5 - Hvac Soq
5 - Hvac Soq
5 - Hvac Soq
1 All items of work under this Contract shall be executed strictly to fulfill the requirements laid down
under “Basis of Design” in the specifications. Type of equipment, material specification, methods of
installation and testing and type of control shall be in accordance with the specifications, approved
shop drawings and the relevant Indian Standards, however capacity of each component and their
quantities shall be such as to fulfill the above mentioned requirement.
2 The unit rate for all equipment or materials shall include cost in INDIAN RUPEES (INR) for
equipment and materials including all taxes and duties and also including forwarding, freight,
insurance and transport into Contractor’s store at site, storage, installation, testing, balancing,
commissioning and other works required.
3 The rate for each item of work included in the Schedule of Quantities shall, unless expressly stated
otherwise, include cost of :
f In the event of conflict between Schedule of Quantities and other documents including
the Specifications, the most stringent shall apply. The interpretation of the
Consultant/Project Manager shall be final and binding.
4 The Contractor shall procure and bring Materials/Equipment to the site only on the basis of drawings
approved for construction and shop drawings and not on the basis of Bill of Quantities which are
approximate only. This also applies to the Contractor’s requisition for Owner supplied materials.
5 The work shall be carried out in conformity with the HVAC drawings and within the requirements of
architectural, Plumbing, Fire Fighting, Electrical, Structural and other specialized services drawings.
6 The contractor shall cooperate with all trades and agencies working on the site. He shall make
provision for hangers, sleeves, structural openings and other requirements well in advance to prevent
hold up of progress of the construction schedule. All supports to the civil structure shall be provided
with anchor fasteners.
8 On award of the work the contractor shall be issued two (2) sets of consultant’s drawings. The
drawings shall be the basis of contractor’s shop drawings.
9 Shop drawings are detailed working drawings coordinated with other trading work, which
incorporate the contractor’s details for execution of the work and incorporate equipment
manufacturer’s details and dimensions to ensure that the same can be installed in the space provided.
10 All shop drawings should detail pipe routing and levels, showing location of other services at
crossings etc., cable runs, route cable trays and all allied works and must be fully coordinated with
other services, before execution of the works.
11 All shop drawings will be made on AutoCAD and colored prints has to be produced for site work.
12 Any pipe crossing fire rated wall as per fire compartmentation will be provide with higher size of GI
sleeve. All floor crossing pipes will be provided with higher size GI sleeve.
13 This Schedule shall be fully priced and the extensions and totals duly checked. The rates for all items
shall be filled in INK including NIL items.
14 No alteration whatsoever is to be made to the text or quantities of this Schedule unless such
alteration is authorised in writing by Consultant. Any such alterations, notes or additions shall,
unless authorized in writing, be disregarded when tender documents are considered.
15 In the event of an error occurring in the amount of the Schedule, as a result of wrong extension of the
unit rate and quantity, the unit rate quoted by the tenderer shall be regarded as firm and the
extensions shall be amended on the basis of rates.
16 Any error in totaling in the amount column and in carrying forward total shall be corrected. Any
error, in description or in quantity, omission of items from this Schedule shall not vitiate this
Contract but shall be corrected and deemed to be variation required by the Consultant/Project
17 Rates have been called for a number of items of works, as alternatives which, for the present do not
form part of the total value of tender. However the rates for these items shall be quoted, with due
care so that in the event of choice of an alternative item of work, said rate shall form part of the
contract and shall not violate the contract any way.
18 The contractor shall , from time to time, clear away all debris and excess materials accumulated at
the site failing which the same shall be done by Project Manager at contractor’s risk and cost and
cost of clean up shall be deducted from the contractors prorata bill.
19 After the fixtures, equipment and appliances have been installed and commissioned, contractor shall
cleanup the same and remove all plaster, paints, stains, stickers and other foreign matter or
discoloration leaving the same in a ready to use condition.
20 On completion of all works, contractor shall demolish all stores, remove all surplus materials and
leave the site in a broom clean condition, failing which the same shall be done by the Project
Manager at the Contractor'’ risk and cost. Cost of the cleanup shall be deducted from the
contractor’s bills on pro-rata basis in proportion to his contact value.
