2023 Country Specific Entry Requirement Document MASTER
2023 Country Specific Entry Requirement Document MASTER
2023 Country Specific Entry Requirement Document MASTER
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Albania Diplomë e Nivelit të Pare / Bachelor (First Diplomë e Nivelit të Pare / Bachelor (First Diplomë e Nivelit të Pare / Bachelor (First
UK Hons Level (University) Diploma / Bachelor): Level (University) Diploma / Bachelor): Level (University) Diploma / Bachelor):
9 or Excellent 8 or Good 7 or Average
Algeria Licence/Diplome de/Diplome d’Etudes Licence/Diplome de/Diplome d’Etudes Licence/Diplome de/Diplome d’Etudes
UK Bach/UK Superieures/Diplome d’Ingenieur/Diplôme Superieures/Diplome d’Ingenieur/Diplôme Superieures/Diplome d’Ingenieur/Diplôme
Hons de Docteur en Pharmacie: de Docteur en Pharmacie: de Docteur en Pharmacie:
16 14 12
Armenia Bachelor (since 2005)/Specialist Diploma: Bachelor (since 2005)/Specialist Diploma: Bachelor (since 2005)/Specialist Diploma:
UK Hons 81% or CGPA 3.7 or A- 67% or CGPA 3.0 or B 55% or CGPA 2.3 or C+
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Azerbaijan Bakalavr Diplomu (post-2005)/ Specialist Bakalavr Diplomu (post-2005)/ Specialist Bakalavr Diplomu (post-2005)/ Specialist
UK Hons Diploma/Physician Diploma: Diploma/Physician Diploma: Diploma/Physician Diploma:
81% 71% 61%
UK Ord Baklavr Diplomu (before 2004): Baklavr Diplomu (before 2004): Baklavr Diplomu (before 2004):
86% 76% 66%
Bahrain Bachelor (from University of Bahrain): Bachelor (from University of Bahrain): Bachelor (from University of Bahrain):
UK Bach CGPA 3.67 or Grade A- CGPA 3.0 or Grade B CGPA 2.33 or Grade C+
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Bangladesh Master of Science in Engineering Master of Science in Engineering (minimum Master of Science in Engineering (minimum
UK PGT (minimum of 1.5 years/3 semesters from of 1.5 years/3 semesters from a Public of 1.5 years/3 semesters from a Public
a Public University since 2012): University since 2012): University since 2012):
Do not need to specify overall GPA Do not need to specify overall GPA Do not need to specify overall GPA
UK Hons/UK Master’s following a 3 or 4 year Bachelor Master’s following a 3 or 4 year Bachelor or Master’s following a 3 or 4 year Bachelor or
Bach or Bachelor of Science in Engineering Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Public Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Public
(Public University and recognised by IEB University and recognised by IEB or Private University and recognised by IEB or Private
or Private University (2012 onwards) and University (2012 onwards) and accredited by University (2012 onwards) and accredited by
accredited by BAETE): BAETE): BAETE):
CGPA 3.5 or A- or 70% CGPA 3.0 or B or 60% CGPA 2.5 or C+ or 50%
UK Ord/UK Master’s following 2 or 3 year Bachelor Master’s following 2 or 3 year Bachelor (up Master’s following 2 or 3 year Bachelor (up
DipHE (up to 2007) or Bachelor 4 year or BDS or to 2007) or Bachelor 4 year or BDS or MBBS to 2007) or Bachelor 4 year or BDS or MBBS
MBBS or DVM/Veterinary Science: or DVM/Veterinary Science: or DVM/Veterinary Science:
CGPA 3.75 or A or 75% CGPA 3.25 or B+ or 65% CGPA 2.75 or B- or 55%
Barbados Bachelor from University of West Indies – Bachelor from University of West Indies – Bachelor from University of West Indies –
UK Bach Cave Hill or Barbados Community College: Cave Hill or Barbados Community College: Cave Hill or Barbados Community College:
First Class or A Second Class Upper Division or B+ Second Class Lower Division or B
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Belgium Bachelor or Licentiaat or Licence: Bachelor or Licentiaat or Licence: Bachelor or Licentiaat or Licence:
UK Hons
80% or 70% or 60% or
Grande Distinction or Distinction or Satisfaction or
16/20 14/20 12/20
Benin Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies/Diplome Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies/Diplome Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies/Diplome
UK Hons d’Etudes Superieures/Master where d’Etudes Superieures/Master where studied d’Etudes Superieures/Master where studied
studied at a Public University: at a Public University: at a Public University:
16 (out of 20) or CGPA 4.5 (out of 5.0) or 14 (out of 20) or CGPA 3.5 (out of 5.0) or 12 (out of 20) or CGPA 3.0 (out of 5.0) or
CGPA 3.3 (out of 4) or First Class or 80% CGPA 2.67 (out of 4) or Second Class (Upper CGPA 2.33 (out of 4) or Second Class (Lower
