A Review of Tufa and Travertine Deposits of The World

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ELSEVIER Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175

A review of tufa and travertine deposits of the world

T.D. Ford a, H.M. Pedley b
a Department of Geology, University of Leicester, Leicester, LEI 7RH, UK
b School of Geography and Earth Resources, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK

Received 5 January 1996; revised 14 June 1996; accepted 14 June 1996


A general review of the nature and classification of tufas is presented and the available literature is summarised. An
attempt is made to standardise the terminology currently in use and to distinguish clearly between ambient temperature
deposits (tufas), thermal deposits (travertines) and speleothems. Consideration is also presented of the physico-chemical and
biological processes, often acting together, which are responsible for the precipitation of freshwater calcium carbonate within
tufa systems. These processes appear to be climatically controlled. Therefore, tufas may be of value in palaeo-environmental
reconstruction, especially if intercalated with peaty material. While the majority of tufa deposits are of post-glacial age some
of the most spectacular carbonate precipitates are thermal travertines.
The second part of the paper deals with a world-wide survey of the principal deposits of tufa and travertine. Space
prevents a fuller account of the European deposits and the reader is referred to Pentecost (1995) for a wide range of specific
examples from Europe and Asia Minor.

Keywords: Tufa; Travertine; Biofilms; Depositional models: Ambient; Thermal; Classification; World review

1. Introduction fluvial barriers to loose and thinly laminated lime

muds (e.g. Plitvice National Park, Croatia).
The ‘‘tufa” has had a long usage within
term Descriptive terms used in studies of tufas are
English speaking cultures although the United States confused and some are inaccurate. The term tufa,
of America is a notable exception. Tufa as a general derived from tophus, as used by Pliny, was exten-
name covers a wide variety of calcareous freshwater sively used in Roman times to describe crumbly
deposits which are particularly common in late Qua- whitish deposits (either calcareous tufa, or volcanic
ternary and Recent successions. Today they form tuff). The definition is now clearer since use of the
under a wide range of climatic regimes from cool term tufa in defining pyroclastic materials has virtu-
temperate to semi-arid. Carbonate deposition fre- ally been abandoned in favour of well established
quently is extremely local at such sites as waterfalls term “ volcanic tuff”. Tufa is the product of calcium
(e.g. Janet’s Foss, Yorkshire) and springs. Tufas may carbonate precipitation under a cool water (near am-
also cover wide areas, sometimes kilometres in bient temperature) regime and typically contains the
length, where a great variety of lithofacies are devel- remains of micro- and macrophytes, invertebrates
oped from well cemented and massive transverse and bacteria. Typical examples are well seen in

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Roman buildings at Pompeii near Naples (Fig. I) tatea. which invariably lack in situ macrophyte and
where, in addition to a dimension stone, it is also animal remains.
used for decorative purposes in alcoves. This is compatible with the suggestions of Pente-
A rival term adopted by modem workers, espe- cost (1993) and Pentecost and Viles (1994) who.
cially in the United States, Spanish speaking coun- whilst adopting the term travertine for all deposits,
tries and parts of Europe is travertine, derived from separate them on the basis of temperature. They
lapis riburtinus or Tibur stone, from the river upon adopt the term “meteogene” for deposits which are
which Rome stands. Unlike our definition of tufa, CO, sourced from soil and atmosphere, and the term
see later, the Roman occurrences, still being quarried “thermogene” for deposits where the CO, is sourced
at Bagni di Tivoli some 30 km east of Rome, are of from a range of situations including hydrolysis and
hydrothermal origin and generally contain no macro- oxidation of reduced carbon, decarbonation of lime-
phytes or invertebrates. Travertines are dominantly stone or directly from the upper mantle. Meteogene
hard, crystalline precipitates (some can be friable), deposits form principally in limestone areas whereas
frequently with thin laminations and with shrub-like thermogene deposits are more common in regions of
bacterial growths. The travertines commonly pass volcanic activity. According to Pentecost (1995) the
laterally into more typical open tufa fabrics in areas waters at active meteogene sites show a depletion in
where the water has cooled to near ambient tempera- “C whereas thermogene waters generally are en-
tures. Consequently, to avoid confusion. in this arti- riched. It is also pointed out by Pentecost (1995) that
cle we reserve the term tufa for all cool or neat the rapid degassing and cooling of waters at active
ambient temperature freshwater low-Mg carbonates thermogene sites leads to a higher precipitation rate
regardless of degree of lithification. The term traver- than at meteogene sites.
tine is thus restricted to all “freshwater” thermal A further, and as yet ill-defined group of traver-
and hydrothermal calcium carbonate deposits domi- tine-like calcium carbonate deposits, occurs in evap-
nated by physico-chemical and microbial precipi- orite lakes and evaporative hyperalkaline situations

Fig. I. Tufa blocks extensively used in house construction within the Roman town of Pompeii. Italy.
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 119

Fig. 2. Tufa speleothems developed at a cave entrance, Daylight Hole, Markham Cave, Chillagoe, Queensland. Australia.

often associated with relatively high ambient temper- from ambient temperature waters dripping from cav-
atures. Again these are dominantly microbial and ity walls (Fig. 2) and seepages through tufas. Rarely
physico-chemical constructions therefore it appears do these cements contain any biological material but
appropriate to include them in the travertine classifi- principally are formed by physico-chemical precipi-
cation. tation of calcium carbonate. Speleothems may be
It is important to reiterate the fact that lithological considered as the inorganic end member of a contin-
hardness is no indication of genetic affinity for there uum which, at the other extreme is represented by
are many crystalline and hard tufas, as well as friable biomediated tufa. It is recommended (Pedley, 1990)
travertines. Tufas are usually distinguishable from that the term tufa be adopted for all varieties of
travertines, even in ancient deposits, by the compara- non-hydrothermal and fluvially related freshwater
tively high diversity of contained plants, including calcareous deposits containing bacteria, plants and
macrophytes, and animals. Where confusion in the animals, regardless of degree of crystallinity or age.
field is most commonly encountered it is where tufa The term “sinter” should be restricted to siliceous
and travertine are interlayered, such as in distal areas hot spring deposits and not applied to calcareous
of thermal flow which have cooled sufficiently to tufa, travertine or to speleothems.
permit colonisation by micro- and macrophytes (e.g.
margins of the Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming,
USA). Nevertheless, the water chemistry of these 2. Self-regulating systems
cooled waters may contain elevated amounts of sul-
phur, carbon dioxide and other elements not nor- Tufas are self-regulating systems in that they
mally associated with ambient water tufa precipi- appear to defy the rules of what we have come to
tates. Some of these peculiarities will be inherited in expect from natural fluvial regimes. They develop
the precipitated carbonates. under the influence of flowing freshwaters and yet
Speleothems (Pia, 19331, are deposits common in their systems tend to be aggradational rather than
caves (stalactite, floe calcite etc.) but also frequently degradational. They generate their own carbonate
encountered as an infill to pre-existing tufa and sediments and exclude virtually all other siliciclastic
travertine fabrics, and consequently, can appear de- materials. Their naturally regulated flow regimes
ceptively like travertine. Speleothems are produced rarely suffer spate conditions. Many carbonate clasts
in unlit and poorly lit cavities and inter-particle sites, within tufa systems are cyanoliths or oncoids which
120 T.D. Ford, H.M. Prdley / Earth-Sciencr Rel,iews 41 (19%) 117- I75

are biogenic entities and increase in size, frequently mented barrage fragments will best survive. All this
with clast size being inversely proportional to flow is achieved because of the unique association be-
rate. Indeed many of the largest clasts are found in tween procaryotes and plants, and physico-chemical
virtually static sites and grow both downwards into precipitation.
the substrate as well as towards sunlight. True detri-
tal material also occurs but generally is derived from
local tufa degradation. 3. Tufas
Furthermore, tufa systems commonly develop
reefs (phytoherms) which range from small patches Several independent schemes of sedimentological
or cushions especially near pool margins, to major or geomorphological classification have been pro-
barrage constructions (also known in the literature as posed (Symoens et al., 1951; Butzer and Hansen,
tufa dams, weirs or tetaratas, Jakucs, 1977). These 1968; Irion and Muller, 1968; Golubic, 1969; Geurts.
develop transversely across river valleys by a combi- 1976; Nicod, 1981; Szulc, 1983; Chafetz and Folk.
nation of macrophytes, microphytes and procaryotes 1984; Viles, 1988; Viles and Goudie, 1990a). Many
(Fig. 3). By this process, abnormally high local others are based on botanical criteria such as Schnei-
watertables can be achieved and maintained. Finer der (1977), Schneider et al. (1983), Pentecost and
tufaceous carbonate sediments can accumulate up- Lord (1988) and Pentecost and Viles (1994). Yet
stream of the constructions and uniquely horizontal others are process based (e.g. Julia, 1983). These
fluvio-lacustrine terraces will result from later schemes have led to great confusion; however, the
drainage and partial erosion of such sites. Even after bones of a satisfactory scheme, based on petrology
periodic incision of the river, fragments of these and facies associations, are to be found in Buccino et
horizontal terraces may remain although better ce- al. (1978); Ordofiez and Garcia de1 Cura (1983);

Fig. 3. Submerged transverse tufa barrage in the Krka River, Skradin Falls, Croatia.
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/ Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 121

Ferreri (1985); Pedley (1990); Golubic et al. (1993) systems. For example the barrage system may con-
and Violante et al. (1994). tain aspects of the braided fluvial model, and of the
If the lowest common denominator in the field, lacustrine model of Pedley (1990); the perched
the lithofacies association, is first considered, it is springline (slope) system also encompasses elements
clear that the complexity of lithofacies in tufa sys- of the cascade and pal&l models of Pedley (1990).
tems derives directly from the influence brought Each natural system rarely is entirely of one model
about by underlying substrate irregularities. Violante system. One notable exception is waterfall or cas-
et al. (1994) suggest two fundamental depositional cade tufa which can be developed locally to the
morphotypes. The first involves damming of a river, exclusion of other tufa fabrics (e.g. Janet’s Foss,
often within a gorge section, by means of one or Yorkshire). Most natural tufa occurrences are, how-
more transverse orientated tufa barrages (“Barrage ever, composed of elements of the following models
Travertine System”). This directly compares with which are described in more detail in Pedley (1990).
the “fluvial barrage model” of Pedley (1990). The
second system of Violante et al. (1994) involves the 3.1. Fluvial
formation of a valley-side-sited, wedge-shaped sedi-
mentary body (“Slope Travertine System”). This (a) Braided jluvial model: cyanolith and oncoid
conforms directly with the “perched springline dominated shallow braided rivers with phytoclastic
model” of Pedley (1990). lenses, small marginal phytoherms associated with
The barrage system is now known in fine detail microdetrital lime muds, asymmetrical flow-aligned
from work carried out on active systems in the bacterioherm (stromatolite boundstone) growth on
Plitvice National Park, Croatia (Golubic, 1969; stream bed. Examples: Duero Basin, Spain; Ditton,
Kempe and Emeis, 1985; Srdoc et al., 1985) and in Kent and part of the Lathkill valley, Derbyshire, UK;
Ruidera National Park, Albacete Province, Spain Carl Creek, Queensland, Australia.
(OrdoRez and Garcia de1 Cura, 1983; Ordotiez et al., (b) Barrage model (barrage system): developed
1986; Pedley et al., 1996) and in Holocene and commonly in gorge sites from the damming of flow-
active sites in Derbyshire and N. Wales, UK (Pedley, ing water by a number of arcuate, downstream facing
1987, 1993). The perched springline or slope system transverse phytoherm barrages or dams (Fig. 4).
is now well documented in central and southern Italy Lime muds accumulate in the ponded upstream areas
(Pedley, 1990; Golubic et al., 1993; Violante et al., and may be associated with smaller marginal phyto-
1994). However, the two distinct systems represent herm patches (Fig. 5). Barrages are narrow but may
composite end members of a spectrum of interrelated be the sites of macrophyte colonisation. Examples:

210659 ( ALPORT 1 225649

Alport lane.
0 500m

Fig. 4. Profile of barrage tufa systems parallel to flow of the River Lathkill, Derbyshire, England. Phytohenns in solid black, oncoids shown
as circles and dots, and marly tufa by broken horizontal lines (modified from Pedley, 1993).
122 T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley / Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) I 17-l 75
T.D. Ford, HM. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (19%) 117-175 123

Fig. 6. Typical Holocene perched springline tufa deposit in the upper reaches of the Rio Tajuna, showing the characteristic flat top and steep
front of the lobate deposit. Upstream of Brihuega, central Spain.

Plitvice National Park, Croatia; Ruidera Pools Natu- and developed from a spring or stream system resur-
ral Park, Spain; Caerwys; Lathkill and Wye valleys, gence some way up a pre-existing valley side (Fig.
UK; Band-e-Amir, Afghanistan; d’Immouzer and Ida 6). Distributaries develop on the surface of the de-
du Tanane, Morocco; Onilahy valley and Sept-Lakes, posit and become foci for precipitation, The steeper
SW Madagascar; Turner Falls, USA; tufa springs, faces, where tufa growth is fastest, may bear mi-
Mt. Etna, Queensland, Australia. croterraces, gutter cascades and gullies (some con-
taining stromatolite hemispheroid growths). Areas
3.2. Perched springline (slope system)
closer to source in well developed sites may become
(a) Proximal. Lobate or multilobate, convex to subhorizontal and partly ponded (Fig. 7), with very
flat surfaced deposits, thickening away from source slow aggradation associated with paludal conditions.

Fig. 7. Simplified perched springline tufa model involving paludal developments (b), close to a resurgence point (a). A thick lobate
framestone deposit partly built by terracettes (c) forms the main feature. Distal deposits are dominated by microdetrital tufas (e) and
palaeosols (f). Modelled from deposits near Cozo Marotta, southeast Sicily (modified from Pedley, 1990).
124 H.M.Pedlr,v/
T.D.Ford, Eurrh-Science Rrc,iew.v 41 (19%) 117-175

(b) Distal. Typically these are low-angle sheet-like carbonate. Much of the lake floor commonly is
deposits of fine intraclast tufa, but with rare phyto- covered in lime mud which may be associated with
clast lenses associated with local channels. Palaeosol the products of seasonal algal blooms within the
levels are common. Examples: Noto, S. Italy; Ro- water column. Examples: Green Lake, New York;
chetta a Volturno, Central Italy; Matlock, UK; Quaternary Pyramid Lake, Nevada; Miocene Ries
“Crons” of Belgium. The vast Antalya complex, Crater, Germany; lakes associated with barrage tufas
S.W. Turkey is dominated by perched springline at Ruidera Pools Natural Park, Spain.
systems but has built out subsequently into a multi-
terraced deposit also including paludal and lacustrine 3.4. Puludal
Many European tufas develop on poorly drained
3.3. Lucustrine slopes which are colonised by hydrophytic macro-
phytes, bryophyte hummocks, and rarely by lichens.
Associated with large static bodies of freshwater Calcium carbonate-enriched waters seeping through
where lake margins often are sites of “algal bio- this cover deposit “spring chalk” on the surfaces of
herms” or bacterioherms. Generally these reefs are the vegetation (Fig. 9). Small ephemeral pools may
microbial in origin and consist of laminar stromato- develop on the valley bottoms and may persist long
lite-like encrustations growing laterally and upwards enough to allow carbonate encrustation of associated
from the lake margins (Fig. 8). Frequently the top of macrophytes and aquatic vegetation. Microdetrital
these bacterioherms are flat (controlled by water tufa (lime mud) may also accumulate locally within
depth) and bear a pronounced overhang. the pools. partly from precipitation on site and partly
Where water depths are less than 5 m, it is from material washed in from the surrounding marshy
common to find stands of the alga Charu and the slopes (Fig. IO). Coarser lithoclastic material may
associated production of sand grade microdetrital enter the system by this route and leaf fall may also

Fig. 8. Recent marginal lacustrine stromatolite build-ups consisting of conical growth-forms (base), mammilated lateral growths (nniddle)
and overhanging stromatolite developments (top). The original water level coincided with the top of the overhang, Laguna Lengua. .R :uidera
Pools National Park. near Ossa de Montiel, Albacete Province, central Spain.
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley / Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 12.5

lead to the deposition of humus-rich layers (gyttja) and there may be a dominance of pulmonate mol-
within shallow, standing water bodies. Examples: lusts. Internally, there may be the development of
Tanagro valley, central Italy; Hula valley, Israel. vadose calcite cements and speleothems and the
mobilisation of Fe and Mn which frequently precipi-
3.5. Subaerial associations tate about the fluctuating air/water interface.

