10 - NCP Mathematics - Suggested Guidelines (Grade 8)
10 - NCP Mathematics - Suggested Guidelines (Grade 8)
10 - NCP Mathematics - Suggested Guidelines (Grade 8)
Mathematics - Class 8
Suggested Guidelines
Sub-Domain: Real Numbers
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard: Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of real numbers, operate with real
numbers (with and without number line) and identify the absolute value of real numbers.
Knowledge: Skills:
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Ask the students to construct circles (with different radii) and measure the circumference of
each by using thread.
Find the ratio of circumference to its radius, of each circle up to 5-decimal places and
approximate it to the nearest tenths. What have they observed?
- The exact ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter is the irrational number π (pi),
which is 3.1416 rounded to 4-deciml places.
- Numbers that are not rational can be discovered by using a right-angled triangle whose
two sides each of length 1 units as shown in the figure:
- The length
1 of hypotenuse √ ❑ is an irrational number.
- The square root of a prime number is always an irrational number.
2. Number Sorting
This game is perhaps the most straightforward. Have students sort through a set of numbers,
and separate them into two groups: rational and irrational numbers. You can structure this in
many different ways. You can create a set of index cards with various numbers written on
them, and have students sort them in pairs or groups.
However perhaps a more fun approach is to have students grab a card from a box on one side
of the classroom, and run to the whiteboard at the opposite side to place it in the correct
group. You can draw two large circles on the whiteboard, one labeled rational numbers and
the other labeled irrational numbers. Then, provide students with tack that they can use to
stick each card to the board in the correct place. This makes the sorting process a game where
students compete to complete as many numbers as possible. For every correctly placed
number, award a point to that group. For every incorrectly placed number, subtract a point.
The group with the most points wins.
- By having students think carefully about the best way to present the rules, they'll be
reinforcing them in their own minds at the same time. You can even use one of their posters
to introduce the topic to next year's students.
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard: Students will be able to round numbers and measures to an appropriate/required degree of
accuracy and use approximation through rounding to estimate answers.
Knowledge: Skills:
Students will be able to know about : Students will be able to:
● mathematical vocabulary related to ● round off whole numbers, integers,
estimation and approximation rational numbers and decimal numbers
● rounding off up to the specified number of to a required degree of accuracy,
decimal places significance (up to 5 significant figures) or
● significant figures decimal places (up to 3 decimal places).
● rounding off up the to specified number of ● analyze approximation error when
significant figures numbers or quantities are rounded off
● Sole real-life situations involving
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Use fraction and decimal data from real-life situations, for example, areas of cities, distances
between towns, atomic masses of elements, metric units, areas, volumes, and surface areas of
objects, to round off to a given number of decimal places
2. Give the approximate height of the school building, walls of the classrooms, the height of the
flag pole, the distance between your home and school
3. The teacher will request learners to share a 5- digit number for rounding off. Ask learners to
round off the number to the nearest 10 individually on the book. Ask learners to explain the
procedure. Now round off the number to the nearest 100 and 1000
4. Ask students to form any four 7-digit numbers using their date of birth. For example, if my
date of birth is 04/09/1996, I can form any four 7-digit numbers using the numbers in it. For
4,009,961; 1,996,094; 6,090,914; 4,916,900
5. Then, ask the students to round off any to the various number of significant figures.
Work in pairs. Write down a 6-digit or a 7-digit number. Give clues for your partner to guess
your number. (For example, if you wrote down 347100, you could say: My number has six
digits. The digit 4 is next to the digit 3. The number is rounded off to the nearest 100s. The
number is divisible by 3. The digit 7 is in the thousands’ place. The value of the digit in the
hundreds place is 100. There are two zeros in my number. What is my number) Take turns to
guess each other’s numbers.
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard: Students will be able to evaluate square roots and cube roots and solve problems involving
square roots and cube roots.
Knowledge: Skills:
Advanced/Additional factorization method up to 5- digit
● calculate square root of a number up to
Students will be able to know about:
4-digit with maximum 2-decimal places
● calculating square root of natural number which is not a perfect square
by division method up to 5- digit ● apply squares and square roots in real
life situations
Students will be able to:
● compute square root of:
▪ a natural number
▪ a common fraction
▪ a decimal,
given in perfect square form by
division method up to 5- digit.
