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K ingmaker

Kingmaker Tuskwater is original and content copyright

of Gremlin Brothers Games LLC. Please don’t replicate
or distribute this without our express permission (this is the classic adventure path from Paizo
is how Darkwayne and Batfoot get their coppers). - now reborn as a Second Edition mega-campaign.
This book is your companion to high adventure.
Kingmaker Tuskwater © 2023, (Gremlin Brothers
Games). All rights reserved. Paizo, the Paizo golem In this supplement we explore Tuskwater and the in
logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder greater detail, adding to the random encounters and
Society, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are giving ideas for empty hexes as well as adding some
registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; the Pathfinder P new maps. In your downloads you get
logo, Pathfinder Accessories, Pathfinder Adventure,
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure Old Beldame’s House
Card Society, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder
Battles, Pathfinder Combat Pad, Pathfinder Flip-Mat, Tree of the Hateful Hermit
Pathfinder Flip-Tiles, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder
Lost Omens, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Roleplaying Endangered Expedition Map
Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure Path,
Starfinder Combat Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Lonely Barrow Map
Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying
Game, and Starfinder Society. Witching Well Bonus Dungeon

This work is published under the Community Content and Old Crackjaw’s Lair
Agreement for Pathfinder Infinite and Starfinder
Infinite and the Wizards of the Coast Open Game
License (see Legal section at end). Some artwork in These maps come with Foundry VTT and Roll20 ready
this publication is copyright Paizo Inc. and is used with files, various grid and gridless versions, plus some
permission bonus maps and other goodies.

Writing Will Henson (Batfoot)

Cartographer Will Henson (Batfoot)
Design, Edit & Layout Will Henson (Batfoot)
Art Credit Wayne Reynolds (Cover), Figu design (paper
T uskwater
Brush Thylacines
These wolf-like marsupials are known as “thylacines”
to scholars, but locals call them “brush wolves” or “elf
wolves”. These animals aggressively taunt the party,
hoping to get one of them to run or separate so they
can attack. A hardy defense sends them scurrying
for the safety of the high grass. Their mealy hides are
worthless and their meat too stringy to eat. Oleg pays
a bounty on such beasts of 5cp each. (See Kingmaker
Adventure Path, pg. 609)
Random Encounters
This expanded encounter list provides many new A grisly old owlbear hunts the shores of the Tuskwater
random encounters for the Tuskwater. These include and wanders downstream of the rivers that flow from
the original encounters so you can use one table for the lake. The party is likely to find it fishing in deep
both. pools of the stream. The feathers and claws are worth
6gp. (See Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary, pg. 259)
Roll Encounter
Stag Lord Bandits
1 1-2 Brush Thylacines The bandits in this area are actively looking for
explorers to loot. It is an offense to the Stag Lord that
2 Owlbear anyone would dare explore his kingdom. These bandits
know that the heads of explorers would earn them a
3 4 Stag Lord Bandits place in the lord’s fort. This band was once a group of
professional hunters and prefer to set up an ambush for
4 3 Ruffians ranged combat, thinning the party with their longbows
before closing in on the remainder of the group. (See
5 1-2 Wargs Kingmaker Adventure Path, pg. 177)

6 Troll Ruffians
This group of 3 Ruffians are drunkards and are usually
7 Shambler drunk and always violent. They think little of anyone
that is not wearing armor and carrying weapons and
8 1-2 Arboreal Wardens openly mock spell casters and any character of small
size. Their tactics are usually to openly confront a
9 1d6+2 Bloodseekers party and harass them verbally before attacking. (See
Pathfinder Second Edition Game Mastery Guide, pg. 209)
10 1d3 Giant Bats
11 1d2 Giant Dragonfly Wargs live in the woods west of the Tuskwater. They
hunt the open plains regularly for game. Wargs circle
12 1d3 Draugr the party for 1-2 rounds before attacking giving the
party a chance to intimidate them into backing off.
13 Living Thunderclap Their pelts are worth 4gp to Oleg. (See Pathfinder Second
Edition Bestiary, pg. 322)
14 1d4+1 Vexgit Gremlins
15 Pixie This solitary troll is known as “Old Mossy Back” as he
is covered in moss and hard to see. Old Mossy adds a
16. Bog Mummy +2 circumstance bonus to his Stealth if encountered in
the woods or at night. No settlers will come to this hex
17 1d3 Slime Molds as long as Mossy lives. The GM should advance Mossy
so at all levels he remains a significant challenge. (See
18 Storm Hag Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary, pg. 347)