It must be noted that all tufa systems are suscepti-

ble to local switching within drainage patterns and 4. Travertines
short-term fluctuations in water table which may
lead to gully incision. Indeed, Golubic (1969) em- These are higher-temperature systems under our
phasises that tufa development is cyclic and that proposed nomenclature. In a survey Waring (1965)
deposition is terminated at the end of a natural cycle listed several thousand thermal springs around the
by incision and erosion of the deposits. Relatively world of which several hundreds are noted as de-
elevated areas become sites of palaeosol develop- positing “tufa” (travertines under our nomenclature);
ment (Fig. 11) or general karstification. Indeed, it is no details are given but there is a bibliography of
not unusual to find surface-cemented screes and over 300 items.
alluvium associated with extremely thin tufa devel- Travertines show less macrofacies diversity than
opments in subaerial settings such as in the Chalk tufa systems on account of their relatively limited
uplands of eastern England. Condensation of faunas lateral extent and biota. They do, however, present
frequently is associated with these omission surfaces an almost bewildering array of microlithologies asso-

Fig. 9. Composite diagram illustrating the common lithofacies associations found in paludal tufa deposits (modified from Pedley, 1990).
126 T.D. Ford. H.M. Pedlev / Eurth-Science Rwirws 41 f lYY6)I I7- I75

Fig. 10. Profile section parallel to transport of a Recent paludal tufa. The pale beds are microdetrital tufa with small phytoherm patches and
local erosion surfaces; the dark beds furthest from the observer are humic palaeosols with peats and sapropels. 5 km east of El Jardin
village, Albacete Province. central Spain.

Fig 1 I. Details of a Holocene pahtdai tufa showing an oncoidal bed (lower third of view), two thin palaeosols in the middle (black), and
phyrtoclast tufas (above). Hydro-electric power station section 3 km east of Alcarez, Albacete Province, central Spain.
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley / Earth-Science Reuiews 41(1996) I1 7-l 75 121

ciated with bacterial and physico-chemical precipita- 4.2. Terraces

tion. As water temperature falls towards ambient
conditions, higher orders of organisms are able to Complex terraced travertine deposits develop as
colonise and the system grades imperceptibly into a lobate planar sheets away from thermal resurgences.
tufa-depositing situation. However, the thermal wa- Generally they are steepest proximally, where they
ters frequently contain a range of toxic substances are often associated with terracettes, terrace gutters,
(e.g. sulphide and other mineral salts) which ad- small cascades and descending flights of shallow
versely affect thermophile bacterial colonisation pro- arcuate pools (Fig. 12). Point-source resurgences
cesses and may prevent climax community develop- often develop into pinnacles or towers (see above)
ment. From our survey we recognise two principal whereas distal areas may carry waters cool enough to
systems: permit localised stands of rushes. The deposits are
well lithified in the form of smooth-topped sheets. A
4.1. Fissure ridges variant of these is the range front sheets which
develop as wide planar spreads down upfaulted
In areas prone to faulting, hydrothermal hot wa- graben flanks from thermal fissures. Examples: Pa-
ters (and gasses) frequently rise along linear resur- mukkale (in part), Turkey; Mammoth Hot Springs,
gences. Much of the crystalline carbonate precipi- Yellowstone, USA; Bagnaccio Bullicame; Bagni di
tates in the immediate vicinity of the fissure and Tivoli, Italy; Blumberg and Stuttgart deposits, Ger-
narrow, but high calcium carbonate travertine mounds many; Hammam-Meskoutine, Algeria; Coal River
result. Some develop a characteristic cleft-like me- Springs, Yukon, Canada.
dian valley or elliptical depression above the resur-
gence and this may subsequently develop into a
thermal pool. Pinnacles develop from point-sourced 5. Saline t&s or travertines
waters. Internal bedding consists of regular, steeply
dipping, planar laminae, sometimes with small rim- A number of evaporative lacustrine and hyperal-
stone pool developments distally. Examples: Parts of kaline sites also produce tufa and travertine-like
the Pam&kale deposit, Turkey; Rapolano Terme, precipitates and extinct systems of the same origin
central Italy and present in most thermal areas. also occur. Deposits take the form of tower- and

Fig. 12. Recent travertine terraces showing characteristic vertical rimstone walls and terraced pool developments. Pamukkale, Turkey.
128 T.D. Ford. H.M. Pedlq / Earth-Science Rr~irws 41 (19961 I I7- I75

Fig. 13. Holocene and Recent tufa towers in a saline lake. The localised build-ups arc not restricted to the lake margins but grow where lake
bed freshwater springs dilute the brines. Mono Lake, California.

pyramid-shaped masses which are developed within the wide variety of macro and microphytes available
the standing water bodies (Fig. 131. The precise according to flow regime and climate (see table 1 in
mechanism of formation is uncertain; however, they Pentecost and Viles, 1994). Macro- and micro-vege-
may represent the resurgence points of freshwater, tation invariably are major components of many tufa
sometimes thermal, into the saline lakes containing systems and serve to distinguish tufa deposits from
waters already at elevated temperatures. This fresh- travertines (Fig. 14). On the other hand, bacteria and
water ingress would permit locally the dilution of the cyanobacteria frequently play a dominant role in
lake brines, thereby facilitating growth of bacteria travertine precipitation (Folk, 1994). Bacteria and
and cyanobacteria in addition to physico-chemical cyanobacteria in particular are fundamental agents in
precipitation caused by CO, degassing. From the the growth of bacterioherm fabrics including the
constructional viewpoint the deposits might be con- circumrotatory forms (oncoids and cyanoids).
sidered as travertines. However, it is salinity rather Others have adopted a sedimentological approach
than temperature which has excluded the macro- (OrdoIlez and Garcia de1 Cura, 1983; Pedley, 1990)
phytes. Nevertheless, on the basis of their limited or a petrological approach (e.g. Buccino et al., 1978;
biota they are here classified for convenience as Ferreri, 1985; Violante et al., 1994). All are valu-
travertines. Examples: Searles Lake and Mono Lake, able, but a fruitful approach would be to combine
California and hyperalkaline lakes in Jordan, Oman elements of each into a scheme such as that proposed
and Israel. in Fig. 15 based on Buccino et al., 1978; Ferreri,
1985; Pedley, 1990 and Violante et al., 1994. Here,
allochthonous accumulations (microdetrital, phyto-
clast and intraclast tufa) are separated from au-
6. Lithological associations tochthonous deposits (phytohermal constructions
where there is an in situ organic framework). The
Many attempts have been made to classify tufas scheme conforms to the classification of Dunham
and travertines petrologically with varying success. (1962) the terminology for which is inserted at the
Attempts to use vegetation associations are often of bottom of Fig. 15; however, it also includes an
value (e.g. Pentecost and Lord, 1988) on account of essential separation of lithological types based on
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley / Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-I 75 129

Fig. 14. A typical waterfall site producing modem tufas in association with macrophyte hummocks (bryophytes) and hanging angiosperm
roots. Caves (extreme left) develop behind the overhangs. The tufa fabrics often show vertical layering. Plitvice National Park, Croatia.

genetic origin of the various dominant allochemical 7. Precipitation processes

components such as oncoids or cyanoliths, intra-
clasts, phytoclasts and litboclasts. As these can make Traditional theory has focussed on tufas being
up widely variable percentages and an equally wide wholly physico-chemical precipitates which deposit
range of component sizes (often equally related ei- close to resurgent points, riffles and waterfalls where
ther to mechanical transport, or to semi-in-situ bio- calcium carbonate enriched waters rapidly de-gass
logical growth in the case of cyanoids and oncoids), (e.g. Sweeting, 1972; Braitbwaite, 1979; Lorah and
there is no appropriate nomenclature according to Herman, 1988). The degassing, principally of CO,,
clast size for phytoclast tufas. generally is associated with a cooling of the waters
130 T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley / Earth-Science Rel,iews 41 (1996) 1 I7- 175





(a) Boundstone
sheets of micrite and
Micrite tufa oncoidal and cyanolith tufa (strcmatc!4th -like

(b) Microherm
lntraclast tufa shrubby framework
of bacterial colonies
Peloidal tufa

Sapropelitic tufa (c) Framestone

Phytoclast tufa
true ‘reef’ framework
(organic rich)
of macrcphy?es coated
Lithoclast tufa with mixed miultic and
Lithoclast tufa
(inorganic rich) sparry fringe cements

Lime Mudstone Wackestone/pack*to”e Grainstone Bound&n*

Fig. 15. A scheme for the classification of tufa deposits on the basis of fabric type. Based on the more usual terminology applied to tuft
deposits but also applicable to thermal travertines.

away from source and results in the precipitation of Alternatively, seasonal temperature shifts affect-
tufaceous carbonate on all available surfaces whether ing the solubility of CO, and calcite have been cited
animal, plant or rock. Pentecost (1995) points out by Rodrigo et al. (1993), and Brunskill (1969) as a
that active tufa precipitation is severely limited by principal factor initiating inorganic carbonate pre-
low temperatures as this severely restricts soil respi- cipitation “ whitings’ ’ and lake chalk deposition in
ration and limestone dissolution. Thus, regimes with Lake La Cruz, Spain and Green Lake, New York.
higher rainfall and temperatures should encourage There is some indication that this process is a self-
tufa formation. There is some general support for regulating mechanism which prevents eutrophication
this idea in that the Late Quatemary Atlantic climatic within otherwise organic-rich lake environments.
optimum appears to be associated with an acme in Nevertheless, phytoplankton photosynthesis probably
tufa precipitation. assists the development of these precipitates.
Generally it is believed that the CaCO, is taken Currently, tufas are seen to be a product of both
up into percolating meteoric waters which first have physico-chemical precipitation and biogenic precipi-
passed through soil profiles above limestone litholo- tation associated with biofilm colonisation (Adolphe
gies. Here, biogenic elevated CO, levels inherited et al., 1989; Pedley, 1992, 1994). There is usually a
from the soils act on the underlying karstic surfaces close association between the biofilms and organic
and calcium carbonate is removed into solution nutrients often released from decaying vegetation.
(Geissner, 1959; Atkinson and Smith, 1976; Atkin- Heterotrophic bacteria actively metabolise the carbon
son et al., 1978; Drake, 1980). The enriched solu- and nutrients from this material, but appear to precig
tions then travel variable distances within the subsur- itate calcium carbonate outer shells as an involuntary
face before emerging at springs. This of course byproduct (see later). A useful summary of the salient
implies a very close genetic relationship with precipitation processes appears in Violante et al.
speleothems. (1994). In essence, during physico-chemical precipi-
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 131

tation the degree of water saturation with respect to bacteria and cyanobacteria have been identified in
CaCO, increases as pC0, of water decreases in the European deposits, though only a dozen are common
downstream direction and this is a requirement be- and these are dominated frequently by Phormidium
fore precipitation can commence. A rise in CO:- (now Lyngbyu), or Schizothrix (Pentecost, 1990,
content must also occur before precipitation can 1992). Precipitates have been recorded both on di-
commence and this is often assisted by turbulence atom stalks, within the sheaths of cyanobacteria (e.g.
along the river course and by temperature change Riuuluriuceu) and also within the communal EPS.
(see reactions in Dandurand et al., 1982; Violante et Coccoid heterotrophic bacteria frequently show a
al., 1994). A pH of c. 8 is also necessary. As free calcified outer shell. Bacterial colonies typically de-
CO, decreases within the waterbody following the velop as polynucleate bodies which develop ulti-
rise in pH values, physico-chemical precipitation mately, by further precipitation, into peloids after
decreases. death of the individuals. Furthermore, the sticky
However, uptake of C and HCO, by means of biofilm surfaces and individual mucus sheaths to
photosynthesis and bacterial metabolic process leads filamentous blue greens also trap and stabilise detri-
to further CO:- activity. Macrophyte-induced pre- tal lime mud (Pentecost and Riding, 1986; Pedley,
cipitation, often in the form of surficial precipitates 1994) and in this respect show the close genetic link
on the stems of submerged vegetation (e.g. Chara), between biomediated tufas and marine stromatolites
may occur. Nevertheless, much of the precipitation (Pedley, 1992). Thus, there is a shift in precipitation
will be biomediated as micrite by means of delicate mechanisms from a dominantly inorganic system at
procaryote-microphyte biofilms (Pedley, 1992, the resurgence point to a predominantly biogenic one
1994). These bioftlms consist of microbial communi- further downstream (Merz and Zankle, 1991). Pre-
ties, generally dominated by diatoms, cyanobacteria cipitates from both processes frequently alternate and
and heterotrophic bacteria (Fig. 161, which often are build thick encrustations over vegetation (Fig. 17).
united in a common coating of extracellular poly- The biofilm process is further complicated by
meric substances (EPS). Over a hundred species of relative exposure to turbulence, detritus damage and

Fig. 16. Scanning electron micrograph of part of a Recent biofilm containing micrite peloids, diatoms and extracellular polymeric substances
(mucilaginous coatings). River Lathkill, near Alport, Derbyshire.

Fig 17. Typical cyclic isopachous fringes of calcite spar (light shade) and micrite (dark) encrusting grass. Note the eccentric dev elopn lent of
mic xobially biomediated micrite on the downstream side of the encrustation. Diameter of the central hole (once occupied by the grass stem)
is 9 mm. Holocene Gordale tufa. near Malham, Yorkshire

burial at any site. In protected situations biofilms inorganic versus organic precipitation in tufas and
may readily become established even close to resur- travertines varies according to the researcher. At
gence points. Also objects within the flowing water present there is no clear consensus, though both
body will have sheltered leeward sides upon which processes are here considered to be important.
microbial growth will be encouraged. Finally, in the
case of static water bodies all sites potentially are
8. Diagenesis
capable of developing biofilms in addition to precipi-
tation from whitings. Generally, biofilms dominantly The majority of tufas consist of low-magnesian
produce mud-grade carbonate either in the form of calcite and tend to be quite stable. Nevertheless,
micrite, or peloids (bacterial clump deposits). considerable sparmicritization can occur as a direct
Physico-chemical precipitates on the other hand tend result of the microboring activities of cyanobacteria,
to be sparry, rather than micritic, and frequently fungi and other micro-organisms (Chafetz et al..
develop as isopachous fringe cements with well de- 1994). On exposed faces these can readily destroy
veloped palisade and micro dog-tooth morphologies clear sparry calcite fabrics, converting them into
(Pedley, 1992, 1994). cloudy spar and micritic areas containing ill-defined
In active travertines the precipitation processes boundaries.
are very fast (Folk, 1994) often taking only hours to Many tufas have escaped this destructive process
produce significant deposits, whereas the processes and retain sharp internal fabric boundaries (Fig. 18).
in tufas are considerably slower. It is important, Nevertheless, there is a tendency in Quaternary and
however, to state that the relative emphasis placed on older tufas to have received additional inorganic
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 133

Fig. 18. Fabric detail within a Neogene tufa illustrating the preservation of sharp fabric boundaries and late stage occlusion of the remaining
cavity by calcite spar cement. Perfectly preserved micrite fringe cement (middle) above an initial broad spar fringe with rhombic
terminations. Width of field 1.5 mm. Pliocene (?I tufa at Morata de1 Tajuna. south of Arganda, Madrid.

