MNDALA 2 User Manual
MNDALA 2 User Manual
MNDALA 2 User Manual
Table of Contents
1. Download and Installation of the Engine and the Instrument 2
2. Library View and Preset menu 3
2. Perform View 4
3. Matrix Page 4
4. Sampler Page 5
Global Modulators (LFO1 and 2) 7
Effects 7
5. Sequencers 8
6. Global FX 9
7. Settings 10
8. Credits 11
To use our Instruments, you can purchase them first (either through our store or one
of our distributors). After that, you will receive a license key. If you bought the
instrument from our store you simply need to login to your account through the
MNDALA 2 Engine (please click on 'REFRESH' within the Library tab on the interface if
not seen) and all of your instruments will be there ready to install. If you purchased
them through a separate retailer (ie: Plugin Boutique) you will have to enter your
License Key via the ‘ADD FROM SERIAL’ button within the Library Tab into MNDALA 2
manually, which will automatically link the purchase of the instrument with your
MNTRA account.
After pressing Install, the Engine will prompt you to choose an install location. We
recommend selecting a base level folder such as 'Documents' to prevent directory
In the top left corner is the preset Factory presets for a given Instrument
menu. It is accessible from every view can be recovered by re-downloading
in the Engine. The preset menu is the Instrument.
where you can choose which
Instrument you want to play (one per
MNDALA instance), and which preset
you want to use.
3. Perform View
The Perform View is the visual
representation of the X, Y and Z axes.
Each Instrument has a unique Perform
View animation. The three axes can be
controlled with the mouse or with a
The ‘Hold’ button, in the bottom left of
MIDI controller.
the Perform view, is configured to the
Your MIDI controller’s CC values can be
standard “sustain” MIDI controller
configured by clicking on the MNTRA
message; CC 64. Therefore, the ‘Hold’
logo at the top right of the window.
button can be activated via a sustain
When opened, simply click the circle
pedal, a MIDI controller with a
next to ‘Learn’ for MNDALA to MIDI
knob/slider/button assigned to CC 64,
learn a given axis.
or by clicking it. MNDALA’s global
volume can also be controlled in the
Enabling the Global CC Settings will
bottom left of the window.
apply those MIDI settings to all presets,
while enabling Freeze CC will make
those MIDI settings unique to the
selected preset.
4. Matrix Page
5. Sampler Page
MNDALA has six samplers, indicated on Each sampler has a dedicated sampler
the far left column. Each sampler can page with AHDSR, coarse and fine tune,
be muted or soloed, and it can play a Vibrato, Portamento, Round Robin, and
different Sample Map from the loaded Velocity control. The RR lock slider
Instrument. Clicking on the Sample allows the user to decide which Round
Map’s name will open a browser, where Robin (a different performance/hit of
you can select Sample Maps and the sample) they want the Engine to
choose a dynamic articulation (if play. Setting the slider all the way to
available for that Sample Map). Sample the left will have all of the round robins
Maps with multiple dynamics will have be available, with a randomly chosen
an “All'' option, which loads all Sample round robin being played with each
Map dynamics and can be controlled new trigger. If you set the ‘RR Lock’ in
with the Velocity Range table, as well the Engine, to value 2, performance
as individual dynamic layers. Clicking number 2 of that given note will be
on the eject icon will unload the triggered every time.
Sample Map from its sampler.
The Velocity Range table only works
with Sample Maps with multiple
dynamics (Pianissimo, Mezzo Forte,
Forte). This table determines at what
velocity each sample will play. For
instance, if set to a linear ramp up
shape, pressing really hard will cause
the loudest dynamic (usually Forte) to
trigger. The Velocity to Gain table works The AHDSRs (Attack - Hold - Decay -
for all Sample Maps and acts as a gain Sustain - Release) can be linked so
modulator changing the output volume that the displayed envelope values for
according to the received MIDI velocity the selected sampler are copied over
information. If this table is set with a to all other samplers. The One-Shot
ramp up shape, the harder a MIDI key is icon will ignore the sampler's release
hit, the louder a sample will be played. time, triggering the whole sample, and
By simply inverting the ramp of one the note-off icon will play the sample
table, you could have the pianissimo upon triggering a midi note-off
sample be the loudest one. message (pressing the key and then
letting go), using the release section to
set its decay.
The Global Modulators are accessible 2 LFOs with Sine, Square and Random
from any view in the Engine, and are wave options, each LFO can also be
situated in the bottom banner, in the tempo-synced to your DAW or session
right corner. The Global Modulators are tempo.
Each sampler can have a maximum of up to 5 effects in series (three stereo effects,
one polyphonic effect (effects that are tied to the notes being played, like a key
tracking filter) and one sound generator). The dry/wet of these effects can be
controlled by the X,Y or Z axes by clicking on their icons on the bottom left of each
effect slot. Each effect has a maximum of 3 parameters, and 2 toggle buttons,
descriptions as well as general CPU load rating can be found in the effect browser.
Each effect also has a volume in and out control.
6. Sequencers
Each sampler has its own Sequencer. The Sequencer’s toggle on/off button is found
at the top right of the Sequencer page. Like the sampler’s parameters, the
Sequencers can also be linked by pressing the Link button to the right of the
Sequencer’s toggle button. When activated, the Velocity, Note and Length parameters
of the Sequencer will be copied over to the other Sequencers, even if they are not
activated. The other Sequencers won’t be activated and the ‘Speed’, ‘Num Steps’ and
‘Stride’ parameters won’t be affected. Each Sequencer offers control over speed
(tempo-synced), Steps, Shuffle and Stride (stride defines the number of sequencer
steps that are between this note and the next ⇒ if you set ‘Stride’ to 2, the
sequencer will play every other note, 1 will play every sequencer note) Individual step
notes, velocity and length can also be set by the user, or be randomized or reset with
the buttons to the right of their respective tables.
7. Global FX
The Global effects (Colours) section behaves in a similar way to the sampler effects.
The Global FX section has 5 stereo effects. Individual parameters of a selected effect
can be controlled using the three top most tables by using the Z axis.
8. Settings
MNDALA’s settings can be accessed by In this tab the current instrument's
clicking on the Gear icon in the top sample folder can be relocated. If your
right corner of the Engine window. samples are stored on an external
drive, you can configure your sample
directory accordingly by choosing HDD
or SSD storing. The Global Fine and
Coarse tuning affects all samplers,
working on the triggered MIDI notes.
9. Credits