Chilled Water IN 38°F
Chilled Water OUT 32°F
Fouling factor 0.0005 FPS
Condenser Water IN 90°F
Condenser Water OUT 100°F
Fouling factor 0.001 FPS
2.2 Primary Variable Chilled water pumps (MEG Brine Water Recirculation)
3.1 Condensing water pumps (Condenser Water Recirculation for VAM Cooling Tower)
3.2 Condensing water pumps (Condenser Water Recirculation for Brine Chiller Cooling Tower)
The contractor shall submit calculations for total system volume and tank sizing calculations.
The system shall be complete in all respects and suitable for following motor ratings:
The actuator of the valve shall have necessary torque to overcome pressure differential of 4 bars
rating. All fan coil units shall be suitable for 220±6% volts, 50 cycles, single phase power
supply. Fan coil units shall be of following refrigeration capacities as listed below :
10 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of double skin construction draw thru type
Horizontal Floor Mounted AIR HANDLING UNITS with Thermal Break Profile as per
specification, each complete with pre-filter section (90% down to 10 microns), min 6 Row Deep
water coil of copper tube & aluminium fins construction , squirrel cage induction motor, airfoil
centrifugal fan belt drive and vibration isolators, coil size shall be selected for a maximum
face velocity of 500 feet/minute and static pressure shall be as indicated. The motor selected
shall be energy efficient having efficiency (Class I) at full load ranging between 82.5% to 92%
in accordance with motor rating as per specification. Motor shall be suitable for 415±10%
volts, 50 cycles, 3 phase AC supply. Fan motor assembly (as whole) shall be statically and
dynamically balanced to grade G 6.3 as per ISO-1940/AMCA 204-3.All units shall be complete
with opposed blade volume control dampers at oulet, return and fresh air connections. Duct
flexible connector (fire proof) shall be provided at outlets and return connection of AHU. For
AHUs with VFD, complete equipment shall be designed to limit THDi to less than 5%.
14 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of INLINE FANS suitable for installing in any
position in vertical or horizontal ducts. The casing shall be double skin, internally acoustically
lined and constructed of galvanised steel. The fan shall be DIDW with forward curve impeller
fitted with maintenance free external rotor motor. The motor shall be suitable for 220±10% volt
single phase 50 cycles AC supply. All units shall be complete with duct flexible connector and
volume control damper.
The fan shall have low sound level exceeding not more than 40 DBA at three metre distance.
15 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of AXIAL FANS for return air & exhaust air
suitable for installing in any position in Horizontal or vertical. The motor shall be suitable for
415 V + 10% volts three phase 50cycle, AC supply and suitable for operating through VFD.
The fan shall be equipped with mounting bracket & outlet core, Louvers/Cowl as per site
condition as required at discharge. The fan shall be low RPM (less than 1000 RPM) and
capacities based on minimum 1.5 inch (4cm WC) static pressure or to suit the system, shall be as
The fan shall have low sound power level not exceeding 65dBA at three meter distance at both
ends. To achieve these DB levels, sound attenuators of suitable length, at inlet & outlet of the
fans must be included in the cost.
Space CFM
15.1 Upper Basement Plant Room Fresh Air 10400 CFM No. 1
15.7 Workshop(Oat Meal) at First Foor Exhaust Air 20 000 CFM Nos. 4
15.8 UPS Room at First floor Fresh Air 15 000 CFM No. 1
15.9 UPS Room at First floor Exhaust Air 15 000 CFM No. 1
16.1 650 TR Cooling tower for Vapor Absorption Chillers ( 500TR) plant having Condenser Water
flow rate of 2000 USGPM inlet temperature of 90 °F and outlet temperature of 100 °F.
