Periodontal Complications With Obesity
Periodontal Complications With Obesity
Periodontal Complications With Obesity
Jean E. Suvan
Email: [email protected]
1 | CONTEXT OF THE REVIEW of the immune system (such as in rheumatoid arthritis), with the
potential mechanisms underpinning the acute inflammatory responses
In recent decades, science and technology have demonstrated pro- becoming chronic in nature.5 Research has demonstrated the role of
found advancements, bringing changes to society not seen since the a number of common risk factors for noncommunicable chronic dis-
industrial revolution. Average life expectancy has increased from eases, such as genetics, tobacco use, stress, alcohol consumption,
50 years of age in 1913 to 81.2 years of age in 2015, an increase of physical inactivity, adiposity, and diet, in modifying immune responses
nearly 3 years per decade over the last 100 years.1 Many infectious and ultimately increasing mortality and the financial burden to soci-
diseases have become almost extinct. In spite of all this, medicine eties.6-8 Periodontal diseases and obesity are also risk factors impli-
continues to face unparalleled health challenges. The last century cated in the onset and progression of chronic inflammation, and its
was dominated by infectious agents and discoveries of antibiotics to consequences. Host responses are now understood to be governed
combat them, and now, well into the present century, the focus of not by one factor, but by multiple factors. They manifest differently
medicine is on the human body’s interaction with the world around in each individual, and are further determined by the interaction of
us. Longer lives, together with increased understanding of biological factors within and around us, thus giving momentum to shifts in med-
concepts, new biomaterials, advanced diagnostic tools, and therapeu- ical approaches toward personalized prediction that takes account of
tic techniques, have brought about the possibility of studying and potential modifying factors. Health has become a game of risk played
understanding health and disease differently. More than ever before, out by identifying possible negative factors and then implementing
chronic, rather than communicable, diseases present the greatest strategies to balance these negative factors with positive factors, in
global impact on health problems; and short-term remedies are being order to attain or maintain optimal health.
replaced with necessarily long-term management strategies.2 Chronic Medical models of chronic disease management suggest that new
diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and respiratory and meta- paradigms are needed to address the multiplicity of factors implicated
bolic diseases, are estimated to be responsible for 60% of deaths in in the pathogenesis of chronic diseases and to cope with the societal
the world.3 The age of noncommunicable diseases has arrived.4 demands of the continually increasing incidence of these disorders.9-11
Amongst noncommunicable diseases, the growing prevalence of obe- The shift to new systems to address the multifactorial nature of chronic
sity and its complications (including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases is strongly influenced by advances in science and technology
disease, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease) are increasingly domi- that allow greater focus on predictive rather than reactive strategies.
nating global ill health and healthcare costs. Increased understanding of the potential modifying factors implicated
At the center of many chronic diseases is inflammation, which is in chronic disease onset or progression has highlighted interindividual
both multifactorial and complex in nature. While inflammation is variability, particularly of those factors influenced by lifestyle.11 This
associated with innate and adaptive immune responses functioning knowledge has the potential to enhance opportunities to predict, pre-
beneficially to protect and heal the body, if it becomes unbalanced it vent, and manage chronic conditions. The personalized medicine
can be deleterious. It is now known that inflammation occurs in dif- approach requires patients to play an active part in preventing or
ferent forms (acute and chronic) and that it is driven by different managing their own disease; it implies an altered role for the profes-
mechanisms of induction, regulation, and resolution. Over the last sional, who needs to establish, with the patient, a collaborative partner-
half-century a shift in the types of inflammation present in humans ship that is focused on patient participation in the decision making
has occurred—from acute inflammatory responses to injury and related to therapeutic options. Furthermore, the professional, by acting
infection, to chronic inflammatory states often related to activation as a facilitator, can enable and empower the patient to take a central
98 | © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Periodontology 2000. 2018;78:98–128.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
position in driving self-management strategies. Collaborative in nature, bacterial plaque biofilm.16,17 Clinical manifestations of periodontal
it has been proposed that patients “will shift from being passengers to disease include gingival inflammation (which may lead to periodontal
drivers of their health”.12 Research has demonstrated that interactions pocket formation as a result of loss of gingival attachment), gingival
between patients and health professionals and the steps of patients recession, alveolar bone loss, tooth mobility, and eventually (if the
toward healthier lifestyle behaviors are more effective if patients are periodontal disease is untreated) tooth loss.18,19
engaged and active in determining their health or disease management. In the general population, the prevalence of periodontitis is
Patients become more skilled at self-management, ultimately gaining reported to be 20%-50%.20 Most recent estimates in the USA, based
self-confidence and self-efficacy.9,11,13 There are many diseases, for upon Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated case defi-
instance diabetes and asthma, for which this approach has reached a nitions, suggest 47% of the adult population suffer from the dis-
high level of maturity, due, in part, to the development of tools and ease.21 A recent systematic review considering the global burden of
devices that empower the patient to make day-to-day decisions about severe periodontitis between 1990 and 2010 estimates the preva-
their own health management. Health promotion, described by the lence of severe periodontitis at 11.2%, placing it as the 6th most
World Health Organization as “the process of enabling people to prevalent global condition.22
increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby
improve their health”, through personalized medical approaches is the
2.1.2 | Etiology and pathogenesis
key to prevention and management of chronic disease.3
It is within this context of overall health and chronic disease, Despite robust evidence about the infectious nature of periodontitis,
with periodontitis and obesity both categorized as noncommunicable bacteria have proven to be essential, but not sufficient, to cause dis-
chronic inflammatory diseases, that this review investigates and dis- ease.23 Historically, pathogenesis was attributed to specific organ-
cusses periodontal complications with obesity. Since 2010, periodon- isms present in larger proportions, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis,
titis is cited to be the sixth most prevalent chronic condition Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia, serving to trigger an
globally; obesity and overweight have now become the norm, affect- inflammatory response.24 More recent information emerging from
ing 52% of the world’s population. The understanding of the metagenomic approaches highlight the polymicrobial nature of peri-
pathophysiology of obesity has evolved over recent decades to rec- odontal health and disease, with the latter attributed to a dysbiotic
ognize that chronic inflammation, rather than simply mechanical bur- state of the periodontal microbiota. Keystone pathogens, including
den, drives its morbidity.15 Their common coexistence and potential P. gingivalis, could tip the balance of microbial homeostasis, leading
synergy for driving health risks suggest that it is time to consider to an altered host-microbe interaction responsible for mediating dis-
overweight/obesity as a modifying factor in oral health, its assess- tinctive inflammatory processes associated with the loss of periodon-
ment, and management. Cardiovascular disease, one of the main tal tissues.25 These local acute inflammatory processes aim initially
complications of obesity, is also understood to be driven by the at eliminating invading organisms. A lack of mechanisms of proreso-
chronic inflammation associated with periodontal diseases. This lution are deemed responsible for the transition to a chronic inflam-
meta-review summarizes aspects of existing evidence related to the matory state.5,24,25
possible impact of obesity on periodontal conditions. Toxic products associated with microbial shift, such as
lipopolysaccharides within the gingival sulcus, may gain access to the
gingival tissue and recruit a local inflammatory response characterized
2 | BACKGROUND by neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages.26,27 Local production
of proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1beta, tumor
The following sections provide background understanding of the necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-6, in order to contain/clear the
chronic inflammatory diseases periodontitis (a destructive form of insult, is, however, associated with connective tissue destruction as a
periodontal diseases) and overweight/obesity (relating to obesity as result of host matrix metalloproteinase activation.26,28,29
a neurochemical disease). A summary of the possible associations A characteristic inflammatory infiltrate is observed in the peri-
between the two diseases is presented as a foundation to permit odontium; fibroblasts, junctional epithelial cells, osteoblasts/osteo-
detailed understanding of the evidence presented in this meta- clasts, macrophages, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes release
review, of the potential consequences of obesity on periodontitis proteinases that are involved in the defence against microbes.29 At
and associated treatments and its relevance within the context of the same time, these host proteinases are capable of degrading all
personalized medicine. known extracellular components of connective tissue and epithelium,
including components of both the external basal lamina (basement
membrane at the connective tissue-junctional epithelium interface)
2.1 | Periodontal diseases
and the internal basal lamina at the epithelium-tooth interface. These
enzymes appear to have the potential to contribute to the lateral
2.1.1 | Characteristics and prevalence
and apical proliferation of the junctional epithelium into the connec-
Periodontal diseases are chronic, multiinflammatory diseases of the tive tissue, as well as to epithelial disintegration through degradation
periodontal tissues, propagated by an inflammatory response to of the internal basal lamina and increases in epithelial permeability.
