Hu Zhang Zhao
Hu Zhang Zhao
Hu Zhang Zhao
Shiping Liu
e-mail: [email protected]
Department of Mathematics, USTC
Introduction 3
1 Riemannian Metric 5
1.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 When are two Riemannian manifolds “equivalent”? . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 Existencce of Riemannian Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.5 The Metric Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.6 Riemannian Measure, Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.7 Divergence Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2 Geodesics 23
2.1 Geodesic equations and Christoffel symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2 Minimizing Properties of Geodesics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.3 Global Properties:Hopf-Rinow Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4 Existence of geodesics in given homotopy class . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4 Curvatures 73
4.1 The Second Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.2 Properties of Curvature tensor : Geometric meaning and Symmetries . 77
4.2.1 Ricci Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.2.2 Geometric meaning :A test case [Spivak 2.Chap6.Thm 10] . . 78
4.2.3 Bianchi Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.2.4 Riemannian curvature tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.3 Sectional Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
On June 10, 1854, Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann delivered a lecture entitled “über
die Hypothesen, welche der Greometrie zu liegen”(On the Hypotheses which lie at the
Foundations of Geometry) to the faculty of Göttingen University. This lecture was
published later in 1866, and gives birth to Riemannian geometry.
This lecture was given by Riemann as a probationrary inaugural lecture for seeking
the position of “Privatdocent”. Privatdocent is a position in the German university
system. It is a lecturer who receive no salary, but is merely forwarded fees paid by those
students who elected to attend his lectures. To attain such a position, one has to submit
an inaugural paper(Habilitationsschrift) and give a probationary inaugural lecture on a
topic chosen by the faculty, from a list of 3 proposed by the coordidates. The first 2
topics which Riemann submitted were ones on which he has already worked; The 3rd
topic ha chose was the foundations of geometry. Usually, the faculty chooses the first
topic proposed by the candidate. However, contrary to all traditions, Gauss passed over
the first two and chose instead the 3rd of Riemann’s topics. So Riemann has to prepare
a lecture on a topic that he had not worked on before. In the end, Riemann finished his
lecture in about seven more weeks.
Why did Gauss choose the 3rd topic? In fact, that is topic in which Gauss had been
interested in for many years.
The single most important work in the history of differential geometry is Gauss’
paper, in Latin, of 1827: “Disquisitiones generales circa super ficies curvas”(General
Investigations of Curved Surfaces). The most influential result in Gauss’ paper is the
so-called ”Theorem Egregium”. Roughly speaking, this theorem asserts that the Gauss
cvrvature of a surface is determined by its first fundamental form. This opens the door
to “Intrinsic geometry” and provides possibility of studying more abstract spaces other
than surfaces in E 3 . For example, one can study the geometry of a “flat torus”, which
is a topological torus associated with a “flat metric”.
What Riemann did in his lecture is developing higher-dim intrinsic geometry. Ge-
ometry presupposes the concept of space. In this course of Riemannian geometry,
the space we study is a C ∞ -manifold M(Hausdorff and second countable) associated
a Riemannian metric g. A vital step is to understand what is the extension of Gauss
curvature in higher dimensional manifolds. The original definition of Gauss curvature
using Gauss map is not available in higher dimensional manifolds. The expression
of Gauss curvature in the Gauss equation is possibly extended to higher dimensional
Actually, before discussing “curvature”, we can already see a lot of information of
4 Introduction
Riemannian Metric
1.1 Definition
Recall in the theory of surfaces in E 3 : For a surface S ⊂ E 3 , ∀ p ∈ S , and any two
tangent vectors X,Y∈ T p S , we have the inner product hX, Yi p . (hX, Yi p is the inner
product of E 3 )
space T p M is spanned by ∂x∂1 , · · · , ∂x∂n . Its dual spacethe cotangent vector spaces T p∗ M
is spanned by dx1 , · · · , dxn . Then we denote
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
h , j i p = g( i , j )(p) := gi j (p),
∂x ∂x
i ∂x ∂x
and for any smooth tangent vector fields
∂ ∂
X = Xi ,Y = Yj j
∂xi ∂x
1.2 Examples
(1)M = Rn , ∀p ∈ M, T p Rn = Rn . The standard inner product on Rn gives a standard
Riemannian metric g0 : X
g0 (X, Y) = X i Y i = X T Y.
More generally, (gi j ) can be any positive definite and symmetric n × n matrix A = (ai j ).
Then g = ai j dxi ⊗ dx j and g(X, Y) = X T AY.
(2) Induced Metric: Let f : M n → N n+k be a smooth immersion(i.e. d f p :
T p M → T f (p) N is injective for any p ∈ M). Let (N, gN ) be a Riemannian manifold(e.g.
(N, gN ) = (Rn+k , g0 )). We can define the pull-back metric f ∗ gN on M as belows
x = cos θ
y = sin θ
Remark 1.3. Whitney (1936) showed that any n-dimensional C ∞ manifold M n can
be embedded into R2n+1 .Thus M n always has a Riemannian metric induced from the
standard Riemannian metric g0 of R2n+1 .
On the other hand ,given a Riemannian manifold (M n , g M ) ,the Riemannian metric
g M is usually different from the metric induced from g0 of R2n+1 .In fact ,Nash’s em-
bedding theorem tells that for any Riemannian manifold (M n , g M ) ,there exists a N,s.t.
(M n , g M ) can be underlineisometrically embedded into (RN , g0 ). In other words,there
exists an embedding ϕ : M n → RN s.t. g M = ϕ∗ g0 . Nevertheless, the intrisic point
of view in the above proof offers great conceptual and technical advantages over the
approach of submanifold geometry of Euclidean space.
We always assume the parametrization is regular ,i.e. γ̇(t) , 0, ∀t. Then the length
of γ is
Z b
Length(γ) := |γ̇(t)|dt
Z bq
= hγ̇(t), γ̇(t)iγ(t) dt.
Lemma 1.1. The quantity Length(γ) does not depend on the choice of parametirzation.
d d d
γ̇(t) · f = dγ( ) · f = f (γ(t)) = f (γ1 (t1 (t)))
dt dt dt
d dt1 d dt1
= f (γ1 (t1 )) = dγ1 ( ) f ·
dt1 dt dt1 dt
Hence we have dtdt1 , 0, which means either dtdt1 > 0 or dtdt1 < 0. As we assume
a ≤ b, c ≤ d, we have here dtdt1 > 0.
Now we caculate
Z d q
Length(γ1 ) = hγ˙1 (t), γ̇1 (t)iγ1 (t1 ) dt1
Z b r
dt dt dt1
= h γ̇(t), γ̇(t)iγ(t) dt
a dt1 dt1 dt
Z bq
dt dt1
= hγ̇(t), γ̇(t)iγ(t) dt
a dt1 dt
Z bq
= hγ̇(t), γ̇(t)iγ(t) dt = Length(γ).
Z t q
s(t) := hγ̇(t), γ̇(t)iγ(t) dt
Then s = s(t) : [a, b] → [0, Length(γ)] is a strictly increasing function. Denote byt =
t(s) its inverse function. Then we can reparametrize γ(t) as
Proof. We caculate
dt dt
hγ˙1 (s), γ˙1 (s)iγ1 (s) = hγ̇(t) , γ̇(t) iγ(t(s))
ds ds
dt 2
=( ) · hγ̇(t), γ̇(t)γ(t)
Remark 1.4. The length of a (continuous and) piecewise smooth curve is defined as
the sum of the smooth pieces.
On a Riemannian manifold (M, g),the distance between two points p, q can be de-
d(p, q) := inf{Length(γ) : γ ∈ C p,q }
Denote ϕ−1 : Bδ (0) → U. Then on Bδ (0),we have the pull-back metric (ϕ−1 )∗ g := h
Let γ : [a, b] → Bδ (0) be a curve connecting 0 = ϕ(q) and a point on ∂B 2δ (0). Let c
be the smallest number with γ(c) ∈ ∂B 2δ (0). Then we have
Z c
Lengthh (γ) ≥ Lengthh (γ|[a,c] ) = hγ̇, γ̇ih dt.
Any curve connecting p, q ∈ M must intersect with φ−1 (∂B 2δ (0)) at some point. Hence,
we have √
d(p, q) ≥ > 0.
So we need to know the length of the tangent vecters { ∂x∂ i (p), i = 1, 2, · · · , n} and
the volume of the parallelepiped spanned by them.
We can write ∂x∂ i (p) = aij e j .
Then gik (p) = ∂x∂ i (p), ∂x∂ k (p) = aij e j , alk el (p) = aij alk δlj = ali alk .
a1 a21 · · · an1
a12 a22 · · · an2
Matrix form:[gik ] = AAT , with A = . .. . . .. .
.. .
1 .2 .
an an · · · ann
Therefore, we have
∂ ∂
vol( (p), · · · , n (p)) = det(aij )(p)vol(e1 , · · · , en )
∂x1 ∂x
= det(gi j )(p).
y◦x−1 : x(U) → y(V) is a diffeomorphism. Observe that ∂x∂ i (p) = ∂(y∂x◦xi ) (x(p)) ∂y∂k (p).
k −1
We have
∂ ∂
* +
gi j (p) : =
(p), j (p)
∂xi ∂x
∂ ∂ ∂(yk ◦ x−1 ) ∂(yl ◦ x−1 )
* +
= (p), (p) (x(p)) (x(p))
∂yk ∂yl ∂xi ∂x j
∂(yk ◦ x−1 ) ∂(yl ◦ x−1 )
= (x(p)) (x(p))gykl (p).
∂x i ∂x j
Now let us consider the case when K can not be contained in a single coordinate
nerghborhood. Let Uα , xα1 , · · · , xαn be a locally finite covering of M by coordinate neigh-
borhoods. Let {φα }α be a C ∞ partition of unity on M subordinate to the covering {Uα }.
Then we define
X Z q
vol(K) := (φα ◦ xα−1 ) det(gixjα ) ◦ xα−1 dxα1 · · · dxαn .
α T
xα (K Uα )
Proposition 1.4. This definition does not depend on the choice of the covering of co-
ordinate neighborhoods and partiton of unity.
Proof. Let {Vβ , y1β , · · · , ynβ }β be another locally finite covering of M by coordinate neigh-
borhood and {ψβ } be a partition of unity of M subordinate to {Vβ }. Then we compute
X Z q
(ψβ ◦ y−1
β ) det(yi jβ ) ◦ y−1 1 n
β dyβ · · · dyβ
β T
yβ (K Vβ )
X Z X q
= (φα ◦ y−1
β )(ψ β β dyβ · · · dyβ .
det(yi jβ )) ◦ y−1 1 n
β T α
yβ (K Vβ )
We can exchange the order of the two summations, since each is a finite sum.
X Z X q
(φα ◦ y−1
β )(ψ −1 1 n
β det(yi j )) ◦ yβ dyβ · · · dyβ
β T α
yβ (K Vβ )
X Z X q
= (ψβ ◦ y−1
β )(φα det(yi jβ )) ◦ y−1 1 n
β dyβ · · · dyβ
α T β
yβ (K Vβ )
Z q
change o f variables
= (ψβ ◦ xα−1 )(φα det(yixjα )) ◦ xα−1 dxα1 · · · dxαn
α T β
xα (K Uα )
X Z q
= (φα ◦ xα−1 ) det(yixjα ) ◦ xα−1 dxα1 · · · dxαn
α T
xα (K Uα )
Let us denote by C00 (M) the vector space of continuous functions on M with com-
pact support. For any f ∈ C00 (M), we define
Z X Z q
f := (φα f ) ◦ xα−1 det(gixjα ) ◦ xα−1 dxα1 · · · dxαn .
M xα (Uα )
Remark 1.6. In each coordinate neighborhood, the integration with respect to dvol
can be considered an the integration with respect to the n-form
Ω0 = det(tgi j )dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn .
That is, Ω0 may change sign when we change from one coordinate to the other one.
Particularly, we can have a globally defined n-form Ω0 when M is orientable. In
this case, Z Z
f dvol = f Ω0 .
Ω0 = ω1 ∧ · · · ∧ ωn .
Once the measure dvol is obtained, the machine of measure theory is intiated. We
define the L p (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞) norm of f ∈ C00 (M) as
k f kL p := ( | f | p dvol) p .
We can take the completion of C0∞ (M) with respect to L p -norm, the resulting space
is called L p (M).
·In particular for p = 2, we can define inner product:
h f1 , f2 iL2 := f1 f2 dvol, ∀ f1 , f2 ∈ L2 (M).
Hence i(X)Ω0 = i X det(gkl )(−1)i−1 dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn . Let G = det(gkl ).
P i
p p
Furthermore, we obtain
X X ∂ √
d(i(X)Ω0 ) = (−1)i−1 ( GX i )dxk ∧ dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dx
ci · · · ∧ dxn
i k
∂x k
X ∂ √
= ( GX i )dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn
∂x i
= (divX)Ω0 .
√ i
Hence divX = √1 ∂ i ( GX ).
G ∂x
Notice that in particular, when M = Rn , (gi j ) = (δi j ), we have for X = X i ∂x∂ i ,
n n
X ∂ i X ∂X i i
divX = X = X.
∂xi i=1
Since X has compact support and the summation above is finite, we have
div( φα X) dvol = div(φα X) dvol.
α α
M Uα
1 ∂ √
div(X) dvol = √ (X i G) dvol
G ∂x i
1 ∂ √ √
= (√ (X i G) G) ◦ x−1 dx1 · · · dxn
G ∂x i
∂ √
= (X i G ◦ x−1 )dx1 · · · dxn
Next, we compute
∂f ∂f
gi j X i = ⇒ gk j gi j X i = gk j j
∂x j ∂x
⇒ X k = δki X i = gk j gi j X i = gk j .
∂x j
∂f ∂
Hence grad f = gk j ∂x j ∂xk .
div(grad f ) dvol = 0.
Corollary 1.2. Let f ∈ C0∞ (M). Then
1 ∂ ij ∂ f √
= √ (g G)
G ∂xi ∂x j
1 ∂ √ ij ∂ f
= √ ( Gg ).
G ∂xi ∂x j
∂2 f
In particular, for the case M = Rn , gi j = δi j , we have ∆ f = .
(∂xi )2
(2). ∆ f dvol = 0, ∀ ∈ C0∞ (M).
(3).For any smooth function f and vector field X, we have
1 ∂ √
div( f X) = √ ( f X i G)
G ∂x i
1 ∂ i√ 1 ∂ √
= √ X G+ f √ (X i G)
G ∂x i
G ∂x i
= X( f ) + f div(X)
= hgrad f, Xi + f divX.
Theorem 1.4. [Green’s formula] Let f,h be two smooth functions,, at least one of which
has ccompact support. Then
f ∆h dvol = − hgrad f, grad hi dvol
= (∆ f )h dvol.
Since f · grad h has compact support, we can apply divergence theorem to derive the
Green’s formula.
Remark 1.11. Let (M, g) be a compact submanifold of (N, gN ). Then ∂M has a Rie-
mannian metric induced from gN . Therefore we have a natural dvol∂M . As a corallary,
we have
f ∆h dvol M = − g hgrad f, grad hi dvol M + g(grad h, ν) f dvol∂M .
M M ∂M
Notice that {σ(2), · · · , σ(n)} = {1, 2, · · · ,bi, · · · , n}. So σ(2), · · · , σ(n) is produced
by a permutation τ of {1, 2, · · · ,bi, · · · , n}. Moreover, sgn(σ) = (−1)i−1 sgn(τ).
sgn(σ)dxσ(2) ⊗ · · · ⊗ dxσ(n) (Y1 , · · · , Yn−1 )
σ∈S (n)
= (−1)i−1 sgn(τ)dxτ(1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ dxτ(i−1) ⊗ dxτ(i+1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ dxτ(n) (Y1 , · · · , Yn−1 )
τ∈S (n−1)
=(−1)i−1 dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dx
ci ∧ · · · ∧ dxn (Y1 , · · · , Yn−1 ).
Chapter 2
1 b 1 b
E(γ) := hγ̇(t), γ̇(t)i = gi j (x(γ(t))) ẋi (t) ẋ j (t)dt.
2 a 2 a
(In phisics, E(γ) is usually called “action of γ” where γ is contained as the orbit of a
mass point. In physics, we have the so-called “least action principle”).
In the following, we will explain why we can consider the critical value of E(γ)
instead of that of L(γ).
Lemma 2.1. For each smooth curve γ : (a, b) → M, we have
L2 (γ) ≤ 2(b − a)E(γ)
hγ̇(t), γ̇(t)i =: kγ̇(t)k ≡ const.
and “=” holds if and only if
Proof. By Hölder’s inequality,
Z b Z b
Z b
1 √
L(γ) = kγ̇(t)k2 dt) 2 =
kγ̇(t)kdt ≤ ( 1 dt) ( 2 b − a 2E(γ).
a a a
Recall the length of a curve does not depend on the choice of the parametrized by
arc length, i.e. kγ̇k = 1, in order to find shortest curves. In this case, we have
1 il
Γijk = g (glk, j + g jl,k − g jk,l ),
g jl,k = g jl .
Definition 2.1. (geodesics)A smooth curve γ : [a, b] → M which satisfies(with ẋi (t) =
d i
dt x (γ(t)))
ẍi (t)) + Γijk (x(t)) x˙j (t) x˙k (t) = 0, i = 1, 2, · · · , n
is called a geodesics.
Remark 2.1. Christoffel is a German mathematician. He studied in Berlin, and worked
in ETH Zūrich, Strasburg. Riemann’s 1854 lecture was only published in 1868. Christof-
fel published in Crelles Journal(Journal für die reine and and ) in 1869 an article
discussing the necessary condition when two quadratic differential forms
F= ωi,k dxi dxk , F 0 = w0i,k dx0 i dx0 k .
i,k i,k
can be transfirmed into eaach other via independent variable changes. It was there be
introduced the “Christoffel symbols”.
Influced by Christoffel’s work, italian mathematician Gregorio Ricci-Curbasto pub-
lished 6 articles during 1883-1888 on Christoffel’s method, and introduced a new cal-
culus: He interpreted Christoffel’s algorithm into “covariant differentiations”. Ricci(1893)
called it “absolute differential calculus”.
Later in 1901, Ricci and his student Levi-Civita published Ricci’s calculus in French
in Klein’s journal(Mathematische Annalen). It is nowed called “tensor analysis”.
Einstein(1914) derives the geodesic equation using Christoffel symbols in his Berlin
Levi-Civita(1916/17) realized the geometric meaning of Christoffel symbols: it de-
termines the “parallel transport” of vectors. This pull Christoffel and Ricci’s discus-
sion back to the track of geometry.
Proof. Let us first look at a general functional
Z a
I(x) = f (t, x(t), ẋ(t))dt
∂f ∂f
Z b
0= ( i yi (t) + i yi (t))dt
a ∂x ∂ ẋ
∂f d ∂f i
Z b
= ( i− )y (t)dt
a ∂x dt ∂ ẋi
By the fundamental lemma of calculus of variations, we have
d ∂f ∂f
− , i = 1, · · · , n.
dt ∂ ẋi ∂xi
This is the E-L equation of I.
For our energy functional
Z b
E(γ) = gi j (x(t)) ẋ j (t) ẋk (t)dt,
Remark 2.2. :
1.When we calculated the term Γijk ẋ j ẋ, . pay attention to the fact that
1 il
Γijk ẋ j ẋk = g (g jl,k + gkl, j − glk, j ) ẋ j ẋk
= gil (g jl,k + gkl, j − glk, j ) ẋ j ẋk .
2.As mentioned before, we only need to consider curves parametrized by arc length
when looking for shortest curves. Now, we explain the other aspect: The solution of
the E-L equation(2.1.1) on page 25 i.e. every geodesic, is parametrized proportionally
to arc length.
(gi j (x(t)) ẋi (t) ẋ j (t))
=gi j ẍi ẋ j + gi j ẋi ẍ j + gi j,k ẋi ẋ j ẋk
=2gi j ẍi ẋ j + gi j,k ẋi ẋ j ẋk
=2glm ẍm ẋl + gl j,k ẋl ẋ j ẋk (change the indexes)
= − (glk, j + g jl,k − g jk,l ẋl ẋi ẋk + gl j,k ẋl ẋ j ẋk (use (2.1.2))
=(g jk,l − glk, j ) ẋl ẋ j ẋk
ẋ (t) = y (t)
k k
k = 1, 2, · · · , n.
ẏk (t) + Γk (x(t))yi y j = 0
In the following we use γ p,v to denote the geodesic with γ p,v = p, γ̇ p,v = v.(Oftenly,
p is omitted.)
What does V p look like?
(1)Star-sharped around 0 ∈ T p M.
If v ∈ V p , i.e. γv is defined on [0, 1], then γλv (0 < λ < 1) is defined on [0, λ1 ], and,
in particular, on[0, 1]. Hence v ∈ V p ⇒ λv(0 ≤ λ ≤ 1) ∈ V p .
(2)∀p ∈ M, ∃ 0 s.t. B(0, 0 ) ⊂ V p i.e. ∀ ω ∈ T p M, kωk ≤ 0 , we have γ p,ω is
defined on [0, 1].
By Theorem ??, ∃ , δ > 0, s.t. ∀v ∈ T p M, kvk < δ, γ p,v is defined on [0, ], hence
γ p,v is defined on [0, 1].
⇒ ∀ω ∈ T p M with kωk ≤ kvk < δ, we have γ p,ω is defined on [0, 1]. That is,
ω ∈ Vp.
Example 2.2.
(1) M = Rn , gi j = δi j .
The geodesic equation is ẍi (t) = 0. The geodesics are straight lines parametrized pro-
portionally to arc length. ∀p ∈ Rn , v ∈ T p Rn . exp p (v) = p + v. V p = T p Rn = Rn .
(2) Circle (S 1 , dθ ⊗ dθ).
∀p ∈ M, T p S 1 can be identified with R. Then exp p (v) = eiv , V p = T p S 1 = R for
p = ei0 = 1.(In local coordinates, exp p : v → v.). This is the simplest example explain-
ing why the terminology “exponential map” is used. It actually comes from Lie theory.
dexp p (0)(v) = exp p (tv)|t=0
d d
= γtv (1)|t=0 = γv (t)|t=0 = γ̇v (0) = v.
dt dt
Example 2.3.
S 2 ⊂ R3 . q is a antipodalpoint of p. exp p is defined on the whole T p S 2 . Let
B(0, π) ⊂ T p (S 2 ) be the open ball around 0 in T p (S 2 ).(with the scalar product given by
the Riemannian metric of S 2 ). exp p : B(0, π) → S 2 \{q}, B(0, π)\B(0, π) = ∂B(0, π) →
{q} diffeomorphically. However, exp p (B(0, 2π)\B(0, π)) = S 2 \{p, q} and exp p (B(0, 2π)\B(0, 2π)) =
Definition 2.3. (Normal coordinates) The local coordinates defined by (U, exp−1
p ) are
called (Riemannian) normal coordinates with center p.
gi j (0) = δi j (2.2.1)
Γijk (0) = 0. (2.2.2)
On the other hand, in exp−1 p (U) ⊂ R , the line tv, t ∈ R, v ∈ R is exp p (γtv (1)) =
d d −1
exp p (γv (t)), i.e. is the image of a geodesic in M via the coordinate map.
Remark 2.5. Even if exp p is defined on the whole T p M, it may be not a global diffeo-
morphism. Suppose exp p : B(0, ρ) → exp p (B(0, ρ)) is diffeomorphic, how large can ρ
Here we mention the following concept of injectivity radius.
Normal coordinates
Γilm (0) = 0, i = 1, 2, · · · , n.
Remark 2.6. In general, the second derivatives of the metric cannot be made to vanish
at a given point by a suitable choice of local coordinates. The obstruction is given by
the “curvature tensor”.
1 0 ···0
gi j = .
gϕϕ (r, ϕ)
where gϕϕ (r, ϕ) is the (n − 1) × (n − 1) matrix of the components of the matrix w.r.t
angular variables (ϕ1 , · · · , ϕn−1 ) ∈ S n−1 .
Proof. In this case, tv, v ∈ Rn is transformed to be ϕ ≡ const. That is, ϕ ≡ const are
geodesic when parametrized by arc length in the local coordinates. They are given by
x(t) = (t, ϕ0 ). ϕ0 f ixed.
Geodesic equation gives
Γirr (x(t))t˙t˙ = Γirr (x(t)) = 0, ∀i (ϕ˙0 = 0).
Compare with the situation in (2.2.4) on page 30. Hence at x(t) ∈ T p M = Rn ,
gil (grl,r + glr,r − grr,l ) = 0, ∀i
2grm,r − grr,m = 0, ∀m. (2.2.6)
For m = r, we have grr,r = 0, combining with grr (0) = 1 ⇒ grr ≡ 1.
Hence grr,m ≡ 0, ∀m ⇒ grϕ,r = 0, ∀ϕ ⇒ grϕ ≡ 0.
Remark 2.7. dr ⊗ dr + gϕϕ (r, ϕ)dϕ ⊗ dϕ is not a proguct metric, since gϕϕ may depend
on r.
Remark 2.8. Since g is positive definite, we have
(2).Consider any c ∈ C p,q . Without loss of generality, let’s assume it’s smooth. c
may leave our polar coordinate neighborhood. Let t0 := inf{t ∈ τ : d(c(t), p) ≥ ρ}, then
c|[0,t0 ] ⊂ B(p, ρ). In polar coordinates, write c(t) = (r(t), ϕ(t)), c(t0 ) = (ρ, ϕ(t0 )). We
Z t0 q
L(c|[0,t0 ] ) = gi j (c(t))ċi (t)ċ j (t)dt
Z t0 q
= grr (c(t))ṙṙ + gϕϕ(c(t))ϕ̇ϕ̇ dt
Z t0 Z t0
≥ |ṙ|dt ≥ | ṙdt| = |r(t0 ) − r(0)| = ρ
0 0
Moreover, “=” holds iff. gϕϕ ϕ̇ϕ̇ ≡ 0(⇔ ϕ̇ = 0 ⇒ ϕ ≡ const) and ṙ ≥ 0 or ṙ ≤ 0. Hence
the “=” holds iff c(t) = (t, ϕ0 ), where q = (ρ, ϕ0 ). Recall (t, ϕ0 ) is the geodesic in the
polar coordinates.
Remark 2.9.
(1)From the proof, we see ∀c ∈ C p.q , L(c) ≥ L(γ), where γ is the radical geodesic. And
“=” holds iff c is a monotone reparametrization of γ.
(2)There may exists other geodesics from p to q, whose length is longer. That is the
“shortestness” property of a geodesic is not global! From Corollary 2.2.1, we see
∀p, q ∈ M, where they are close “enough” to each other, then there exists precisely one
geodesic of shortest length. Can we have a uniform description of the “closedness”
which ensure the existence of shortest geodesics, at least when M is compact? For this
surpose, we first discuss a refinement of Theorem 2.2.1(page 28)(dexp p (0) = I) and
the “totally normal neighborhood”.
Theorem 2.5. (totally normal neighborhood) For any point p ∈ M, there exists a
neighborhood M of p and a number δ > 0, such that, for every q ∈ W,(in other words,
injectivity radius i(q) ≥ δ), and expq (B(0, δ)) ⊃ W.
Remark 2.10. (Terminologies) If exp p is a diffeomorphism of a neighborhood V of
the origin in T p M. Then we call exp p (V) := U a normal neighborhood of p. Theorem
2.2.4 tells, ∃ a neighborhood of p such that W is a normal neighborhood of each q of
W. W is then called a totally normal neighborhood of p ∈ M.
If B(0, ) is such that B(0, ) ⊂ V, we call exp p (B(0, )) the normal ball with cen-
ter p and radius . The geodesic in exp p (B(0, )) that begin at p are referred to as
radical geodesics.
Remark 2.11. By Corollary 2.2.1, any 2 point in W can be connected by a cunique
minimizing geodesic. For the proof, we first discuss a revision.
Theorem 2.6. There exists a neighborhood U of p, U := {(q, v) ∈ T M : q ∈ V, v ∈
T q M, kvk < } such tvhat exp : U → M, (q, v) 7→ expq v is well defined. Consider the
following map.
F : U → M × M, (q, v) 7→ (q, expq )
In particular, we see F(p, 0) = (p, p). Then dF(p.0) : T (p,0) (T M) → (M × M).
Lemma 2.3. For each p ∈ M and with it the zero vector 0 ∈ T p M, dF(p, 0) is nonsin-
Proof of lemma 2.2.1:
First note that, we can identify the tangent space T (p,p) (M × M) to T p M × T p M,
T (p,0) (T M) to T p M × T 0 (T p M) T p M × T p M. F : U → M × M. In local coordinates,
this map centre considered as (x1 , · · · , xn , v1 , · · · , vn ) → (x11 , · · · , x1n , x21 , · · · , x2n ).