No. 1
16.2 60 TR Cooling tower for MEG Brine Water chiller ( 35 TR) having Condenser Water flow rate
of 160 USGPM inlet temperature of 90 °F and outlet temperature of 100 °F. No. 1
17 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of double skin construction draw thru type
CELLULOSE FILL AIR WASHER , giving 95% adiabatic saturation efficiency at 500 FPM
air velocity across pads, factory assembled and complete with 24 gauge GI casing (outer
precoated/preplastisized) , SS 304 water sump , Mounters/Glacier Core fully imported with
glued by the orizonal Cellulose fill manufacterer, water distribution header, GI piping, Audco
make butterfly valves, for quick fill; isolation of tank and pumps, Y strainers fire pumps and
necessary fittings. 2 stage filteration : Fine filter MERV-13 (99% down to 3 microns), Pre-filter
section (90% down to 10 microns), squirrel cage induction motor, airfoil centrifugal fans with
belt drive and vibration isolators, and static pressure shall be as indicated. The motor
selected shall be energy efficient having efficiency (Class I) at full load ranging between 82.5%
to 92% in accordance with motor rating as per specification. Motor shall be suitable for
415±10% volts, 50 cycles, 3 phase AC supply. Fan motor assembly (as whole) shall be statically
and dynamically balanced to grade G 6.3 as per ISO-1940/AMCA 204-3.All units shall be
complete with opposed blade volume control dampers at oulet & Backdraft dampers . Duct
flexible connector (fire proof) shall be provided at outlet.
The quoted price shall also include GSS louvers with bird-screen fabric filters at inlet and drift
eliminators. The price shall also include horizontal monoblock pumps of Beaconweir / KBL
make of suitable rating, factory mounted on mild steel channel base with electric motor for
circulation of water . Pumps shall be aligned and suitable for 415±10% volts, 50 cycles 3 phase
power supply. One No. 3 phase isolator switch in weather proof enclosure shall be provided near
Each MCC shall include cost of wiring, control wiring & inter locking between chillers,
primary CHW pumps, condenser water pumps, motorized valves at chillers and
condensers, flow meter & flow switch installed in de-coupler by-pass line, in order to
execute the required sequence of operation.
All outgoing shall be provided with Stop/ Manual/ Auto/ selector switch to facilitate
operation through BAS. All starters shall be provided with potential free Contact for
Connections to Building Automation System.
A separate set of CTs to be provided for BAS and wiring from CT’s and voltage
transducers to be brought on to separate set of terminals.
i. 1 No. 500 amps 4P microprocessor based MCCB complete with the following :
1 Set
iv. Phase indicating lamps, with toggle switches.
1 Set
v. Digital electronic KWH meter with RS 485 port.
Bus Bar
i. TPN bus bars shall be of aluminium and shall be sleeved. Phase bus bars shall be
rated at 800 amps and neutral bus bar shall be of 50% capacity.
ii. Maximum density of aluminium bus bar for current carrying capacity shall be one amp
per sq.mm.
i. 1 No. 63 amps MCCB, 11 KW star delta starter, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. Chiller (VAM) 500TR, pump. This
compartment shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-60 amps range with
selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF'
status of pump motor.
ii. 2 Nos. 63 amps MCCB, 9.3 KW VFD and outgoing feeder to 1 no. Cooling Tower
Twin Fan motors. Each of these compartment shall contain CT operated digital
ammeter of 0-60 amps range with selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB
and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motors.
iii. 1 No. 100 amps MCCB, 37 KW star delta starter, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. Condenser Pump. This compartment
shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-100 amps range with selector switch,
and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motor.
iv. 1 No. 63 amps MCCB, 18.5 KW star delta starter, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. Primary Pump. This compartment
shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-60 amps range with selector switch, and
an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motor.
v. 1 No. 100 amps MCCB, 30 KW star delta starter, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. Secondary Variable Pump. This
compartment shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-100 amps range with
selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF'
status of pump motor.
vii 1 No. 32 amps MCCB, 2.2 KW VFD and outgoing feeder to 1 no. Brine Cooling
Tower Fan Motor. This compartment shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-
30 amps range with selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch
for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motors.
viii. 4 Nos. 40 amps MCCB, 3.7 KW DOL starters, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeders to 1 no. Primary Variable Pump for Brine
Chiller, 1 no. Brine Chiller Condenser Pump, 1 no. 8 Deg C Pump and 1 no. spare.
Each of these compartment shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-40 amps
range with selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/
OFF' status of pump motors.
ix. 1 No. 40 amps MCCB, 5 KW DOL starter, over load relay with built in single phasing
protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. 0 Deg C Pump. This compartment shall
contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-40 amps range with selector switch, and an
indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motors.
x. 1 No. 32 amps MCCB, 1.5 KW DOL starter, over load relay with built in single phasing
protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. 20 Deg C Pump. This compartment shall
contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-30 amps range with selector switch, and an
indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motors.