carbonate cements which progressively occlude the Most consider that temperature variations control
available porosity (“speleomorphization” of Golu- soil activity (bio- and physico-chemical) and that it
bit, 1967). It may well be that much of this cement is the karstic dissolution resulting from this which
entered the buried cavernous fabrics concurrently controls the availability rate of calcium carbonate
with surficial tufa deposition. It is not, however, true from which tufas are precipitated. However, Griffiths
tufa but a form of cavern infill akin to speleothems. and Pedley (1995) propose that atmospheric pC0,
might be the overriding control on tufa precipitation,
especially in lake and barrage systems where diffu-
9. Palaeoenvironmental considerations sion at the air/water interface is significant. Re-
cently, Andrews et al. (1993) have demonstrated that
Some writers, notably Nicod (198 11, Pazdur et al. the oxygen isotope ratios in active modem British
(1988a,b), Goudie et al. (1993), Taylor et al. (1994), tufas is constant. Although many factors can cause
have related variations in tufa sequences to climatic variations in the 618O/6’6O ratios it is generally
changes. In temperate regions it is likely that tufa considered in tufas that climate (temperature) is the
deposition coincides with the warmer and wetter most likely variable causing shifts in ratios (Andrews
phases of the glacial/interglacial sequences, i.e. with et al., 1993). The hypothesis has been applied to a
interglacials, whilst in Holocene times growth was core taken from a British Holocene barrage tufa
apparently greatest during the early Holocene cli- system in N. Derbyshire with convincing results
matic maximum. In contrast with temperate regions (Andrews et al., 1994). Here, the stable isotope
tufa growth maxima in subtropical, semi-arid regions record varies in a non-random pattern with depth
coincide with the wetter and generally cooler pluvial suggesting that there has been a corresponding cli-
phases. Correlation of sequences in semi-arid and matic change over time. This opens up the possibili-
subtropical areas with those of temperate regions is ties of applying the technique to other sites with
fraught with difficulties. good pollen biostratigraphies to test whether the
isotopic shifts bear any relationship to vegetation 3500 yr B.P. Clearly this period closely ties in with
change. The technique, however, may not univer- accelerated deforestation, farming and soil erosion. It
sally be applicable if there is excessive diagenetic is tempting to correlate this decline with human
alteration or in thermal (travertine) systems accord- activities. Compounding the effects of this land
ing to Chafe& et al. (1994). clearance is the application of crop fertilizers in
One of the greatest obstacles to palaeoenviron- recent times and extensive land drainage. All may
mental studies is the need to obtain absolute ages for have a profound influence on the rate of absorption
the deposits. Providing that peat or sapropel material of carbon dioxide in percolating groundwaters. Addi-
is interlayered with the tufas then conventional ra- tionally, falling water tables and reduced discharge
diametric dates can be obtained from carbon 14 rates in recent times may also be coupled with a
(Taylor et al., 1994). This assumes that no “hard general lowering in the rate of limestone solution
water effect” is evident. If, however, tufas alone are and consequent availability of calcium carbonate for
present carbon 14 dates may be spurious because of freshwater precipitation.
the “hard water effect” (see Bradley, 1985 for The following survey of the world’s tufa deposits
details). The problems of obtaining absolute ages inevitably is selective. It builds on Ford and Pedley
from tufas are discussed further in Srdoc et al. (19921, and on other surveys such as Ford (1989)
(1986); Viles and Goudie (1990a) and Drysdale and and the work of Merrill (1895) on “onyx”. In
Head (1994). Thus it is that many unquestionably addition, numerous accounts of individual deposits
Holocene tufas have yielded older Pleistocene radio- exist but their literature is in vernacular languages
metric dates. This is because the carbon isotopic and difficult to locate. Few deposits have been inves-
signature of the tufa is a composite signal involving tigated scientifically and then often by a single
some carbon which has its origin in the contempo- method, commonly radiocarbon dating. Many de-
rary atmosphere, but with additions of geologically posits have yet to be described.
ancient carbon atoms derived from the dissolution of
bed-rock. Additionally, secondary and often much
later carbonate cements within the plethora of pri- 10. Tufa deposits of Europe
mary cavities can potentially give rise to quite differ-
ent, and younger, dates from adjacent parts of the As some 300 sites in Europe and Turkey have
same layer within a deposit (see Geyh and Schle- been catalogued by Pentecost (1995) no attempt to
icher, 1990). Nevertheless, Taylor et al. (1994) cover them all again has been made here.
demonstrate convincingly that apparently valid m- The country entries are arranged geographically
diocarbon dates can be obtained from Holocene tufa starting with the “home” of tufa, Italy and working
carbonates providing that only the true microbial northwards and then eastwards across Europe.
precipitates are carefully selected, and all physico-
chemical cements are avoided. Further investigations 10.1. Ituly
are necessary to confirm this hypothesis. U-Th dates
have been obtained for pre-Holocene travertines and The classic travertine deposits of Bagni di Tivoli,
Hennig et al. (1983) list some 140 dated examples east of Rome, have been quarried for over 2000
from archaeological sites (and 660 speleothems). The years. Blocks have been used for such buildings as
problems of accurately dating Holocene tufas may in the Colosseum which alone is said to have required
future be overcome by the application of uranium 200,000 tonnes of travertine blocks. Many other
series dating techniques (see review in Smart, 199 I ). public buildings of the Roman city took large
Alternatively, amino acid dating methods (Benson amounts of the easily shaped stone. In more recent
and Hare, 1975; Sykes, 199 1) appear to hold consid- times buildings such as the Vatican have taken vast
erable potential for tufas, if it is applied to the quantities. Blocks of tufa were also much used in
associated molluscs. Pompeii (Fig. 1). On an international scale slabs of
A significant question relates to the dramatic re- polished travertine from Rapalino, northwest of Pisa
duction in tufa development in Europe from about have recently gained favour as the frontage decor of
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 135

McDonalds fast food establishments. Many other ently sited over a fracture, water emerges from a
deposits have been worked in Italy for ornamental fissure along the crest and the deposit is referred to
“ travertine marble’’. as a Fissure Ridge (Chafetz and Folk, 1984). The
Many of Italy’s travertine deposits are of mildly deposit is largely made of layers of micritic “shrubs”
thermal character, probably reflecting the recent his- of bacterial origin which show progressive loss of
tory of vulcanism though the hot waters are usually detailed microstructure by diagenesis with increasing
diluted with a meteoric input (Pentecost, 1995). age. Local classification refers the different types of
The Bagni di Tivoli deposits spread over thou- travertine to phytostromal, phytoclastic and mi-
sands of square metres of hillside at each of three crokarstic-pedogenetic origins (V. Coli, n.d.1. Older
main localities and the maximum height is around 80 inactive deposits in the quarries are up to 20 m thick
m. They have been investigated in some detail by and individual quarries have recorded as much as 5
Chafetz and Folk (1984) and by Pentecost and Tor- million m3 of reserves (V. Cob, n.d.). Nearby, at the
tora (1989). The travertine is quarried in lo-m-high Bagno Vignone, travertine is deposited at up to 15
benches cut into the deposits which originated from cm per annum from thermal waters which reach
weakly thermal springs; these are still discharging 50°C and have a high CO, content.
and slowly renewing the deposits. Barrages and cas- In the Lazio province north of Rome a series of
cades have been built up and impound lakes which volcanic structures still issue thermal waters, particu-
have become filled with laminated bacterial mud larly around the town of Viterbo. Among these, the
tufa. Sloping mounds, fans and cones merge into Bagnaccio Bullicane thermal springs emerge at 64°C:
terraces covering the lake muds. Surfaces show mi- as they cool downstream they outgas CO, and H,S
cro-“shrub” growth textures. Bacterial sheaths, and absorb atmospheric oxygen with a progressive
pisoids, laminated “stromatolites” and coated bub- change towards aerobic conditions. Sulphur is pre-
bles also occur. Precipitation seems to vary from cipitated in the hotter parts of the channels down the
bacterial in good conditions around 20°C to domi- mound sides. The mound thus demonstrates a grada-
nantly inorganic in less favourable, cooler condi- tional change from thermal inorganic travertine to
tions. Whilst most of the deposits are late Pleistocene biogenic tufa. Another spring near Viterbo is Le
to Holocene, the date of initiation has not been Zitelle where as much as a centimetre of carbonate
established. Both large-scale and small scale lamina- may be deposited in a few days. Both physico-chem-
tion is present: the thick annual laminae (average 7 ical degassing and biologic intervention are impor-
mm) may have up to 200 fine diurnal laminae 0.1 to tant. The precipitate is about 75% aragonite and 25%
0.5 mm thick, indicating a growing season of around calcite, with occasional rhombs of dolomite (Folk,
200 days, and a non-growing winter season when 1994); the latter may be preparation artefacts. SEM
even the weakly thermal waters precipitate little or studies have shown that nanobacteria occur through-
no calcium carbonate. out the carbonates and have probably been over-
The classic deposits of Bagni di Tivoli are only looked previously on account of their small size.
one group of about a hundred known tufa and traver- In the same general area north of Rome, mildly
tine deposits in Italy, mostly in the northern Apen- thermal travertine sheets cover wide areas at Fiano
nines (Pentecost, 1995). Many are sufficiently in- Roman0 and at Canino (Manfra et al., 1976). These
durated to be quarried for constructional or omamen- deposits are low mounds with scattered barrages.
tal travertine and there is an intensive industry pro- In the Central Apennines the Rocchetta a Voltumo
ducing several different types of slabs and blocks at perched springline tufa deposits cover an area of
various localities around Serre di Rapolano, near about 10 km* in the Voltumo valley north of Naples
Siena (V. Coli, nd.) and nearby in the Colle Val (Golubic et al., 1993; Violante et al., 1994). The
d’Elsa. Some are currently active with meteoric cool deposits form two terraces along a valley side about
waters whilst others are at least weakly thermal. At 450 and 550 m above sea level, which were formed
Terme San Giovani, near Rapolano, there are fluvial by accumulation on barrage cascades with small
sheets and terraces diversified by an elongate dome associated basins behind. They have formed in the
some 80 m long, 20 m wide and 10 m high. Appar- last 75,000 yr, apparently from springs draining a
136 T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedlq / Eurth-Sciencr Rwiuws 4 I f 19%) I I7- I75

Jurassic to early Miocene carbonate massif, and cover 10.2. Malta

late Miocene elastic rocks (Brancaccio et al., 1986,
1988; Golubic et al., 1993). Six lithofacies have been Perched spring line tufa deposits resting on
described (Golubic et al., 1993): waterfalls, pool Miocene clays and limestones have been described
terraces, steep slopes, gentle slopes, periodically- in the Fiddien Valley of Malta (Pedley, 1980).
flooded swamps and shallow lakes. The algae
Oocardium and Lyngbya and the cyanobacteria
Phormidium and Schizothrti are particularly impor- 10.3. France
tant in carbonate accumulation as these epiphytes
coat mosses, leaves and earlier crusts with fresh tLJfa. France has many tufa deposits, particularly in the
Several stages in diagenesis have been recognized: south. They have been noted by Adolphe (19811,
closure of algal tubes; peripheral crystal growth and Casanova ( 198 1), Nicod ( 198 11, Vaudour (1994) and
recrystallization, plus what are in effect micro- Pentecost (1995). At Tourtour in Provence meteoric
speleothems both forming sheets on earlier deposits waters percolating through gypsum and dolomite
and infilling cavities. beds yield spring-line tufa terraces, barrages and
Near the coast south of Salerno, the ancient Ro- lacustrine deposits on resurgence. An overhanging
man city of Paestum was built on a sheet of tufa **balcony’ ’at Cotignac (Var) has had cavities formed
from about 2500 B.C. Later parts of this were quar- by solution which have been been enlarged artifi-
ried to raise to defensive walls. Springs at the upper cially by troglodytes. Karstic erosion has resulted in
end of the town were channeled through it but built a natural bridge through a tufa mass at d’Entraygues
barrages and eventually drowned the town in younger on the river Argens near Vidauban. Numerous sites
tufa about 1500 yr ago. Cascades, barrages and were briefly noted in Languedoc by Fabre (1986).
lagoons have been recognized in both older and Most of the 13 sites in Provence and Languedoc
younger tufa (D’Argenio et al., 1993). investigated by Ambert (1979, Ambert, 1982) and by
Cool water tufa deposits dating from 2400- 1950 Vaudour (1994) showed a history of growth in the
yr B.P. have been described from the Tanagro Valley early Holocene followed by progressive interference
in southern Italy (Buccino et al.. 1978). Several by human activities such as deforestation and land
square kilometres of sheets of phytohermal and phy- drainage so that only limited deposition occurs today
toclastic tufa are associated with faults cutting a in sheltered localities.
valley fill. They appear to be paludal valley-bottom Springs at Roquefort les Cascades in the northern
tufas with perched springline deposits higher up the Pyrenees have deposited sheets of tufa investigated
slopes. for their carbon and oxygen isotopes by Dandurand
Other tufa deposits have been quarried to varying et al. (1982). They found considerable disequilibrium
extents in southern Italy, particularly the perched in the “0 content, which differed on average by c.
spring line tufa deposits at Cozzo Marotta near Noto 5°C from observed temperatures.
in southeastern Sicily (Conti et al.. 1979; Pedley, At Condat, in the Dordogne, a fossil tufa deposit
1990) (Fig. 7). So much thermal travertine has been has yielded both biostratigraphic and isotopic evi-
deposited at Toscana that it forms a dome up to 80 m dence of an interglacial date (Preece et al., 1986). A
high and 2 km long; as much as 1 m per annum is Mousterian site was dated by applying the uranium
said to be deposited in places there. Also in Sicily series disequilibrium method to tufa in the Dordogne
the Ippari Valley has extensive sheets of fluvial (Schwartz and Blackwell (1983).
braided tufa near Vittoria. Near the margins of the Massif Central three
An unusual tufa deposit occurs at Adrano on the petrifying wells are commercially exploited: one at
southwest flank of the volcanic Mt. Etna. Covering La Grotte de Perou St. Alyre, near Clermont-Fer-
some 4 km’ it appears to be largely of Holocene age rand, originates from a thermal spring rising from
and its calcium carbonate has been derived from the underlying granite. Travertine encrusts objects sus-
weathering of the volcanic rocks (Roman0 et al., pended in the spring to a thickness of more than a
1987). centimetre in a few months. It is also made to fill
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 137

latex moulds to yield solid casts in a year or so tufa deposits in the Baixo Alentejo by Gaida and
(Pentecost, 199 lb). Radtke (1983).
In northern France the St. Antonin tufa deposit In Central Spain, the Checa tufa deposit is a
near Bayeux includes an alternation of barrages with spring-line terrace some 8 m high and covers some
calcretes and caliches. The chalk country around 880 m’ which appears to be fed by a perched spring.
Toumus, Burgundy, on the east flank of the Paris Mosses provide the nuclei for an annual growth rate
Basin has many small tufa deposits, either oncolites of around 4 cm (Weijermars et al., 1986). Many
or various encrustations on stream beds, pebbles and other examples of braided and barrage fluvial tufas
sunken vegetation: cyanophytes, algae and mosses occur in central Spain, notably in the Duero Basin
are the main agents of deposition (Freytet and Plet, (Fig. 18). Active oncoidal tufas are forming in the
1991). Dulce river, Guadalajara (Ordohez et al., 1980).
Some 40 further sites of tufa deposition in France At Priego, Andalusia, springs rising from dolomite
have been listed by Pentecost (1995). and gypsum beds in the karst massif yield sulphate-
rich waters which precipitate tufa on resurgence.
10.4. Spain Ruidera Pools National Park is developed around
a series of tufa barriers and associated lakes in an
Spain has many tufa deposits, 17 of which are arid region of southeastern Spain near Ossa de Mon-
listed by Pentecost (1995). tiel, Albacete (Fig. 8). Though smaller than Plitvice,
In the Beceite area of northeast Spain tufa terraces the barrages rise vertically up to 7 m above the
along the Matarrana river have been dated by U/Th bottom of a gorge cut in Mesozoic limestones; tufa
methods to three periods, 267,000 _t 32,000, 111,000 growth is predominantly on the crests. The fifteen
f 3500 and 8000 f 2000 yr. These dates support lakes are floored with fine detrital tufa locally rich in
floral and faunal determinations corresponding to the Chara and the bivalve Unio in tbe shallower areas
Riss/Wurm interglacial and to early Holocene peri- (Ordofiez et al., 1986). In recent years abstraction of
ods when the climate was wetter than the present water has meant a drop of some 7 m in lake level,
(Martinez-Tudela et al., 1988). Tufa deposits were resulting in 7-m-high tufa terraces being exposed
noted in his studies of the karst phenomena of the around the shores (Fig. 11).
Rio Aragon Basin of the Pyrenees by Ek (1973). Other Spanish tufa deposits awaiting full descrip-
U/Th and ESR methods of dating were applied to tion are at El Jardin to the southwest of Ruidera and