100 | SUVAN ET AL.
Regulation of proteinase activities involves activation of the active index ≥25 and <30 kg/m2) and obesity (body mass index ≥30 kg/m2)
enzymes. are defined (as body weight in relation to height) to lie within or
The actual damage caused by, for example, polymorphonuclear above arbitrary standards.52,53 Further explanation of body mass
leukocyte proteinases, may be limited in the presence of pro- index as a measurement tool, and expanded World Health Organiza-
teinase inhibitors such as alpha-2 macroglobulin, a1 antitrypsin, tion categories, are discussed in the classification of obesity section.
and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases found in the junctional The body mass index thresholds were set by World Health Organiza-
epithelium and in the gingival crevice.31 Also, a limited proteolytic tion experts to represent levels of increasing health risk, with the
cleavage of matrix molecules and active tissue fragments may, in optimal range of 21-23 kg/m2 recommended for adult Caucasian
turn, regulate cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation in populations.54
inflamed tissue. 28
Cytokines such as interleukin-1, interleukin-6, In 1998, the National Institutes of Health reported that “obesity
and tumor necrosis factor alpha, and the arachidonic acid metabo- is a complex multifactorial chronic disease”,55 followed by reference
lite prostaglandin E2, have been strongly associated with the to obesity as a “chronic disease” by the World Health Organization
onset and progression of periodontal diseases.32 These inflamma- in its report from the World Health Organization consultation on
tory mediators produced within the gingival tissues are also obesity in 1999.54 Other bodies, including the American Medical
secreted into the gingival crevicular fluid by both leukocytes and Association, World Obesity Federation, and European Association
activated junctional epithelium cells, and their amounts have been for the Study of Obesity, all now recognize and classify obesity as a
shown to increase at sites exhibiting periodontal tissue destruc- chronic disease.56 While the mechanisms driving overweight and
tion. They induce bone resorption and production of matrix metal- obesity are simply summarized as “an imbalance between energy
loproteinase (collagenase).33,34 intake and expenditure”, the causes are more complex, involving
Periodontal pathogenesis is viewed as multilevel, including clini- gene-environment interactions for which the “complex feedback sys-
cal, cellular, and subcellular mechanisms. This complex view incorpo- tems of both neural and endocrine signaling in response to intake of
rates an updated concept of modifying factors at every level, serving food”, which evolved to respond to undernutrition, no longer protect
to facilitate further understanding of pathogenesis as new evidence the individual from overconsumption of food and subsequent weight
emerges. More than ever before, it depicts the complexity of the gain.53
biological networks that determine health and disease, highlighting Until recently, adipose tissue was believed to be inert tissue that
the importance of understanding factors that may modify pathways, stored fat as a fuel depot. It is now appreciated that adipose tissue
and ultimately clinical outcomes.25,35 is a highly active endocrine organ secreting chemicals that drive
inflammation, and that fat can also be deposited outside adipose tis-
sue, in sites such as the liver, thus driving localized inflammation.57
2.1.3 | Risk assessment
Measuring body composition to derive estimates of the total amount
Risk factors for a disease may be environmental, behavioral or bio- of adipose tissue and its distribution is therefore essential for accu-
logic, which, if present, directly increase the probability of a disease rately phenotyping individuals and understanding the risks of over-
occurring and, if absent or removed, reduce that probability. Evi- weight and obesity.
dence exists for the role of bacterial plaque,36 cigarette smoking,37,38
diabetes mellitus,39 and HIV infection40 as risk factors for periodon-
2.2.2 | Classification
titis. The term risk indicator is used to describe a probable risk factor
that has not yet been confirmed by longitudinal studies.41 Risk indi- The World Health Organization definition of obesity is based on
cators that may be associated with periodontitis are numerous and the oldest and most common measure of body composition, body
include age,37 gender,36 ethnicity,42 socioeconomic status,43 specific mass index. Body mass index was developed by Adolphe Quatelet
subgingival microbiota,44 alcohol consumption,45 interleukin-1 geno- in 1835 during his attempts to apply statistics to explain social
type,46,47 inadequate physical exercise,48 osteoporosis,49 metabolic phenomena. One of these was to classify people’s weight relative
syndrome, obesity, and stress. to the perceived ideal weight for their height.53 In the early
1900s, body mass index was used by the insurance industry to
demonstrate shortened lifespan, resulting in defined thresholds.58
2.2 | Overweight/obesity
The World Health Organization then adopted the measure, defin-
ing a classification system; the current cut-off points are shown in
2.2.1 | Characteristics
Table 1.59
Overweight and obesity have become common terms used by the As more evidence emerges, the World Health Organization
medical and scientific communities, in the press, and at social gather- state that “health risks associated with increasing body mass index
ings, taking on a variety of connotations and characteristics accord- are continuous”.59 This has stimulated further breakdown of previ-
ing to the context. Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat ous categories into subcategories to accommodate differing defini-
accumulation that presents a risk to health.52 However, operational tions of appropriate cut-off values for different ethnic
definitions use body mass index, in which overweight (body mass backgrounds.
SUVAN ET AL. | 101
T A B L E 1 International classification of body mass index (adapted In large epidemiological studies, body mass index remains predic-
from World Health Organization 200859 ) tive of health risk (cardiovascular disease, cancer, and mortality), but
Body mass index (kg/m2) it can be augmented by anthropometric measures of fat distribu-
Principal cut-off Additional cut-off tion.70 Body composition can be defined in several ways. Most com-
Classification points points monly, a two-compartment model assumes that the body is
Underweight <18.50 <18.50 composed of fat and nonfat or lean body masses. Fat can be mea-
Severe thinness <16.00 <16.00 sured directly by dual X-ray absorptiometry, computed tomography,
2.2.8 | Pathogenesis
Adipose tissue, previously viewed as a passive energy store, is now
referred to as an endocrine organ in itself.80 As adipocytes become
larger, they demonstrate altered activity with increased release of
proinflammatory mediators and decreased release of antiinflammatory
cytokines95,96 (Figure 2). Macrophages are recruited through signaling
by chemokines (chemokine ligand 2) as a consequence of fat cell
expansion and increase during weight gain. The macrophages are pri-
marily located near apoptotic adipocytes. Various mediators synthe-
sized by the fat cells and resident macrophages then contribute to
local and systemic inflammation through increased production of
interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and other proinflammatory
Hence, it is now known that adipose tissue is actively involved in
the regulation of inflammation and immunity associated with the
dysregulated or altered release of a variety of proinflammatory and
anti-inflammatory factors (eg, leptin, adiponectin, cytokines, and
chemokines).80 Visceral fat (associated with central adiposity) has
greater activity than peripheral fat cells regarding the production of
endocrine secretions responsible for the effect of fat mass on
immune function.69,98
The crucial role of adipose tissue in obesity-related systemic
inflammation is the active production of hormones and cytokines,
F I G U R E 2 Cellular components of lean and obese adipose tissue.
which acts as the link to many comorbidities of obesity.99 Obese fat CCL2, C-C motif chemokine ligand 2; IL-1b, interleukin-1beta; IL-6,
tissue (enlarged adipocytes compared with lean fat tissue), character- interleukin-6; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor alpha
ized by macrophage accumulation from the migration of inflamma-
tory monocytes that infiltrate the adipose tissue from the circulation,
results in secretion of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-6
2.2.9 | Risk assessment
by both adipocytes and macrophages. These cytokines (also classi-
fied as adipo[cyto]kines) regulate systemic inflammation, affecting The World Health Organization has identified the importance of
insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism (associated with chemo- addressing common risk factors to reduce the prevalence of non-
kine signaling). Interleukin-6 is associated with decreased insulin sig- communicable diseases, including obesity.4,52,101 Linked to the multi-
naling and induction of fatty acid oxidation, as well as secretion of factorial nature of overweight and obesity, identified risks include
C-reactive protein by the liver. Interleukin-6 expression and lipolysis not only those at the individual level, but also those at a societal or
(in the fat cells) are increased by tumor necrosis factor alpha and are environmental level. For health professionals, patient level modifiable
known to play a role in insulin resistance.75,97 Table 2 lists the myr- risk factors are most relevant; however, these may be included with
iad of adipokine activity playing a role in the pathogenesis of adipose other, less modifiable, factors.