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Learners investigate and describe patterns in multiples of
● 3, 6 and 9
● 2, 4 and 8
e.g., multiples of 3 have digits that add up to a multiple of 3; all multiples of 6 are also
multiples of 3. all multiples of 4 are even numbers
2. Learners can be asked to share a 3-digit number and explore that which numbers is it divisible
by? Ask learners to the class to justify their answers
3. LCM is used for adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.
4. LCM and HCF can be used to:
● divide group of objects into smaller groups
● distribute equally any number of sets of objects
● arrange objects into rows and columns.
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard.: Students will be able to extend and formalize their knowledge of ratio and proportion in
working word problems, and in expressing proportional relations algebraically
Knowledge: Skills:
▪ table
● expressing direct and inverse proportion
▪ equation
in algebraic terms ▪ graph
● finding the unknown quantities in direct ● solve problems involving inverse
and inverse proportions proportion of two quantities using:
● difference between graphs of direct and ▪ table
inverse proportional quantities ▪ equation
● compound proportion ● solve real life situations/word problems
involving compound proportion
Students will be able to:
● solve problems involving inverse
proportion of two quantities using:
▪ graph
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Explain that a ratio is a relationship between two numbers of the same kind
2. Set up real situations i.e., the ratio of boys to girls in a class, the ratio of teachers to
students, the ratio of blue counters to yellow counters in a jar and seek the solution
3. Ask learners to bring one of their utility bills (Electricity, Telephone, Sui Gas etc.) and
find out the following:
▪ the rate of one unit of quantity,
▪ how many units the household consumed in a particular month,
▪ has the bill issuing authority calculated the due amount correctly?
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard: Students will be able to deal with currency conversion and solve problems involving profit,
loss, discount, Insurance, Partnership and Inheritance
● partnership ● calculate profit percentage and loss
● inheritance percentage
● calculate percentage discount
● solve problems from real life situations
involving successive transactions
Profit and Markup
● differentiate profit and markup
● calculate:
▪the profit/ markup
▪the principal amount
▪the profit/ markup rate, time
● solve problems from real life situations
involving profit/ markup
● solve real life situations involving:
▪ Insurance
▪ Partnership
▪ Inheritance (according to Islamic
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Write 30% on the board. What is the equivalent decimal? (0.3) Ask: What is the equivalent
fraction? (30/100 = 3/10). Ask learners to write down other facts that they can deduce using
these facts, e.g., 15% = 0.15 = 15/100 = 3/20
2. Each learner will be given a set of cards with equivalent fractions, decimals or percentages
e.g., 3/4 could be on one card and 75% on another). Learners take turns to put a card down on
the table, and if two successive cards have the same value the learner will say ‘snap’ and will
be the winner.
3. Learners can be asked to identify the larger quantity and give the reason too.
75% of PKR 200 or 5% of PKR 2000?
Sub-Domain: Sets
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard: Students will be able use language, notation and Venn diagrams to describe sets and their
elements, and solve word problems
Knowledge: Skills:
Students will be able to know about : Students will be able to:
● sets in nature and numbers. ● discover sets in nature and numbers
● set notations ● express sets using tabular, descriptive,
● use of mathematical vocabulary i.e. set, and set-builder notations
element, equal sets, empty set, universal ● differentiate equivalent, and equal sets
set, subsets, equivalent, equal sets, ● write subsets
universal set, complement of a set, subset, ● write power set P(A) of a set A, where A
proper subset, intersection of sets, union has up to four elements
of sets, power set ● describe operations on sets Tabular
● operations on sets form:
● Venn diagram ▪ union of two sets
● properties of sets ▪ intersection of two sets
▪ difference of two sets
▪ complement of a set
● apply sets in real life situations
Students will be able to:
Students will be able to know about:
● use Venn diagram to demonstrate
● Venn diagram
union and intersection of two sets
● properties of sets (Subsets, overlapping sets and
● De Morgan’s Laws disjoint sets)
● describe operations on sets by using
Venn diagram:
▪ union of two sets
▪ intersection of two sets
▪ difference of two sets
▪ complement of a set
● use Venn diagram to demonstrate
union and intersection of two sets
(Subsets, overlapping sets and
disjoint sets)
● discover properties of sets
● verify De Morgan’s Laws.
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Use concrete, pictorial, and verbal representations to develop an understanding of sets from
everyday life. For example, sort and classify data on the basis of different attributes such as a
collection of books of grade VIII syllabus, kitchen utensils, geometrical instruments, etc.
2. Categorize elements as metals and non-metals on the basis of physical properties with the
help of Venn diagrams
3. Ask students to take any two rational numbers (decimals, fractions) and find rational numbers
between them, and observe that there are infinite rational numbers between them.