Fig. 19. A tufa cascade. Janet’s Foss, below Gordale, near Malham, Yorkshire (photo by A.C. Waltham).
Brihuega, east of Guadalajara (Ordoiiez and Garcia account for the different growth pattern (Pitty, 197 1;
de1 Cura, 1983) (Figs. 6 and IO). Massive tufa Pentecost and Lord, 1988). Clapham Beck, near
deposits are also present around Velez in the gorge Settle. and Waterfall Beck, northeast of Malham
of the Rio Guadalfeo, south of Granada, and near Tam, each have several small deposits (Pentecost,
Mezquitilla, east of Malaga; both of these are inac- 1992b). A survey of 29 tufa localities in the York-
tive tongues within thick sheets of alluvial breccia shire Dales showed that 17 were no longer active
flanking mountains in the Betic Cordillera. (Pentecost and Lord, 1988).
The tufa at the Knaresborough petrifying well in
10.5. Britain east-central Yorkshire is derived from the Permian
Magnesian Limestone where water cascades over a
In Britain tufa deposits are widespread and Pente- low cliff from perched springs; the spring water is
cost (1993) has provided a catalogue of 159 active unusually rich in CaSO, and the tufa is moderately
and inactive sites of which about half are associated rich in dolomite. The deposit has been briefly de-
with the hydrology of the Carboniferous Limestone. scribed by Pentecost ( 199 1b).
The tufa cascades at Gordale Scar in North York- Further south, in Derbyshire, the floor of Lathkill
shire encrust a steeply descending gorge but they Dale has four complexes of low fluvial tufa barrages
appear to be growing only in limited patches today with associated detrital and lacustrine deposits
whilst other parts of the deposit are being eroded. (Burek. 1977; Pedley, 1993; Andrews et al., 1994;
perhaps because of more acid drainage from peat Taylor et al., 1994; Griffiths and Pedley, 1995)
bogs entering the system as a result of changing (Figs. 4 and 17). A substantial barrage is still active
agricultural practices. Further down the same stream close to the mouth of Lathkill Dale where it meets
the related cascade at Janet’s Foss is still growing Bradford Dale at Alport-by-Youlgreave (Pedley,
(Fig. 19) and th e s 1’
ig htl y warmer microclimate may 1993): the second is about 1 km upstream near Raper

Fig. 20. A heavily vegetated and partly quarried tufa barrage. Pudding Springs, Latbkill Dale, Derbyshire
TD. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 139

Lodge; the third is some 2 km further upstream

below the village of Over Haddon and the fourth 2
km higher upstream at Pudding Springs (Fig. 20).
The intervening stretches include sheets of detrital
and lacustrine tufa deposited in the ponds behind
barrages. The lacustrine tufa is interlayered with
organic sapropels and 14C dates obtained from both
tufa and sapropel are similar. Much of the dale is
without tufa between the barrages. One sheet has
been drilled to a depth of 11 m demonstrating that it
grew as an infill of a former incision of the river.
Active deposition in Lathkill Dale is minimal today
with a peak in mid-summer, when there is some
evidence of diurnal cycles of algal growth. Sparry
calcite laminae apparently accumulate during winter
months when flow is greater and temperatures lower.
Stable isotope studies (Andrews et al., 1994) have
demonstrated a relationship to early Holocene cli-
matic warming and later Holocene cooling whilst
pollen profiles are related to changes in tree cover
associated with the climatic change and with Ne-
olithic farming practices (Taylor et al., 1994). A
further factor in tufa accumulation may be the in-
crease in atmospheric CO, during Holocene times
(Griffiths and Pedley, 1995). The absence of tufa
Fig. 21. Moss-covered tufa cascade slope, Matlock Bath, Der-
between the occurrences may be due to concealed
springs and lead mine drainage temporarily diluting
the river water. The course of the adjacent River
Wye in nearby Monsal Dale similarly has relics of Matlock in Derbyshire is noted for its petrifying
early Holocene fluvial barrage tufas now extinct and well where tufa is deposited on objects suspended in
partly degraded and only visible in sections of the the water; articles such as top-hats, birds nests (some
river banks (Pedley, 1993; Taylor et al., 1994). The artificial), eggs in cups etc. are coated with some 5
more recent erosion may be due to changes in water mm of tufa in 10 years or so. The currently active
chemistry caused by Buxton’s sewage works further deposits at Matlock are derived from a perched
upstream! spring line at the top of a bank of tufa some 50 m
Also in Lathkill Dale at Alport-by-Youlgreave an above river level and 500 m long, largely concealed
extensive fossil tufa deposit forms a cliff some 6 m by roads and buildings (Fig. 211, though a cascade 5
high and 150 m long close to the lowest active m high can be seen on the river bank. The springs
barrage on the River Lathkill (Pedley, 1993). It rises rise close to the line of two vertical mineral veins
5-10 m above present river level though there may and deep circulation may take place along these.
be as much as 4 m thickness concealed beneath the Weakly thermal at about 18°C isotope studies have
cliff foot. It is totally inactive; bulbous shrubby suggested that the rising water is meteoric having
forms and encrustations overhang caves where there circulated deep underground for as much as 15 yr
are miniature barrages, barely 10 cm high. It seems (Edmunds, 1971). West of Matlock there are exten-
likely that the Alport tufa is an interglacial or inter- sive spring-line tufa deposits on a steep slope at
stadial barrage deposit of the River Lathkill but the Dunsley Springs in the Via Gellia; here Thorpe et al.
only available date of “more than 49,000 years (1980) have noted that tufa deposition is now limited
B.P.” is at the limit of 14Cdating methods. to turbulent sites in an incised channel. The main
140 T.D. Ford. H.M. Pedlr~ / Earth-Scirncr Reciews 41 i 1996) I I7- I75

period of deposition was around 9000-4000 yr B.P. years (Campbell and Bowen, 1989) (Fig. 5). The
The adjacent Marl Cottage in Via Gellia is built of fluvial barrage deposit is up to 12 m thick and fills a
large blocks of tufa from this deposit. small valley about 1 km long over a height range of
Two tufa deposits in Derbyshire owe their origin 46 m. The complex rests on fluvial deposits covering
to leachate drainage from old waste heaps related to Silurian slates downstream from springs rising from
the former lime-burning industry: these are at the Carboniferous Limestone. Studies by Preece et
Wormhill Springs, 6 km east of Buxton, and at al. ( 1982) and by Pedley (1987) (summarized by
Brook Bottom Springs near Harpur Hill, 2 km south Campbell and Bowen, 1989) have shown that this
of Buxton (Fig. 22). The sheet of tufa at Wormhill deposit is of post-glacial age ranging from around
Springs is largely covered with vegetation, mainly 9000 to 7000 yr B.P. and there is no active deposi-
watercress, but the deposits at Brook Bottom com- tion today. Together with the underlying fluvial de-
prise a series of mini-barrages up to 1 m high along posits, peat layers and soils the Caerwys section
some 200 m of stream course. The ponds behind the provides one of the most complete Holocene se-
barrages are largely filled with a fine-grained precip- quences in Britain. The quarry faces show laminated
itate. The fronts of the barrages have a striking banks of shrubby and micritic tufa, overhangs with
rippled flowstone appearance with microgours. No caves and stalagmites, pool deposits overgrown by
algae have been detected and the growth seems to be flat sheets of tufa, pisoid lenses and interbedded
physical by degassing. No investigation of these humus layers. A nearby deposit at Ddol forms a
anthropogenic deposits is known to have been made. sheet below springs from the Carboniferous Lime-
Similar deposits are known from other old lime stone instead of barrages (Preece and Turner, 1990).
works, e.g. at Clydach, Dyfed. Many British caves have crumbly white tufa
A sheet of tufa deposited in a former shallow speleothems in their entrances. Though stalactitic in
pond in the entrance to Elderbush Cave in the Mani- morphology, they can probably be classified as
fold Valley, Staffordshire, enclosed caddis-flies and slow-growing cascade tufa deposits. At Ingleborough
small rodent skeletons (Bramwell and Shotton, 1982). Cavern in northwest Yorkshire mosses and liver-
At Caerwys in north Wales, a large tufa deposit worts encrust the pendulous tufa stalactites and show
has been quarried for agricultural lime for many reduction in the size of the thallus with decreasing

Fig. 22. An unusual series of inorganically precipitated tufa barrages downstream from quarry waste. Brook Bottom, near Buxton.
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 141

light intensity in the cave (Piearce, 1975), though the have been noted by Pentecost (1991a). An inactive
processes of deposition do not appear to have been sheet of springline tufa flanks the Purbeck limestone
investigated yet. Comparable stalactitic masses of outcrop at Blashenwell south of Corfe Castle in
tufa occur in Victoria Cavern, near Settle, north Dorset. It is rich in microlith flints and terrestrial
Yorkshire, and in the roof of Peak Cavern’s Vestibule gastropods and appears to have been deposited dur-
at Castleton in Derbyshire; they are in a zone of ing Mesolithic times (7000-4000 B.C.) (Bury, 1950).
greatly reduced daylight, but no studies of their Small areas of spring line tufa occur on Chalky
growth mechanism are known to have taken place. Boulder Clay in east Yorkshire.
In many archaeological cave sites both the A small amount of tufa has been deposited in a
crumbly white tufa and more solid crystalline layers stream at Inchrory, Glen Avon, in Banffshire, Scot-
are often interlingered with archaeological deposits land, since Flandrian times (Preece et al., 1984).
but few studies of the mechanisms of deposition are Small inactive deposits are recorded from the Pent-
known to have been made. land Hills (Pentecost, 1978).
Small scale spring-line and paludal tufa deposits On the Isle of Man there is an unusual tufa
occur in streams on the Jurassic limestones of north deposit on the east side of Bay Ny Carricky on the
Yorkshire, the East Midlands, the Cotswolds and south coast. A cascade-type deposit some 50 m long
Dorset as well as on the Cretaceous Chalk of south- covers a sea-cliff some 3-4 m high, with pendulous
em England (Pitty, 197 1; Kemey et al., 1980; Preece, tufa masses screening off small grottoes. Water still
1980; Thorpe et al., 1980; Pentecost, 1993). At trickles down this deposit and is derived from springs
Launde in the Lower Jurassic country of east Leices- at the base of a calcareous till and raised beach sand
tershire two thin sheets of spring-line tufa containing resting on Carboniferous Limestone.
terrestrial gastropods are separated by a peat layer;
they apparently lie beneath the Chalky Boulder Clay 10.6. Ireland
(Horwood, 1912) and are thus possibly of Hoxnian
age. Comparable Holocene(?) spring-line deposits Tufa deposition is actively occurring in County
occur at several localities in Leicestershire, Offaly (Preece and Robinson, 1982). Small scale
Northamptonshire and Rutland, where Jurassic lime- stream deposits occur at Glenasmole (Statham, 1977).
stones outcrop upslope above Lower Jurassic clay Lake margin deposits with Riuularia in Lough Ennel
formations. In Northamptonshire, tufa blocks were have been partly killed off by farm fertilizer effluent.
quarried for building purposes, e.g. Brixworth A scatter of other Holocene localities have been
Church. At Priory Mill, Chipping Norton, Oxford- listed by Pentecost (1995).
shire, a sheet some 500 m long on a gentle slope of
Upper Lias lies below springs emerging from Middle 10.7. Belgium
Jurassic limestones (Thorpe et al., 1980). Tufa de-
posits rich in diatoms occur at Cloughton Wyke, Many small tufa deposits arise from springs in the
north of Scarborough. ‘At Thatcham Reed Beds and Jurassic strata of the Lorraine region of southeast
at Marsh Benham near Newbury in the Thames Belgium and northeast France (Symoens et al., 1951).
Valley springs rising from the Chalk have deposited They have been described as “Crons” by Van Oye
sheets of spring line tufa (Thorpe et al., 1981; Pente- (1937) and Van Oye and Hubert (1937). One such
cost, 1993). Extensive springline, streambed oncoids cron at Cron de Lahage includes a cascade deposit
and crustose tufa deposits at Ditton near Maidstone, 50 m high. A chronology of some crons based on
Kent, lie on calcareous sandstones of Lower Creta- palynological studies was proposed by Couteaux
ceous age, though the springs apparently rise from (1969) and related to Holocene climatic changes by
the nearby Chalk. Comparable sheets occur at sev- Gullentops and Mullenders (1972). Extensive valley
eral localities in the Test and Itchen Valleys north of deposits including an eroded barrage occur in the
Southampton (Pentecost, 1993). On the Jurassic out- Ruisseau Banse-Annevoie (Symoens et al., 1951);
crops of southern England a variety of crons similar one with a “foyer” was described at Annevoie-
to those in the Jurassic country of southeast Belgium Rouillon by Paepe (1965). Inactive valley deposits
142 T.D. I;ord, H.M. Pedley/ Eurth-Science fkirws 41 f 19961I 17-l 75

with remains of barrages occur at Villers-devant- Near Stuttgart in southern Germany, tufas include
Orval. shrubby layers resulting from calcification of branch-
ing microbes, laminar microbial mats, peloidal lay-
ers, and encrustations round gas bubbles (Koban and
10.8. Germany Schweigert, 1993).
In eastern Germany, a sequence of Middle Pleis-
There are many tufa sites in Germany but the tocene archaeological deposits in the Steinrinne
literature tends to be in local publications difficult to “ travertine’ ’ quarry at Bilzingsleben contains both
locate. Scattered deposits along the Rhine Graben inorganic laminated “lacustrine limestone” overlain
and around the Eifel volcanic region suggest a con- by later apparently fluvial tufa up to 8 m thick
nection with deep circulation but no proof has been (Harmon et al., 1980).
adduced as yet. Also in eastern Germany sequences of archaeo-
At Kartstein in the Eifel District, inactive tufas logical deposits within weakly thermal travertines
are interlayered with volcanic ashes and yield Palae- occurs at Ehringsdorf, Weimar and Taubach (Steiner
olithic artefacts from a mid-Pleistocene interglacial and Wagenbreth, 197 1). The former was found to
(Brunnacker et al., 1982). have numerous cavities infilled with later calcite
Near Westerhof village, some 30 km north of precluding determination of U/Th dates (Schwartz,
Gottingen in southern Germany a small stream in a 19801, but bone concentrations suggest deposition
forest flows from a spring in the Upper Muschelkalk during at least two interglacial episodes between 100
(Triassic) and deposits an estimated 12.6 tonnes of and 250 Ka. The nearby Burgtonna bone-bearing
tufa per annum (Jacobson and Usdowski, 1975; Us- tufa deposit has yielded dates of 104- 111 Ka (Hen-
dowski et al., 1979). nig et al., 1983).
In the Schwabian Alps of southern Germany At Laegerdorf in northern Germany an unusual
springs on Jurassic limestones give rose to numerous laminated tufa was found to be deposited on a quarry
tufa deposits including a cascade 30 m high at the ledge by micritic calcite adhering to the polysaccha-
Uracher Waterfall in the Erms Valley (Gruninger, ride mucus sheaths of diatoms (Winsborough and
1965). Golubic, 1987).
A variety of tufa deposits were classified accord-
ing to their features and topographic relationships in
10.9. Switzerland
the Schwabian Alps by Stim (1964). The mecha-
nisms by which carbonate encrusted algae, cyanobac-
In Switzerland, an unusual show cave is within an
teria, mosses and various leaves and twigs was de-
ancient tufa barrage at Hiillgrotten at Barr, where
scribed by Irion and Muller (19681, who seemed to
some 300 m of passages are connected by artifically
regard the process of deposition as mainly inorganic
enlarged tunnels (Gigon, 1965). Hiillgrotten ( = Hell
though stimulated by the biologic substrates.
Grotto!) is in an inactive tufa mass flanking the
The Gnadensee arm of Lake Constance is charac-
gorge of the River Lorze incised into alpine molasse
terized by algal and cyanobacterial encrustations on
covered by late Pleistocene gravels and moraines;
leaves and twigs; the crusts break down to provide
partial splitting off of the mass from the gorge wall
fine carbonate sediments on the lake floor where
has opened fissure caves now well-decorated with
oncolites are also common (Schottle and Muller,
stalactites and stalagmites dated at no more than
10,000 to 20,000 yr old.
At Tittmonig in Bavaria, 14C dates appear to
suggest an interstadial date for tufas on a postglacial
terrace (Gluckert, 1973). IO. 10. Austria
A tufa deposit at Bad Laer in the Teutoberg
Forest described by Hiltermann (1977) was formed Lacustrine algal tufa encrusts shore-line boulders
from a brine spring during the post-glacial climatic and gravel in several alpine lakes, e.g. the Attersee,
optimum. east of Salzburg, Austria (Schneider et al., 1983).
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley / Earth-Science Reviews 41 (I 996) I I7- 175 143

Similar deposits occur at Fendels in the Tirol beds yields highly carbonated springs which deposit
(Huckreide, 1975). tufa terraces.
At Jessnitz and other sites in the North Calcareous
10.11. Croatia
Alps there are several small postglacial deposits
some of which have yielded mammal remains Croatia is famous for the fluvial barrage deposits
(Fischer, 1956). at Plitvice along the gorge of the river Korana which
At Bad Cannstatt and nearby Blumberg the reac- have been designated a World Heritage Site (Figs.
tion of deeply circulating meteoric CO, with gypsum 14, 23 and 24). The gorge is some 12 km long and

Fig. 23. Abandoned and desiccated tufa sheet once covering roots and mosses. Plitvice National Park, Croatia.
144 T.D. Ford, H.M. Prdley / Earth-Sciencr Rwiews 41 f 19961I I7- I75

Fig. 24. Tufa barrages and lakes. Plitvice National Park, Croatia.