We consider dF(p,0) as a linear map T p M × T p M → T p M × T p M,
varying p, F is identity in the first coordinate. Hence on the first factor to the
factor dF(p,0) is identity.
fix p and vary v in T p M, the first coordinate of F is fixed and the second coordinate
is exp p v.
Hence, dF(0,p) is identically 0 from the second factor to the first factor and identity
from the second factor to the second factor.(Theorem 2.2.1, page 28)
1 1
! !
dFv=0 dFq=p I 0
2 2 = (2.2.7)
dFv=0 dFq=p I 0
proof of theorem 2.6:
By lemma and the inverse function theorem, we know that F is a local diffeomor-
phism. This means that ∃ a neighborhood U 0 ⊂ U of (p, 0) ∈ T M s.t. F maps U 0
diffeomorphically onto a neighborhood W 0 of (p, exp p 0 p = p) ∈ M × M.
where V 0 ⊂ V is a neighborhood of p ∈ M.
Now choose a neighborhood W of p in M so that W × W ⊂ W 0 . Then form the
definition of F, we see exp p (B(0, δ)) ⊃ W.
Proof. ρ0 from Corollary 2.2.2 satisfies the first claim by Corollary 2.2.1. Morever,
given (p, q), d(p, q) ≤ ρ0 , there exists a unique v ∈ T p M(given by F −1 (p, q) = (p, v))
that depends continuously on (p, q) and is s.t. γ(v) = v.
ẍ + Γijk ẋ j ẋk = (ẏα + e
Γαηγ ẏη ẏγ ) α .
Hence geodesic is mapped to be geodesic(det( ∂yx α ) , 0.). Intuitively, Isometries
leave the lengths of tangent vectors and therefore also the lengths and energies of curves
invariant. Thus, critical points, i.e. geodesics, are mapped geodesics.
This observation has interesting consequences.
Let now p ∈ S n , v ∈ T p (S n ). Let E be the two dimensions plane through the origin
of Rn+1 containing v.
Claim:the geodesic γv pass through p with tangent vector v is the great circle
through p with tangent vector v(parametrized proportionally to arc length), i.e. the
intersection of S n and E.
Proof. Let t ∈ [a, b], and let W be a totally normal neighborhood of γ(t). There exists
a closed interval I ⊂ [a, b] with nonempty interior, t ∈ I s.t. γ(I) ⊂ W. By the global
“shortestness” property of γ, we know γ(I) is a piecewise smooth curve connecting
two points in W which the shortest length. By corollary 2.2.1, noticing further γ is
parametrized proportionally to arc length, we konw γ|I is a geodesic.
So the answer to Question 2 is “No!” Then one may ask when is a geodesic γ also
a minimizing curve? We will discuss this issue in later lecture.
The answer to Question 3 is also “No”. If a curve γ from p to q is of the shortest
curve, after choosing the parameter proportional to arc length, Proposition tells that γ
must be a geodesic.
Then there is no curve from p to q with the shortest length.(but you have a mini-
mizing sequence of curves)
When is the answer to Question 3 “Yes”? It turns out, one have to require M to be
Given a Riemannian manifold (M, g), recall that (M, g) with the distance function
d derived from g is a metric space (M, d). And the topology of (M, d) coincides with
original topology of M. Therefore (M, d) is a complete metric space iff M is complete
as a topological space with regard to its original topologies. So we do not need to
distinguish this two Completeness.
Hopf-Rinow theorem tells completeness implies the existence of minimizing geodesic
between any two points. Morover, H-R thm also gives two several equivalent descrip-
tions of completeness.
Theorem 2.7. (Hopf-Rinow 1931).(Über den Begriff der vollständigen differential ge-
ometrischen Flaäche, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 1931)
Let M be a Riemannian manifold. The following statements are equivalent:
(i) M is a complete metric space.
(ii) The closed and bounded subsets of M is compact.
(iii) ∃p ∈ M for which exp p is defined on all of T p M.
(iv) ∀p ∈ M, exp p is defined on all of T p M.
Each of the statement (1)-(4) implies
(v) Any two points p, q ∈ M can be joined by a geodesic of length d(p, q), i.e. by a
geodesic of shortest length.
At p0 , consider the normal ball B(p0 , ρ1 ), find p1 to be the point at which d(p, )
attain its minimum on ∂B(p0 , ρ1 ). And, we continue this procedure, and hopefully we
arrive at q.
Two issues in this arguement:
(1) Can the piecewise geodesics(or broken geodesic) be a single geodesic?
(2) Can we arrive at q eventually?
To solve this two issues, we argue as below:
In B(p, ρ), we know the radical geodesic from p to p0 is
we hope to show c(r) = q, where r = d(p, q). If this was shown to be true, we know
c(r) is the shortest one and we are done.
In other words, we hope to prove
d(c(r), q) = 0 (2.3.1)
Next we know
d(c(0), q) = d(p, q) = r (2.3.2)
Now if we show
p1 = exp p (T + ρ1 )V = c(T + ρ1 ), (2.3.4)
we have T + ρ1 ∈ I, which contradicts to the definition of T .
It remains to show (2.3.4). We use Proposition 2.1 to prove it. That is, we show the
c|[0,T ] and the radical geodesic f rom c(T ) to p1 (2.3.5)
is the shortest curve from p to p1 . Note the length of the curve is T + ρ1 .
Consider the three points p, p1 and q to figure out d(p, p1 ).
Hence the “broken” curve in (2.3.5) is the shortest curve from p to q. Then proposition
tells that it is a smooth geodesic when parametrized with arc length.
By uniqueness of geodesics with given initial values, it has to coincide with c.
p1 = exp p (T + ρ1 )V = c(T + ρ1 ).
That is {d(pn , p0 )}n∈N is a cauthy sequence in R, then lim d(pn , p0 ) exists. If {pn }n has
an accumulation point a0 , i.e. ∃ subsequence {pnk } s.t. pik → a0 as k → ∞.
Pick p0 = a0 , we have
That is, pn → p0 as n → ∞.
Otherwise, if {pn } has no accumulate point, then {pn } is closed. Note {pn } is
bounded since it is cauthy.
By assumeption (ii), {pn } is conpact. But each pn is not an accumulate point, we
have pn ∈ Un , pi < Un , ∀i , n. Hence {Un } is an open cover of {pn } without any finite
subcover. This contradicts to the conpactness of {pn }.
(i)⇒(iv): Let γ be a geodesic in M, parametrized by arc length, and being defined
on a maximal interval I. Then I is not empty. Moreover, by the “local existence and
uniqueness of geodesics”(ODE theory), we know I is an open interval. Next we show
I is closed. Then I has to be (−∞. + ∞).
Let {tn }n∈N ⊂ I be converging to t. Notice that
By (a) and the property of W, there exist a unique geodesic c from γ(tn ) to γ(tm ) less
than δ. Therefore c has to be a subarc of γ. Since expγ(tn ) is a diffeomorphic on
B(0, δ) ⊂ T γ(tn ) M and expγ(tn ) (B(0, δ)) ⊃ W, c extends γ to p0 .
Definition 2.5. Two curves γ0 , γ1 on a manifold M with commen initial and end points
p and q, i.e. two continuous maps
γ0 , γ1 : I = [0, 1] → M
Γ(0, s) = p, Γ(1, s) = q ∀s ∈ I
Γ(t, 0 = γ0 (t), Γ(t, 1) = γ1 (t) ∀t ∈ I.
Remark 2.12. The concept of homotopy defines an equivalence relation on the set of
all curves in M with fixed initial and each points as well as on the set of all closed
curves in M.
With the examples of torus in mind, let’s first consider the existence of closed
geodesic on a compact Riemannian manifold.
Theorem 2.8. Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold. Then every homotopy class
of closed curves in M contains a curve which is a shortest curve in its homotopy class
and a geodesic.
Lemma 2.4. Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold. Let ρ0 > 0 be the constants
with the following property: any two points p, q ∈ M with d(p, q) ≤ ρ0 can be con-
nected by precisely one geodesic of shortest path. Let γ0 , γ1 : S 1 → M be closed
curves with
d(γ0 (t), γ1 (t)) ≤ ρ0 ∀ t ∈ S 1 .
Then γ0 and γ1 are homotopic.
Remark 2.13. The existence of such ρ0 on a compact Riemannian manifold has been
proven in corollary 2.2.3. In fact, we know moreover, this geodesic depends continu-
ously on (p, q).
Proof of lemma 2.4.1:
∀t ∈ S 1 , let ct (s) : I → M be the unique shortest curve(which is therefore, a
geodesic) from γ0 (t) to γ1 (t), as usual parametrized proportionally to arc length. Recall
that ct depends continuously on its end points, hence on t, Γ(t, s) = ct (s) is continuously
and yields the desired homotopy.
Proof of Theorem 2.4.1:
Consider the lengths of the curvesin a given homotopy class: they are numbers in
[0, +∞). Let {γn }n∈N be minimizing sequence for arc length in this homotopy class. All
{γn }n∈N are parametrized proportionally to arc length.
We may assume each γn is piecewise geodesic: for each γn , we may find 0 = t0 <
t1 < · · · < tm < tm+1 = 2π with the property that
L(γn |[t j−1 ,t j ] ) < , j = 1, · · · , m + 1.
Replacing γn |[t j−1,t j ] by the shortest geodesic arc between γn (t j−1 ) and γn (t j ), we obtain
a new closed curve γen .
By using triangle inequality, we have d(γn (t), γen (y)) ≤ ρ0 . As a consequence of
Theorem 2.4.1, γen is homotopic to γn and the lengths of γen is no longer than γn .
We may thus assume that for any γn , ∃ points p0,n , · · · , pm,n for which d(p j−1,n , p j,n ) ≤
2 (pm+1,n := p0,n , j = 1, · · · , m + 1).
Observe that the lengths of γn are bounded as they constitute a minimizing se-
quence. Therefore, we may assume that m is independent of n.
Recall that the geodesic between p j−1,n and p j,n depends continuously on its endpoints,
and hence converges to the shortest arc between p j−1 and p j .(shortest arc is geodesic)
These shortest geodesic arcs yields a closed curve γ. By Lemma 2.4.1, γ is ho-
motopic to γn , and Length(γ) = lim Length(γn ), Recall {γn } is a minimizing sequence
for the length in their homotopy class. Therefore, γ is shortest curve in this homotopy
Claim: γ is a geodesic.
Otherwise, there would exist points p and q on γ for which one of the two arcs of γ
between p and q would have length at most ρ20 , but would not be geodesic.
Then this arc cpq can be shortened by replacing it by the shortest geodesic between
p and q. Denote this new curve as eγ. We have
γ(t)) ≤ ρ0 , ∀ t ∈ S 1 .
from p to q. Choose a e p ∈ π−1 (p), and let σe : [0, 1] → M e be the lift of a starting with
e q=σ
p, and set e e(1).
By Hopf-Rinow, and the fact M e is complete, there exists a minimizing e g-geodesic
γ from e
e p to e
Because π is a local isometry, γ = π ◦ e γ is a geodesic from p to q in M.
Since Me is simply connected, we have σ e and e γ are homotopic. Hence σ and γ
are also homotopic. That is γ is a geodesic in the homotopy class [σ]. If σ1 is any
other admissible curve from p to q in the homotopy class [σ], then by the monodromy
theorem, its lifts γe1 starting at e
p also ends at qe1 ,(γe1 and σ
e are homotopic, which is trivial
in a simply connected space.) In M, e we know Length(e γ) ≤ Length(γe1 ). Therefore,
Length(γ) ≤ Length(γ1 )
We’d like take this chance to discuss further about Riemannian covering map.
Theorem 2.10. Let ( M,e
e g) and (M, g) are connected Riemannian manifolds with M e
complete, and π : M
e → M is a local isometry. Then M is complete and π is a Rieman-
nian covering map.
e and M are connected Riemannian manifolds and π : M
Corollary 2.8. Suppose M e→
M is a Riemannian covering map. Then M is complete iff M
e is complete.
Proof. Combination of Theorem 2.4.3 and Lemma 2.4.2.
γ) =
Since all geodesics passing through p are radial geodesics, we have Length(e
pα , peβ ) ≥ 2 ⇒ Uα Uβ = ∅
Length(γ) ≥ 2 ⇒ deg (f
Claim:π−1 (U) = U .
Proof: ∀e q ∈ Ufα for some α, there is a geodesic eγ of length¡ from p] a lpha to e
Then π ◦ e γ is a geodesic of the same length from p to π(eq), showing that π(e q) ∈ U =
α ⊆ π (U). ∀e q ∈ π−1 (U), we get q = π(e
Sf −1
B (p). i.e. U q). That is, q ∈ U. So that is a
minimizing radial geodesic. γ in U from p to q, and r = dg (p, q) < . Let e γ be the lift
of γ starting at e
It follows that π(eγ(r)) = γ(r) = p. Therefore e
γ(r) = f pα for some α, and deg (eq, f
pα ) ≤
Length(e γ) = r < . So e
q ∈ Uα .
It remains to show that π : Ufα → U is a diffeomorphism for each α.
It is certaining a local diffeomorphism. It is bijective: we can construct the inverse
pα .
explicitly. It sends each radial geodesic starting at p to its lift starting at f
This completes the proof.
Chapter 3
Recall under coordinate change (xi ) → (yα ), the christoffel symbols behave as
Therefore Γijk is not coefficients of a tensor!! This fact suggest in particular that we
should pay more attention to taking derivetive in local coordinates. It would be nice if
we have “the derivetive of a tensor is again a tensor”. This will be solved by so-called
“covariant derivatives”.
On the other hand, the LHS of (*) behaves under coordinate change (xi ) → (yα ) as
∂x i
( ẍi (t) + Γijk (x) ẋ j ẋk ) = (ÿα + e
Γαηγ (y(x))ẏη ẏγ ) α .
That is, it behaves like a (1,0)-tensor(i.e. vector field). Recall, in local coordinatesm if
X = X i ∂x∂ i = Y α ∂y∂α . Then X i = Y α yxα . This suggest that ẍi (t) + Γijk (x) ẋ j ẋk is coefficients
X = (X 1 , · · · , X n ), X i ∈ C ∞ (U)
1 On Rn , the “directional derivatives” provides an affine connection. For X, Y ∈
Γ(T Rn ), define (OX Y)(p) = DX(p) Y, p ∈ R. Then one can check 4 satisfies (i)-(iii).
2 Let X, Y ∈ Γ(T M). In a local coordinates (U, x1 , · · · , xn ), X, Y can be considered
as vector fields on x(U) ⊂ Rn . In (U, x), we can define OX Y as the directional derive-
tive DX Y. A natural question is: can we obtain an affine connection by defining it as
directional derivatives in every local coordinates?
The answer is No! Suppose we have two coordinates (U, x1 , · · · , xn ) and (V, y1 , · · · , yn ).
When U V , ∅, we have
X ∂ ∂
DX Y = (DX f i ) where Y = f i i in U
∂x i ∂x
X ∂ ∂
= (DX gi ) where Y = gi i in V
∂yi ∂y
X ∂xk ∂
= (DX gi ) .
∂yi ∂xk
DX f i = DX G j
∂y j
∂y j ∂xi
= DX ( f k k ) j
∂x ∂y
∂y j ∂xi
= DX f k δik + f k DX ( )
∂xk ∂y j
∂y j ∂xi
= DX f i + f k [DX (δik ) − k DX k ]
∂x ∂y
∂y ∂x
i i
= DX f i − f k k j
∂x ∂y
= DX f i − g j DX j
That is we need
g j DX = 0, ∀ i. (*)
∂y j
Lemma 3.1. The set of all affine connections on M form a convex set. Namely, if
O(1) , · · · , O(k) are affine connection on M, and f1 , · · · , fk ∈ C ∞ (M), s.t. fi = 1. Then
P (i) i
fi O is also an affine connection on M.
f i = 1.
Here we need the property that
Consequently, for v ∈ T p M, and Y ∈ Γ(T M), we can define Ov Y(p) := OX Y(p),
where X is any vector field with X(p) = v.(This is like a “directional derivative”of Y at
p along v.)
But, it is not true that Y(p) = Y(p)
e ⇒ OX Y(p) = OX Y(p).
e It is not hard to construct
Proposition 3.3. Let γ : (−, ) → M be a smooth curve on M, with γ(0) = p and
γ̇(0) = v. Suppose X, Y, Y
e are vector fields on M s.t.
3.2 Parallelism
What is going an geometrically? [Spivak II, chapter 6]
Consider a curve c : [a, b] → M. By a vector field V along c, we mean
We call V a C ∞ vector field along c if the functions vi are C ∞ on [a, b]. This is
equivalent to saying that
t 7→ V(t) f
is C ∞ for every C ∞ function f on M.
Notice that a vector field V along c may not be extended to a vector field on M.
e = V(t), ∀t ∈ [a, b].
(c) If V(s) = Y(c(s)) for some C ∞ vector field Y defined in a neighborhood of c(t),
then DVdt = O Y.
Proof. Let us suppose initially that there exists a correspondence satisfying (a),(b) and
Let p = c(t0 ) ∈ M, and (U, x1 , · · · , xn ) is a coordinate neighborhood of p. For t
sufficiently to t0 , we can express V locally as V(t) = v j (t) ∂x∂ j |c(t) . By (a),(b),(c), we
DV (a) X D j ∂
= (v (t) j |c(t) )
dt j=1
dt ∂x
X dv j (t) ∂ D ∂
== [ | + v j (t) ( j |c(t) )]
j c(t)
dt ∂x dt ∂x
X dv j (t) ∂ ∂ dc ∂ dci ∂
= [ | c(t) + v j
(t)O dc ] ( = dc( ) = |c(t) )
dt ∂x j dt ∂x j dt ∂t dt ∂xi
X dv j (t) ∂ dci ∂
= [ |c(t) + v j (t) O ∂i |c(t) j ]
dt ∂x j dt ∂x ∂x
∂ ∂
(c(t)) ∂x∂ k |c(t)
n o n o
Note O ∂
| is a C ∞ vector field along c. Hence ∃
∂x j
ij s.t. O ∂
| ∂x j
= k
∂xi c(t) ∂xi c(t)
n k Pn k o dci j ∂
= ( dvdt +
⇒ dt i j (c(t)) dt v (t)) ∂xk |c(t) (∗)
k=1 i, j
The expression (*) show us that if there is a correspondence satisfying (a),(b),(c),
then such a correspondence is unique.
To show existence, define DV dt in (U, x) by (*). We can verify that (*)Tpossesses the
desired properties. If (V, y) is another coordinate neighborhood with U V , ∅, then
we define DV V by the uniqueness of DV
dt in (V, y) by (*), the definition agree in U dt in
U. Therefore, the definition can be extended over all of M.
curve, c(t) = p ∈ M, ∀t. Then a vector field V along c is just a curve in T p M, and DV dt
is just the ordinary derivative of this curve.
Proposition 3.5. [do Carmo, Prop 2.6] Let M be a differentiable manifold with an
affine connection O. Let c : I → M be a smooth curve in M, and let V0 ∈ T c(t0 ) M, t0 ∈ I.
Then there exists a unique parallel vector field V along c, such that V(t0 ) = V0 .
Proof. First consider the case when c(I) is certained in a coordinate neighborhood
(U, x1 , · · · , xn ). Then V0 can be expressed as:V0 = v0j ∂x∂ j |c(t0 ) .
Suppose there exists a vector field V in U which is parallel along c, with V(t0 ) = V0 .
Then V = v j (t) ∂x∂ j |c(t) satisfies
DV X dvk X n k o dci j ∂
0= = { + i j (c(t)) v (t)} k |c(t) .
dt k
dt i, j
dt ∂x
The equations
dvk X n k o dci j
+ i j (c(t)) v (t) = 0, k = 1, · · · , n
dt i, j
are linear differential equations. So there is a unique solution satisfying the initial
vk (t0 ) = vk0 , k = 1, · · · , n.
Due it’s linearity, the solution is defined for all t ∈ I, this proves the existence and
uniqueness of V in this case. In general, for any t1 ∈ I, there is a finite cover of
c([t0 , t1 ]) by coordinate neighborhood.
Remark 3.3. (justification of the term “connection”) A connection O gives the possi-
bility of comparing, or “connecting”, tangent spaces at different points.
Note the isomorphism between two tangent spaces given by the parallel transport
depends on the choice of curves connecting the two points.
The parallel transport Pt is defined in terms of O, but we can also reverse the pro-
Proposition 3.6. [spivak II, Chapter 6.Prop 3] Let c be a curve with c(0) = p and
ċ(0) = X p . Let Y ∈ Γ(T M), then
OX p Y = lim (P−1
h Yc(h) − Y p )
h→0 h
Remark 3.4. Parallel transport enables us to use the idea of “directional derivative”
to define OX p Y.
Proof. Let V1 , c . . . , Vn be parallel vector fields along c which are linearly independent
at c(0), and(since parallel transports are isomorphisms), hence at all points of c. Set
Y(c(t)) = f i (t)Vi (t). Then
lim (P−1 h Yc(h) − Y p )
h→0 h
1 X i X
= lim ( f (h)P−1 h Vi (h) − f i (0)Vi (0))
h→0 h
i i
1X i
= lim ( f (t)V i (0) − f i (0)Vi (0))
h→0 h
X X dfi
= lim( f i (t) − f i (0))Vi (0) = |t=0 Vi (0)
= |t=0 f i (t)Vi (t)
dt i
=OX p Y.
Remark 3.5. Recall (*) on page 73, and geodesic equation in last Chapter. If γ :
[a, b] → M is a geodesic, then we have Dγ̇(t)dt = 0 where dt is determined by a connec-
∂ k ∂
tion O on M, for which in (U, x), O ∂i ∂x j = Γi j ∂xk .
Remark 3.7. OX A is called the covariant derivative of the (r,s)-tensor fields A along
The properties (iv)-(vi) are very natural. To elaborate this point, we briefly discuss
another way of defining OX A, via parallel transport.
Recall for an isomorphism ϕ : V → W between two vector spaces Vand W, there
is an induced isomorphism ϕ∗ : W ∗ → V ∗ between their dual spaces W ∗ , V ∗ defined by
f or α ∈ W ∗ : ϕ∗ (α)(v) := α(ϕ(v)), ∀v ∈ V.
ϕ(v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ vr ⊗ α1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ α s )
:=ϕ(v1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ ϕ(vr ) ⊗ (ϕ∗ )−1 (α1 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ (ϕ∗ )−1 (α s )
Using linearity, we can extend e ϕ to ⊗r,s V all (r,s)-tensor over V! This defines an iso-
r,s r,s
morphism between ⊗ V → ⊗ W.
Recall the parallel transport along c. Pc,t : T c(0) M → T c(t) M is an isomorphism. We
can extend it to be an isomorphism P ec,t : ⊗r,s T c(0) M → ⊗r,s T c(t) M. As in proposition
3.4, we define
1 e−1
OX p A := lim (P c,h Ac(h) − A p ) (**)
h→0 h
Exercise 3.3. Let Y ∈ Γ(T M), ω, η ∈ Γ(T ∗ M). Consider the tensor field K = Y ⊗ ω ⊗ η.
Let X p ∈ T p M, and OX p K be defined in (**).
(i) Show OX p K = OX p Y ⊗ ω ⊗ η + Y ⊗ OX p ω ⊗ η + Y ⊗ ω ⊗ OX p η.
(ii) Let CK = ω(Y)η. Show OX p (CK) = C(OX p K).
Remark 3.8. The definition (**) leads to be dependent on X p and the curve c. How-
ever, (**) does not depend on choice of c. Recall OX p Y depends only on X p . We only
need to show for any η ∈ Γ(T ∗ M), OX p η also depends only on X p . We need show
(OX p η)(Y), ∀Y ∈ Γ(T M), depends only on X p , not on c.
Consider Y ⊗ η, we have
OX p (Y ⊗ η) = (OX p Y) ⊗ η + Y ⊗ OX p η
⇒ X p (η(Y)) = η(OX p Y) + (OX p η)Y
⇔(OX p η)(Y) = X p (η(Y)) − η(OX p Y)
Now, for any tensor field A, and a field X, we can define (OX A)(p) = OX p A, ∀p ∈
∂ ∂Y j ∂ ∂
∇X Y = ∇X i ∂ ) = Xi i
(Y j + X i Y j ∇ ∂i j .
∂xi∂x j ∂x ∂x j ∂x ∂x
∈ Γ(T M), there exists functions ikj s.t. ∇ ∂i |c(t) ∂x∂ j = ikj , k = 1, 2, · · · , n
n o n o
Since ∇ ∂i ∂x j
∂x ∂x
∂ n o
∇ ∂ = k
∂xi ∂x j ij
∂ n o ∂ n o ∂
⇒ ∇X Y = X(Y j ) + XiY j k
= (X(Y k ) + X i Y j
ij ) .
∂x j ij
∂xk ∂xk
n o
That is, the connection ∇ is determined by the n s smooth functions ikj .
Let c : [a, b] → M be a curve such that the relocity vector field ċ(t)(along c) is
parallel. Then locally, we can write c(t) = (x1 (t), · · · , xn (t)) and
Dċ(t) d ∂ dxi n k o ∂
0= = ẋk (t) k |c(t) + ẋ j (t) i j (x(t)) |c(t)
dt dt ∂x dt ∂xk
n o ∂
= ( ẍk (t) + ẋi (t) ẋ j (t) ikj (c(t))) k |c(t) .
n o
⇒ ẍk (t) + ikj (c(t)) ẋi (t) ẋ j (t) = 0, k = 1, · · · , n.
Recall the geodesic equation of a Riemannian manifold (M, g) are
We hope to find a connection, under which a geodesic is a curve whose velocity vector
field is parallel along it. That is, we are looking for a connection ∇, s.t.
n o 1 kl
ij = g (gl j,i + gil, j − gi j,l ).
From this aim, we see the connection has to be “compatible” with the Riemannian
Recall that along a geodesic γ, we have hγ̇, gammai
˙ g ≡ const. It is natural to require
g, as a (0,2)-tensor, is parallel w.r.t ∇. i.e.
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
gi j,k = (g( i , j )) = g(∇ ∂k i , j ) + g( k , ∇ ∂k j )
∂x k ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x
n o ∂ ∂ ∂ nlo ∂
= g( ki
l , ) + g( i , k j ).
∂xl ∂x j ∂x ∂xl
That is
n o n o
gi j,k = gl j l
ki + gil l
kj (1)
(1),(2),(3) give us
n o n o n o n o n o n o
gi j,k + gki, j − g jk,i = g jl ( kil − ikl ) + gkl ( jil − ilj ) + gil ( klj + jkl )
n o
gi j,k + gki, j − g jk,i = 2gil l
1 n o
⇒ g pi (gi j,k + gki, j − g jk,i ) = 2g pi gil klj
npo 1 p
k j = g (gi j,k + gki, j − g jk,i = Γk j .)
Then we obtain the christoffel symbols!!(That is, under such connections, a geodesic
is a curve whose velocity v.f. is parallel)
Express the condition (3.4.1) in global terms:
∂ ∂
∇ ∂ − ∇ ∂i k . (3.4.2)
∂xk ∂xi ∂x ∂x
For X, Y ∈ Γ(T M), only ∇X Y − ∇Y X is not a tensor. The global expression of LHS of
(3.4.2) is as follows. For X, Y ∈ Γ(T M)
Example 3.1.
T ( f X, Y) = ∇ f X Y − ∇Y ( f X) − [ f X, Y]
= f ∇X Y − Y( f )X − f ∇Y X − f XY + Y( f )X + f Y X
= f T (X, Y)
So, our calculations tell us: A torsion free connection ∇ which is compatible with
g has in each coordinate neighborhood.
n o
jk = Γijk .
In this language, our previous calculations tell that if a Levi-Civita connection ex-
ists on (M, g), it is uniquely determined by the Christoffel symbols.
Conversly, we can define a connection ∇ as follows: in each coordinate neighbor-
hood (U, x),
∂ ∂Y k ∂
∇X Y := ∇X i ∂ (Y j ) := (X i i + X i Y j Γkij ) k .
∂xi ∂x j ∂X ∂x
We can check this is well-defined, and ∇ is torsion free and is compatible with g. This
shows the existence of a Levi-Civita connections on (M, g).
Actually, we prove the following important result.