4. Draw a number line and mark the location of each pair of rational numbers, then find another
rational number between them
5. Prepare Index cards with one set notation symbol on each. You will need one card per student
so replicas will be necessary, however, try to keep the numbers of each symbol equal. Write
the six sets above on the board. Hand out one card to each student. Stand at the board and
ask students to stand in a line against the opposite wall of the room.
Call out instructions for students to move toward you based on their card identification. For
''Move one step forward if your card means to create a new set out of all the numbers in two
other sets.''
''Hop forward twice if your card would result in the set {4}.''
For clues that could have more than one response (like subset or intersection), ask students to
explain why they have moved forward.
The first student to reach you takes your place while the other students return to the starting
Play as long as time allows swapping leaders each time a student reaches the leader.
6. Write the above six sets on the board. Give each student one card. Ask students to write a set
of numbers based on a set notation operation (like subset, intersection, or union) stemming
from any combination of the original six sets. After everyone has finished creating a new set,
instruct them to mingle around the room and group themselves by the operation used to
create their sets.
For example, all students who used unions should join together and all students who wrote
subsets should join. Do not allow students to talk during this time! They must arrange
themselves by group simply based on similarities between the resulting sets.
7. Sets of number cards showing numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (one set per group). Write the six
sets on the board. Divide students into groups of 5-7. Give one set of numbers to each group.
Referring to the sets on the board, call out a problem such as ''The union of A and E''. The first
group to raise the correct number cards reflecting the answer to your question gets a point.
Continue for as long as desired. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Instead of calling out the problem in words, write the problem on the board in set notation,
like 'A U B'. This will require students to practice recognizing the symbols used in set notation.
DOMAIN: Algebra
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard: Students will be able to solve problems involving numbers sequences and patterns.
Knowledge: Skills:
Students will be able to know about : Students will be able to:
● identify simple pattern from various ● differentiate arithmetic sequence and
number sequences geometric sequence
● difference between arithmetic sequence ● discover terms of an arithmetic sequence
and geometric sequence using:
● continuing a given number sequence ▪ term to term rule
● finding term to term rule ▪ position to term rule
● finding position to term rule ● construct the formula for general term
● find terms of a sequence when general (nth term) of an arithmetic sequence
term (nth term) is given ● solve problems from real life situations
● constructing the formula for general term involving numbers sequence and pattern
Advanced/Additional Advanced/Additional
Students will be able to know about: Students will be able to:
● terms of a geometric sequence ● discover terms of a geometric sequence
● formulating general term (nth term) of ● construct the formula for general term
geometric sequence (nth term) of geometric sequence
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Ask learners to think of a number and write it down. They:
● add 10
● double the answer
● subtract 6
● halve the answer
● take away the original number
What do learners notice about their final answers? (Everyone gets 7.)
What sequence does the machine output produce? Generalize it and discover the formula.
6. Describe, extend, and make penalizations about geometric and numeric patterns
7. Make a set of cards as shown
Each player will start with the number 10 000 written on their paper
The cards will be piled as face down
Players will be instructed to take turns and turn over a card and add or subtract from their
starting number as the card shown
Students will keep track of their numbers using their pen and paper
The player with the highest number once all the cards has been turned over will be the winner
DOMAIN: Algebra
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard: Students will be able to simplify and factorise algebraic expressions and apply algebraic
identities to solve problems.
Students will be able to know about :
● the difference between
▪ open and close sentences
▪ a monomial
▪ a binomial
Advanced/Additional ● simplify algebraic expressions involving
Students will be able to know about: addition, subtraction, multiplication and
● base, index/ exponent and its value division
● scientific notation/standard form
● use of positive, negative, fractional and
Basic Algebraic Identities
zero indices
● recognize algebraic identities to expand
● application of the laws of exponents/
▪ (a + b)2 = a2+ b2 + 2ab
▪ (a −¿ b)2 = a2+ b2 −¿2ab
▪ (a + b) (a −¿ b) = a2 – b2
● apply algebraic identities to solve
problems like (103)2, (99)2, 101 × 99
Students will be able to:
● identify base, index/ exponent and its
● use scientific notation/standard form to
express very large and very small
● use positive, negative, fractional and
zero indices
● apply the laws of exponents/ indices
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
2. Explore the n-degree polynomial in one variable as an algebraic expression of the form
a 0 + a1 x +¿ a 2 x 2+ ¿... + an x n.
