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This chapter includes the background of the study, statement of the problem,

objective of the study, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, scope and

limitation, significance of the study, and definition of terms.

Background of the study

Making a career choice is a defining phase in every students life. Students

have to consider several factors before arriving at a decision. One wrong decision can

change the fate of individual. Furthermore, career once chosen will probably affect an

individual throughout their lives. It is this connection therefore that Sharf (2010)

contends that clarity and meaning of life are expressed in ones career.

Choosing an career is not an easy and straightforward undertaking. It is

complicated and intimidating because the decision is influenced by various factors –

extrinsic, intrinsic or a combination of both (Hewitt, 2010). Students make crucial

decisions at a stage when they may not be fully informed of their choices, or else

unavoidable circumstances prevent them form pursuing their goals.

According to Edwen (2000), different values are attached to different career

options. These values according to them comes from life experiences, educational

background, and the environment. Values are also attached to a particular career. The

influence of career choice has a lasting impact on an individual. The purpose of this

research was to investigate various decision making influences on the grade 12

students. As we know that the grade 12 students will choose for their preferred career.

They will sought for answers to queries whether the grade 12 students choose their

respective fields, had to reconcile for circumstances or had a say in the decisions. It

gives insight into the various factors which lead students’ to a decision making.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the influence of students’ interest on their career

choice of the selected grade 12 students of Our Lady of Peace High School, this study

would like to sought answers to the following questions:

 What is the relationship between interest and career choice ?

 What influences the students in choosing their career ?

 What is the importance of career choice ?

Objectives of the study

The general objective of this study is to determine what are influences of

students interest to choose a career. Also, we want to know the importance of making

the best career choice that will lead them on their goal.

 To determine the significant role of interest to career choice.

 To determine the influences that affects the decision making of the students on

their career choice.

 To determine the importance of a right career choice.

Theoretical framework

The study seeks theories related to the students interest on career choice.

Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription and Compromise of 1981

This theory, developed by Linda Gottfredson in 1981, attempts to describe

how career choice develops in young people. Many developmental theories focus on

how an individual’s self concept develops with age. Circumscription and Compromise

also focuses on the development of an individual’s view of the occupational choices

available. The theory assumes that we build a cognitive map of occupations by

picking up occupational stereotypes from those around us. Occupations are placed on

this map using only a small number of dimensions: sex-type, prestige level and field

of work. As young people build this map, they begin to decide which occupations are

acceptable and which are unacceptable — those which fit with their own developing

self concept and those which do not. The first process is one of Circumscription —

ruling out unacceptable options based on their perceived fit with ones developing self-

concept. In the early stages this filtering process is quite crude and inaccurate, but it is

lasting. After circumscription has excluded options outside a perceived social and

personal space, the next process is one of Compromise. In this stage, individuals may

be inclined to sacrifice roles they see as more compatible with their self-concept in

favor of those that are perceived to be more easily accessible.

Social Cognitive Career Theory by Hackett & Betz, 1981

Social cognitive career theory is a relatively new theory that is aimed at

explaining three interrelated aspects of career development: (1) how basic academic

and career interests develop, (2) how educational career choices are made, and (3)

how academic and career success is obtained. The theory incorporates a variety of

concepts (e.g., interests, abilities, values, environmental factors) that appear in earlier

career theories and have been found to affect career development.

Through continued activity exposure, practice, and feedback, people refine their

skills, develop personal performance standards, from sense of their efficacy in

particular tasks, and acquire certain expectations about the outcomes of the activity

engagement. This model of career choice process, which builds on the interests

model, is also embedded in the text above. Arising largely through self-efficacy and

outcome expectations, career-related interests foster particular education and

occupational choice goals (e.g., intention to pursue a particular career path). It also

emphasizes that choice goals are sometimes influenced more dire ctly and potently by

self-efficacy beliefs, outcome expectation, or environmental variables than they are

by interests.

Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory

The concept of self efficacy is the focal point of Albert Bandura’s social

cognitive theory. By means of the self system, individuals exercise control over their

thoughts, feelings, and actions. Among the beliefs with which an individual evaluates

the control over his/her actions and environment, self-efficacy beliefs are the most

influential predictor of human behavior. The level and strength of self-efficacy will

determine whether: A coping behavior will be initiated; how much effort will result;

how long the effort will be sustained in the face of obstacles. Self-efficacy is the

belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required.

Self-Efficacy plays the central role in the cognitive regulation of motivation,

because people regulate the level and distribution of effort they will expend in

accordance with the effects they are expecting from their actions. Self-efficacy does

relates to a person’s perception of their ability to reach a goal.

Holland’s Theory of Career Choice by John Holland

John Holland’s theory of career choice maintains that in choosing a career,

people prefer jobs where they can be around others who are like them. They search

for environments that will let them use their skills and abilities, and express their

attitudes and values, while taking on enjoyable problems and roles. Behavior is

determined by an interaction between personality and environment. Holland’s theory

is centered on the notion that most people fit into one of six personality types:

realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.

