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CB Ac Agent Installation Guide

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VMware Carbon Black App Control

Agent Installation Guide

23 February 2023
VMware Carbon Black App Control services
VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

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Preface 6

1 Preparing for Agent Installation or Update 7

Endpoint Configuration Overview 7
Pre-installation Activities 7
Installation and Initialization 8
Permissions for Endpoint Management 9
Assigning Endpoints to a Policy 10
Assigning Policy by Active Directory Mapping 11
AD Policy Mapping Summary 12
Enable the AD Mapping Interface 12
Creating AD Mapping Rules 13
Create an AD Policy Mapping Rule 15
Mapping Rule Ranking 19
AD Object Browser Options 20
Endpoint Registration and AD Mapping 21
Clearing the Server AD Cache 21
Viewing AD Computer Details in the Console 22
Uploading Agent Installers and Rules to the Server 22
Upload Agent Installer Packages to Server 23
View Current Agent Versions and Package Generation Status 25
Downloading Agent Installers 26
Download an Agent Installer 27
Verify the Windows Agent Digital Signatures 28
macOS Agent Installer Integrity and Signature Verification 29

2 About Installing Agents on Endpoints 34

3 Installing Windows Agents on Endpoints 36

Considerations When Installing an Agent using Group Policy 37
Install Windows Agents on Endpoints 37
Command Line Installations of Windows Agents 39
Conditions Requiring Reboot after Installation 41

4 Installing Linux Agents on Endpoints 43

Install Linux Agents on Endpoints 44

5 Installing macOS Agents on Endpoints 47

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Install macOS Agents on Endpoints 47

Installing or Upgrading the macOS Agent on a Computer Running Big Sur or Later Operating
System 49
Manually Install the macOS Agent on Big Sur or Later 50
Deploying macOS App Control Agents Using Jamf Pro (Big Sur+) 56
Create a Configuration Profile in Jamf 56
System Extensions Approval using Jamf 61
Create a Package Using Jamf Composer 62
Upload macOS agent DMG to Jamf Pro 63
Deploy Package using a Jamf Pro Software Distribution Policy 64
Create and Assign Smart Computer Groups 66
Kext and System Extension Support 68
Allowing the Agent Kernel Extension (Mojave or Later) 68
Allow the Agent Kernel Extension During Agent Installation or Upgrade or Kernel
Extension Supporting macOS Versions 69
Allow the Agent Kernel Extension After Agent Installation or Upgrade on Kernel Extension
Supporting macOS Versions 69
Enable Full Disk Access (FDA) with MDM 70

6 Verify the Agent Installation 72

7 Post-installation Activities 73

8 Upgrading Agents on Endpoints 75

Feature Limitations for Non-Upgraded Agents 76
Upgrade Issue with Windows XP and Server 2003 76
Enabling Automatic Agent Upgrades 77
Upgrading Agents from the Console 78
Upgrade Agents from the Console 78
Automating macOS Agent Upgrades Using an MDM Tool 79
Manually Upgrading Agents 80
Manually Upgrading Windows Agents 80
Manually Upgrade Windows Agents 81
Manually Upgrade Linux Agents 82
Manually Upgrade macOS Agents 83
Agent Upgrade Status 84

9 Uninstalling Agents on Endpoints 86

Uninstall the Windows Agent from an Endpoint 86
Uninstall the Linux Agent from an Endpoint 87
Uninstall the macOS Agent from an Endpoint 88

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10 Document History 89

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This guide provides information for system or network administrators who install, update, and
uninstall VMware Carbon Black App Control agent software on Windows, Linux, and macOS

Important The Carbon Black App Control agent installation process is non-interactive; it requires
no user input. As soon as installation is completed, the Carbon Black App Control agent begins
working – no additional configuration is needed, and in most cases a restart is unnecessary.

Intended Audience
This documentation provides agent installation, update, and uninstall instructions for
administrators, incident responders, and others who will operate Carbon Black App Control.

Staff who manage Carbon Black App Control activities should be familiar with operating systems,
web applications, installed software, desktop infrastructure (especially in-house procedures for
software roll-outs, patch management, and anti-virus software maintenance), and the effects of
unwanted software.

Document History
For a list of changes made to this guide, see Chapter 10 Document History.

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Preparing for Agent Installation or
Update 1
This section describes the steps necessary to install Carbon Black App Control agents on
endpoints. It also describes how to upgrade agents.

Tasks include adding installation packages for agents and rules files to the server, downloading
the Carbon Black App Control agent from a server to an endpoint, and installing the agent on an

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Endpoint Configuration Overview

n Assigning Endpoints to a Policy

n Assigning Policy by Active Directory Mapping

n Uploading Agent Installers and Rules to the Server

n Downloading Agent Installers

Endpoint Configuration Overview

When you install and run the Carbon Black App Control agent on an endpoint, the endpoint
become protected by rules defined on an Carbon Black App Control server. After the agent is
installed, an initialization process begins, and connected agents become visible to their Carbon
Black App Control server, delivering information about the endpoint and its files to the server

Pre-installation Activities
This topic describes key computer configuration decisions you must make before installing Carbon
Black App Control agents on endpoints.

n CLI Management configuration options allow you to designate a user or group, or a password
usable by anyone, to perform certain agent management activities in conjunction with VMware
Carbon Black Support. Especially if you have systems that will be permanently offline, it is
best to choose one of these options before creating policies and distributing agent installation
packages. See "Advanced Configuration Options" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control
User Guide for more details.

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n Rules file and agent installer packages must be uploaded to the server from the VMware
Carbon Black User Exchange. Beginning with Carbon Black App Control Server v8.1.4, rules
and agent installers have been separated from the server installation to allow for greater
flexibility in updates.

n For a new Carbon Black App Control server, you must upload the rules file and agent
package installers to the server before agents can be downloaded to endpoints.

n For a server upgraded from a previous version, your previous rules and agent installers
remain in place, but there might be new rule and agent updates.

n Policies determine the groups of security settings available to endpoints — every agent
belongs to a policy. See "Creating and Configuring Policies" in the VMware Carbon Black
App Control User Guide if you have not yet created policies.
n Script Rules are best created and enabled before you deploy agents. This ensures that all
files matching those rules are in the inventory and can be approved or banned if you choose.
Script rules created or enabled after an agent is deployed require that endpoints be rescanned
before the files they identify are inventoried. See "Script Rules" in the VMware Carbon Black
App Control User Guide for more details.
n Review the expired certificate validation setting, especially if you will be running endpoints
offline. If you intend to allow file approval by certificates that have expired, make this choice
before you download and install the agents on permanently offline endpoints — otherwise,
they cannot use expired certificates. See "Approval with Expired Certificates" in the VMware
Carbon Black App Control User Guide for more details.
n Initial Policy assignment to an endpoint can be determined by Active Directory data, as
described in "Assigning Policy by Active Directory Mapping" in the VMware Carbon Black App
Control User Guide — or by the agent installer, as described in Downloading Agent Installers.
Although you can change this decision later, determining how you want policies assigned
before installing agents is recommended.

n Preparing a reference endpoint for a “snapshot” of files can give you a baseline for the files
in your environment if you plan to closely monitor changes in your file inventory. Ideally, this
is a clean computer onto which you install only the applications that you would like to run on
some or all of your systems. After the endpoint is prepared, you can install the agent and,
after initialization is complete, use the Snapshot process as described in "Monitoring Change:
Baseline Drift Reports" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

Installation and Initialization

For each security policy you create, an agent installer is created for each supported platform
(Windows, macOS, or Linux) for which an initial installer package has been uploaded to the server.
Each agent installer includes the policy assigned to the computer and the Carbon Black App
Control server address

If you do not use AD-based policy assignment, you choose the agent installer for each endpoint
based on the endpoint’s platform and the policy that you want to control that endpoint.

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Setting up your server so that it can create installers is described in Uploading Agent Installers and
Rules to the Server. Installation of agents on endpoints is described in:

n Downloading Agent Installers

n Chapter 2 About Installing Agents on Endpoints

n Chapter 3 Installing Windows Agents on Endpoints

n Chapter 4 Installing Linux Agents on Endpoints

n Chapter 5 Installing macOS Agents on Endpoints

Tip It is a best practice to install agent software into a Disabled Mode policy. Such a policy is
configured to be in Disabled Enforcement mode. In such a scenario, the agent only initializes when
moved into any policy that is not configured for Disabled Enforcement.

File initialization begins in either of the following cases:

n As soon as the agent software is installed into a visibility-mode or control-mode policy.

n If the agent is moved from a disabled-mode policy to a visibility-mode or control-mode policy.

The agent takes an inventory of all “interesting files” (executables and defined scripts) on the
client computer’s fixed drives (but not removable drives) and creates a hash of each file. When
an endpoint first connects to the server, its agent sends these hashes to the Carbon Black App
Control server to update the server’s file inventory.

Note Virtual machines cloned from template computers can be configured to include or omit
their initial (cloned) files in their inventory. See "Configuring Clone Inventory" in the VMware
Carbon Black App Control User Guide for more details.

Carbon Black App Control assigns files both a local and a global file state. Files that exist on
an endpoint at initialization receive a local state of Approved unless they have previously been
identified and globally banned or banned by policy on the Carbon Black App Control server.

Unless pre-banned or pre-approved by an Carbon Black App Control rule, files that the Carbon
Black App Control server has never seen before will get the global state of Unapproved and be
added to the catalog. If a file was first seen on this agent after initialization, it will also get the local
state of Unapproved on the agent. For more information on file state, see "File State, Approving
and Banning" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

During initialization, the computer is protected by whatever security policy is assigned to it, and
file activities are allowed or blocked according to that policy.

Permissions for Endpoint Management

Access to Carbon Black App Control endpoint management features depends upon the Login
Account Role Permissions for the user who is attempting access.

Relevant permissions are:

n View computers – Ability to view endpoint pages

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n Temporary assign computers – Ability to generate temporary policy override codes

n Manage computers – Ability to manually assign computer (endpoint) to policies and change
Enforcement Level

n Change advanced options – Ability to change advanced options such as collection diagnostics
and re-synchronizing

n Manage system configuration – Ability to upload new agent installer and rule packages

The built-in user roles have the following endpoint management permissions:

n Administrator and PowerUser accounts (including Unified Management versions) with default
permissions have full access to these features.

n Read-Only users with default permissions can view the details of endpoints running agents but
cannot add, delete, or change their configuration.

n The access level of users in custom login account roles depends on the role’s permissions in
the Computers asset rows on the Add Edit Role page. Note that some features described here
require additional permissions.

See "User Role Permissions" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide for full details
on viewing and changing login account role permissions.

In addition to standard computer management features, some or all users can be allowed to
access agent management commands that can be used in special situations, usually in consultation
with VMware Carbon Black Support. See "Configuring Agent Management Privileges" in the
VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide for more details.

Assigning Endpoints to a Policy

Every endpoint running a Carbon Black App Control agent is assigned a security policy. There are
three standard ways an endpoint can be assigned its policy.

n By Agent installer – Every policy you create generates a policy-specific Carbon Black App
Control agent installer for each supported platform, so when you install the agent on an
endpoint, it is assigned a policy. When the agent contacts the Carbon Black App Control
server after agent installation, the endpoint is added to table of computers (endpoints) in the
console. If you have not set up AD-based policy assignment, the agent remains in the policy
embedded in its installer unless you manually reassign it.

You do not have to (nor should you) reinstall a Carbon Black App Control agent to make
a policy change for an endpoint. You normally need to install the agent only one time per

n Automatically, by Active Directory (AD) group mapping – You can set up the Carbon Black
App Control server to run a script that assigns new and, if configured, existing endpoints to
security policies according to the AD group information of the endpoint (or the user logged

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in to it). An endpoint's initial policy is defined by the agent installer. If that initial policy
is configured to allow automatic policy assignment, this AD-based policy assignment takes
precedence. Policy assignment by AD mapping is described in Assigning Policy by Active
Directory Mapping.

n Manually – You can move any endpoint to a policy other than the one assigned by the installer
or the AD-mapping facility. This might be useful if you discover that a particular endpoint
used the wrong installer, or that its security policy should differ from other endpoints in the
AD group that was used to map its policy. Manual assignment might also be used for a
temporary situation that requires more or less restriction for an endpoint or its user. If you
manually change an endpoint's policy, you can later restore its original policy (or to automatic
assignment). Manual policy assignment is described in "Moving Computers to Another Policy"
in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

You can move endpoints from manual to automatic policy assignment and vice versa.

