Jobs and Unemployment
Jobs and Unemployment
Jobs and Unemployment
Jobs and
1. Define the unemployment rate and other labor market indicators.
A. Current Population Survey
B. Population Survey Criteria
C. Three Main Labor Market Indicators
1. The Unemployment Rate
2. The Employment-Population Ratio
3. The Labor Force Participation Rate
D. Alternative Measures of Unemployment
1. Marginally Attached Workers
2. Part-Time Workers Who Want Full-Time Work
2. Describe the trends and fluctuations in the indicators of the state of the
U.S. labor market.
A. Unemployment Rate
B. The Participation Rate
1. Downward Trend Since 2000
C. Alternative Measures of Unemployment
3. Describe the sources and types of unemployment, define full employment,
and explain the link between unemployment and real GDP.
A. Frictional Unemployment
B. Structural Unemployment
C. Cyclical Unemployment
D. “Natural” Unemployment
1. The Age Distribution of the Population
2. The Pace of Structural Change
3. The Real Wage Rate
4. Unemployment Benefits
D. Unemployment and Real GDP