97 The most common risk factors for weight gain or obesity are
tissue, and the associated diseases. There is evidence that some of
the anti- or proinflammatory effects of adipokines are active in the tobacco cessation, consumption of foods high in saturated and trans
innate immune response and that others stimulate an adaptive fats, salt intake, sugar consumption (especially in sweetened drinks),
immune response.100 sedentary lifestyle, as well as excessive alcohol consumption.59 In
104 | SUVAN ET AL.
↓, decrease; ↑, increase; CXCL, CXC-chemokine ligand; EAE, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; ICAM, intercellular adhesion molecule; IFN-c,
interferon-c; IL, interleukin; IL-1RA, IL-1 receptor antagonist; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; NF-kB, nuclear factor- kB; NK, natural killer; ROS, reactive oxygen
species; Th-1, T-helper 1 cell; Th-2, T-helper 2 cell; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule.
Adapted from Tilg and Moschen.95
addition, a number of medications are associated with weight gain. awareness can influence food purchasing and cooking patterns. Life-
These medications include some antidepressants, antiseizure medica- style factors, such as watching television, eating out, working night
tions, diabetes medications, antipsychotic medications, steroids, and shifts, and the distance between home and school or work, are just
beta-blockers.102 A systematic review of weight gain following smok- a few examples of confounding determinants of diet or physical
ing cessation has shown that individuals who quit smoking will experi- activity.55,105,106 Individuals with irregular and insufficient sleep pat-
ence greater weight gain than nonsmokers for a minimum of 1 year. terns have been shown to be at a higher risk of weight gain. This is
Sucrose-containing drinks have been identified as a major dietary reported to be related to the link between hormone levels/neuroen-
factor with a greater impact than many other types of food, partly docrine signaling and appetite/satiety; however, poor dietary habits
because of the high number of calories in these products. Sugary associated with irregular sleep and work schedules have been impli-
drinks are easily and quickly consumed, and supply a large number cated as a confounder in this association.84
of calories but little nutrition or sense of satiety. Unhealthy diet
and sedentary lifestyle are fundamental in assessing risk for over-
2.2.10 | Therapy for obesity
weight and obesity. Accordingly, the impact of these two factors in
the etiology of obesity - energy in vs. energy out - is indisputable Treatment of obesity aims to help the individual maintain a negative
and they remain at the center of weight gain. However, awareness energy balance for a sufficiently long duration to utilize stored
of a risk factor does not necessarily make it simple to modify. energy and thus lose weight, and then maintain a lower energy
Socioeconomic and environmental factors known to affect diet and intake and/or increased energy expenditure for long-term mainte-
activity levels have been identified as fundamental elements affect- nance of weight loss.107 Treatment is problematic because there is
ing the risk for overweight and obesity. Education levels and health clear evidence that physiological mechanisms try to maintain body
SUVAN ET AL. | 105
weight and restore lost weight, and so-called lifestyle interventions in determining the validity and clinical applicability of the findings to
(diet and exercise) result in weight loss of only 2%-3% which is their patients or setting.126 Therefore, the aim of this review is to
maintained beyond 1-2 years.108 More intensive interventions, such summarize research evidence to date pertaining to the possible peri-
as those deployed in the Look Action For Health In Diabetes trial, or odontal complications with obesity, using a meta-review approach.
by using low (or very low) energy diets, can produce both greater
initial weight loss and longer term weight-loss maintenance.109 Phar-
macotherapies have been developed that can, in conjunction with 3 | META-REVIEW METHODS
diet and lifestyle, produce greater and more sustained weight losses
of 8%-10%.110 However, the development of (laparoscopic) bariatric This meta-review was designed and conducted based upon the Pre-
surgery has shown the greatest impact on weight loss, weight-loss ferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses
maintenance, and improvement in complications caused by obesity, statement.127,128
as well as opening research areas on mechanisms for weight loss,
including gut hormones, microbiota, and bile acids.111-113 It is also
3.1 | Focused question
increasingly recognized that the weight loss achieved, and perhaps
the mechanisms involved after bariatric surgery, have marked benefi- A focused question was developed using the population, exposure,
cial effects on adipose tissue and systemic inflammation. 114
comparison, outcome criteria129: “What is the association of peri-
odontal diseases and/or periodontal complications and overweight/
obesity in children, adolescents, and adults?”
2.2.11 | Obesity and periodontal diseases
Obesity has been shown to modulate the host immune response,
3.2 | Scope of the review
resulting in increased susceptibility to various infections and exagger-
ated host immune responses to them.80 Adipose tissue (adipocytes) All systematic reviews were eligible for inclusion if they reported on
secretes several proinflammatory factors, also implicated in periodon- research studies conducted in human subjects on the potential asso-
titis, including cytokines (eg, interleukin-6) and chemokines, and can ciation or consequences of overweight/obesity and periodontal dis-
affect T-cell function. Thirty years ago, experimental evidence sug- eases in children, adolescents, or adults and were carried out
gested a possible association between obesity and periodontitis. In according to systematic review methodology.
1977, Perlstein & Bissada115 published an animal study demonstrat-
ing greater alveolar bone resorption in obese compared with nonob-
3.3 | Search and screening
ese rats. This is in agreement with a more recent report from Amar
et al116 that confirmed dysregulation of immune responses in a peri- The electronic search strategy was developed using Medical Subject
odontitis animal model resulting in increased bone loss. Early evi- Headings (MeSH) and freetext terms based on overweight/obesity
dence suggests that obese individuals are 2-3 times more likely to and periodontal/periodontitis, then piloted to confirm its suitability
suffer from periodontitis independently of traditional risk factors (in- to the focus of the review. In the electronic search, databases were
cluding age, gender, and cigarette smoking).117-122 Several clinical searched to 31 October 2017 using a basic search strategy set a pri-
studies investigating the association between obesity and periodonti- ori and customized as appropriate for each database (Cochrane
tis have been published in the last 20 years. In addition, a number of Library, Ovid National Library of Medicine Database [MEDLINE],
systematic reviews have been published during the last 7 years. Excerpta Medica database [EMBASE], and Literatura Latino-Ameri-
Personalized, preventive, and predictive medicine are dependent ^ncias da Sau
cana e do Caribe em Cie de [LILACS]). English language
on robust research evidence to guide clinical assessment, diagnosis, was applied as a restriction. Manual searching consisted of checking
and decision-making. Large volumes of published literature are avail- bibliographic references of review articles. Figure 3 provides an
able electronically to clinicians. However, the sheer mass of evidence example of the basic search strategy.
can be overwhelming. Reviews serve to summarize bodies of evi- Search results were combined in one database and duplicates
dence. Systematic reviews conducted according to a well-formulated were removed. Titles and abstracts (when available) of all reports iden-
question and protocol to minimize bias in the inclusion of primary tified through the search were screened by one reviewer (JES) for
studies facilitate the summary of numerous studies, thus allowing reviews appearing to meet the inclusion criteria. Full text articles were
clinicians to keep abreast of current literature. Furthermore, meta- obtained for potentially relevant reviews, which were then further
analysis performed as part of systematic reviews combines results to screened by two reviewers (JES and FD) to confirm their eligibility for
provide an overall summary estimating the results of multiple stud- inclusion. Narrative reviews or nonrelevant reviews were excluded.
ies.124 In a situation in which multiple systematic reviews have been
published, a meta-review proposes to summarize the content of
3.4 | Risk of bias assessment and data abstraction
these multiple systematic reviews, providing an optimal overview of
existing evidence and gaps in the research findings.125 Assessment of Assessment of the quality of included systematic reviews was per-
methodological quality is a key part of the process to assist readers formed according to A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic
106 | SUVAN ET AL.
