TD Third Term SS 1 Lesson Notes

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3rd Term SS1 Technical Drawing Notes

Week One Topic: Special Curves
Sub-Topic: Construction of Involute and Archimedean Spiral

Definition of the Locus of a Point: The locus of a point is the pattern or line produced, when the dif-
ferent locations of a moving point are joined together from its starting location to the last location. Locus
of a point is used in different fields such as in mathematics, physics and chemistry to plot graphs; or, in
engineering such as in fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and machine design to analyze a selected sys-
tem meant to be studied.
In Technical drawing, we will use it develop certain models or tools or the things that engineers use
to produce machine parts or to analyze the machine part. Examples of some of the things we would be
developing are involute, Archimedean spiral, parabola, hyperbola, ellipse, etc; and we shall state the uses
of each of these things we will construct.
The Involute: An involute is the line that is produced, when points, traced round a polygon are
joined so that the resulting line is assumed not to slip along the polygon. Rather using than polygons, cir-
cles, triangles and squares are used to achieve that. The teacher will guide the student to master how to
construct an involute by using the sample methods given below.

1. An Involute by Triangle method: An equilateral triangle is the only recommended one to be

used. A sample is shown below.
Sample Problem
Construct an involute by using a triangle of sides 15 each.

2. Involute by Square method: The teacher will guide the students on how to complete the task.
Sample problem
Construct an involute by using a square of sides 20 each.

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3. Involute by circle method: The teacher will guide the students on how to complete the task.
Sample problem
Construct an involute by using a circle of radius 15.

4. Construction of an Archimedean Spiral: The teacher will guide the students on how to complete
the task.
Sample problem
Construct an involute by using two circles of radii 5
and 30.

1. Construct an involute by using
(a) a circle or radius 15,
(b) a square of sides 25 each, and
(c) a triangle of sides 20 each.
2. Construct an Archimedean spiral
by using circles of radii 5 and 30.

Week Two Topic: Special Curves

Sub-Topic: Construction of Parabola and Hyperbola

Parabola: This is the locus of a point which moves so that its distance from s fixed point, the focus,
and a fixed straight line, the directrix, are equal. Parabola plays a better role in the design of car head-
lamps. The distance between one ends of the open mouth of the parabola through its center to the other
end of the mouth is called wide or span. While the distance from the wide mouth to the deep, curved
vertex is called the rise or height. The eccentricity of a parabola is always 1, because it is found by di-
viding the distance from the fixed straight line at the back of the parabola called directrix to the moving
point; with the distance from the moving point to the focus, located just in front of the vertex.
A. In this section, the teacher will guide the students on how to construct a parabola by using two meth-
ods only, namely, the locus method and the circumscribing rectangular method.
1. The Locus Method:
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Sample Problem.
Construct a parabola, whose directrix is 20 from the vertex.

2. The Circumscribing Rectangular method:

Sample problem
Construct a parabola whose rise is 60 and its span or wide is 100.

Locus method Rectangular method

B. In this section, the teacher will guide the students on how to construct a hyperbola by using two
methods only, namely, the locus method and by rectangular method

1. Locus method: The teacher will guide the student on how to construct the hyperbola shown below
by using the locus point method.

2. Rectangular method: The teacher will guide the student on how to construct the hyperbola shown
below by using the rectangular method.

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Week Three Topic: Development

Sub-Topic: Meaning. Applications of development. Methods of development.

Meaning/Definition: Development is the use of construction to draw on a plain sheet or a flat sur-
face, the pattern of an object that is to be produced, so that, when the sheet is folded along some of the
lines drawn, the object results.

Applications of Development
Many things we use today in our homes, offices and in the industry are made from the principles of
development; hence, the name, development; because it is used to develop many items. Some examples
of items that are produced through development are bucket, tray, cup, carton, football, cone, cylinders,
prisms, pyramids, etc.

Methods of Development
There are three main methods that are used to develop objects. These are triangulation methods,
parallel lines method, and radial lines method. Because of the complexity that goes with the triangu-
lation method, we are therefore constrained to learn only two methods namely, parallel lines and radial
lines methods.

Week Four Topic: Development

Sub-Topic: Development of prisms and cylinders.

Parallel Lines Method: In this method, that is used to develop all

kinds of objects that have vertical sides such as prisms, cylinders and
things like that. The lines that are used to develop these kinds of ob-
jects are projected at 900 to the surface of the object to be developed.
The following examples illustrate the use of parallel line method to de-
velop objects.

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Week Five Topic: Development

Sub-Topic: Development of cone and pyramids.

Radial lines method: In this method, the lines are spread away from a fixed point. The objects that
are developed by
this method in-
clude such things
as cone, pyramids
and others that
resemble them.
The diagram be-
low gives an ex-
ample of radial
lines method of
developing solid

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Week Six Topic: Dimensioning

Sub-Topic: Dimensioning.