Fig. 25. Part of the Skradin Falls barrage. Krka Falls National Park, Croatia
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 145

the growth of tufa barrages up to 30 m high has IO.12. Greece

created a series of lakes with spectacular waterfalls.
Several of the barrages enclose small tufa caves. Greece has wide areas of karst and thermal spring
Investigations by local karst geologists (e.g. Sobat et activity associated with Mediterranean vulcanicity
al., 1985) have shown that no tufa is deposited until but its tufa deposits are small and little known. Few
several kilometres downstream from the springs as descriptions have been located. A Quatemary tufa
the water is too cold at 7°C. On warming to at least sheet at Naoussa in Greek Macedonia has been noted
12°C in the Croatian summer both de-gassing of CO, by Faugeres (1981).
and enhanced growth of algae takes place and tufa is
deposited (Stoffers, 1975; Srdoc, 1980; Srdoc et al., 10.13. Czech Republic
1983, 1986). Debate has centred on whether the
microflora are active inducers of precipitation or Eastern Europe has many tufa and travertine de-
merely passive surfaces suitable for encrustation. posits associated with hot springs, though the alleged
Kempe and Emeis (1985) concluded that the biota therapeutic value of the waters has meant that most
played a focal role in removing CO, from solution, have been buried by the construction of thermal
acting as a substrate for precipitation and encrusta- baths and related facilities. A classic example is the
tion, and in trapping micritic calcite in their extra- hot springs (73°C) of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) in the
cellular mucus. Following detailed petrographic stud- western part of the Czech Republic which deposit
ies Chafetz et al. (1994) agreed with this but noted multi-coloured tufa when the water temperature has
that cm-thick crystalline spar layers formed as coat- dropped (Cohn, 1862). Much of the area has been
ings especially at waterfall sites and were later mi- built over so that the details of the deposits are
critized by the action of microbes. Isotope studies obscured; also pumping of hot water has interfered
have shown that there were two main periods of with tufa deposition.
deposition, c. 37,000 to 25,000 yr B.P. and since Escaping mildly thermal oilfield waters at Tucin
6500 yr B.P. Growth continues and up to 50 cm of have deposited a small sheet of tufa (Vanura, 1943).
tufa has been added in the last 35 yr. Kempe and Tufa has been recorded at several other localities
Emeis (1985) estimated that as much as 50,000 in the Czech Republic (Mitter, 1981; Pentecost,
tonnes of calcite were precipitated each year and that 1995).
the whole barrage plus lake floor complex is being
raised by an average of 1 cm per annum. An earlier 10.14. Slovakia
phase of dam development has been dated to 120 Ka
and there is some evidence of a still earlier phase at Extensive tufa deposits in the valley of Hincava,
c. 420 Ka (Kempe and Emeis, 1985). south of Propad in Slovakia, have been subject to
There are many deposits elsewhere in Croatia: karstic erosion resulting in collapse dolines. Mounds
perhaps the best known are the Skradin Falls in the of thermal tufa occur at Ganovce, at Lucky and at
Krka National Park (Zalokar, 1940) (Figs. 3 and 25). Spisske-Podhradie.
These falls (commonly known as the Krka Falls) are
on the Krka River some 10 km inland from Sibenik 10.15. Hungary
on the Dalmatian coast. The Falls constitute a fluvial
barrage complex some 45 m high which holds back a Hungary has many tufa deposits, mostly of ther-
lake 8 km long. The Krka barrage is probably the mal character in association with the tectonic history
highest in the world. Other barrages further upstream of the Pannonian basin. Some 500 localities scattered
have been partly quarried away or reduced by throughout Hungary with tufa and travertine deposits
hydro-electric diversions. The base of the Skradin were noted (but not listed) by Schweitzer and Scheuer
Falls is not far above sea level in an incised valley (1995). They distinguished five categories: (a> cold
drowned by the post-glacial rise in sea-level. The karst springs and streams, below 14°C; (b) lukewarm
present dams are thus Recent in age, though there are and warm springs; (c) soil, layer and “crack”
relics of older deposits on the valley sides. springs; (d) post-volcanic warm or hot springs; (e>
mixed or heterogeneous springs and waters. Regret- bone-bearing tufas in up to eight phases of deposi-
tably some of their categories are not well defined tion dating back to the Pleistocene. Localities include
and the criteria for recognizing them are not clearly Dunaalmas, Sutto, Tata and Vertesszollos (Hennig et
expressed but it does seem that there are varying al.. 1983; Scheuer and Schweitzer, 1974). Uranium-
degrees of mixing of cold purely karstic springs and series dates were obtained from the tufa deposits at
thermal waters. Schweitzer and Scheuer ( 1995) also Vertesszollos (Schwartz and Latham, 1984) ranging
distinguish ten different types of tufa cones built up back to at least 350 ka B.P. Primitive human remains
round springs, though their diagram suggests that and implements were found at the last-named local-
they are mostly variations on a theme. These authors ity in tufas associated with Tata River terraces dating
also describe a sequence of up to twelve levels of back to the Eemian interglacial.
tufa deposition in several areas; some date back as
far as the Miocene and an outline correlation with
10.16. Romania
river terraces on the Danube and its tributaries has
been proposed.
There are scattered cold-water spring deposits of
Anna-Barlang (= Anna Cave) at Lillafured in
tufa in Romania (Fodor et al., 1982).
Hungary is a large tourist cave system within a tufa
hill seemingly comparable with Hiillgrotten in
Switzerland (Kovanda, 1974; Szunyogh. 19891. Some 10.17. Poland
600 m of chambers have been partly linked by
artificial tunnels for tourists. The ceilings show Many small tufa deposits in valleys in the Cracow
moulds of tree-trunks, leaves and roots in massive Uplands and Holy Cross Mountains of southern
tufa but the lower walls are more crumbly detrital Poland have been studied by Alexandrowicz and
tufa. Owing to incision of the adjacent Szinva and Gerlach (I 9831, Pazdur and Pazdur (1986) and by
Garadna valleys the whole tufa hill is gradually Pazdur et al. (1988a,b). The latter found that the
sliding downhill and breaking up into joint blocks so growth pattern of small barrages and lacustrine de-
that the cave shows increasing evidence of instability posits showed a reasonably consistent relationship
and rock-bolts have been emplaced to hold some with Holocene climatic curves derived by other
features in place (Szunyogh, 1989). means. Pentecost (1995) lists eleven sites of tufa
In the Buda Hills. on the west side of Budapest. deposition in Poland.
there are several extensive tufa deposits outside
caves, some of which are of hydrothermal origin.
10.18. Estoniu
The spring-line tufa sheets are thought to be related
to former thermal springs on the margins of fault
blocks (Scheuer and Schweitzer. 1974; Kretzoi and Several small Holocene tufa deposits have been
Pecsi, 1982; Schweitzer and Scheuer, 1995) and to reported in this Baltic Republic by Lookene
relatively shallow residual volcanic heat beneath. In (1968a,bl.
places the older tufa encloses mammalian remains
which suggest a late Pliocene to early Pleistocene 10.19. Latria
date (Janossy and Kordos, 19771. Present day tufa
deposition in Budapest is being reduced by the
In spite of its far northern latitude Latvia has
over-pumping of wells sunk to supply thermal baths.
about hundred known tufa sites, mostly valley-side
Together with pumping from coal mines in the sur-
cascades (Danilans, 1957).
rounding country the effect has been a steady decline
of the water table.
Lake-margin deposits were noted in northern 10.20. Russiu
Hungary by Kovanda ( 19741.
A series of inactive sites related to former weakly European Russia has very few tufa sites in spite
thermal springs in the Gerecse Mountains include of its vast areas (Pentecost, 1995).
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 147

10.21. Norway in Yellowstone National Park, USA, some of the

individual terraces and pools are taller and narrower
Norway has a scatter of paludal and cascade tufa owing to the steep slope. The largely aragonitic
deposits, mostly in Gudbrandsdalen (Nordhagen, deposits are fed by springs rising at 35 to 59°C along
1921). These must be among the world’s mostly a basin-margin fault system. The tufa terraces occur
northerly deposits. in patches totalling some 13 km’. Altunel and Han-
cock (1993, 1994) have classified the deposits as: (1)
10.22. Sweden terraced mounds; (2) fissure ridges; (3) range-fronts;
(4) eroded sheets; and (5) self-built channel tufas.
Though mainland Sweden has few karst areas, the The first category covers most of the tourist attrac-
island of Gotland has widespread Silurian carbonates tions and they were deposited by waters emerging at
and tufa has been quarried at several localities for 35°C; the second category was built from hotter
agricultural lime. Spring-line sheets have revealed a waters at 56°C along fissures parallel to faults along
sequence of tufas with plant fossils (leaves) and the graben margin; the third are old travertine sheets
mammal bones from various post-glacial climatic draped down ancient fault scarps; the fourth are
zones (Hulth, 1898). Hulth also includes brief com- flat-lying sheets much quarried for building stone;
ments on other Swedish, Norwegian and Danish the fifth category appears to be unique - channels
deposits. depositing tufa both in their beds and as levees
The most northerly known tufa deposit is a series which have built up thin meandering walls as much
of cyanobacterial crusts in a pond near Abisko (68”N) as 10 m high; however, some of these have been
(Kann, 1941). artifically enhanced by masonry or even concrete
A variety of other localities in Germany, Switzer- and natural foundations are rarely visible. The shape
land, France, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia of the rimstone pool barrages in category 1 above
and Hungary have been noted by Irion and Muller and the microgours on some of their faces has been
(19681, Schwartz (1980), Hennig et al. (1983), Julia related to a combination of flow rate and gradient
(1983) and Pentecost (1995). (Ekmekci et al., 1995). A limited amount of U/Th
isotope age data is available and indicates that the
fissure-ridges have been active for 54,700 f 5600 yr,
11. Tufa deposits of Asia whilst the older deposits date back to at least 400,000
Asian tufa deposits are surveyed below geograph- Near Pam&kale other inactive travertines are as-
ically from west to east. sociated with Quatemary volcanic rocks. Further
north at Bursa, south of the Sea of Marmara, exten-
11.1. Turkey sive travertine terraces surround thermal springs and
lie discordantly on Neogene sediments. A massive
Pleistocene to Recent vulcanism and tectonics in bluff of inactive travertine dominates part of the city
Asia Minor have led to a scatter of thermal travertine centre in Bursa. Elsewhere in western Turkey the
deposis. Widespread areas of limestone have also sediments have been washed out from beneath
contributed a variety of karstic tufa springs. travertine sheets leaving natural bridges or Yerkopru.
As with other Mediterranean countries Turkey The Taurus Mountains near the south coast of
was a source of ornamental “travertine marble” in Turkey have several areas of tufa and tufa-cemented
ancient times and a variety of Greco-Roman ruins conglomerates which correlate with uplifted karst
are partly made of travertine blocks. erosion surfaces dating back to the Miocene (Erol,
A major tourist attraction in southwest Turkey 1990).
since Roman times is the series of thermal travertine Near Antalya braided tufa terraces cover an area
terraces at Pam&kale, on which the ancient Roman of over 650 km* and reach 270 m in thickness
city of Hierapolis was built (Figs. 12 and 26). Simi- (Burger, 1990). These are the largest known tufa
lar to the Mammoth Hot Springs travertine terraces deposits in the World (Pentecost, 1995). Eleven lev-
148 T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Eurth-Science Rrr,irws 41 (19%) 117-175

els of tufa terrace have been identified at up to 300 phases, some of which have resulted in spectacular
m altitude, and U/Th dating suggests the highest waterfalls such as the Dudenbasi Falls. Lake fills are
may be more than 300 Ka yr old. Perched springline of soft marly tufa. There are widespread calcretes
tufas merge into braided tufa plains and rest uncon- representing case-hardening of tufa sheets. In the
formably on Pliocene sediments. Breaks in tufa de- most recent development a river draining the Kestel
position with the development of lower terraces may polje in the high Taurus sinks into a cave system
be related to climatic changes. Barrages which once within the tufa sheet and rises again to cascade
held up lakes have been eroded during downcutting directly into the sea over a cliff 30 m high northeast

Fig. 26. Thermal travertine barrages and pools on a steep slope. Pamukkale, Turkey (photo by A.C. Waltham).
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Eal-rh-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 149

of Antalya (Fig. 27). The river is fed by springs (Bayari et al., 1994). Micro-crystals of calcite formed
draining a cool forested area with a soil cover but in flowing water are often swept away downstream.
near the coast it flows into an arid area with high Large calcareous cyanobacterial microbialites
evaporation and much tufa is deposited as drapes have been found largely submerged in the alkaline
down the sea cliffs. It seems likely that both inor- Lake Van in eastern Turkey (Kempe et al., 1991).
ganic processes resulting from degassing and evapo- Freshwater springs rich in calcium rise through the
ration and biogenic processes in the warm waters floor of this large alkaline lake (pH 9.7) and have
have played a part. Inactive tufa sheets spread along built chimney-like towers up to 40 m high in as
some 30 km of the Antalya coast. They are said to much as 100 m of water. The mechanism appears to
extend below sea level and to be indicative of fluctu- be similar to that in Mono Lake, California (see
ating sea levels (Vita-Finzi, 1969). below), but the salinity is not so high, and the lake
In the eastern Taurus, along the Zamanti valley, level has not yet fallen far enough to expose the
upfaulted non-calcareous rocks cause springs to rise towers. Comparable submerged deposits are also
from deep sources where the long residence time and known in Lake Tanganyika. At such depths photo-
slightly higher temperature (WC) yield waters su- synthesis plays little part and divers have reported
persaturated in calcite with much resultant tufa depo- the towers as clothed in a dark cyanobacterial mat
sition. Field observations indicate that preferred sites rich in Pleurocupsa. The porous structures are built
for deposition are algae-covered pointed leaves of aragonite and have been compared to the Recam-

Fig. 27. Tufa cascades 30 m high over a sea cliff bear Anatalya, Turkey (photo by AC. Waltham).
brian stromatolite Conophvton though they are not Desert, Israel, fossil spring line tufa mounds are
laminated. Clusters of spheroids of inorganic calcite interlayered with archaeological strata with evidence
occur on the tips of some towers. of hominid occupation; they were deposited in wetter
climatic conditions than the present during the Mid-
11.2. Israel dle and Late Pleistocene (Schwartz et al., 1979;
Schwartz, 1980). A scatter of uranium-series dates
In northern Israel, sheets of tufa totalling some 18 has been obtained for tufas in the Arava Valley
km’ occur in the Hula Valley and appear to have (Livnat and Kronfeld, 1985).
been deposited intermittently over the last one mil-
lion years (Heimann and Sass, 19891. The tufa sheets 11.3. Jordan
include laminar and branching fabrics with numerous
pisoids and peloids and appear to be generally of The Zarqa Main terraces and hot springs near
paludal type. They interdigitate with coarse gravels Madaba are fed by hydrothermal springs rising up
and with volcanic lavas. Deposition seems to have the Dead Sea Rift marginal fault; water emerges at
been affected both by tectonic factors affecting the up to 70°C and flows across a terrace to fall down
hydrological regime and by climatic changes during cascades 30 m high which form a tourist attraction.
the Pleistocene. The near termination of precipitation The Romans had baths here.
at c. 25,000 yr ago can be related to tectonic uplift In central Jordan low hills rise some 50 m above a
causing falling water tables and to progressive desic- marble terrane and are capped by “fossil” hyperal-
cation in post-pluvial times. kaline tufa deposits. In today’s very arid environ-
At Nahal Zin and adjacent sites in the Negev ment there is no deposition but detailed investiga-