Self Concept Theory of Career Development by Donald Super of 1969

The self-concept theory defines career choice and development as a process

that changes overtime and develops at different life stages. This changes occur as a

result physical ,environmental and situational factors. In 1990,Super furthermore

developed this theory by presenting a five stage framework to show the evolution of

career development through the importance of self-concept


ach stage has its unique vocational expectations based on society factors and these

changes as it grows older. During the growth stage, the vocational development is

through the school system, where self concept and attitude is developed .At the

exploration stage, the individuals experiments by trying out different things through

mediums such as classes, work experience, and hobbies. In the establishment stage,

the individuals inters the world of work and stablishes a career path through work

experiences. The maintenance stage, where the individual is defined by continuous

adjustments to improve vocational position. Lastly, the decline stage, is characterized

by reduce output and retirement planning.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Grade 12
Career Choice
figure 1. conceptual framework

The relationship between career choice and Grade 12 students may be

particularly important, as they are often making decisions about their future

educational and career paths. Grade 12 students may be considering their college and

university options, and their career choices could impact the programs they apply for

and the schools they attend. The career choice that the Grade 12 students make could

also impact their future job satisfaction they need to choose a career that aligns with

their interests and values that may lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment in the

long run. Also, the grade 12 students may be using this time to explore different

career options through internships, job shadowing, or informational interviews.

The relationship between career choice and Grade 12 students may be significant as

they are making important decisions that can impact their future education and career


Scope and limitation

This study described the profile of Grade 12 students and identifies the

problems and difficulties encountered in making career choices as well as the factors

in choosing their career. The respondents are composed of 25 selected Grade 12

students of Our Lady of Peace High School.

Significance of the study

This study would serve as reference for some readers who wish to gather

more information regarding the influences of students’ interest on career choice.

Specifically, the results would be beneficial to the following sector:

 For the students: The students will be aware on their career choice regarding

areas of interest and prospective career fields.

 For the teachers: This may also help the researchers to make a necessary

adjustment to their learning style and process their best performance to the

activities that suits their capacity, interest and thereby develop their sense of

commitment and responsibility

 School: This may also help the school develop more effective career counseling

and guidance services, improve student retention and academic performance

Definition of terms

Career - An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with

opportunities for progress. In this study, this career is important stage in student’s life.

Extrinsic – it is not part of the essential nature of someone or something; coming or

operating inside. In this study, it applies to what is distinctly outside the thing in

question or it not contained in or derived from its essential nature.

Intrinsic – Belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing. In this study, it

is the basic to the thing, being important part of making it what it is each student

being has intrinsic dignity and worth.

Reconcile – Cause to exist in harmony; make show to be compatible. In this study,

reconciling can allow you to move forward with acceptance and surrender, rather than

berating yourself for what cannot be changed.

Scrutinize – To examine closely and minutely. In this study, it is something very

carefully in order to discover information.

Beneficial – Favorable or advantageous, resulting in good the beneficial effect on the

economy. In this study, it is an occupations earning potential, is a major consideration

for most when deciding on a suitable career.

Efficacy – The ability o produce a desired or intended result there is little information

in the efficacy of this treatment. In this study, it is the degree to which a person is

confident in making important career decisions.

Literacy – The ability to read and write tests of literacy and numeracy. In this study,

career literacy the capacity to make informed decisions in choosing a career and

deciding the best course of action to reach goals.

Vocation – A strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation. In this

study, vocation could be work that is outside your wage earning sphere of activity.

Interest - The state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone. In this

study, you are pursuing your career that uses your talents.



This chapter present the review of related literature and related studies after

the through and in-depth search done by the researchers.


Career choice

The selection of a vocation, using on the basis of such factors as parental

guidance, vocational guidance, identification with admired figures, trial or part-time

jobs, training opportunities, personal interests, and ability tests (APA Dictionary of

psychology). Career choice is the most important event in an individual life. Person’s

success and consequently; satisfaction and happiness depend on how accurately

choose his career. Career choice also means the broad opportunities that exist for

lifelong vocation (Adeniyi, 2016). This decision making process. It is a development

process which span one’s life. It transcends for choosing a job for an immediate

satisfaction and entails a serious consideration of a job and its implication for later

satisfaction and personal adjustments (Alliyu, 1995). When choosing a career, it is

important to think about what matters most and what an individual hope to gain from

work. These might include factor like work-life balance, job security, opportunities

for growth and advancement, or chance to make a meaning full impact on others or

the world. By considering these different factors, you can make a more informed

decision about what career path is likely to be the best fit for someone.

Career Interest

Due to need for specialization at the work place, choosing a career is not an

easy and straight forward undertaking. It is a complicated and dauting task because

the decision is influenced by various factors- extrinsic, intrinsic or a combination of

both (Hewitt, 2010). Career interests are your preferences regarding work activities

and environments. Identifying your career interests helps you make a well-informed

and more strategic career decision. Following your career interests means you’re

pursuing a career that uses your talents and aligns with your values and preferences.