3. Use algebra tiles to explain learners the concept of factorization in quadratic expressions
4. Recognize and generate equivalent form of simple algebraic expressions and solve linear
5. Use algebra to explore relationships between symbolic expressions and graphs with emphasis
on the meaning of intercept and slope
6. Use algebra to represent real life situations and to solve problems especially those involving
linear relationships
7. Use GeoGebra software to plot the graph of the form:
y=c ,∧x=a , y=mx , and y=mx+c .
DOMAIN: Algebra
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard: Students will be able to interpret and plot graphs of linear equations, solve linear and
simultaneous linear equations and linear inequalities.
Knowledge: Skills:
● solving simultaneous linear equations
● the difference between equation and ● interpret the gradient/ slope of the
straight line
● determine the y-intercept of a straight
● solving simple linear inequalities line
Linear Equations
Advanced/Additional ● change the subject of the formula
Students will be able to know about: ● calculate the value of unknown in a given
● representing the solution of linear formula by substituting the values of
inequality on the number line suitable unknown
Simultaneous Linear Equations
● construct simultaneous linear equations
in two variables
● solve simultaneous linear equations in
two variables using
▪ elimination method
▪ substitution method
▪ graphical method
● solve problems from real life situations
involving two simultaneous linear
equations in two variables
Linear Inequalities
● solve simple linear inequalities i.e.,
▪ ax >b∨¿ cx <d
▪ ax +b< c
▪ ax +b> c
Students will be able to:
● represent the solution of linear inequality
on the number line
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Re-enforce the idea of an unknown by providing learners with sample equations to solve, for
2. Establish that some equations can be solved by simple thinking about the answer, e.g., for
x−3=5 , think “what number when you subtract ‘3’ gives ‘5’.
3. Use short, relatively simple words problems to give students practice in translating problem
situation in to mathematical sentences. Write equations for each problem and then find the
4. Describe and name the location of the points with simple relations in coordinates system such
as maps
5. Describe, name, and interpret relative position in plane
6. Find and name the locations of point in coordinates system, such as maps
7. For graphical method, the teacher may use GeoGebra as teaching tool to improve students’
conceptual understanding of linear equations in one or two variables.
8. Design a real-life story involving two linear equations in two variables and ask students to:
9. Understand the problem and the words used in stating the problem. Devise the plan for the
solution by translating the situation to an algebraic equation clearly stating what the variables
represent. Carry out the plan and solve the problem
DOMAIN: Measurement
Sub-Domain: Mensuration
Standard: Students will be able to recognize various parts of a circle, solve problems involving surface
area and volume of 3D shapes and apply the Pythagorean theorem.
Knowledge: Skills:
● solve problems from real life situation
using Pythagoras theorem
Students will be able to:
● calculate the arc length of the circle by
expressing the arc length as a fraction
of circumference of the circle.
● calculate the area of the sector of a
circle by expressing sector area as a
fraction of the area of the circle
● calculate the surface area and volume of
composite shapes including pyramid,
sphere, hemi-sphere and cone.
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Learners make compound shapes with tangram pieces but do not use all pieces. They calculate
the area of piece and then the compound shape. How would they check the area of all pieces?
2. Provide the learners with unit cubes and encourage them to find how many cubes will fit
into boxes of various sizes. Learners will discover how many cubes will fill the box. The
number of cubes that fill the box is the volume of the box.
3. Explore geometrical ideas and their relationships with arts, science, and everyday life
4. Ask learners to make a poster showing the parts of a circle with their definitions, including
‘radius’, ‘diameter’, ‘circumference’
5. Ask learners to measure the length of the circumference of a range of circles given the
diameter using a thread. They calculate the ratio of circumference and diameter. Look at
the pattern. What can you tell?
6. GeoGebra software can be used to explain the concepts of surface areas and volumes of solid
7. Ask students to calculate volume of classroom, whiteboard, and books
8. Provide learners with a set of pictures of objects (or real objects) and ask them how they
would measure the area. Ask them how many ways they could measure them.
DOMAIN: Geometry
Standard: Students will be to apply facts of congruency and similarity, construct triangles and
understand transformations from a two-dimensional perspective.
● construct triangles
● rotate an object and locate the center of rotation and enlarge a figure with the given scale
Knowledge: Skills:
Students will be able to:
● enlarge a figure with the given scale
factor (positive or negative)
● locate the center and calculate the scale
factor of enlargement given the original
figure and its enlargement.
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Congruent shapes:
Two geometrical shapes which are identical in shape and size are said to be congruent.
Congruent figures can be obtained by reflection, rotation, and translation original figure. We
use the symbol ‘≅’ to denote congruence. For example:
● Two circles of the same radii.