Note In certain cases, policy can be changed for reasons other than those listed above. For
n If you delete the policy an agent belongs to while the endpoint is offline, the agent moves to
the Default policy group. See "Restoring Computers from the Default Policy" in the VMware
Carbon Black App Control User Guide for more details.
n There is an Event Rule action that can move endpoints to a different policy when a specified
event occurs. See "Creating and Editing Event Rules" in the VMware Carbon Black App
Control User Guide for more details.

If you are not using AD-based policy assignment, you can skip the AD-mapping topics and go
directly to Downloading Agent Installers for instructions on choosing a policy-specific installer.

Assigning Policy by Active Directory Mapping

You can create rules that map each endpoint to a certain policy based on its Active Directory (AD)

AD-based policy assignment happens when an agent first contacts the Carbon Black App Control
server, and is checked again each time the server and agent re-establish contact or the logged-
in user on the agent endpoint changes (see Endpoint Registration and AD Mapping for more
information on when mapping can change).

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AD Policy Mapping Summary

To make use of AD-based policy assignment, you must perform the following actions.

n Install the Carbon Black App Control server in an AD Domain – Install the Carbon Black App
Control server on an endpoint that is a member of an Active Directory domain. By default, the
Carbon Black App Control server must be in the same AD forest as the computers and users
you want to map. If you require cross-forest integration, contact your VMware Carbon Black
Support representative.

n Enable the AD Mapping Interface – You enable the AD-based policy mapping interface in the
Active Directory LDAP integration panel on the General tab of the System Configuration page.

n Create AD-mappable Target Policies – Create the security policies to which you want
endpoints assigned by AD Mapping, and make sure these policies allow automatic policy

n Create Mappings – On the Mappings tab of the Policies page, create AD Policy Mapping rules
that use AD data to assign endpoints to different security policies

n Install or Move Agents to AD-mappable Policies – For new agent installations, make sure
that the policy for the agent installation packages allows automatic policy assignment. For
mapping to be successful, both the current policy of an agent and the policy to which will be
mapped must have automatic policy assignment enabled. For existing agents, if necessary,
you can change a policy from manual to automatic after installation or move the agent to an
AD-mappable policy.

Note The App Control Server will perform AD-mapping for any endpoint that is configured
through your Active Directory server, including non-Windows platforms.

Enable the AD Mapping Interface

Perform the following procedure to enable the AD Mapping interface.


1 In the console menu, click the configuration (gear) icon and click System Configuration. The
System Configuration page displays.

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2 If the General Settings view is not already displayed, click the General tab. The second panel
on the General tab is Active Directory/LDAP integration.

3 In the Active Directory/LDAP Integration panel, click the Test button next to Test AD
Connectivity. If you see a Success message, continue to the next step. If you see an Error
message, your Carbon Black App Control server is unable to access AD. AD Mapping will not
work until you correct the problem.

4 If AD connectivity succeeds, click the Edit button at the bottom of the window.

5 In the AD-based Policy dropdown menu, click Enabled.

6 In the Search Level dropdown menu, select Global Catalog for the AD browser to search all
domains, or select LDAP for a restricted search.

7 To submit the changes, click the Update button and then click Yes on the confirmation dialog.

Creating AD Mapping Rules

After the AD-based Policy interface is enabled, a new tab, Mappings, is visible on the Policies
page. Clicking on this tab opens the Active Directory Policy Mappings page. This is where you
create rules to map computers with specified AD data to certain policies

Before you begin setting up mapping rules, make sure you have created all of the policies to which
you want computers mapped.

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You can create mapping rules that test for matching AD data including organizational units,
domains, security groups, computer names, and user names. Keep the following in mind when
creating mapping rules:

n Although you can choose to match AD Security Group data for either users or computers,
computer-based rules are recommended. With multiple users on a computer, sometimes
simultaneously logged on, AD Mapping rules based on users could lead to unexpected results.

n Carbon Black App Control does not support policy mapping for AD object names that contain
double quotes. Object names with double quotes cannot be handled properly by the directory
object browser you use to create a mapping rule.

n Try to create as few rules as possible and test for groups rather than individual objects.

The following table shows the rule parameters you provide for a mapping rule.

Table 1-1. AD Mapping Rule Parameters

Parameter Description

Computer Object to Test The object that will be tested to see whether it matches
the rule. The choices are Computer, User, and User or

Relationship The relationship being evaluated between the Directory

Object specified in the rule and the AD data from the
computer being assigned a policy. The choices are:
n is member of group
n is in OU or domain
n is
n is not in any domain

Directory Object The object in AD that the data from the tested object
must match. Clicking the right end of this field opens an
browser from which you can search for an object in your
AD environment.
The choices for the Directory object field change
depending upon which Relationship you choose. If you
choose “is not in any domain,” no Directory object is

Policy to Apply The policy to apply to a computer if its tested object

matches the rule. The dropdown menu shows all available

Note For policies created before implementation

of Active Directory policy mapping, "Automatic policy
assignment" is off by default. If you implement AD policy
mapping and set up new mapping rules that apply to a
pre-existing policy, you will need to change the setting
on the policy itself for automatic mapping to take place.
See "Creating Policies" in the VMware Carbon Black App
Control User Guide for more information about automatic
assignment choices.

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The result of providing these parameters is a rule that can be read like a sentence. The following is
how you might set up one rule.

Table 1-2. Example AD Mapping Rule

Parameter Example (value in bold)

Computer Object to Test If a Computer…

Relationship … is in OU or domain …

Directory Object …matching OU =

Marketing,DC=hq,DC=xyzcorp,DC=local …

Policy to Apply … assign that computer to the Standard Protection policy.

Create an AD Policy Mapping Rule

The following procedure shows how to configure an AD mapping rule. Although most parameters
are reasonably straightforward, pay particular attention to the Directory Object field, which
requires use of a special AD browser.


1 In the console menu, click Rules > Policies.

The Policies page opens and shows a list of all available policies.

2 Click the Mappings tab.

The Active Directory Policy Mappings page displays together with the Policy Mappings table,
initially showing only the default rule.

Note If no Mapping tab appears, the AD mapping interface has not been enabled. Go to the
General tab of the System Administration page and enable the feature.

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3 On the Active Directory Policy Mappings page, click Add Rule to display the Active Directory
Policy Mapping Rule panel in which you enter the rule parameters.

4 Select the Computer Object to Test (Computer, User, or Computer and User) from the
dropdown menu. In most cases, Computer is the best choice.

5 Select the Relationship between the data of the object tested and the Directory Object
specified in the rule.

The choice for this field changes the choices available in the other fields.

In this field, you can specify that objects must be in a OU or domain, a security group, in no
domain, or that they exactly match the directory object you choose (the “is” choice on the
Relationship menu). Generally, it is best to choose a relationship that maps multiple computers
to a policy rather than one that singles out an individual computer or user.

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6 Choose the Directory Object that the data from the tested computer must match.

a Click in the Directory Object field to open the AD browser.

The browser opens immediately below the Directory object field. The left panel is labeled
Search in, and shows a tree of your AD domains.

n To expand the AD tree in the left panel, click on the plus button next to the node to

n To collapse the view on the left, click the minus button next to the node to collapse.

b Click the object in the left pane that defines the scope of your search.

Example: If you have two domains, you might click one of them, such as

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c If you see the object in the right panel that you want to use for this rule, double-click it.
The object, including full information about its location in the AD object tree, appears in the
Directory Object field of the Rule Parameters panel and the browser will close.

d If your actions did not automatically close the browser, click the X button in the top right
corner to close it.

There are additional options for using the directory object browser. See AD Object Browser
Options for more information.

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7 From the Policy to Apply dropdown menu, select the policy you want assigned to computers
that meet the requirements of this rule. Only existing policies appear on the dropdown — if
the policy for this rule has not been created yet, cancel the creation of this rule and go to the
Policies page to create the new policy.

8 When you have entered all of the parameters for the rule, click Save. A newly created rule
goes to the bottom of the table of AD rules, just above the default rule, and all rules above
it take precedence. In the example, the rule instructs the Carbon Black App Control server to
assign any computer belonging to the Engineering OU in the domain hq.xyzcorp.local to the
Research Group policy.

Tip Rolling the mouse cursor over the i button next to an object in the Match column provides
a description of the object.

9 When you have additional rules, if necessary, use the up- and down-arrow buttons on the left
side of each rule (or the drag-and-drop method) to change the order in which the rules are
evaluated against a computer. Remember that the [all others] rule always is the last one in the

10 Repeat this procedure beginning with Step 3 for any other rules you need to create.

Mapping Rule Ranking

AD Mapping rules are scanned in top-to-bottom order on the Mappings page, and only the first
match on the list is applied. You can rearrange the order of rules if you prefer a different policy
assignment outcome than you are seeing.

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There is a default AD Mapping rule that cannot be deleted, nor can it be moved from the bottom
of the Policy Mappings Rule table. It maps “[all others]”, that is, all endpoints that have not
matched any of the other rules in the table, to the policy you select. Because it remains at the
bottom of the table, it assures that any automatically mapped endpoint is assigned to some policy.
It is initially mapped to the Default Policy, but you can change this. Creation of an “AD Default
Policy” is recommended so that endpoints not matching other rules have a policy that best reflects
a default security level that has your preferred settings.

AD Object Browser Options

This topic describes object AD object browser options.

The left panel of the AD Object browser is where you determine the scope of your search. It
displays an AD tree with [All Domains] at the top of the tree . It then shows the contents of the
tree in standard browser format, with +/- buttons at each node that contains other objects so that
you can collapse or expand the tree at that point.

The right panel has a description of what you are searching for, based on the Relationship value
in the Active Directory Policy Rule parameters. When you click a node in the tree on the left, all
objects immediately under that node matching the Relationship (for example, OUs and domains)
display in the right panel. You can click an object in the right panel to select it and enter it in the
Rule Parameters panel.

Object Search Depth

In the upper right area of the browser, there is a checkbox labeled Deep. When you select the
Deep checkbox and click Go, a multi-level search examines the immediate contents of the selected
node and the contents of any nodes inside it, regardless of how many layers deep they are.
For example, notice the greater number of results in the right panel of case B in the following

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Object String Match

Another option in the AD Object browser is to search by string match. If you enter a string of
characters in the textbox immediately to the left of the Deep checkbox, you can search for AD
objects in the selected node that start with, end with, or contain the string. You determine how to
use the string by using the dropdown menu to the left of the text box. For example, if you enter
“eng” in the text box and then searched for group names that contain the string, you would match
both “Engineering” and “System Engineering” groups (if they existed in the node selected on the

Endpoint Registration and AD Mapping

Certain events trigger registration of a the agent on an endpoint with its Carbon Black App Control
server. When this occurs, the following conditions can affect AD policy mapping.

n When the Carbon Black App Control agent is first installed, the endpoint will register with the
server for the first time with the users that are logged on at the time. If no users have logged
on since the last time this endpoint was started, the Carbon Black App Control server shows an
empty user list for that agent endpoint.

n When an agent endpoint is restarted, if the Carbon Black App Control agent reconnects to the
server before any user logs in, the user list for that registration will be empty.

n All agent endpoints (whether or not they use automatic policy assignment) re-register when
their list of user sessions changes.

Note Because of the way in which Windows handles sessions, a user’s session on a Windows
endpoint does not necessarily end upon logout. It persists until it is replaced by a different
user's session.

n Agent endpoints are disconnected by the server whenever the server restarts and re-
registered when they reconnect to the server.

n The server disconnects an endpoint (forcing re-registration) when the agent endpoint’s policy
assignment is changed manually, or if it is changed from manual to automatic.

Clearing the Server AD Cache

The AD information that is used to map agent endpoints to policies is cached on the Carbon Black
App Control server and updated every four hours. It is also updated when a Carbon Black App
Control rule change occurs that is related to AD mapping.

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f you make a change to this AD information on your AD server — for example, changing the group
a computer or user is in, or adding an endpoint — this information normally does not become
available to the Carbon Black App Control server until the next scheduled cache upgrade. If you
have made relevant changes or if you see incorrect policy mapping, you can clear the server cache
so that the Carbon Black App Control server immediately begins updating AD information.

To clear the server cache and update AD information, on the Mappings tab of the Policies page,
click Clear Server Cache in the Actions menu.

Viewing AD Computer Details in the Console

If you have integrated AD and Carbon Black App Control server, anytime an endpoint name in an
AD domain appears in a table in the Carbon Black App Control console, you can view additional
information by clicking on that endpoint name. For example, if you display the Events page, some
events include the endpoint that is associated with the event.

If the name is identified as an AD endpoint name, it is highlighted in blue, and when you click
it, the Computer Details page displays. If you click the AD Details tab on this page, the AD
information that is available for that endpoint is displayed.

Similar information is displayed about a user when you click on a highlighted AD username in a
console table.