Simply put, you’re finding out what you enjoy doing regularly. Career interests are

important because they reflect your preferences in a work environment. Aligning your

career with your interests presents several benefits, including job satisfaction,

strategic career decision, career success, motivation, and personal identity.

Influence of Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Interpersonal

According to Carpenter and Foster (1977) Hewitt (2010) and Holland

(1985) posited that all vocational influencing factors stem from either intrinsic,

extrinsic or interpersonal factors/dimensions.

The intrinsic factors include personal interest, self efficacy, outcome

expectation and professional development opportunities. According to (Owie 2003),

as cited by Kumazhege (2017) posited that interest is a significant factor in an

individual’s choice of vocation but academic achievement or requirement may

influence interest positively or negatively. Choi & Kim (2013) observed that interest

could sustain the individual to excel and be satisfied in a chosen vocation. According

to Gokuladas (2006), students from urban centers are likely to consider their personal

interest before societal interest when making vocational choice.

Extrinsic factors refer to the desire of social recognition and job security.

This is the benefit associated with certain occupations (Shaffner, 2015). Some

researchers have observed that many youths tend to choose career based on what the

job/vocation can be associated with such as job security, job accessibility, job

satisfaction and financial remuneration (Edwards & Quinter, 2011).

Interpersonal factors consist of activities of agents of socialization in one’s life

and this includes family members, teachers/educators, peers etc. Students who are

influenced by interpersonal factors take into consideration the opinions of family

members and significant others in the family. Such students are willing to subdue

their personal interest at the expense of such member’s advice.

Decision Making on Career

Students wrong decision was found to be the most contributing factor to the

county’s problem on unemployment and job mismatch and underemployment. As

cited by Braza and Guillo (2015), the report of Labor Force Survey done in January

2012 revealed that there are around 7.1 million underemployed Filipinos or an

underemployment of 19.4 percent, a result of congested basic education system and

unassisted career decision making. With the given facts, there is a needed for an

enhanced educational system and career guidance activities that will help students

choose the appropriate career oath based on their interest and competency, as well as

the market demand must be strengthened.

Students Interest

In education, student interest refers to the inclination of the student towards a

particular subject in which he or she is easily able to connect without any hassle or

hurdle. The student may develop an interest in any specific content or work in

education. Without the student interest, it is not possible to achieve much. Thus,

for achievements, the teachers and academicians put efforts first to develop the

interest (teachmint) The interest holds much power as it helps them in connecting to

their desired subjects. When students are connected with their subject of interest

engagement becomes effective, and it deepens as we see them investing more time

and effort in learning. Students’ social relationships appear to influence their

academic engagement and success at school (Patrick, Anderman, & Ryan,

2002). Students need safe and supportive learning environments. When students feel

mentally or physically uncomfortable, their brains focus on those conditions rather

than on learning.   


Borchert M. (2002). “Career Choice Factors of High School Students”.

Every student carries the unique history of their past and determines how they

view the world. In part by the student’s environment, personality, and opportunity

will determine how students make career choices. Students can help themselves in to

decide myth from reality, communication, and learning to operate autonomously, are

fundamental building blocks used in effective career planning. This research used

statistical information to see if dependent variables relating to environment,

opportunity, and personality were significant factors influencing the career choices of

high school students.

The fist factor in career choice, environment, may influence the career

students choose. Someone in the student’s life had made an impact or impression,

leading to a definite career choice. Second factor is the personality, is determining

factor may influence a chosen career. Some careers demand that you have the

personality to match the qualities occupation. Opportunity is the third factor that has

shaped career choices for students. Opportunity may influence how students have

perceived their future in terms of reasonable probability of a future in a particular

career fields.

Ferro M. (2019). “STEM Influence on Career Choice Variables of Middle School

Students Based on Gender and Ethnicity”.

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are growing

fields in both global markets and educational spaces. The problem related to this study

was the lack of understanding of how gender and ethnicity might relate to differences

in the science self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and task interests of students who

have participated in STEM intervention programs. The purpose of this quantitative

study was to explore extent to which there were differences between dependent

variables of science self-efficacy, outcome expectations and task interests in U.S.

middle school students based on the independent variables of gender and ethnicity

after participating in citizen science STEM intervention program. This study has the

potential to help students from underrepresented populations to envision success in

those areas. Educators may able be to design programs that address the specific needs

of underrepresented students populations, which may lead to better student outcomes

for those group.

Manapsal J. (2018). “Factors of Undecidability in Career Choices of Grade 11

General Academic Track Students. Basis for Career Decision Program”.

This study determined the factors of undecidability in making a career choices

and identified the problems and difficulties by GAS grade 11 students as a basis for

Career Decision Making Program. This study is descriptive research design utilized a

purposive sampling, total enumeration was used. This research can be one of the most

original in the history of the Department of Education since it is the first time to

produce graduates under K-12 program. For most students influenced by parents,

guardians, teachers, friends, peers and many others, it is difficult because there are

many factors to consider.