Division) or 70% Division) or 65%
UK Ord/DipHE
Diplome d’Ingenieur Diplome d’Ingenieur Diplome d’Ingenieur
Agromone/Licence/Maitrise/Certificat Agromone/Licence/Maitrise/Certificat Agromone/Licence/Maitrise/Certificat
d’Aptitude au Professorat de d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement
l’Enseignement Secondaire where studied Secondaire where studied at a Public Secondaire where studied at a Public
at a Public University: University: University:
18 (out of 20) or CGPA 4.0 (out of 4.0) or 16 (out of 20) or CGPA 4.5 (out of 5.0) or 14 (out of 20) or CGPA 3.5 (out of 5.0) or
CGPA 5.0 (out of 5.0) CGPA 3.3 (out of 4.0) or First Class or 80% CGPA 2.67 (out of 4.0) or Second Class
(Upper Division) or 70%
Bhutan Bachelor degree (three years) since Bachelor degree (three years) since Bachelor degree (three years) since
UK DipHE/UK 2016/Bachelor degree (four years): 2016/Bachelor degree (four years): 2016/Bachelor degree (four years):
Ord (4 yr since 90% 80% 70%
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Bolivia Licenciado / Título de: Licenciado / Título de: Licenciado / Título de:
UK Bach 85% 75% 64%
Botswana Master’s degree: Bachelor from University of Botswana or Bachelor from University of Botswana or
Bachelor =UK First Class or CGPA 4.4 accredited by BQA: accredited by BQA:
Ord/DipHE First Class or CGPA 4.4 Second Class First Division or CGPA 3.6
Brazil Titulo de Bacherel/Titulo de/Licenciado: Titulo de Bacherel/Titulo de/Licenciado: Titulo de Bacherel/Titulo de/Licenciado:
UK Bach CGPA 8.5 CGPA 7.5 CGPA 6.5
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Bulgaria Bachelor (since 2002) or Diploma of Bachelor (since 2002) or Diploma of Bachelor (since 2002) or Diploma of
UK Hons/UK Completed Higher Education (before Completed Higher Education (before 1995) Completed Higher Education (before 1995) or
Bach 1995) or Professional Bachelor degree or Professional Bachelor degree (since 2002): Professional Bachelor degree (since 2002):
(since 2002):
Burkina Faso Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies/Diplome Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies/Diplome Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies/Diplome
UK hons d’Etudes Superieures Specialisees: d’Etudes Superieures Specialisees: d’Etudes Superieures Specialisees:
16 (out of 20) 14 (out of 20) 12 (out of 20)
UK Ord or UK Maitrise/Diplome d’Etat de Docteur en Maitrise/Diplome d’Etat de Docteur en Maitrise/Diplome d’Etat de Docteur en
DipHE Medecine/Diplome de Licence or Medecine/Diplome de Licence or Bachelor Medecine/Diplome de Licence or Bachelor
Bachelor (minimum of 3 years)/Diplome (minimum of 3 years)/Diplome d’Ingenieur: (minimum of 3 years)/Diplome d’Ingenieur:
d’Ingenieur: 16 (out of 20) 14 (out of 20)
18 (out of 20)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Cameroon Maitrise/Master sans these/Master Maitrise/Master sans these/Master Maitrise/Master sans these/Master
UK hons 1/Diplome d’Ingenieur de 1/Diplome d’Ingenieur de 1/Diplome d’Ingenieur de
Conception/Diplome d’Etudes Conception/Diplome d’Etudes Superieures de Conception/Diplome d’Etudes Superieures de
Superieures de Commerce/Doctorat en Commerce/Doctorat en Medecin/Doctorat Commerce/Doctorat en Medecin/Doctorat
Medecin/Doctorat en Pharmacie: en Pharmacie: en Pharmacie:
16 (out of 20) 14 (out of 20) 12 (out of 20)
UK DipHE 90% or CGPA 4.0 or 18 (out of 20) 85% or CGPA 4.0 or 17 (out of 20) 80% or CGPA 3.5 or 16 (out of 20)
DipHE/UK Ord Grado de Bachiller/Titulo (Profesional) de: Grado de Bachiller/Titulo (Profesional) de:
6.0 5.5
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
MSc Communications Engineering,
MSc Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
MSc Engineering Leadership & Management, MSc
Materials Engineering,
MSc Nanoscience to Nanotechnology,
MSc Power Engineering & Sustainable Energy,
MSc Virtual Reality,
MSc Computer Science (with 75% in final project)
MSc Aerospace Engineering
MSc Chemical Engineering
MSc Civil Engineering
MSc Computational Mechanics
MSc Computational Engineering
MSc Mechanical Engineering
MSc Structural Engineering
MSc Advanced Computer Science
MSc Advanced Software Technology
MSc Cyber Security
MSc Data Science
MSc Environmental Biology: Conservation and
Resource Management (with at least 77% in final
MSc Environmental Dynamics and Climate
Change (with at least 77% in final project)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
75% cont…..