Uploading Agent Installers and Rules to the Server

Beginning with Carbon Black App Control 8.1.4, agent installers and the rule file that determines
their behavior are no longer included as part of an Carbon Black App Control server installation.
You must upload rule and agent installer packages separately after you install the server.

This methodology allows Carbon Black more flexibility to make improved agents and new rules
available independent of server releases.

As part of this enhancement, Carbon Black App Control includes a new drag-and-drop interface
to add new rule files and agent installers to your server as they become available. This eliminates
complex and error-prone manual installation procedures.

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A user must have Manage system configuration permissions to upload and install agent installers
and rule files.These files are available on the Carbon Black User Exchange. If you have enabled the
Carbon Black File Reputation (CDC) connection from your server and the health indicators option
within the CDC, a health indicator will inform you when agent installers or rule files newer than the
ones you currently have are available.

Important When new rule files and agent installers are uploaded and installed on the server, the
server service is restarted and agent installation package generation is enabled.

However, automatic agent upgrades are also disabled when you upload a new agent installer (but
not a rules file) so they must be re-enabled if you are planning to use automatic upgrades.

n The installers for rule files and agent packages found on the User Exchange are strictly for
upload to the server. They cannot be used directly to install or update agents on endpoints.

n Rule file and agent package installers for upload to the server cannot be installed on pre-8.1.4

n Rules and agent installation packages must be uploaded to the server one file at a time. If you
drag multiple files into the upload interface simultaneously, the uploads will fail.

n When you use the Update Agent/Rule Version page to upload agent package installers,
generation of agent installer for endpoints is enabled on the server. However, if you use other
methods to update or add agent installers, the installers will not automatically be generated on
the server.

Upload Agent Installer Packages to Server

Perform the following procedure to upload installers for rule files and agent packages to a Carbon
Black App Control server.


1 Log in to the Carbon Black User Exchange and locate the new rules file and agent installer
packages. Links to these packages are found on the Documentation & Downloads area for
Carbon Black App Control on the User Exchange.

2 Download the rules file installer and the agent installer packages for each OS platform in your
environment to a file system that is on or accessible to your Carbon Black App Control server.
These files are named as follows:

n Rules file installer – RulesInstaller.exe

n Windows agent installer – WindowsHostPackageInstaller.exe

n Linux agent installer – LinuxHostPackageInstaller.exe

n macOS agent installer – MacHostPackageInstaller.exe

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

3 Log into your Carbon Black App Control server using an account that has Manage system
configuration permissions.

4 In the console menu, click on the configuration (gear) icon and click Update Agent / Rule

5 To install a new rules file on the server, drag the RulesInstaller.exe file from your
download folder into the target zone on the Update Agent / Rule Versions page, or click
Select a file to find the file by using a browser

Important If you are updating the rules file, do not attempt to simultaneously upload any
agent files. Each file upload must be complete before the next one is started.

When the upload begins, the server checks to see whether the package is correctly signed. If it
is, it is installed on the server. Messages report on each stage of the progress (or failure) of the
upload and installation.

6 When the rules upload is complete, repeat the file drag-and-drop or selection process for
each agent installer package to upload to your server.

n Do not simultaneously upload multiple agent files. Each file upload must be complete
before the next one is started. The server restarts after each upload. A success message
appears when the new agent installer package is available.

n Remain on the Update Agent / Rule Version page while uploads are proceeding. You can
go to other pages, but since the server is restarted after the upload, activity on another
page can be interrupted at an unpredictable point.

7 After you have finished uploading rules files and agent installers to a server:

a f you are setting up a new server, set up the policies to control your agents. See "Creating
and Configuring Policies" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

b Choose a policy assignment method. See Assigning Endpoints to a Policy.

c Install agents on endpoints. See:

n Downloading Agent Installers

n Chapter 2 About Installing Agents on Endpoints

n Install Windows Agents on Endpoints

n Install Linux Agents on Endpoints

n Install macOS Agents on Endpoints

n Chapter 6 Verify the Agent Installation

n Chapter 7 Post-installation Activities

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

d If you are uploading new agent installers or rules files on an existing server, begin
upgrading agents according to the upgrade plan appropriate to your site. See Chapter
8 Upgrading Agents on Endpoints.

What to do next

Note If you are using Unified Management to manage multiple Carbon Black App Control
servers, you must upload new rule and agent packages to each server separately. The
management server does not broadcast these packages to the managed servers.

View Current Agent Versions and Package Generation Status

If you have System Health indicators enabled, you are notified when your agent or rule installer
versions are out of date. With or without System Health indicators enabled, you can view the
current versions of agent and rule installers in the Carbon Black App Control console. You can
compare them to the latest versions on the Release Information and Downloads on VMware Docs.

Tip You can compare them to the latest versions on the Release Information and Downloads on
VMware Docs.


1 On the console menu, click Rules > Policies. The Policies page displays.

2 On the Policies page, click the following link: Click here to view available Carbon Black App
Control Agent / Rules versions. The Installer Versions page displays.

3 Review the version numbers and any status messages for the rules and agent installers.

The Installer Version page shows two key pieces of information for the Windows Agent
installer, macOS Agent installer, Linux Agent installer, and Rules installer that are currently
on the server:

n Version Installed – This is either a version number for the installer in each category, or
None if there is no installer for that item.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

n Package Generation Status – Indicates whether installation packages (that is, the installers
that are used on endpoints) are being generated. Even if there is an agent installer for a
platform (for example, Linux) available on the server, generation of the installer that will be
used on the endpoint might be disabled for that platform. Possible status messages are:

n Enabled – Indicates that a Rules file is available and agent package generation is
enabled for the agent on this platform.

n Disabled – This indicates that agent package generation is disabled. If a version

number displays in the Version Installed column, generation is disabled by a setting on
a hidden page in the console. If Version Installed shows None, generation is disabled
because the agent package for that platform was never installed.

n Disabled due to missing default rules – Indicates that an installer version is uploaded
for the agent on this platform, but installers for endpoints cannot be generated
because no Rules file is uploaded to the server.

n N/A – This appears for the Rules file because package generation is unnecessary for

4 When you have finished reviewing the versions, click the Go back to the policies page link or
use the console menu to navigate elsewhere.

Downloading Agent Installers

When you create a new policy, the Carbon Black App Control server generates a policy-specific
agent installer for each agent platform and posts it to an agent download area. Each installer
specifies the policy, policy settings, Enforcement Level, and the address of the server managing
the agent.

When the Carbon Black App Control server is upgraded, agent installers are not automatically
upgraded; you must upgrade agents separately. Depending upon your upgrade plans, you might
download and install the new agent version on the endpoint, or allow the Carbon Black App
Control server to manage the upgrade. See Chapter 8 Upgrading Agents on Endpoints for more

Carbon Black App Control agent installers are created in a file format that is appropriate for each

n MSI (Microsoft installer) packages for Windows

n ZIP archives for Windows (available only for Windows agent version 8.7.4 and above)

n TGZ archives for Linux

n DMG files for macOS

The download page for these packages is accessible through a URL on the server. You can
bookmark this URL and access the page without logging into the console.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Download an Agent Installer

Perform the following procedure to download a Carbon Black App Control agent installer.


1 In the console menu, click Rules > Policies. The Policies page displays:

2 On the Policies page, click the download link at the top of the page.

The publicly accessible URL for this page takes the following format:


The Download Agent Install Packages page displays:

3 In the Agent Installation Setup Files table, locate the installer file by policy name.

4 To download the installer, click the platform name (for example, Windows) for the endpoint on
which you want to install the agent; save the file.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

5 When the download is complete, optionally verify the package integrity. See:

n Verify the Windows Agent Digital Signatures

n macOS Agent Installer Integrity and Signature Verification

Verify the Windows Agent Digital Signatures

Windows agent software is available in two different formats: ZIP and MSI. The MSI package
combines the agent software together with policy information and packages into a Windows
installer that the Carbon Black App Control server generates. This package is not signed by the

The ZIP file contains a VMware Carbon Black signed MSI that contains the agent software and the
files that are associated with the policy information. The signed MSI can be verified using a signing
tool like Microsoft's Signtool.


1 Download the Microsoft Windows SDK.

2 Install all components of the SDK.

SignTool is usually installed under C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin, but

the exact location depends on the version of the SDK and your operating system. For example,
it can be installed in any of the following locations:

n C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification


n C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\signtool.exe

n C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64\signtool.exe

3 Add the location of the Signtool binary to your PATH environment variable.

a Press the Windows key.

b Type env.

c Click Edit the System Environment Variables.

d Click Environmental Variables.

e Select Path and click Edit.

f At the end of the existing value, add the Signtool location. A semicolon (;) must separate
the old value from the new value. For example:

n old value = %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;

n new value = %USERPROFILE%

\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
Kits\10\App Certification Kit\

g Click OK three times to save your changes and exit the editor.

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4 Run the following command, where $file_to_verify is the name of the install package:

signtool.exe verify /pa /hash SHA56 /all $file_to_verify

n The /pa parameter instructs Signtool to check for code signing.

n An optional /hash SHA256 parameter instructs Signtool to only check the SHA256

n The /all parameter instructs Signtool to check all signatures on the file.


macOS Agent Installer Integrity and Signature Verification

After you download the macOS Agent installer, verify the package integrity. As an additional
security measure, you can verify the digital signature of the internal binaries.

n To verify package integrity: use steps 1 and 2.

n To verify the digital signatures of the internal binaries, do one or both of the following:

n using the codesign command: use steps 3 and 4.

n using the spctl command: use steps 3 and 5.


1 Execute the following command to verify the integrity of the macOS Agent Installer package:

%pkgutil –check-signature ./${Mac_Package}

The result of the command should be similar to the following text:

Package "./${Mac_Package}":
Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple for distribution
Signed with a trusted timestamp on: 2021-10-04 10:35:48 +0000
Certificate Chain:
1. Developer ID Installer: Carbon Black, Inc. (7AGZNQ2S2T)
Expires: 2023-01-09 18:06:36 +0000
SHA256 Fingerprint:
17 A6 E5 4F 0B 7F CE E1 14 7C E8 36 81 DA 31 5D 86 12 4D 93 46 3B
2B 33 33 58 C3 C3 A9 A3 A8 12
2. Developer ID Certification Authority

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Expires: 2027-02-01 22:12:15 +0000

SHA256 Fingerprint:
7A FC 9D 01 A6 2F 03 A2 DE 96 37 93 6D 4A FE 68 09 0D 2D E1 8D 03
F2 9C 88 CF B0 B1 BA 63 58 7F
3. Apple Root CA
Expires: 2035-02-09 21:40:36 +0000
SHA256 Fingerprint:
B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C
68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24

2 Verify that the Certificate Chain Developer ID Installer is: Carbon Black, Inc.(7AGZNQ2S2T).

Warning If the Certificate Chain Developer ID Installer value is not a match, do not proceed
and contact VMware Carbon Black Support.

3 To verify the digital signatures of the internal binaries, you must first extract the main packages
and internal packages.

Binaries in the macOS Agent Installer package:

n appc-es-loader.app

n b9cli

n b9daemon

n b9kernel.kext

n b9notifier.app

n libcrypto.dylib

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

n libssl.dylib

Use the following set of commands to extract each of the main and internal packages:

pkgutil --expand Bit9Agent.pkg pkg_tmp

cd pkg_tmp

cd b9kernel.pkg

tar xvf Payload

cd ..

cd bit9.pkg

tar xvf Payload

4 To use the codesign command to verify the digital signature of the binaries:

%codesign -vvvv -R="notarized" --check-notarization ./${Mac_Binary}

The result of the command should be:

host-a01:$ codesign -vvvv -R="notarized" --check-notarization ./${Mac_Binary}

./${Mac_Binary} : valid on disk
./${Mac_Binary} : satisfies its Designated Requirement
./${Mac_Binary} : explicit requirement satisfied

A file without signing and notarization does not run on macOS. In this case, the following
output displays:

% codesign -vvvv -R="notarized" --check-notarization ./${Mac_Binary}

./${Mac_Binary} code object is not signed at all
In architecture: x86_64

The following image shows verification of all binaries in the Bit9Agent package using the
codesign command:

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

5 To use the spctl command to verify the digital signatures of the binaries, use the following

% spctl -a -t exec -vvv ./${Mac_Binary}

The result of the command should be:

./${Mac_Binary}: accepted
source=Notarized Developer ID
origin=Developer ID Application: Carbon Black, Inc. (7AGZNQ2S2T)

If the binary does not belong to any .app package, the output shows:

rejected (the code is valid but does not seem to be an


% spctl -a -t exec -vvv ./${Mac_Binary}

./${Mac_Binary} : rejected (the code is valid but does not seem to be an app)
origin=Developer ID Application: Carbon Black, Inc. (7AGZNQ2S2T)

As shown in the following image, rejected output is shown for all binaries except .app files.
In this case, the file is valid — rejection is because file is not an app. Instead of looking
at rejected, you can verify that the Developer ID Application equals: Carbon Black, Inc.

