Fono PSIM Presentation ENEA

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Jules FONO

Workshop on Superapacitors and energy storage

Friday 13th May 2016, ENEA - Frascati, Italy

Outline presentation

POWERSYS overview
PSIM overview and main functions / capabilities
PSIM model for Supercapacitor
Application on automobile hybrid energy storage

POWERSYS: Presentation

Powersys is a French company providing Solutions for Power Systems Engineering


Our core business:

Development and sales of simulation software for power Systems Engineering
Engineering Studies Services
POWERSYS: Software

Power Electronics & Motor Drives

Power Converters & Drives Design at a System Level

Power Systems Transients

Studies of Electrical Network & Power Systems Behaviour in Time Domain

Simulation Technology for Electromechanical Design

Performances Characterization & Optimization of Electromechanical Equipment

Transmission, distribution and industrial power systems studies

Comprehensive Portfolio of Transmission, Distribution & Industrial Power Systems Analysis
What is PSIM?

PSIM is a simulation software specifically designed for

power electronics, motor drives and energy conversion applications.

It is positioned between a device/circuit simulator (such as SPICE)

and a system/control simulator (such as Matlab/Simulink).

Device and Circuit System and Control

Simulation Simulation

• Fast Matlab/
• Easy to use
• Affordable
• Expandable

Key features and advantages of PSIM

User Friendly and very easy to use.

Fast and robust computation engine.
Comprehensive power and control libraries.
Powerful control simulation (op. amp., s-domain, z-domain, C code,
or Matlab/Simulink).
Thermal Module for quick power loss estimation.
Automatic code generation for hardware implementation.
Link to 3rd-party software (e.g. Matlab/Simulink, JMAG, MagNet).
Design Suites to provide power and control solution directly from
user specifications.

PSIM model for Supercapacitor

Introduction on Supercacitors:

Until recently, batteries were the only affordable energy storage system in
conventional applications.

Nowadays, supercapacitors are a sound alternative with high power density,

fast recharge and long lifetime (up to 1 million of charge/discharge cycles).

On the other hand, since the energy density available in supercapacitors is

lower than in batteries, the most common application is in hybrid
(batteries/supercapacitors) energy storage systems, for example to sustain
the load peaks, to reduce the system weight or to extend its lifetime.
PSIM model for Supercapacitor

The PSIM Supercapacitor model is presented below:

- Number of Cells in Series

- Number of Cells in Parallel
- Capacitance per Cell
- Coefficient Kv
- Resistance R1
- Capacitance C1
- Resistance R2
- Capacitance C2
- Resistance R3
- Capacitance C3
- Resistance R4
- Maximum Voltage Vrated
- Initial Voltage
PSIM model for Supercapacitor

To determine the model parameters, we need:

Information from the datasheet.
Experimental measurement of the supercapacitor voltage under a charging and discharging
PSIM model for Supercapacitor

Parameters Kv, R1, and C1 affect the short-term response (in seconds).
They are calculated based on the charging current and capacitor voltage
at 0, t2 and t3.
PSIM model for Supercapacitor

Parameters R2 and C2 affect the short-to-medium term response (in minutes).

They are calculated based on the capacitor voltage at t3, t5, and t6.
PSIM model for Supercapacitor

Parameters R3 and C3 affect the medium-to-long term response (in hundreds of

They are calculated based on the capacitor voltage at t7, t8, and t9.
PSIM model for Supercapacitor

The parameter R4 represents the losses due to capacitor self-discharge.

It is calculated from the datasheet using the leakage current.
PSIM model for Supercapacitor

Given the times and voltages as highlighted in the figure below, as well as the charge
current, leakage current, and rated voltage, all the model parameters can be
calculated using the “Ultracapacitor Model Tool of PSIM”.
PSIM model for Supercapacitor

Example: Maxwell Ultracapacitor 58F 16V (model BMOD0058-E016-B0)

The Maxwell 16V 58F ultracapacitor BMOD0058-E016-B0 is used as an example.

From the manufacturer datasheet, the following information is obtained:
Rated Capacitance: 58F
Rated Voltage: 16V
Leakage current at 25°C: 25mA

Lab experiment of a single cell capacitor is conducted with a charge current of 35A.
Time (s) Vc (V)
0 0.740448
8.538 6.48874
25.614 15.9667
353.86 14.4566
1051.37 13.8246
2077.13 13.2116
3102.88 12.7378
4128.64 12.3075
PSIM model for Supercapacitor

Example: Maxwell Ultracapacitor 58F 16V (model BMOD0058-E016-B0)

Click on Start Calculating.

After less than a minute, the
curve fitting error is around 0.36%.
We would stop the calculation at this
The dialog window is shown below.
PSIM model for Supercapacitor

Example: Maxwell Ultracapacitor 58F 16V (model BMOD0058-E016-B0)

A test circuit as shown below is set up to validate the model parameters obtained
The figures below show the comparison of the simulation result Vc_simu (in red) and
the experimental result Vc_exp (in blue).
Automobile hybrid energy storage application

Maxwell Technologies K3400 6-cell module in hybrid combination with Lithium-

ion battery model illustrating UC handling load dynamics.

- An ultracapacitor is connected to a buck-boost converter.

- The output is connected to a constant-power load.
- A Li-Ion battery is connected in parallel to the load.

6-cell UC model Ideal buck/boost converter 4-cell Li[NMC] model Constant Power load model
V VIin V VIout Vbat V V VIb V VIload
dc-link voltage independent
power to load current
Vd Ib 700
V Lbat -100
S1 Ud Li[NMC]O2 Rct Cdl
14 Co electrode
2.75 V Vuc dynamics


Cold cranking load power

external file input
Automobile hybrid energy storage application

The load current VIload has sudden changes, going up to 450A, and coming
down to around 300A, and then to 0.
The bulk of the load current is supplied by the battery VIb.
The difference, which is the sudden change part, is supplied by the
ultracapacitor VIout.
This illustrates ultracapacitor's capability to supply current with high dynamic
VIb VIload VIout








0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (s)
Thank you for your attention


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