FIGURE 4 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) flow diagram
therapy.131,133,134,137,140,142 Two of these reviews included the and showed a positive correlation to body mass index. Reduction of
same 5 studies. Overall, 5 reviews reported inconsistent evidence cytokine levels following periodontal treatment was reported in
of differing clinical responses to nonsurgical periodontal therapy some studies but was inconsistent across studies. Each of the
in obese individuals. One review reported evidence of obesity as reviews reported inconsistency in results of the levels of serum
a factor associated with a poorer response to nonsurgical peri- cytokines in obese individuals and the potential effect of confound-
odontal therapy. All reviews reported the limited number of stud- ing factors.
ies with small sample size and high levels of heterogeneity in
design as restrictions to forming conclusive statements on the
effect of obesity on healing following periodontal therapy. 4.6 | Overweight/obese and periodontal status in
4.5 | Overweight/obesity and biomarkers
Two reviews reported on studies of periodontal conditions, such as
Five systematic reviews reported on prevalence or change in gingivitis and/or biomarkers of inflammation, in children or
biomarkers associated with inflammation, periodontitis, or obe- adolescents.135,136 These reviews reported poorer gingival health in
sity. One review reported 2 studies demonstrating obese subjects compared with nonobese subjects with an odds ratio
increased levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha and decreased levels of 1.46 (95% confidence interval: 1.20-1.77) for periodontitis and
of adiponectin in obese subjects, with a reduction of tumor necrosis obesity, and an odds ratio of 5.41 (95% CI: 2.75-10.63) for bleeding
factor alpha and increase in adiponectin following treatment. on probing and obesity. Plaque levels were reported to be higher,
However, it was noted that these results were not consistent across and dietary choices poorer, than in obese and in nonobese children/
studies. The levels of C-reactive protein and proinflammatory cytoki- adolescents; however, associations were independent of these fac-
nes tended to be higher in obese subjects than in nonobese subjects tors.
108 | SUVAN ET AL.
Number of Number of
Systematic review reviews Author year (reference Systematic review reviews Author year (reference
characteristic (n = 14) number). characteristic (n = 14) number).
Publication year Longitudinal and 1 Keller et al (2015)134
Published prior to and 3 Chaffee and Weston
including 2014 (2010)132 Experimental only 4 Akram et al (2016)131
Moura-Grec et al (2014) 138
Gerber et al (2016)133
Suvan et al (2011)143 Nascimento et al (2016)140
Published 2015-2017 11 Akram et al (2016) 130,131
Papageorgiou et al (2015)142
Gerber et al (2016)133 Population sample
Keller et al (2015) 134
Adult only 10 Akram et al (2016)131
Li et al (2015)135 Chaffee and Weston
136 (2010)132
Martens et al (2017)
Gerber et al (2016)133
Martinez-Herrera et al
(2017)137 Keller et al (2015)134
Nascimento et al Martinez-Herrera et al
(2016)139,140 (2017)137
Nascimento et al (2015)141 Nascimento et al
Papageorgiou et al
(2015)142 Nascimento et al (2015)141
Country of corresponding author Papageorgiou et al (2015)142
Belgium 1 Martens et al (2017)136 Suvan et al (2011)143
Brazil 4 Moura-Grec et al (2014) 138
Children/adolescent 2 Li et al (2015)135
Nascimento et al Martens et al (2017)136
(2016)139,140 Adult and adolescent 2 Akram et al (2016)
Nascimento et al (2015)141 Moura-Grec et al (2014)138
Denmark 1 Keller et al (2015)134 Interventions treatment response studies
Germany 1 Papageorgiou et al Nonsurgical only 4 Akram et al (2016)131
Keller et al (2015)134
Hong Kong 1 Li et al (2015)135
Martinez-Herrera et al
Malaysia 2 Akram et al (2016)130,131 (2017)137
Spain 1 Martinez-Herrera et al Nascimento (2016)140
Included adjuncts to 2 Gerber et al (2016)133
Switzerland 1 Gerber et al (2016)133 nonsurgical Papageorgiou et al (2015)142
UK 1 Suvan et al (2011)143
Meta-analysis performed
USA 1 Chaffee and Weston
Meta-analysis of some 11 Akram et al (2016)130,131
studies Chaffee and Weston
Design of included studies
Cross-sectional only 3 Li et al (2015)
Li et al (2015)135
Moura-Grec et al (2014)138
Martens et al (2017)136
Nascimento et al (2016)139
Moura-Grec et al (2014)138
Cross-sectional and 3 Chaffee and Weston
Nascimento et al
longitudinal (2010)132
Martens et al (2017)136
Nascimento et al (2015)141
Suvan et al (2011)143
Papageorgiou et al (2015)142
Cross-sectional and 2 Akram et al (2016)130
Suvan et al (2011)143
No meta-analysis 3 Gerber et al (2016)133
Martinez-Herrera et al
(2017)137 Keller et al (2015)134
FIGURE 6 Overview of frequency of studies supporting an association between overweight/obesity and periodontal diseases
TABLE 4 (Continued)
Publication (First author, year, Overweight/obesity case
reference number, Country, definitions or related PD case definition or related
Article title) Scope of the review parameters parameters Results Author conclusions
Moura-Grec (2014)138 Designs: All study designs other Eight different definitions/ 16 different definitions/criteria No. of included studies: 31 (all Obesity was associated
Brazil than case series. criteria/BMIcut-off points reported to categorize as PD cross-sectional). with periodontitis;
Obesity and periodontitis: Sample: Humans aged 15 y reported to categorize Meta-analysis: 22 studies. however, the risk factors
systematic review and meta- and older. overweight/obesity. Positive association of obesity that aggravate these
analysis Search: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Measures reported included as a risk factor for diseases should be better
LILACS, Cochrane. BMI and, WC periodontitis in 25 studies, 6 clarified to elucidate the
Language: English, Spanish, and did not show a positive direction of this
Portuguese. association. association. Working with
Year: No restriction up to and Compared with normal weight, paired samples and
including December 2010. overweight and obese showed avoiding confusion factors
Aim: To conduct a systematic increased odds or periodontal may contribute to
review of the studies on the disease OR = 1.30 (95% CI: homogeneity between the
association between obesity 1.25-1.35) studies
and periodontitis
Keller (2015)134 Designs: Longitudinal (cohort) Overweight/obesity definitions/ Seven different periodontal No. of included studies: 8 This systematic review
Denmark and experimental studies. cut-off points not reported. outcomes reported; PD and longitudinal. suggests that overweight,
Association between Sample: Children, adolescents, Measures reported include CAL were the most common 5 experimental. obesity, weight gain, and
periodontal disease and adults. BMI and WC outcomes. Meta-analysis: None. increased WC may be risk
overweight and obesity: A Search: MEDLINE, Web of All intervention studies 5/8 longitudinal studies: factors for development
systematic review Knowledge. reported on nonsurgical positive association between of periodontitis or
Language: Not reported. periodontal therapy degree of overweight/obesity worsening of periodontal
Year: No restriction up to and and development of measures
including June 2014. periodontitis.