The following image shows verification of all the binaries in the Bit9Agent package using the
spctl command.

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About Installing Agents on
Endpoints 2
Before installing a new Carbon Black App Control agent on any platform, review the following

n The agent is a per-system application, not per-user.

n Installing Carbon Black App Control agents on containers is not supported.

n Make sure the computer and operating system on which you are installing the agent is
supported. See the following Operating Environment Requirements guides for agent hardware
requirements and supported OS versions:

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Windows Agent (on Windows Desktop) Operating
Environment Requirements

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Windows Agent (on Windows Server) Operating
Environment Requirements

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Windows Agent (Embedded) Operating Environment

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Linux Agent Operating Environment Requirements

n VMware Carbon Black App Control macOS Agent Operating Environment Requirements

n The Carbon Black App Control agent installation process is non-interactive; it requires no
user input. As soon as installation is completed, the Carbon Black App Control agent begins
working — no additional configuration is needed, and in most cases a restart is unnecessary.

n As soon as the agent is installed, the computer is protected by a security policy, and the agent
connects to the server and begins initializing files. Because initialization can involve significant
data flow between the server and its new clients, consider your network capacity and number
of files when planning agent roll-out. Simultaneous agent installation on all endpoints on a
large network is not recommended.

n If you are configuring your App Control Server for the first time, consider setting up a
reference computer with files you know you want to globally approve; you can also use
that computer as a baseline for measuring any file inventory drift. See "Monitoring Change:
Baseline Drift Reports" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

n Decide how the agent will be installed on this system. You can choose from the following

n Use an existing software deployment mechanism. Although new agent installations are
normally done in non-interactive mode, you can optionally create an interactive end-user
installation experience. If you use a third-party distribution system to install agents, follow
all recommended procedures. For Windows installations, disable any possible MSI or MSP
transformations inside your distribution system (such as SCCM).

n Have a system administrator or other qualified person manually install the agent software
on each endpoint.

n Allow users to install the agent software themselves. Send e-mail to users associated with
each policy, and instruct them to browse to the agent download URL or another shared
location, download the specific installer file for their policy, and run the installation on their
computers. No interaction is needed – the installation runs without prompts and then the
agent begins to initialize files.

n The agent installer must be run by a user with the appropriate administrative rights. On
Windows, this can be either by Local System or by a user account that has administrative
rights and a loadable user profile. On macOS and Linux, the user must be able to use sudo.

n Make sure your server has the latest agents and rules; see Uploading Agent Installers and
Rules to the Server.

n Be sure to download the correct installation package for your policy and platform; see
Downloading Agent Installers. If you are using AD-based policy assignment, a platform-
specific agent installer for any policy that allows automatic policy assignment can be used.

n Although the console prevents creation of policies whose names have generally known invalid
characters, examine the policy name to see whether it contains characters that might require
special handling (such as escaping in a command line) on your specific platform.

n If Microsoft OneDrive™ is in use, only the default path is supported:


Custom OneDrive paths are not supported.

During Initialization, the App Control agent will ignore the One Drive directory, thus leaving all
of the files inside it as unknown.

n VMware Carbon Black does not recommend storing executables in the cloud. In the event that
a file is executed from the cloud, the agent treats the file as unknown.

n Support for OneDrive is enabled by default. To disable OneDrive support, contact VMware
Carbon Black Support.

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Installing Windows Agents on
Endpoints 3
As an MSI package or a ZIP archive, you can customize an agent installer for Windows, including
modification of the installation directory.

Refer to the Microsoft MSI documentation for information about configuration options. The
installer for Windows is named in the following way, varying by policy:

n policyname.msi

n policyname.zip

n The use of Windows Installer Transform files (.mst) is not supported with the agent installer on
Windows clients.

n Windows Installer Patch files (.msp) are no longer used for build-to-build agent upgrades. Be
sure to update any scripts that refer to these files.

n Make sure that the agent is being installed on a supported Windows operating system. See:

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Windows Agent (on Windows Desktop) Operating
Environment Requirements

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Windows Agent (on Windows Server) Operating
Environment Requirements

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Windows Agent (Embedded) Operating Environment

n See also the Release Notes at Carbon Black App Control Documentation for your version
of Carbon Black App Control for any special considerations.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Considerations When Installing an Agent using Group Policy

n Install Windows Agents on Endpoints

n Command Line Installations of Windows Agents

n Conditions Requiring Reboot after Installation

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Considerations When Installing an Agent using Group Policy

You can deploy a Carbon Black App Control agent using a Group Policy Object (GPO).

Using Group Policy to deploy software is a common method that is well documented. For
example, see How to use Group Policy to remotely install software in Windows Server

Some network latency issues have occasionally been reported when deploying agents using a
GPO. If you intend to deploy your Carbon Black App Control agents by using a GPO, please
consider the following:

n Make sure that the MSI is copied to a local drive and called with a fully-qualified path.

n Do not let the deployment monitor for the presence of the expected version. This will break
upgrades that are deployed through the console because SCCM, etc. will want to roll back any

n Disable any MSI or MSP transformations inside your distribution system.

n To reduce network traffic, copy the installer first and then install the agent locally.

Finally, if you continue to experience network latency issues after implementing the previous
suggestions, consider wrapping the agent installer in another script. This is most commonly done
by using a batch file that copies the installer locally and then executes it. For example:


COPY "\\network_location\folder\bit9_agent_install.msi" "%WINDIR%\Temp\bit9_agent_install.msi"

msiexec /i "%WINDIR%\Temp\bit9_agent_install.msi" /qn /l*v+"%WINDIR%


If you continue to experience problems deploying the installer using a GPO, contact VMware
Carbon Black Support.

Install Windows Agents on Endpoints

Perform the following procedure to install a Windows agent on an endpoint.


For ZIP archive: Extract policyname.zip to a folder. It will contain a signed

ParityHostAgent.msi file together with other files that contain configurations and settings. This
collection of files must remain together for the installation to succeed.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide


1 On the endpoint, run the Windows agent installer. You can use any standard means for
installing using MSI files, with the following considerations:

n The default agent application directory is C:\Program Files\Bit9\Parity Agent for

32-bit systems and C:\Program Files (X86)\Bit9\Parity Agent for 64-bit systems.
To change the installation directory, perform the installation from the command line using
the appropriate MSI command-line options.

n To accept the default application directory, use any MSI installation method, including
double-clicking the MSI filename.

n If you are installing the agent manually or by using a third-party distribution system and
want to specify a non-default data directory, do not choose a data directory that is below
the main program installation directory. Putting the data directory under the installation
directory will cause the agent to malfunction and disconnect.
During Windows agent installation, the installer displays a message dialog that closes
automatically when installation is complete. This dialog includes a Cancel button, so you can
end the installation before it completes if necessary.

2 To verify the agent installation, open Task Manager and click the Services tab. You should see
Parity running.

3 If you run anti-virus (AV) software, exclude the Carbon Black App Control agent installation
directory from anti-virus scanning. For enhanced security, Carbon Black App Control protects
its application directory. To avoid performance issues, configure your AV software so that the
following files and directories are not scanned or blocked:

n Parity.exe – the agent process

n Program Files\Bit9 – the default agent program directory on 32-bit systems; if you did
not use the default directory, substitute the directory you selected

n Program Files (x86)\Bit9 – the default agent program directory on 64-bit systems; if
you did not use the default directory, substitute the directory you selected

n ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent – the default agent data directory on Vista, Windows

7, 8 and 10, and Windows Server 2008 through 2016 systems; if you did not use the default
directory, substitute the directory you selected

n \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bit9\Parity Agent –

default agent data directory for supported operating systems not listed in the previous

4 Firewalls often recognize the agent as a new application and block access to the network.
Instruct users to permanently allow the agent to have access.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Command Line Installations of Windows Agents

You can install or upgrade agents using MSIEXEC commands, either manually or with third-party
software distribution tools.

In some cases, you install or upgrade agents by using an installer that was created in the
Carbon Black App Control console for a specific policy, in which case the policy and server
information is built into the installer. In other cases, you might use the “unbranded” agent installer,
ParityHostAgent.msi, which does not include this information. With the unbranded installer,
you can provide custom parameters.

To create custom MSIEXEC commands for agent installation, be aware of the standard MSIEXEC
parameters youcan use, such as /quiet or /qn for automatic installations without prompts. See
https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490936.aspx for a list of those parameters.

In addition to standard MSIEXEC syntax, you must use parameters that are specific to Carbon
Black App Control agent installation. The following table shows these parameters. They can be
used to modify an agent installation in various ways.

Example: The following syntax installs an agent and overrides the server defaults to connect to a
specific server:

msiexec /i ParityHostAgent.msi B9_SERVER_PORT=41002 B9_SERVER_ID={b9}Fkmv+XIVXwjg7654AB2oxgxh/

qxs8tsPGbX1Dabi19xs B9_SERVER_IP=newserver.mycorp.local

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Table 3-1. Specific Parameters for Agent

Parameter Description and Example

B9_CONFIG This parameter lets you specify the location of the

configlist.xml file when installing or upgrading an
agent using an unbranded package. The configlist.xml
file contains all of the Carbon Black App Control rules,
such as file approvals and bans, that are created on the
server and applied to the agent. The agent can download
the configlist from the server after it is connected, but
because there is a delay before it can complete the
download, it is typically best to import all the rules
immediately during agent installation.
This option requires an additional URL argument (or a
local path) added to the MSIEXEC command to indicate of
the location of the configlist.xml file that the installer
should use.


Important This setting is not for use with a “branded”

agent installation package (that is, one that is specific to a

B9_NOCONFIG This parameter specifies to not download all of the Carbon

Black App Control rule information at the same time
as agent installation or upgrade. In this case, you must
rely on the agent connecting to the server later and
downloading any rule changes.

Important This option is reasonably safe to use for

upgrades, which should already have nearly current rules.
It is not recommended for new installations because it can
result in agents not properly enforcing rules until they can
download them all from the server — an unpredictable
period of time. It is unnecessary for branded (policy-
specific) installation packages.

B9_SERVER_PORT For unbranded package installations, this parameter lets

you set the port for communication from the agent to the
server if the unbranded installer is used.


Important This setting is for use with unbranded

installation packages or if you need to change this
parameter as part of repair or upgrade. It is not for use
with installations of a branded agent (that is, one that is
specific to a policy).

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Table 3-1. Specific Parameters for Agent (continued)

Parameter Description and Example

B9_SERVER_ID This parameter sets the value for the Carbon Black App
Control Server ID. Set during installation to manually
establish the ID setting if the msi package being used is
unbranded. This value is the serverIDString property on
the shepherd_config.php page in the console.


Important This setting is for use with unbranded

installation packages or if you need to change this
parameter as part of repair or upgrade. It is not for use
with installations of a branded agent (that is, one that is
specific to a policy).

B9_SERVER_IP This parameter sets the address of the Carbon Black App
Control server. You can use it to manually establish the
location setting for unbranded agent installer packages.


Important This setting is for use with unbranded

installation packages or if you need to change this
parameter as part of repair or upgrade. It is not for use
with installations of a branded agent (that is, one that is
specific to a policy).

B9_HOSTGROUP This parameter sets the policy for the agent. You can use
it to manually establish the policy setting for unbranded
agent installer packages.


Important This setting is for use with the new installations

of the unbranded installation package. It does not change
policy during an upgrade, and if AD policy assignment
is enabled for this agent, the policy will be changed
according to your AD mapping rules.

Conditions Requiring Reboot after Installation

The agent installation process does not normally require a reboot after it is completed. However, a
reboot is required under the following conditions.

VMware, Inc. 41
VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

n If you are using DFS and have installed an agent on a Windows 2003 or XP system, you must
reboot the endpoint to get full enforcement of Carbon Black App Control file rules. Because of
an operating system limitation, DFS operations (including file executions) cannot be detected
by the agent until the system has been rebooted. In this case, the Upgrade Status column on
the Computers page shows Reboot Required for the affected endpoint.

n On any version of Windows, if a file is in use by another application when the Carbon Black
App Control installer tries to write that file, the system schedules the file to be replaced on next
reboot, and the console shows Reboot Required for the affected endpoint.

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Installing Linux Agents on
Endpoints 4
For Linux endpoints, you install the Carbon Black App Control agent by running a script after
extracting the appropriate TGZ archive. Carbon Black App Control server supports agents on
Linux endpoints that are running Red Hat and CentOS versions, both of which use the same
installation file.