Senior high school education in the Philippines has a very important impact

in the country’s national development. The government invested in education in the

hope that students will become globally competitive. To become globally competitive,

the student must be eager to see themselves what career path will they pursue in the

near future. A planned and organized goals can contribute to their personal and

professional growth.

Nyamwange (2016). “Influence of Students’ Interest on Career Choice among

First Year University Students in Public and Private Universities in Kisii

Country, Kenya”.

According to Nyamwange (2016), career choice has lately become a very

complicated science, considering that the decision is influenced by numerous factors.

Yet, choosing the right career is ensuring that individuals lead rewarding lives, are

motivated at their jobs and can achieve remarkable productivity, thus, setting the stage

for organizational success and sustainability.

Every individual must, one at another, be confronted by the problem of

occupational choice and many, encounter this problem when a students they are

required to choose study programs leading to their future careers, as parents helping

their child select careers, as teachers, career officers or psychologist. Before making a

career choices, students are often provided list of careers of which they are supposed

to make choices. However, most students lack adequate information regarding various

careers hence the choice they make are embedded in their perception of the ideal job

and the subjects they study in secondary school.

Humayon A.S. Raza S. Khan R.A. Ansari N. (2018). “Effect of Family Influence,

Personal Interests and Economic Considerations amongst Undergraduate

Students in Higher Educational Institutions of Vehari, Pakistan”.

This study studied the effect of family influence, personal interest, and

economic considerations in career choice amongst undergraduate students. Career

choice has become an important aspect of an individual’s life because it determines

the blueprint which is played by the individual in the future. Some students of the

university consider their future as a fanatic adventure. Among many believe that they

would able in the market upon completion of their study as they have planned to

become pilots, professors, doctors, accountants, IT expert, lawyers and etc. The career

choice has a significant impact on the life of any person because if they fail to choose

they fail to get a job.

There many reasons students choose their work fields. They think that having

higher education can give them big opportunities to be in a better job fields they want.

Career choice is the standout amongst the hugest decisions that students make in

choosing future arrangements. This choice will influence them all through their lives.



This chapter presents the method and procedure that will be applied in this

study. It is organized under the following sub-headings: Research Design,

Respondents of the Study, Locale of the Study, Sampling Procedure, Research

Instrument, and Statistical Treatment Data

Research Design

The researcher utilized a quantitative approach and employs a descriptive

study design to know what are the influences of students’ interest on career choice.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Our Lady of Peace High School as shown in the

figure below, which is a private Salesian school in Malabang, Lanao del Sur,


Figure 2 – Our Lady of Peace High School

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the Grade-12 students of Our Lady of Peace

High School. The researchers chose the Grade-12 students because it is the last years

in Senior High School and a time to make a decision for their career.

Sampling Procedure

In gathering this data, the researchers used a simple random sampling method

in determining the sample of the study. The researcher used this method in order for

each member of the population have an equal chance of being selected for the sample.

The total sample is limited to students.

Research Instruments

The instrument used in this study are divided into two parts; the first part is the

personal data that solicited the necessary information about the respondents’ age,

gender, religion, family structure/type (nuclear, extended, broken), family income,

number of siblings, favorite subject, interests/hobbies, talent. The second part is the

checklist of influences of grade 12 students in choosing a career. The list of influences

included are undecided in their career choice, parents’ decision, financial

insufficiency, no school offers the course they want, does not see their future career,

and away from friends.

Statistical Treatment Data

The following statistical formula were used in this study :

1. Weighted Mean

This was obtained by getting the summation of the result of this study or the

frequency and the assigned weight divided by the total number of the respondents.


∑ FW

Where: WM = Weighted Mean

F = Frequency

W = Assigned Mean

n = Number of Response

∑ = Summation Symbol

2. Percentage Distribution

%= N
x 100

Where: % = Percent
F = Frequency
N = Number of Response



This chapter deals with the presentation of data, analysis and interpretation of

the data gathered in the study. The presentation of data are presented with tables and

explained in the same order as they are presented in the statement of the problem. The

first part presents the Relationship of Interests and Career Choice, the second part

presents the influences of students interest in choosing their career, the last part

presents the importance of career choice.