Γ(T M),
g(∇X Y, Z) : = h∇X Y, Zi = X(hY, Zi) − hY, ∇X Zi (3.4.3)
torsion f ree
= X(hY, Zi) − hY, ∇Z X + [X, Z]i
= X(hY, Zi) − hY, ∇Z Xi − hY, [X, Z]i
= X(hY, Zi) − (ZhY, Zi − h∇Z Y, Xi) − hY, [X, Z]i
= X(hY, Zi) − Z(hY, Xi) + h∇Z Y, Xi − hY, [X, Z]i
torsion− f ree
= X(hY, Zi) − Z(hY, Xi) + h∇Y Z, Xi + h[Z, Y], Xi − hY, [X, Z]i
= X(hY, Zi) − Z(hY, Xi) + Y(hZ, Xi) − hZ, ∇Y Xi + h[Z, Y], Xi − hY, [X, Z]i
torsion f ree
= X(hY, Zi) − Z(hY, Xi) + Y(hZ, Xi) − hZ, ∇X Yi − hZ, [Y, X]i + h[Z, Y], Xi − hY, [X, Z]i.
⇒ 2h∇X Y, Zi = XhY, Zi + YhZ, Xi − ZhX, Yi − hrX, [Y, Z]i + hY, [Z, X]i + hZ, [X, Y]i
2h∇X Y, Zi = XhY, Zi + YhZ, Xi − ZhX, Yi − hX, [Y, Z]i + hY, [Z, X]i + hZ, [X, Y]i
Exercise 3.4. Suppose we know the following fact: There exists three vector field on
S 3 ⊂ R4 , i, j, k, which are linearly independent at any point of S 3 , such that
[i, j] = k, [ j, k] = i, [k, i] = j.
Proof. ⇒: Let c : [a, b] → M be a smooth curve with p = c(a). The parallel transport
is an isomorphism.
⇐: i.e. any parallel transport is an isometry⇒ ∇ is compatible with g.
For any X, Y, Z ∈ Γ(T M). Look at X(p), X(hY, Zi) = X(p)hY, Zi. Let c : [0, 1] → M
with c(0) = p, ċ(0) = X(p). We have XhY, Zi = dtd |t=0 hY(c(t)), Z(c(t))i.
Let {E1 , · · · , En } is an orthonormal basis of T p M, and {E1 (t), · · · , En (t)} is given by
Ei (t) = Pc,t Ei . Since Pc,t is isomotry, {Ei (t)} is orthonormal(∀t).
⇒ hY(c(t)), Z(c(t))i = hY i (t)Ei (t), Z i (t)Ei (t)i = Y i (t)Z j (t)δi j = Y i (t)Z i (t).
X d X dY i X dZ i
⇒ XhY, Zi = |t=0 (Y i (t)Z i (t)) = (0)Z i (0) + Y i (0) (0)
dt i
dt i
=h |t=0 , Zi + hY, |t=0 i
dt dt
=h∇X(p) Y, Zi + hY, ∇X(p) Zi
dt =0
metric compatibility
∇ dc hVt , Wt i = h∇ dc Vt , Wt i + hVt , ∇ dc Wt i = 0.
dt dt dt
That is Pc,a,t preserves the norms of vectors and angles between vectors. ⇒ Pc,a,t is an
In general, we have to use the following property of induced connection:
d DVt DWt
hVt , Wt i = h , Wt i + hVt , i. (3.4.5)
dt dt dt
We calculate
hVt , Wt i
d ∂ ∂
= (V i (t)W j (t)h i |c(t) , j |c(t) i)
dt ∂x ∂x
d ∂ ∂ d ∂ ∂
= (V i (t)W j (t))h i |c(t) , j |c(t) i + V i (t)W j (t) h i |c(t) , j |c(t) i
dt ∂x ∂x dt ∂x ∂x
∂ ∂ d ∂ ∂
= (V̇ i (t)W j (t) + V i (t)Ẇ j (t))h i |c(t) , j |c(t) i + V i (t)W j (t)dc( )h i |c(t) , j |c(t) i
∂x ∂x dt ∂x ∂x
∂ ∂
= (V̇ i (t)W j (t) + V i (t)Ẇ j (t))h i |c(t) , j |c(t) i
∂x ∂x
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
+ V (t)W (t)(h∇dc( d ) i , j i + h i |c(t) , ∇dc( d ) j |c(t) i)
i j
dt ∂x ∂x ∂x dt ∂x
∂ ∂ ∂
= hV̇ (t) i |c(t) + V (t)∇dc( d ) i , W (t) j |c(t) i
i i j
∂x dt ∂x ∂x
∂ ∂ ∂
+ hV (t) i |c(t) , Ẇ (t) j |c(t) + W (t)∇dc( d ) j i
i j j
∂x ∂x dt ∂x
=h , Wt i + hVt , i.
dt dt
∇ of ∇ com-
Remark 1: In fact (3.4.5) is a general property of the induced connection e
patible with g. Let ϕ : N → M be a C ∞ map, u ∈ T x N, V, W are two smooth vector
fielda along ϕ, then
∇u V.Wi + hV, e
he ∇u Wi = uhV, Wi.
∇ ∂ V(x, y) = (
e )(x,y)
∂x ∂x
can be considered as the covariant derivative along c(t) := s(t, y) of the vector field
t 7→ V(t, y) along c, evalued at t = x. Similarly, we have e
∇ ∂ V = DV
∂y . Then, we have
D ∂s D ∂s
= (3.4.6)
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x
∇ ∂ ds( ∂y
Remark 3.11. In symbols of induced connection, (3.4.5) can be written as e )=
∂ ∂ ∂
∇ ∂ ds( ). In case ds( ), ds( ) are both vector fields on M, (e.g. when s is an em-
∂x ∂x ∂y
bedding), is equivalent to say
∂ ∂
∇ds( ∂ ) ds( ) = ∇ds( ∂ ) ds( ).
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x
This equivalent to the torsion free property since
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
[ds( ), ds( )] = ds([ , ]) = 0.
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
∂s ∂ ∂si ∂ ∂s ∂ ∂si ∂
= ds( ) , = ds( ) = .
∂y ∂y ∂y ∂si ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂si
D ∂s ∂2 si ∂ ∂si ∂
= + ∇ ∂
∂x ∂y ∂x∂y ∂s i ∂y ds( ∂x ) ∂si
∂si ∂ ∂si ∂s j ∂
= + ∇∂
∂x∂y ∂s i ∂y ∂x ∂s j ∂si
D ∂s ∂2 s i ∂si ∂s j ∂
= + ∇ ∂i j .
∂y ∂x ∂y∂x ∂y ∂x ∂s ∂s
Then the proposition follows from the fact that
∂2 s i ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
and ∇ ∂ j i − ∇ ∂i j = [ i , j ] = 0
∂y∂x ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s
1 b
E(γ) := hγ̇(t), γ̇(t)idt
2 a
1 b
d d
= hdγ( ), dγ( )idt.
2 a dt dt
Show that
∂ ∂α ∂α
dE(α(s)) Dγ̇(t) Dγ̇ Dγ̇
| s=0 = − hdα( )(0, t), idt − h (0, a), (a)i + h (0, b), (b)i
ds a ∂s dt ∂s dt ∂s dt
Recall a calculation in coordinates has be carried out in our disscussions in Chapter 2, Geodesics.
Remark 3.12. Recall that any Riemannian manifold M can be embedded to the stan-
dard Euclidean space E isometrically. In the Euclidean space the Levi-Civita Connections e
is given by the directional derivatives. So for any X, Y ∈ Γ(T M), X, Y can also be ex-
tended to vecter fields X, Y on E(at least locally around M.) But usually ∇X Y(p) ∈
T p E is not lie in T p M any more, The orthogonal projection π : T p E → T p M gives
π(∇X Y(p)) ∈ T p M. One can check that π(∇X Y(p)) gives a Levi-Civita connection on M
w.r.t. the induced metric from E.
∂F ∂ ∂F ∂
= dF( ), = dF( ).
∂s ∂s ∂t ∂t
We also denote c s (t) = F(t, s).
∂F ∂F
Definition 3.7. We call V(t) = ∂s (t, 0) = ∂s (c(t)) the variation field of f along c.(It is
a vector field along c)
Theorem 3.2. (The First Variation Formula) Let F(t, s) be a variation of a smooth
curve c. Let us write L(s) := L(c s ), E(s) := E(c s ) for simplicity. Then
Z b
d 1 d
| s=0 L(s) := L0 (0) = ( hV(t), ċ(t)i − hV(t), ∇ ∂ ċ(t)i)dt
ds a |ċ(t)| dt ∂t
Z b
| s=0 E(s) := E 0 (0) = hV(b), ċ(b)i − hV(a), ċ(a)i − −hV(t), ∇ ∂ ċ(t)idt.
ds a
d ∂F
d 1
L(s) = h (t, s), (t, s)i 2 dt
ds a ds ∂t ∂t
d ∂F ∂F
Z b
= h (t, s), (t, s)idt
a 2h
∂F ∂F 1
ds ∂t ∂t
∂t (t, s), ∂t (t, s)i
∂F ∂F
Z b
(3.4.5) 1
= he∇∂ (t, s), (t, s)idt
∂F ∂F 1 ∂s ∂t ∂t
a h
∂t (t, s), ∂t (t, s)i
∂F ∂F
Z b
(3.4.6) 1
= he∇∂ (t, s), (t, s)idt
∂F ∂F 1 ∂t ∂s ∂t
a h
∂t (t, s), ∂t (t, s)i
d ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
Z b
(3.4.5) 1
= ( h (t, s), (t, s)i − h (t, s), e
∇∂ (t, s)i)
a h
∂F ∂F 1
dt ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t
∂t (t, s), ∂t (t, s)i
Z b
d 1 d
⇒ | s=0 L(s) = ( hV(t), ċ(t)i − hV(t), e ∇ ∂ ċ(t)i)dt.
ds a |ċ(t)| dt ∂t
Observe that when c is parametrized proportionally to arc length i.e. |ċ(t)| ≡ const,
the variations of L and E leads to the same critical point.(We observed this fact using
Holder inequality in Chapter 2.)
A smooth curve c : [a, b] → M is a critical point of the energy E for all proper
∇ ∂ ċ(t)i = 0.(i.e. c is a geodesic.)
variations iff e
E 0 (0)
k Z b
d X
= | s=0 E(c s ) = hV(b), ċ(b)i − hV(a), ċ(a)i − hV(ti ), γ̇(ti+ ) − γ̇(ti− )i − hV(t), ∇ ∂ ċ(t)idt.
ds i=1 a
It turns out the first variation formulas are also very useful for non-proper varia-
tions. We discuss here Gauss’ lemma. Recall in a normal neighborhood U p of a point
p ∈ M, we can introduce a polar coordinate such that g = dr ⊗ dr + gϕϕ (r, ϕ)dϕ ⊗ dϕ.
Here the fact gr,ϕ ≡ 0 on the whole U p is also called Gauss’ lemma.
Lemma 3.2. (Gauss’ Lemma). In U p , the geodesics through p are perpendicular to
the hypersurfaces {exp p (v) : kvk = const < δ}.(Piecely, let v ∈ T p M, ρ(t) = tv is a ray
through 0 ∈ T p M. Let ω ∈ T ρ(r) (T p M) is perpendicular to ρ0 (r). Then
Proof. Let v(s) : (−, ) → T p M be a curve with v(0) = rv = ρ(r), v̇(0) = ω, and
kv(s)k = r.
Then we have a variation F(t, s) = exp p (tv(s)), t ∈ [0, r], s ∈ (−, ). with F(t, 0) =
exp p (tv) = c(t). Rr
Notice that E(c s ) = 21 0 hv(s), v(s)idt = 12 r3 ≡ const.
Theorem 2⇒
Z r
0 = E (0) = hV(r), ċ(r)i − hV(0), ċ(0)i −
hV(t), e
∇ ∂ ċ(t)idt.
∇ ∂ ċ(t) = 0, and V(0) =
Since e ∂s |t=0,s=0 = 0, we conclude
∂F ∂
V(r) = |t=r,s=0 = | s=0 exp p (rv(s)) = (dexp p )(ρ(r))(ω).
∂s ∂s
ċ(r) = (dexp p )(ρ(r))(ρ0 (r)).
⇒ ∇ f = d f is a (0,1)-tensor.
We can then discuss iteratively
∇2 f := ∇(∇ f ), ∇3 f = ∇(∇2 f ), · · ·
generally, ∇2 A, ∇3 A, · · ·
Warning: ∇2 A(· · · , X, Y) , ∇Y ∇X A(· · · )!!
For X, Y ∈ Γ(T M), we have=
∇2 f (X, Y) − ∇2 f (Y, X)
=Y X f − (∇Y X) f − XY f + (∇X Y) f
=[Y, X] f − (∇Y X − ∇X Y) f
=T (X, Y) f.
That is, when the connection ∇ is torsion-free, we have
∇X = (∇ ∂ X)dxi
∂X k ∂ ∂
= ⊗ dxi + X j Γkij k ⊗ dxi
∂xi ∂xk ∂x
∂X i
Therefore tr(∇X) = ∂xi
+ X j γii j .
proposition: Let ∇ be the Levi-Civita connection on (M, g). Then Γ jji = √1 ∂ i G.
G ∂x
(see Appendix) √ √
∂X i
+ X j γii j = ∂X + X i √1G ∂x∂ i G = √1G ∂x∂ i (X i G) = div(X).
∂xi ∂xi
# : T ∗ M → T M, ω 7→ #(ω). g(#(ω), Y) = ω(Y).
#S (X, ) = #(S i j X i dx j ) = S i j X i g jk .
Hence we have
1 ∂ ik √ ∂ f
∆f = √ (g G) i .
G ∂xk ∂x
Proof. Recall
1 jk
Γ jji =g (g jk,i + gki, j − g ji,k )
1 ∂
= g jk i (gik )
2 ∂x
1 ∂
= tr[(grs )n×n i (g jk )n×n ]
2 ∂x
Note moreover, (grs )n×n is the inverse matrix of (g jk )n×n .
We need the following result:
Lemma: Let A = A(t) be a family of nonsingular matrices that depends smoothly on t,
d d
tr(A−1 A−1 ) = ln det A.
dt dt
Sketch of proof: Observe the Lemma is obvious, when A is 1×1. For a diagonal matrix
−1 0
A1 (t) A1 (t)
= tr[
.. ..
. . ]
A−1 A0n (t)
n (t)
A1 (t)A01 (t)
X n
= tr
= A−1 0
i (t)Ai (t)
A−1 0 i=1
n (t)An (t)
A1 (t)
n n
d X d Y d ..
= ln Ai (t) = Ai (t) =
dt i=1
dt i=1 dt
ln det
An (t)
Recall both trace and det are invariants under similar transformation. For diago-
nalizable A, we have A = P−1 DP−1 . Then det A = det D and tr(A−1 dtd A) = tr(D−1 dtd D)
tr(P−1 DP(P−1 DP)0 ) = tr(P−1 D−1 P(P−1 )0 DP + P−1 D−1 PP−1 D0 P + P−1 D−1 PP−1 DP0 )
= tr(P(P−1 )0 + P−1 P0 ) + tr(D−1 D0 ) = tr(D−1 D0 )
The Riemannian curvature tensor was introduced by Riemann in his 1854 lecture as a
natural invariant for what is called the equivalence problem in Riemannian geometry.
This problem, comes out of the problem one faces when writing the same metric in two
different coordinates. Namely, how is one to know that they are the same or equivalent.
The idea is to find invariants of the metric that can be computed in coordinates and
then try to show that two metrics are equivalent if their invariant expressions are equal.
This problem was furthur classified by Christoffel.
Our previous discussions on geodesics and connections follow roughly the histori-
cal development. However, we will have a discussion on the curvature tensor different
from it’s historical development.(Notice that the idea of a connection postdates Rie-
mann’s introduction of the curvature tensor).
On retrospection of our previous discussions, roughly speaking ,”the first varia-
tion (of length or energy) gives the connection”. In this chapter, we will see, roughly
speaking, ”the second variation gives the curvation”!
∂2 b
∂ ∂F ∂F
E(v, w) = he
5∂ , idt
∂w∂v a ∂w ∂t ∂v ∂t
∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
Z !
= h∇ ∂ ∇ ∂ , i + h∇ ∂ ,∇ ∂ i dt (compatibility)
∂w ∂t ∂v ∂t ∂t ∂v ∂w ∂t
∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
Z !
= h∇ ∂ ∇ ∂ , i + h∇ ∂ ,∇∂ i dt (torsion − f ree)
∂w ∂t ∂v ∂t ∂t ∂v ∂t ∂w
Restrcting the above equation to the curve γ ,i.e. to the case where v = w = 0:
Z b
v=w=0 E(v, w) = h∇ ∂ ∇ ∂ V(t), γ̇(t)i + h∇ ∂ V(t), ∇ ∂ W(t)i dt
∂w∂v a
∂w ∂t ∂t ∂t
Now ,we hope to make use of the fact that γ is geodesic ,i.e.,∇ ∂ γ̇(t) = 0. For this
purpose,we hope to interchange the order of the covariant derivative ∇ ∂ , ∇ ∂ . Hence
∂w ∂t
we proceed:
Z b
v=w=0 E(v, w) = h∇ ∂ ∇ ∂ V(t) − ∇ ∂ ∇ ∂ V(t), γ̇(t)idt
∂w∂v a
∂w ∂t ∂t ∂w
Z b
+ (h∇ ∂ ∇ ∂ V(t), γ̇(t)i + h∇ ∂ V(t), ∇ ∂ W(t)i)dt
∂t ∂w ∂t ∂t
=: I + II
Z !
II = h∇ ∂ V(t), γ̇(t)i − h∇ ∂ V(t), ∇ ∂ γ̇(t)i + h∇ ∂ V, ∇ ∂ Wi dt
a ∂t ∂w ∂w ∂t ∂t ∂t
b Z b
= h∇ ∂ V(t), γ̇(t)i + h∇ ∂ V(t), ∇ ∂ W(t)idt.
∂w a ∂t ∂t
∂2 b Z b
E(v, w) = h∇ ∂ V(t), γ̇(t)i + h∇ ∂ V(t), ∇ ∂ W(t)i + h∇ ∂ ∇ ∂ V(t) − ∇ ∂ ∇ ∂ V(t), γ̇(t)i dt
∂w∂v ∂w ∂t ∂t ∂w ∂t ∂t ∂w
v=w=0 a a
Remark 4.1. Usually ,we will suppose the notation e 5 and proceed formula , as b if
vectors along γ were actually defined on M and write ∂w∂v |v=w=0 E(v, w) = h∇w V, γ̇i +
Rb a
h∇ j V, ∇ j Wi + h∇ ∇
w j V − ∇ ∇
j w V, γ̇i dt
Remark 4.2. In particular ,(SVF) tells
d2 b Z b
E(v) =: E 00
(0) = h∇ ∂ V(t), γ̇(t)i +
h∇ ∂ V(t), ∇ ∂ V(t)i+h∇ ∂ ∇ ∂ V(t)−∇ ∂ ∇ ∂ V(t), γ̇(t)idt
dv2 v=0 ∂v ∂t ∂t ∂v ∂t ∂t ∂v
a a
Now we see the sign of the second term is very importan to decide the sign of E”(0),
which is useful to decide whther a geodesic has a locally minimal energy functional
(for curves parametrized proportionally to arclength, equicalent to a locally minimal
arc length).
In particular ,if the second term vanishes,(or ≥ 0), we have E”(0) ≥ 0 and the local
minimum is guaranted.
In Rn (a flat case), any geodesic is minimizing. From that sense , te term
:= I(V(t), W(t))
We will see this quality plays a central role in our subsequent discussions about curvature-
related geometries.
The second term in I(V, W) suggests to define for X, Y, Z ∈ Γ(T M),
R̄(X, f Y)Z = ∇X ( f ∇Y Z) − f ∇Y ∇X Z
= X( f )∇Y Z + f [∇X ∇Y Z − ∇Y ∇X Z]
Sketch of proof: First by the locality remark above ,at each point s(x, y) ∈ M, the
RHS is well-defined since
∂s ∂ ∂s
= ds , , V ∈ T s(x,y) M.
∂x ∂x ∂y
Then (*) can be proved by computing in a coordinate neighborhood.
Definition of both sides are clear: pick (u, x1 , x2 ....xn ), s(x, y) = (s1 (x, y), ..., sn (x, y))
∂s ∂s ∂si ∂s j k ∂ ∂ ∂
! !
R , V= V R , j
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂x ∂xk
while in LHS
D ∂V i (x, y) ∂ ∂
V= + V i ∇ds( ∂ ) k
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂xk ∂y ∂x
D ∂V i ∂ i ∂s
= +V ∇∂
∂x ∂y ∂xi ∂y ∂x j ∂xk
∂2 V i ∂ ∂V i ∂s j ∂ ∂ i ∂s
∂ i ∂s ∂s
j l
= + ∇ ∂ + V ∇ ∂ + V ∇ ∂l ∇ ∂ j k
∂x∂y ∂x i ∂y ∂x ∂x j ∂x i ∂x ∂y ∂x j ∂x k ∂y ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x
So the meaning of each term is clear. The equality (*) then just follows from direct
In particular , 6.4.2 tells
and hence
Z b
I(V, W) = h∇ ∂ V(t), ∇ ∂ W(t)i + hR(W(t), γ̇(t))V(t), γ̇(t)idt
∂t ∂t
Z b
= h∇γ̇ (t)V(t), ∇γ̇(t) W(t)i + hR(W, γ̇), γ̇i(t)dt
∇2 f (X, Y) = ∇2 f (Y, X)
For any tensor field Φ ∈ Γ( T M), we can define
It is obvious that
Remark 4.4. In Euclidean space Rn , pick the directional derivative as the covariant
derivative .One easily check that R(X, Y) vanishes. In Rn , we can interchange the order
of taking derivatives freely . However this is not true anymore when R is nontrivial.
Theorem 4.1. Let (M, g) be an n-dim Riemannian manifold for which the curvature
tensor R (for the Levi-Civita connection) is 0. Then M is locally isometric to Rn with
its canonical Riemannian metric .
To prove this theorem, it is equivalent to show there exist open setV ⊂ U, and a
coordinate change x : V → Rn , s.t. g = i dxi ⊗ dxi
So without loss of generality, we can assume we are in Rn ,with y1 ..., yn the standard
coordinate system ,with a metric g = gi j dyi ⊗ dy j and ∇ be the corresponding Levi-
Civita connection
Step 1:We claim that we can find vector fields X, with arbitrary initial values X(0) ∈
T 0 Rn , satisfying
∇ ∂i X = 0, f or all i
By construction ,we have e ∂ X = 0 along s
while e ∂ X = 0 along {s(y, 0)}
∇ ∂1 X vanish along s?
Question: Does e
Now we use
∂s ∂s
∇ ∂1 ∇ ∂2 X − ∇ ∂2 ∇ ∂1 X = R , X = 0 ⇐⇒ e ∇ ∂1 X) = 0
∇ ∂2 (e (*)
∂y ∂y ∂y ∂y ∂y1 ∂y2 ∂y ∂y
∇ ∂1 X
Since e = 0,i.e., e
∇ ∂1 X is parallel along {s(y, 0)},
∂y y2 =0 ∂y
We have by (*) e ∂ X = 0 along s .
We can continue in this way to obtain the desired X . This proves the claim.
Now at 0,we can choose X1(0) , ..., Xn(0) as orthonormal w.r.t the metric g . And con-
struct X1 , ..., Xn in the above way. By property of parallel transport, they are orthonor-
mal everywhere.
Step 2: Since ∇ is torsion free , we have
0 = ∇Xi X j − ∇X j Xi − [Xi , X j ]
This means that thereis a coordinate system x1 , ..., xn with Xi = ∂x∂ i .(Frobenius
theorem in ”differential manifold” course . [xi , x j ] = 0 means intergrability.)
Step 3: Since ∂x∂1 , ..., ∂x∂n are orthonormal everywhere , we have
g= dxi ⊗ dxi
Corollary 4.1. If we find n everywhere linearly independent vector fields X1 , ..., Xn ,which
are parallel (i.e. ∇Z Xi = 0, ∀Z)
then the manifold is flat.
Proposition 4.4. The curvature tensor satisfies the following identities : For any
X, Y, Z, W ∈ Γ(T M),
(1)R(X, Y)Z = −R(Y, X)Z
(2)R(X, Y)Z + R(Y, Z)X + R(Z, X)Y = 0 (The first Bianchi identity)
(3)(∇X R) (Y, Z)W + (∇Y R) (Z, X)W + (∇Z R) (X, Y)W = 0 (The Second Bianchi iden-
Remark 4.6. Let T be any mapping with 3 vector field variables and values that canbe
added. Summing over cyclic permutations (denote by symbol ”S”)of the cariables
gives us a new map.
S T (X, Y, Z) = T (X, Y, Z) + T (Y, Z, X) + T (Z, X, Y)
For example , the Jacobi identity for vector fields can be written as S [X, [Y, Z]] = 0
In this way, the First Bianchi identity is S R(X, Y)Z = 0 while the second Bianchi
identity is S (∇X R)(Y, Z)W = 0
Proof. (1) is obvious from the definition
S R(X, Y)Z = S ∇X ∇Y Z − ∇Y ∇X Z − ∇[X,Y] Z
= S [∇[Y,Z] , ∇X ]W − S [∇[X,Y] , ∇Z ]W
γ ∂ ∂
! !
=∇ ∂i Γ jl γ − ∇ ∂ j Γγil γ
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x
∂Γ jl ∂ ∂
= i γ + Γγjl Γµiγ µ
∂x ∂x ∂x
∂Γγil ∂ ∂
− γ
− Γγil Γµjγ µ
∂x ∂x
j ∂x
∂Γ jl ∂Γil
k k
γ k γ k
= i − + Γ jl Γiγ − Γil Γ jγ k
∂x ∂x j ∂x
That is ,
∂Γkjl ∂Γkil
Rkli j = − + Γγjl Γkiγ − Γγil Γkjγ
∂xi ∂x j
We see Rkli j = −Rklji , and Rkli j + Rkijl + Rkjli = 0
∂Γ jl ∂Γm
= gkm i − ilj + Γγjl Γm − Γγ m
∂x ∂x iγ il jγ
∂Γmjl∂ ∂gkm
gkm =
gkm Γmjl − Γmjl
∂xi ∂x i ∂xi
1 ∂ p p
= g jk,l + gkl, j − g jl,k − Γ m
gmp Γ + g kp Γ
2 ∂xi jl ik im
∂ 2
∂ gkl
2 ∂ 2 !
1 g jk g jl
= + − − gmp Γmjl Γikp − gkp Γmjl Γim
2 ∂xi ∂xl ∂xi ∂x j ∂xi ∂xk
1 ∂2 g jk ∂2 gik ∂2 g jl ∂2 gil
m p m p
⇒ Rkli j = − − + + gmp Γ Γ − Γ Γ
2 ∂xi ∂xl ∂x j ∂xl ∂xi ∂xk ∂x j ∂xk il jk jl ik
Proof. Exercise
Corollary 4.3. Suppose hR1 (X, Y)Y, Xi = R2 (X, Y)Y, Xi, ∀X, Y , Then hR1 (X, Y)Z, Wi =
R2 (X, Y)Z, Wi, ∀X, Y, Z, W
Proof. It is clearly suffice to prove that if
Now we have
0 = hR(X, Y + W)(Y + W), Xi = hR(X, Y)Y, Xi + hR(X, Y)W, Xi + hR(X, W)Y, Xi + hR(X, W)W, Xi
= 2hR(X, Y)W, Xi, ∀X, Y, W(U se(1)(2)(4))
0 = hR(X + Z, Y)W, X + Zi
= hR(X, Y)W, Xi + hR(X, Y)W, Zi + hR(Z, Y)W, Xi + hR(Z, Y)W, Xi
0 = hR(X + W, Y)Y, X + Wi
We will obtain
(1)G(X, Y, Z, W) = −G(Y, X, Z, W)
(2)G(X, Y, W, Z) = −G(X, Y, Z, W)
(3)G(X, Y, Z, W) + G(Y, Z, X, W) + G(Z, X, Y, W) = 0
(4)G(X, Y, Z, W) = G(Z, W, X, Y)
Recall from last section that (4) is actually a consequence of properties (1)–(3)
Hence G behaves very similar to the Riemannian curvature tensor hR(X, Y)Z, Wi.