Bus Coupler :
500 amps 4 pole MCCB with ON/ OFF/ TRIP indicating lamps.
i. 1 No. 500 amps 4P microprocessor based MCCB complete with the following :
1 Set
iv. Phase indicating lamps, with toggle switches.
1 Set
v. Digital electronic KWH meter with RS 485 port.
1 Set
Bus Bar
i. TPN bus bars shall be of aluminium and shall be sleeved. Phase bus bars shall be
rated at 800 amps and neutral bus bar shall be of 50% capacity.
ii. Maximum density of aluminium bus bar for current carrying capacity shall be one amp
per sq.mm.
i. 2 Nos. 100 amps MCCB, 37 KW star delta starters, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeders to 1 no. Condenser Pump (Standby) and 1
no. spare. Each of these compartment shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-
100 amps range with selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle
switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motor.
ii. 1 No. 63 amps MCCB, 18.5 KW star delta starter, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. Primary Pump (Standby). This
compartment shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-60 amps range with
selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF'
status of pump motor.
iii. 1 No. 100 amps MCCB, 30 KW star delta starter, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. Secondary Variable Pump
(Standby). This compartment shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-100 amps
range with selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/
OFF' status of pump motor.
iv. 4 Nos. 40 amps MCCB, 3.7 KW DOL starters, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeders to 1 no. Primary Variable Pump for Brine
Chiller, 1 no. Brine Chiller Condenser Pump, 1 no. 8 Deg C Pump and 1 no. spare.
Each of these compartment shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-40 amps
range with selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/
OFF' status of pump motors.
vi. 1 No. 32 amps MCCB, 1.5 KW DOL starter, over load relay with built in single phasing
protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. 20 Deg C Pump (Standby). This compartment
shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-30 amps range with selector switch, and
an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motors.
Note: MCCB’s shall be motor duty and suitable for 35 KA (ICS) fault current.
i. 1 No. 250 amps 4P microprocessor based MCCB complete with the following :
1 Set
iv. Phase indicating lamps, with toggle switches.
1 Set
v. Digital electronic KWH meter with RS 485 port.
1 Set
Bus Bar
i. TPN bus bars shall be of aluminium and shall be sleeved. Phase bus bars shall be
rated at 300 amps and neutral bus bar shall be of 50% capacity.
ii. Maximum density of aluminium bus bar for current carrying capacity shall be one amp
per sq.mm.
i. 3 Nos. 40 amps MCCB, 3.7 KW VFD and outgoing feeders to 2 nos. Axial Fan on
Upper Basement and 1 no. spare. Each of these compartment shall contain CT
operated digital ammeter of 0-40 amps range with selector switch, and an indicating
lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motors.
ii. 13 Nos. 63 amps MCCB, 7.5 KW VFD and outgoing feeders to 12 nos. Axial Fan on
Ground Floor and 1 no. spare. Each of these compartment shall contain CT operated
digital ammeter of 0-60 amps range with selector switch, and an indicating lamp with
MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motors.
1 Set
iv. Phase indicating lamps, with toggle switches.
1 Set
v. Digital electronic KWH meter with RS 485 port.
1 Set
Bus Bar
i. TPN bus bars shall be of aluminium and shall be sleeved. Phase bus bars shall be
rated at 160 amps and neutral bus bar shall be of 50% capacity.
ii. Maximum density of aluminium bus bar for current carrying capacity shall be one amp
per sq.mm.
ii. 3 Nos. 40 amps MCCB, 5.5 KW VFD and outgoing feeders to 2 nos. Axial Fan on
First Floor and 1 no. spare. Each of these compartment shall contain CT operated
digital ammeter of 0-40 amps range with selector switch, and an indicating lamp with
MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motors.
1 No. 630 amps 4P microprocessor based MCCB complete with the following :
i. 0-500 volts digital electronic volt meter with selector switch protected by 2 amps TP
1 Set
ii. 0-600 amps digital electronic ammeter with selector switch and 600/ 5 amps 15 VA, CL
1 CTs.
1 Set
iii. Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 amps SP MCB's.
1 Set
Bus Bars:
i. 800 amps TPN aluminium bus bars with coloured heat shrinkable insulated sleeve.