MSc Geographic Information and Climate Change
(with at least 77% in final project)MSc Maths and
Computing for Finance
MSc Mathematics
Colombia Licenciado/Titulo de/Maestro en: Licenciado/Titulo de/Maestro en: Licenciado/Titulo de/Maestro en:
UK Bach/UK 4.0 (out of 5.0) CGPA 3.75 (out of 5.0) CGPA 3.5 (out of 5.0)
Costa Rica Licenciado: Licenciado: Licenciado:
UK Hons 9.0 (out of 10) 8.0 (out of 10) 7.5 (out of 10, 7 = pass)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Cyprus Bachelor/Ptychion when studied at a Bachelor/Ptychion when studied at a Bachelor/Ptychion when studied at a
(Republic) recognised public or private university. recognised public or private university. (If recognised public or private university. (If
UK Hons (If awarded by a private institution of awarded by a private institution of tertiary awarded by a private institution of tertiary
tertiary education, refer to ECCTIS.) education, refer to ECCTIS.) education, refer to ECCTIS.)
Cyprus, see CGPA 8.5 CGPA 7.5 CGPA 6.5
UK Bach
Czech Republic Bachelor or Bakalar (since 2002): Bachelor or Bakalar (since 2002): Bachelor or Bakalar (since 2002):
UK Hons 1.5 or 2 or 2.5 or
Excellent or Very Good or Good or
Grade B Grade C Grade D
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Egypt Bachelor (from a University): Bachelor (from a University): Bachelor (from a University):
UK Bach 85% 75% or Very Good 65% or Good
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
4 or 3 or 2 or
Grade B or Grade C or Grade D or
Very Good or 81% Good or 71% 61%
Ethiopia Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Veterinary Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Veterinary Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Veterinary
UK Bach/UK Medicine/Master’s: Medicine/Master’s: Medicine/Master’s:
Hons CGPA 3.3 or Grade B+ CGPA 3.0 or Grade B CGPA 2.7 or Grade B-
UK DipHE Bachelor (4+ years): Bachelor (4+ years): Bachelor (4+ years):
CGPA 3.7 or Grade A CGPA 3.3 or Grade B+ CGPA 3.0 or Grade B
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Finland [Professional Title] (AMK / YH) (Bachelor [Professional Title] (AMK / YH) (Bachelor [Professional Title] (AMK / YH) (Bachelor
UK Hons degree from a University of Applied degree from a University of Applied degree from a University of Applied
Sciences)/ Kandidaatti / Sciences)/ Kandidaatti / Kandidat (University Sciences)/ Kandidaatti / Kandidat (University
Kandidat (University Bachelor degree / Bachelor degree / Lower Academic Degree)/ Bachelor degree / Lower Academic Degree)/
Lower Academic Degree)/ Kandidaatti / Kandidaatti / Kandidat / Professional Kandidaatti / Kandidat / Professional
Kandidat / Professional title (Long-cycle title (Long-cycle degree): title (Long-cycle degree):
2.5 (out of 3) or 2 (out of 3) or 1.5 (out of 3) or
Very Good Good Satisfactory plus
4 (out of 5) or 3 (out of 5) or 2 (out of 5) or
Very Good Good Satisfactory plus
UK Ord Oikeusnotaari (Lower Academic Law degree) Oikeusnotaari (Lower Academic Law degree)
– since 1996:
– since 1996:
2.5 (out of 3) or
2 (out of 3) or
Very Good
4 (out of 5) or
3 (out of 5) or
Very Good
France Diplome d’Ingenieur or Licence (since Diplome d’Ingenieur or Licence (since 2008) Diplome d’Ingenieur or Licence (since 2008)
UK Hons 2008) or Licence Professionnelle / Grade or Licence Professionnelle / Grade de Licence or Licence Professionnelle / Grade de Licence
de Licence Professionnelle (since 2008) or Professionnelle (since 2008) or Maitrise (pre- Professionnelle (since 2008) or Maitrise (pre-
Maitrise (pre-2009): 2009): 2009):
15 (out of 20) 13 (out of 20) 11 (out of 20)
UK Ord Diplôme National de Technologie Diplôme National de Technologie Spécialisé Diplôme National de Technologie Spécialisé
Spécialisé or Licence (pre-2009): or Licence (pre-2009): Or Licence (pre-2009):
16 (out of 20) 14 (out of 20) 12 (out of 20)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Germany Bachelor/Diplom (FH)/Erste Staatsprüfung Bachelor/Diplom (FH)/Erste Staatsprüfung Bachelor/Diplom (FH)/Erste Staatsprüfung
UK Hons (Primarstufe / Sekundarstufe I)/ Zeugnis über (Primarstufe / Sekundarstufe I)/ Zeugnis (Primarstufe / Sekundarstufe I)/ Zeugnis über
den Zweiten Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung: über den Zweiten Abschnitt der Ärztlichen den Zweiten Abschnitt der Ärztlichen
CGPA 1,5 (acceptable range 1,0 – 1,5) Prüfung: Prüfung:
CGPA 2,5 (acceptable range 1,6 – 2,5) CGPA 3,0 (acceptable range 2,6 – 3,0)
Grading system for law courses:
14 (out of 20) Grading system for law courses: Grading system for law courses:
11 (out of 20) 8 (out of 18, where 4 is a pass)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