Aim: To examine the time- 2/5 intervention studies
dependent association reported better response to
between obesity and therapy in lean patients
periodontitis in the general compared with obese patients.
population 3/5 intervention studies did
not report differences in
response to therapy.
1/5 intervention study showed
increased response in bariatric
surgery patients compared
with controls
TABLE 4 (Continued)
Publication (First author, year, Overweight/obesity case
reference number, Country, definitions or related PD case definition or related
Article title) Scope of the review parameters parameters Results Author conclusions
Li (2015) Design: Observational or BMI standard categories Various periodontal outcomes Number of included studies: 16. Obesity is associated with
Hong Kong longitudinal studies. adjusted for age and WC employed including gingival All cross-sectional; 1 on some signs of PD in
Anthropometric Sample: Children, adolescents. bleeding, loss of attachment, preschool children, 9 on children and adolescents.
measurements and Search: MEDLINE, Web of PI, probing pocket depth, CPI, children with mixed dentition, Further studies with a
periodontal diseases in Knowledge, Cochrane, GI, and calculus and 6 on adolescents. comprehensive
children and adolescents: a ProQuest, British Nursing Meta-analysis: 3 studies. prospective cohort design
systematic review and meta- Index, ComDisDome, Gender 3 studies: obese compared and more potential
analysis Watch. with nonobese; plaque and variables are
Language: English. obesity OR = 4.75 (95% CI: recommended
Year: No restriction up to and 2.42-9.34) (P < .001).
including December 2014. 3 studies: BOP and obesity
Aim: To identify and OR = 5.41 (95% CI: 2.75-
summarize evidence of the 10.63) (P < .001).
association between 2 studies: probing depth
anthropometric measurements >4 mm and obesity no
and periodontal status in association.
children and adolescents 2 studies: subgingival calculus
and obesity OR = 3.07 (95%
CI: 1.10-8.62) (P < .001)
Nascimento (2015)141 Design: Longitudinal studies. WHO BMI category cutpoints in 4 definitions of PD No. of included studies: 5. A clear positive association
Brazil Sample: Adults. all studies. 4 definitions of disease All prospective. between weight gain and
Is weight gain associated with Search: MEDLINE, EMBASE, WC reported in 2 studies with progression Meta-analysis: 5 studies. new cases of periodontitis
the incidence of periodontitis? Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS. differing cut-off points Patients in overweight/obese was found. However,
A systematic review and Language: No language category had higher risk for these results originated
meta-analysis restrictions. developing periodontitis than from limited evidence.
Year: No restriction up to and those in BMI nonobese Therefore, more studies
including February 2015. category. with longitudinal
Aim: To conduct a systematic Overweight RR = 1.13 (95% prospective design are
review assessing the effects of CI: 1.06-1.20). needed
weight gain on the incidence Obese RR = 1.33 (95% CI:
of perioBontitis in adults 1.21-1.47)
TABLE 4 (Continued)
Publication (First author, year, Overweight/obesity case
reference number, Country, definitions or related PD case definition or related
Article title) Scope of the review parameters parameters Results Author conclusions
Papageorgiou (2015) Design: Randomized and WHO categories of BMI. Interventions included: No. of included studies: 15 Whereas no difference was
Germany nonrandomized experimental Overweight/obese grouped • supra-gingival debridement 4 RCTs and 11 non-RCTs. found in clinical
Effect of overweight/obesity studies. together in some studies or (1/15). Meta-analysis: 8 studies (with periodontal parameters,
on response to periodontal Sample: Adults. analyses and separated in • nonsurgical periodontal subgroup analyses in significant differences in
treatment: Systematic review Search: Databases not others therapy (8/15). nondiabetic or diabetic inflammatory or metabolic
and a meta-analysis reported. • nonsurgical therapy plus population samples) analyzing parameters were found
Language: No restrictions. antibiotics (5/15). mean difference from baseline. between overweight/
Year: No restriction up to and • nonsurgical therapy plus No statistically significant obese and nonobese
including July 2013. differences were found in PPD patients, but existing
surgical therapy (1/15)
Aim: To investigate whether or CAL between overweight/ evidence is weak
the response to periodontal obese and nonobese groups,
treatment differs among obese, between baseline and post
overweight, or nonobese therapy. All therapies were
patients grouped together in the meta-
Significant differences in
inflammatory and metabolic
parameters were based on 1
study in which the level of
TNF-a was found to be higher
in overweight/obese individuals
before treatment and
demonstrated greater reduction
after treatment compared with
nonobese individuals. Mean
difference: 1.57 (95% CI:
2.61 to 0.53) pg/mL.
TABLE 4 (Continued)
Publication (First author, year, Overweight/obesity case
reference number, Country, definitions or related PD case definition or related
Article title) Scope of the review parameters parameters Results Author conclusions
Akram (2016)131 Design: Intervention studies. WHO BMI cut-off points Nonsurgical therapy without Number of included studies: 5. It remains unclear whether
Malaysia Sample: Adults. wereused for defining obesity. adjunctive therapies. 2/5 studies showed statistically NSPT has a significantly
Efficacy of nonsurgical Search: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Test group: obese. significant differences in higher impact on the
periodontal therapy in the Cochrane, SCOPUS, Google Control group: nonobese. clinical parameters, with clinical periodontal
management of chronic Scholar, Web of Knowledge. Some studies included smokers nonobese subjects outcomes in obese
periodontitis among obese Language: Not reported. and others excluded smokers demonstrating better patients than in nonobese
and nonobese patients: a Year: From 1977 up to and periodontal condition following patients with chronic
systematic review and meta- including December 2014. therapy. periodontitis, given that
analysis Aim: To evaluate the efficacy Meta-analysis: 3. the number of selected
of NSPTin the management of Only 3/5 studies (2 reporting studies was relatively low
CP among obese and no difference in clinical and the reported findings
nonobese patients parameters between obese and were inconsistent
nonobese subjects after
treatment and one reporting
statistically significant
difference) reported similar
clinical parameters and were
combined in meta-analysis;
however, heterogeneity was
No statistically significant
differences were reported in
clinical parameters (PPD and
CAL) between obese and
nonobese subjects in the
overall mean reported in the
Biomarkers investigated were
IL-6, IL-1b, IFN-c, TNF-a, CRP,
leptin, and adiponectin: results
were variable and inconclusive
TABLE 4 (Continued)
Publication (First author, year, Overweight/obesity case
reference number, Country, definitions or related PD case definition or related
Article title) Scope of the review parameters parameters Results Author conclusions
Akram (2016) Design: Clinical trials, cross- Cut-off points used to define 16 different definitions/criteria Number of included studies: 11. The degree of localized
Malaysia sectional, observational studies. obesity in the various included were reported to categorize as 8 cross-sectional and 3 periodontal inflammation
Cytokine profile in chronic Sample: Adults, adolescents. studies were not reported in PD intervention studies (non-RCT). may have greater
periodontitis patients with Search: MEDLINE, EMBASE, the review Four studies required >30% of Meta-analysis: separate for influence on the levels of
and without obesity: A Science Direct SCOPUS, Web sites to be affected. each of the following proinflammatory
systematic review and meta- of Knowledge. All samples from GCF cytokines: resistin, adiponectin, biomarkers in GCF
analysis Language: Not reported. TNF-a, resistin, leptin, IL-6, IL- compared with systemic
Year: From 1977 up to and 8, IL-1b. obesity. Whether or not
including May 2016. Obese subjects versus patients with chronic
Aim: To systematically review nonobese subjects with periodontitis and obesity
the gingival crevicular fluid chronic periodontitis: have elevated
cytokine profile in chronic • TNF-a: significant mean proinflammatory levels of
periodontitis patients with and difference (P = .004). biomarkers in GCF
without obesity • IL-6: no mean difference compared with nonobese
(P = .903). individuals remains a
• resistin: significantly higher matter of debate
resistin levels in obese
subjects (P = .02).
• adiponectin: no mean
difference (P = .23).
• leptin: no mean difference
(P = .87).
• IL-8: no mean difference
(P = .22).