Fig. 28. The massive but thin-walled barrage and lake at Band-e-Amir, Afghanistan (photo by W.E. Renshaw).
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/ Earth-Science Reuiews 41 (1996) 117-175 151

tions (Clark et al., 1991) have shown that the tufa Cyanophytes, Chlorophytes, Charophytes and Equi-
enclosed reeds and other plants, and was deposited setum have been recorded by Lang and Lucas (1970)
from waters with a pH of 12.5. This hyperalkaline and some evidence of seasonal lamination was noted.
system was rich in Ca(OH), and absorbed CO, from Evaporation may also play an important role in
the atmosphere so as to deposit calcite in contrast accelerating vertical tufa growth here. The upper
with the more normal degassing mechanism. Isotope ends of the Band-e-Amir lakes receive spreads of
studies, thermoluminescence and ESR techniques fluvial sand which may affect pH locally. A se-
suggest an age of around 700-900 Ka B.P. in a quence of barrage growth, destruction and re-growth
wetter Middle Pleistocene climate than the present. has been proposed by Jux and Kempf (197 1). They
Deflation erosion of the surrounding desert has left argue that there has been growth during at least two
relics of a former tufa sheet isolated on hill tops. interglacial periods as well as in the Holocene, inter-
Similar deposits are known in nearby parts of Israel. rupted by higher run-off and incision with conse-
quent destruction during glacial periods. The present
11.4. Oman barrages are therefore entirely post-glacial. The
nearby Ajdar Valley has a single barrage.
Hyperalkaline tufas similar to those of central
Jordan also occur in Oman where modem and fossil 11.6. India and Nepal
tufas occur in patches 200-300 m wide and 3 m
thick over a length of 7 km along an ultramafic Few records of tufa have been located for the
outcrop near Nizwa in the mountains of northern Indian sub-continent (Parihar and Pant, 1975), though
Oman (Clark and Fontes, 1990; Clark et al., 1992). there are known to be some derived from the Deccan
Weathering of peridotite yields spring waters rich in traps (A. Pentecost, pers. commun.). Parihar and
Ca(OH),. Crusts of calcite can be seen forming on Pant briefly recorded a deposit dominated by
the pools as CO2 is absorbed from the atmosphere. bryophytes at Sahasradhara, Dehra Dun. They re-
A history through the last 35,000 yr shows an alter- garded the bryophytes as important in providing a
nation of bio-mediated and inorganic tufa deposition. substrate for other algae.
The bio-mediated periods are thought to correspond In the Nepalese Himalayas Waltham (197 1, 1996)
to late Pleistocene and early Holocene pluvial cli- described a massive sheet of tufa deposited upon
mates (Clark and Fontes, 1990). colluvium at Kursangmo (also known as Guru Gsang
Phug). Tufa drapes and stalactites were present and a
11.5. Afghanistan cave extended 30 m beneath the tufa sheet. Still in
Nepal but on the northern slope of the Himalaya, at
The Band-e-Amir lakes in the Hindu Kush, some Jomosom, near Mukintah, travertine dams have
200 km west of Kabul, are held up by tufa barrages formed close to thermal springs from major fault
on three sides (de Lapparent, 1966; Brett, 1970; zones.
Lang and Lucas, 1970) (Fig. 28). Whilst similar to
the Plitvice Lakes they are not confined in a gorge Il. 7. Pakistan
but lie across a broad valley at an altitude of nearly
3000 m. The surrounding area is semi-arid but re- The ancient Greek city of Taxila, west of
ceives water from melting snow each spring and this Rawalpindi in Pakistan, is partly built of large blocks
percolates through limestone formations to rise as of tufa quarried nearby (A.C. Dunham, pers. com-
perennial springs. The barrages extend for some 12 mun.).
km along the valley and are particularly striking in
that they form nearly vertical walls some 10 m high I I. 8. Thailand
though some are little more than 3 m thick. This may
reflect the sparsity of vegetation available for encrus- Thailand has large tufa and travertine cascades at
tation in the semi-arid climate in Afghanistan in Ban Sai Yok, near the Burmese border, comparable
contrast to the woodlands around Plitvice. However, in style to those of Pam&kale in Turkey, though on
152 T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/ Earth-Science Rrr,irw 41 OY%j 117-175

a smaller scale. There are other deposits over the system within the tufa. The tufa barrages are unusual
border in Burma (Myanmar). in being close to the snow line at altitudes of around
3000-4000 m though there is little evidence of a
1 I. 9. Philippines history of Pleistocene glaciation and deglaciation.
Cold winters and dry summers mean that deposition
The curiously named Salt Springs of Mindanao in is largely in spring and autumn. Experiments in the
the central Philippines, once figured on a postage Haunglong stream (Dreybrodt et al., 1994) showed
stamp, appear to be travertine domes of thermal that deposition was greatest in fast flowing water
origin. owing to greater degassing. Both the magnesium
content and pH increased downstream. A similar
11.10. China series of fluvial sheets and barrages occurs at
Pashuitai of Chungtien also in Sichuan Province.
In China’s vast karst landscapes there are many Further southeast on the Guizhou plateau a massive
tufa deposits, both large and small. Sweeting (1995) tufa cascade occurs where the Baishui River falls
noted many of them though she gave few detailed over the side of a limestone gorge; here the Huang-
descriptions. No other summary account has been guoshu Falls form the focus of a tourist area
located. In western Sichuan Province the adjacent (Waltham, 1984) (Fig. 29). The Falls are 67 m high
Huanglong and Jiuzhaigou Districts are on rivers and 80 m wide; the tufa wall is up to 10 m thick and
draining the eastern borders of the Tibetan Plateau; behind the tufa drapes a series of small caves is
they flow through gorges with some hundreds of tufa traversed by a tourist footpath (Sweeting, 1995). ‘“C
barrages, cascades, fluvial sheets and caves with dates of around 40,000 yr have been obtained from
impounded lakes, which form tourist attractions the back of the wall. Both the Baishui and other
(Sweeting et al., 1991; Sweeting, 1995). The bar- nearby rivers have a series of tufa barrages and
rages range up to 40 m high, comparable with those cascades; a kilometre upstream stands the Doupo
at Plitvice in Croatia. Over 200 dams with many and Fall, a tufa cascade 20 m high and 100 m wide,
varied colours due to the algae have built up on the whilst a similar distance downstream is the compara-
Huanglong River giving the area the status of a ble Luositan Falls and together these three give a
World Heritage Site. At least one contains a cave complex broadly comparable with the Plitvice bar-

Fig. 29. Massive waterfall cascade tufa deposits with small barrages in the river below. Hangguoshu Falls, Ghizou, China (photo by AC.
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (19%) 117-175 153

rages though with only minor impounded lakes been made to study the mechanisms of deposition. It
(Wang, 1983). Elsewhere in Guizhou Province tufa can be surmised that high evaporation rates are
dams are common; along the Xiangshuihe River tufa coupled with biologic activitity with decreasing ef-
dams up to 30 m high have formed, though growth is fect of the latter as light levels fall off inside the
minimal now owing to the diversion of the under- caves. Good examples are in the giant caves of Mulu
ground river into a hydroelectric dam system. Tufa in Sarawak, in various parts of southern China, and
now forms in the outflow of the latter at rates up to the Batu Caves of Malaya.
several centimetres per year. Outgassing is regarded
as the main factor causing deposition.
In the classic tower karst area around Guilin tufa 12. Tufa deposits of Africa
sheets covered in mosses spread from springs along
the Li River and there are large pendulous masses of 12. I. Morocco
inactive tufa on cliff faces, some with small trees
growing on them. Near Taza in northeast Morocco the river resurg-
Tibet, in spite of its cold dry climate and high ing from the Chiker Caves falls over an impressive
altitude, has a scatter of tufa deposits, mostly either series of tufa cascades. The lime is derived from a
calcareous crusts on colluvium or associated with limestone basin in the catchment area some 5 km
geothermal springs (Waltham, 1996). In eastern Ti- away. Further west the Oum er Rbia river drains a
bet, northeast of Amdo, a large tufa deposit flanks large area of limestone in the Atlas Mountains and
the Sanqu river valley, displacing the river south- its gorge has low tufa barrages for some 20 km.
wards (Waltham, 1996). The tufa is up to 50 m thick Massive cascade tufas, barrages and lacustrine
and has been dated at 6000-5000 years B.P. The deposits occur at d’Imouzzer and Ida du Tanane in
upwelling water is at lo-12°C showing at least a Morocco (Muxart, 1981; Weisrock, 1981a,b). Three
mild geothermal influence; algae are abundant in the generations of tufa deposition have been recognized,
warm waters (Sweeting et al., 1991). with deposition in laminae on moss cushions and
lichens common. Laminae are dark winter layers
11.11. Japan with carbonaceous detritus alternating with clear
summer layers enclosing growing algae. Growth is
Southwest Japan has a scatter of tufa deposits up to 4 mm per annum and most of the deposit is
(Yoshimura et al., 1996a). A sheet deposit at Shi- less than 10,000 yr old, but older deposits around
rokawa is 380 m long and exhibits biologically 70,000-100,000 yr old have been recognized.
controlled annual layers. Rapid deposition covers Tufa barrages and cascades up to 10 m high also
articles within a few years. At the entrance to the occur at Ouzoud, east of Marrakech in the Moroccan
Akiyoshi-Do tourist cave is on a cat-walk built above Atlas Mountains; they appear to be deposited from
a small barrage some 5 m high. As the light levels cold meteoric springs.
falls going into the cave the biota changes from
algae and mosses to cyanobacteria and the pH de- 12.2. Algeria
creases (Yoshimura et al., 1996b).
In the volcanic areas of Japan there are numerous In Algeria, the multi-coloured travertine cascades
geothermal springs which deposit travertine in a at Hammam-Meskoutine are derived from a series
manner similar to Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellow- of hot springs, some nearly boiling at 98°C. Ter-
stone National Park (Kitano, 1963). races, cascades and pools held up by travertine bar-
rages become progressively discoloured by algae and
11.12. Southeast Asia bacteria as the thermal waters cool downstream.
Several other thermal springs deposit travertine at
Many of the large caves explored in Southeast Hamman Salahine, Hamman Bou Akkaz, Hamman
Asia have large pendant masses of cave tufa hanging Beni Cuecha, Hamman Bradaa and Hamman N’Bails.
from the walls of the entrances, but little attempt has Most of these were used by the Romans for baths.
154 T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedlry/ Earth-Screncr Rrc,irwts 41 (19%) 117-175

Also in Algeria there are alluvial fans with two 12.6. East Africa
groups of tufa deposits at several localities on the
south side of the Aures Mountains. The two develop- Many of the lakes in the East African Rift Valley
ments are (a) in sheets up to 0.5 m thick at the foot have lacustrine carbonate masses deposited under
of alluvial fans debauching on to terraces and (b) in shallow water by cyanobacterial growth, often re-
cone-shaped masses generally less than 1 m thick in ferred to as stromatolites in regional literature. Old
the wadis cut into the terraces; pollen studies have shore lines are demonstrated by uplifted relics of
shown the tufas to be late Pleistocene to early equivalent Pleistocene deposits. A few inflowing
Holocene age, i.e. with little distinction in the age of streams have barrages and associated deposits. Many
the two developments. The climate is thought to of these are associated with thermal springs, particu-
have been a little more humid than at present, partic- larly along fault lines. No comprehensive description
ularly in winter (Ballais and Cohen, 198 I ). has been traced, though Casanova (1986) has given a
brief outline of travertine deposits in Lakes Bogoria,
12.3. Tunisia Magadi and Turkana in Kenya, and Lakes Natron
and Manyara in Tanzania (Casanova and Hillaire-
Like Algeria, Tunisia has several thermal springs Marcel, 1992). The deposits have been referred to
once used as baths by the Romans and still deposit- both as travertine and as stromatolites. Vincens et al.
ing travertine, including Ain Djebel Oust and Ham- ( 1986) have isotopically dated old tufas at levels up
man Zriba. to 9 m above the present level of Lake Magadi as
Massive travertine deposits comparable with those
around 4000 yr old. Oncolite nodules are widespread
in Italy have been quarried as building and ornamen-
on the lake floors and in older uplifted deposits.
tal stone in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya.
Lakes in the rift valley of southern Ethiopia, particu-
Little information is available, but some is known to
larly Lake Stephanie, have comparable uplifted
be marketed via the Italian ornamental stone compa- shore-line tufa deposits (Grove et al., 1975).
nies around Rome and Siena, where it is probably Tropical weathering of basic volcanic rocks in
confused with Italian stone.
Rwanda has released enough calcium to permit the
growth of lacustrine tufa deposits.
12.4. Egypt

Travertine sheets were worked for ornamental 12.7. South Africa

purposes in ancient times, though the record is con-
fused as the material is variously referred to as In South Africa Marker (197 1, 1973, 1985, 1988)
alabaster or onyx! At least some of it was stalagmitic has described several tufa deposits in the semi-arid
material obtained from ancient caves. Transvaal and along the Gaap Escarpment in the
Inactive sheets of tufa as much as 20 m thick cap North Cape Province. In the Transvaal most occur as
limestone plateaux in the Kharga, Kukur and Dungul sequences of fluvial terraces and cascades in gorges
regions of Egypt (Gardner, 1932; Said, 1990). At draining from the dominantly dolomite plateau. A
least four phases of deposition dating back to the few deposits in the Campbell area are worked for
mid-Tertiary have been claimed though dating has ornamental travertine. Marker has noted that many
proved difficult. According to Butzer and Hansen are extinct or have the minimal activity today; she
(1968) there are two types of tufa deposit at Kukur argues for most deposition having been in the wan-
near the Aswan Dam: one is a spring line deposit ing phases of pluvial periods when karstic activity
whilst the other is associated with intermittent was greatest. Partridge (1985) has proposed that
sheet-flood run off. increased rainfall will lead to erosion and incision as
observed in some deposits being channelled; conse-
12.5. Chad quently he has argued that tufa deposition is best
correlated with moderate increase of rainfall only. A
A towering tufa spring mound occurs at Abbe Lac large mound of tufa near the Umzimvubu River, Port
in Chad. St. Johns, has been worked for ornamental slabs used
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley / Earth-Science Reviews 41 (I 996) 117-I 75 155