Part I. The Relationship of Interests and Career Choice

The table presented the frequency count, weighted mean, adjectival

equivalence of the Relationship of Interest and Career Choice. The same table

disclosed that in all indicator statements of the variable most of the respondents

response “Yes”

In analyzing the table, it shows that the overall weighted mean is 1.86 and the

adjectival equivalence is “Yes”. The statement indicator is arranged through their

ranks. It is disclosed that the first three statements “Interest can help guide career

choice”, “Interest can inspire career goals”, “Interest can inspire career goals”

indicates that all response are “Agree” with a weighted mean of 2 and the adjectival

equivalence is “Yes” ranked as 3.33 which the students believed to have a good

indication that a career in the area would be a good fit, a career can help set goals that

will give a sense of direction, and that a career are more likely find fulfilling and

enjoyable. In the statement “Interest can help you learn and grow”, shows that it has a

weighted mean of 1.867 and an adjectival equivalence is “Yes” ranked as 4 in which

the they will more likely to be motivated to learn and develop their skills. Response

show that the statements “Interests can shape your values” and “Interests can lead to

career changes” both received a weighted mean of 1.83 and an adjectival equivalence

of “Yes”. While the statement “Interest can lead to career advancement” and “Interest

can provide a sense of purpose” shows that both of the statements has also received a

weighted mean of 1.8 and an adjectival equivalence of “Yes” which entails that

pursuing a career that aligns with interests can lead to a greater job satisfaction. In the

statement “Interest can affect job performance” shows that it has received an weighted

mean of 1.767 and an adjectival equivalence of “Yes which entails that if put an effort

into it then it can achieve a better results. In the last statement “Interest can help you

stand out” shows that it has received a weighted mean of 1.7 and an adjectival

equivalence of “Yes” which entails that a person can be competitive in the career..

These findings are similar to those of a study carried out by Alliyu that

Interest can greatly affect career choice because it can influence the level of

satisfaction and fulfillment individuals experience in their chosen careers.

Table 1

Frequency Counts, Weighted Mean, and Adjectival Equivalence of the Relationship of

Interest and Career Choice

Indicators(Questions) WM AE R

Interest can help guide career choice 30 0 2 Y 3.33

Interest can inspire career goals 30 0 2 Y 3.33

Interest can influence career satisfaction 30 0 2 Y 3.33

Interest can help you learn and grow 26 4 1.867 Y 4

Interest can shape your values 25 5 1.83 Y 5.5

Interest can lead to career changes 25 5 1.83 Y 5.5

Interest lead to career advancement 24 6 1.8 Y 7.5

Interest can provide a sense of purpose 24 6 1.8 Y 7.5

Interest can affect job performance 23 7 1.767 Y 9

Interest can help you stand out 25 5 1.7 Y 10

252 42 1.86 Y

Legend: WP — Weighted Point, WM — Weighted Mean, AE — Adjectival Equivalence, Y

— Yes, N — No, R — Rank

Part 2. The Influences of Students Interest in Choosing their Career

The table 2 presented the frequency count and percentage distribution of the

Influences of Students Interest in Choosing their Career.

The table revealed findings that majority (26 or 86.67%) of the students

responded that they are influenced by their personal interest upon choosing their

career. It was ranked by the researchers as one of their influences in choosing a

career. A study carried in the intrinsic factors, described a similar circumstance in

which students/respondents responded to, while the statement indicator “Parents

Occupation” only obtained a vote of 1 or 3.33% by the respondents, thus, the

researcher ranked it as the most least obtained votes among the 8 statement indicators.

The findings further disclosed that 13 or 43.33% of the respondents voted

Financial Insufficiency remarked as 2 of the students influences in choosing their

career and 12 or 40% of the respondents voted Parents Decision remarked as 3. There

are also three statement indicators ( Does not see Future Career, Academic

Achievement, and Job Security.) that received 3 or 10% votes from the students.

Lastly, only 2 or 6.67% of the respondents voted Peer Influence remarked as 7.

Therefore, the foregoing findings imply that the students is most likely are influenced

by their personal interest in choosing their career. A study carried in the intrinsic

factors, described a similar circumstance in which students/respondents responded

“Personal Interest” that interest is a significant factor in an individual’s of vocation.

Table 2

Indicators Frequency Percentage Remarks

Personal Interests 26 86.67% 1

Financial Insufficiency 13 43.33% 2

Parents Decision 12 40% 3

Does not see Future Career 3 10% 4.33

Academic Achievement 3 10% 4.33

Job Security 3 10% 4.33

Peer Influence 2 6.67 7

Parents Occupation 1 3.33% 8

Frequency Count and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents Response on the influences
of Students’ Interest on Career Choice.

Part 3. Importance of Career Choice

The table presented the frequency count, weighted mean, and adjectival

equivalence of the Importance of Career Choice.

In analyzing the table, it showed that the overall weighted mean is 3.65 and an

adjectival equivalence is “Strongly Agree”. It is also disclosed that four (4) out of

nine (9) statements indicator obtained a weighted mean 4, 3.8, and 3.7. These

indicators were as follows: “Gives more flexibility and better work life balance”

which obtained a mean score of 4, shows that career choice is particularly important

who value their personal time or having other commitments. “May offer job security

and stability, which can provide peace of mind and financial stability” which obtained

a mean score of 3.8, shows that career choice is important for individuals who

prioritize financial stability . “It allows to make a meaningful contribution to society

or to help others that can lead to a sense of fulfilment and purpose” which obtained a

mean score of 3.7, shows that career choice is important for individual who value the