• IL-1b: significant mean
difference (P < .001)
TABLE 4 (Continued)
Publication (First author, year, Overweight/obesity case
reference number, Country, definitions or related PD case definition or related
Article title) Scope of the review parameters parameters Results Author conclusions
Gerber (2016)133 Design: Intervention studies. WHO BMI cut-off points used Intervention in all studies was Number of included studies: 8. The literature on the effect
Switzerland Sample: Adults. to define obesity nonsurgical periodontal All interventional. of obesity on the
Influence of obesity on the Search: SCOPUS, MEDLINE, therapy using hand and/or Meta-analysis: None. treatment outcome of
outcome of nonsurgical Cochrane, CINAHL, BioSIS, ultrasonic instruments 3/8 studies failed to show nonsurgical periodontal
periodontal therapy - a Web of Science. including oral hygiene influence of obesity on pocket therapy remains
systematic review Language: Restricted to English instruction depth reduction after controversial. The data,
and German. nonsurgical therapy. however, support the
Year: No restriction up to and 5/8 studies showed a clear conclusion that obesity is
including January 2016. negative effect of obesity on not only a factor
Aim: To study the hypothesis the outcome of nonsurgical associated with poorer
whether the clinical outcome, therapy. periodontal health but
in terms of pocket depth Effect noted especially for might also result in
reduction, after nonsurgical moderate-to-deep pockets. inferior response to
periodontal therapy in Significant difference in nonsurgical treatment of
nonobese individuals, is better percentage of pocket reduction periodontitis
than in obese individuals to <5 mm following therapy as
well as lower mean. PPD
reduction in obese individuals
compared with nonobese
Obese individuals found to
have deeper periodontal
pockets at baseline in all
Nascimento (2016)139 Design: Observational studies. Self-reported BMI (1 study). Tooth loss cut-off points Number of included studies: 16 The results indicate a
Brazil Sample: Adults. BMI cut-off points combining included: (12 examining impact of bidirectional association
Is there a relationship Search: MEDLINE, Web of overweight/obesity (2 studies). • 1-5 missing teeth. edentulism on obesity and 4 between tooth loss and
between obesity and tooth Knowledge, SCOPUS, SciELO. BMI WHO Overweight • 6-31 missing teeth. considering impact of obesity obesity. Considering that
loss and edentulism? A Language: No restrictions. separate from BMI WHO • edentulous (1/4 studies). on edentulism). all selected studies were
systematic review and meta- Year: No restriction up to and Obese (1 study). • edentulism (1/4 studies). Meta-analysis: 4 studies of cross-sectional study
analysis including July 2015. • ≥1 missing teeth (2/4 studies) considering obesity as design, limiting inferences
Aim: To assess the exposure. on temporality,
bidirectional association Obese: longitudinal perspective
between tooth loss/edentulism studies are required to
and obesity • OR = 1.49 (95% CI: 1.20- test the causal
1.86) for any tooth loss. relationship between
• OR = 1.25 (95% CI: 1.10- tooth loss/edentulism and
1.42) for edentulism obesity or vice versa
TABLE 4 (Continued)
TABLE 4 (Continued)
95% CI, 95% confidence interval; ABL, alveolar bone loss; BMI, body mass index; BOP, bleeding on probing; CAL, clinical attachment level; CP, chronic periodontitis; CPI, Community Periodontal Index;
CRP, C-reactive protein; GCF, gingival crevicular fluid; GI, gingival index; IFN-c, interferon-gamma; IL, interleukin; NSPT, nonsurgical periodontal therapy; OR, odds ratio; PI, plaque index; PD, periodontal
disease; PPD, periodontal probing depth; RCTs, randomized controlled trials; RR, relative risk; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor alpha; WC, waist circumference; WHO, World Health organization; WHR,
waist/hip ratio.
T A B L E 5 Quality assessment of included publications according to A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews (AMSTAR)
Health Organization obesity levels I, II, and III. The reported odds of the included studies in terms of participant inclusion criteria,
ratios were 1.20, 1.46, 1.78, and 2.31, respectively, for each body interventions administered, and reported outcomes. For example, 1
mass index group, inferring a dose-response association.147 A sta- study based analysis of the effect of obesity on response to treat-
tistically significant association between the number of teeth with ment between study groups on sites with probing depths ≥4 mm
deepened pockets and body mass index, body fat percentage, and following treatment no statistically significant difference was
waist circumference was demonstrated in a Finnish population shown.157 This study was 1 of 3, included in the review by Gerber
sample.148 While such results warrant further confirmation, more et al,133 which did not demonstrate a difference in periodontal clini-
recent investigations have highlighted possible contributing factors. cal parameters in obese versus nonobese subjects following treat-
A cross-sectional study conducted in Brazil reported obese cases ment. Five of 8 studies in this review did report poorer clinical
to have a higher risk of unfavorable periodontal status, with a rel- responses to periodontal treatment in obese compared with nonob-
ative risk of 1.45 for attachment loss. Furthermore, the study ese subjects, with the comment that the effect was specifically
compared abdominal obesity with general obesity and reported no observed in moderate-to-deep pockets.133 Therefore, the difference
evidence of the effect of the latter on bleeding on probing, whilst reported in studies of periodontal therapy may be attributed, in part,
the former was linked to periodontal attachment loss and bleeding to baseline severity of disease and thresholds used for analysis.
on probing.146 The included reviews that reported on surrogate measures of
Studies of disease onset or progression are infrequent but association between periodontitis and obesity (ie, soluble markers)
some have reported on the association between obesity and peri- demonstrated variability in results; this was partly because of the
odontitis progression, with 5 of 8 supporting a temporal sequence type of sample selected (gingival crevicular fluid, serum, or plasma)
between them. In a 5-year follow-up study of 3590 Japanese indi- and the specific biomarkers analyzed. One of the reviews focused
viduals, a linear relationship between periodontitis progression and solely on assessing the cytokine profiles in gingival crevicular fluid
body mass index was observed. In 2 studies based on the from chronic periodontitis patients with and without obesity; 8
examination of 1038 US veterans as part of a 40-year health sur- reported a similar cytokine profile (of resistin, adiponecin, leptin,
vey, body mass index, waist circumference, and waist circumfer- interleukin-6, interleukin-8, interleukin-10, and interleukin-1beta) in
ence-to-height ratio were all significant predictors of periodontitis obese and nonobese subjects; whereas 5 reported greater differ-
progression in men, with those who gained weight most rapidly ences in some cytokines (resistin, interleukin-8, interleukin-1beta,
presenting with higher levels of periodontal attachment loss.150,151 tumor necrosis factor alpha, progranulin, monocyte chemotactic pro-
A recent subgroup analysis of 292 men from the same cohort tein-4, and lipocalin).130 However, some studies did not standardize
suggested that the association of central adiposity and progression the methodology of gingival crevicular fluid collection and/or did not
of periodontitis is attenuated by genetic variants of proinflamma- report exclusion of participants based on the presence of other sys-
tory interleukin-1.152 A retrospective analysis of 582 individuals temic diseases, such as diabetes. Changes in clinical parameters fol-
who were part of the Porto Alegre Epidemiological study demon- lowing periodontal therapy were not consistently reflective of
strated that obese individuals had a higher risk of periodontal changes in local or circulating biomarker analyses.130,131,137,140,142
attachment loss than nonobese individuals (relative risk = 1.36 Additional reports of biomarker analyses have been published in
[95% CI: 1.04-1.78]). A stratified analysis demonstrated that the 2016-2017, some of which are discussed within the context of our
association was present for female subjects (relative risk = 1.64 current understanding of possible mechanisms of the association
[95% confidence interval: 1.11-2.43]) but not for male subjects between obesity and periodontal diseases. Two recent publications
(relative risk = 1.13 [95% confidence interval: 0.75-1.69]).