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Note: In addition to the rules stated above,

 Extension lines place at the ends of a dimension lines do not touch the body of the object it is dimen-
 Extension lines do not also cross each other where dimensioning requires that the cross one another.
Hence, one of the extension lines has to be broken to allow the other to pass.
 When dimensioning a slant or inclined side or line on an object, the back of the arrow head is slightly
adjusted to be parallel with the extension lines placed at the ends of the dimension line.
 When dimensioning a circle, the tip of the arrow head is made to point to the center of the circle and
not any other direction. Or, the dimension line used must through the center of the circle.
 All measurements in technical drawing are in millimeters unless otherwise stated.
 The symbol ∅ and M when placed behind a number represent the same thing – diameter of a hole or
a thread. ∅24 means common or ordinary hole of diameter 24mm. But M24 represents the Metric
diameter of a screw thread of value 24mm.

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Week Seven Topic: Isometric Drawing

Sub-Topic: Definition. Introduction. Isometric axis and angle. Principles of parallel lines.

Definition: Isometric drawing is the presentation of an object in 3-dimentisonal form so that three of its
faces, facing different directions, can be seen at the same time.

Introduction: Isometric drawing is the type of drawing that present an object when it has been assem-
bled as one whole unit. It is one of the three known pictorial drawings that are used in engineering pro-
jects. The other two are oblique and perspective drawings. We shall look at oblique drawing soon after
we are done with isometric drawing. The truth is that no one will understand and appreciate a drawing
done in orthographic form if it is not converted to isometric view. And so, in this topic, we would learn
how to draw any object in isometric form.

Isometric axis and angle: The angle that is use to present any object in isometric form is 300. But this
angle is placed within some lines called isometric axis. The 300 is placed between two slant lines and a
horizontal line. The diagrams below show how isometric axis looks like; and how it can be modified to
suit the desires of a technician or a draughtsman.


300 300

a. 1200 1200 b.

300 300

c. d.

Of all the isometric axis types shown above, type (a) is the most widely used to start an isometric draw-
Note: If the angle used in the axis is 450 instead of 300, the drawing that results is called axono-
metric. The drawing normally does not look tidy and interesting to the eye. It is distorted the
more than we see with isometric. But the two drawing types are called dimetric.
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Principle of parallel lines: This is the principle that actually does the drawing. The technician simply
follows the stated rule in this principle. Whether the person knows how to draw anything or not, by
carefully following the rule, he or she will be able to draw any shape in isometric forms.

This principle is state as follows: All vertical, horizontal, slant (inclined) and curved lines must re-
main parallel unless the shape of the object suggests otherwise.

All through the rest of our drawing practices in isometric and oblique drawings, this simple rule will be
our guide. Once you choose the axis to work with, then by looking at the object and carefully applying
what this rule stated, you will reproduce the object before you know it.

Week Eight Topic: Isometric Drawing

Sub-Topic: Construction of simple objects in isometric.

To construct any object in isometric form requires first, the construction of the isometric axis. Secondly,
the application of the principles of parallel lines to insert the various lines and parts that form the object.
The axis serves as the reference lines from where others are copied. And with the use of drawing tools
and material, an object of desirable quality will result. The will guide you on how to do this by using the
following sample problems.

The following examples will help you learn, at the introductory level, how to construct simple shapes in
isometric forms. But at a more advanced stage, you will learn how to construct curves and circles in iso-
metric views.

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Week Nine Topic: Oblique Drawing

Sub-Topic: Definition. Oblique axis and angle.

Definition: Isometric drawing is the presentation of an object in 3-dimentisonal form so that three of its
faces, facing different directions, can be seen at the same time.

Oblique axis and angle: The angle that is use to present any object in oblique form at this secondary
school level is 450. The 450 is placed between a slant line and a horizontal line, not two slant lines and a
horizontal line. Other angles such as 300 and 600 can be used also in advanced cases. The diagrams be-
low show how isometric axis looks like; and how it can be modified to suit the desires of a technician or
a draughtsman.


The oblique axis can be varied into different forms to suit what the technician wants before he or she
begins to draw. And take note that all the rules applicable to isometric drawing that involves the use of

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the principles of parallel lines apply in oblique drawing. But most importantly, take careful note of the
following things about oblique drawing:

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Week Ten Topic: Oblique Drawing

Sub-Topic: Using CorelDraw to draw drawing elements

Introduction: CorelDraw is one of the graphic design applications that are used in the computer to de-
sign whatever we want – posters, wedding cards, engineering projects etc.

Activity: The teacher will guide the students to use CorelDraw to letter drawings, draw circles, quadri-
laterals, polygons and some simple shapes. This will be a practical-intensive class.

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