HUM02 PtaskPlan Q3
HUM02 PtaskPlan Q3
HUM02 PtaskPlan Q3
Content The learners demonstrate appreciation of contemporary art forms, found in the various
Standards regions by understanding the elements and principles.
Performance The learners present a form of integrated contemporary art based on the region of his /
Standard her choice. (Visual design)
G- The goal is to have a final output of your recreated artwork.
R- You role is to be a contemporary artist.
A- Your target audience are your fellow classmates and teachers.
S- The challenge involves in dealing different art styles/techniques/materials and
choosing an artwork of your choice.
P- You will recreate an artwork by modifying some parts based on your
Details appreciation/understanding. You can recreate by using different art form (i. e. painting
to music, sculpture to performance art, etc.), art style (i.e. figurative expressionism to
cubism, pop art to digital art, etc.) and use different materials (i.e. from stone to wood,
oil painting to watercolor, etc.) in order to show appreciation of contemporary art. You
will also provide a video while you are doing your artwork to prove you made it. With
this, you will create a brief explanation of your artwork. Everything should be uploaded
in Schoology.
S- A successful artwork will be evaluated through the criteria below.