opportunity to contribute to something greater or those who have purpose. “It can

have a lasting impact on an individual’s life and legacy, shaping the direction of the

future and the impact will have in our world.” which obtained a mean score of 3,

indicates that career choice is important for those individuals who are motivated by

the desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world. The remaining five (5)

statement indicators (1,2,4,7,8) obtained a mean score that ranged from 4.1 to 4.4

remarked “Strongly Agree”. Statement indicators are as follows: “Greatly impact my

earning potential, making it important to choose a path that aligns with financial

goals” which obtained a mean score of 4.2, “It aligns with my interest and passion

that can lead to a greater job satisfaction and overall happiness” which obtained a

mean score of 4.3, “It can open up opportunities for growth and advancement, both

professionally and personally” which obtained a mean score of 4.4, “Pursuing a career

in a field that as an individual is passionate about.”, and “Building relationships and

connections a chosen career field that can provide opportunities for collaboration and

support.” A study carried out in career choice, described a similar circumstance based

on the students/respondents response that many youths tend to choose career based

on what job/vocation can be associated with such as job security, job satisfaction and

financial remuneration.

The foregoing finding imply that career choice is very important for it has a

significant impact on an individual’s life. Choosing a right career can lead to a

fulfilling and satisfying life. Further implies that pursuing a career in a field that

aligns with the individual’s interest and passion can lead to great personal satisfaction,

personal growth, financial success, and overall happiness.

Table 3

Frequency Counts, Weighted Mean, and Adjectival Equivalence of the Importance of Career


Statement/Indicator SA A U D SD WP WM AE R

Greatly impact my earning potential,

making it important to choose a path that 11 15 3 1 0 126 4.2 SA 4
aligns with financial goals.

It aligns with my interest and passion

that can lead to a greater job satisfaction 14 10 6 0 0 128 4.3 SA 2.5
and overall happiness.

Gives more flexibility and better work

5 21 4 0 0 121 4 A 6
life balance.

It can open up opportunities for growth

and advancement, both professionally 13 17 0 0 0 133 4.4 SA 1
and personally.

May offer job security and stability,

which can provide peace of mind and 5 14 11 0 0 114 3.8 A 7.5
financial stability.

It allows to make a meaningful

6 12 9 3 0 111 3.7 A 9.5

contribution to society or to help others
that can lead to a sense of fulfilment and

Pursuing a career in a field that as an

11 12 5 2 0 122 4.1 SA 5
individual is passionate about.

Building relationships and connections a

chosen career field that can provide
12 16 2 0 0 130 4.3 SA 2.5
opportunities for collaboration and

It can have a lasting impact on an

individual’s life and legacy, shaping the
9 6 13 2 0 112 3.7 A 9.5
direction of the future and the impact
will have in our world.

86 123 53 8 0 1097 3.65 SA

Legend: WP — Weighted Point, WM — Weighted Mean, AE — Adjectival

Equivalence, R — Remarks, SA — Strongly Agree, A — Agree, U — Undecided, D
— Disagree, SD — Strongly Disagree




This chapter presented the summary of findings , conclusion, implication and

recommendation based on the data presented in chapter 4.


This study is primarily focused on “Influence of Students’ Interest on Career

Choice of The Grade 12 Students of Our lady of Peace High School”. Specifically the

study sought to answer the following questions: 1.) What is the relationship between

interest and career choice; 2.) What influences the students in choosing their career;

3.) What is the importance of career choice.

This study was conducted at Our Lady of Peace High School specifically on

the Grade 12 Students. The population of the study is composed of thirty (30)

respondents that were randomly selected from the forty (40) students who answered

the survey. A checklist questionnaire was used to in presentation analysis, and

interpretation of data. The research used the based tools of frequency count,

percentage distribution, weighted point, and mean score.


The significant of this study were as follows:

As to the findings of the relationship of interests and career choice. All 10

statement indicators obtained a positive response of Yes. In addition, the overall

weighted mean this variable obtain 1.86 and a adjectival equivalence of Yes. Each of

the statement indicator obtained a mean score that ranged for 1.50 to 2.00. Therefore,

interest could sustain the individual to excel and be satisfied in a chosen vocation.

As to the influences of students interest on career choice, 26 or 86.67% of

respondents responded to the indicator “Personal Interest” as their major influences in

choosing their career. while only 1 or 3.33% of the respondents responded to

“Parents Occupation” .

As to the importance of career choice, the findings disclosed that career choice

is very important for it has a significant impact on an individual’s life. It showed that

the overall weighted mean is 3.65 and an adjectival equivalence is “Strongly Agree”.

All the nine statement indicators of this variable obtained a majority response of

Agree and Strongly Agree. Therefore, career choice is very important for it has a

significant impact on an individual’s life.


Based on the finding disclosed in this study the following implication were


To the relationship of interest and career choice, that all ten statement

indicators of this variable obtained a majority response of Yes, and an overall

weighted mean of 1.86, imply interest can have greatly impact career choice because

it can influence the level of satisfaction and fulfillment individuals experience in their

chosen careers.