In particular ,for the linearly independent vector X p , Y p ∈ T p M,
G(X p , Y p , X p , Y p ) = hX p , X p ihY p , Y p i − hX p , Y p i2
= hX p , X p ihY p , Y p i − hX p , X p ihY p , Y p i cos2 θ
= hX p , X p ihY p , Y p i sin2 θ
G aX p + bY p , cX p + dY p , aX p + bY p , cX p + dY p
" !#2
a b
= det G Xp, Yp, Xp, Yp
c d
Therefore, we have
R Xp, Yp Yp, Xp R Xp, Yp, Xp, Yp
K Xp, Yp := =
G Xp, Yp, Xp, Yp G Xp, Yp, Xp, Yp
R Xp, Yp, Xp, Yp
=D ED E D E2
Xp, Xp Yp, Yp − Xp, Yp
π p = span(X p , Y p ) ⊂ T p M
That is , it is independent of the choice of basis {X p , Y p } of π p
x Y) = ∇dϕ(x) dϕ(Y)
dϕ(R(1) (X, Y)Z) = R(2) (dϕ(X), dϕ(Y))dϕ(Z) and g1 (R(1) (X, Y)Z, W) = g2 (R(2) (dϕ(X), dϕ(Y))dϕ(Z), dϕ(W))◦ϕ
Proposition 4.8. Let (m, g) be a Riemannian manifold , and let π p be a 2-dim subspave
of T p M , spanned by X p , Y p ∈ T p M . Let O ⊂ π p be a neighborhood of 0 ∈ T p M on
which exp p is a diffeomorphism , let i : exp p (O) ,→ M be the inclusion , and let R̄ be
the curvature tensor for exp p (O) with the induced Riemannian metric i∗ g. Then
R̄(X p , Y p )Y p , X p = R(X p , Y p )Y p , X p
hR(X p ,Y p )Y p ,X p i
Consequently ,K(π p ) = G(X p ,Y p ,X p ,Y p ) is the Gaussian curvature at p of the surface
exp p (O)
Proposition 4.9. The Riemannian curvature tensor at p is determined by all the sec-
tional curvature at p.
Definition 4.2. A Riemannian manifold (M, g) is said to have constant (sectional) curvature
if its sectional curature K(π p ) is a constant,i.e. is independent of p and is independent
of π p ∈ T p M.
Proposition 4.10. A Riemannian manifold (M, g) has constant curvature k if and only
Proof. Recall both hR(X, Y)W, Zi and G(X, Y, Z, W) satisfy the symmetries (1)–(3) .Hence
Up to now ,we haven’t made use of the second Bianchi identity . Proposition 4.5
Remark 4.10. (1) Thm 4.2 is obviously not true for (M, g) with dim =2. We know in
that case (*) always holds, but M need not be of constant curvature.
(2) Thm4.2 says that the isometry of a Riemannian manifold ,i.e., the property that
at each point all directions are geometrically indistinguishable, implies the homogene-
ity , i.e., that all points are geometrically indistinguishable. In particular, a pointwise
propert implies a global one .
Before proving Thm 4.2 , we prepare the following lemma.
V(hX, Zi hY, Wi) = V(hX, Zi) hY, Wi + hX, Zi · V hY, Wi
and compatibility of ∇ with g ,we conclude
(∇V G)(X, Y, Z, W) = 0
R = f G, when f : M −→ R
Lemma 4.1 above tells ∇G = 0 Hence for all V ∈ Γ(T M),
we have ∇V R = ∇V ( f G) = V( f )G
By the second Bianchi Identity ,we have
and X p , 0, Y p , 0, |V p | = 1
then (*) implies
O = V p ( f ) hW p , X p ihZ p , Y p i − hW p , Y p ihZ p , X p i
+ X p ( f ) hW p , Y p ihZ p , V p i − hW p , V p ihZ p , Y p i
+ Y p ( f ) hW p , V p ihZ p , X p i − hW p , X p ihZ p , V p i
for ∀W p ∈ T p M
Hence 0 = X p ( f )Y p − Y p ( f )X p
However , X p , Y p = 0. That is
X p ( f ) = Y p ( f ) = 0, ∀X p , 0, Y p , 0
Notice that at p
R(·, Y)Z : T p M −→ T p M
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
! ! ! X
Ric pq := Ric , = tr X →
7 R X, = Rqj jp
∂x p ∂xq ∂x p ∂xq j
Moreover,we have
Rqj jp = gi j gil Rlq jp
j i, j
= gi j Riq jp
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
X * ! +
= g R ij
, ,
i, j
∂x j ∂x p ∂xq ∂xi
∂ ∂
* +
= tr R(·, p ) q , ·
∂x ∂x
∂ ∂
= trR ·, q , ·, p
∂x ∂x
Ric(Y, Z) = trR(,̇Y, ·, Z)
(as a (0,2)-tensor)
Recall the trace of a (0,2)-tensor from the section on Hessian .
In particular ,we observe that
Ric(Y, Z) = Ric(Z, Y)
Remark 4.11. Ricci curvature is again NOT a function on M . We can think of the
Ricci curvature as a function defined on one-dimensional subspace of T p M.
We can ask similar questions about Ricci curvature as in the case of sectional
curvature : What information do we lose when restricting the Ricci curvature tensor to
Ric(X, X ? The answer is again that we do not lose anything .
Lemma 4.2. Let T be a symmetric 2-tensor ,then for any X, Y ,we have
T (X, Y) = (T (X + Y, X + Y) − T (X, X) − T (Y, Y))
Ric(X p , Y p ) = (Ric(X p + Y p ) − Ric(X p ) − Ric(Y p ))
We actually should have normalized the length of the vector along which the Ricci
curvature is calculated. After that , Ricci curvature is defined on ”tangent directions”
X Ric(X) Ric(X, X)
Ric := =
kXk g(X, X) g(X, X)
Definition 4.4. The Ric manifold is called an Einstein manifold with Einstein constant
k , if
Ric(X) = kg(X, X), ∀X ∈ Γ(T M)
Ric(X p ) = trR(·, X p , ·, X p )
= R(ei , X p , ei , X p )
= K(ei , X p )
Ric = kg
Proof. Apply the second Bianchi identity in the same manner as in Theorem 4.2
Step 1: By Proposition 4.11 , the assumption implies
Ric = f g
∇g = 0
Hence ∀V ∈ Γ(T M), we have
∇V Ric = V( f )g
Step 2: Apply 2nd Bianchi Identity . At p ∈ M ,pick as normal coordinate (u, x1 , ..., xn ),
we have for X p , Y p , V p ∈ T p M
∇V Ric X p , Y p = V Ric X p , Y p − Ric ∇V p X p , Y p − Ric X p , ∇X Y p
n !
X ∂ ∂
= V p R , X p , i , Y p
∂x ∂x
∂ ∂
X !
− R , ∇V p X p , i , Y p
∂xi ∂x
∂ ∂
X !
− R , X p , , ∇ Y
Vp p
∂xi ∂xi
n ∂ ∂
X !!
= ∇V p R , X p , , Y p
∂xi ∂xi
n "
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
X #
0= ∇V p R( , X p , , Y p ) + ∇ ∂ R( , X p , Y p , V p ) + ∇Yp ( , X p , V p , )
∂xi ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi
X ∂
= ∇V p Ric(XP , Y p ) − ∇Y p Ric(X p , V p ) + ∇ ∂i R( , Xp, Yp, Vp)
∂x ∂xi
X ∂
= V p ( f )g(X p , Y p ) − Y p ( f )g(X p , V p ) + ∇ ∂i R( , Xp, Yp, Vp)
∂x ∂xi
Step 3: Pick special X p , Y p , V p
Let X p = Y p = ∂x∂ j , V p = ∂x∂h
We have
∂f ∂f X ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
0= − δ jh + ∇ ∂i R( i , j , j , h )
∂x h ∂x i
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x
Summing j from 1 to n,
n n
∂f ∂f XX ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
0=n· − h− ∇ ∂i R( j , i , j , h )
∂x h ∂x i=1 j=1
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x
∂f X ∂ ∂
= (n − 1) − (∇ ∂i Ric)( i , h )
∂x h
∂x ∂x ∂x
∂f X ∂f ∂ ∂
= (n − 1) − g( i , h )
∂x h
∂x ∂x ∂x
= (n − 2)
Hence, when n ≥ 3, we have ∂x h = 0,∀h = 1, 2..., n
Ric(X p ) Ric(X p )
= f (p), depends only on p implies = (n − 1) f (p) (b)
g(X p , X p ) g(X p , X p )
(a)+(b) =⇒ K(π p ) = f (p) ≡ constant
(2) In [BSSG] ,(M, g) is called Einstein if
Ric(X p ) = f (p)g(X p , X p )
when f (p) depends only on p . By Theorem 4.3 ,there is no difference from our
definition in case dim ≥ 3
[BSSG] ’s notation has the preperty that ”any 2-dim Riemannian manifold in Ein-
Definition 4.5. (Scalar curvature) The scalar curvature S is defined as the trace of the
Ricci curvature tensor (which is a symmetric (0,2)-tensor ),i.e.
S = gi j Rici j = trRic(·, ·)
Remark 4.14. (1) S is indeed a function on M.
(2) Let {e1 , ..., en } be an orthonormal basis of T p M , we have
X n
S (p) = tr(Ric)(p) = Ric(ei , ei ) = Ric(ei )
i=1 i=1
= trR(·, ei , ·, ei )
Xn Xn
= R(e j , ei , e j , ei )
i=1 j=1
n X
X n
= K(e j , ei )
i=1 j=1
=2 K(ei , e j )
i< j
S = nk
In other words,
Proof. ⇐= By definition
=⇒ Solving (**) for the case Ric(e1 ) = Ric(e2 ) = Ric(e3 ) we obtain K(e1 , e2 ) =
K(e2 , e3 ) = K(e1 , e3 )
But for scalar curvature , when n = 3 , there are metrics with constant scalar curva-
ture that are not Einstein.
We will see whether the (sectional, Ricci , scalar ) curvatures of Riemannian man-
ifolds are constant , or more generally although not constant but still bounded by some
inequalities have much implications to the analysis, geometry and topology of (M, g).
Ric X p , X p = R ei , X p , ei , X p
= R(ei , X p )X p , ei
= R(X p , ei )ei , X p
= #Ric X p , · , X p
=⇒ #Ric(X p , ·) = R(X p , ei )ei
X p 7→ R(X p , ei )ei
F :[a, b] × (−, ) −→ M
(t, v) 7→ F(t, v)
∂2 ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
Z b * + * +!
E(v) = ∇∂ ∇∂ , + ∇∂ ,∇∂ dt
∂v2 ∂v ∂t ∂v ∂t ∂t ∂v ∂t ∂v
∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
Z b * ! + * + * +
= R , , + ∇∂∇∂ , + ∇∂ ,∇∂ dt
a ∂v ∂t ∂v ∂t ∂t ∂v ∂v ∂t ∂t ∂v ∂t ∂v
∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂ ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
Z b* ! + Z b * + * +
=− R , , dt + ∇∂ , − ∇∂ ,∇∂ dt
a ∂v ∂t ∂t ∂v a ∂t
∂v ∂v ∂t ∂v ∂v ∂t ∂t
∂F ∂F
Z b* +
+ ∇∂ ,∇∂ dt
∂t ∂v ∂t ∂v
Proof. Use the fact ∇ ∂ ∂v = 0 since F is a geodesic variation
In particular , for a geodesic variation of a normal geodesic γ : [a, b] −→ M ,we
Z b
E(v) := E”(0) = (h∇T V, ∇T Vi − hR(V, T )T, Vi) dt
∂v2 v=0
Observe that when M has nonpositive sectional curvature , we have
∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
* ! + ! !
− R , , = −K , G , , , ≥0
∂v ∂t ∂t ∂v ∂v ∂t ∂v ∂t ∂v ∂t
Hence ∂v2
E(v) ≥ 0,for v ∈ (−, ). This tells immediately:
Corollary 4.4. On a Riemannian manifold with nonpositive sectional curvature , geodesics
with fixed endpoints are always locally minimizing
Remark 4.15. Here a geodesic γ is locally minimizing means that for rhis γ : [a, b] −→
M there exists some δ > 0,such that for any smooth curve c : [a, b] −→ M with
c(a) = γ(a), c(b) = γ(b) , d(γ(t), c(t)) ≤ δ, ∀t ∈ [a, b] we have E(c) ≥ E(γ)
Proof. For each t ∈ [a, b] ,Let δt be the parameter of the totally normal neighborhood
Wt of γ(t) (That is ,∀q ∈ Wt ,expq ) Since γ([a, b]) is compact , we can find a finite
subcover of the cover {expγ(t) B(0, δt )}t∈[a,b] . Hence we can find a positive number
δ > 0 for γ : [a, b] −→ M such that δt ≥ δ, ∀t ∈ [a, b]
Remark 4.16. (1) Note that the ”locally minimizing energy ” also implies ”locally
minimizing length” From the proof above , for any curve c : [a, b] −→ M close to the
normal geodesic γ(t), we can reparametrize c : [a, b] −→ M,s.t.
∂F ∂F
V(t) = (t, 0, 0), W(t) = (t, 0, 0)
∂v ∂w
the two corresponding variational field.
∂2 b
Z b
L(v, w) = (h∇T V, ∇T Wi − hR(W, T )T, Vi − T hV, T i T hW, T i) dt+h∇W V, T i
∂w∂v w=v=0
where T (t) := γ̇(t) is the velocity field along γ
(3) Consider the orthogonal component V, e We of V, W with respect to T , that is
V ⊥ := V − hV, T i T
W ⊥ := W − hW, T i T
Show that
∂2 b
Z D E D E b
L(v, w) = ∇T V ⊥ , ∇T W ⊥ − R(W ⊥ , T )T, V ⊥ dt + h∇W V, T i
∂w∂v (0,0) a a
Remark 4.17. Observe in the above proof, the ”properness ” of the variation F is only
used to conclude E 0 (0) = 0. When we consider variation of closed geodesics, i.e. a
γ : S 1 −→ M
When S 1 is the unit circle parametrized by [0, 2π).
(in fact , γ : S 1 −→ M, γ(0) = γ(2π), γ̇(0) = γ̇(2π) ), the argument in the proof
still works.
Corollary 4.5. On a Riemannian manifold with nonpositive (negative,resp) sectional
curvature , closed geodesics are locally minimiing .(strict local minima,resp)
Notice that on a manifold with vanishing curvature , closed geodesics are still lo-
cally minimizing , but not necessarily strictly so any more .On a manifold with positive
curvature , closed geodesics in general do not minimize anymore.(?) The following
picture is very imspiring .
d2 b Z b
v=0 E(v) = h∇V V, T i a +
h∇T V, ∇T Vi − hR(V, T )T, Vi dt
dv a
c0 , c1 : S 1 −→ M
are called homotopic if there exists a continuous map
F : S 1 × [0, 1] −→ M
with F(t, 0) = c0 (t).F(t, 1) = c1 (t),∀t ∈ S 1
And the concept of homotopy defines an equivalence relation of all closed curves
in M.
(2) Suppose (M, g) satisfy both the assumptions of Lemma 4.3 and that of Lemma
4.4 , then every homotopy class of closed curves in M contains the constant curve .
That is , M us simply connected , i.e.,π1 (M) = {1}. This is exactly what Synge Theorem
Theorem 4.5. [Synge,1936,On the connectivity of spaces of positive curvature ,Quar-
tely Journal of Mathematics (Oxford Series),7,316-320] Any compact, orientable, even-dimensional
Riemannian manifold,positive curvature is simply connected.
Now we start to prove Lemma 4.3 . In fact the restricitions ”orientable , even-
dimensional” guarantee the existence a parallel normal vector field along a nontrivial
closed geodesic.
If γ : [a, b] −→ M is not a closed one , it is not hard to find a parallel normal vector
field along it . Just pick a vector V(a) ∈ T γ(a) M, hV(a), γ̇(a)i = 0 and V(t) is given by
the parallel transport along γ.
But for a closed one , V(b) = Pγ.a.b V(a) is not necessarily coincide with V(a).
dim Λn (V ∗ ) = 1
and let Ω( f1 , ..., fn ) = det(aij )Ω(e1 , e..., en ) .
That is , given a non-zero Ω ∈ Λn (V ∗ ), two basis {ei },{ f j } have the same orientation
iff Ω( f1 , ..., fn ) and Ω(e1 , ..., en ) have the same sign . In this sense , a nonzero Ω ∈
Λn (V ∗ ) determines an orientation of V.
The second way of description can be generalized to the setting of a manifold. M
is orientable if there exists a C ∞ nowhere vanishing n-form ω. At each p ∈ M, the
basis of T p M are divided into two classes, those with ω(e1 , ..., en ) > 0 and those with
ω(e1 , ..., en ) < 0 . The first class is called the basis coherent with the orientation .
Lemma 4.6. Let (M, g) be an orientable Riemannian manifold and γ : [a, b] −→ M be
a closed curve . Then the parallel transport Pγ,a,b : T p M −→ T p M has determinant 1.
Proof. Since Pγ,a,b is orthogonal , we only need to show
det(Pγ,a,b ) > 0
Let ω be a C ∞ nowhere vanishing n-form ω on M , whose existence is guaranteed
by orientability . Let {ei } be a basis of T p M with ω(e1 , ..., en ) > 0.
Let {ei (t)} := {Pγ,a,b (ei )} be the parallel transport of {ei } along γ . Then t 7→
ω(e1 (t), ..., en (t)) is a nowhere vanishing c∞ function on [a,b] . In particular , ω(e1 (b), ..., en (b)) >
Proof of Lemma 1
Let γ : [a, b] −→ M be a nontrivial closed geodesic in M (let p = γ(a) = γ(b)).
By lemma 4.5 and 4.6 , there exists V(p) ∈ T p M,hV(p), γ̇(a)i 0 and Pγ,a,b V(p) =
Therefore V(t) := Pγ,a,b V(p) is a parallel normal vector field along γ .
Since γ([a, b]) is compact , there exists δ > 0,s.t.
F :[a, b] × (−δ, δ) −→ M
(t, v) 7→ expγ(t) vV(t)
For any t ∈ S 1 , let ct (s) : [0, 1] be the unique shortest geodesic from γ0 (t) to γ1 (t)
. (paramatrized proportionally arclength). Since ct depends continuously on its end
points. The map
F(t, s) := ct (s)
is contimuous and yields the desired homotopy.
Next we find the shortest curve in a given homotopy class by method of minimizing
sequence .
Let {γn }n∈N be a minimizing sequence for length in the given homotopy class.
Here and in the sequal , all curves are parametrized proportionally to arc length. γn :
[0, 2π] −→ M .
We may assume each γn us piecewise geodesic. This is because: there exists m,
0 = t0 < t1 < ... < tm < tm+1 = 2π
s.t.,L(γn |[ t j−1 , t j ]) ≤ ρ0 /2
(This is realizable since one can equally divide [0,2π],s.t.
ρ0 ρ0
|t j − t j−1 | = , j = 1, ..., m, |tm+1 − tm | <
2|γ̇| 2|γ̇|
l m
and m = 2π
ρ0 )
Then replacing γn by the shortest geodesic arc from γn (t j−1 ) to γn (t j ). By the
[t j−1 ,t j ]
claim , this will not change the homotopy class of the curve.
Equivalently to say, we have a minimizing sequence {γn }n such that for each γn ,
there exists p0,n , ..., pm,n for which d(p j−1 , p j ) ≤ ρ0 /2, j = 1, ..., m+1 with pm+1,n = p0,n
and for which γn contains the shortest geodesic from p j−1 to p j .
Since {γn }n is minimizing , the length of γn are bounded, say L(γn ) ≤ C. Then we
can assume that m is independent of n. (This is because L(γn ) ≤ C =⇒ |γ̇n | ≤ 2π C
m ≤ ρ0 + 1 ≤ ρ0 + 1)
Since M id compact , after selection of a subsequence , the points p0,n , ..., pm,n
converge to points p0 , ..., pm as n −→ ∞. The segment of γn from p j−1,n to p j,n then
converges to the shortest geodesic from p j−1 to p j (Recall such geodesic depends con-
tinuously on its end points).
The union of these geodesic segments yields a closed curve γ . By the claim ,γ is
still in the given homotopy class and L(γ) = limn−→∞ L(γn ),i.e. ,γ is the shortest one
in its homotopy class. Therefore ,γ has to be geodesic.(Otherwise, there exists p and q
on γ on which one of the two segments of γ) from p to q has length ≤ ρ0 /2, but is not
geodesic. Then replace this segment by the unique shortest geodesic from p to q. The
resulting curve lies still in the same homotopy class but with a shorter length , which is
a contradiction.)
Proof of Thoerem 4.5 Suppose M is not simply connected. Then there is a homo-
topy class of closed curves which are not homotopic to a constant curve. By Lemma
4.4 , there is a shortest closed geodesic γ in this given homotopy class . By Lemma 4.3
,γ cannot be minimizing , this is a contradiction.
Remark 4.19. (1) Synge theorem tells that any compact , orientable, even-dimensional
manifold which is not simply connected does not admit a metric of positive curvature.
(2) Examples: the real projective spave P2 (R) of dimension two, is compact, non-
orientable. Recall in Excercise (3),2(Homework 3 for 2017) ,we checked there is a
Riemannian metric on P2 (R),s.t. the covering map π : S 2 −→ P2 (R) is a local isometry.
Hence P2 (R) has sectional curvature 1¿0.
But we know π1 (P2 (R)) = Z2 . Hence ”orientability” in the assumption of Synge
Theorem is necessary.
Similarly, ”evem-dimensional” assumption is also necessary. P3 (R) is orientable,compact,
odd-dimensional , of positive curvature , but π1 (P3 (R)) = Z2 .
The above examples are inspiring and it is natural to ask what we can say when
(M, g) is not orientable or not even-dimensional.
Corollary 4.6. Let (M, g) be a compact,non-orientable,even-dimensional Riemannian
manifold of positive sectional curvature, then π1 (M) = Z2 .
Theorem 4.6. (Synge 1936) Let (M, g) be a compact , odd-dimensional Riemannian
manifold of positive sectional curvature, then M is orientable.
Remark 4.20. In particular, Corollary 4.6 gives a geometric proof of the fact π1 (Pn (R)) =
Z2 , when n even (knowing Pn (R) is non-orientable for n is even . Although π1 (Pn (R)) =
Z2 , ∀n).Theorem 4.6 gives a geometric proof of the fact Pn (R) is orientable for n odd.
But we can not say too much about the fundamental group π1 (M) for a compact,odd-
dimensional manifold admitting a metric of positive curvature.
The proofs use property of the orientable double cover of a non-orientable mani-
fold. In order not to interupt our current topic too much , we postpone the proofs.
Bonnet-Myers Theorem :[PP,Chap 6,4.1]
The following lemma was first priven by Bonnet for surfaces and later by Synge
for general Riemannian manifolds as an application of his (SVF).
Lemma 4.7. (Bonnet 1855 and Synge 1926) Let(M, g) be a Riemannian manifold with
sectional curvature ≤ k > 0 . Then geodesics of length ¿ √πk cannot be (locally) mini-
Proof. Let γ : [0, l] −→ M be a normal (i.e. |γ̇| = 1) geodesic of length l > √π .
Let E(0) be a unit vector in T γ(0) M with hE(0), γ̇(0)i = 0.
Then we obtain E(t) := Pγ,0,t E(0) a parallel (vector field along γ).
Consider the following vector field along γ
V(t) := sin(πt/l)E(t)
It corresponds to a proper variation since V(0) = V(l) = 0
By (SVF):
E(v) = E”(0) =
h∇T V, ∇T Vi − hR(V, T )T, Vi dt
dv2 v=0 a
Observe ∇T V = sin0 (πt/l)E(t) = l cos(πt/l)E(t) and hence h∇T V, ∇T Vi = ( πl )2 cos2 (πt/l)
π 2 l
Z Z l
=⇒ E”(0) = 2
( ) cos (πt/l)dt − sin2 (πt/l)K(E, T )dt
0 l 0
π 2 l
Z Z l
≤( ) cos (πt/l)dt − k sin2 (πt/l)dt
l 0 0
π π
Z lh i
<k cos2 (πt/l) − sin2 (πt/l) dt (S ince l > √ =⇒ ( )2 < k)
0 k l
Z l
=k cos(2πt/l)dt = 0
Hence all nearby curves in the variation are shorter than γ . (by the same argument
as in the end of the proof for Lemma 4.3)
In the above , we see that we actually has (n-1) choices of the parallel normal vector
fields along γ. When sectional curvature ≥ k > 0 , our above argument works for each
of these (n − 1) parallel vector field along γ. On the other hand , for our purpose here,
it’s enough to know that our above argument works for at least one of those (n − 1)
vector fields along γ. This leads to the following extension due to Myers.
Lemma 4.8. (Myers 1941). Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold with Ricci curvature
Ric≥ (n − 1)k > 0. Then geodesics of length > √πk cannot be minimizing.
π 2 l
Z l
E(vi ) = ( ) cos 2
(πt/l)dt − sin2 (πt/l)K(Ei , T )dt
dv2i vi =0 l
0 0
Z l Z l
<k cos2 (πt/l)dt − sin2 (πt/l)K(E, T )dt
0 0
n Z l Z l
X d2 X
E(vi ) < (n − 1)k cos2
(πt/l)dt − sin2
(πt/l) K(Ei , T ) dt
dv2i vi =0
i=2 0 0 i
| {z }
Ric(T )
Z l Z l
≤ (n − 1)k cos2 (πt/l)dt − (n − 1)k sin2 (πt/l)dt
0 0
π−1 (Uα )
xα ◦π
Uα / Rn
Proof. Suppose γ be a normal geodesic on (X,e g) with the maximal interval [0, b), b <
Since π is locally isometry, we have π(γ) : [0, b) −→ M is a geodesic of (M, g).
Since (M, g) is complete , we have the geodesic π(γ) in (M, g) can be extended to
π(γ)(b) := o ∈ M
a small normal neighborhood U of p in M. Then ∃a < b s.t. π(γ)(a) ∈ U and
π(γ) ∈ U. Let Ui be the connected component of π−1 (U) containing γ(a).
Then the isometry π−1 : U −→ Ui maps a geodesic to a geodesic. Hence the
geodesic γ van be extended over b in Ui . This contradicts to the maximality of b
The equivalene or homotopy classes of closed curves with fixed base point p ∈ M
form a group π1 (M, p), the fundamental group of M with base point p.
π1 (M, p) and π1 (M, q) are isomorphic for any p, q ∈ M. Hence , it make sense to
speak of the fundamental group π1 (M) of M without reference to a base point.
Let π : X −→ M be a covering map . A deck transformation is a homeomorphism
ϕ : X −→ X with π = π ◦ ϕ
M̄ = {(p, O p ) : p ∈ M, O p ∈ O p }
γ : [0, l] −→ M,
Then by d(p, f (p)) = inf q∈M d(q, f (q)), we know the ”≤ ” is an ”=” i.e.,d(p0 , f (p0 )) =
d(p0 , f (p)) + d( f (p), f (p0 ))
That is the curve γ 0 ∪ f ◦ γ 0 is a shortest curve and hence a geodesic.
[t ,l] [0,t ]
In particular , this implies ( f ◦˙ γ)(0) = γ̇(l).
Next consider P−1 γ,0,l ◦ d f p : T p M −→ T p M
Then it is an isometry and hence , an orthogonal transformation.
Note d f p (γ̇(0)) = ( f ◦˙ γ)(0), (since f (p) = f ◦ γ(0))
We have
n odd ⇒ k + l odd
) )
k even
We have ⇒ ⇒k>2
det = −1 ⇒ l odd k>1
⇒ ∃V ∈ T p M, < V, γ̇(0) >= 0, and P−1
γ,0,l ◦ d f p (V) = V
i.e. Pγ,0,l V = d f p (V)
F(t, 0) = γ(t)
F(0, s) = β(s)
F(l, s) = f ◦ β(s)
and = V(t)
∂s s=0
By the (SVF), we have
Z b
= h∇T V, ∇T Vi − hR(V, T )T, Vi dt < 0
ds2 s=0
This shows that ∃ small enough s,s.t. the curve γ s has the property L(γ s )2 ≤
2lE(γ s ) < 2lE(γ) = L(γ)2
Hence let p s = γ s (0), we have
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ 1 ∂2 g jk ∂2 gik ∂2 g jl ∂2 gil p m p
hR( , ) , i = ( − − + ) + gmp (Γm
il Γ jk − Γ jl Γik )
∂xi ∂x j ∂xl ∂xk 2 ∂xi ∂xl ∂x j ∂xl ∂xi ∂xk ∂x j ∂xk
recall from the previous discussion. For Rn , Rkli j = 0, ∀i, j, k, l.) Hence Rn is a space
form with sectional curvature 0. In fact, we have the following result:
Theorem 5.1. For any c ∈ R and any n ∈ Z+ , there exists a unique(upto isometries)
simply connected n-dimensional space form with constant sectional curvature c.