Make sure your Linux endpoint is compatible with the Carbon Black App Control agent; see
VMware Carbon Black App Control Linux Agent Operating Environment Requirements.

See also the Release Notes at Carbon Black App Control Documentation for your version of
Carbon Black App Control for any special considerations.

Linux agent installation files are tarballs named by policy and operating system, such as

VMware Carbon Black recommends disabling Prelinking on RedHat and CentOS computers
before installing agents. Prelinking has negative impacts on performance and Carbon Black App
Control features (see the Release Notes at Carbon Black App Control Documentation). However,
if you must enable Prelinking on your RedHat and CentOS systems, enable the RedHat Prelinking
updater before installing agents. See "Approving by Updater" in the VMware Carbon Black App
Control User Guide for instructions on enabling updaters.

Note Although not required for the initial agent installation, gawk and unzip are required for Linux
agent upgrades that are initiated by the Carbon Black App Control server. If necessary, update the
Linux distribution to include them before installing the agent.

The agent is normally installed with a GUI-based blocked file notifier. This notifier appears when a
user attempts to take an action that is either totally blocked by the agent or that requires a user
decision about allowing it to proceed. For Linux endpoints that are not running a graphic interface
package, or if you prefer to eliminate user interaction for some other reason, the agent for Linux
can be installed without the notifier. You can add the -n option as a flag on the installation script
command for the agent, as shown in Install Linux Agents on Endpoints.

On an endpoint that you run without the notifier, install an agent with a Low or High Enforcement
policy. Agents in Medium Enforcement policies prompt users to allow or block many actions, and
this prompt is not available without a notifier.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Install Linux Agents on Endpoints

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Install Linux Agents on Endpoints

Perform the following procedure to install Linux agents on endpoints.


The following procedure assumes you have already:

n uploaded agent and rule packages as described in Uploading Agent Installers and Rules to the

n created one or more security policies for your agents as described in "Creating and
Configuring Policies" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

n downloaded the appropriate installer as described in Downloading Agent Installers.

n For AD-based policy assignment, use an installer for any policy with automatic policy
assignment enabled.

n The same downloaded agent installer can be used on multiple endpoints, and can also be
distributed to endpoints via SSH or other distribution mechanisms.

In addition, make sure that the user account being used to install the agent has administrative
rights, or that the user can use sudo.

Before you install the Carbon Black App Control agent on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0

n Install the initscripts RPM manually or connect the host to Red Hat network.

n Upgrade the Carbon Black App Control server to version 8.9.0 or later.

n If you are using a Carbon Black App Control server deployed on Windows Server 2012, please
update the DH modulus to 2048 bytes as described in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/


1 Extract and uncompress the agent tarball archive for the policy for this computer. If the policy
name contains characters that are not accepted in command arguments, such as spaces or
parentheses, escape these characters with a backslash.

tar -xvzf <policyname>-redhat.tgz

2 Change to the directory that matches the download tarball name.

cd <policyname>-redhat

3 Where the Carbon Black App Control Server version is earlier than 8.9.2, download the
Carbon Black App Control SHA256 based public key as bit9cs_sha2.asc and place it in the
same folder as b9install.sh.

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4 Validate the b9install script with public key and detached signature with the following

gpg –dearmor bit9cs.asc

gpg --no-default-keyring --homedir . --keyring bit9cs.asc.gpg --verify b9install.asc


If the result contains ( gpg: Good signature from "bit9build (bit9cs) ), then the script is valid
and you can proceed with the next steps.

5 Use sudo to run the agent installation shell script using the selected shell, adding the -n option
if you do not want the blocked file notifier installed. For more information about the -n option,
see Chapter 4 Installing Linux Agents on Endpoints.

For example, to use the Bourne shell to install an agent:

sudo sh ./b9install.sh

-or for installation without the notifier-

sudo sh ./b9install.sh -n

Important If the output message states, "validation failed," it means that the rpm signature is
not valid.

6 If you run anti-virus software, exclude the Carbon Black App Control agent installation
directory from anti-virus scanning. For enhanced security, Carbon Black App Control protects
its own application directory. To avoid performance problems, use whatever mechanism is
provided by your anti-virus software vendor to specify that the following directories or files are
not scanned:

n /opt/bit9/bin – the agent application and uninstall script

n /srv/bit9/data – the agent database and diagnostics logs

n /lib/modules/kernelversion/kernel/lib/b9kernal.ko – the agent kernel

n /etc/rc*/*b9daemon and /etc/init.d/b9daemon – the agent startup script

n /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/90b9notifier.sh – the Carbon Black App Control

blocked file notifier

7 Firewalls can recognize Carbon Black App Control software as a new application and block
access to the network. Instruct users running the agent to permanently allow it access.

8 To verify the agent installation, run ps aux | grep b9 in a command window. You should see
b9daemon running.

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What to do next

See "Endpoint Notifiers and Approval Requests" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User
Guide for a description of what the user sees on an endpoint that is protected by the agent.

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Installing macOS Agents on
Endpoints 5
This section describes how to install macOS agents on endpoints.

Make sure your macOS system is compatible with the Carbon Black App Control agent; see
VMware Carbon Black App Control macOS Agent Operating Environment Requirements.

See also the Release Notes at Carbon Black App Control Documentation for your version of
Carbon Black App Control for any special considerations.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Install macOS Agents on Endpoints

n Kext and System Extension Support

n Enable Full Disk Access (FDA) with MDM

Install macOS Agents on Endpoints

Perform the following procedure to install macOS agents on endpoints.

For macOS endpoints, you install the Carbon Black App Control agent by using the appropriate
installer DMG file. Installers for macOS are named as follows, varying by policy: policyname-

For systems running macOS Mojave 10.14.6 or later, and earlier than macOS BigSur 11x, you must
allow the agent kernel extension as described in Allow the Agent Kernel Extension During Agent
Installation or Upgrade or Kernel Extension Supporting macOS Versions.


The following procedure assumes you have already:

n uploaded agent and rule packages as described in Uploading Agent Installers and Rules to the

n created one or more security policies for your agents as described in "Creating and
Configuring Policies" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

n downloaded the appropriate installer as described in Downloading Agent Installers.

n For AD-based policy assignment, use an installer for any policy with automatic policy
assignment enabled.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

n The same downloaded agent installer can be used on multiple endpoints, and can also be
distributed to endpoints via SSH or other distribution mechanisms like Casper.

n Verify installer integrity as described in macOS Agent Installer Integrity and Signature


1 Open a Finder window and change directory to the location where the installer was
downloaded (by default, the user-specific Download directory).

2 In Finder, double-click the agent installation file you downloaded: policyname-mac.dmg. A

standard package installation dialog begins.

3 Respond to the installation dialog prompts, and when the dialog indicates the installation was
successful, click Close. The agent begins operating immediately.

4 To verify the agent installation, run Activity Monitor and view All Processes. You should see
b9daemon running.

5 If you run anti-virus software, exclude the Carbon Black App Control agent installation
directory from anti-virus scanning. For enhanced security, Carbon Black App Control protects
its application directory. To avoid performance problems, specify in your anti-virus software
that the following directories are not scanned

n /Applications/Bit9/Daemon/b9daemon – the Carbon Black App Control agent process

n /Applications/Bit9 – the Carbon Black App Control program directory

n /Library/Application Support/com.bit9.agent – the Carbon Black App Control

data directory

n /Library/Extensions/b9kernel.kext – the Carbon Black App Control driver location

for macOS versions 10.9 (Mavericks) and later -or- /System/Library/Extensions/
b9kernel.kext, which is the Carbon Black App Control driver location for macOS
versions prior to 10.9

6 Add the following AV exclusion entries for Carbon Black App Control 8.7 and later agents for
the macOS supporting system extension:

n Bundle ID : com.vmware.carbonblack.appc-es-loader.appc-es-extension

n Path : /Applications/Bit9/Agent/appc-es-loader.app/Contents/MacOS/appc-es-loader

7 The macOS firewall can detect the agent as a new application and block access to the network.
Instruct users to permanently allow incoming connections to b9daemon.

8 Enable the macOS System Updates updater, which allows minor updates to the OS to be
approved for installation. Be sure you are running at least version 9 of this updater. You can
enable updaters on the Software Rules > Updaters page.

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What to do next

See "Endpoint Notifiers and Approval Requests" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User
Guide for a description of what the user sees on an endpoint that is protected by the agent.

Installing or Upgrading the macOS Agent on a Computer Running

Big Sur or Later Operating System
This section describes how to install or upgrade the macOS agent on a computer that is running
Big Sur or later operating system.

General Notes Regarding Installing or Upgrading a macOS Agent

n macOS Agents support Intel-based Mac hardware only. From Carbon Black App Control
macOS agent 8.7 onwards, Apple Silicon based hardware is supported.

n The macOS agent daemon b9daemon (display name) must have Full Disk Access (FDA)
enabled. See Enable Full Disk Access (FDA) with MDM

Important Information Regarding Big Sur and Later Platform Support

The following information is pertinent to agent endpoints that are running macOS 11.x Big Sur and
later platforms:

n M1 Support: System extension support is provided for M1 (Apple Silicon) and Intel Hardware
starting with macOS 11.0 BigSur & onwards.

n macOS 11.x (Big Sur) is not supported on any Carbon Black App Control macOS agent 8.5.0
and earlier.

n macOS 12.x (Monterey) is not supported on any Carbon Black App Control macOS agent prior
to 8.7.0.

n System Extensions are supported for macOS 11.0 BigSur and higher versions from Carbon
Black App Control agent 8.7.0.

n Kernel Extensions are supported for macOS 11.0 BigSur and earlier versions until Carbon Black
App Control agent 8.6.0.

n Full Disk Access: After installation or upgrade to Carbon Black App Control 8.7 (or later),
the user must give full disk access to system extension and other agent binaries to make
production function properly.

n Installation using BSX on Monterey Platform: In case of manual or MDM based installation
using BSX file on macOS 12 Monterey, use the command line sudo LC_ALL=C bash <bsx path>
if sudo bash <bsx path> is not working.

n After installing or upgrading a Carbon Black App Control macOS agent 8.5/8.6, manual
approval of KEXT is required on macOS 11.x Big Sur. After manual approval of KEXT, reboot
the endpoint.

n After installing or upgrading a Carbon Black App Control macOS agent 8.7 and onwards,
manual approval of SE is required on macOS 11.x Big Sur and later.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

n After installing or upgrading a Carbon Black App Control macOS agent 8.5/8.6 on an endpoint
running macOS 11.x Big Sur, a reboot of the endpoint is required. See Enterprise management
of legacy system extensions in macOS Big Sur (https://support.apple.com/en-in/HT211860).

Note Reboot is not required for Carbon Black App Control macOS versions earlier than
macOS 11.x Big Sur.

n If you are using the console to upgrade or install Carbon Black App Control macOS agents
8.5/8.6 running macOS 11.x Big Sur, then your administrator must add post-installation MDM
policies to reboot the macOS 11.x Big Sur machines after installation or upgrade.

n Upgrade workflow for macOS agent 7.3.x and any macOS prior to 11.x Big Sur:

If... Then...

macOS Agent 7.3.x is installed and macOS is lower than Case 1: OS Upgrade to Big Sur: We recommend that you
11.x (Big Sur) upgrade the macOS agent to 8.5 or later first, and then
upgrade the macOS to 11.x (Big Sur).
Case 2: OS Upgrade to Monterey or later: We recommend
that you upgrade the macOS agent to 8.7.0 or later first,
and then upgrade the macOS to 12.x (Monterey) or later.

You upgrade the macOS to 11.x Big Sur or later before The macOS agent will not work. In this scenario, you must:
upgrading the macOS agent to 8.x 1 Uninstall the 7.3.x macOS agent.
2 Reboot the endpoint.
3 Install macOS agent:

If the OS is upgraded to 11.x (Big Sur), install macOS

agent 8.5 or later.

If the OS is upgraded to 12.x [Monterey] or later, install

macOS agent 8.7 or later.

Manually Install the macOS Agent on Big Sur or Later

This topic describes how to manually install Carbon Black App Control macOS agent version 8.7 on
macOS Big Sur (macOS 11) or later.


1 Go to Rules -> Policies and select the download URL at the top of the page.

Alternatively, you can access a publicly accessible URL for this page using the following
format: https://<server_name>/hostpkg.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

2 On the Download Agent Install Packages page, click the macOS platform name and save the
file. When the download is complete, you can install the agent.