19 1d2 Ogre Shambler

Shamblers are a CR6 monster and represent a
20. Quicksand significant challenge to a low-level party. Fortunately
they are rare in the Tuskwater region. Always solitary,
they use their mound form to conceal themselves along
well-traveled routes, often positioning themselves at
the intersection of game trails. (See Pathfinder Second
Edition Bestiary, pg. 290)
Arboreal Wardens This particular Pixie is named Yacenor and, like most
These creatures once protected the forest but have fey, she is mischievous. The fey immediately takes
become evil and blighted. The wardens attack on sight a keen (and possibly misplaced romantic) interest
and fight to the death. In the hollows of their twisted in one of the characters. She uses her invisibility to
bark they have stuffed belongings of creatures they kill. follow the party. She uses her spells to distract the
In these the party will find 5sp, a gold ring (1gp value) party casting dancing lights, faerie fire, ghost sound and
and a feather token (ladder). (See Pathfinder Second entangle to distract the party and impress them with
Edition Bestiary, pg. 24) her abilities. Eventually she uses her bow on her chosen
interest, attempting to charm them, and if that fails
Bloodseekers to make them forget about it. Eventually she appears
Bloodseekers roam ceaselessly in search of more blood, expecting everyone to be impressed with her power and
When the party encounters them they spot a swarm abilities and requests the chosen character marry her.
of 40 or 50 such beasts flying. Fortunately only a few Performing a ceremony of any kind and going along
break off and head for the party. (See Pathfinder Second with it satisfies her and she heads off and forgets about
Edition Bestiary, pg. 42) it quickly, although the GM can play this as they want.
(See Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary, pg. 309)
Giant Bats
These large bats hang in copses of trees during the Bog Mummy
day in the darkest recesses they can find. At night they The shallow bogs around the head of the Tuskwater
come out to feed. If encountered during the day they lake hold a fearsome bog mummy. The mummy has
are sluggish and fly away if attacked. At night they are awakened due to the party being close to its resting
aggressive and attack anything they encounter. (See place and seeks out the cause of the disruption. (See
Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary, pg. 39) Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary 2, pg. 177)

Giant Dragonfly Slime Mold

The giant dragonfly is a fearsome predator of the These mounds of rotting vegetation don’t appear
Tuskwater lakeside. When the meter-long creatures unusual as they hide in mounds of decaying plant
hatch they are hungry and hunt incessantly during matter (Stealth +8). (See Pathfinder Second Edition
daylight hours. Most of the time they skim the lake Bestiary 2, pg. 192)
surface for trout. At night treat as no encounter. (See
Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary 2, pg. 98) Storm Hag
The Storm Hag -Eruska Hailsworn - lives on the shores
Draugr of the Tuskwater and is the reason many die on the
These remains of drowned fisherman lurk in the lake stormy lake. She roams about the area visiting other
and hold much hatred for the living. They rise out of coven members and might be encountered anywhere.
the depths to seek anyone within a mile of the lake (See She is especially fond of targeting anyone in a boat
Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary 2, pg. 102) on the lake. If encountered away from the lake she is
simply traveling and although evil she might seek a
Living Thunderclap deal with the party. For example, she might require
The party hears the peel of distant thunder and senses tribute to allow others to use the lake or money or
a storm brewing, They are set upon by a sudden magic to target a rival faction. She can be recurring foe
squall within which is a Living Thunderclap. The air or barely trustworthy ally in this hex. (See Pathfinder
elemental is quickly upon the party. Its attitude begins Second Edition Bestiary 3, pg. 128)
as unfriendly but a Nature DC20 is enough to change it
to neutral. Druids of the Storm Order gain a +4 to this Ogre
check. (See Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary 2, pg. 106) Muglog is an old ogre with a long white beard and
is sometimes encountered with his wife Pathia. The
Vexgit Gremlins pair has been hunting humans for a long time with
These nasty gremlins are quite interested in vexing the a club and longspear. The male is an Ogre Glutton
party. As soon as this encounter is rolled they begin and the female is an Ogre Warrior. They carry all
following the party. Each hour each party member is their belongings with them which include 22gp in
allowed a Perception against DC20 to spot them. The various coins and jewelry taken from the dead. They
Gremlins stay some distance away. Once the party prefer ambush tactics to catch travelers unaware. (See
camps for the night the Gremlins put Biting Snares Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary, pg. 252)
round their campsite, and attempt to sneak in and ruin
any supplies they can. The Gremlins flee once three of
their number have been killed. (See Pathfinder Second
Edition Bestiary 2, pg. 134)
Quicksand be an Elasmosaurus (CR7, Pathfinder Second Edition
Quicksand bogs can be found in the forests and hills Bestiary 2 pg.105). Once any lake hex is settled the
and are often concealed with a solid-looking layer. (See monster’s presence provides +1 Folklore but -1 Boating
Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook pg.526) checks due to its occasional eating of fishermen.

