Lemon Aid
Lemon Aid
Lemon Aid
A Marketing Research by
Principles of Marketing
offers lemonade with a delicious taste. We only use the right ingredients to create
our lemonades, and our barista are skilled in making lemonades that are
The affordability of our lemonades is another factor that makes them our
target market accessible to a wide range of costumers. With our low price point,
our lemonades are obtainable by anyone regardless of their income level. This
makes our lemonades budget friendly consumers’ choice that wants to indulge in
are versatile enough to be enjoyed on various occasions like summer parties and
Lemon aid takes pride in the details. We make sure that our lemonades
B. Company Logo
C. Logo Description
The lemonade logo features a vibrant shade of yellow as it’s primary color,
yellowish lemonade with an ice on top. This is swirled in a smooth and consistent
pattern, and it’s color is a lighter shade of yellow than the base of the lemonade.
drinks, evoking feeling of joy and happiness. The use of yellow and circle shape
décor also suggests that the lemonade brand is targeted towards all gender
D. Marketing Objectives
E. Vision
reckoned for excellent products and services. We have a goal of being one of the
F. Mission
Create the world's most loved insurance through technology and social
A. Product’s Name
• Lemon Aid
varieties of lemonade found throughout the world. But this lemonadebis made
from the mixture of yakult, sprite, and lemon fruit juice. It is called Lemon Aid
because this specific lemonade can help you to ease the thirst you’re
B. Health Benefits
drinking lemonade daily ensures a well hydrated and healthy body. Drinking
lemon water daily increases the metabolism of the body and helps in burning fats
rapidly. In this way, it helps in controlling the calorie level and helps in weight
loss. In fact, lemons may support heart health, weight control, and digestive
health. Not only does it provide us with our daily source of Vitamin C, but the
benefits of lemonade are also seen in its antioxidizing qualities. Lemons provide
Total ₱529.00
D. Product Preparation
First, prepare all the ingredients in the table. Second, slice and squeeze
the lemon in the cup. Then, put the juice of the lemon fruit, together with yakult
and sprite and mix it well. Lastly, put the lemonade in a cup with lid together with
ice cubes.
A. Geographic Profile
chosen location, time zone, cultural preferences, language and lastly population
Since our target market are everyone at school who enjoys drinks, our
the nearby village of Talangan. Filipinos loves cold drinks that we therefore
conclude that selling drinks like lemonade can be great for everyone.
B. Area Profile
researchers identify patterns or trends across schools and can also be used to
compare schools to one another. This information can be used to inform policy
school business. This school is led by Dr. Janet G. Apolinar, our school principal
that doing her job to make our school better. The school is surrounded by many
kinds of plants and at the back of the school, there is a wide yard that is very nice
to see the view especially if you’re on the top of the school building. There are a
proper comfort room for male and female students. The school didn’t have a
proper place for the canteen since the school is under construction at the
meantime for the school’s court, but they are still providing some foods and
drinks to fill the stomach of the students. We are also creating a food business
here in Pantalan Senior High School to increase other types of food that students
can buy, and that is our cold lemonade, and we know that everyone will like it
because this drink is one of the people’s favorites that has an affordable price,
but we assure that this is safe and healthy to eat for everyone.
C. Location Map
D. Demographic profile
The demographic profile includes characteristics such as strand, grade
level, and daily allowance of the student. Through market research, our company
identified its ideal customers as students of Pantalan Senior High School. Based
on the strand factor, the students strands can be, HUMMS, ABM, STEM, TVL,
and others. Based on the grade level of our target market, it can be grade 11 or
improving the accuracy and precise forecasting of possible customers for the
company can spend more marketing to the customers who are included in the
This chapter presents the results, the analysis and interpretation of data
gathered from the answers to the questionnaires distributed to the field. The said
data were presented in tabular form to back up the study that was conducted by
the researchers.
Grade 11 26 52%
Grade 12 24 48%
According to Table 4.1, 52% of the respondents who answered the
questionnaire are in Grade 11,and 48 % are in Grade 12. Therefore, most of our
ABM 12 24%
STEM 10 20%
TVL 9 18%
HUMMS 18 36%
Based on the table, 24% of the respondents who answered the questionnaire are
from the ABM strand, 20% are from the STEM strand, 18% are from the TVL
strand, 36% are from the HUMMS strand, and 2% are from the other strands..
50 8 16%
51-100 19 38%
101-150 7 14%
151-200 9 18%
based on their daily allowance. It shows 4% have below 50 pesos for their daily
allowance. Meanwhile, 16% of the respondents have 50 pesos and 38% of the
respondents have 51-100. While, 14% of the respondents have 101-150 pesos.
Then, 18% of the respondents have 151-200 pesos per day. Lastly, above 200
differs from one another as identified by the weighted mean (WM) that aims to
know their level of agreement according to the marketing trends of the product.
Based on the findings presented, it is evident that the respondents prefer to buy
drinks with health benefits, lemon, and delicious taste accumulating the highest
It shows in Table 4.5 stating the evidence that the respondents preferred
buying drinks that are budget friendly and affordable, with weighted mean of 2 00
verbally interpreted as agree. Customer satisfaction has been one of the top
it is near the school vicinity and has clean environment as it scored the highest
ingredients may affect the production of the drinks when it comes to the
weaknesses of the product received its highest weighted mean, 3.23 verbally
interpreted as agree.
Table 4.6.3 shows that respondents would recommend the good products
to their friends as it obtained the highest weighted mean, with 2.00 verbally
interpreted as agree.
drink affects the decisions of the customer as it received the highest weighted
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. As for demographic profile that include strand, grade level, and
strand, in grade 11, and have 50-150 pesos for their daily allowance.
respondents prefer to buy drinks with health benefits, lemon, and delicious
respondents are attracted to buy a product if it’s near the school vicinity and
lastly, poor handling of making the drink affects the decisions of the customer.
quite beneficial in locating possible markets for newly formed products. It offers
levels, possible incentives for improved sales, and distribution methods. Market
in the gathering of consumer data from organized distribution research and aids
applied in marketing research to analyze the media mix, advertising efficacy, and
James. (n.d.). Is Lemonade Good for You: Make Healthy Lemonade. TofuBud.
Retrieved May 28, 2023, from https://tofubud.com/blogs/tips/is-lemonade-good-
Network, P. N. (2021, February 6). This Is Why You Should Drink Lemonade Every Day
to Keep Yourself Healthy – OrissaPOST. Odisha News, Odisha Latest news,
Odisha Daily – OrissaPOST. Retrieved May 30, 2023, from