3 Open the Bit9Agent.dmg file that you downloaded.

4 Open the pkg file Install Bit9 Security Platform.pkg.

5 On the Introduction page, click Continue.

6 On the Installation Type page, click Install.

7 Provide user credentials and then click Install Software.

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8 When the installation is complete, a prompt displays that "The installation was successful."
However, an additional notification states: System Extension Blocked. Click Open Security

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9 In the Security & Privacy pane of the System Preferences app, click the lock to authorize
changes and then click Allow to unblock appc_es_loader.

10 Some binaries from the package need Full Disk Access (FDA) to function correctly. To provide
that access:

a Open the System Preferences app and go to the Security & Privacy pane.

b On the Privacy tab, locate Full Disk Access in the list.

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c FDA is needed by appc_es_extension, b9notifier, and b9daemon. appc_es_extension will

display on the apps list; the other two apps must be added. Click the lock and then click
the + sign.

Clicking + opens Finder where the b9notifier and b9daemon binaries are located and

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Note Providing FDA access to b9notifier requires it to be restarted. When prompted,

click Quit & Reopen.

d Repeat steps 10a. through 10c. for the binaries that require FDA.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Deploying macOS App Control Agents Using Jamf Pro (Big Sur+)
You can use Jamf Pro to deploy the macOS App Control agent on macOS systems that are
running Big Sur or higher OS.

Important This Jamf Pro procedure is offered as guidance only. VMware does not provide official
support of Jamf software.

We recommend that you use the latest macOS App Control agent version for your deployment.
The configuration documented here was tested using the following versions:

n Jamf Pro 10.28

n Jamf Pro Composer 10.34.2

n Jamf Admin

n Mac AppC Agent

n macOS Big Sur 11.6

The basic deployment workflow is as follows:

1 Create a Configuration Profile in Jamf.

2 System Extensions Approval using Jamf.

3 Create a Package Using Jamf Composer and Upload macOS agent DMG to Jamf Pro.

4 Deploy Package using a Jamf Pro Software Distribution Policy that subsequently deploys a
package that you created in Jamf Pro to a temporary location. The policy executes the the
installer package.

Create a Configuration Profile in Jamf

This topic describes how to create configuration profiles for Carbon Black App Control macOS
agent version 8.7 or later on macOS Big Sur (macOS 11) or later. The method uses an MDM
configuration with Jamf to deploy the agent on multiple endpoints.


1 In Jamf, create the Configuration Profile:

n Name: We recommend that you include the Extension (Kernel or System) method that is
being used.

n Description: Optional.

n Category: None

n Level: Computer Level

n Distribution Method: Install Automatically

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

2 In the Privacy Preferences Policy Control section, enter the following App Access sub-

To ensure full functionality of the macOS agent, enter each App Access sub-payload from the
following table. For all sub-payloads, the Identifier Type is Bundle ID, and the Application or
Service is SystemPolicyAllFiles with Access set to Allow.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Identifier Identifier Type Code Requirement App or Service

com.vmware.carbonblack. Bundle ID identifier SystemPolicyAllFiles

appc-es-loader.appc-es- "com.vmware.carbon Access: Allow
extension" and

anchor apple
generic and
3635.] /*

*/ and
] /* exists */

= "7AGZNQ2S2T"

com.bit9.b9notifier Bundle ID identifier SystemPolicyAllFiles

"com.bit9.b9notifi Access: Allow
er" and anchor
apple generic and

3635.] /*
exists */ and

] /* exists */
and certificate

/Applications/Bit9/ Path identifier SystemPolicyAllFiles

Daemon/b9daemon "com.bit9.b9daemon Access: Allow
" and anchor
apple generic and

3635.] /
* exists */ and

] /* exists */

VMware, Inc. 58
VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Identifier Identifier Type Code Requirement App or Service

and certificate

Ensure each of the App Access sub-payloads are entered from the preceding table. Without
the access specified, various parts of the Carbon Black App Control agent will not function

The Privacy Preferences Policy control sub-payloads should look like this:

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

System Extensions Approval using Jamf

VMware Carbon Black supports the System Extension for macOS BigSur and subsequent
platforms. For platforms prior to macOS BigSur, VMware Carbon Black supports KEXT.

Note For a System Extenstions support matrix, see: Kext and System Extension Support.

Allow Users to approve system extensions (optional) – This setting depends on whether the Jamf
administrator wants to allow System Extensions from other products to be user-approved. If this
setting is enabled, users can approve additional system extensions that are not explicitly allowed
by this policy.

n As shown in following example, you can toggle Allow users to approve system extension to
control the users approval action for any System Extension of any product.

n You can add System Extensions on the Allowed Team ID and System Extensions tab. These
System Extensions do not require user approval. In the following example, we explicitly
added the Carbon Black App Control System Extension payload, which does not require user

The following parameters are used in the example shown here:

n n Display Name: Application Control macOS System Extensions

n System Extension Types: Allowed System Extensions

n Team Identifier: 7AGZNQ2S2T

n Allowed System Extensions: com.vmware.carbonblack.appc-es-loader.appc-es-extension


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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Create a Package Using Jamf Composer

Use this procedure to prepare the App Control macOS agent for deployment using Jamf Pro.


This procedure assumes you have downloaded the agent and mounted the DMG file. If not, do the

1 Obtain the macOS agent by following the instructions in Download an Agent Installer.

2 Mount the DMG file that you downloaded.

3 Open the mounted folder (for example, Bit9 Agent) using Finder, and press
Command+Shift+. to see the hidden config.xml and server.conf files in the mount point.

You will refer to these files in the procedure that follows.


1 Create the folder: /private/tmp/appc.

2 Copy the following files from the mounted folder (for example, Bit9 Agent) to /
private/tmp/appc folder.

n config.xml

n server.conf

n Install Bit9 Security Platform.pkg

3 Open Jamf Composer, navigate to Preferences > Exclusion List, remove /private/tmp from
the list, and save the settings.

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4 Copy the appc folder to the SOURCES folder on the left in Composer.

Verify all the folders and files were copied.

5 With the appc folder selected under SOURCES on the left in Composer, click Build as DMG,
and save locally, for example in the Desktop location.

When the package is built, appc.dmg is listed under PACKAGES on the left in Composer.

6 To verify the appc.dmg package details, such as the creation date, in the Desktop location in
Finder, click appc.dmg.


What to do next

Use Jamf Admin to upload the macOS agent DMG and installation script to Jamf Pro.

Upload macOS agent DMG to Jamf Pro

Follow this procedure to use Jamf Admin to upload the macOS agent DMG and installation script
to Jamf Pro.


This procedure requires a DMG package created in Jamf Composer. If you have not created one,
see: Create a Package Using Jamf Composer


1 Start Jamf Admin.

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2 Add the DMG package to the repository.

In this example, appc.dmg is the package name used.

What to do next

You must create a software distribution policy in Jamf Pro and assign it to the DMG package. See:
Deploy Package using a Jamf Pro Software Distribution Policy

Deploy Package using a Jamf Pro Software Distribution Policy

Use this procedure to create a software distribution policy in Jamf Pro and deploy the DMG


This procedure requires that you previously Create a Package Using Jamf Composer and Upload
macOS agent DMG to Jamf Pro.


1 Login to the Jamf Pro portal.

2 On the left panel, go to Computers > Policy.

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3 Click New to create a new software distribution policy and specify the following:

a On the General tab, specify:

1 In Display Name, enter a policy name.

2 From the Category drop-down list, select the respective category or leave it as

3 Select Recurring Check-in.

b On the Packages Options tab, specify:

1 On the right panel, click Configure.

2 Next to the DMG Package (appc.dmg in this example), click Add.

3 For Distribution Point, select Each computer's default distribution point.

4 For Action, specify Install.

5 Select Fill user templates (FUT).

6 Select Fill existing user home directories (FEU).

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c On the File and Process tab, specify:

1 In the Execute Command field, enter:

sudo installer -pkg /private/tmp/appc/Install\ Bit9\ Security\ Platform.pkg

-target /Applications/

4 Click Save.

After you save the policy, the deployment begins.

5 To verify successful deployment of package, check the logs of software distribution policy.

Create and Assign Smart Computer Groups

Create and assign two smart computer groups for the macOS agent deployment.

VMware, Inc. 66
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You must set the scope of two smart computer groups to the configuration profile and software
policy. This scope ensures that the configuration profile is deployed to the endpoint before you
install the Carbon Black App Control macOS agent. If you deploy the Carbon Black App Control
agent without having deployed the configuration profile, the user receives approval prompts. If
the prompts are not approved, the agent is not fully functional.

Note Before you can select the Carbon Black App Control Settings Configuration Profile in
the second smart group (steps 5 through 10), you must first deploy the configuration profile to
a macOS endpoint and update the endpoint inventory. After Jamf Pro recognizes the installed
configuration profile, the profile becomes a selectable option when you are creating the smart
computer group.


1 On the Jamf Pro dashboard, on the Computers tab, click Smart Computer Groups and then
click + New.

2 On the Computer Group tab, enter a name such as “macOS Big Sur Computers”.

3 Click the Criteria tab and set the following criteria:

n Criteria: Operating System

n Operator: like

n Value: 11

4 Save the smart computer group.

5 On the Jamf Pro dashboard, on the Computer tab, click Smart Computer Groups and then
click + New.

6 On the Computer Group tab, enter a name such as “Carbon Black App Control Settings”.

7 Click the Criteria tab and set the following criteria:

n Criteria: Profile Name

n Operator: Has

n Value: Click the … menu and select the Carbon Black App Control Settings – System
Extension Configuration Profile.

8 Save the smart computer group.

9 For the configuration profile, assign the “macOS Big Sur computers” smart computer group
to the scope.

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10 For the policy, assign the “Carbon Black App Control Settings” smart computer group to the

After the smart computer groups are assigned, deployment begins.

Important If deploying the Kernel Extension, you must approve it after it is installed in System
Preferences>Security & Privacy. This is an Apple-imposed requirement. This approval is not
required if deploying the System Extension. We recommend that you ask the user to approve
this extension by using a notification in the deployment policy.

Kext and System Extension Support

Kext and System Extension support depends on the version of the agent and the macOS. Use the
following tables to determine what is supported and what needs to be done in regards to agent

X = Supported

Table 5-1. macOS Agent 8.7.x +

Mojave (10.14.x) (10.15.x) Big Sur (11.x) Monterey (12.x)

Allowing the X X
Agent Kernel
(Mojave or Later)

System X X
Approval using

Table 5-2. macOS Agents 8.5, 8.6

Mojave (10.14.x) (10.15.x) Big Sur (11.x)

Allowing the X X X
Agent Kernel
(Mojave or Later)

Approval using

Allowing the Agent Kernel Extension (Mojave or Later)

For Carbon Black App Control agent 8.7, kernel extension is supported on macOS 10.14.x Mojave
and macOS 10.15.x Catalina. For Carbon Black App Control agent 8.5 and 8.6, kernel extension
was supported on MacOS 10.14.x Mojave, macOS 10.15.x Catalina and macOS 11.x BigSur.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

The macOS version 10.13 (High Sierra) introduced changes in the way kernel extensions are

If you are installing or upgrading the Carbon Black App Control agent on any version of macOS
10.14 (or later), additional steps are needed to approve the Carbon Black, Inc. system extension,
which is required for proper operation of the agent.

This is true for manual agent installations and upgrades as well as those initiated from the Carbon
Black App Control console

Note This requirement does not apply if you are using a version of macOS prior to 10.13, and if
you are using Carbon Black App Control agent 8.7+ on macOS 11.x or later.For a KEXT support
matrix, see: Kext and System Extension Support

Allow the Agent Kernel Extension During Agent Installation or Upgrade or

Kernel Extension Supporting macOS Versions
Perform the following procedure to allow the agent kernel extension during agent installation or
upgrade (for Mojave or later macOS versions).


1 Run the Carbon Black App Control agent installer.

For non-MDM installations on Mojave (or later), while you are running the Carbon Black App
Control agent installer, macOS will report that a system extension signed by Carbon Black,
Inc. was blocked. This will happen even if the extension is already approved on the system.

2 When this message appears, go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy on the macOS
system and click the Allow button for "Carbon Black, Inc.".

(This was ‘Bit9, Inc.’ for agents prior to 7.2.3 Patch 12.)

Important It is possible that you delay or are unable to allow the kernel extension
immediately after agent installation or upgrade. For example, you might automatically upgrade
unattended endpoints.

If you do not allow the kernel extension, agent installation continues, and the upgraded agent
will connect to the server, but it will not enforce rules until you allow the extension to load. On
the Carbon Black App Control console, this agent will show a status of Unprotected, Reboot
Required. In this case, complete the steps in Allow the Agent Kernel Extension After Agent
Installation or Upgrade on Kernel Extension Supporting macOS Versions.