In order to discuss the existence for the other two cases c = +1 or −1, we first
introduce same useful ideas.
Remark 5.1. Recall from the Final Remark of our discussions about Levi-Civita con-
nection, we know for the Levi-Civita connection ∇ and ∇ for M and M respectively, we
∇γ̇ γ̇ = 0 ⇒ ∇γ̇ γ̇ = 0.
That is, γ is also a geodesic in M.
There is a characterization of totally geodesic submanifold by the second fundamental form.
In fact, the decomposition T p M = T p M
L ⊥
T p M is differentiable, and, hence, the
tangent bundle T M = T M
N M where N M is the normal bundle.
For any X, Y ∈ Γ(T M), define
B( f X, Y) = f B(X, Y) (easy)
B(X, f Y) = f B(X, Y)
We also have B(X, Y) = B(Y, X).(usingtorsion− f reeproperty.) B is called the second fundamental form
of the submanifold M in M.
Proof. Due to the property (5.1.1), we can speak of the map for all p
B : T p M × T p M → Np M
B(v, v) = 0, ∀v ∈ T p M,
Remark 5.2. Notice that by ∇γ̇ γ̇, ∇γ̇ γ̇ we are actually using the induced connection,
One can check B ≡ 0 ⇒ ∇ξ̇(t) ξ̇
Totally geodesic submanifold can be considered as a generalization of geodesics.
Rk ,→ Rk+1 is a totally geodesic submanifold but S 2 ⊂ R3 is not.
we have
Theorem 5.3. [WSY, p59, Lemma 3] Let f : (M, g) → (M, g) be an isometry. Then
every connected component of the fixed point set M = Fix( f ) = {p ∈ M| f (p) = p} is
totally geodesic submanifold.
Proof. Observe that Fix( f ) is a closed subset: It is the preimage of the diagonal in
M × M under the differentiable mapping p 7→ (p, f (p)) ∈ M × M. Let p ∈ Fix( f ). If p
is not isolated, consider H = {v ∈ T p M.
Let δ be small enough s.t.
is a diffeomorphism.
Claim: exp p (H B(0, δ)) = M B p (δ). This claims implies immediately that M
is submanifold of M.
Proof of the claim:
(1) ∀q ∈ M B p (δ), choose V ∈ B(0, δ) ⊂ T p M, s.t. exp p V = q and γ : [0, 1] →
(2) Let V ∈ H B(0, δ), let q = exp p V. Let γ : [0, 1] → M be the geodesic
γ(t) = exp p tV, then γ(0) = p, γ(1) = q. Then f ◦ γ is also a geodesic with ( f ◦ γ)(0) =
f (p) = p. Moreover ( f ◦˙ γ)(0) = d f p (γ̇(0)) = d f p (V) = V = γ̇(0), then by uniqueness,
f ◦ γ = γ, and in particular
Hence exp PV ⊂ B p (δ) M i.e. exp(H B(0, δ)) = B p (δ) M. This complete the
proof of the claim.
The above arguement (2) also tells that any geodesic γ in M with γ(0) ∈ M, γ̇(0) ∈
T γ(0) M satisfies f (γ) = γ. Hence M is a totally geodesic submanifold M.
x = r cos ϕ cos θ
y = r cos ϕ sin θ
z = r sin ϕ
g|S 2 = (dx2 + dy2 + dz2 )|S 2 = dϕ2 + cos2 ϕdθ2 .(r = 1) Then
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ 2
h , ih , i − h i, = cos2 ϕ.
∂θ ∂θ ∂ϕ ∂ϕ ∂θ ∂ϕ
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
hR( , ) , i
∂ϕ ∂θ ∂θ ∂ϕ
1 p m p
= (gθϕ,ϕθ − gϕϕ,θθ − gθθ,ϕϕ + gϕθ,θϕ ) + gmp (Γm
ϕθ Γθϕ − Γθθ Γϕϕ )
cos ϕ sin ϕ 1
(check Γϕϕθ = Γθθθ = Γϕϕϕ = 0, Γθϕθ = − .) = − gθθ,ϕϕ + gθθ Γ( ϕθ)θ Γθθϕ = cos2 ϕ
cos2 ϕ 2
⇒ sectionalcurvature K ≡ 1.
Proposition 5.2. The unit sphere S n ⊂ Rn+1 (n ≥ 2) has constant sectional curvature
Proof. n = 2 has been checked in Example 1.
When n ≥ 3, define an isometry f : Rn+1 → Rn+1 as below
It induce an isometry f : S n → S n .
3 2
Observe the set of fixed point of f : S n → S n = {(x1 , x2 , x3 , 0, · · · , c)| xi = 1} =
S 2 . Therefore, S 2 is a totally geodesic submanifold of S n . Since sectional curvature of
S 2 is 1, we have S n has sectional curvature K(π p ) = 1 for some π p ⊂ T p S 2 . For any
π0q ⊂ T q S n . Suppose π p = {e1 , e2 }, the positive vector of p be en+1 , π0q = span{e01 , e02 },
the positive vector of q be e0n+1 . First let rotate φ in span{en+1 , e0n+1 } be s.t. φ(en+1 ) =
e0n+1 and dφ(π p ) = πq . Then let φ0 be the ratation which fix q and send πq to π0q . Then
the isometry φ0 ◦ φ send p to q, and π p ⊂ T p S n to π0q ⊂ T q S n . Hence K(π0q ) = 1.
Proposition 5.3. The unit ball Bn = {x ∈ Rn |kxkh1} ⊂ Rn with the hyperbolic metric
4 X
g= P i22 dxi ⊗ dxi
(1 − (x ) ) i
Proof. First, we show (Bn , g) := H n is complete. Consider the curve γ(s) := ( ees −1
+1 , 0, · · · , 0).
We compute
4 ∂ es − 1 2
hγ̇(s), γ̇(s)ig = ( ( ))
(1 − ( e s −1
e s +1)2 )2 ∂s e s + 1
4 e s (e s + 1) − (e s − 1)e s 2
= 4es ( )
( (es +1)2 )2 (e s + 1)2
(e s + 1)4 (2e s )2
= =1
4e2s (e s + 1)4
(e, e1 ) 7→ (e, −e1 ), e ∈ E, e⊥ ∈ E ⊥ .
1 − ρ2 ∂ 1 − ρ2 ∂ 1 − ρ2 ∂
X1 = , X2 = , X3 = .
2 ∂ρ 2ρ ∂θ 2ρ cos θ ∂ϕ
1 − ρ2 ∂ 1 − ρ2 ∂ f 1 − ρ2 ∂ 1 − ρ2 ∂ f
[X1 , X2 ]( f ) = ( )− ( )
2 ∂ρ 2ρ ∂θ 2ρ ∂θ 2 ∂ρ
1 − ρ2 ∂ 1 − ρ2 ∂ f 1 − ρ2 1 − ρ2 ∂2 f 1 − ρ2 1 − ρ2 ∂2 f
= ( ) + −
2 ∂ρ 2ρ ∂θ 2 2ρ ∂ρ∂θ 2ρ 2 ∂θ∂ρ
1 − ρ2 ∂ 1 − ρ2 ∂
= ( ) f
2 ∂ρ 2ρ ∂θ
1 − ρ2 ∂ 1 − ρ2 ∂ 1 − ρ2 −(ρ2 + 1) ∂
⇒ [X1 , X2 ] = ( ) = .
2 ∂ρ 2ρ ∂θ 2 2ρ2 ∂θ
∂ 1 − ρ2 −2ρ(2ρ) − 2(1 − ρ2 ) −(ρ2 + 1)
( ( )= = )
∂ρ 2ρ 4ρ2 2ρ2
1 + ρ2
⇒ [X1 , X2 ] = − X2 . (1)
1 − ρ2
[X2 , X3 ] = + tan θX 3 (2)
−(ρ2 + 1)
[X1 , X3 ] = − X3 (3)
2h∇X Y, Zi = −hX, [Y, Z]i + hY, [Z, X]i + hZ, [X, Y]i.
1 − rho ∂ ρ + 1
2 2
1 + ρ2 ρ2 + 1
= (− )X1 + (− )X1
2 ∂ρ 2ρ 2ρ 2ρ
∂ ρ2 + 1 2ρ 2ρ − 2(ρ2 + 1) 2ρ2 − 2 ρ2 − 1
( )= = =
∂ρ 2ρ 4ρ2 4ρ2 2ρ2
1−ρ ρ −1
2 2
(ρ + 1)
2 2
⇒ R(X1 , X2 )X2 = − X1 − X1
2 2ρ2 4ρ2
(ρ2 − 1)2 − (ρ2 + 1)2
= X1 = −X1 .
ρ2 + 1 1 − ρ2 ρ2 + 1
=X1 (− )X1 + X1 ( tan θ)X2 + ∇X3 X3
2ρ 2ρ 2ρ
1 − ρ2 ρ2 − 1 1 − ρ2 ρ2 + 1 1 + ρ2 ρ2 + 1 1 + rho2 1 − ρ2
=− 2
X1 − 2
tan θX2 − X1 + tan θX2
2 2ρ 2 2ρ 2ρ 2ρ 2ρ 2ρ
(ρ2 − 1)2 − (ρ2 + 1)2
= X1 = −X1
1−ρ ∂ ρ +1
2 2
1−ρ ∂ 1−ρ
2 2
= (− )∇X2 X1 + ( tan θ)X2
2ρ ∂θ 2ρ 2ρ ∂θ 2ρ
1 − ρ2 1 − ρ2
+ tan θ∇X2 X2 − tan θ∇X3 X3
2ρ 2ρ
ρ2 + 1 ρ2 + 1 (1 − ρ)2 1
=− X2 + X2
2ρ 2ρ 4ρ2 cos2 θ
1 − ρ2 ρ2 + 1 1 − ρ2 ρ2 + 1
− tan θ X1 + tan θ X1
2ρ 2ρ 2ρ 2ρ
ρ2 + 1 ρ2 + 1
− tan θ tan θX2
2ρ 2ρ
(ρ2 + 1)2 (1 − ρ2 )2 1
=− X 2 + [ 2 − tan2 θ]X2
4ρ2 4ρ2 cos θ
(ρ2 − 1)2 − (ρ2 + 1)2
= X2 = −X2 .
Hence K(X2 , X3 ) = −1
5.3 Geodesics in Rn , S n , Hn
Since R2 , S 2 , H2 are totally geodesic submanifold of Rn , S n , Hn , respectively, we
only need to consider geodesics in R2 , S 2 .H2 .
c(r) := {x ∈ M : d(0, x) = r.
When r is small eougn, c(r) is the image of S (0, r) ⊂ T 0 M under the diffeomorphism
exp0 , i.e. c(r) = exp0 S (0, r).
5.3. GEODESICS IN RN , S N , HN 121
es − 1
γ : [0, ∞) → B2 , s 7→ p, ∀p ∈ ∂B2 .
es + 1
Z 2π
c− (r) = ρdθ|ρ= err −1
0 (1 − ρ2 ) e +1
er −1
2 er +1 e2r − 1 er − e−r
= r 2π = 2π = 2π
1− ( eer −1
+1 )
2 2er 2
⇒ c− (r) = 2π sinh r.
We see that c− (r) grows much faster than c0 (r).
In the above 3 particular cases, we see the sign of the curvature is closely related to
the behavior of geodesic. What happens in genernal?
In order to answer this question, we consider the quantity c(r) for a Riemannian
manifold (M, g). Let 0 ∈ M, and δi0 be a small number such that exp0 is a diffeomor-
phism on B(0, δ) ⊂ T 0 M.
Consider the polar coordinate (ρ, θ) in T 0 M. Then for any fixed r, er(θ) = (r, θ) is a
curve in T 0 M. dθ (r, θ) is the velocity field along e
Let r < δ, we have
Z 2π
d d
c(r) = hd exp( (r, θ)), d exp( (r, θ)) > dθ
0 0 dθ 0 dθ
So, for our purpose, we have to explore the interaction between the norm of d exp0 ( dθ (r, θ))
and the curvature of (M, g). Note that R T 0 M 3 ~p = (r, θ p ), if we write
d d
d exp( (r, θ)) = d exp(~p)( ).
0 dθ 0 dθ
In fact, we pick
t d
F : [0, r] × (−, ) → M, (t, s) 7→ exp (~p + s ).
0 r dθ
∂F ∂
We observe that F(t, 0) = γ(t), and ∂s (t, 0) = ∂s | s=0 exp0 rt (~p + s dθ
) is the variational
field along γ. In particular
∂F ∂ d
(r, 0) = | s=0 exp(~p + s )
∂s ∂s 0 dθ
=d exp(~p)( )
0 dθ
=d exp( (r, θ)).
0 dθ
In order to calculate ∂F ∂F
∂s (r, 0), we calculate the whole variational field. V(t) = ∂s (t, 0), t ∈
[0, r].
Here, we can be slightly more general: consider a general vector X ∈ T ~p (T 0 M) and
the variation
F(t, s) = exp (~p + sX), t ∈ [0, r], s ∈ (−, ).
0 r
Let V(t) := ∂s (t, 0) be the geodesic variational field along γ.
∂F e e ∂F
e ∇∂ =∇ ∂ ∇ ∂
∂t ∂t ∂s ∂t ∂s ∂t
∂F e e ∂F e e ∂F
∇∂e ∇∂ +∇∂∇∂ −∇∂ ∇∂
∂s ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂s ∂t ∂s ∂t ∂t
∂F ∂F ∂F
=R( , ) .
∂t ∂s ∂t
Definition 5.2. (Jacobi field), Let γ : [a, b] → M be a geodesic, and T be the velocity
field along γ. If a vector field V along γ satisfies
∇T ∇T V + R(V, T )T = 0, (5.3.1)
we call V a Jacobi field(along γ). The equation (5.3.1) is called the Jacobiequation.
5.3. GEODESICS IN RN , S N , HN 123
Choose parallel vector fields Y1 , · · · , Yn along γ which are orthonormal at γ(a), and
hence orthonormal everywhere along γ, then ∃ f i (t) s.t. V(t) = f i (t)Yi (t), and
d2 f i (t)
∇T ∇T V + R(V, T )T = Yi + f i R(Yi , T )T = 0
d2 f i (t)
⇔h Yi , Y j i + h f i R(Yi , T )T, Y j i = 0, ∀ j = 1, · · · , n.
d2 f j
⇔ 2 + f i (R(Y)i, T )T, Y j ) = 0, ∀ j = 1, · · · , n.
Hence, V(t) the solution of the above system of second order linear ODE. It will be
∇T V ∈ T 0 T γ(0) M. Recall
determined by its initial conditions V(0) and V̇(0) := e
V(0) = | s=0 F(t, s)|t=0
∂ ∂
= | s=0 F(0, s) = | s=0 exp 0 = 0
∂s ∂s 0
∂F ∂F
V̇(0) =∇T V(0) = e ∇∂ | s=0 (0, s) = e
∇∂ (0, 0)
∂t ∂s ∂s ∂t
∇ ∂ (~p + sX).
∂t r
Note 1r (~p + sX) is a vector field along the constant curve. By definition of induced
connection, we have
1 X
V̇(0) =e ∇ ∂ ( (~p + sX)) = ∈ T 0 (T 0 M)
∂s r r
i.e. f˙i (0)Yi (0) = = h , Yi (0)iYi (0)
r r
i.e. f˙i (0) = h , Yi (0)i.
So, in order to solve V(t), where V(r) = d exp0 (~p)(X) is what we need, we have solve
f¨ + hR(Yi , T )T, Y j i f i = 0, j = 1, · · · , n
f j (0) = 0
f˙ j (0) = hX, Y j (0)i
Next, we come back to the calculation of c(r):
Z 2π
d d 1
c(r) = hd exp( (r, θ)), d exp( (r, θ))i 2 dθ
0 0 dθ 0 dθ
f¨ + hR(Yi , T )T, Y j i f i = 0, j = 1, · · · , n
f j (0) = 0
1 d
f˙ j (0) = h (r, θ), Y j (0)i
r dθ
In particular, for the cases of R2 , S 2 , H2 . Let Y(t) be a unit parallel vector field along
γ s.t. hY(t), T (t)i = 0, ∀t.
By Gauss’s lemma, dθ d
(t, θ), t ∈ [0, r] is vertical to the radial geodesic at everywhere
t. In fact, the variational field V(t) along γ is perpendicular to γ everywhere.(by First
variational formula.) So, we can write
V(t) = f (t)Y(t).
f + hR(Y, T )T, Yi f = 0
f (0) = 0
1 d 1 d
f˙(0) = h (r, θ), Y(0)i = | (r, θ)| = 1
r dθ r dθ
f¨ + K f (t) = 0
f (0) = 0
f˙(0) = 1
c0 (r) = 2πr
c+ (r) = 2π sin r
c (r) = 2π sinh r
Therefore, (**) establish the relations between c(r) and the curvature.
d2 f j
+ f i hR(Yi , T )T, Y j i = 0, j = 1, · · · , n.
and Y1 , · · · , Yn are parallel orthonormal vector fields along γ. And the Jacobi field is
given by V(t) = f i (t)Yi (t).
Proof. (1),(2) follows directly from the theory of 2nd linear ODEs. Given U(0), U̇(0),
the 2nd order linear ODE has a unique solution.
For (3), assume the zero points are not discrete. Then there is an accermulated point
γ(t0 ). Then U(t0 ) = 0, and
∂ dfi ∂
U̇(0) = e
∇ ∂ ( f i (t) i ) = (t0 ) i + f i (t0 )e
∇ ∂ (t0 )
∂t ∂x dt ∂x ∂t
dfi ∂
U̇(t0 ) = (t0 ) i = 0.
dt ∂x
Then U is identically zero along γ
From our discussion in section 5.3, we have seen that the variational dield odf a
geodesic variation of a geodesic γ is a Jacobi field along γ. In fact, the converse also
Proof. (⇐) The calculations in the end of !!! proves this directions.
(⇒) Let U be a Jacobi field along γ. Let β : (−, ) → M be the geodesic with
β(0) = γ(0)
β̇(0) = U(0)
We put
F(t, 0) = exp tV(0) = exp tγ̇(0) = γ
β(0) γ(0)
and F(t, s) = expβ(s) t(V(s) + sW(s)) are all geodesics for s ∈ (−, ). That is F is a
geodesic variation of γ. Therefore its variational field
∂F ∂F
Y(t) =: (t, 0) = (t, s)| s=0
∂s ∂s
is a Jacobi field. Meanwhile, we have
∂ ∂
Y(0) = | s=0 F(0, s) = | s=0 exp 0 = β̇(0) = U(0)
∂s ∂s β(s)
Ẏ(0) =e
∇ ∂ F(t, s)| s=0
∂t ∂s
∇ ∂ F(t, s)| s=0
∂s ∂t
∇ ∂ (V(s) + sW(s))| s=0
=W(0) = U̇(0).
leads to a geodesic variation F(t, s) := γ s (t) whose variational field along γ0 (t) is a
Jacobi field U(t) with
U(0) = β̇(0), U̇(0) = W(0).
In particular, when β(s) = p ∈ M is a constant curve, we have.
(2) The 1-parameter family of geodesics
givea a “normal Jacobi field” U(t) with U(0) = 0, U̇(0) = W, and hU(t), γt0 (t)i =
0, ∀t.
Observe htW, tVi = 0. Recall the Gauss lemma we derived from the First variation
formula, we have, since U(t) is the variational fields, hU(t), γ̇0 (t)i = 0.
We will se later that normal Jacobi fields with U(0) = 0 are very important for any
further investigation.
Relations with the SVF:
Recall for proper variations of a geodesic γ, we have
∂2 b
|(0,0) E(v, w) = I(V, W) = h∇T W, ∇T Wi − hR(W, T )T, Vidt.
∂v∂w a
Observe that T (V, W) is bilinear. I(V, W) is also symmetric since E is C ∞ in (u, w).
Resturning to the original problem: to determine whether a geodesic is (locally)
minimizing. For that purpose, we hope to decide whether det( ∂v∂w )|(0,0) E(v, w) is
positive or not. We will see the existance of Jacobi field(vanishing at the two ends
γ(a), γ(b)) will be an obstruction.
I(U, Y) = 0
Z b
I(U, Y) = h∇T U, ∇T Yi − hR(U, T )T, Yidt
Z b
= h−∇T ∇T U, Yi − hR(U, T )T, Yidt
since ∇ is compatible with g and Y(a) = Y(b) = 0.
Z b
= h−∇T ∇T U − R(U, T )T, Yidt
| s=0 I(X + sY, X + sY) = 0
for all vector fields Y along γ with Y(a) = Y(b) = 0
Proof. We compute
| s=0 I(X + sY, X + sY) == 2I(X, Y).
Then Proposition 5.6 follows directly from Proposition 5.5.
Remark 5.4. The Jacobi equation is the Euler-Lagrange equation for I(X) = I(X, X).
In fact, one can consider the second variation for each critibal point os a variational
problem. The second variation then is a quadratic integral in the variation fields,
and the second variation may be considered as a new variational problem. This new
variational problem is called accessary variational problem of the original one.
Definition 5.3. (Conjugate points) Let γ : [a, b] → M be a geodesic. For t0 , t1 ∈ [a, b],
if there exists a Jacobi field U(t) along γ that does not vanish identically, but satisfies
U(t0 ) = U(t1 ) = 0
then t0 , t1 are called conjudate values along γ. The multiplicity of t0 and t1 as con-
jugate values is defined as the dimensions of the vector space consisting of all such
Jacobi fields. We also say γ(t0 ), γ(t1 ) are conjugate points of γ.(This terminology is
ambiguous when γ has self-intersetions).
Recall a Jacobi field U is determined by its initial values U(t0 ), U̇(t0 ) at any point
to. Hence, the multiplicity of two conjugate values t0 , t1 is clearly ≤ n. Actually, it is
≤ n − 1. This is because a Jacobi field which is tangent to γ and vanish at to will not
vanish at t1 .
Proposition 5.8. Let γ : [a, b] → M be a geodesic with velocity field T (t) = γ̇(t).
(1) The vector field f T along γ is a Jacobi field if and only if f is linear.
f T + U ⊥,
0 = ∇T ∇T ( f T ) = R( f T, T )T = f 00 (t)T.
Hence f is linear.
(2) Let U be a Jacobi field along γ, we can write U = f T + U ⊥ for some f and
some U ⊥ with hU ⊥ , T i = 0.
U is Jacobi⇒ 0 = ∇T ∇T ( f T + U ⊥ ) + R( f T + U ⊥ , T )T = f 00 T + ∇T ∇T U ⊥ +
R(U ⊥ , T )T.
In particular, we have
γ(τ) conjugate to γ(a), ∃ a geodesic η from γ(a) to γ(τ) with nearly the same length
as γ|[0,τ] .
Then η followed by γ|[τ,b] has nearly the same length as γ. By the first curve has a
corner, and can be shorten by replacing the corner with a minimal geodesic. Therefore
γ is not a minimizing curve.
In fact we have the following theorem of Jacobi.
The above results are direct consequences of the corresponding properties of index
forms, which will be discussed in the next subsection,
Next, we derive a characterization of the conjugate points in terms of critical point
of the exponential map.
Then 0 and 1 are conjugate values for γ if and only if V is a critical points of exp p .
Moreoverm the multiplicity of the conjugate values 0 and 1 is the dimension of the
kernel of d exp p : T V (T p M) → T γ(1) M.
Proof. “⇐” Supposs that V ∈ T p M is a critical point for exp p . That is 0 = d exp p (V̇)(X)
for some nonzero X ∈ T V (T p M). Let c be a path in T p M with c(0) = V, ċ(0) = X.
We put
F(t, s) = exp t(c(s)), t ∈ [0, 1].
Then F(t, 0) = exp p tV = γ, and γ s (t) = exp p tc(s) is a geodesic. That is, F is a
geodesic variation of γ. So the variational field
U(t) := | s=0 exp tc(s)
∂s p
∂ ∂
is a Jacobi field along γ. We compute U(0) = ∂s | s=0 exp p 0 = 0, and U(1) = ∂s | s=0 exp p c(s) =
d exp p (c(s))(ċ(0)) = d exp p (V̇)(X) = 0. Next, we hope to show U is not identically
5.6. INDEX FORMS 131
(the covariant derivative o f the vector f ield s 7→ c(s) along the constant curve s 7→ p)
=ċ(0) = X , 0.
ci (0) = V
ċ (0) = X , i = 1, · · · , n,
i i
And F(t, s) := d exp p tc1 (s) are geodesic variation of γ with variational fields Vi (t). The
Vi are Jacobi fields along γ which vanish at 0. Moreover, the Vi (1) := d exp p (V)(Xi )
are independent, so no nontrivial linear combination of the Vi can vanish at 1. Since
the vector space of Jacobi fields along γ which vanish at 0 has dimension exactly n, it
follows that no nonzero Jacobi field along γ vanishes at 0 and also at 1.
|(v,w)=(0,0) E(v, w) = I(V, W).
Let V := the set of all piecewise smooth vector fields along γ : [a, b] → M, and
Proof. Note that, comparing with Proposition 5.6, we here have U ∈ V may be piece-
wise smooth, and so does Y. However, a Jacobi field is smooth. (The result and proof
here is very much similar in sprit to the characterization of geodesic.(see previous exer-
cise); A piecewise smooth curve c is a geodesic if and only if, for every proper variation
Fof c, we have E 0 (0) = 0.)
(⇒) If U is a Jacobi field, then I(U, Y) = 0, ∀Y ∈ V0
Z b
I(U, Y) = (h∇T U, ∇T Yi − hR(Y, T )T, Ui)dt
Z b
= − h∇T ∇T U + R(U, T )T, Yidt + h∇T U, Yi|ba
− h∇T (t+j ) U − ∇T (t−j ) U, Yi.
Y ∈ V ⇒ h∇T U, Yi|ba = 0
U is smooth ⇒ h∇T (t+j ) U − ∇T (t−j ) U, Yi = 0
U is Jacobi
= 0
5.6. INDEX FORMS 133
f (ti ) = 0, i = 0, · · · , k + 1
Y(t j ) = 0, ∀i , j
Y(t j ) = ∇T (t+j ) U − ∇T (t−j ) U
Recall our previous discussions about SVF, we say the property “γ is loccaly min-
imizing” is equivalent to “I(V, V) = 0, ∀0 , V ∈ V0 ”. Since I(V, W) is a biliear,
symmetric from on the vector space V0 , the later condition is equivalent to say “I is
positive definite on V0 ”.
To illustrate the idea, we can compare the index form with the Hessian of a function
f : Rn → R. Consider a curve ξ in Rn , with ξ(0) ∈ Rn . Then the second order derivative
of f along ξ is ds 2 f (ξ(s)). Hessian of f valued at the vector ξ̇(0) is
f (ξ(s))| s=0 = Hess f (ξ̇(0), ξ̇(0)).
2 f (ξ(s))| s=0 only depends on ξ̇(0). Once we know f (ξ(s))| s=0 , ∀ξ,
In particular ds ds2
then we have Hess f (v, v) for any v, and hence
Hess f (v, w) = (Hess f (v + w, v + w) − Hess f (v, v) − Hess f (w, w)).
Analogously, we replace Rn by the space ℘ of all curves c : [a, b] → M. Given a “point”
of ℘, i.e. a curve γ ∈ ℘, consider a “curve” through it, i.e. a 1-parameter family of
curves {γ s }. Let E be a function E : ℘ → R. The restriction R ◦ γ s := E(s), and
d2 d2
E(γ s )| s=0 = E(s)| s=0 = “ Hess EhV(t), V(t)i00 .
ds2 ds2
By polaritation, one have “Hess E(V, W)”, the Hessian of E on the “Hilbert space of
curves”. All formal discussion here can ve made rigorous,
In particular, when considering ℘0 of all curves c : [a, b] → M s.t. c(a) =
γ(a), c(b) = γ(b), the “Hessian of E” is given by the index form.
Next, our aim is discuss the relation between Algeraic properties of the index form
of the geodesic γ and Minimizing properties of the geodesic γ. Given a normal geodesic
γ : [a, b] → M, we can imagine the end point γ(b) move from γ(a) slowly to γ(b).
When |b − a| is small enough, γ|[a.b] is minimizing, hence we can expect I is positive
definite on V0 .
By the rough idea we explained before Theorem 5.4, when |b − a| is large, s.t. there
is a conjugate value of a in (a, b), γ|[a,b] is not(locally) minimizing, then we can expect
∃ X s.t. I(X, X) < 0.