UK DipHE Grado Academicio de Baccalaureatus: Grado Academicio de Baccalaureatus Grado Academicio de Baccalaureatus
State university: 90% State university: 80% State university: 70%
Private university: 90% Private university: 80%
Haiti Need to consider via non-graduate entry Need to consider via non-graduate entry Need to consider via non-graduate entry
UK CertHE policy – Maitrise plus minimum of two policy – Maitrise plus minimum of two years policy – Maitrise plus minimum of two years
years relevant experience relevant experience relevant experience
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Hungary Alapfokozat (Bachelor) or Egyetemi Alapfokozat (Bachelor) or Egyetemi Oklevel Alapfokozat (Bachelor) or Egyetemi Oklevel
UK Hons Oklevel (University Diploma): (University Diploma): (University Diploma):
4.5 (out of 5) 3.5 (out of 5) 3 (out of 5)
UK Ord Foiskola Oklevel (College Diploma): Foiskola Oklevel (College Diploma): Foiskola Oklevel (College Diploma):
5 (out of 5) 4.5 (out of 5) 3.5 (out of 5)
India Bachelor (minimum of 3 year): Bachelor (minimum of 3 year): Bachelor (minimum of 3 year):
UK Bach/UK 70%; or 60%; or 55%; or
Hons CGPA 7.8 (10 point system); or CGPA 6.7 (10 point system); or CGPA 6.1 (10 point system); or
CGPA 7 (7 point system); or CGPA 6 (7 point system); or CGPA 4.5 (7 point system); or
CGPA 3.33 (4 point system) CGPA 3 (4 point system) CGPA 2.67 (4 point system)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Indonesia Bachelor (also known as Sarjana I - S1): Bachelor (also known as Sarjana I - S1): Bachelor (also known as Sarjana I - S1):
UK Hons CGPA 3.7 CGPA 3.0 CGPA 2.3
Italy ¹ Laurea or Licenza di Accademia di Belle Laurea or Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti Laurea orLicenza di Accademia di Belle Arti
UK Hons Arti or Diploma di Mediatore Linguistico or Diploma di Mediatore Linguistico or or Diploma di Mediatore Linguistico or
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
or Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello: Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello: Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello:
110 (out of 110) but can accept as ‘flex’ 104 (out of 110) but can accept as ‘flex’ 98 (out of 110) but can accept as ‘flex’
between 105 and 109 between 99 and 103 between 91 and 97
Ivory Coast Diplome d’Etude Approfondies, Diplome Diplome d’Etude Approfondies, Diplome Diplome d’Etude Approfondies, Diplome
UK Hons d’Etude Superieures Specialisees, d’Etude Superieures Specialisees, Diplôme d’Etude Superieures Specialisees, Diplôme
Diplôme d’État de Docteur en Pharmacie, d’État de Docteur en Pharmacie, Master d’État de Docteur en Pharmacie, Master
Master 14 12
UK Ord/DipHE Maitrise, Diplome d’Ingenieur, Doctorate Maitrise, Diplome d’Ingenieur, Doctorate en Maitrise, Diplome d’Ingenieur, Doctorate en
en Medicine, Licence Medicine, Licence Medicine, Licence
18 16 14
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Kosovo Diplomë e Studimeve Themelore Diplomë e Studimeve Themelore Universitare Diplomë e Studimeve Themelore Universitare
UK Bach Universitare – Baҫelor (Bachelor): – Baҫelor (Bachelor): – Baҫelor (Bachelor):
9 8 7
Kuwait Bachelor: Bachelor: Bachelor:
UK Bach CGPA 3.67 or Grade A CGPA 3.0 or Grade B CGPA 2.67 or Grade B-
Latvia Bakalaura Diploms (Bachelor) or Profesionālā Bakalaura Diploms (Bachelor) or Bakalaura Diploms (Bachelor) or
UK Hons since Bakalaura Diploms (Professional Bachelor Profesionālā Bakalaura Diploms Profesionālā Bakalaura Diploms
2002 degree) or (Professional Bachelor degree) or (Professional Bachelor degree) or
Profesionālās augstākās izglītības diploms Profesionālās augstākās izglītības diploms Profesionālās augstākās izglītības diploms
(Professional Higher Education programme):
(Professional Higher Education programme): (Professional Higher Education programme):
9 (out of 10)
8 (out of 10) 7 (out of 10)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
UK Ord Bachelor ‘other’ (University): Bachelor ‘other’ (University): Bachelor ‘other’ (University):
90% 80% 70%
Bachelor degrees from higher technical Bachelor degrees from higher technical or Bachelor degrees from higher technical or
or vocational institution are not vocational institution are not acceptable for vocational institution are not acceptable for
acceptable for postgraduate study postgraduate study postgraduate study
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Lithuania Bakalauro Diplomas (Bachelor) or Bakalauro Diplomas (Bachelor) or Profesinis Bakalauro Diplomas (Bachelor) or Profesinis
UK Hons since Profesinis Bakalauras (Professional Bakalauras (Professional Bachelor): Bakalauras (Professional Bachelor):