To the students influences in choosing their career the majority 26 or 86.67%

of the respondents response to “Personal Interests”. This imply that the respondents

are most likely are influenced by their personal interest in choosing their career.

To the importance of career choice, all nine statement indicators of this

variable obtained a majority response of Agree and Strongly Agree. Further implies,

that career choice is very important for it has a significant impact on an individual’s

life. Choosing a right career can lead to a fulfilling and satisfying life.


Based on the findings and implication drawn, the researchers recommended

the following:

 The school may conduct career orientation that is anchored on the strands

Career Choice of the students must be the main priority of the parents in

sending them to college.

 of the students.

 Encourage students to engage in self-exploration to identify their interests,

strengths, and values. This can be done through career assessments,

personality tests, and reflective exercises. Understanding the interest may

help the students align their career choice accordingly.

 Provide students with exposure to a wide range of career options. Offer

career counseling, guest speaker sessions, and career fairs to introduce

them to different professions. This exposure helps students broaden their

understanding o career possibilities and discover new areas of interests.

 Encourage students to participate in work immersions, as it is included in

the subject of HUMMS, Community Engagement. Real world experiences

allow them to gain practical insights into different careers, develop

relevant skills, and make informed decisions about their future.

 Help students understand the educational requirements and skills needed

for their chosen careers. Provide information o relevant courses, training

programs, and certifications that can enhance their knowledge and

expertise. Encouraging lifelong learning will empower students to adapt to

evolving career trends.

 Involve parents, guardians, and the wider community in career exploration

initiatives. Invite community professionals to share their experiences.

Engaging families and the community creates a supportive network and,

reinforces the importance of pursuing one’s interests.


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Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 85–148. https://www.google.com/url?




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 Alliyu N. (1995) Gender and Career Development

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 Nyamwange (2016). Influence of Students’ Interest on Career Choice among First

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Organizational Leadership. https://ijol.cikd.ca/article_60333.html

Our Lady of Peace High School
9300, Curahab, Malabang, Lanao del Sur
Humanities and Social Sciences
SY: 2022 – 2023


Dear Respondent,
I hope this letter finds you well. We are the researchers from Grade 12 – Fr.
Lawrence of Our Lady of Peace High School. We are writing to express our sincere
gratitude for your participation in our research study titled “Influence of Students’
Interests on Career Choice of the Grade 12 Students of Our Lady of Peace High
Your contribution to this research study is invaluable and will help us better
understand the influence of students’ interest on career choice. The information you
provided will be solely for research purposes and will be kept confidential.
We understand that your time is valuable, and we appreciate your willingness
to participate in this study. Your input will make a significant impact on the results
and the future of this research.
Thank you again for your participation in this study. Your contributions are
greatly appreciated.


John Benedict Q. Co
Amernash A. Marohom
Jamilyn P. Asinda
Sahani B. Mawi
Marifah Hanna M. Pakoto

Ms. Norwafa R. Mangondaya Sittie Naidah H. Bokharie
Inquiries, Investigation Immersion Teacher Research Adviser

Mr. Jonrey S. Into

Practical Research 1 Teacher

Our Lady of Peace High School
9300, Curahab, Malabang, Lanao del Sur
Humanities and Social Sciences
SY: 2022 – 2023

March 20, 2023


Academic Coordinator
Curahab, Malabang, Lanao del Sur\

Dear Ma’am,

Greetings of Peace and Prosperity!

We, the researchers from Grade 12 – Fr. Lawrence in track Humanities and social
Sciences (HUMMS) of Our Lady of Peace High School are having a study entitled
“Influence of Students’ Interests on Career Choice of the Grade 12 – Students of
Our Lady of Peace High School”.

In this regard, we would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct a
survey in this institution.

We are hoping for your kind consideration. Your generous response is highly

Respectfully yours,

John Benedict Q. Co
Amernash A. Marohom
Jamilyn P. Asinda
Sahani B. Mawi
Marifah Hanna M. Pakoto

Noted; Approved :

Ms. Norwafa Rigaro Mangondaya

Inquiries, Investigation, Immersion Teacher

Mr. Jonrey Sevilla Into, LPT Mrs. Evangeline G. Tan

Practical Research 1 Teacher Academic Coordinator

Our Lady of Peace High School
9300, Curahab, Malabang, Lanao del Sur
Humanities and Social Sciences
SY: 2022 – 2023


Survey Questionnaire

Name (optional) : Gender : Male

Age : Family Structure : Nuclear
Favourite subject : Extended
Interest/Hobbies (At least 3): Broken

Talent :


Direction : Please answer the questionnaire honestly by putting a checkmark() in every
appropriate boxes.


Interest can help guide career choice

Interest can inspire career goals

Interest can influence career satisfaction

Interest can affect job performance

Interest can lead to career advancement

Interest can help you stand out

Interest can shape your values

Interest can provide a sense of purpose

Interest can help you learn and grow

Interest can lead to career changes


Directions: What influences you in choosing a career. Check () all that applies.