In the case of a and b are conjugate values of γ, we have from Proposition 5.6, for
any Jacobi field U along γ with U(a) = U(b) = 0, we have I(U, U) = 0.
Remark 5.6. Theorem refz.23 tells if γ(a) has no conjugate point along γ|[a,b] , then
for any [a, β] ⊂ [a, b], (α < β), γ(α) also has no conjugate point along γ|[α,β] . Since
otherwise, let Je be a nonzero Jacobi field along γ|[α,β] with J(α) e = 0 = J(β).
e Let Irs be
the index form of γ|[r,s] . Then let J|[a,α] ≡ 0 ≡ J|[β,b] , J|[α,β] = J.
Lemma 5.1. Let γ : [a, b] → M n be a geodesic, and γ(1) has no conjugate point along
γ. Then for any Va ∈ T γ(a) M and Vb ∈ T γ(b) M, there exists a unique Jacobi field U such
U(a) = Va , U(b) = Vb .
Proof. By proposition 5.4(2), the vector space of all Jacobi fields along γ is of dimen-
sion 2n. Let `0 be the subspace of Jacobi fields U with U(a) = Va . Then dim `0 = n.
Note that T γ(b) M is also a vector space with dim T γ(b) M = n. In fact, the linear trans-
A : `0 → T γ(b) M, U 7→ U(b)
is injective. This is because if we have U1 , U2 ∈ `0 s.t. U1 (b) = U2 (b).
5.6. INDEX FORMS 135
U1 − U2 (a) − 0, U1 − U2 (b) = 0.
Since γ(a) and γ(b) are not conjugate points, we have U1 − U2 ≡ 0. Therefore A is
injective, and hence, an isomorphism,
Proof of (1):
(⇒) Let {γ̇(b), E2 , · · · , En } be an orthonormal basis of T γ(b) M. From Lemma 1, ∃!
Jacobi field Ji along γ s.t.
Ji (0) = 0, Ji (b) = Ei , i = 2, · · · , n.
Moreover, Proposition 5.9(3) tells hJi (t), γ̇(t)i = 0, ∀t ∈ [a, b]. By the arguement in the
proof of Theorem ??, {Ji (t)} are linearly independent in any T γ(t) M.
For any U ∈ V0 , note
Z b
I( f γ̇(t), f γ̇(t)) = h f˙(t)γ̇(t), f˙(t)γ̇(t)idt ≥ 0,
Next, we compute
Z b
I(U, U) = h∇T ( f i Ji ), ∇T ( f j J j )i − hR( f i Ji , T )T, f j J j idt
Z b Z b Z b
= h f˙i Ji , f˙ j J j idt + h f˙i Ji , f j ∇T J j i + h f i ∇T Ji , f˙ j J j i
a a a
Z b Z b
+ f i f j h∇T Ji , ∇T J j idt − f i f j hR(Ji , T )T, J j idt.
a a
Z b Z b
S uppose C = h f ∇T Ji , f˙ J j i, D =
i j
f i f j h∇T Ji , ∇T J j idt
a a
Z b
E= f f hR(Ji , T )T, J j idt
i j
Observe that
Z b
D= f i f j h∇T Ji , ∇T J j idt
Z b
= { ( f i f j h∇T Ji , J j i) − f˙i f j h∇T Ji , J j i − f i f˙ j h∇T Ji , J j i − f i f j h∇T ∇T Ji , J j i}dt
a dt
Z b
= f f h∇T Ji , J j i|a −
i j b
f˙i f j h∇T Ji , J j i − C + E
Z b
=− f˙i f j h∇T Ji , J j i − C + E
(h∇T Ji , J j i − hJi , ∇T J j i) = h∇T ∇T Ji , J j i − hJi , ∇T ∇J j i
= − hR(Ji , T )T, J j i + hR(Ji , T )T, Ji i = 0, ∀t.
f˙i = 0
“= 00
⇔ f i = 0 ⇔ U = 0.
holds ⇔ i (5.6.3)
f (0) = 0 = f (b)
This proves the positive definiteness of I on V0 .
Proof of (2):
(⇒) Choose any c ∈ (a, b). Pick a parallel orthonormal vector fields {γ̇(t), E2 (t), · · · , En (t)}.
Then any U ∈ V0 = V0 (a, b),
U(t) = f i (t)Ei (t)
By Theorem ??(1), we know I c (τ(V), τ(V)) > 0. We can check by definition that
Z b
lim I c (τ(V), τ(V)) = I(V, V) = ( f˙i )2 − f i f j hR(Ei , T )T, E j idt ≥ 0.
c→b a
Hence I is positive sedefinite, since for any nonzero Jacobi field U with U(a) = U(b) =
0, we have I(U, U) = 0.
Proof of (3):
(“⇒”) Let t is conjugate to a along γ, and there is a nonzero Jacobi field J along γ
s.t. J(a) = J(t) = 0. Let Jebe the vector field along γ with
e = J(t), a ≤ t ≤ t
e = 0, t ≤ t ≤ b
∇ ∂ Je− ∇T Jesince
Notice that the discontinuity of e
Definition 5.5. (index and nullity of γ). We call for a geodesic γ : [a, b] → M
the index of γ.
We call
N(γ) = dim{X ∈ V0 |I(X, Y) = 0, ∀Y ∈ V0 }
the nullity of γ.
Remark 5.8. In fact, N(γ) is equal to the multiplicity of a and b as conjugate values.
If γ(b) is not conjugate to γ(a), then N(γ) = 0.
In this language, Theorem ??(3) can be restated as
Theorem 5.7. (Morse index Theorem:) The index of γ : [a, b] → M is the number
of t ∈ (a, b) which are conjugate to a, each conjugate value being counted with its
multiplicity. The index is always finite. That is
ind(γ) = N(γ|[a,t] ) < ∞.
For the proof, one need to show the index of γ increases by at least v as t passes
a conjugate value t with multiplicity v. This can be handled by essentially the same
trick which was used in the proof of Theorem ??(3). We refer to [WSY, Chapter 9] for
details of proof.(see [JJ, section 4.3] for an analytic proof!!)
It is a good point to reflect our proof of Bonet-Myers Theorem. We show that if
sectionalcurvature ≥ ki0, for a geodesic γ of length l > √πk , we have for
V(t) = sin( t)E(t)
where E(t) is a parallel vector field along γ,
I(V, V) = 0.
Clearly, this is a linear map, and 1-1.(Since on γ|[ti ,ti+1 ] , J is uniquely determined by
J(ti ) and J(ti+1 ).)
Therefore ϕ is a linear isometry, In particular, dim T 1 = nk < ∞.
Given any X ∈ V0⊥ (0, 1). Let JX := ϕ−1 (X(t1 ), · · · , X(tk )). Then we have JX ∈
T 1 , X − JX ∈ T 2 .
ind(γ) ≤ dim(T 1 ) ≤ ∞
Lemma 5.4. (i) ∀ τ ∈ (0, 1], ∃ δ > 0, s.t. ∀ ∈ [0, δ], we have ind(τ − ) = ind(τ).
(ii) ∀ τ ∈ [0, 1), ∃ δ > 0, s.t. ∀ ∈ [0, δ], we have ind(τ + ) = ind(τ) + N(τ).
Proof. For given τ, we can assume the division we choose previously has the property
that τ ∈ (t j , t j+1 ).
Define T 1 (τ) := {X ∈ V0⊥ (0, 1), X|[ti ,ti+1 ] is Jacobian, i = 0, · · · , j−1.X|[t j ,τ] is also Jacobian.}.
Similarly, consider
ϕτ : T 1 (τ) → T γ(t1 ) M ··· T γ(t j ) M, X 7→ (X(t1 ), · · · , X(t j ))
is a linear isometry.
I τ |T1 (τ) can be considered as a quadratic form over T γ(t1 ) M
··· T γ(t j ) M in the
I0τ (x, y) := I0τ ((ϕτ)−1 (x), (ϕτ)−1 (y)).
Note ind(τ) is the index of I0τ |T1 (τ) .
Hence ∀ X, Y ∈ T 1 (τ), denote Xi = X|[ti ,ti+1 ] , X j = X|[t j ,τ] .
I0τ (x, y) = h∇T Xi , Yi|tti+1
− h∇T X j (t j ), Y(t j )i.
For given division 0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < t j < t j+1 < · · · < tk+1 = 1,
T 1 (τ) T γ(t1 ) M ··· T γ(t j ) M
is a fixed vector space. So when τ changes, only h∇T Ẋ j (t j ), Y(t j )i change in I0τ (x, y),
where x = (x1 , · · · , x j ), y = (y1 , · · · , y j ) ∈
T γ(ti ) M.
X j (t j ) = x j , X j (τ) = 0
Y(t j ) = y j , Y(τ) = 0
This tells
By linear algebraic theory, the linear space T 1 (τ) can be decomposed into:
maximal positive definite subspace
maximal negative definite subspace
null space {X ∈ T 1 (τ)|I(X, Y) = 0, ∀ Y ∈ T 1 (τ)}
n j = dim( T γ(ti ) M) = ind+ (τ) + ind(τ) + N(τ).
Using ind+ (τ) = n j − ind(τ) − N(τ), we derive from (5.7.2) that
ind(τ ± ) ≤ ind(τ) + N(τ) − N(τ + ) ≤ ind(τ) + N(τ) (5.7.3)
Combining (5.7.1) and (5.7.3) gives
I0ξ (x, x) − I0τ (x, x) = Itξj (X j,ξ , X j,ξ ) − Itτj (X j,τ , X j,τ )
where X j,ξ is the Jacobi field with X j,ξ (t j ) = x j , X j,ξ (ξ) = 0, X j,τ is the Jacobi field with
X j,τ (t j ) = x j , X j,τ (τ) = 0.
By minimizing property of Jacobian field, we have
Observe that x j = (ϕξ )−1 (x)(t j ) , 0. Since otherwise, we have (ϕξ )−1 (x)|[t j ,ξ] ≡ 0. (γ|[t j ,ξ]
contains no conjugate point) and therefore (ϕξ )−1 (x)(x) ≡ 0 ⇒ x ≡ 0, contradicting to
x , 0.
Therefore, we have
In conclusion, (i)+(iiimplies
We have
ind(τ) ≤ ind(τ − ) ≤ ind(τ) − N(τ − ) ≤ ind(τ).
⇒ ind(τ) = ind(τ − ).
Proof. Let γ be a geodesic with velocity field along velocity field T (t) = γ̇(t) it. Let
U(t) be a Jacobi field along γ. Then
∇T ∇T U + R(U, T )T = 0.
Remark: In fact, for a normal Jacobi field U(t) with U(0) = 0, define f : (0, ∞) →
R by f (t) = |U(t)| = hU(t), U(t)i 2 . At the values t with U(t) , 0, we compute
d hU(t), U(t)i hU̇(t), U(t)i
f˙ = f (t) = dt 1
dt 2hU(t), U(t)i 2 |U(t)|
hÜ(t), U(t)i + hU̇(t), U̇(t)i |U(t)| − hU̇(t), U(t)i hU̇(t),U(t)i
f¨(t) =
hU̇(t), U(t)i2 |U̇(t)|2 1
=− + − hR(U, T )T, Ui (By Cauchy − Schwarz)
|U(t)|3 |U(t)| |U(t)|
|U̇(t)|2 |U̇(t)|2 1
≥− + − K(U, T ) hU, UihT, T i − hU, T i2
|U(t)| |U(t)| |U(t)|
= − K(U, T )|U(t)|.
That is, dtd 2 f (t) ≥ −K(U, T ) f (t), where f (t) = |U(t)|, and f (0) = 0.
A comparison result:
f (t) ≥ − β f (t)
f (0) =0
f˙(0) =1
g (t) = − βg(t)
g(0) =0
ġ(0) =1
is complete and with secitonal curvature zero. Its exponential map exp p : T p M → M
is a non-trival covering map.
An important feature of theorem 5.8 is that it not only asserts that M and Rn
are diffeomorphic, but also gives the diffeomorphism map explicitly. Recall we have
mentioned Gromall − Meyer(1969) Theorem: any non-compact complete Riemannian
manifold (M n , g) with positive sectional curvature is diffeomorphic to Rn . But in this
case, the diffeomorphism map is not necessarily given explicitly by exp p . This is a big
difference between our understanding about nonpositively curved complete simply-
connnected Riemannian manifold and positively curved non-compact complete Rie-
mannian manifold, although their topology are both trival.
Theorem 5.8 is a direct consequence of Proposition 5.10 and the following general
Theorem 5.9. Let (M, g) be a complete, connected, n-dimensional Riemannian man-
ifold, and let p be a point of M such that no point of M is conjugate to p along any
geodesic. Then
exp p : T p M → M
is a covering map. In particular, if M is simply-connected, then M is diffeomorphic to
Rn .
Proof. We first make it clear what the assuption ”p∗has no conjugate point” tell us:
For exp p : T p M → M, we have the tensor exp p g on T p M which is defined as
∀V, W ∈ T X (T p M), ∀X ∈ T p M, exp p g(V, W) = g (d exp p )X V, (d exp p )X W .
”p has no conjugate point” ⇒ d exp p : T X (T p M) → T exp p M is 1-1. There-
X ∗
fore (exp p )∗ g(V, V) = 0 ⇔ d exp p (V) = 0 ⇔ V = 0. And, hence, exp p g is a
Riemannian metric on T p M. That is,
exp p : (T p M, exp p g) → (m, g)
is a local isometry.
Moreover, we claim (T p M, exp p g) is complete.
That is beacuase, all straight lines throgh 0 ∈ T p M are geodesics of (T p M, exp p g)
since their images under the local isometry exp p : T p M → M are geodeisc in M. That
is, all geodesics through 0 ∈ T p M can be defined for all t. It follows that T p M is
geodesic complete and, hence, complete, by Hopf-Rinow.
In concluision, ”p has no conjugate point” ⇒ ”exp p is a local isometry and T p M is
complete”. Then theorem 5.9 is a consequence of the following lemma:
Lemma 5.5. Let M and N be connected Riemannian manifolds with M complete and
let φ : M → N be a local isometry. Then N is complete1 and φ a covering map2 onto3
Remark: Lemma 5.5 has 3 conclusions. Note that the completeness of M is needed.
For example the inclusion map i : B(0, 1) ⊂ R2 → R2 is a local isometry but the open
disk B(0, 1) is not complete. i is not a covering map.
Proof of Lemma 5.5.
1, N is complete: We will show any geodesic on N is depend for all t. For any
geodesic γ : (−, ) → N, there exists a p0 ∈ M s.t. γ(0) = φ(p0 ).
Then we find the geodesic c in M with c(0) = p0 , ċ(0) = dφ p0 γ̇(0). This is
possible since φ is a local isometry.
One can check the curve φ ◦ c is a geodesic (since φ is a local isometry which
preserves geodesic), and φ ◦ c(0) = φ(p0 ), (φ ◦˙ c)(0) = dφ p0 ċ(0) = γ̇(0).
Hence γ = φ ◦ c.
M is complete ⇒ c is defined for all t ⇒ γ is defined for all t . Hopf-Rinow tells N
is complete.
2, φ is onto N: That is, we have to show φ(M) = N. Since φ is everywhere regular
(i.e. ∀p ∈ M, dφ p is 1-1), by iverse function theorem, φ is open and, in particular, φ(M)
is open.
In fact, φ(M) is also closed, and, hence, φ(M) = N. Following is the reason.
Let q ∈ φ(M), and let V be a totally normal neighborhood of q. There is a q0 ∈ V
of the form q0 = φ(p0 ) for p0 ∈ M. Let γ be the geodesic in V s.t. γ(0) = q0 , γ(1) = q.
Consider the geodesic c in M s.t. c(0) = p0 , ċ(0) = dφ p0 γ̇(0). Then γ = φ ◦ c.
Define p = c(1), then φ(p) = φ(c(1)) = phi ◦ c(1) = γ(1) = q. Therefore q ∈ φ(M).
That is φ(M) ⊂ φ(M), so φ(M) is closed.
3, φ is a covering map:
For fixed q ∈ N, let B(0, 2) = {Y ∈ T q N : ||Y|| < 2} ⊂ T q N, where > 0 is small
enough such that exp p is a diffeomorphism. Suppose p ∈ φ−1 (q). We have
dφ p
B(0, 2) ⊂ T p M / B(0, 2) ⊂ T q N
B p (2) ⊂ M / Bq (2) ⊂ N
let γ be the geodesic in W with γ(0) = φ(p0 ), γ(1) = q and of length d(φ(p0 ), q).
Let c be the geodesic in M with c(0) = p0 , ċ(0) = dφ−1 p0 γ̇(0). Then γ = φ ◦ c. M
is complete ⇒ q = γ(1) = φ ◦ c(1) is well defined. In particular, c(1) ∈ φ−1 (q) and
p0 = c(0) ∈ Wc(1) . This implies φ−1 (W) ⊂ ∪ p∈φ−1 (q) W p . Hence, we prove the claim (1).
Proof of (2)
Suppose ∃p1 , p2 ∈ φ−1 (q), p1 , p2 s.t. W p1 ∩ W p2 , φ, then we have p2 ∈
exp p1 (B(0, 2)).
But φ is a diffeomorphism on the B(0, 2) ⊂ T p1 M → B p1 (2) ⊂ M. Hence
φ(p1 ) = φ(p2 ) → p1 = p2 .
Theorem 5.10 (Uniqueness). Let (M, g) and (M, g) be two n-dimensional simply-
connected space form with sectional curvature c ∈ R. Let p ∈ M, p ∈ M, {e1 , . . . , en },
{e1 , . . . , en } be orthonormal basis of T p M, T p M, respectively. Then there exists a unique
isometry φ : M → M such that φ(p) = p, dφ p (ei ) = ei , ∀i.
Proof. Since K(Ag) = A1 K(g), we only need consider the cases c = 0, +1, −1. We first
show the existence of such an isometry.
Case 1. c = 0, −1. By Cartan-Hadamard, the maps exp p : T p M → M and exp p :
T p M → M are both diffeomorphisms. Let Φ be the unique isometry from T p M to T p M
(as inner product) such that Φ(ei ) = ei , i = 1, . . . , n.
Φ / TpM
exp p exp p
M /M
Recall Lemma ... tells, there is a unique Jacobi field U along the geodesic from p
to q s.t. U(0) = 0 and U(1) = X. So we can calculate |X|2 = g(X, X) by calculate the
whole Jacobi field U(t). In fact we can construct U(t) explicitly.
dφF(t,s) ((U(t)) =dφ ◦ | s=0 F(t, s)
= | s=0 (φ ◦ F(t, s))
= | s=0 F(t, s)
In particular, U(1) = dφF(1,0) ((U(1)) = dφq (X). Hence, it remains to show |U(1)| =
Pick parallel orthonormal vector fields {e1 (t), . . . , en (t)}, {e1 (t), . . . , en (t)} along γ0 ,
γ0 respectively such that ei (0) = ei , ei (0) = ei . Then U(t) = f i (t)ei (t), U(t) = f (t)ei (t)
for some functions f i , f .
Solving Jacobi equation in M, M respectively:
in M: ∇T ∇T U + R(U, T ) = 0, T = γ̇0 (t) ⇔ f¨i (t)ei (t) + R( f j e j , T )T = 0 ⇔
f¨i (t) + f j hR(e j , T )T, ei i = 0, i = 1, . . . , n. (sectional curvature=c ⇒ hR(e j , T )T, ei i =
c(δi j hT, T i − hT, ei ihT, e j i) ⇔ hV p , V p i = hγ̇0 (0), γ̇0 (0)i = 0, i = 1, . . . , n.). Recall
we have further U(0) = 0, U̇(0) = W. Hence f i , i = 1, . . . , n satisfing the following
f (t) + c f j (t) δi j hV p , V p i − hV p , ei ihV p , e j i = 0, i = 1, . . . , n
f (0) = 0
f˙i (0) = hW, e i
in M: f , i = 1, . . . , n satisfies
f (t) + c f (t) δi j hΦ(V p ), Φ(V p )i − hΦ(V p ), ei ihΦ(V p ), e j i = 0, i = 1, . . . , n
f (0) = 0
f˙i (0) = hΦ(W), ei i
B(0, δ) ⊂ T z M
(dφi )z
/ B(0, δ) ⊂ T z0 N
expz expz0
Bz (δ) ⊂ M / Bz0 (δ) ⊂ N
By similar argument in the proof of Lemma 5.5, we have φi ◦ expz = expz0 ◦(dφi )z ,
i = 1, 2. Notice that expz |Bz (δ)⊂M is invertible, we have φi = expz0 ◦(dφi )z ◦ (expz )−1 .
Now we check ∀y ∈ Bz (δ),
φ1 (y) = expz0 ◦(dφ1 )z ◦ (expz )−1 (y) = expz0 ◦(dφ2 )z ◦ (expz )−1 (y) = φ2 (y)
Φ / TpM
T p Sn
exp p
Sn \{p0 } M
where Φ is the isometry (of inner product spaces) with Φ(ei ) = ei .
Then φ : exp p ◦ Φ ◦ exp−1
p is a local isometry by the same argument as in the first
Next, we extend φ to be defiend on the whole Sn . Pick any z ∈ Sn \{p0 }, z , p. Let
z = −z is the antipodal point of z. Let φ(z) = z ∈ M, then (dφ)z : T z Sn → T z M. Define
φ(y), if y ∈ S \{p }
n 0
θ(y) =
ψ(y), if y ∈ Sn \{z0 }
Recall for a C ∞ function f : [a, b] → R, it is convex iff f 00 ≥ 0 on [a, b]. This can be
shown via its Taylor expansion. That is
f 00 (x0 )
f (x) = f (x0 ) + f 0 (x0 )(x − x0 ) + (x − x0 )2 + . . .
f 00 (x∗ )
= f (x0 ) + f 0 (x0 )(x − x0 ) + (x − x0 )2
∂2 ∂2 X k 2
Hess%2 (X, X) =X i X j %2 (x) = X i X j i j (x )
∂x ∂x
i j ∂x ∂x k
=X i X j 2 δk j δki = 2 (xk )2 = 2|X|2
k k
Z b
L0 (0) = | s=0 L(s) = hV(t), γ̇(t)i|ba − hV(t), ∇γ̇ γ̇idt
ds a
Z b
L00 (0) = 2 | s=0 L(s) = h∇V V, γ̇i|ba + h∇γ̇ V ⊥ , ∇γ̇ V ⊥ i − hR(V ⊥ , γ̇)γ̇, V ⊥ idt
ds a
where V ⊥ = V − hV, γ̇iγ̇.
Proof. of Theorem 5.11.
By Cartan-Hadamard
Theorem and the definition of expO , we have x ∈ M, %2 (x) =
g expO (x), expO (x) = | exp−1
−1 −1 2 ∞
O (x)| is a C function on M. By Lemma 5.7, it remains
to show that Hess%2 (V, V) > 0 for any x ∈ M, any 0 , V ∈ T x M.
Let ξ : [0, ] → M be the geodesic of M with ξ(0) = x, ξ̇(0) = V. Let γ s , s ∈ [0, ]
be the geodesic from O to ξ(s) . Let us parametrize γ s to be γ s : [0, r] → M where
r = %(x). Hence γ = γ0 is a normal geodesic.
∂ ∂
V(r) = | s=0 F|t=r = | s=0 F(r, s)
∂s ∂s
= | s=0 ξ(s) = ξ̇(0) = V
Now we compute
Z r
L00 (0) = h∇T V ⊥ , ∇T V ⊥ i − hR(V ⊥ , γ̇)γ̇, V ⊥ i dt
Z0 r
≥ h∇T V ⊥ , ∇T V ⊥ idt
That is, Hess%2 (V, V) ≥ 2r a
h∇T V ⊥ , ∇T V ⊥ idt + 2(hV, γ̇(r)i)2 .
2. Otherwise if hV, γ̇i = 0. Since V is a Jacobi field and hV, γ̇(0)i = h0, γ̇(0)i = 0,
proposition (5.8) tells hV(T ), γ̇(t)i = 0 ∀t ∈ [0, r]. Therefore, V(t) = V ⊥ (t).
We observe that ∇T V . 0. Since otherwise V(t) is parallel along γ, which
Rr to the fact V(0) = 0, V(r) = V , 0. That is, Hess%2 (V, V) ≥
h∇T V , ∇T V ⊥ idt > 0.
Definition 5.8 (Convex and totally convex subsets of M). Let M be a Riemannian
manifold. A subset Ω ⊂ M is called convex, if whenever p, q ∈ Ω and γ is a minimizing
geodesic from p to q, then γ ⊂ Ω. Ω is called totally convex if whenever p, q ∈ Ω and
γ is a geodesic from p to q, then γ ⊂ Ω.
Convex functions and convex subsets are related by the following result.
Proposition 5.12. Let τ : M → R be a convex function on a complete Riemannian
manifod M. Then the sub-level set
Mc = {x ∈ M : τ(x) < c}
is totally convex.
Proof. ∀p, q ∈ Mc , and any geodesic γ : [a, b] → M from p to q, we have (τ ◦ γ)00 ≥ 0.
Therefore τ ◦ γ : [a, b] → R : [a, b] → R attains its maximum at the two ends. Hence
This is γ ⊂ Mc .
Therefore, Theorem 5.11 tells that any (open or closed) geodesic balls
Comparison Theorem
φ + f φ = 0
η00 + hη = 0 on I.
Assume that φ is not the zero function and let a, b ∈ I be two consecutive zeros of
φ. Then:
1. The function η must have a zero in (a, b), unless f = h everywhere on [a, b] and
η is a constant multiple of φ on [a, b],
2. Suppose that η(a) = 0, and also η0 (a) = φ0 (a) > 0. If τ is the smallest zero of η
in (a, b), then
φ(t) ≥ η(t) f or a ≤ t ≤ τ
and equality holds for some t only if f = h on [a, t].
Remark: The restriction η0 (a) = φ0 (a) > 0 in the theorem 6.1 case 2 can be achieved
by choosing a suitable multiple of η, and changing φ to −φ if necessary.
Proof. (6.1.1) gives
φ + f φ = 0
η00 + f η = 0 on [a, b].
and φ(a) = φ(b) = 0. The solution η must be a constant multiple of φ on [a, b].
Next suppose η(a) = 0, η0 (a) = φ0 (a) > 0. (recall φ(a) = 0). Let τ be the smallest
zero of η in [a, b]. Then φ > 0, η > 0 on (a, τ). Hence
on (a, τ).
But by L’Hôpital’s Rule and our assumption, we have
φ(t) φ0 (t)
lim = lim 0 = 1.
t→a η(t) t→a η (t)
Therefore, η ≥ 1 on (a, τ).
This proves φ(t) ≥ η(t) for a ≤ t ≤ τ. If φ(t) = η(t) for some t, then φη = 1 on (a, t).
Hence φη = 0 ⇒ φ0 η − η0 φ = 0 on (a, t) ⇒ φ00 η − η00 φ = 0 on (a, t) ⇒ f = h on (a, t).
By continuity, f = h on [a, t].
Geometric translations
Theorem 6.2 (Bonnet 1855). Let M be a surface, and γ : [0, L] → M be a normal
geodesic. Let k > 0.
1. If K(p) ≤ k for all p = γ(t), and γ has length L < √π then γ contains no
conjugate points.
2. If K(p) ≥ k for all p = γ(t), and γ has length L > √πk then there is a point
τ ∈ (0, L) conjugate to 0, and therefore γ is not of minimal length.
Proof. Let Y be a unit parallel vector field along γ with hY, γ̇i = 0, ∀t. Any normal
Jacobi field U can be written as U = φY for some function φ.
Jacobi equation ∇T ∇T U + R(U, T )T = 0 implies
Theorem 6.1 case (1) implies any Jacobi field φY must has a
2. K(Y, T ) ≥ k, ∀t.
zero on 0, √k ⊂ (0, L). So if we choose any nonzero Jacobi field Y along γ with
η(0) = 0, this Jacobi field will also vanish at some τ ∈ (0, L). Thus τ is conjugate
to 0.
Theorem 6.2 case (2) is the result which Bonnet used to show his diameter estimate.
From the above proof, we observe the following facts: The Jacobi field U = φY
where Y is a unit parallel vector field along γ with hY, γ̇i = 0, we have
Let τ ∈ (a, b] such that γ, γ̄ have no point in [a, τ] conjugate to γ(a), γ̄(a) respec-
Let U, Ū be normal Jacobi fields along γ, γ̄ respectively with U(a) = Ū(a) = 0 and
U̇(a) = Ū˙ (a). Then U̇(a) ≥ Ū˙ (a), for a ≤ t ≤ τ. And ’=’ holds for some t only if
K ◦ γ = K̄ ◦ γ̄ on [a, t].