investigated the impact of obesity on periimplant inflammation by
Reviews of experimental studies produced varying results and comparing clinical parameters and either periimplant sulcular fluid
conclusions on the association of overweight/obesity with inferior or whole saliva.158,159 Elangovan et al159 reported a statistically sig-
response to periodontal therapy. This may have occurred for rea- nificant correlation between interleukin-1beta in peri-implant sulcu-
sons associated with the heterogeneity of the design of the studies lar fluid and waist circumference in 73 periodontal maintenance
included. For example, in one review, all experimental studies patients with implants. In a study of 72 men, mean periimplant
included failed to show a positive association.142 This review was probing depth and bleeding on probing were statistically signifi-
unique because it included studies on patients with and without cantly higher in obese than in nonobese individuals. Salivary levels
type 2 diabetes as well as interventions with adjunctive use of sys- of interleukin-1beta and interleukin-6 were also higher in obese
temic antibiotics, each of which may have masked the effects of individuals.
other factors, such as obesity. Many of the studies investigating the
clinical response to periodontal therapy included in the reviews
5.1 | Possible mechanisms
were conducted on a small sample of patients and did not report
calculation of a sample size; therefore, uncertainty remains regarding Published reports of the possible mechanisms or pathways connect-
the validity of any difference demonstrated.154-156 Meta-analysis of ing obesity and periodontal diseases continue to increase our under-
small studies may help overcome this issue; however, it was not standing of the complexity of the association. An exaggerated host
possible to do so here because of the high levels of heterogeneity immune response was initially reported in an experimental model of
SUVAN ET AL. | 121
periodontal bone loss.116 Clinical evidence confirmed that obese insulin sensitivity and contributing to a proinflammatory state in
individuals have an increased local inflammatory response160 as well obese individuals. An early study showed secretion of reactive oxy-
as an altered periodontal microflora.161 As the host response to local gen species to be upregulated in adipose tissue and the liver of mice
bacterial challenge is a key factor in the pathogenesis of periodonti- on a high fat diet.166 Oxidative stress has also been implicated in
tis, differences in the oral microbiome, together with an altered host severe periodontitis with the suggestion of obesity playing a con-
response in obesity, have been investigated. Reports of the oral/pe- tributing role.167,168 This notion is supported by a study that com-
riodontal microbiome composition in overweight and obese individu- pared oxidative stress in nonobese and obese subjects who were
als remain few in number. A recent observational study reported periodontally healthy or had gingivitis or periodontitis. They found
obesity to be associated with increased proportions of periodontal oxidative stress to be higher in the obese plus chronic periodontitis
pathogens, particularly in patients with obesity and chronic peri- group compared with the nonobese plus chronic periodontitis group;
odontitis, but also in obese individuals without periodontitis.162 An higher in the obese plus gingivitis group compared with the nonob-
investigation of obese individuals after bariatric surgery and an ese plus gingivitis group; and higher in the periodontally healthy
obese control group with or without periodontitis compared the oral group compared with the periodontally healthy nonobese group.169
and gastric presence of periodontal pathogens and Helicobacter In a similar study design (4 groups), Suresh et al170 also reported
pylori. Higher frequency of H. pylori was reported in both oral and more oxidative stress in obese individuals with periodontitis com-
stomach environments in patients who had undergone bariatric sur- pared with periodontally healthy individuals with obesity.
gery compared with the obese control group (no surgery).147 Leptin, also secreted from adipose tissue, plays a role in immune
An alternative mechanism behind this association could be the system function and it is suggested that it plays a role in the patho-
altered insulin sensitivity state found in obese individuals.163 genesis of chronic inflammation, with the elevated levels of leptin in
Research suggests that reduced insulin sensitivity coupled with obesity believed to contribute to the low-grade inflammation.171
increased production and accumulation of advanced glycation end- Reports of leptin levels in gingival crevicular fluid or saliva have been
products at the gingival level in people with diabetes can result in inconsistent.130 Evidence of the association of elevated circulating
greater periodontal tissue destruction. Researchers in Spain levels of leptin in obese individuals with periodontitis continue to
evaluated 110 obese and 102 lean individuals to determine the role emerge. Thanakun et al172 reported higher levels of tumor necrosis
of insulin resistance in the association between obesity and peri- factor alpha, interleukin-6, leptin, and C-reactive protein in over-
odontitis. Individuals were divided into nonobese and obese groups, weight and obese individuals with periodontitis compared with their
with and without insulin resistance, and were then assessed for nonobese counterparts. Adiponectin (anti-inflammatory) was found
inflammatory markers and periodontal status. In agreement with to be present at lower levels in overweight/obese individuals with
reports presented in the systematic reviews, the results showed that periodontitis. A recent cross-sectional analysis of the levels of resis-
periodontitis was more prevalent and greater in extent and severity tin, adiponectin, leptin, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-6
in obese subjects than in lean individuals, but was most extensive in in the gingival crevicular fluid of nonobese and obese subjects, with
obese subjects with insulin resistance.145 and without periodontitis, concluded that obesity stimulated upregu-
Chronic periodontitis has been suggested as a distant source of lation of local tumor necrosis factor alpha and serum interleukin-6,
inflammatory by-products affecting insulin sensitivity.164 Tumor the levels of which were highest in the obese group with periodonti-
necrosis factor alpha is one of the cytokines secreted by visceral tis. The levels of adiponectin were decreased, whereas the levels of
adipose tissue in particular, and is implicated in mediation of endo- leptin in gingival crevicular fluid did not differ between groups.173
toxin-induced injury in periodontal tissue.165 The concentrations of Kanoriya et al174 compared gingival crevicular fluid and serum levels
tumor necrosis factor alpha have been reported to be higher in of leptin in 70 individuals divided into obese and nonobese groups
patients with periodontitis compared with periodontally healthy with or without periodontitis, and found that elevated serum levels
patients, and have been shown to be reduced following periodontal of leptin correlated to level of obesity and periodontal health, with
therapy.161 In the previously mentioned study investigating the role the obese periodontitis group demonstrating the highest levels (non-
of insulin resistance, the levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha and obese periodontally healthy subjects had the lowest levels of leptin),
high sensitivity C-reactive protein were higher in all obese subjects while gingival crevicular fluid levels of leptin were inconsistent
than in nonobese subjects.145 Higher levels of tumor necrosis factor among the groups.
alpha in gingival crevicular fluid has been shown to be associated Dyslipidemia is a clinical condition proposed to be associated
with a body mass index of ≥40. 75
An association of tumor necrosis with periodontitis in addition to obesity, diabetes or vascular disor-
factor alpha in gingival crevicular fluid with body mass index has ders. It is suggested that dyslipidemia may exist as a link between
also been demonstrated in obese subjects without periodontitis. It obesity and periodontitis. Cury et al175 recently investigated serum
is suggested that tumor necrosis factor alpha found in gingival cre- levels of lipids in nonobese and obese patients with or without peri-
vicular fluid of obese subjects may be secreted from the adipose odontitis. Their results showed that periodontitis and obesity, jointly
tissue.164 or individually, were associated with poorer lipid profiles, with obese
Production of reactive oxygen species resulting in oxidative individuals with periodontitis demonstrating the poorest profiles.
stress has been investigated as a pathway that may be linked to Zuza et al176 also reported poorer lipid profiles in obese compared
122 | SUVAN ET AL.
with nonobese individuals, with lipid profiles of all subjects with peri-
odontitis being altered following nonsurgical therapy in the obese
Evidence also exists of a link between different gene expression
profiles and obesity/periodontitis. After inducing experimental peri-
odontitis in obese Zucker rats, Endo and coworkers177 concluded
that systemic low-grade inflammation after inducing experimental
periodontitis was associated with gene expression of transcribing C-
reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha in the
liver, and C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 in white adipose tis-
sue, accounting for the higher susceptibility of obese Zucker rats.