Empty Hexes in Tuskwater

The map of this region contains many empty hexes.
When you need something to put in an empty hex you
can use this table to add depth and detail.

1. Forest Ponds - Deep forest ponds in this woodland

hex serve as reservoirs for game, fish, and travelers.
Subsist checks and checks to Rest and Relax gain a +1
circumstance bonus.

2. Freshwater Pearls - The lakeside or river hex is

home to a number of bivalves that harbor freshwater
pearls. The party may find middens left by goblins in
the area. A Nature DC18 will recognize these freshwater
mussels were harvested for pearls. Harvesting mussels
is a Survival DC20 (level 3 task to earn income). Once
the hex is settled, the presence of pearls adds +1
circumstance bonus to Culture checks.

2. The Tuskwater Lake Thing

Rumors have persisted for a time among locals of the
“Tuskwater Monster”. It has been observed swimming 3. The Thing from Beyond
on the surface in early morning hours. The rarely As soon as the party enters the hex they feel a sense
sighted monster is a source of concern and a curiosity. of foreboding. The area is devoid of animals. No birds
When the party first enters this hex they might glimpse sing, and the only animals a a sickly few gray bugs that
the monster in the distance (or part of it). This might no one can identify (not even with a Nature check).
This hex hosts a creature from beyond the stars. Its
spore fell with the rain of stars in Numeria and has long Fixed Locations in the Tuskwater
sat dormant until its recent hatch. Now the beast
is rapidly eating everything it can and growing in TW2 Endangered Expedition
size. How the Game Master decides to use the thing
is up to them. It can be a persistent mystery, growing This encounter now has its own map. A few additional
in size and problems until the party is ready to notes:
defeat it in combat. This creature might be a Veiled
Master (Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary pg.15) or First, if most of the PCs are in armor, they will eat up
a Derghodaemon (CR12,Pathfinder Second Edition their 6 rounds taking it off, so feel free to give them
Bestiary pg.60). The hex cannot be settled as long as the time enough to complete the tasks without drowning.
creature is here.
The river current moves at a rate of 15 feet per round. A
4. Church player who critically fails a swim test is swept past the
The old church here makes the perfect place to rest wagon and will have to get to shore. The horses are on
and stage further expeditions. The well-built structure the downstream side of the wagon.
only needs a day of work and a Craft DC14 to fix up
for a base of explorations. The church was originally The river itself is five feet deep with a sandy gravel
dedicated to Desna. Restoring it to functionality bottom but the strong current prevents anyone from
attracts settlers to the area. Rolls to Claim the hex gain standing for long.
a +2 Circumstance bonus.

5.. Witching Well

Strange green mist flows out of ancient wellhead that
lies on the blighted landscape. Beneath the Witching
Well lies a mist-filled labyrinth of tunnels overtaken by
eldritch energies. This area is detailed in Appendix A.

6. Wild Horses
Wild horses inhabit this hex. These make fine mounts.
Players can gather them and tame them. Once the
hex is claimed a Gather Livestock action can be taken
to gain 2d10 horses. If this encounter is rolled in a
Tuskwater Lakeside hex the party encounters a single
Hippocampus (Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary 2
p,142). The creature is curious and begins as neutral. A
player that can change its attitude to Helpful may find
it willing to be tamed.
The new map of the Staglord’s fort has a few
modifications and additions worth noting. There are
three maps of the fortification’s lower and upper levels.