2000 Bachelor):
9 (out of 10) 8 (out of 10) 7 (out of 10)
UK Ord Diplome d’Ingenieur industriel: Diplome d’Ingenieur industriel: Diplome d’Ingenieur industriel:
18 (out of 20) 16 (out of 20) 14 (out of 20)
Macau Bachelor from the University of Macau: Bachelor from University of Macau: Bachelor from University of Macau:
UK Hons First Class or CGPA 3.7 Second Class Upper Division or CGPA 3.2 Second Class Lower Division or CGPA 2.5
Bachelor from Macau University of Bachelor from Macau University of Science Bachelor from Macau University of Science
Science and Technology: and Technology: and Technology:
CGPA 3.7 or Grade A or 88% CGPA 3.2 or 82% CGPA 2.5 or 70%
Macedonia Bachelor degree/Diploma of Completed Bachelor degree/Diploma of Completed Bachelor degree/Diploma of Completed
UK Hons Higher Education (Level VII/1): Higher Education (Level VII/1): Higher Education (Level VII/1):
9 8.5 7.5
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Madagascar Diplôme d'Etat de Docteur en Diplôme d'Etat de Docteur en Diplôme d'Etat de Docteur en
UK Hons/UK Médecine/Diplome d'Ingenieur/Diplôme Médecine/Diplome d'Ingenieur/Diplôme Médecine/Diplome d'Ingenieur/Diplôme
Bach d'Études Approfondies/Diplôme de d'Études Approfondies/Diplôme de d'Études Approfondies/Diplôme de
Master/Maîtrise: Master/Maîtrise: Master/Maîtrise:
16 14 12
UK DipHE Diplôme de Hautes Études en Sciences de Diplôme de Hautes Études en Sciences de Diplôme de Hautes Études en Sciences de
l'Administration d'Entreprises/Licence: l'Administration d'Entreprises/Licence: l'Administration d'Entreprises/Licence:
18 16 14
Malta Bachelor (Honours) or Bachelor (Non- Bachelor (Honours) or Bachelor (Non- Bachelor (Honours) or Bachelor (Non-
UK Hons/UK Honours) or Doctor of Medicine and Honours) or Doctor of Medicine and Honours) or Doctor of Medicine and
Bach Surgery/Master of Dental Surgery: Surgery/Master of Dental Surgery: Surgery/Master of Dental Surgery:
First class or Category I Upper Second Class or Category IIA Lower Second Class or Category IIB
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Mexico Licenciado/Titulo (Profesional) de: Licenciado/ Titulo (Profesional) de: Licenciado/ Titulo (Profesional) de:
Montenegro Diploma o završenim osnovnim Diploma o završenim osnovnim akademskim Diploma o završenim osnovnim akademskim
UK Hons akademskim studijama/Diploma studijama/Diploma primenjenih osnovnih studijama/Diploma primenjenih osnovnih
primenjenih osnovnih studija/Diploma studija/Diploma Visoko Obrazovanje / studija/Diploma Visoko Obrazovanje /
Visoko Obrazovanje / Diplomirani Diplomirani Diplomirani
9.5 8.5 7.5
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Morocco Diplôme d'Écoles Nationales de Commerce Diplôme d'Écoles Nationales de Commerce et Diplôme d'Écoles Nationales de Commerce et
UK Bach/Hons et de Gestion/Licence / Licence d'Études de Gestion/Licence / Licence d'Études de Gestion/Licence / Licence d'Études
Fondamentales / Licence Fondamentales / Licence Fondamentales / Licence
Professionnelle/Diplôme du Cycle Professionnelle/Diplôme du Cycle Professionnelle/Diplôme du Cycle
Normal/Diplôme d'Ingénieur Normal/Diplôme d'Ingénieur d'État/Diplôme Normal/Diplôme d'Ingénieur d'État/Diplôme
d'État/Diplôme de Doctorat en de Doctorat en Pharmacie/Maitrise: de Doctorat en Pharmacie/Maitrise:
14 (out of 20) 12 (out of 20)
16 (out of 20)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Namibia Bachelor Honours/Professional Bachelor Bachelor Honours/Professional Bachelor Bachelor Honours/Professional Bachelor
UK Hons (since 2008): (since 2008): (since 2008):
80% 70% 60%
UK DipHE/Ord Bachelor (non-honours) or Bachelor Bachelor (non-honours) or Bachelor Bachelor (non-honours) or Bachelor
Honours/Professional Bachelor (before Honours/Professional Bachelor (before Honours/Professional Bachelor (before
2008): 2008): 2008):
90% 80%
Nepal Bachelor in medicine/dentistry/veterinary Bachelor in medicine/dentistry/veterinary Bachelor in medicine/dentistry/veterinary
UK Hons science: science: science:
70% or CGPA 3.3 60% or CGPA 2.7 55% or CGPA 2.3
UK Ord/UK Bachelor/ Bachelor of Nursing or Nursing Bachelor/Bachelor of Nursing or Nursing Bachelor/ Bachelor of Nursing or Nursing
DipHE Science (min 3 year duration)/Bachelor of Science (min 3 year duration)/Bachelor of Science (min 3 year duration)/Bachelor of
Laws: Laws: Laws:
75% or CGPA 3.7 65% or CGPA 3.0 60% or CGPA 2.7
Please forward transcripts to Judith if Please forward transcripts to Judith if GPA Please forward transcripts to Judith if GPA
GPA out of line with above. out of line with above. out of line with above.