1 Set
i. 16 Nos. 63 amps MCCB, 15 KW star delta starters, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeders to 15 nos. Air washer Fan. Each of these
compartment shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-60 amps range with
selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF'
status of pump motor.
ii. 4 Nos. 32 amps MCCB, 1.5 KW DOL starters, over load relay with built in single
phasing protection and outgoing feeders to 3 nos. Air Washer Pump. Each of these
compartment shall contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-30 amps range with
selector switch, and an indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF'
status of pump motors.
iii. 1 No. 40 amps MCCB, 5.5 KW DOL starter, over load relay with built in single phasing
protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. Exhaust Air fan. This compartment shall
contain CT operated digital ammeter of 0-40 amps range with selector switch, and an
indicating lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motors.
iv. 1 No. 32 amps MCCB, 2.2 KW DOL starter, over load relay with built in single phasing
protection and outgoing feeder to 1 no. Fresh Air Fan. This compartment shall contain
CT operated digital ammeter of 0-30 amps range with selector switch, and an indicating
lamp with MCB and toggle switch for ‘ON/ OFF' status of pump motors.
All internal wiring power cabling and copper earthing of air handling unit motors from
the panel shall be included.
All outgoing shall be provided with Stop/ Manual/ Auto selector switch to facilitate
operation through BAS. All starters shall be provided with potential free Contact for
Connections to Building Automation System.
a. MCCB as per the ratings given below, suitable for motor duty and able to withstand
fault level of 20 KA.
g. Time delay relay for delayed automatic restart of air handling unit motor.
h. Wiring for microswitch for stopping the fan when fire damper closes.
i. For on/ off/ remote and local operation, 3 pole single throw switch shall be provided in
each AHU panel to facilitate override of the automatic operation.
j. All starters shall be provided with suitable potential free contract for connections to the
Building Automation System.
k. 3 Nos of Single Pole MCB's Shall be provided at the incoming section of the starter
panel for DDC Panel, fire damper actuator & as a spare.
l. 220/ 24 V Transformer.
All outgoing shall be provided with Stop/ Manual/ Auto selector switch to facilitate
operation through BAS. All starters shall be provided with potential free Contact for
Connections to Building Automation System.
All internal wiring, power cabling and copper earthing of motors from the panel to VFD
& to the motor shall be included.
a. MCCB as per the ratings given below, suitable for motor duty and able to withstand
fault level of 20 KA.
g. Wiring for microswitch for stopping the fan when fire damper closes.
h. For on/ off/ remote and local operation, 3 pole single throw switch shall be provided in
each panel to facilitate override of the automatic operation.
i. 3 Nos of Single Pole MCB's Shall be provided at the incoming section of the starter
panel for DDC Panel, fire damper actuator & as a spare.
j. All starters shall be provided with suitable potential free contract for connections to the
Building Automation System.
k. 220/ 24 V Transformer
All outgoing shall be provided with Stop/ Manual/ Auto selector switch to facilitate
operation through BAS. All starters shall be provided with potential free Contact for
Connections to Building Automation System.
All wiring and copper earthing of motors from the panel shall be included.
a. MCCB as per the ratings given below, suitable for motor duty and able to withstand
fault level of 20 KA.
h. Wiring for microswitch for stopping the fan when fire damper closes (in case of Fan
i. For on/ off/ remote and local operation, 3 pole single throw switch shall be provided in
each panel to facilitate override of the automatic operation.
j. All starters shall be provided with suitable potential free contract for connections to the
Building Automation System.
13 Providing probe type flow meter to measure the flow in CHW &
CDW pipe lines. The flow meter shall be provided with necessary
fittings & electronic digital read out. Nos. RO
2.1 13 mm thick nitrile rubber insulation for supply air ducts in return
air path. sq.m 1350
2.2 13 mm thick nitrile rubber insulation for return air ducts. sq.m 1500
3.1 13 mm thick nitrile rubber insulation for supply air ducts in return
air path. sq.m RO
3.2 13 mm thick nitrile rubber insulation for return air ducts. sq.m RO
3.3 19 mm thick nitrile rubber insulation for supply duct (not in RA
path). sq.m 50
3.4 25 mm thick nitrile rubberinsulation for supply & return air ducts
exposed to weather. sq.m 50