Allow the Agent Kernel Extension After Agent Installation or Upgrade on Kernel
Extension Supporting macOS Versions
Perform the following procedure to allow the agent kernel extension after agent installation or
upgrade (for Mojave or later macOS versions).

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1 Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy on the endpoint and click the Allow button for
"Carbon Black, Inc.".

2 Restart the agent by rebooting the endpoint or by manually stopping and restarting the agent
using the following steps in a terminal:

cd /opt/bit9/bin

./b9cli -password <password>

./b9cli -tamperprotect 0

./b9cli -shutdown

sudo ./b9cli -startup

Note You must run the startup step as root or using sudo.

Enable Full Disk Access (FDA) with MDM

The following procedure outlines the steps required to enable Full Disk Access (FDA) control for
the Carbon Black App Control macOS agent using an MDM.

This procedure requires you to create a Configuration Profile with a Privacy Preferences Policy
Control (PPPC) payload in your MDM (for example, Workspace One UEM, Jamf®, or any other
MDM). This allows you to pre-approve application privacy permissions in your environment.

Note The following instructions use Jamf. Modify the instructions as needed to adjust for other
MDM solutions.


1 In Jamf, go to Computers > Configuration Profiles.

2 Create a new profile and define it as follows:

a For Name, give the profile a name that helps explain what application it is giving rights to.
In this example, we use the name of the product followed by “PPPC”.

b For Category, select Applications.

c For Distribution Method, select Install Automatically.

d For Level, select Computer Level.

e Navigate from the General tab to the Privacy Preferences Policy Control tab.

f For Identifier, enter cbProtection.

g For Identifier Type, select Bundle ID.

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h For Code Requirement, enter the following code exactly as it is stated here:

Tip Copy/paste the following text to ensure accuracy.

identifier "com.bit9.b9notifier" and anchor apple generic and

certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate
leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] =

Note If you do not enter this code correctly, this procedure for enabling FDA will not work

i Under App or Service, select SystemPolicyAllFiles and under Access, select Allow.

j Save the policy.

3 Deploy and use this policy to enable FDA for all your macOS endpoints.

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Verify the Agent Installation
Perform the following procedure to verify that connected endpoints are running the Carbon Black
App Control agent and are visible to the Carbon Black App Control server.


1 On the console menu, click Assets > Computers.

2 Examine the Computers page, which lists all endpoints running agent software, for the name
or IP address of each endpoint you want to confirm. You can use the Search field to find each
endpoint of interest.

3 Note the endpoint’s policy.

If the policy was assigned by Active Directory, the policy will have dashes at the beginning and
end of its name. Also note the Connected and Policy Status columns to determine whether
the machine is up-to-date.

Note During file initialization for a newly installed agent, the endpoint is already protected at
the Enforcement Level associated with its policy.

VMware, Inc. 72
Post-installation Activities
After you have installed the Carbon Black App Control agent on endpoints and initialization is
complete, there are many ways to monitor and manage your endpoints.

n Viewing Endpoint Details – Carbon Black App Control server keeps details about each
endpoint running a Carbon Black App Control agent, including the endpoint’s IP address,
whether it is currently connected to the server, the policy, mode and Enforcement Level it is
assigned, computer model and system details, and its connection history. See "Viewing the
Table of Computers" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

n Viewing Endpoint-related Events – You can monitor events related to a specific endpoint.
See "Event Reports" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

n Changing Policy – You can change the security policy assigned to an endpoint if necessary.
See "Moving Computers to Another Policy" and "Restoring Computers from the Default
Policy" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

n Creating Clones – If you plan to use an endpoint as the template for cloning other endpoints,
see "Managing Virtual Machines" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

n Locally Approving Files – You can temporarily put an endpoint into Local Approval mode
so that files with a global state of Unapproved on the Carbon Black App Control server can
be installed locally and locally approved on this endpoint. See "Moving a Computer to Local
Approval Mode" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

n Viewing Details of Connected Devices – You can track and manage fixed and removable
storage devices on agent-managed endpoints that are running Windows or macOS. See
"Viewing Devices on Computers" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide for
more details.

n Saving a Snapshot – After agent installation and initialization is complete, you can instruct
the Carbon Black App Control server to save a named snapshot of all files (by hash) on this
endpoint currently inventoried by your server. This provides a reference point for analyzing
changes in file inventory for that endpoint, other endpoints, or your whole network. See
"Creating and Modifying Snapshots" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide for
more details.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

n Deleting Computers – If an endpoint is going to be removed from your network or from

Carbon Black App Control control, you can uninstall the agent and remove the endpoint from
the table of computers on the server. This requires a specific series of actions detailed in
"Deleting Computers" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

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Upgrading Agents on Endpoints
After new agents are available on the Carbon Black App Control server, there are several ways to
upgrade the agent on endpoints.

n Enable automatic agent upgrades on a per-policy basis, thereby allowing the server to
manage the upgrade process.

n From the Carbon Black App Control console, initiate agent upgrades on one or more specific

n Manually upgrade agents on the endpoint.

n Use your standard software distribution system to manage upgrades.

Note Beginning with Carbon Black App Control 8.1.4, agent installers and the rule file that
determines their behavior are no longer included as part of an Carbon Black App Control server
installation. You must upload the rule file and agent installer packages separately after you install
the server.

See Uploading Agent Installers and Rules to the Server for details on uploading agent rule files
and installer packages.

Important Carbon Black App Control supports installation of agents only on systems listed in the
following operating environment requirements guides:

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Windows Agent (on Windows Desktop) Operating
Environment Requirements

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Windows Agent (on Windows Server) Operating
Environment Requirements

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Windows Agent (Embedded) Operating Environment

n VMware Carbon Black App Control Linux Agent Operating Environment Requirements

n VMware Carbon Black App Control macOS Agent Operating Environment Requirements

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Feature Limitations for Non-Upgraded Agents

n Upgrade Issue with Windows XP and Server 2003

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

n Enabling Automatic Agent Upgrades

n Upgrading Agents from the Console

n Automating macOS Agent Upgrades Using an MDM Tool

n Manually Upgrading Agents

n Agent Upgrade Status

Feature Limitations for Non-Upgraded Agents

You can continue to run some older agents as long as they are supported versions that are fully
patched. However, it is best to upgrade your agents as soon as possible.

In addition to including new features, each agent release generally includes performance and
security enhancements.

The console displays a message when the presence of older agents affects the displayed data or
possible actions on a particular page.

Upgrade Issue with Windows XP and Server 2003

Windows XP and Server 2003 lack the necessary certificates (both root and intermediate) to
validate the timestamps in the signature that Carbon Black uses.

To upgrade these operating systems to Carbon Black App Control agent version 8.7.4 of the App
Control agent customers must perform one of the following tasks.

Note If the root certificate is not trusted (using Option 1 or 2), the following error will still occur:

Option 1: Import the Missing Certificates Into the Computer

Certificate Store
You can download the necessary certificates from https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/

Install the certificates on your machines directly using MMC with the Certificates snap-in, or use
GPO. The root certificate should be imported to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.
The intermediate certificate should go to the Intermediate Certification Authorities store. These
should be imported at the machine level as opposed to the user level.

Option 2: Explicitly Trust the Timestamping Publisher

Another option is to trust the timestamping certificate. This can be a bit challenging
because it requires querying the database for the correct id. Full instructions can be found
on this document: https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/App-Control-Discussions/Ineligible-

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Option 3: Use the ignore_partial_chain_on_countersignatures

config prop
Agents can be configured to ignore the missing countersignatures. This allows approval by
publisher for files that have valid code signing chains, while ignoring errors on the counter signing

Details on how to configure this can be found here:


Enabling Automatic Agent Upgrades

When new agent installers are added to the Carbon Black App Control server, the flag that
triggers the automatic agent upgrade process is set to Disabled. Follow these steps to enable
automatic upgrade of agents on connected endpoints.

n For each policy that contains agents you do not want to upgrade now, make sure the Allow
upgrades checkbox in the Options section of the Add Policy or Edit Policy page is not

n For each policy that has agents you do want to upgrade, check the Allow upgrades box in the
Options section of the Add Policy or Edit Policy page. Avoid doing this for a large number of
agents simultaneously (see the following Important note).

n On the System Configuration/Advanced Options tab, check Automatic Agent Upgrades.

n Before you re-enable system-wide agent upgrades, be sure you disable upgrades for policies
that you do not want upgraded immediately.

n Simultaneous upgrade of a large number of agents can impact system performance. Contact
VMware Carbon Black Support for best practices regarding bulk agent upgrades.

n When a Carbon Black App Control server is upgraded, ongoing enhancements to interesting
file identification make it necessary to rescan the fixed drives on all agent-managed endpoints.
These upgrades also require a new inventory of files in any trusted directories to determine
whether there are previously ignored files that are now considered interesting. This process
can cause considerable input/output activity, which can require between minutes and many
hours, depending upon the number of agents and the number of files.

For upgrades managed by the Carbon Black App Control server and those using third-party
distribution methods, VMware Carbon Black recommends a gradual upgrade of agents to
avoid an unacceptable impact on network and server performance.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Upgrading Agents from the Console

From the console, you can enable automatic agent upgrades to happen as part of the Carbon
Black App Control server’s regular maintenance of endpoints, but you can also force the upgrade
of an agent through the Carbon Black App Control console.

This action has the same effect as running the upgrade from the installer file. Use of this feature
requires the following:

n Automatic Agent Upgrades must be Enabled on the Advanced Options tab of the System
Administration page. The Upgrade Computers action does not display on the menu unless this
is enabled.

n The agent(s) must be at least at version 7.0.0 — upgrades from older agents are not

Note Agents that are disconnected from their server at the time of a console-based upgrade are
upgraded the next time they are connected.

Upgrade Agents from the Console

Perform the following procedure to immediately upgrade agents from the console.


1 In the console, click the configuration (gear) icon and then click System Configuration.

2 Click the Advanced Options tab.

3 On the Advanced Options tab, if the Automatic Agent Upgrades field is Disabled, click the
Edit button. and then click Enabled on the Automatic Agent Upgrades menu. Click Update.

4 On the console menu, click Assets > Computers.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

5 Find the endpoint(s) you want to upgrade and check the checkboxes next to their names.
Check the Upgrade Status to make sure the endpoints are capable of upgrade and not already
up to date.

6 In the Action menu, click Upgrade Computers.

7 In the confirmation dialog, click OK to initiate the upgrade. Watch the description of the
endpoint in the table to see when the change is completed.

Automating macOS Agent Upgrades Using an MDM Tool

In addition to using the console to install the macOS agent, you can automate the install of the
agent using Smart Groups.

n This topic describes just one workflow that you can use to install the macOS agent.

n Jamf is used here to automate the process; however, other tools can also be used.

n These instructions apply to macOS agent upgrades only. If you are installing new agents for
the first time, see Chapter 1 Preparing for Agent Installation or Update and Chapter 5 Installing
macOS Agents on Endpoints.

Use the following policy workflow to upgrade your macOS endpoints with a new version of the
Carbon Black App Control macOS agent.

To upgrade the macOS agent, you must use the Bit9MacInstall.bsx.pkg.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

This upgrade method uses a set of three MDM polices. Although you can use a single policy to
accomplish this task, using multiple policies serves as an error check safeguard.

For the following MDM policies to work, you must be able to detect the version of Carbon Black
App Control and the status of Tamper Protect on scoped agent machines. You can do this by
using two extension attributes that run a b9cli –status and then grep the data needed.

n MDM Policy One: The first MDM policy disables Tamper Protect on the agent machines that
are to be upgraded. This policy uses the data you grepped from the b9cli –status command
to determine the state of the agent. If Tamper Protect is enabled, this policy disables it. To
disable Tamper Protect, you must use the global password for your agents.)

n MDM Policy Two: The second MDM policy upgrades the Carbon Black App Control macOS
gent on any endpoint that has Tamper Protect disabled. This policy uses the data grepped
from the b9cli –status command to determine this required information. This policy also
runs the Bit9MacInstall.bsx.pkg, which performs the agent upgrade. When this script is
completed, there is no need to restart the agent endpoint being upgraded.

n MDM Policy Three: The third MDM policy restores Tamper Protection on upgraded agent
endpoints. This policy will be set to any computer that has Tamper Protect disabled. This
policy uses the information grepped from b9cli –status.

Manually Upgrading Agents

For disconnected systems or if you are using a software distribution system such as SCCM or
Altiris to distribute upgrades, you must distribute Carbon Black App Control agent installation files
to the endpoints or distribution server.