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Nicaragua Licenciado / Título de [subject area]: Licenciado / Título de [subject area]: Licenciado / Título de [subject area]:
UK Bach 90% 80% 70% (60% is ‘Pass’)
Always use Classification system if Always use Classification system if possible. Always use Classification system if possible.
possible. However, if only GPA is However, if only GPA is available (or mid- However, if only GPA is available (or mid-
available (or mid-point is needed) and point is needed) and you spot transcripts point is needed) and you spot transcripts that
you spot transcripts that are inconsistent that are inconsistent with above grades, are inconsistent with above grades, please
with above grades, please refer to Judith please refer to Judith refer to Judith
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Pakistan 4 year Bachelor (since 2015)/Bachelor of 4 year Bachelor (since 2015)/Bachelor of 4 year Bachelor (since 2015)/Bachelor of
UK Hons/ Laws (5 year)/MBBS/PharmD/DPT/DVM: Laws (5 year)/MBBS/PharmD/DPT/DVM: Laws (5 year)/MBBS/PharmD/DPT/DVM:
Bachelor CGPA 3.7 (out of 4.0) CGPA 3.2 (out of 4.0) CGPA 2.6 (out of 4.0)
UK Ord 4 year Bachelor (up to and including 4 year Bachelor (up to and including 4 year Bachelor (up to and including
2015)/Bachelor of Laws (<4 year)/Master 2015)/Bachelor of Laws (<4 year)/Bachelor 2015)/Bachelor of Laws (<4 year)/Bachelor
of Education/Master of Science in Home of Science in Nursing (post-RN) (up to and of Science in Nursing (post-RN) (up to and
Economics/Master’s degree (following 2 including 2015)/Master of Education/Master including 2015)/Master of Education/Master
or 3 year Bachelor)/MBA (following 2 of Science in Home Economics/Master’s of Science in Home Economics/Master’s
year Bachelor): degree (following 2 or 3 year Bachelor)/MBA degree (following 2 or 3 year Bachelor)/MBA
(following 2 year Bachelor): (following 2 year Bachelor):
CGPA 4.0 (out of 4.0) CGPA 3.5 (out of 4.0) CGPA 3.0 (out of 4.0)
Panama Licenciado/Titulo de (after 4 years of Licenciado/Titulo de (after 4 years of study): Licenciado/Titulo de (after 4 years of study):
UK Bach study): 81% or Good (pass mark = 61%)
71% or Fair (pass mark = 61%)
91% or Excellent
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Please refer transcripts with grading Please refer transcripts with grading ledger Please refer transcripts with grading ledger
ledger explaining GPA equivalences to JM explaining GPA equivalences to JM for explaining GPA equivalences to JM for
for assessment. assessment. assessment.
Paraguay Titulo de Licenciado/Titulo de: Titulo de Licenciado/Titulo de: Titulo de Licenciado/Titulo de:
UK Bach 4.5 (out of 5) 4.0 (out of 5) 3.5 (out of 5)
Peru Título de Licenciado / Título (Profesional) Título de Licenciado / Título (Profesional) de Título de Licenciado / Título (Profesional) de
UK Bach de [subject area]/ Grado Academico de [subject area]/ Grado Academico de [subject area]/ Grado Academico de
Bachiller: Bachiller: Bachiller:
16/20 14/20 13/20 (pass mark is 11)
Philippines Master/Bachelor (from 2022): Master/Bachelor (from 2022): Master/Bachelor (from 2022):
UK Hons/Bach Excellent Very Good Good
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Poland Licencjat or Inzynier (Bachelor): Licencjat or Inzynier (Bachelor): Licencjat or Inzynier (Bachelor):
UK Hons since
2001 4.75 4.5 or 4+ 3.5 or 3+
Portugal Licenciado or Diploma de Estudos Licenciad or Diploma de Estudos Superiores Licenciado or Diploma de Estudos Superiores
UK Hons Superiores Especializados – DESE: Especializados – DESE: Especializados – DESE:
Romania Diplomă de Inginer (Engineer) or Diplomă Diplomă de Inginer (Engineer) or Diplomă de Diplomă de Inginer (Engineer) or Diplomă de
UK Hons de Licenţă (Bachelor) or Diplomă de Licenţă (Bachelor) or Diplomă de Urbanist Licenţă (Bachelor) or Diplomă de Urbanist
Urbanist Diplomat (Town Planner): Diplomat (Town Planner): Diplomat (Town Planner):
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Rwanda Bachelor (Honours)/Diplome de Docteur Bachelor (Honours)/Diplome de Docteur en Bachelor (Honours)/Diplome de Docteur en
UK Hons en Medecine: Medecine: Medecine:
First Class/Grande Distinction or 80% or Second Class Upper Division/Distinction or Second Class Lower Division/60% or 12/20 or
16/20 or CGPA 5.0 70% or 14/20 or CGPA 4.0 (out of 5) CGPA 3.0 (out of 5)