(a) The cannon located in C3a is loaded with a cannon

ball. The weapon is not very accurate and intended
for large creatures of massed formations. If the party
persists on assaulting the front gate the cannon can
depress its gun enough to fire only at creatures 30 feet
and further from the gate. It has a -4 Attack modifier
and does 4d6+6 bludgeoning damage. There is enough
powder here for 8 shots.

(b) The large crossbow located in C3b is a ballista (see

Guns & Gear pg. 74). There are 18 bolts available. It is
unloaded most of the time, and requires two humans an
entire round to load and reload the weapon.

TW5 Lonely Barrow

There are multiple screen shots and even movie of the
Barrow in your downloads. Numerous light sources on TW6 Hateful Hermit
the map are presented here mainly for lighting. You can
consider some of these ever-burning torches, although The tree of the hateful hermit is a massive oak and
that would be significant treasure for the party. Instead towers above the landscape. A worn path leads to the
you may wish to consider them magical lighting that base of the tree. Ancient stones of a long lost structure
only functions inside the barrow. can be seen out front. If examined it is clear that
someone has burned small things on them in the recent
past (the Hateful Hermit makes sacrifices and burns
TW 7 OLD BELDAME incense here.)

The new map of Old Beldame’s house warrants a

few notes. First the scarecrow is actually more of a
statue, which can be seen to the left of the path (see
photo below). A green mist encircles the rear portion
of the house and is ever-present but harmless. The
mist provides concealment to person’s crawling on the
ground (or small creatures). A dark stone monument
stands in the corner of the yard. This millinea old stone
holds a blessing for those that can read Draconic. The
blessing lasts 24 hours and conveys a +1 Fortitude
Saving Throw if read aloud.
Old Crackjaw’s abode is provided in several formats This is a small dungeon adventure set in the Kingmaker
including day and night and one where the party’s Tuskwater region. This old well was once the entrance
camp is very close : It could be used for their camp to a secret barrow. Recently the eldritch energies of
after they have slain the beast or perhaps they camp the barrow have awakened and a green necrotic fog
too close to Crackjaw’s pool and their revelry angers seeps out of the wellhead. As the party explores this
him at night. While his usual method of hunting is to region they will see this from a distance. The fog is
bury himself in the mud and wait for something tasty particularly visible at night as it glows green. The 50
to come along the sound of adventurers and a fire will feet round the well has swaths of dead plants. The fog
make him waddle through the bushes to figure out what itself is harmless until players get open wounds and
is going on. then it has effects as described below. The well is 30
feet vertically and four feet in diameter. The rope can
be easily descended with an Athletics check (DC11) and
climbed back up with an Athletics check (DC15). The
area is lit by candles and torches and all doors unless
otherwise noted are unlocked. The candles and torches
noted on the map are magically lit but lose their magic
if touched or moved in any way.

1. The Bottom of the Well  Hazard 1

The well shaft opens in the ceiling eight feet above
the floor, then continues into another well filled with
water. The well in the room’s floor is twenty feet
deep. A green mist comes from nearby corridors and
slowly ascends the chimney. The walls here are lit by
glowing fungi. A Nature check (DC19) reveals these
phosphorescent mushrooms as native to deeper parts of
the earth.


A green fog swirls about and sometimes contains bones
and skulls that form and dissolve as it moves.
6 7

1 4

The Witching

Stealth DC10 to notice the stranger aspects of the fog.

Disable The fog can be cleared from a room with burst of positive energy such as an area heal spell. This will be
obvious to a player with a Religion DC19. The room refills in 1d10 turn until the source is dealt with.
Effect Necrotic fog has no effect until a player enters it with an open wound. The player must then pass a Fortitude
Save DC15. On a failure the player’s wounds heal at half rate until they receive magical healing. They can attempt a
new save each day. A critical failure causes 1d4hp.

2. Headless Hall  Moderate 2

This hallway is shrouded in green necrotic fog that partially concealed a coffin partway down its length. As the
party enters severed heads rise up from the ground and strike forth to attack. Five Severed heads inhabit this area.
Littered on the floor are six gold candlesticks worth 1gp each.
3. Tomb Of Karza  Moderate 2 5. Tomb of Rugar Moderate 2