● Two line segments of the same length.
2. Similar shapes:
Geometrical figures which have the same shapes but different size is called similar shape or
figure. Similar figures can be obtained by enlargement and reduction of the original figure. We
use the symbol ‘~’ to denote similarly. For example:
● Two circles of different radii
● Two line segments of different measure
3. Ask Learners to sort quadrilaterals into groups with similar properties, e.g., those that have
right angles, parallel sides, diagonal properties
4. GeoGebra software can be used to explain the concepts of quadrilaterals, polygons, and
5. Teachers can use the website Math open reference for the construction of quadrilateral and
triangles: www.mathopenref.com
6. Translate polygons on the coordinate grid
7. When a polygon is translated, each vertex of the polygon moves the same distance in the
same direction. The size and shape of the image after translation is the same as original
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard: Students will be able to collect, classify and tabulate statistical data, represent data
graphically, construct and use cumulative frequency diagrams and calculate and interpret measures of
central tendency in various problem solving contexts.
● differentiate between discrete and continuous data and grouped and ungrouped data
● reinforce representing the discrete data using suitable graphs such as Line graph, bar graph,
multiple bar graph and pie chart, construct cumulative frequency distribution, histogram and
frequency polygon
● solve problems involving mean of grouped and ungrouped data.
Knowledge: Skills:
● difference between grouped and ▪ line graph
ungrouped data ▪ bar graph
● representing the discrete data using ▪ multiple bar graph
suitable graph such as: ▪ pie chart
▪ line graph Frequency Distribution
▪ bar graph ● construct cumulative frequency
▪ multiple bar graph distribution
▪ pie chart ● represent frequency distribution by
● averages constructing:
● calculating mean , median mode and ▪ Histogram
range of ungrouped data ▪ frequency polygon
Measure of Central Tendency
Advanced/Additional ● solve real life situations involving mean
Students will be able to know about: of grouped and ungrouped data
● calculating the median and mode for
ungrouped data Advanced/Additional
● solving problems from real life situations Students will be able to:
involving median and mode of grouped ● calculate the median and mode for
data. ungrouped data
● solve problems from real life situations
involving median and mode of grouped
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Design investigation to collect data using observation, surveys, and experiments
▪ Construct the frequency table to record the shoes size of everyone in the group/ class.
▪ Measure the length of everyone feet and construct a frequency table, deciding on class
▪ Discuss and understand the correspondence between data set and their graphical
representation specially histograms
▪ Interpret pH of different acids/ basis/ salts form the given histogram
2. Select the appropriate measure of central tendency using above collected data
3. Use measures of central tendency, focusing on mean, median, and mode and understand how
will each representation shows important aspects of data
4. In groups of four, each learner calculates the range, mean, median and mode / modal class of
a set of data. Make sure to include examples of discrete and continuous data, and grouped
data. Learners then discuss what each statistic shows in the context of the data (e.g., the
modal shoe size shows which shoe size is most common for your age group)
Sub-Domain: Probability
STEP 1 _________________________________________________________
Standard: Students will be to solve problems pertaining to Experimental and Theoretical Probability.
Knowledge: Skills:
Students will be able to :
Students will be able to know about : ● determine that the probability of an
● finding all possible outcomes of a event occurring is P and an event ‘not
probability experiment such as occurring’ is 1−¿ P
STEP 2 _________________________________________________________
Formative Assessments
Some of the types of formative assessment teachers may use are:
● Question & Answer(open and closed)
● Quick Quiz
● Learning Walks
● Projects,
● Selected responses (may include MCQs, true: false, matching short answers, fill-in-the-blanks,
● Observation diaries
● Inquiry charts,
● Four Corners: Gather students in the middle of the room, and read multiple-choice
questions and their possible answers aloud. Students then move to the corner that
represents what they believe is the correct answer. The top left room corner can be
option A, the bottom-left can be B and so on
Summative Assessments
Some of the forms of summative assessment are:
● End of Unit Test
● Class Test
● Periodic/Monthly Tests
● Mid-year Exam
● End of Year Exam
● Standardized tests
● External Exams
STEP 3 _ ________________________________________________________
Learning Activities
1. Display three large sheets of paper labelled ‘Impossible’ ‘Uncertain’ ‘Certain’. In pairs,
learners think of at least two events that they could put into each category. Take feedback
and list all the events on the sheets of paper
2. Use bags of sweats/ beads with different color and find out the probability of picking a red
3. Carry out this activity 20 times. Record the results and calculate their experimental
probability of picking of red sweat.