Senegal Diplôme d'État de Docteur en Médecine/ Diplôme d'État de Docteur en Médecine/ Diplôme d'État de Docteur en Médecine/
UK Bach/Hons Diplôme d'Ingénieur/ Diplôme de Docteur Diplôme d'Ingénieur/ Diplôme de Docteur en Diplôme d'Ingénieur/ Diplôme de Docteur en
en Chirurgie Dentaire/ Diplôme de Chirurgie Dentaire/ Diplôme de Pharmacien/ Chirurgie Dentaire/ Diplôme de Pharmacien/
Pharmacien/ Diplôme d'Études Diplôme d'Études Approfondies/ Diplôme Diplôme d'Études Approfondies/ Diplôme
Approfondies/ Diplôme d'Études d'Études Supérieures Specialisées/ Maîtrise d'Études Supérieures Specialisées/ Maîtrise
Supérieures Specialisées/ Maîtrise
16 (out of 20) 14 (out of 20) 12 (out of 20)
Serbia Diploma o stečenom visokom Diploma o stečenom visokom Diploma o stečenom visokom
UK Hons obrazovanju (Advanced Diploma of obrazovanju (Advanced Diploma of Higher obrazovanju (Advanced Diploma of Higher
Higher Education)/ Diplomirani (Bachelor Education)/ Diplomirani (Bachelor degree): Education)/ Diplomirani (Bachelor degree):
degree): 8.5 7.5
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Singapore Bachelor Honours (must have studied at Bachelor Honours (must have been studied Bachelor Honours (must have been studied
UK Hons an Autonomous Public University): at an Autonomous Public University): at an Autonomous Public University):
First Class; or Second Class Upper Division; or Second Class Lower Division; or
GPA (5 pt) = 4.5; or GPA (5 pt) = 4.0; or GPA (5 pt) = 3.5; or
GPA (4 pt) = 3.6 GPA (4 pt) = 3.4 GPA (4 pt) = 3.2
UK Bachelor Bachelor in Medicine or Dentistry or Bachelor in Medicine or Dentistry or Vetinary Bachelor in Medicine or Dentistry or Vetinary
Vetinary Science (must have been Science (must have been studied at NTU or Science (must have been studied at NTU or
studied at NTU or NUS): NUS): NUS):
Pass Pass Pass
UK Ord Bachelor (studied at NTU, NUS, Singapore Bachelor (studied at NTU, NUS, Singapore
University of Social Sciences (SIM University University of Social Sciences (SIM University
until 2017) or Singapore Institute of until 2017) or Singapore Institute of
Technology): Technology):
GPA (5 pt) = 4.5; or GPA (5 pt) = 4.0; or
GPA (4 pt) = 3.8 GPA (4 pt) = 3.6
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
UK Hons izobrazbi (University Degree)/ Diploma o izobrazbi (University Degree)/ Diploma o izobrazbi (University Degree)/ Diploma o
pridobljeni visoki strokovni izobrazbi / pridobljeni visoki strokovni izobrazbi / pridobljeni visoki strokovni izobrazbi /
Diplomirani(Diploma of Professional Diplomirani(Diploma of Professional Higher Diplomirani(Diploma of Professional Higher
Higher Education)/ Education)/ Diplomant (Professionally Education)/ Diplomant (Professionally
Diplomant (Professionally oriented first- oriented first-cycle degree)/ Univerzitetni oriented first-cycle degree)/ Univerzitetni
cycle degree)/ Univerzitetni diplomant (Academically oriented first-cycle diplomant (Academically oriented first-cycle
diplomant (Academically oriented first- degree): degree):
cycle degree):
9 8 7
Somalia Laurea/Bachelor: Laurea/Bachelor: Laurea/Bachelor:
UK DipHE Not acceptable CGPA 4.0 or Grade A or 110 (out of 110) CGPA 3.0 or Grade B or 105 (out of 110)
We are currently only accepting We are currently only accepting applications
applications from Somali National from Somali National University
South Africa Bachelor Honours/Professional Bachelor: Bachelor Honours/Professional Bachelor: Bachelor Honours/Professional Bachelor:
UK Hons First Class or 75% Second Class Division One or 70% Second Class Division Two or 60%
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Spain Título Universitario Oficial de Licenciado Título Universitario Oficial de Licenciado or Título Universitario Oficial de Licenciado or
UK Hons or Ingeniero / Arquitecto (Licenciatura) or Ingeniero / Arquitecto (Licenciatura) or Ingeniero / Arquitecto (Licenciatura) or Título
Título Universitario Oficial de Graduado Título Universitario Oficial de Graduado en Universitario Oficial de Graduado en [subject
en [subject area] (Grado) or Licenciado en [subject area] (Grado) or Licenciado en area] (Grado) or Licenciado en Medicina /
Medicina / Odontología / Veterinaria: Medicina / Odontología / Veterinaria: Odontología / Veterinaria:
UK Ord Título Universitario Oficial de Ingeniero Título Universitario Oficial de Ingeniero Título Universitario Oficial de Ingeniero
Técnico/ Título Universitario Oficial de Técnico/ Título Universitario Oficial de Técnico/ Título Universitario Oficial de