Remark The above ”comparison of Jacobi fields” implies Bonnet Theorem 6.2 by
choose one of M, M̄ to be the sphere S2 √1 . In fact in theorem 6.1, case (2) ⇒ (1)
when η(a) = 0 is the case.
be a normal geodesic.
Now a normal Jacobi field U along γ cannot always be written as φY where Y is a unit
normal parallel vector field along γ. In fact, let {Y1 , . . . , Yn } be an orthornormal parallel
vector field along γ with γ̇(t) = Y1 (t). Then a normal Jacobi field U along γ can be
written as
X n
U(t) = φi (t)Yi (t).
n n
φ00i (t)Yi (t) + φi (t)R(Yi (t), T )T = 0
Jacobi equation ⇒
i=2 i=2
⇒ φ00j (t) + φi (t)hR(Yi , T )T, Y j i = 0 ∀2 ≤ j ≤ n.
This system of equations do not involve the sectional curvature directly.
such that for all t ∈ [a, b], we have for any piecewise C ∞ vector field X along γ
4. |∇T X|g = |∇T̄ Φ(X)|ḡ , it being understood that this equation refers to left and right
hand limit at discontinuous points.
Theorem 6.3. Let M and M̄ be two Riemann manifold of the same dimension n, and
let γ (γ̄) : [a, b] → M ( M̄) be a normal geodesic in M ( M̄). For each t ∈ [a, b], sup-
pose that for all 2-dimensional sections Πγ(t) ⊂ T γ(t) M, and all 2-dimensional sections
Π̄γ̄(t) ⊂ T γ̄(t) M̄, the sectional curvatures satisfy K(Πγ(t) ) ≤ K̄(Π̄γ̄(t) ).
Then we have
ind(γ) ≤ ind(γ̄).
In particular, if I(W, W) < 0 for some W ∈ V0 (a, b), then also I( ¯ W̄, W̄) < 0 for some
W̄ ∈ V̄0 (a, b), where V0 (a, b) is the set of the piecewise C ∞ vector fields along γ with
W(a) = W(b) = 0.
Proof. Let W ∈ V0 (a, b), recall that
Z b
I(W, W) = {h∇T W, ∇T Wi − hR(W, T )T, Wi} dt.
Let Φ be constructed as in Lemma (6.1). Then Φ(W) ∈ V̄0 (a, b) and h∇T W, ∇T Wig =
h∇T̄ Φ(W), ∇T̄ Φ(W)iḡ . Also we have
hR(W, T )T, Wig = K(W, T ) hW, WihT, T i − hW, T i2
≤ K̄(Φ(W), T̄ ) hΦ(W), Φ(W)ihT̄ , T̄ i − hΦ(W), T̄ i2
= hR̄(Φ(W), T̄ )T̄ , Φ(W)i.
That is, I(W, W) ≥ I(Φ(W), Φ(W)).
So if A ⊂ V0 (a, b) is a subspace on which I is negative definite, then Φ(A) ⊂
V̄0 (a, b) is a subspace of the same dimension on which I¯ is again negative definite. By
definition, this means ind(γ) ≤ ind(γ̄).
Corollary 6.1 (The Morse-Schoenberg Comparison Theorem). Let (M, g) be a Rie-
mann manifold of dimension n, and let γ : [0, L] → M be a normal geodesic. Let
k > 0.
1. If K(Πγ(t) ) ≤ k for all Πγ(t) ⊂ T γ(t) M, and γ has lenghth L < √π , then ind(γ) = 0
and γ contains no cojugate point.
2. f K(Πγ(t) ) ≥ k for all Πγ(t) ⊂ T γ(t) M, and γ has lenghth L > √πk , then there is a
point τ ∈ (0, L) conjugate to 0, and γ is not of minimal length.
2. K(Πγ(t) ) ≤ K̄(Π̄γ̄(t) ) for all t ∈ [a, b], all 2-dimensional sections Πγ(t) ⊂ T γ(t) M,
Π̄γ̄(t) ⊂ T γ̄(t) M̄.
Then we have |U(t)|g ≥ Ū(t)ḡ , for all t ∈ [a, b].
2. ”U, Ū be normal Jacobi fields”: In fact, we only need require hU̇(a), γ̇(a)i =
hŪ˙ (a), γ̄˙ (a)i = 0. This is because, from proposition (5.8), U = f T + U ⊥ where
f is linear. And f (a) = 0, f 0 (a) = 0 forces f ≡ 0. Hence U = U ⊥ .
Proof. If Ū ≡ 0, it is trival.
If Ū . 0, then Ū(t) , 0 for all t ∈ (a, b], since γ̄ has no conjugate points.
It suffices to prove that
lim = 1, (6.2.2)
t→a Ū(t)
d |U(t)|g
≥ 0 ∀t ∈ (a, b]. (6.2.3)
dt Ū(t)
It turns out it is equivalent (but much easier) to consider the norm suquare.
hU(t), U(t)ig
lim = 1, (6.2.4)
t→a hŪ(t), Ū(t)iḡ
d hU(t), U(t)ig
≥ 0 ∀t ∈ (a, b]. (6.2.5)
dt hŪ(t), Ū(t)iḡ
hU, Ui(t0 )
hU, ∇T Ui(t0 ) ≥ hŪ, ∇T̄ Ūi(t0 ). (6.2.8)
hŪ, Ūi(t0 )
We denote hU,Ui(t0 )
hŪ,Ūi(t0 )
= c2 . For any piecewise C ∞ vector field W along γ, the index
Z b
I(W, W) = {h∇T W, ∇T Wi − h(R(W, T )T, Wi}dt
Z b b
=− h(R(W, T )T + ∇T ∇T W, Widt + h∇T W, Wi
a a
− h∇T (t+j ) W − ∇T (t−j ) W, Wi.
So, it remains to show Iat0 (U, U) ≥ c2 I¯at0 (Ū, Ū), or Iat0 |U(t0 )| , |U(t0 )| ≥ I¯at0 , Ū
|Ū(t0 )| |Ū(t0 )|
Consider the map Φ constructed in Lemma 6.1, as the input, at t0 , we choose φt0
U(t )
such that φt0 |U(t 0
= Ū(t 0)
0 )|
|Ū(t0 )|
Then Φ |U(t0 )| is a smooth vector field along γ̄, such that Φ |U(t
(t0 ) = Ū(t 0)
0 )| |Ū(t0 )|
As in the proof of Theorem 6.3, we see
! ! !!
Iat0 , ≥ I¯at0 Φ ,Φ . (6.2.9)
|U(t0 )| |U(t0 )| |U(t0 )| |U(t0 )|
Now using the minimizing property of Jacobi field in lemma (5.2), we have
! !!
I¯a0 Φ ,Φ , .
t t
≥ I¯a0 (6.2.10)
|U(t0 )| |U(t0 )| Ū(t0 ) Ū(t0 )
This is applicable since Φ U
(a) = Ū(a)
= 0, and Φ U
(t0 ) = Ū(t0 )
|U(t0 )| |Ū(t0 )| |U(t0 )| |Ū(t0 )|
Comnining (6.2.9) and (6.2.10) yields
Iat0 , ¯t0
≥ Ia
, . (6.2.11)
|U(t0 )| |U(t0 )| Ū(t0 ) Ū(t0 )
Recall for given t ∈ [a, b], the Jacobi field U(t) at t can be expressed as U(t) =
d expγ(a) (W) for some W.
Theorem 6.5. Let M, M̄ be two Riemann manifolds of the same dimension n, and let
p ∈ M, p̄ ∈ M̄, φ : T p M → T p̄ M̄ be an isometry (of inner product spaces), V ∈ T p M,
V̄ = φ(V).
Let γ(t) = exp p tV, t ∈ [0, 1], γ̄ = exp p̄ tV̄, t ∈ [0, 1] be geodesics in M, M̄
respectively. Let X ∈ T V T p M , φ(X) ∈ T V̄ T p̄ M̄ . Suppose
2. K(Πγ(t) ) ≤ K̄(Π̄γ̄(t) ) for all t ∈ [0, 1], all 2-dimensional sections Πγ(t) ⊂ T γ(t) M,
Π̄γ̄(t) ⊂ T γ̄(t) M̄.
Then we have
d exp p (X) ≥ d exp p̄ (X̄).
(V) (V̄)
U(0) = 0,
U̇(0) = X,
U(1) = d exp p (X).
Similarly F̄(t, s) = exp p̄ t(V̄ + sX̄), gives Jacobi field Ū(t) such that
Ū(0) = 0,
Ū˙ (0) = φ(X) = X̄,
Ū(1) = d exp p (X̄).
and d exp p is an isometry along the radical direction, we only need to consider the
case hX, Vi = 0. (and, hence, hΦ(X), Φ(V)i = 0).
Therefore, theorem 6.5 follows from theorem 6.4.
Corollary 6.2. Let (M, g) be a complete Riemann manifold with nonpositive sectional
curvature. Then ∀p ∈ M, exp p : T p M → M satisfies
d exp p (X) ≥ |X|
the right hand side means the norm of the flat metric on T p M. ∀V ∈ T p M, ∀X ∈
T V T p M ' T p M. In particular, for any curve γ ⊂ T p M, one have L(γ) ≤ L(exp p ◦γ).
Remark: This strengthen the result Proposition 5.10 where we show exp p has no
critical points.
Corollary 6.3. Let (M, g) be a complete simply-connected Riemann manifold with non-
positive sectional curvature. Consider a geodesic triangle in M(i.e. each side of the
triangle is a minimizing geodesic). Let the side lengths are a, b, c with opposite angles
A, B, C respectively.
1. a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C ≤ c,
2. A + B + C ≤ π.
Moreover, if M has negative sectional curvature, then the inequalities are strict.
where O is the origin, such that |OP| = a, |OQ| = b, ∠O = C. In particular, exp p OP,
exp p OQ is the other two verties of the geodesic triangle. Let ξ be the preimage of the
geodesic c in T p M. Then
|PQ| ≤ L(ξ) ≤ c. (6.2.12)
U(t) = 2 sin W(t),
Ū(t) = 3 sin W̄(t).
are Jacobi fields such that U(0) = Ū(0) = 0, U̇(0) = Ū˙ (0) = 1.
Recall sec S 2 (r) = r12 . sec S 2 (2) = 41 > sec S 2 (3) = 19 . but Ū(3π) = 0 <
|U(3π)| = 2 sin 3π
2 = 2.
1. %(ξ(s)) = Length(γ s ),
For this purpose, we have to require that γ does not contain ”cut point”! Recall in
the comparison of Jacobi fields (Rauch), we have to do the comparison before the first
conjugate point.
Another motivation is from the Bonnet/ Morse-Schoenberg comparison theorem.
K ≥ k and geodesic γ of length > √πk contains conjugate point, and hence γ is not
minimizing ⇒ diam≤ √πk .
A counterexample is the projective space Pn (Rn ), with constant sectional curvature
=1 and diameter only π2 . Hence, we may add the hypothesis of simply-connectivity.
Question: Should a complete simply-connected manifold with all sectional curva-
ture ≤ k have diameter ≥ √πk ?
One might expect to prove as follows: Pick p, q ∈ M maximal distance apart, and
consider a minimizing geodesic
γ : [0, L] → M
from p to q. If L < √πk , then γ contains no conjugate point on (0, L). Extend γ to
γ0 : [0, L0 ] → M where L < L0 < √πk . Thus γ0 contains no conjugate point on (0, L0 ),
and hence γ is a local minimum for length.
Notice, if we can conclude γ is a global minimum for length, we will get a contra-
dictionand conclude diam≥ √πk .
Example: consider S 1 × R
is either (0, ∞) or (0, a] for some a > 0.(Notice that, the latter case means γ|[0,t] is
not minimizing for all t > a).
1. If A = (0, a], we say that γ(a) is the cut point of O along the geodesic γ.
3. The cut locus C(O) ⊂ M of O is the set of all points which are cut points of O
along some normal geodesic starting from O.
4. The cut locus C̃(O) of O in T 0 M is the set of all vectors aX ∈ T 0 M for which
X is a unit vector and expO aX is the cut point of O along the geodesic γX (t) =
expO tX.
Thus we have
expO C̃(O) = C(O).
The first conjugate locus of O in T 0 M is the set of all vectors aX ∈ T 0 M. For which
X is a unit vector and a is the first conjugate value of O along γX .
For a geodesic γ : [a, b] → M, recall that if ∃τ ∈ (a, b) conjugate to a, then γ
is not local minimizing. Hence γ also contains a cut point γ(t0 ), with t0 ≤ t. Briefly
expressed, the cut point comes before or at the first conjugate point.
What happens if t0 , τ?
In the example of a cylinder S 1 × R, there are no conjugate points. But when a cut
point happens,
we see there are two minimizing geodesic from γ(a) to γ(t0 ). In fact, if there are
two distinct minimizing geodesics γ, c from γ(a) to γ(t0 ), we see γ|[a,t0 +] can not be
is of the same length as γ|[a,t0 +] and is not smooth at t0 , and hence it can be made
In other words, if there are two distinct minimizing geodesics from γ(a) to γ(t0 ),
and t0 is the minimal value such that this happens, γ(t0 ) is a cut point of γ(a) along γ.
Indeed, this is the only possible case.
Theorem 6.6 (cut points). Let (M, g) be complete and let γ : [0, ∞) → M be a normal
geodesic with cut point γ(a). Then at least one of the following holds:
1. The number a is first conjugate value of O along γ,
2. These are at least two minimal geodesic from p = γ(0) to q = γ(a). And a is the
minimal value such that this case happens.
Proof. Choose a sequence a1 > a2 > a3 such that lim ai = a.
Since γ(a) is a cut point, bi = d(p, γ(ai )) < ai . Let Xi ∈ T p M be the unit vectors such
that t → exp p tXi , 0 ≤ t ≤ bi is a minimal geodesic from p to γ(ai ). Let X = γ̇(0).
Since γ is normal, we have γ(t) = exp p tX, 0 ≤ t ≤ a. All Xi are distinct from X. We
lim bi = lim d(p, γ(ai )) = d(p, γ(a)) = a.
t→∞ t→∞
Therefore, the vectors bi Xi are contained in a compact subset of T p M. Choosing a
subsequence if necessary, we have
lim bi Xi = aY
can be made shorter. But Length ξ|[0,a] = Length γ|[0,a] . This contradicts to the
fact that γ(a) is a cut point.
If X = Y, we have lim bi Xi = aY = aX = lim ai X. But exp p (bi Xi ) = γ(ai ) =
i→∞ i→∞
exp p (ai X). Moreover, ai X and bi Xi are distinct for each i, since bi < ai , Xi , X. So
exp p is not 1-1 in any small neighborhood of aX in T p M, i.e. aX is a critical point of
exp p . By theorem (5.5, we conclude that a is a conjugate value of O along γ.
a > 0,i f exp p (aX) is the cut point o f p along the geodesic γX = exp p tX
τ(x) =
∞,i f γX has no cut point
Next, if τ(X) > α, then exp p (αX) is not a conjugate point of p along exp p tX since a
conjugate point cannot come before a cut point. So the map exp p is a diffeomorphism
on some neighborhood U around αX in T p M. W.l.o.g., we assume all τ(Xi )Xi lie in U.
Therefore exp p τ(Xi )Xi is not a conjugate point of p along exp p tXi . then theorem
6.6 implies that there exists another minimizing geodesic from p to exp p τ(Xi )Xi , i.e.
∃Yi ∈ S p s,t, exp p τ(Xi )Xi = exp p τ(X)Yi .
Since exp p |U is 1-1, we have τ(Xi )Yi < U. By choosing a subsequence, we can
assume Yi → Y. Then αY also lies outside U. So
exp p (αY) = lim exp p (τ(Xi )Yi ) = lim (τ(Xi )Xi ) = exp p (αX).
i→∞ i→∞
That is, exp p (tX), t ∈ [0, α] and exp p (tY), t ∈ [0, α] are two distinct minimizing
geodesics from p to exp p (αX). This contradicts to α < τ(X). Hence τ(X) ≤ α.
Combinig with (♥), we obtain
Corollary 6.5. The cut locus C(p) of p ∈ M and the cut locus C̃(p) of p in T p M are
closed subset of M and T p M respectively.
Proof. Let q ∈ M s.t. ∃pi ∈ C(p) with pi → q. Let γi (t) be the minimizing normal
geodesic from p to pi with γi (ti ) = pi . Then ti = τ(γ̇i (0)). W.l.o.g., we can assume
γ̇i (0) converges to Y ∈ S p . Then
q = lim pi = lim γ(ti ) = lim exp p (τ(γ̇i (0))γ̇i (0)) = exp p (τ(Y)Y) ∈ C(p).
i→∞ i→∞ i→∞
C̃(p) is the preimage of C(p) under exp p , and hence also closed.
Then exp p maps E(p) differmorphically onto an open subset of M, and M is the disjoint
union of exp E(p) and C(p).
Proof. Clearly, d exp p is 1-1 on E(p), since the first conjugate point can not occur
before the cut point. Next we show exp p is 1-1 on E(p). Suppose not, ∃ω1 , ω2 ∈ E(p)
with ||ω1 || ≤ ||ω2 ||, say, such that exp p tω1 = exp p tω2 = q.
Then the geodesic exp p tω1 , t ∈ [0, 1], has length from p to q less than or equal to
that of the geodesic exp p tω2 , t ∈ [0, 1]. But these contradicts to the minimal property
of exp p tω2 , t ∈ [0, 1 + ], since q comes before the cut point of γ. Therefore, exp p is
diffeomorphic on E(p) onto an open subset of M(since E(p) open).
We next show that exp E(p) and C(p) are disjiont. If not, ∃ω ∈ E(p) and V ∈ C̃(p)
with exp p ω = exp p V = q
If ||V|| ≤ ||ω||, similar arguments as above, we have a contradiction.
If, otherwise, ||V|| > ||ω||, then the geodesic exp p tV, t ∈ [0, 1] is longer than the
geodesic exp p tω, t ∈ [0, 1] from p to q. This contradicts to the minimizing property of
exp p tV, t ∈ [0, 1](since V ∈ C̃(p)).
Clearly, expE(p)∪C(p) ⊂ M. On the other hand, ∀q ∈ M completeness implies
that there is a normal minimizing geodesic γ(t) = exp p tV from p = γ(0) to q = γ(a).
Clearly a ≤ τ(V) so aV ∈ E(p) or aV ∈ C̃(p).
Remark(injectivity raius): Recall the injectivity radius of p ∈ M is defined as
Notice each ray tX, X ∈ S p intersect with C̃(p) at at most one point. Hence, we
Proposition 6.1. The cut locus C̃(p) of p in T p M is of zero measure for any p ∈ M.
Observe that for any compact Riemannian manifold M given p ∈ M, each ray tX
must intersect with c̃(p). In fact, we have
Proof. If M is compact, Let diam(M)=δ. Then any normal geodesic from p of length>
δ is not minimizing. Hence τ(X) < δ + 1, ∀X ∈ S p . Define the map
β : S p → C̃(p)
X 7→ τ(X)X
So β is a homeomorphism.
On the other hand, if C̃(p) is homeomorphic to S p ⊂ T p M, we have in particular
C̃(p) is compact. Let A ⊂ S p be the set of X ∈ S p s.t. τ(X) < ∞, i.e. A = τ−1 ([0, ∞]).
Then the map β : A → C̃(p) is a homeomorphism. This tells further that A is compact.
So A is closed subset. Theorem 6.6 implies that A is open: ∀X ∈ A, ∃U, s,t, X ∈ U ⊂
A.(Since otherwise, ∃Xi → X s.t. τ(Xi ) → ∞. Continuity of τ tells τ(X) = ∞. This
contradicts to X ∈ A.)
Therefore A = S p . That is, every geodesic from p has a cut point. In other words,
∀X ∈ S p , τ(X) < ∞. Hence max < ∞. ∀p, q ∈ M, ∃ a minimizing geodesic γ from p
X∈S p
to q, s.t. d(p, q) = L(γ) ≤ max < ∞. ∀p, q ∈ M which implies that M is compact.
X∈S p
1. ”Hess% ≥ Hess% along γ, γ” means for anyDt ∈ (a, Eb], and for any X ∈ T γ(t) M, X ∈
T γ(t) M satisfying |X|g = |X|g , hX, γ̇(t)ig = X, γ̇(t) , and we have Hess%(X, X) ≥
2. Since γ(b) is not a cut point, we have (b − a)γ̇(0) < C̃(p). By Corollary 6.5, C̃(p)
is closed, hence ∃ an open neighborhood U = {V ∈ T p M : |V − (b − a)γ̇(0)| < }
s.t. U ∩ C̃(p) = φ.
Notice we can write U = {(b − a)V ∈ T p M : |V − γ̇(0)| < b−a }. Let U = {(t −
a)V ∈ T p M : t ∈ [a, b], |V − γ̇(0)| < b−a }. Theorem 6.8 tells that exp p on U is a
diffeomorphism, and %(exp p W) = |W|, ∀W ∈ U. So % is C ∞ on exp p U\{p}. This
proves the smoothness of %, % claimed in the theorem.
Observe that
Hess% γ(t),
˙ γ(t)
˙ = ∇2 % γ(t),
˙ γ(t)
˙ = ∇(∇%) γ(t),
˙ γ(t)
= ∇γ̇ ∇γ̇ % − ∇∇γ̇ γ̇ % = γ̇γ̇% − ∇γ̇ γ̇% = 0.
Hess% γ̇, X ⊥ = ∇X ⊥ ∇γ̇ % − ∇∇X⊥ γ(t)
˙ %
(Recall γ̇% = 1 = hγ̇, grad%i, and hgrad%, Ei = 0 for any hE, γ̇i = 0.)
We have
grad% = γ̇ = − h∇X ⊥ γ̇, γ̇i = − X ⊥ hγ̇, γ̇i = 0.
That is
Hess%(X, X) = Hess% aγ̇(t) + X ⊥ , aγ̇(t) + X ⊥ = Hess%(X ⊥ , X ⊥ ).
Let ξ be the geodesic s.t. ξ(0) = γ(b), ξ̇(0) = X. Since γ(b) is not a cut point, by
the same argument as in Remark (2), there exists a neighborhood U s.t. exp p : U →
exp p U is a diffeomorphism, and ∀W ∈ U, exp p tW is minimizing. Therefore ∃ > 0
s.t. the minimizing geodesic γ s : [a, b] → M, s ∈ [0, ] from p to ξ(s) forms a well-
defined variation F(t, s) = γ s (t), t ∈ [a, b], s ∈ [0, ]. The corresponding variational
field U(t) = ∂s | s=0 F(t, s) is a Jacobi field with U(0) = 0, U(b) = X. And U is also a
normal field.
Notice that %(ξ(s)) = Length(γ s ) = L(γ s ) = L(s). We have Hess%(X, X) = L00 (s).
Recall from lemma 5.8.
b Z b
L (0) = h∇U U, γ̇ia +
h∇T U ⊥ , ∇T U ⊥ i − hR(U ⊥ , T )T, U ⊥ idt = I(U, U).
Similarly, Hess%(X, X) = I(U, U), where U is a normal Jacobi field along γ with
U(0) = 0, U(b) = X. It remains to show I(U, U) ≥ I(U, U).
Corollary 6.6. Under the same assumption of Thm6.9, and let f : [0, b − a] → R be a
C ∞ function which satisfies f 0 ≥ 0. Then we have Hess f (%) ≥ Hess f (%) along γ, γ.
Hess f (%)(X, X) = | s=0 f (%(ξ(s)))
ds2 !
d 0 d
= f (%(ξ(s))) %(ξ(s)) | s=0
ds ds
d d2
= f (%(t))
| s=0 %(ξ(s)) + f 0 (%(t)) 2 | s=0 %(ξ(s))
ds ds
= f 00 (%) (X%)2 + f 0 (%)Hess%(X, X)
= f 00 (%)hX, grad%i2 + f 0 (%)Hess%(X, X)
= f 00 (%)hX, γ̇(t)i2 + f 0 (%)Hess%(X, X).
Hence we have Hess f (%)(X, X) ≥ Hess f (%)(X, X) for X, X s.t. |X| = |X|, hX, γ̇(t)i =
hX, γ̇(t)i.
Hess%(X, X) = I(U, U)
f (t) + K f (t) = 0
f (0) = 0
ct, K = 0
⇒ f (t) = c sin Kt, K > 0
f or some constant c.
c sinh √−Kt, K < 0
Hence ∇T U(b) = f 0 (b) Ei (b), h∇T U(b), U(b)i = (n − 1) f 0 (b) f (b) and |X|2 =
(n − 1) f (b)2 . Therefore
f + kf = 0
f (0) = 0
1. On a space form of sectional curvature k, we have ∆% (γ(t)) = (n − 1) ff (t) where
ct, k = 0
f (t) = c sin( kt), k > 0
c sinh( √−kt), k < 0
2. We will explain why we have to add the assumption (3) during the proof.
for i = 2, . . . , n
The Laplacian Comparison is reduced to show
X n
I (Ui , Ui ) ≥ I(U i , U i ). (6.5.2)
i=2 i=2
X n
I (Φ(Ui ), Φ(Ui )) ≥ I(U i , U i ). (6.5.3)
i=2 i=2
it is enough to show
X n
I (Ui , Ui ) ≥ I(U i , U i ). (6.5.4)
i=2 i=2
(6.5.4) ⇔
Z b n
hR(Ui , T )T, Ui idt
a i=2
Z b n
≤ hR(Φ(Ui ), T )T , Φ(Ui )idt.
a i=2
Ric (γ̇, γ̇) (b). Similarly, ni=2 hR(Φ(Ui ), T )T , Φ(Ui )i(b) = Ric γ̇, γ̇ (b). But in general,
{T, U2 , . . . , Un } is not orthonormal any more at t , b. A solution is to add the assump-
tion. In that case, M is a space form of constant curvature k. And we know the Jacobi
field Ui (t) = f (t)ei (t), where {ei (t)} is a parallel orthononormal vector fields along γ
with ei (b) = ei and f is a solution of
f + kf = 0
f (a) = 0, f (b) = 1
Hence ni=2 hR(Ui , T )T, Ui i(t) = f 2 (t) ni=2 hR(ei , T )T, ei i = f 2 (t)Ric(T, T ) = f 2 (t)Ric(γ̇, γ̇)(t).
By Jacobi equation, Φ(Ui ) = f (t)ei (t) is a Jacobi field implies hR(ei , T )T, ei i = k.
Corollary 6.8. Under the same assumption of thm (6.10), and let f : [a, b] → R be a
smooth function with f 0 ≥ 0. Then
∆ f (%)(γ(t)) ≥ ∆ f (%)((t))
∀t ∈ [a, b]
∆ f (%) = f 00 (%) + f 0 (%)∆%,
∆ f (%) = f 00 (%) + f 0 (%)∆%.
By comparison theorem, Gauss curvature ≤ β implies expO B(0, √πβ ) contains no
conjugate point of O. But this is not enough to conclude that expO is a diffeomorphism.
Actually, in other words, we are asked to show in j M ≥ √πβ . For that result, we need
further restrict Gauss curvature > 0. This is actually Klingenberg’s injectivity radius
For the proof, we refer to [Spivak IV, Chap8 34-36] or [PP,§6.2]. Here, we explain
the rough ideas
Proof. We need to show expO B(0, √πβ ) has no cut point. If there is a cut point of q
of O along γ, since q can not be a conjugate point of O, we have by 6.6, there exists
exactly two minimal geodesics from O to q. (denoted by γ,γ1 )
In fact, one can further argue that when q is the closest one to O in C(0), γ̇|q =
−γ̇1 |q . Moreover, when O is a point such that it is the minimum point of the function
d(p, C(p)), we have the two geodesics γ, γ1 give a close geodesic.
Recall in the proof of Synge theorem, under the assumption ”orientable, even-
dimensional”, any closed geodesic has a variation F(t, s) such that the curves γ s (t) =
F(t, s) has length L(γ s (t)) < L(γ0 (t)), with 0 < s small. Hence the whole curve γ s lie
in the interior of the cut locus. So there exists a minimal geodesic σ s from γ s (0) to the
fartherst point γ s (t s ) along γ s .
Choose subsequence if necessary, those geodesics σ s converge to a minimal geodesic
σ from O to q which is different from γ and γ1 . This contradicts to the assumption that
q is a cut point and γ, γ1 are the only minimizing geodesic from O to q. So there is no
cut point in expO B(0, √π ) .
This result is due to Rauch (prove in the case sec ∈ ( 43 β, β]), Klingenberg, Berger.