mainly in interior panelling (King, 1963). Tufaceous Much of the calcium carbonate is derived from
sediments were found to have been deposited by nearby limestones but some may be due to tropical
cyanobacterial activity in a sink-hole lake in the weathering of the basalts in the massive escarpment
western Transvaal (Gow, 198 1). overlooking the valley releasing calcium. Also in
The early hominid skulls found at Taung, Sterk- Madagascar thermal springs at Diego-Suarez at the
fontein, Makanpansgat etc. in South Africa are all northern tip of the island and at Betafo in the centre
from deposits in collapsed caves, confusingly re- deposit large quantities of travertine.
ferred to as tufa, travertine, stalactite, calcareous
breccia or cave earth (Young, 1925; Peabody, 1954;
Marker, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975; Butzer, 1974, 13. Tufa deposits of America
1980; Day, 1986). While there is little doubt that the
bone-bearing deposits were formed within caves and The tufa deposits of America are surveyed by
are thus strictly neither tufa nor travertine but some geographical arrangement of States from east to west,
form of stalactitic material, the caves are often asso- followed by Canada, Central and South America.
ciated with long inactive spring-line tufa sheets out-
side. Quarrying for agricultural lime has destroyed 13.1. Virginia
many of these but an outline stratigraphy extending
back over 2.5 million years has been deduced, appar- In the eastern United States tufa cascade and
ently controlled by climatic oscillations in this arid small barrage deposits are scattered in the valley and
area (Day, 1986). ridge province of the southern Appalachians where
aggressive allogenic waters are the norm. Over 50
12.8. Namibia deposits in 17 counties of Virginia have been de-
scribed by Hubbard et al. (1985, with annotated
Etosha Pan in the arid climate of Namibia has bibliography) and in a comprehensive report on
“stromatolites” around its margins and oncoids with travertine-marl by Herman and Hubbard (1990,
algal encrustations on its bed (Smith and Mason, with several important contributions from other au-
1991). thors, e.g. Schwartz (1990) including a note on the
algal flora by Pentecost, 1990a). Travertine is the
12.9. Angola term they use to describe the more solid concre-
tionary carbonate deposits whilst marl includes
In Angola thermal springs up to 45°C have built loosely aggregated tufas. Some deposits spread sev-
travertine terraces at Ochilesa on the bank of the eral hundred metres across alluviated valleys. Springs
River Quime. generally rose from deep circulation in fault zones,
and some are weakly thermal. A detailed study of the
12.10. Madagascar fluvial cascades and small barrages in Falling Spring
Creek in Virginia showed that the principal factor in
Spectacular tufa spring mounds and barrages form tufa deposition was degassing by turbulence over
a tourist attraction in the valley of Les Sept Lacs at stratigraphically-controlled waterfalls (Hoffer-French
1’Onilhay in southwest Madagascar (Nicod, 1981; and Herman, 1990; Lorah and Herman, 1990). Loss
Salomon, 1981); however, compared with Plitvice of CO, often did not commence until some hundreds
the lakes are small, the largest only 60 m long and 5 of metres downstream from the springs and deposi-
m deep, and the barrages are low, less than 5 m high. tion was most rapid at waterfalls. Travertine deposi-
The springs are now mostly inactive and only limited tion occurs in three areas at Warm Springs, Hot
deposition of tufa is taking place. Overhanging bar- Springs and Healing Springs, where the springs have
rages have numerous pendants of tufa and shallow a thermal water input from deeply circulating
caves have many stalactites and stalagmites. A finely groundwaters mixed with locally-derived meteoric
granular calcareous deposit rather like mondmilch water. Some of the latter rose through the stream
occurs on top of some barrages, coating mosses. beds to merge with thermal water issuing from head
156 T.D. Ford. H.M. Pedlq / Eurth-Science Rel iwtt 41 f 19961 I 17-l 75

springs or even from caves. Temperatures up to 38°C cyanobacterium Synechococcus was responsible for
were recorded in Warm River Cave. Although algae, biomineralization whereby calcite rhombs enclosed
bacteria and diatoms were present in the tufa, they the cells.
were not regarded as being very significant in calcite
precipitation. In some cases land clearance and agri- 13.3. Illinois
cultural practices led either to erosion or to so much
silting that there is little deposition today (Kirby and The Falling Springs tufa deposit near Dupo, St.
Rimstidt, 1990). Deposition is highest in the summer Clair County, is a cascade below a cave mouth in a
months when run-off was minimal and temperatures limestone cliff. The sheet is composed largely of tufa
high according to Lorah and Herman (1988), and deposited by a filamentous mat of sheaths of the alga
these are the conditions when bacterial and algal Phormidium incrustatum though numerous diatoms
growth are greatest (Pentecost, 1990a). The run-off are present. Adjacent twigs are coated with
from the occasional hurricane was highly destructive Cladophora. Clay particles washed out of the cave
for tufa and could result in the removal of whole are scattered through the mass (Davis et al., 1989).
cascades, exposing bare bedrock.
Throughout Virginia tufa deposits have been In the western United States nearly 500 tufa and
quarried for use as agricultural lime, whereby at least travertine deposits in eleven states were catalogued
some of the carbonate was probably recycled through by Feth and Barnes (1979). Whilst few have been
karstic drainage. Archaeological investigations sug- studied in any detail, some are worthy of discussion
gested that the tufa terrace below Falling Spring had herein. Some support the concept of correlation with
been attractive to pre-Columbian Indians. pluvial phases correlating with glacial phases further
An unusual cavernous tufa deposit is that in Sweet north, but others are associated with hot springs or
Springs Creek, Alleghany County, Virginia, where with the chemistry of saline playa lakes.
Cesspool Cave has developed within a tufa escarp-
ment. The resurgent springs contain an unusually 13.4. Oklahoma
high proportion of H,S thought to be derived from
oxidation of pyritous shales; this is oxidized by In southern Oklahoma, large fluvial barrage and
sulphur bacteria to yield sulphuric acid which has cascade tufa deposits at Turner Falls on Honey Creek,
attacked the older tufa sheet and converted some to in the adjacent Falls Creek and several other locali-
sulphur or to highly soluble gypsum (Hubbard et al., ties in the Arbuckle Mountains are still active in an
1990). area of tufa deposits covering some 1600 km’ (Emig,
1917; Love and Chafetz, 1990; Chafetz and
13.2. New York State Lawrence. 1994). The deposits are mainly undulating
cascade sheets with overhangs; small barrages and
Lacustrine tufa deposits with associated beaches pools occur in stream courses with a gentle gradient.
of calcareous sand derived largely from tufa occur in The conditions under which tufa is precipitated are
some of the former glacial lakes in up-state New comparable with Plitvice in that deposition does not
York, notably at Green Lake near Syracuse (Eggles- commence until several kilometres below the springs
ton and Dean, 1976; Dean and Fouch, 1983). The which drain a predominantly limestone upland. Nu-
lake margin tufas are algal encrustations on both cleation on algae and mosses is thought to be the
rock ledges and submerged vegetation; the crusts predominant mechanism (Srdoc et al., 1989; Love
form ledges just below water level, and masses of and Chafe& 1988, 1990). The latter showed that
Chara occur in slightly deeper water. The absence of diagenetic recrystallization can effectively conceal
waterfalls or any cause of turbulence which might the evidence of algal origin with large neomorphic
cause degassing suggests that these deposits are pri- calcite crystals. Inorganic tufa was also deposited in
marily of biological origin. Growth is mainly in the spelean areas, beneath overhangs and in cavities. At
summer months as the lake is frozen in the winter. least three periods of tufa deposition separated by
Thompson and Ferris (1990) demonstrated that the episodes of stream incision can be reconstructed
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 157

from relict masses high above the streams and on the Caverns National Park on the New Mexico/Texas
adjacent plateau: the sequence reflects the probable border (Jennings, 1985).
influence of climatic changes, perhaps of Pleistocene
pluvial phases. 13.8. Arizona

13.5. Colorado The Grand Canyon of the River Colorado in

Arizona, some 500 km long, has numerous tufa
In southwest Colorado, a travertine dome lies deposits both active and fossil though only outline
beside the highway some 17 km north of Durango accounts have been located (Reilly, 1961; Elston et
(Chafetz et al., 1991; Chafetz and Lawrence, 1994). al., 1989). Although generally referred to as traver-
Some 10 m high, a trickle of water at 33°C rises tine in American literature, the bulk of the deposits
from an orifice at the top of the dome and layered are porous tufa without any thermal association. In
travertine is deposited on a sloping scarp of Missis- spite of its arid climate today there seems little doubt
sippian limestone. Further downstream, tufa deposits that the region has been much wetter in the past and
line a ditch as the water cools. Deposition is both by such pluvial phases may account for some of the
degassing and by calcite rhombohedra growing on large but inactive tufa deposits. However, an altema-
diatoms and other algae. Within the nearby town of tive hypothesis has been proposed by Hamblin (1994)
Pagosa Springs, some 30 km east of Durango, a whereby the successive major lava dams in the last
sheet of tufa is spring-fed and consists largely of a 1.8 . lo6 yr in the western Grand Canyon impounded
gently sloping series of low barrages with braided a sequence of lakes. Some of the lakes extended the
channels. whole length of the canyon raising water levels by
On the east flank of the Rocky Mountains a group hundreds of metres. The dams were each removed by
of springs deposit tufa at Colorado Springs. erosion within a few thousand years, but during that
time water tables were raised to within large parts of
the Redwall Limestone and calcareous springs oper-
13.6. South Dakota
ated as the limestone drained. The tufa covered or
cemented lake infill sediments of which remnants
On the southern margin of the Black Hills in occur through much of the Canyon. In the Marble
South Dakota a karst area around Wind Cave is Gorge section of the Grand Canyon a few kilometres
thought to drain to thermal springs in Fall River at upstream from the confluence with the Little Col-
the town of Hot Springs, probably merging with hot orado massive sheets of fossil perched spring line
waters expelled from the adjacent basin. Resurging and cascade tufa lie on talus sheets rising over 60 m
at up to 33°C the springs deposit thermal travertine above river level: individual sheets are as much as
in the bed and banks of the river. 16 m thick and incorporate large boulders which
have fallen from the cliffs above. The tufa sheets and
13.7. New Mexico underlying talus have been eroded deeply by gullies
from storm run-off; the tufa probably represents
Sitting Bull Falls in southern New Mexico are precipitation in a more equitable (pluvial?) climate
cascade deposits in a comparable position to the (Fig. 30). Some 10 km of the canyon of the tributary
western end of the Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma Little Colorado has comparable masses of tufa, at
(Chafetz and Folk, 1984). least one part of which is still active as part of the
At Jemez Springs, north of Albuquerque, fluvial flow of the Little Colorado comes from a spring
and cascade tufa deposits are accompanied by a mound, the Sipapu; the water rises through a hole in
fissure ridge dome known as Soda Dam: sinuous the top of a tufa dome some 10 m high and wide;
microterraces holding up miniature pools cover the impure tufa contaminated with mud from storm run-
flanks of the dome (Chafetz and Folk, 1984). off further upstream forms dams and encrusts boul-
Cascade deposits and braided stream-bed tufa oc- ders along the river bed downstream to the Conflu-
cur in McKittrick and other canyons of the Carlsbad ence. In the central Grand Canyon eroded and partly
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pediev/Earth-Science Kerkvs 41 (lYY6i 117-175

Fig. 30. Deeply gullied sloping tufa sheet covering Cambrian shales, Grand Canyon, Arizona

collapsed tufa blocks line the scenic Elves Chasm, gack et al., 1979; Hamblin, 1994); among them are
whilst massive pendulous sheets of tufa encrust sev- five massive tufa cascades, two of them more than
eral kilometres of the canyon walls to a height of 30 m high, where tufa sheets encrust and overhang
some hundreds of metres above river level. These the eroded sheets of silt from a phase of sedimentary
apparently perched spring line tufa deposits may infilling and protects them from further erosion (Figs.
reflect pluvial periods, or they may indicate high 31 and 32): Hamblin (1994) regards these silt fills as
water-tables in the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene dating from the ponded-up waters of lakes associated
when the Canyon was dammed by some 350 m with the lava dams of late Pliocene and early Pleis-
thickness of lavas near Toroweap Point (Hamblin, tocene times; a little alluviation has apparently also
1994). The springs feeding the Elves Chasm area occurred in Holocene times. In contrast with Ham-
deposits were on the south side of the Grand Canyon blin’s ideas, 14C dating of carbonates in the tufa by
owing the slightly increased dip of the strata to the Giegengack et al. (1979) suggests that most of the
northeast. By contrast the active cave springs of the visible tufa is less than 3000 yr old and that the
central and eastern Canyon are on the north side incision resulting in the present waterfalls may be no
today where the strata dip gently off the flanks of the more than 900 yr old; older tufa forms relict masses
Kaibab upwarp. Beneath the Surprise Canyon land- for several kilometres on the walls of Havasu Canyon.
slide of the north wall tufa and talus fill an old river Further downstream in the Grand Canyon warm
channel some 60 m above river level, though with springs (26-30°C) rise from a fault fissure near Lava
indications of spring sources to the south. The tribu- Falls and yield a tufa sheet which encrusts vegetation
tary Havasupai Canyon stream has many tufa bar- over an area some hundreds of metres across just
rages over a length of 15 km (Black, 1955; Giegen- above river level: whether this should be regarded as
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley / Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) II 7-l 75 159

Fig. 31. Cascade tufa 30 m high over a Pleistocene silt fill in Havasupai Canyon, off Grand Canyon, Arizona. Small barrages occur
downstream for several kilometres.
a thermal travertine deposit is debatable as summer
daytime temperatures may exceed 40°C (Fig. 33). In
the western Grand Canyon downstream from the
lava dam sites there are tufa deposits whose growth
is apparently independent of the dams. The two
adjacent tributaries of Travertine Falls and Traver-
tine Canyon respectively yield an active tufa cascade
some 20 m high, and deeply dissected and partly
collapsed tufa masses (Fig. 34). The tributary Quar-
termaster Canyon has a mass of tufa and gravel
forming a dam more than 100 m high. Lower down-
stream on the south bank there is also a dome of tufa
some 150 m high round a weakly thermal spring,
still mildly active. A massive sheet of tufa, now
deeply eroded, extends for several kilometres along
the north bank of the Colorado nearby.
The apparently conflicting hypotheses concerning
Grand Canyon tufa deposits being caused either by
Pleistocene pluvial climatic effects or by Plio-
Pleistocene lava-dammed lakes will require much
further study before the problem can be resolved.
The significance of the thermal input also needs to
be assessed.

13.9. Wyoming

Most of the geysers and hot springs in Yellow-

Fig. 32. Small barrages and pools in Havasupai Canyon, Arizona. stone National Park in northwest Wyoming deposit
160 T.D. For-d, H.M. Pedley / Earth-Sciencr Rrriews 4 I f 19%) I 17- I75

Fig. 33. Tufa encrusting sedges and reeds near Lava Falls, Grand Canyon, Arizona.

only siliceous sinter and so do not concern us here, of microscopic aragonite needles clustered in the
but Mammoth Hot Springs deposit calcium carbon- form of “shrubs”; the cyanobacteria are present
ate in large thermal travertine masses, which grade between the needles but are thought only to play a
into more porous biogenic tufa downstream (Fig. minor part in causing precipitation (Pentecost, 1990).
35). Cascades with dams and shallow pools of hot
water extend several hundred metres down the hill- 13.10. California and Nevada
side and have engulfed trees (Allen and Day, 1935:
Keefer, 1976; Bargar, 1978). The dams often over- In the Basin and Range province of California and
hang and grottoes with stalactites occur beneath the Nevada, saline, ephemeral or dried-up lakes with
lips, Concealed feeder conduits are sometimes en- evaporative travertine deposits are widespread along
larged to the point where the roofs collapse giving the shorelines past and present (Rieger, 1992). They
lines of pits. These may extend into caves often with are regarded here as hyperalkaline travertine, though
excess steam or CO, discouraging exploration! The often called tufa in local literature. A small thermal
calcium carbonate in the travertine is derived from input is present in some cases. Precipitation is gener-
underlying sedimentary rocks and transported by hot ally due to a combination of microbial and physico-
circulating groundwaters warmed by residual vol- chemnical factors; macrophytes are generally absent.
canic heat. On emergence the hot waters average Localities include Searles Lake, with its tufa pinna-
around 74°C and precipitation starts immediately as cles (Scholl, 19601, and Mono Lake (Rieger, 19921,
a result of evaporation and degassing, i.e. thermal both in California, and Pyramid and Walker Lakes in
travertine. Downstream cyanobacteria play a part and western Nevada (Osboume et al., 1982; Newton and
discolour the deposits when the waters have cooled Grossman, 1988; Benson, 1994; Benson et al., 1995).
to below 50°C. Most of the deposition is in the form At Searles Lake, the Trona Pinnacles form a Na-
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117-175 161

tional Natural Landmark. Three groups totalling some evaporation have revealed tufa heads and crusts on
500 pinnacles are spread over an area 16 X 6 km boulders and gravel. Aragonitic ooids are common
southwest of the desiccated lake; the groups corre- on the lake floor and revealed on the shores as the
spond to different former lake levels, which in turn lake level drops.
have been correlated with the Penultimate and Last Pyramid and Walker Lakes and adjacent playas
Glacial wet phases (Scholl, 1960; Scholl and Taft, are part of the Pleistocene Lahontan lake basin,
1964). Abundant polygonal to ellipsoidal bodies were where oscillating lake levels are partly marked by
identified as moulds of algal cells. At The Needles of tufa terraces. Uranium-series dating of these. has
Pyramid Lake, Nevada, falling lake levels due to demonstrated that high water levels have a positive