At the end of a rubble-filled hall stands a dark, A great steel cage is chained to the floor, beyond
moss-covered tomb around which sprout large glowing which lies a tomb which has been broken open. Green
mushrooms including one at least six feet tall. Light mist flows from the tombs depth.
flickers across its surface and occasionally small
glowing spores drop from it to the ground and wink Rugar was once a powerful noble seduced by the
out. dark arts of necromancy. Rugar performed so many
experiments that not long after he died he slowly rotted
The mushroom is a deep-earth variety. A close away into the necrotic gas that now filled the tomb and
examination reveals the gills blow its cap contract wafts out of the Witching Well.
and expand as if breathing. The rare fungi in this
room were attracted by the necrotic fog and feed off it. The cage was used to house an unwilling host that
Anyone who eats these mushrooms suffers 2d6 negative was supposed to absorb Rugar’s spirit when he died.
energy damage. Otherwise an Arcana or Occultism Unfortunately this did not work and the poor soul died
DC30 may recall their use as spell components to of starvation some time later. A very large and ornate
enhance negative energy damage. A successful Nature mirror hangs on the wall here.
check DC19 can harvest enough components that a
spell-caster could heighten a spell that dealt negative The tomb contains a bone worm swarm (Pathfinder
by +1 level 1d6 times. Second Edition Bestiary p.33) that squirm over Rugar’s
body and his treasure; 12gp in silver.
4. Hall of Bone Moderate 2
The necrotic mist can be stopped if 30 or more positive
energy damage is dealt to the tomb. Players can discen
This hall is filled with green necrotic fog. Shapeless this with a Religion DC19.
ghosts and skulls drift in and out of vision. Halfway
down the hall lies the body of a long-dead man. 6. Guardians of the Dead Moderate 2
Pressure plates along the floor release wicked steel This hall contains 2 skeletal champions. The guardians
darts positioned at different heights along the hallway. remain in this room until they sight a foe of any kind
The dead body is that of a mage. His journal contains and then they come out to attack. Their finely crafted
an entry about deactivating the wall of force in room 8. longsword and halberd are worth 6gp each.
This reads as follows:
7. Rest of Heroes Moderate 2
It is said that the tomb of Gehb is protected by a
glowing wall. I know that the sorcerer who made the
wall was not known for their magic, thus it is likely A green mist floats at the base of two marble
a less powerful version of a force wall. My research sarcophagi. The roaring and crackling torches nearby
indicates that it could be broken if the energies of the are the only sound you can hear.
wall are turned upon themselves with large mirror
placed next to the wall. The destabilizing effect will The necrotic fog has awakened the occupants of both
allow a few powerful blows to shatter the wall. tombs but the heavy lids are too much for the creatures
within to open. In addition to their weight, the lids a
WICKED DARTS  HAZARD 2 metal clasp on each side must be undone. Inside each is
Stealth DC23 spots tell-tale holes in the wall or one of a skeletal champion dressed in ornamental armor. The
the dust-covered iron darts that killed the man. sets of armor are each worth 8gp.
Disable Once the trap is known, the pressure plates
can be found with three Perception DC18 checks. A 8. Tomb of Gehb Moderate 2
Thievery DC24 will locate a loose block in the wall
behind which is a master reset and disable mechanism, Outside of the door yawns a 10x10 foot pit. A wall of
Effect If the trap is sprung all creatures in the room force glimmers in front of this chamber beyond which
suffer 3d6 piercing damage, and get a basic Reflex Save the party can barely make out a coffin of ice that
DC19. continually emits an eerie fog. The walls are lined with
Reset The trap has 4 more uses before all the darts are bones.
used up.
Players that follow the instructions found on the dead
mage and place the mirror against the wall can reflect
the wall’s energy back to it. The wall will become a
Hardness 5, 12HP item that can be easily broken

Beyond lies the tomb, where a frost-covered mausoleum

stands emitting a continuous fog of freezing mist.
The mausoleum is cold to the touch causing 1d4 cold
damage to anyone that touches it without gloves.

Inside is the perfectly preserved body of a man, across

his chest is an ice-covered longbow. Touching it melts
away all th ice on it to reveal it’s blue surface.


This magic longbow emits a blue fog as if extremely
cold, but is not cold to the touch of a person invested
in it. The tip of any arrow placed in it also glows with
a cold blue hue and fog. This +1 longbow’s damage is
treated as cold damage for creatures with a weakness to
Activate You speak the command word and fire the
bow at a body of water. A 5x5 square of ice freezes. The
ice is 8” deep (enough to walk on). Creatures within the
square are immobilized but can break out with an
Athletics DC18.
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