LHC Lean Accounting Case Study
LHC Lean Accounting Case Study
LHC Lean Accounting Case Study
Danaher’s Jake Brake division was an old line New England manufacturing company. It was
wrought with inefficiencies: high inventory turns, poor quality, delivery and productivity.
Profitability was declining, and the company’s patent on its product opened the door to
competition, many of whom were Jake’s angry customers. Senior management needed drastic
action in order to right the ship. In 1988, the principles of the Toyota Production System (TPS)
were adopted in its manufacturing operations. Over the course of two years, drastic
improvements were made to the operations, greatly improving Jake’s quality, delivery and cost
position. Profitability was on the rise, and this traditional manufacturing company had a shot
at survival.
The company’s senior management soon realized that by solely focusing TPS on the shop
floor, there were many opportunities that were being left on the table. In fact, many of the
inefficiencies on the shop floor resonated from other areas, particularly in administration.
For example, Jake Brake had a commitment to deliver product within five days from receipt of
order, however in some cases it took seven days for the order entry department to process a
standard customer order. So the Lean focus was expanded to the entire enterprise, including
the accounting function.
This chapter will deal with the Lean changes made to Jake’s Accounts Payable (AP) process.
The AP process was operated by three AP clerks. The department in 1988 was unorganized,
cluttered, and wrought with inaccuracies and inefficiencies. Note the following data from the
AP process before Lean was applied:
perspectives | Lean Accounting
Headcount 3
Productivity was extremely low due to the fact that the AP clerks were dealing with quality
issues, primarily 1st pass defects. First pass defects are defined as any voucher that cannot
pass through the AP system the first time entered without some sort of manual intervention. As
indicated above, 65% of the vouchers were deemed defective given this definition. A Pareto
analysis of the defects is shown in the following exhibit:
As the data suggests, a majority of the quality errors were due to two primary reasons: (1)
missing purchase orders and (2) incorrect units of measures on the purchase order vs. the
invoice. For example, the purchase order may have indicated that an item was to be ordered in
gallons, but is invoiced in pounds. It was determined that if these top two quality defect modes
were addressed, a significant impact could be made to headcount and productivity, duplicate
payments and overall efficiency.
Kaizen Process
A cross functional kaizen team was assembled to begin to look at the overall process. The team
consisted of representatives from accounting, purchasing, receiving, manufacturing,
engineering and marketing. It was important to get as many cross functional representatives
involved in this process; otherwise this would be viewed as an accounting exercise. So, the
team members represented both suppliers and customers of the process. The team also thought
it might be a good idea to bring in some of their key suppliers; however, this decision was
tabled until the team first looked at the problem and had a better understanding of the current
Before diving into the data, it was first decided that the AP process needed to be stabilized. All
three AP clerks utilized different processes and procedures when processing a voucher. A look
at the pre-kaizen process is described in the following diagram:
Mail Sorted: The responsibilities of the three AP clerks were divided based on the letters of
the alphabet. For example, clerk #1 handled suppliers beginning with the letters A-H, while
clerk #2 handled suppliers I-P and clerk #3 handled suppliers Q-Z. This sorting was deemed
non-value added, as it did nothing to contribute toward the processing of the invoice.
Mail Opened: Various methodologies were used to open the mail. One clerk used a manual
letter opener while another used an electric mail opener. One used a ball point pen! Even
though these are minor variations, it represented the mindset that existed within the
department. Once the AP personnel embarked on the kaizen process, the value of
standardization became clear to all.
Batch Control Totals: The computer system was a batch oriented system which required
invoices to be grouped into batches and batch control totals were tabulated.
Enter Invoices in System: The AP system was complicated and required duplicate data entry
into multiple screens.
Correct Exceptions: The analysis showed that 65% of vouchers entered required manual
intervention of some sort. The majority of the AP clerks’ time was spent fixing problems due
to invoices that could not be processed correctly on the first attempt. (See Pareto analysis.)