Fig. 34. Travertine Falls, an almost inactive cascade tufa in the western Grand Canyon, Arizona.
dense laminated travertine, rod-like thinolite and
porous dendritic tufa; these and other forms are
thought to be related to changes in lake chemistry
and temperature. Much of the tufa is in a prismatic
form known as thinolite composed of the rare hy-
drate ikaite (CaCO, 6H,O). Studies by Bischoff et
al. (1993) suggest that thinolite is stabilized by the
presence of orthophosphate and low (near freezing)
Mono Lake in eastern California dates back to the
early Pleistocene and has tufa deposits all round its
shores, though the principal deposit is at the Tufa
Towers State Park on its southern shore (Rieger,
1992) (Figs. 13 and 36). Chimney-like masses of
tufa have been revealed by the lake level falling
more than 10 m in the last 50 yr owing to diversion
of inflowing streams into the Los Angeles water-
supply aqueduct, but older towers attracted attention
more than a century ago and Russell (1883, 1889)
provided extended descriptions of the maze of tow-
ers, castles and domes. The chimney-like tufa struc-
tures originate where weakly thermal freshwater with
CaCO, in solution rises through the lake floor into
the highly saline lake waters. Sudden cooling and a
common ion effect reaction of fresh and saline wa-
Fig. 35. Travertine barrages and small pools. Mammoth Hot
Springs, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.
ters have been proposed as reasons for abiogenic
precipitation (Dunn, 1953) but Scholl and Taft (1964)
have shown that filamentous and spheroidal algae
relationship to Pleistocene glacial episodes back to at and Cyanobacteria are important as precipitating
least 300,000 yr (Yang and Benson, 1988). Dating agents in at least one chimney which still overflows
by 14C methods has shown that tufa deposition above lake level; brine-fly larvae and pupae con-
reached a maximum in late Pleistocene times from tribute to tufa deposition by means of specialized
23,500 to 12,000 yr B.P. with at least three main lime-secreting glands. Scholl and Taft (1964) also
developments at different altitudes from 1177 to noted that diagenetic recrystallization gradually
1337 m above sea level within that period (Benson, obliterates the algal tubules and suggested that the
1994). These correspond to spill-over altitudes into bulk of the Mono Lake tufa was of algal origin,
other Lake Lahontan sub-basins, Minor oscillations implying that the tufa is lacustrine and only de-
between these levels have been related to glacio- posited at depths where photosynthesis can occur.
climatic deflections of the polar jet stream across the Shelves and ledges projecting from some towers
Lahontan Basin (Benson et al., 1995). Pyramid Lake correspond to former stands of the lake level. Inter-
is moderately warm at 21°C and is fed by hot springs granular precipitates in the lake floor sediments add
at around 60°C rich in dissolved calcium. Cool fresh- to the bulk of the tufa. The origin of the calcium
water streams flowed in from the surrounding moun- carbonate is thought to be leaching from sediments
tains but are now partly diverted into an aqueduct. now deeply buried in the northern part of Owens
Pyramid Lake is less saline than Mono Lake (below) Valley which have been heated by residual vulcan-
and its sediments are rich in Chara and diatoms. ism (the last eruptions were about the 14th and 15th
Bacteria are thought to play some part in tufa deposi- centuries A.D.). Whilst some of the rising freshwater
tion. The tufa includes sheets encrusting bedrock, has elevated temperatures they are no higher than
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) I17-175 163

Fig. 36. Tufa towers due to freshwater springs in a saline lake revealed by a falling lake level. Mono Lake, California.

ambient summer air temperatures and so the classifi- the short summers with some input from thermal
cation of the Mono Lake deposits is retained as tufa. waters, as in the warm springs at Banff. The Coal
The high alkalinity of the lake waters mean that even River Springs in southeast Yukon are associated with
low concentrations of calcium carbonate (11 ppm) a series of tufa dams (Geurts et al., 1992; Geurts and
lead to precipitation of tufa. “Sand tufa” mini-towers Watelet, 1994). The dams are complexes of phyto-
have also been described (Cloud and Lajoie, 1980) herms and barrages on a steep slope growing in
and appear to be vertical tubular calcite-cemented low-energy water principally by degassing. Micro-
structures resulting from water evasion through loose scopic analysis has distinguished several facies: (1)
pumice sand. an algal facies coating wood and other vegetable
Some 20 km north of Mono Lake, at Bridgeport, debris; (2) a glomerulitic facies apparently of bacte-
California, thermal waters have built up a fissure rial origin on the upstream faces of dams; and (31 a
ridge travertine deposit. bryophyte facies on the crests of dams where upward
Birch Creek in Inyo County has a series of small growth prevails. Bryophytes are also common on the
tufa dams and encrustations on the stream bed in- downstream faces. The complex is of Holocene age
creasing in amount downstream. Barnes (1965) at- and covers alluvial terraces left where the river has
tributed the deposition to degassing. incised its channel.
In the North West Territories, the Rabbitkettle
13.11. Canada Hot Springs are a striking feature of the Nahanni
National Park. The springs have built a dome-like of
In spite of the Arctic climate northwestern Canada thermal travertine some 27 m high and 70 m in
has several large tufa occurrences, growing mainly in diameter. Water at the mild “hot spring” tempera-
164 T. D. Ford, H.M. Prdlq / Earth-Science Rwiews 41 C1996) I I7- I75

ture of 21°C wells up in a shallow pool at the top flowstone sold as “Mexican Onyx” and used for a
and deposits tufa in a series of pools and cascades great variety of ornaments for tourists throughout
down the side of the dome comparable to the Mam- Mexico and the American southwest. Brief descrip-
moth Hot Springs of Yellowstone. The area has been tions of the industry with locations, but not the
severely glaciated and it is likely that any preglacial geology, of travertine quarries in Baja California
deposit was removed by the ice, so that the present Norte, and at Tehuacan and Oaxaca near Puebla, c.
dome is post-glacial. Even so, both the Rabbitkettle 130 km SE of Mexico City, have been given by
and Mammoth Hot Springs deposits are in areas Sinkankas (1959) and Johnson (1965). At least some
where temperatures well below freezing persist for of the ornamental “Onyx” seems to be flowstone
as much as half the year. Further south, in Alberta, apparently derived from speleothems in unroofed
Jackknife Springs flow from a mound c. 30 m high ancient caves, but at least in Baja California some
and 100 m in diameter. The two orifices at the top quarries are noted as being in travertine deposits
discharge a gentle flow in the summer only. By resting on a schist basement, so they may be true
contrast all the year round flow comes from perched tufa cascade sheets. Further south in Mexico, the
springlines in the Edison and Mount Robson-Wapiti Chiapas province has large tufa cascades comparable
areas of Alberta (Barnes, 1976). with those of Havasupai in the Grand Canyon.
Laminated tufa with a wide range of fabrics and
13.12. Mexico
morphologies forms at several sites near Cuatro
Mexico seems to have vast deposits of travertine, Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico, through micritic calcite
but there is some confusion with the finely laminated either adhering to the polysaccharide mucus of di-

Fig. 37. Cascade and barrage tufah. Dunns River Falls, Jamaica.
T.D. Ford, H.M. Pedley/Earth-Science Rel;iews 41(1996) I1 7-175 165

atoms or being trapped by them (Winsborough and effect of vegetation was not investigated. Further
Golubic, 1987). north in the seasonally semi-arid Chillagoe karst
Ryan’s Creek and adjacent streams had substantial
13.13. West Indies tufa barrages with long pools behind. Considerable
evaporation in the semi-arid climate added to the
In the West Indies many of the overhanging walls effect of degassing caused much tufa deposition
of mogotes have pendulous stalactitic tufa deposits, (Dunkerley, 1987). Unroofed large caves at Chilla-
particularly in the heavily forested cockpit country of goe known as daylight holes, such as Markham
Jamaica and Puerto Rico. Rivers draining from these Cave, have inactive large pendant masses of tufa
karst regions often have tufa deposits too. Dunns (Ford, 1978) (Fig. 2).
River Falls on the north coast of Jamaica are a Tufa sheets and barrages are widespread in the
tourist attraction consisting of a series of fluvial Napier Range of northwest Australia and have devel-
terraces, cascades and barrages (Fig. 37). Compara- oped in a semi-arid tropical climate with savanna
ble tufa cascades over uplifted reef limestone masses vegetation cover (Viles and Goudie, 1990b). Large
occur at several other localities including Ocho Rios deposits of draped cascade tufa occur and there are
on the north coast of Jamaica. The “golden sands” also fluvial barrages and perched springline deposits.
beach at St. Ann is largely made of comminuted tufa Two generations of tufa growth have been recog-
grains. “Onyx” travertine is quarried east of Havana nized probably representing climatic changes from
in Cuba. wet to dry to wet. Viles and Goudie (199Ob) also
note other tufa deposits in the Great Artesian Basin
13.14. South America and the Kimberley Ranges. Largely inactive tufa
terraces flank Louie Creek and other streams drain
Extensive cascade deposits comparable with those the Barkly Tableland to the Gulf of Carpentaria
on the river Krka in Croatia occur on the Rio Salitre, (Drysdale and Head, 1994). Radiocarbon dates sug-
Bahia Province, (Branner, 1911) and at many other gest that most deposition was principally from 29 to
sites in Brazil. 25 Ka B.P. with a lesser second phase from 14 to 10
Argentina has many tufa deposits including the Ka BP. The first of these correlates with the Last
Puente de1 Inca where a massive tufa deposit lies on Glacial Maximum when precipitation may have been
glacial debris which the stream has undermined to higher or evaporation less. Wetter conditions led to
form a natural bridge. incision of the streams with gorge development.
Peru is said to have numerous tufa deposits. The Carl Creek limestone of northwest Queens-
land, south of the Gulf of Carpentaria, forms a sheet
of tufas and gravels capping a plateau some 25 km*
14. Tufa deposits of Australia and New Zealand in area. Although the age is uncertain it is generally
regarded as of Upper Miocene age (see below)
14.1. Australia (Megirian, 1992).
A series of tufa cascades forms a tourist attraction
Tufa deposits are scattered through eastern Aus- at Argusta in Western Australia.
tralia from Queensland to Victoria. Near Mt. Etna,
inland from Rockhampton, Queensland, Dunkerley 14.2. New Zealand
(198 1) studied a stream in the wet tropical part of the
state which had a series of low tufa barrages over a Whilst the bulk of the deposits from the hot
distance of some 430 m below the spring. Water rose springs around Rotorua are siliceous sinter, a small
at 24-28°C rich in CaCO, and degassed rapidly, group at Waitiki also deposit calcite as crusts around
raising the alkalinity and calcite supersaturation the shores of nearly boiling pools, effectively a form
downstream resulting in the deposition of tufa on of thermal travertine. The calcium content of the
irregularities in the stream bed. Barrages up to 1 m rising waters in this volcanic area is low but high
high were built up with shallow pools behind. The discharge of CO, causes continuous precipitation.
166 T.D. Ford. H.M. Pedlq / Eurth-Science Ret,iews 41 f 1996) I 17- 175

Though temperatures are over 90°C relics of bacte- Laminated travertine veneers encrusted the bioherms
rial mucus suggest that thermophile organisms play during intervals of low lake level.
some part in deposition. Tufas of probable paludal origin are preserved in
the Cretaceous of the Valencia region of eastern
Spain (Monty and Mas, 1979). Fluvial tufas with
oncoids (cyanoliths) are recorded in the Palaeocene
15. Ancient tufa deposits of the Ebro Basin in northern Spain (OrdoHez and
Garcia de1 Cura, 1977). Eocene tufas, again domi-
Few references to ancient tufa occurrences in the nated by fluvial oncoids, occur in the Duero Basin of
stratigraphic column have been located, though there Central Spain (Nickel, 1983). A tufa deposit of
are records as far back as the Permian. Being Miocene age, between Morata de1 Tajuna and Campo
ephemeral features of landscapes undergoing erosion Reale has some 30 m of laterally persistent biostro-
many tufa deposits have probably been destroyed but ma1 plant-bearing sheets of grey brittle tufa covering
logically some should have survived. Whilst the several km2 and passing into braided fluvial sheets.
abundance of Neogene tufa deposition may have A complex series of tufas occurs in northwest
been influenced by the evolution of diatoms in the Queensland, Australia (Megirian, 1992). They are
Miocene there seems to have been no investigation relics of a sheet some 25 km long flanking a Protero-
of such biologic controls in earlier deposits. Scat- zoic-Cambrian massif. They include springline
tered records of “nodular freshwater limestone” sheets, cascades, phytoherm barrages, lacustrine and
within fluvial basin margin sequences occur fairly paludal deposits, interleaved with elastic and calcare-
often in stratigraphic literature but without much ous gravels in places. An Upper Miocene age has
more detailed descriptions or field visits very few been inferred from enclosed marsupial mammal re-
can be identified as ancient tufas. A few examples mains. Megirian (1992) included brief comments on
must suffice here. correlation with other mid-Tertiary limestones in
The Fossil Forest of Lulworth Cove and equiva- northern and central Australia.
lent beds on the Isle of Portland, Dorset, England, In the Cracow area of southern Poland springs
have been thought to represent an uppermost Jurassic deposited some 17 m of tufa covering an area of c. 7
hypersaline lagoon where tufa encased the bases of km2 around the shores of an evaporitic lake in a rift
upright trees, but recent petrographic and environ- valley of lower Permian age (Szulc and Cwizewicz,
mental studies have suggested that the tufa crusts 1989): the hard, grey laminated to massive carbon-
grew in a brief fresh-water lacustrine episode while ates contain both autochthonous and allochthonous
the trees were still alive and that both trees and tufa vegetation and indicate perched spring line deposi-
deposition were terminated as water-levels rose and tion with fluvial and paludal developments.
became saline (Perry, 1994). Also in Poland the Wozniki Limestone of latest
Around Sully Island near Barry in south Wales, Triassic age appears to be a thermal travertine de-
the lacustrine Mercia Mudstones (Upper Triassic) posit originating from the outflow of demineralized
enclose tufa mounds up to 1 m high and 5 m wide, ore-fluids (Glazek, 1989).
apparently deposited by spring waters rising from Neogene tufas have also been reported from Bu-
partially exhumed islands of Carboniferous Lime- dapest in Hungary. Ambert (198 1) has outlined a
stone. Whilst much of the tufa is dolomitized, tex- case for correlation of these and other tufas with
tures including radial crystalline calcite, pisoids and European interglacial periods, though he admits that
floe-calcite have been recognized in a complex of dating individual phases is difficult. A sequence of
calcrete and other pedogenic carbonates (Leslie et twelve tufa terraces, with some thermal travertines,
al., 1992). has been recognized in various parts of Hungary; the
The green alga Cladophorites formed porous tufa earliest terraces date back to the Miocene (Schweitzer
bioherms as a marginal facies of an Upper Miocene and Scheuer, 1995).
lake in the Ries astrobleme crater of southern Ger- Ancient tufas of Villafranchian (?) age (Plio-
many (Wolff and Fuchtbauer, 1976; Riding, 1979). Pleistocene boundary) have been claimed at Naoussa
T.D. Ford, HA!. Pedley / Earth-Science Reviews 41 (1996) 117- I75 167

in Morocco (Nicod, 198 1) where they flank a forested gen isotope signatures, Andrews et al., 1994). This
karst massif. technique promises to be as valuable in freshwater
In Wyoming, Bradley and Eugster (1969) recorded microbial carbonates as it has been in conventional
the occurrence of Eocene travertine (strictly tufa in marine, foraminiferal work. Tufas hold the best
our definition) in the Creede Formation of the Green medium-term prospects for detailing regional terres-
River Group. Lacustrine tufa crusts margin the trial climatic change as they accumulate much more
Eocene Lake Gosiute and pass into calcretes on the rapidly than peats and lake deposits. Thus, tufas have
shore (Eugster and Hardie, 1978). an untapped potential to provide the best land-based
opportunity for accessing shorter-term Holocene en-
vironmental change.
16. Conclusions

The world occurrence of tufas and travertines Acknowledgements

demonstrates convincingly the predominantly Late
Cenozoic development. Part of this must be a func- Thanks are due to Dr Allan Pentecost and an
tion of non-preservation within the geological record. anonymous referee for their helpful comments on the
This is not surprising considering the destructive preliminary version of this survey. Thanks are also
erosional processes associated with subaerial sites. due to Drs Yoshimura, Srdoc and D.C. Ford for
Nevertheless, Neogene tufa developments progres- information and comments. Dr A.C. Waltham kindly
sively increase in numbers towards the start of the supplied some photographs.
Pleistocene and thereafter appear common during
humid episodes (interglacials and pluvials) and in
Holocene time. References
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Cave Research Association. Some 300
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