O’Neill et al178 highlighted the important role of toll-like receptors
(specifically toll-like receptor 4) as part of the innate immune
response regulating macrophages. It was later demonstrated that
one means by which toll-like receptor 4 affects macrophages is
through the increase or decrease in microRNA-107.179 A recent
report highlights a modulating action of specific microRNAs (mi-
croRNA-200b and microRNA-200c) on cell lines including macro-
phages, resulting in downregulation of the nuclear factor kappa-
light-chain-enhancer of activated B-cells pathway (which is toll-like
receptor 4 dependent).180 It is possible that microRNAs modified in
obesity may affect the inflammatory gene targets that predispose to
periodontitis.181 The increase in adipokines released from adipocytes
triggers macrophage infiltration and the release of cytokines such as
interleukin-1beta, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha, lead-
ing to insulin resistance and the induction of more inflammation.182
In efforts to understand mechanisms of association between obe-
sity and comorbidities, such as periodontal diseases, substances associ-
ated with appetite and consumption of nutrients have been F I G U R E 7 Signaling pathway depicting possible links among
investigated. Ghrelin, one of the hormones secreted by stomach cells, obesity, inflammation and periodontitis. CRP, C-reactive protein;
plays a role in energy balance through stimulation of appetite. It stimu- LPS, lipopolysaccharide; ROS, reactive oxygen species
lates growth hormones, but also plays a part in insulin release. A fatty acid production (ultimately contributing to insulin resistance), as
cross-sectional comparison of overweight/obese subjects with nonob- well as altering the gut microbiome or hormone production. Lastly,
ese individuals, with and without periodontitis, demonstrated that altered gut permeability with leaking lipopolysaccharide molecules
ghrelin levels in gingival crevicular fluid were significantly lower in indi- could contribute to this general state of chronic inflammation identi-
viduals with chronic periodontitis and overweight/obesity (me- fied in obese individuals. The resultant increased inflammatory
dian = 118 pg per site) compared with lean individuals with chronic response may, in turn, contribute to alteration of the oral micro-
periodontitis (median = 140 pg per site), or periodontally healthy indi- biome and/or the local gingival responses to bacteria. Furthermore,
viduals with overweight/obesity (median = 145 pg per site).183 it has been proposed that obesity is associated with altered micro-
Understanding the complex interplay of all mediators and factors flora via more direct pathways (possibly associated with dietary
determining a dysregulated or altered homeostasis in inflammatory choices). Once periodontitis is established, the local inflammatory
and immune responses in patients with obesity and periodontitis and infectious burden contribute to stimulate the host hepatic
remains the pursuit of many. Figure 7 is a proposed model outlining response further, via increased systemic dissemination of bacterial
current understanding of the signaling pathways that may underpin end products (lipopolysaccharides) and proinflammatory cytokines
the relationship between obesity and periodontitis. (such as tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-6), as well as
The host systemic inflammatory response (mounted by the liver) increased production of reactive oxygen species.
lies at the center of the various pathways implicated in the associa-
tion between overweight/obesity and periodontitis. Adipose tissue
(fat cells) secrete proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis 6 | IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH
factor alpha and interleukin-6, that are key inducers of the acute PROFESSIONALS
phase hepatic response, resulting in an increased level of C-reactive
protein. Adipocytokine secretions may contribute to this hepatic This meta-review highlights the importance of risk assessment as
response, including an increase in reactive oxygen species and free an essential part of patient care. This concept is based on the
SUVAN ET AL. | 123
current understanding that periodontitis is a multifactorial chronic diseases.187 It is suggested that dental professionals could play a role
disease with susceptibility varying from one individual to another. in this collaborative approach.
Specific targeting of therapies according to estimated risk of each
patient has been proposed as the key to periodontal disease man-
Increasing evidence of obesity as a risk indicator for periodontitis
is merely a beginning and does not yet facilitate our understanding The results of this meta-review suggest that further studies are
of the possible impact for patient care. Questions arise regarding the required to replicate the current findings in specific population
ways possible to assess or quantify the risk at the level of an individ- samples in order to explore differences according to age, gender, eth-
ual patient or a tooth. As there are minimal data on the potential nicity, or other possible confounding factors. There are several popula-
benefit of weight loss in reducing the injurious and additive effect of tion-based prevalence studies that show the association at a
obesity on periodontal disease, we are unable to choose and recom- population level, and further research in this area should be based on
mend treatment regimens that might work best to compensate for published standardized definitions of disease onset, presence, and pro-
the effect of obesity. With insufficient evidence to guide specific gression, to understand the magnitude of effect of overweight/obe-
treatment strategies for obese individuals, professionals should not sity. These studies should include more precise phenotyping of body
limit clinical judgements to body mass index thresholds or other composition and fat distribution, to facilitate understanding of the cor-
measures of overweight/obesity, but rather should adhere to known relation of each method of assessment with periodontal outcomes.
principles of evidence-based and personalized healthcare, making Sufficient evidence is available to allow the design of studies of
clinical decisions that incorporate individual patient characteristics. possible interventions or treatment regimens as part of the manage-
This demands an increasingly interactive approach to patient care ment of oral health in overweight and obese individuals. These stud-
that is focused on healthy lifestyle strategies to address modifiable ies should include longer follow-up to facilitate understanding of the
risk factors supplemented by personalized choices of professionally elements of secondary prevention (periodontal maintenance therapy),
rendered therapies. and should test interventions and strategies that would be feasible
In the context of overweight and obesity, the first step might be for practitioners in routine care.
for every dental professional to incorporate recordings of height and Further studies investigating systemic biomarkers are indicated
weight (with subsequent calculation of body mass index) into daily to advance knowledge of possible mechanisms linking overweight/
practice as a part of risk assessment. Additionally, assessing fat dis- obesity and periodontitis. These studies could lead to a better under-
tribution by measuring waist circumference could add to risk stratifi- standing of mechanisms responsible for the association between
cation. Both measures could increase awareness of overweight and periodontitis and obesity, and open new avenues for the identifica-
obesity with patients. Similarly to the issue of self-awareness and tion of therapeutic targets in order to maximize treatment responses
reporting of smoking, people tend to underestimate their weight but and disease management.
tend to overestimate their height, resulting in a misconception of
their body mass index.184,185 As a consequence of not knowing their
body mass index category, many people may not associate the 8 | CONCLUSIONS
health risks that they hear are related to a high body mass index as
something that is relevant for them. In conclusion, the results presented in this meta-review support the
Likewise, it is proposed that practitioners caring for patients with notion of obesity as a factor contributing to periodontal complica-
obesity should be aware of the possible increased risk of periodonti- tions. Specifically, the included systematic reviews provide evidence
tis in their obese patients, and of its potential to add to the already of an association between overweight/obesity and the prevalence,
obesity-related elevation in cardiovascular risk. While obesity man- extent, and severity of periodontal diseases, and treatment
agement may not yet be proven to reduce this, periodontal treat- response in all age groups. In the context of personalized and pre-
ment certainly has been, and should therefore be a mandatory part dictive medical models that suggest the importance of risk assess-
of comprehensive care, with possibly even referral for periodontal ment, these findings suggest that dental professionals should
assessment, as has already been proposed for professionals treating consider assessment of body mass index as part of daily practice as
patients with diabetes.50 a means of assessing patients, with the intent to individualize pre-
In August 2013, The Lancet published a comment statement enti- ventive and treatment strategies. Furthermore, assessment and dis-
tled “A milestone in the response to noncommunicable diseases”; pri- cussion of risk associated with overweight/obesity serves to
orities published in April 2011 were adopted as a Global Action Plan increase patient awareness of obesity as a chronic disease and seri-
for Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Disease 2013- ous health condition. Although evidence is lacking to provide speci-
2020 by 194 World Health Organization member states. The fic guidelines to clinicians on the management of periodontal
action plan proposes a multifaceted collaborative approach to diseases in overweight and obese individuals, awareness of the
involve health professionals, industry, governments, and the public in potential for increased risk of periodontal complications is impor-
reducing the common modifiable risk factors for noncommunicable tant. Obesity experts should be aware of the increased risk for
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