Arquitecto Técnico: Arquitecto Técnico: Arquitecto Técnico:
Sri Lanka Bachelor Special or Honours/Professional Bachelor Special or Honours/Professional (4 Bachelor Special or Honours/Professional (4
UK Hons (4 years) or MBBS/BDS/BVS (5 years): years) or MBBS/BDS/BVS (5 years): years) or MBBS/BDS/BVS (5 years):
First or CGPA 3.7 or Grade A- Second Upper or CGPA 3.3 or Grade B+ Second Lower or CGPA 3.0 or Grade B
UK Ord Bachelor General (3 years): Bachelor General (3 years): Bachelor General (3 years):
CGPA 4.0 or Grade A First or CGPA 3.7 or Grade A- Second Upper or CGPA 3.3 or Grade B+
Sudan Bachelor Honours/Professional subject: Bachelor Honours/Professional subject: Bachelor Honours/Professional subject:
UK Bach Grade A or First Class Grade B or Second Class Division I Grade C+ or Second Class Division II
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Grade 5 or Grade 3 or
AB or Grade 4 or B or
Pass with Distinction or BA or Pass or
Excellent or Pass with Merit/Credit or Good or
At least 110 credits at VG (Val Godkand) Very Good or At least 90 Credits at G (Godkand)
At least 90 credits at VG (Val Godkand)
Switzerland Bachelor/Diplome/Diplome Bachelor/Diplome/Diplome Bachelor/Diplome/Diplome
UK Hons d’Etat/Licence/Diplom/Lizentiat/ d’Etat/Licence/Diplom/Lizentiat/ d’Etat/Licence/Diplom/Lizentiat/
Staatsdiplom: Staatsdiplom: Staatsdiplom:
5.5 (out of 6) or 9 (out of 10) or 1.5 (out 5 (out of 6) or 8 (out of 10) or 2 (out of 5) 4.5 (out of 6) or 7 (out of 10) or 2.5 (out of 5)
of 5)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Togo Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies/Diplome Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies/Diplome Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies/Diplome
UK Hons d’Etudes Superieures: d’Etudes Superieures: d’Etudes Superieures:
15 (out of 20) 13 (out of 20) 11 (out of 20)
Trinidad and Bachelor from a University: Bachelor from a University: Bachelor from a University:
Tobago First Class or CGPA 3.6 Second Class Upper Division or CGPA 3.0 Second Class Lower Division or CGPA 2.5
UK Bach
Tunisia Licence/Maitrise/Diplome National Licence/Maitrise/Diplome National Licence/Maitrise/Diplome National
UK Bach/Hons d’/Docteur en Medecine/Veterinaire: d’/Docteur en Medecine/Veterinaire: d’/Docteur en Medecine/Veterinaire:
16 (out of 20) 14 (out of 20) 12 (out of 20)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Turkey Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor)/Muhendis Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor)/Muhendis Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor)/Muhendis
UK Bach Diplomasi (Engineering Diploma): Diplomasi (Engineering Diploma): Diplomasi (Engineering Diploma):
CGPA 3.5 (out of 4.0) or CGPA 3.0 (out of 4.0) or CPGA 2.5 (out of 4.0) or
CGPA 3.3 (out of 4) from a High Ranking CGPA 2.8 (out of 4) from a High Ranking CGPA 2.3 (out of 4) from a High Ranking
Institution* Institution* Institution*
Turkmenistan Yokary bilim hakynda sahadatnama/ Yokary bilim hakynda sahadatnama/ Yokary bilim hakynda sahadatnama/ Diplom:
UK Hons Diplom: Diplom:
Grade 4.5 Grade 3.5
Grade 4.0
Ukraine Bachelor (since 2007)/Specialist Diploma: Bachelor (since 2007)/Specialist Diploma: Bachelor (since 2007)/Specialist Diploma:
UK Hons 10 (out of 12) or 90% or 4.5 (out of 5) 8 (out of 12) or 80% or 4.0 (out of 5) 7 (out of 12) or 70% or 3.5 (out of 5)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
Uzbekistan Specialist Diploma/Magistr Diplomi: Specialist Diploma/Magistr Diplomi: Specialist Diploma/Magistr Diplomi:
UK Hons 81% 76% 71% (pass = 55%)
Venezuela Licenciatura/Titulo de (subject area): Licenciatura/Titulo de (subject area): Licenciatura/Titulo de (subject area):
UK Bach 4.5 (out of 5) or 4.0 (out of 5) or 3.5 (out of 5) where 3 = Pass or
9 (out of 10) or 8 (out of 10) or 7 (out of 10) where 6 = Pass or
16 (out of 20) 14 (out of 20) 12 (out of 20) where 10 = Pass
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University
Country UK First UK 2.1 UK 2.2
ECCTIS Bachelor or Master’s (Distinction) or Master’s (Merit) or Master’s (Pass)
*High Ranking Institutions in Turkey (Top 1000, QS World University Rankings 2022) – Middle East Technical University, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University,
Sabanci University, Bilkent University, Koc University, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University