984 Code of practice for external rendered finishes
IS:2645:1975 Integral cement water proofing compound (first revision) (with amendment NO.1)
(Reaffirmed 1987)
IS:2750-1964 Steel scaffolding (with amendents number 1 to 3)
IS;3696(PU)-1987 safety code for scaffolds and ladders
Specification -77 of Central public works Department
Standard Specification-77 of Natural Buliding Organisation
IS:383-1970 Coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources of concrete (second revision) (Reaffirmed
IS:1661-1972 Code of practice for application of Cement and lime plaster finishes (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1987)
IS:2394-1984 Code of practice for external rendered finishes
IS:2645:1975 Integral cement water proofing compound (first revision) (with amendment NO.1)
(Reaffirmed 1987)
IS:2750-1964 Steel scaffolding (with amendents number 1 to 3)
IS;3696(PU)-1987 safety code for scaffolds and ladders
Specification -77 of Central public works Department
Standard Specification-77 of Natural Buliding Organisation