Agent installation files are located on the Carbon Black App Control server:

n For 32-bit systems: Program Files\Bit9\Parity Server\hostpkg

n For 64-bit systems: Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Server\hostpkg

Manually Upgrading Windows Agents

Use ParityHostAgent.msi for all manual Windows agent upgrades.

n Manual upgrades must be run either by Local System or by a user account that has
administrative rights and a loadable user profile.

n Manual upgrades must use a full path to the installer in the MSIEXEC command.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

When a Carbon Black App Control server manages upgrades to 8.8.2 agents, the agents receive
a new list of rules. For manual agent upgrades and upgrades using a third-party distribution
method, major upgrades require that the file containing the new rules, configlist.xml, be
copied to a location accessible to the agent installer. On the Carbon Black App Control server, this
file is located in the same hostpkg folder as the agent installer, but it does not have a link on the
Downloads page. It must be manually copied or referenced with a URL or path in the installer.

Manually Upgrade Windows Agents

Perform the following procedure to manually upgrade Carbon Black App Control Windows

The following procedure assumes that you use the default values for parameters that would
be used by an automatic upgrade run by using the server. Command Line Installations of
Windows Agents shows parameters that can allow non-default configurations of an installation
using MSIEXEC.


1 Log in to the console from the endpoint on which you want to download the installer.

2 On the console menu, click Rules > Policies and then click the Download agent software link
at the top of the Policies page.

3 Download the agent upgrade installer file ParityHostAgent.msi to the location from which
you want to run or distribute the upgrade.

For example, to use a URL, you can click Rules > Policies in the console, click the Download
agent software link, and edit the URL for the download page as follows:

https://<your server name>/hostpkg/pkg.php?pkg=ParityHostAgent.msi

4 Click the Save option provided by your browser.

5 (Optional) Follow the same procedure to download the new Carbon Black App Control rules
list (configlist.xml) to a location that is accessible to the agent installer, or make sure that
the agent installer system can access the hostpkg folder on the Carbon Black App Control

To use a URL, enter the following text into a browser on the endpoint to which you want to
download the file:

https://<your server name>/hostpkg/pkg.php?pkg=configlist.xml

Note If you are using a command line argument to upgrade the agent, you do not necessarily
have to download configlist.xml. You can use the preceding URL as an argument in the
command line. See Step 7.

6 If you are manually upgrading a single endpoint, move the configlist.xml file to the
agent data folder. This is usually C:\ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent. Run the installer;
for example, ParityHostAgent.msi.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

7 If you are preparing to upgrade agents by using a third-party distribution system, you can use
that system to distribute the configlist.xml file to the agent folder on all agents, or you
can use command line arguments in MSIEXEC to include the new rules file in the upgrade
installations. A command line for such an upgrade using ParityHostAgent.msi might look
like the following:

msiexec /i <path>\ParityHostAgent.msi B9_CONFIG=<path>\configlist.xml /L*v+


You can use a URL, a UNC path, or a full local path in the command to specify the location of
configlist.xml. You cannot use a relative path or a file name without a path.

Important Certain agent releases may come with special instructions that supersede or
supplement the standard installation instructions. If in doubt about how to install an upgrade,
consult the User Exchange or contact VMware Carbon Black Technical Support.

Manually Upgrade Linux Agents

Perform the following procedure to manually upgrade a Carbon Black App Control Linux agent.


1 Log in to the Carbon Black App Control console as an administrator.

2 Go to the Assets > Computers page, and in the row for the endpoint you intend to manually
upgrade, click the computer name or click the View Details link.

3 On the Computer Details page, click Disable Tamper Protection, located on the far right
under the Advanced section. It can take a few minutes before Tamper Protection is disabled
on the agent.

4 Download the upgrade installer for your Linux version to the endpoint on which you plan to
upgrade the agent (or a point from which you can copy it):

n Bit9Redhat8Install.bsx – for 8.x versions of RHEL, CentOS or Oracle RHCK

n Bit9Redhat7Install.bsx – for 7.x versions of RHEL, CentOS or Oracle RHCK

n Bit9Redhat6Install.bsx – for 6.x versions of RHEL, CentOS or Oracle RHCK

You can use a URL, UNC path, or any other standard means of downloading the file. Note that
this installer is not listed on the Agent Downloads page in the console.

To use a URL, click Rules > Policies in the console, click the Download link at the top of the
page, and edit the URL for the download page as follows:

https://<serveraddress>/hostpkg/pkg.php?pkg=Bit9Redhat{6,7 or

5 If necessary, copy the downloaded BSX file to the endpoint where you are upgrading the

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

6 Open a Terminal window and change directory to the location where the installer was
downloaded or copied. For example: cd ~/Downloads

7 Execute the following command with the appropriate version of the BSX file:

sudo bash Bit9Redhat{6,7,8}Install.bsx

Manually Upgrade macOS Agents

Perform the following procedure to manually upgrade a Carbon Black App Control macOS agent.


1 Log in to the Carbon Black App Control console as an administrator.

2 Go to the Assets > Computers page, and click on the computer name or View Details link for
the computer you intend to manually upgrade.

3 On the Computer Details page, either:

Disable tamper protection by clicking Disable Tamper Protection, located on the far right
under the Advanced section. It can take a few minutes before Tamper Protection is disabled
on the agent.


Move the agent to a Disabled mode policy.

4 Download the upgrade installer for macOS agents, which is Bit9MacInstall.bsx. You can
do this by using a URL, UNC path, or any other standard means of getting to the file. Note that
this installer is not listed on the Downloads page in the console.

To use a URL, you can click Rules > Policies in the console, click the Download link at the top
of the page, and edit the URL for the download page as follows:


5 Open a Terminal window and change directory to the location where the installer was
downloaded (by default, the user-specific Download directory). For example: cd ~/Downloads

6 Enter the following command to install the agent:

sudo bash Bit9MacInstall.bsx

7 f you are not using MDM and are currently on any version of Mojave or later operating system,
see Allowing the Agent Kernel Extension (Mojave or Later) for additional, mandatory steps to
allow the Carbon Black, Inc. kernel extension.

8 If you have not already done so, enable the macOS System Updates updater, which allows
minor updates to the OS to be approved for installation. Be sure you are running at least
version 9 or later of this updater. You can enable updaters on the Software Rules > Updaters

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Agent Upgrade Status

The Computers page in the Carbon Black App Control console provides an Upgrade Status
column visual distinction between computers running up-to-date agents and those running
previous versions.

Also on this page, the Connected column uses different color dots to indicate different agent
conditions. Hovering the mouse over the dot provides a text description of the condition. See
"Computer Details" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide for more information
about these indicators.

In addition, the Upgrade Status column in the Computers table shows a more detailed description
of agent status as each agent goes through the upgrade process. Endpoints transition to an
Upgrade Status and Policy Status of Up to date when all their upgrade processing has been

An upgraded agent begins running immediately. You usually do not need to reboot the agent
computer, but there are cases in which you may see an Upgrade Status is Reboot required:

n Some Windows XP/2003 systems must be rebooted after upgrade to assure proper ordering
of processes and enforcement of rules on systems using DFS.

n On any Windows version, if a file is in use by another process when the agent installer
attempts to write that file, you must reboot the endpoint to allow the system to replace the
old file with the current version.

The following table shows possible Upgrade Status values.

Table 8-1. Upgrade Status Messages

Upgrade Status Description

Not Requested Agent can be upgraded but upgrades are not enabled for
the policy, or they are turned off globally.

Upgrade waiting Agent can be upgraded and is in a policy that allows

upgrade. Waiting to be scheduled by server.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Table 8-1. Upgrade Status Messages (continued)

Upgrade Status Description

Upgrade scheduled Agent has been scheduled for upgrade, or computer has
downloaded the upgrade package and not run it yet. Note
that the server does not track when the agent upgrade
package is downloaded and run.

Upgrade requested An agent upgrade for this computer was requested from
the console.

Reboot required Agent is waiting for a reboot after upgrade. Reboot is

required only under certain conditions.

Not supported Agent cannot be upgraded because the computer is

running Windows 2000 or another operating system that
is not supported for the current agent.

Upgrade blocked Agent configuration list is not up-to-date and is missing

one or more values required for a successful upgrade.
One example of this is use of an out-of-date port number
for communication with the Carbon Black App Control
server. Agent cannot upgrade through the server until
the configuration is up-to-date, but can be upgraded
through other means. In most cases, a connected agent
will eventually reach the required configuration list version
without intervention. Prioritizing the agent for updates
(on the Computer Details page Action menu) expedites
configuration list updates. If an agent still remains in
"Upgrade blocked" for an extended period, contact
VMware Carbon Black Support.

Up to date Agent upgrade (or new installation) has been completed.

Agent uninstalled Agent was on this endpoint but has been uninstalled.

VMware, Inc. 85
Uninstalling Agents on Endpoints
Standard un-installation procedures delete all Carbon Black App Control files, including the
notifier program and drivers. Users are not permitted to uninstall an enabled agent unless
they have special agent administrative access as described in "Configuring Agent Management
Privileges" in the VMware Carbon Black App Control User Guide.

To uninstall, you must disable the agent by placing the endpoint in a policy that is in Disabled
mode, which can be done on the Computers page. If you have not already done so, log in to
the Carbon Black App Control console and create a policy with its Mode set to Disabled before
attempting to uninstall any agents. You might name this “Agent Disabled” or “Ready to Uninstall”.
When you create the policy, the server automatically creates an agent installer for it and adds the
installer to the Download Install Packages page.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Uninstall the Windows Agent from an Endpoint

n Uninstall the Linux Agent from an Endpoint

n Uninstall the macOS Agent from an Endpoint

Uninstall the Windows Agent from an Endpoint

Perform the following procedure to uninstall the Carbon Black App Control Windows agent from
an endpoint.


1 In the Carbon Black App Control console, find the endpoint on the Computers page and move
it into the agent disabled policy.

2 On the endpoint, shut down all other applications.

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

3 On the client computer, run the standard program removal procedure from the Windows
Control Panel:

a On the Windows Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs, or for Vista or Windows
7 systems, select Programs and Features.

b From the list of programs, select App Control Agent.

c Click the Remove button or Uninstall button (depending upon your operating system) and
wait for the uninstall to complete.

4 In the Carbon Black App Control console, delete the endpoint from the Computers page.

This step tells the Carbon Black App Control server that the endpoint is no longer in service
(rather than temporarily disconnected from the network), and removes its name from the table
of active computers (endpoints).

Uninstall the Linux Agent from an Endpoint

Perform the following procedure to uninstall the Carbon Black App Control Linux agent from an


1 In the Carbon Black App Control console, find the endpoint on the Computers page and move
it into the agent disabled policy.

2 On the endpoint, login with administrator privileges or an account that can run sudo.

3 In a shell window, change to the agent application directory:

cd /opt/bit9/bin

4 Run the uninstall script:

n To remove the agent and all of its data, run the following command:

sudo sh ./b9uninstall.sh

n To remove the agent but preserve agent data in /srv/bit9, run the following command:

sudo sh ./b9uninstall.sh -d

5 In the Carbon Black App Control console, delete the endpoint from the Computers page.

This step tells the Carbon Black App Control server that the endpoint is no longer in service
(rather than temporarily disconnected from the network), and removes its name from the table
of active computers (endpoints).

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VMware Carbon Black App Control Agent Installation Guide

Uninstall the macOS Agent from an Endpoint

Perform the following procedure to uninstall the Carbon Black App Control macOS agent from an


1 In the Carbon Black App Control console, find the endpoint on the Computers page and move
it into the agent disabled policy.

2 In a Terminal or another shell interface, run the following command:

sudo /Applications/Bit9/uninstall.sh

3 In the Carbon Black App Control console, delete the endpoint from the Computers page.

This step tells the Carbon Black App Control server that the endpoint is no longer in service
(rather than temporarily disconnected from the network), and removes its name from the table
of active computers (endpoints).

What to do next

After uninstalling a macOS agent, VMware Carbon Black recommends rebooting the endpoint.

VMware, Inc. 88
Document History
The following changes were made to this document:

Associated Software
Date Version Topic Change Description

23 February 2023 N/A Create a Package Using Updated steps in

Jamf Composer Prerequisites and

24 January 2023 N/A Install Linux Agents on Updated step 3.


30 November 2022 N/A Install Linux Agents on Updated Prerequisites for

Endpoints Linux 9.0.

15 November 2022 N/A Install Linux Agents on Updated Prerequisites for

Endpoints Linux 9.0. Added step 3.

2 August 2022 N/A Manually Upgrade Updated script on step 7.

Windows Agents

29 June 2022 N/A Create and Assign Smart Added new Jamf topic
Computer Groups

28 June 2022 N/A Deploying macOS App Updated section regarding

Control Agents Using Jamf installing macOS Agents
Pro (Big Sur+) using Jamf

30 April 2022 N/A All Version 1 of this document

VMware, Inc. 89

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