Very brief explanation: In topology, Brown theorem tells that: if a compact mani-
fold M is the union of two open sets, each of which is diffeomorphic to Rn , then M is
diffeomorphic to Sn .
So let p, q ∈ M, s.t. d(p, q) = diam(M, g) ≤ √2πβ . exp p : T p M → M, expq : T q M →
M are diffeomorphisms on B(0, δ p ), B(0, δq ) at least when δ p , δq are small enough.
On the other hand, if we have δ p , δq large enough, we have exp p (B(0, δ p ))∪expq (B(0, δq )) =
Scaling β to be 1, diam(M, g) ≤ 2π, then Klingenberg ⇒ in j M ≥ π. It remain to
M ⊂ exp p (B(0, δ p )) ∪ expq (B(0, δq ))
That is for any x ∈ M, if d(p, x) ≥ in j M ≥ π, then we need show d(q, x) < in j M . For
this purpose, we need a global version of the Rauch theorem:
Toponogov triangle comparison theorem. (This has been discussed in the tutorial)
exp p : E(p) → E p
is a diffeomorhism, and E(p) is diffeomorphic to an open ball. Since the cut locus is of
zero measure, we have
Vol(M) = dvol = dvol.
M Ep
Z q
Vol(M) = det(gi j )dx1 . . . dxn
Z q
= det(gi j )dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn .
(This is another way to see the definition of volume does not depend on orientabil-
For the ball B p (r) = {q ∈ M|d(p, q) < r} we have Vol(B p (r)) = B (r) dvol =
R p
p 1 n
E p ∩B p (r)
det(gi j )dx ∧ · · · ∧ dx .
How to calculate vol(B p (r)) in a Riemannian manifold?
We first prepare some algebraic results: Let f : Ṽ → V be a linear transformation
between two n-dimensional inner product spaces. Let {ẽ1 , . . . , ẽn }, {e1 , . . . , en } be their
orthonormal basis, and {ω̃1 , . . . , ω̃n }, {ω1 , . . . , ωn } be their dual basis. Let Ω̃ = ω̃1 ∧
· · · ∧ ω̃n , Ω = ω1 ∧ · · · ∧ ωn . Then f ∗ Ω is defined as
f ∗ Ω(X1 , . . . , Xn ) = Ω f (X̃1 ), . . . , f (X̃n ) .
f ∗Ω | f (Ã1 ) ∧ · · · ∧ f (Ãn )|
|a0 | = |det( f )| = | |= .
Ω̃ |Ã1 ∧ · · · ∧ Ãn |
Proof. Recall ∀Xi ∈ V, i = 1, . . . , n, we have
|X1 ∧ · · · ∧ Xn | = hX1 ∧ · · · ∧ Xn , X1 ∧ · · · ∧ Xn i 2
= det[< Xi , X j >].
exp p : T p M → M,
(d exp p )tγ̇(0) : T tγ̇(0) T p M → T γ(t) M.
(d exp p )∗ (Ω(t))
φ(t) = .
(we omit the subscript: tγ̇(0)).
(because we are working in the single coordinate neighborhood E p !!)
We in fact can define a function. φ : E(p) → R as below: ∀ỹ ∈ E(p),
∗ ∗
(d exp p ) (Ω(y)) (d exp p ) (Ω(y))
φ(ỹ) = =
Ω̃(ỹ) Ω̃(ỹ)
So the key point is to complete the funtion φ, for which we need employ results
about Jacobi fields again.
t ∈ (0, b]
d exp p : T γ(t) T p M → T γ(t) M.
Note that J1 (t), . . . , Jn−1 (t), γ̇ are n linearly independent vectors in T γ (t)M, and
hence form a basis of T γ(t) M. By ”dimension consideration”,, this also implies J˙1 (0) . . . J˙n−1 (0)
are linearly independent.
hJi (t), γ̇(t)i = 0, t ∈ [0, b] implies h J˙i (0), γ̇(0)i = 0. Hence J˙1 (0) . . . J˙n−1 (0), γ̇(0)
form a basis of T p M. Recall for the variation F(t, s) = exp p t(γ̇(0) + sW), we have
field U(t) is a Jacobi field with U(0) = 0, U̇(0) = W, and U(t) =
d exp p (tW). Pick W = J˙i (0), we then obtain Ji (t) = d exp p (t J˙i (0)). Notice
tγ̇(0) tγ̇(0)
that for any t ∈ (0, b], t J1 (0) . . . t Jn−1 (0), γ̇(0) also form a basis of T p M.
˙ ˙
|γ̇(t) ∧ J1 (t) ∧ · · · ∧ Jn−1 (t)|
φ(t) =
γ̇(0) ∧ t J˙1 (0) ∧ · · · ∧ t J˙n−1 (0)
|J1 (t) ∧ · · · ∧ Jn−1 (t)|
= .
t J˙1 (0) ∧ · · · ∧ J˙n−1 (0)
Theorem 6.13 (Bishop). Let M be a Riemannian maninfold with Ric ≥ (n−1)k. Let γ :
[0, b] → M be a normal geodesic containing no cut point, then φφ(t)
k (t)
is nonincreasing,
∀t ∈ (0, b]. (φk is the funcion on the simply-connected space form M k of sectional
curvature k).
f (t) n−1
By lemma 6.2, we can check φk (t) = k
t , where
f, k = 0
1 √
√ sin kt, k > 0
fk (t) =
1 √
√ sinh −kt, k < 0
We will show this result by reduce it to the Laplacian comparison via the following
Lemma 6.3. Let γ : [0, b] → M be a normal geodesic with no cut point of γ(0). Let
%(x) = d(x, γ(0)). Then
(t) = ∆% − (γ(t)) (6.7.1)
φ %
t ∈ (0, b]
Proof. We only need prove (6.7.1) at γ(b). Let J1 , . . . , Jn−1 be Jacobi fields along γ
with Ji (0) = 0, i = 1, . . . , n − 1 s.t. hJi (b), J j (b)i = δi j , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n − 1. Recall
We have
d 2 d hJ1 (t) ∧ · · · ∧ Jn−1 (t), J1 (t) ∧ · · · ∧ Jn−1 (t)i
φ (b) = |t=b 2
dt dt
t2n−2 J˙1 (0) ∧ · · · ∧ J˙n−1 (0)
2 n−1 ˙ |J1 (t) ∧ · · · ∧ Jn−1 (t)|2
i=1 hJ1 (t) ∧ · · · ∧ Ji (t) ∧ · · · ∧ Jn−1 (t), J1 (t) ∧ · · · ∧ Jn−1 (t)i
= 2 − 2(n − 1) 2 |t=
t2n−2 J˙1 (0) ∧ · · · ∧ J˙n−1 (0) t2n−1 J˙1 (0) ∧ · · · ∧ J˙n−1 (0)
i=1 h J˙i (b), Ji (b)i n − 1
= − 2n−1 .
J˙ (0) ∧ · · · ∧ J˙ (0)2 b2n−2 b
1 n−1
Hecne, we calculate
φ0 (b) φ
d 2 n−1
X n−1
= dt 2 (b) = h J˙i (b), Ji (b)i − . (6.7.4)
φ(b) 2φ i=1
φ0 n−1
(b) = ∆%(γ(b)) −
φ %(γ(b))
= ∆% − (γ(b)).
Note that γ has no cut point iff b < √πk ( √πk = ∞ if k < 0). By our assumption
γ : [0, b] → M is a normal geodesic in M without cut point, hence b < √πk , by Bonnet-
Myers Theorem. Therefore, the above assertion implies γ : [0, b] → M k has no cut
point too. So the Laplacian comparison Theorem is applicable. Hence Lemma 6.3 tells
φ0 φ0
(t) ≥ k (t)
φ φk
0 0
φ 0 (lnφ) (t) ≥ (lnφk ) (t), which implies (lnφ − lnφk )0 (t) ≥ 0. This means
φk (t) ≥ 0. This completes the proof.
Theorem 6.14 (Bishop-Gromov). If (M, g) is a complete Riemannian manifold with
Ric ≥ (n − 1)k, k ∈ R. Let p ∈ M be an arbitrary point. Then the function
vol(B p (r))
r 7→
vol(Bk (r))
is nondecreasing, where Bk (r) is a geodesic ball of radius r in the simply-connected
space form M k .
Remark: Recall that for (t, 0) ∈ E(p), φ(t, θ)tn−1 = |J1 (t)∧···∧Jn−1 (t)|
. On the simply-
| J˙1 (0)∧···∧ J˙n−1 (0)|
connected space form M k , we have φk (t, θ)tn−1 = φk (t)t = ( fk (t)) , where
n−1 n−1
f, k = 0
1 √
√ sin kt, k > 0
fk (t) =
1 √
√ sinh −kt, k < 0
We also define the characteristi funtion χk on M k . Recall, when k ≤ 0, χk ≡ 1, when
k > 0, χk = 0 only at the one point. Since ∀p ∈ M k , C(p) = −p and d (p, C(p)) = √πk .
Therefore we have χ(r, θ) ≤ χk (r, θ) = χk (r). That is, the function
χ(r, θ)
r 7→
χk (r)
χ(r, θ)φ(r, θ)
r 7→ (6.7.5)
χk (r)φk (r)
is non-creasing.
Consider the function
a(t) = χφ(t, θ)tn−1 dθ,
ak (t) = χk φk (t, θ)tn−1 dθ.
First observe ak (t) = χk φk (t)tn−1 vol(Sn−1 ). Hence we have =
a(t) 1
ak (t) vol(Sn−1 ) Sn−1 χk φk (t)
Vol(B p (r))
(6.7.5) implies immediately that t 7→ a(t)
ak (t) is non-increasing. This tells r 7→ Vol(Bk (r)) =
R 0r is non-increasing due to the following Lemma 6.4.
ak (t)dt
Lemma 6.4. Let f, g : [0, ∞) → (0, ∞) be two positive function and the funcion
R t
f (t) f
t 7→ g(t) is non-increasing. Then the funcion t 7→ R0t is also non-increasing.
We observe
Z t1 Z t2 Z t1 Z t1 Z t1 Z t2
f g= f g+ f g,
0 0 0 0 0 t1
Z t2 Z t1 Z t2 Z t1 Z t1 Z t1
f g= f g+ f g.
0 0 t1 0 0 0
R t1 R t2 R t2 R t1
Hence it remains to show 0 f t g ≥ t f 0 g.
1 1
This follows from the calculation:
Z t1 Z t2 Z t1 Z t2 Z t1 ! Z t2
f g= gh g≥ g h(t1 ) g
0 t1 0 t1 0 t1
Z t1 ! Z t2 ! Z t2 Z t1
≥ g hg = f g.
0 t1 t1 0
Remark: Recall we actually have φ(r, θ) = det(gi j ) ◦ x−1 (r, θ), r < τ(θ), and
f (r) n−1
φk (r) = kr . limr→0 φ(r, θ) = 1 ⇒ limr→0 φ(r,θ)
φk (r) = 1. Hence Theorem 6.13 ⇒
φ(r, θ) ≤ φk (r), when r < τ(θ) ⇒ χφ(r, θ) ≤ χk φk (r) ⇒
Vol B p ( √ ) = Vol(M) ≤ Vol(Mk ). (6.7.6)
Vol(B p (r))
In fact, noe have limr→0 Vol(Bk (r))
= 1. So (6.7.6) can be derived from Theorem
2. When assuming sec ≥ k > 0, this result has been proved by Toponogov in
1959. Cheng’s original proof uses his comparison theorems for first eigenvalues.
Shioham (Trans. AMS. 1983) gives a much more elementary proof using the
Volume Comparison .
∀r ∈ (0, π].
Vol(B p (π))
Let r → 0, we have 1 = Vol(B0 (π)) = Vol(M)
Vol(Sn (1)) . Then corollary 6.9 implies that M is
isometric to Sn (1).
Vol(B (r))
Proof. (1). follows directly from Theorem 6.13, and limr→0 Vol(B0p (r)) = 1. Then ”=”
case again following from that in Laplacian Comparison Theorem.
Vol(B (r))
(2). (Following Gromov). From the following proof, we see again that Vol(B0p (r))
decreases tells much more than only Vol(B p (r)) ≤ Vol(B0 (r)) !!
Since M is non-compact complete, for any p ∈ M, there exists a ray, i.e. a geodesic
γ : [0, ∞) → M with γ(0) = p, and d(p, γ(t)) = t, ∀t ≥ 0.
∀r > 2. ⇒
r 1
Vol(B p (r)) ≥ Vol Bγ( 2r + 12 ) −
2 2
r 1
≥ Cn Vol(B p (1))( + ).
2 2
Final Remark: Recall we used Lapkacian Comparison to prove the volume com-
parison: Ric ≥ (n − 1)k ⇒ Vol(B p (r)) ≤ Vol(Bk (r)). (Inside the cut locus, this is due
to Bishop. Gromov made the crucial step to show it for any r, and to a ”full” use of
Vol(B (r))
the fact that Vol(Bkp(r)) decrease.) It is natural to ask the ”other direction”. Recall we do
not have the ”other direction” in Laplacian Comparison, but we do have it in Hessian
Excercise(Gunther, 1960) Let (M, g) be a complete Riemannian manifold, with
sectional curvature ≤ k. Let B p (r) be a ball in M which does not meet the cut locus of
p. Then Vol(B p (r)) ≥ Vol(Bk (r)).
Chapter 7
In the last part of our course , we discuss properties of a Riemannian manifold which
does not necessarily depend on the smooth structure of the underlying spaces. Those
properties may be taken to be definition of a general (metric, measure) space with
aurvature restrictions.
d2 (p, γ(t)) ≤ (1 − t)d2 (p, γ(0)) + td2 (p, γ(1)) − t(1 − t)d2 (γ(0), γ(1)). (7.1.1)
k0 (t) = (1 − t)d2 (p, γ(0)) + td2 (p, γ(1)) − t(1 − t)d2 (γ(0), γ(1)).
We have
Then for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1,
d(γ1 (t), γ2 (t)) ≤ td(γ1 (1), γ2 (1)).
Proof. Appling Theorem 7.1 twice:
d2 (γ1 (1), γ2 (t)) ≤ td2 (γ1 (1), γ2 (1)) + (1 − t)d2 (γ1 (1), p) − t(1 − t)d2 (p, γ2 (1)), (7.1.2)
d2 (γ2 (1), γ1 (t)) ≤ td2 (γ1 (1), γ2 (t)) + (1 − t)d2 (γ2 (t), p) − t(1 − t)d2 (p, γ1 (1)). (7.1.3)
Inserting 7.1.2 into 7.1.3, and observing d2 (γ2 (t), p) = t2 d2 (γ1 (t), p), we complete
the proof.
Remark: The property (7.1.1) for all p and all geodesic γ is actually equivalent to
the nonpositive sectional curvature of M. Namely, if the sectional curvature ≥ k > 0 in
a neighborhood of p, then locally (% ◦ γ)00 (t) = Hess%(γ̇(t), γ̇(t)) ≤ Hess%(γ̇(t), γ̇(t)).
Then one can show ”>” in (7.1.1). In fact, this is taken to be the definition of a
length space with nonpositive sectional curvature in the sense of Alexandrow.
Corollary 7.1 is also equivalent to nonpositive sectional curvature, and is taken as a
general curvature bound notion by Busemann. see[Chap2, Jost, Nonpositive Curvature:
Geometric and Analytic Aspects, Birkhāuser].
λ 2
λ) + (1 − λ)2 + λ2 = 1. This yeilds d12 + d22 ≤ 1−λ λ b1 + a2 + a1 + 1−λ b2 . Set λ = b1 +b2 ⇒
2 2 2 b1
d12 + d22 ≤ a21 + a22 + 2b1 b2 = a21 + a22 + b21 + b22 − (b1 − b2 )2 .
Then ∀0 ≤ t ≤ 1, 0 ≤ s ≤ 1
Proof. Notice that Theorem 7.2 is the case t = 1, s = 0. By symmetry, we also have
the above inequation holds for t = 1, s = 1. i.e.
d2 (γ1 (0), γ2 (t)) + d2 (γ(1), γ2 (1 − t)) ≤ (1 − t)b21 + td22 − t(1 − t)a22 + td12 + (1 − t)b22 − t(1 − t)a22
≤ t a21 + a22 + b21 + b22 − s(a1 − a2 )2 − (1 − s)(b1 − b2 )2 + (1 − t) b21 + b22 − 2t(1 − t)a22
= b21 + b22 + 2t2 a22 + t a21 − a22 − ts(a1 − a2 )2 − t(1 − s)(b1 − b2 )2 .
Exercise: Let (M, g) be as above, and γ1 , γ2 : [0, 1] → M be geodesics. Then we
have ∀0 ≤ t ≤ 1, 0 ≤ s ≤ 1.
d2 (γ1 (t), γ2 (t)) ≤ (1 − t)d2 (γ1 (0), γ2 (0)) + td2 (γ1 (1), γ2 (1))
n o
− t(1 − t) s[d(γ1 (0), γ1 (1)) − d(γ2 (0), γ2 (1))]2 + (1 − s)[d(γ1 (0), γ2 (0)) − d(γ1 (1), γ2 (1))]2 .
x (p) = 0
∂ ∂
gi j (p) = g( i , j )(p) = δi j
∂x ∂x
Γi (p) = 0
Choose any p ∈ M near to x, let γ be the geodesic from x to p. Let Ei (p) be the vector
in T p M which is obtained by transport ei parallelly along γ. The local frame obtained
in this way is what we want.
Let us discuss an exomple.
Lemma 7.1. Choosing any local frame {Vi }ni=1 on M and its dual coframe {ωi }ni=1 , then
we have X
d= ωi ∧ ∇Vi . (7.2.1)
Recall d : A p (M) → A p+1 (M) is the exterior derivative where A p (M) stands for the
vector space of smooth p-forms on M.
Proof. Let us denote by d = i ωi ∧ ∇Vi . Notice this does not depend on the choice
of different frames. Indeed, for the frame Xk = cik Vi and its dual ηk = dik ωi , where
i k
= δij . Hence
k ck d j
η k ∧ ∇ Xk = dkj ω j ∧ ∇cik Vi
k k, j,i
= dkj cik ω j ∧ ∇ Vi = δij ω j ∧ ∇Vi = ωi ∧ ∇Vi .
k, j,i j,i i
As both sides of (7.2.1) are independent of the choice of frames, we can prove it
pointwise, and choose the normal coordinate {xi } around a fixed point p ∈ M, and
consider the local coordinate frame { ∂x∂ i } and its dual {dxi }.
First, we observe
∂ !
j ∂ ∂
! !
∇ ∂i dxi = ∇ ∂ dx ( ) − dx j
∇ ∂
∂x ∂xk ∂xi ∂xk ∂xi ∂xk
= − dx j Γlik l = −Γlik δkj = −Γikj .
∇ ∂i dx j (p) = 0. (7.2.2)
By the linear property of d and RHS of (7.2.1), we only need to verify (7.2.1) when
applying to any q-form η = f dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxq . Then
X i X
η =
dx ∧ ∇ ∂ dxi ∧ ∇ ∂ f dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxq
∂xi ∂xi
i i
X ∂f X ∂f
= dx ∧ i dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxq =
dxi ∧ dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxq
∂x i
∂x i
φ= φi1 ...i p ωi1 ∧ · · · ∧ ωi p ,
i1 <···<i p
ψ= ψi1 ...i p ωi1 ∧ · · · ∧ ωi p .
i1 <···<i p
Then define
hφ, ψi(x) = φi1 ...i p ψi1 ...i p (x).
i1 <···<i p
ω1 ∧ · · · ∧ ωn
(1, . . . , n) → (i1 , . . . , ın )
φ ∧ ?ψ = φi1 ...i p ω 1 ∧ · · · ∧ ω p ∧
i i j1 ... jn ψ j1 ... j p ω p+1 ∧ · · · ∧ ω n
j j
= (−1) p(n−p) φ.
Then h?φ, ?ψiΩ = ?φ∧?(?ψ) = (−1) p(n−p) ?φ∧ψ = φ∧?ψ = hψ, φiΩ = hφ, ψiΩ.
Hence h?φ, ?ψi = hφ, ψi.
Let us explain why we define δ like that, especially with such a complicated sign.
Let M be an n-dimensional, closed orientable Riemannian manifold. We can introduce
an inner product in the space of the whole exteror Algebra A∗ (M) = ⊕np=0 A p (M) as
∀φ, ψ ∈ A p (M), set
(φ, ψ) = hφ, ψiΩ = φ ∧ ?ψ
p q
∀φ ∈ A (M) ∀ψ ∈ A (M) with p , q set
(φ, ψ) = 0.
Excercise: Check this definition gives an inner product in A∗ .
Proposition 7.1 implies (?φ, ?ψ) = (ψ, φ). That is, ? is an isometry tansformation
beween A∗ and itself. The definition of δ is carefully given to ensure the following
Proposition 7.2. ∀α ∈ A p−1 (M), β ∈ A p (M), we have (dα, β) = (α, δβ).
(dα, β) = dα ∧ ?β
= d(α ∧ ?β) − (−1) p−1 α ∧ d ? β
= −(−1) p−1 (−1)(n−p+1)(p−1) α ∧ ? ? (d ? β)
= (−1) (n−p+2)(p−1)+1
α ∧ ?(?d ? β)
= (−1)np+n+1 α ∧ ?(?d ? β).
2. i(X)( f φ) = f (i(X)φ),
3. i(X) ◦ i(X) = 0.
Lemma 7.2. Choosing any local orthonomal frame {Ei }ni=1 on M, we have
δ=− i(E j )∇E j . (7.2.4)
Proof. Denote δ = − nj=1 i(E j )∇E j . We can check δ is independent of the choice of
local orthonormal frames. So we only need to prove (7.2.4) at a fixed point x ∈ M.
We pick a local normal frame {Ei } at x. Let {ωi } be the dual coframe. Since ∇Ei E j =
k Γi j E k , we have
P k
∇Ei ω j (Ek ) = ∇Ei ω j (Ek ) − ω j ∇Ei E j
= −ω j (Γlik El ) = −Γikj .
δη = − i(E j )∇E j ( f ω1 ∧ · · · ∧ ω p )
=− i(E j ) E j ( f ) ω1 ∧ · · · ∧ ω p
X p
=− E j ( f ) (−1) ω ∧ · · · ∧ ω ∧ i(E j )ω ∧ · · · ∧ ω
k−1 1 k−1 k p
j=1 k=1
=− E j ( f )(−1) j−1 ω1 ∧ · · · ∧ b
ω j ∧ · · · ∧ ωp
= ω j ∧ · · · ∧ ωp.
(−1) j E j ( f )ω1 ∧ · · · ∧ b
(δη)(p) = (−1)np+n+n+ ? d ? ( f ω1 ∧ · · · ∧ ω p )
= (−1)np+n+1 ? d( f ω p+1 ∧ · · · ∧ ωn )
= (−1) np+n+1
? ω ∧ ∇E j ( f ω ∧ · · · ∧ ω )
j p+1 n
= (−1) np+n+1
? E j ( f )ω ∧ ω ∧ · · · ∧ ω
j p+1 n
= (−1)np+n+1 E j ( f ) ? (ω j ∧ ω p+1 ∧ · · · ∧ ωn )
= ω j ∧ · · · ∧ ωp
(−1) j E j ( f )ω1 ∧ · · · ∧ b
= (δη)(p).
= trHess f.
One can check this definition is independent of the choice of an orthonormal frame,
tr(∇2 ω)(. . . ) = ∇ei ∇ei ω − ∇∇ei ei ω .
Theorem 7.3 (Weitzenböck formula). For any ω ∈ A p (M), let {ei } be a local orthonor-
mal frame and {ωi } its dual, then
Proof. We can check that the RHS is independent of the choice of othonormal frame.
So we will prove the W-formula at a point x ∈ M, and pick a local normal frame {Ei }.
We again use {ωi } for its dual.
Recall the covariant derivative is commutable with the contraction, i.e.
∇Ei C(E j ⊗ ∇E j ω) = C∇Ei (E j ⊗ ∇E j ω)
= C E j ⊗ ∇Ei ∇E j ω .
Hence ∇Ei i(E j )∇E j ω = i(E j )∇Ei ∇E j ω. Recall ∇Ei E j = 0, ∀i, j ⇒ ∇E j ω j = 0,
i, j
(∇X ∇Y ω) (Z) = (∇X (∇Y ω)) (Z) = X ((∇Y ω)(Z)) − (∇Y ω)(∇X Z)
= X{Y(ω(Z)) − ω(∇Y Z)} − Y(ω(∇X Z)) + ω(∇Y ∇X Z)
= X(Y(ω(Z))) − X(ω(∇Y Z)) − Y(ω(∇X Z)) + ω(∇Y ∇X Z),
∇[X,Y] ω (Z) = [X, Y](ω(Z)) − ω(∇[X,Y] (Z)).
Hence (R(X, Y)(ω)) (Z) = ω(∇Y ∇X Z) − ω(∇X ∇Y Z) + ω(∇[X,Y] (Z)) = −ω(R(X, Y)Z).
Now we continue our computation:
F(ω) = − R(Ei , E j )ω (E j )hωi , ωi
= ω R(Ei , E j )E j hωi , ωi
= h]ω, R(Ei , E j )ωE j ihωi , ωi
= h]ω, R(hωi , ωiEi , E j )E j i
= h]ω, R(]ω, E j )E j i = hR(]ω, E j )E j , ]ωi
= R(]ω, E j , ]ω, E j ) = R(E j , ]ω, E j , ]ω)
j j
0=− h∆ω, ωi + |∇ω|2 + Ric(]ω, ]ω)dvol M
= |∇ω|2 + Ric(]ω, ]ω)dvol M ≥ 0.
∆LB |grad f |2 = |Hess f |2 + hgrad(∆LB f ), grad f i + Ric(grad f, grad f ). (7.2.8)
|∇d f |2 = h∇Ei d f, ∇Ei d f i
= h∇Ei grad f, ∇Ei grad f i
X *X X +
= h∇Ei grad f, E j iE j , h∇Ei grad f, Ek iEk
i j k
= h∇Ei grad f, E j i =
Hess f (Ei , E j )2
ij ij
= |Hess f | . 2
0= |Hess f |2 + hgrad(∆LB f ), grad f i + Ric(grad f, grad f )
= |Hess f |2 − λ1 hgrad f, grad f i + Ric(grad f, grad f )
⇒ λ1 ≥ k.
λ Z
⇒0≥ − λ1 + k |grad f |2
n M
⇒ λ1 ≥ .
Like for the Bonnet-Myers Theorem, we have the following RIGIDITY result due
to Obata.
1 1
⇒ ∆LB |∇ f |2 + f 2 = ∆LB |∇ f |2 + |grad f |2 + f ∆LB f
2 2
≥ h f, −∆LB f i − n|grad f |2 + (n − 1)|grad f |2
+ |grad f |2 + f ∆LB f
∆ |∇ f |2 + f 2 = 0. Hence ∆LB |∇ f |2 + f 2 = 0. That is,
R 1
Recall M 2 LB
|grad f |2 + f 2 ≡ const.
Integrating over t,
d(p,q) dtd f ◦ γ(t) Z 1 1
= √ dx = π
1 − f ◦ γ(t)
0 2 −1 1 − x2
Z d(p,q) d
dt f ◦ γ(t)
≤ ≤ d(p, q).
1 − f ◦ γ(t)2
For example, a discrete set {p1 , . . . , pn } with the metric d(pi , p j ) = δi j can be rep-
resented by a complete graph Kn . Define the degree of a vertex p to be deg(p) =
q∈V,d(p,q)=1 1.
We can consider the graph Laplacian ∆ defined via ∆ f (x) = y∈V,d(y,x)=1 ( f (y) −
f (x)),
Definition 7.2. A graph G = (V, E) is said to satisfy the curvature dimension inequality
CD(K, n) for some K ∈ R, n ∈ (0, ∞] if for all f : V → R, it holds
Γ2 ( f, f )(x) ≥ (∆ f )2 (x) + KΓ( f, f )(x)
∀x ∈ V.
2 degmax
diamd (G) ≤ .
Moreover, ”=” holds iff G is a degmax -dimensional hypercube. Under the same assump-
tion, (By standard argument, we have λ1 ≥ K) λdegmax = K iff G is a degmax -dimensional
Remark: (1)Hypercube:
Open question: Let G = (V, E) be a connected graph satisgying CD(0, ∞). What is
the volume growth rate? Polynomial? This is equivalent to ask for the (non-)existence
of a family of expanders in the class of Graphs satisfying CD(0, ∞).