File Vouchers: It was discovered that duplicate filing systems existed. For example, the
receiving department, purchasing department and accounting department all kept a manual file
for all purchase orders. The AP department also matched a copy of the purchase order to all
processed vouchers.
Actions Taken
Develop Standard Work: The processing of vouchers was standardized for all AP clerks. The
standard work allowed for “one best way” to process invoices. This reduced variation and
eliminated errors from the AP department. By utilizing standard work, we calculated a TAKT
time in order to accurately access manning requirements. The standard work combination sheet
appears as follows:
As you can see from the standard work analysis, it only takes 120 seconds to process a voucher
with a TAKT time of 180 seconds. By using the manning formula based on
TAKT time, only 2/3 of a person should be required to process all of the daily vouchers for the
entire company:
Eliminated Sorting of Mail: It was determined that the sorting of mail was non-value added
to the activity of processing a voucher. This was eliminated.
Data Entry: The data entry process was greatly enhanced by eliminating the need for
duplicate entry of the same data and the elimination of multiple screens. This was done with an
interface tool called Crosstalk®. Additionally, data entry errors were eliminated by developing
mistake proofing (poka yoke) to the data fields. For example, vendor numbers were
automatically cross referenced to a database to assure data integrity.
Filing: The need to file purchase orders in receiving, purchasing and accounting was
eliminated. It was determined that an electronic copy of the purchase order exists within the
system, and paper copies were redundant.
Correction of Exceptions: The top two error defects, missing PO and wrong unit of measure
were addressed. A Pareto analysis showed that the majority of invoices missing POs were
originated from the Engineering department. (See Pareto below).
It was determined that 80% of the invoices missing POs were for amounts under $100.
The costs and time associated with establishing POs for such small dollar amounts was
determined to be prohibitive. Therefore, a special ordering system was created called a
“Special Purchase Order” or SPO. If an engineer was to procure anything under $100, a simple
SPO was filled out and sent to the accounting department. The SPO number was required to be
on all submitted invoices. The engineering group was told that without an
SPO, the invoice would not be paid, and that all calls from the vendor associated with non-
payment will be directed to the engineering department for resolution. The same process was
instituted for all other departments. This one change alone cut down number of vouchers with
missing POs by 80%.
Wrong units of measure were addressed by establishing a master list of UOMs by commodity
(example: steel, chemicals, etc.) and assuring that all purchasing personnel were trained and
aware of the new procedure. In some cases, this also required some coordination with
suppliers. This master list virtually eliminated the UOM defect mode.
The changes that are discussed within this chapter took place over a period of approximately
60 days. Results are summarized below:
The two extra people were assigned to different roles. The remaining person was not fully
utilized by the accounts payable process, so she was also assigned the responsibility to handle
accounts receivable. By virtue of the SPO process, duplicate payments were virtually
eliminated from the system. Quality was greatly improved, realizing a 92% improvement in 60
days, while improving productivity by 261%.
Summary—Lessons Learned
1. By focusing on the critical few, dramatic improvements can be made in a short period
of time.
2. It was critical not to view this as an accounting problem alone. Therefore, getting
multifunctional participation on the kaizen team was essential.
3. Principles used on the shop floor (i.e., standard work and basic problem solving) can
be adapted to the office environment.
5. Don’t let perfect get in the way of better. The team knew that there were many more
improvements to be made, but the greatest impact items needed to be addressed first.
It is important to note that the team did not think their work was done after the initial kaizen
activity. There were many more improvements to be made. For example, 50,000 PPM defects
is not world-class. So follow-up kaizen events were held to eliminate remaining defect modes.
Additional work was done to further improve the standard work cycle time. For example,
elimination of walk time and improving the data entry time were the focus of future kaizen
In conclusion: Making kaizen improvements to all aspects of the accounting function allows
accountants to work “on” the business rather than “in” the business. That is, accountants can
spend more time being an active part of the management team working on Accounting for
Lean activities such as Value Stream accounting, target costing, lean capital budgeting, etc.
Accountants can become navigators rather than historians.