I am influenced by:

 Parents decision
Financial Insufficiency
Does not see future career
Personal interests
Academic Advancement
Parents Occupation
Job Security
Peer Influence
Others please specify:


Direction : Please answer the questionnaire honestly by putting a checkmark() in every
appropriate boxes.
Legend :
SA – Strongly Agree
A – Agree
U – Undecided
D – Disagree
SD – Strongly Disagree


Greatly impact my earning potential, making it

important to choose a path that aligns with financial
It aligns with my interest and passion that can lead to
a greater job satisfaction and overall happiness.

Gives more flexibility and better work-life balance.

It can open up opportunities for growth and

advancement, both professionally and personally.

May offer job security and stability, which can

provide peace of mind and financial stability.

It allows to make a meaningful contribution to

society or to help others that can lead to a sense of
fulfilment and purpose.
Pursuing a career in a field that I as an individual is
passionate about.

Building relationships and connections within a

chosen career field that can provide opportunities for
collaboration and support.
Certain careers, such as those in the travel or
hospitality industries, many offer the opportunity for
travel and adventure.

It can have a lasting impact on an individual’s life
and legacy, shaping the direction of the future and the
impact will have on the world.

Thank you and God bless!

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Background
 Name : John Benedict Quiano Co
 Nickname : Jb
 Home Address : Chinatown, Malabang, Lanao del Sur
 Date of Birth : April 3, 2005
 Place of Birth: Chinatown, Malabang, Lanao del Sur
 Citizenship : Filipino
 Civil Status : Single
 Tribe : Christian
 Religion : Roman Catholic
 Father’s Name : Ronilo Q. Co
 Mother’s Name : Geraldine Umpara
 Cellphone Number : 09159769983
 Email : [email protected]

Educational Background

 Kindergarten Level :
o Vic Ong Peace Learning Center
o (2009-2011)
 Elementary Level
o Our Lady of Peace High School
o (2011-2017)
 Junior High School
o Our Lady of Peace High School
o (2017-2021)
 Senior High School
o Our Lady of Peace High School
o (2021-2023)
 Strand : Humanities and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Background
 Name : Amernash Agang Marohom
 Nickname : Amer
 Home Address : Camp Jas, Malabang, Lanao del Sur
 Date of Birth : May 5, 2004
 Place of Birth: Camp Jas, Malabang, Lanao del Sur
 Citizenship : Filipino
 Civil Status : Single
 Tribe : Meranao
 Religion : Islam
 Father’s Name : Acmad B. Marohom
 Mother’s Name : Mylene A. Marohom
 Cellphone Number : 09771330162
 Email : [email protected]
Educational Background
 Kindergarten Level :
o Jose Abad Santos Central Elementary School
o (2009-20011)
 Elementary Level
o Felix A. Panganiban (FAP) Academy of the Philippines Inc.
o (2011-2017)
 Junior High School
o Our Lady of Peace High School
o (2017-2021)
 Senior High School
o Our Lady of Peace High School
o (2021-2023)
 Strand : Humanities and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background
 Name : Marifah Hanna M. Pakoto
 Nickname : Hanna
 Home Address : Pasir, Malabang, Lanao del Sur
 Date of Birth : February 11, 2004
 Place of Birth: Malabang, Lanao del Sur
 Citizenship : Filipino
 Civil Status : Single
 Tribe : Meranao
 Religion : Islam
 Father’s Name : Sambitory Pakoto
 Mother’s Name : Marife M. Akmad
 Cellphone Number : 09501626271
 Email : @[email protected]

Educational Background

 Kindergarten Level :
o Felix A. Panganiban (FAP) Academy of the Philippines
o (2009-2011)
 Elementary Level
o Jose Abad Santos Central Elementary School
o (2011-2017)
 Junior High School
o Our Lady of Peace High School
o (2017-2021)
 Senior High School

o Our Lady of Peace High School
o (2021-2023)
 Strand : Humanities and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background
 Name : Sahani Bayabao Mawi
 Nickname :Uli
 Home Address : Durian picong lanao del sur
 Date of Birth : August 23 2003
 Place of Birth: Durian picong lanao del sur
 Citizenship : Filipino
 Civil Status : Single
 Tribe : Maranao
 Religion : Islam
 Father’s Name : Maggie Tuga Mawi
 Mother’s Name : Noraisa Ompig Bayabao
 Cellphone Number : 09514626131
 Email : [email protected]

Educational Background

 Kindergarten Level
o Durian Elementary School
o (2009-2011)
 Elementary Level
Durian Elementary School
o (2011-2017)
 Junior High School
o Malabang National High School
o (2017-2021)

 Senior High School
o Our Lady of Peace High School
o (2021-2023)
 Strand : Humanities and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background
 Name : Jamilyn Pamaloy Asinda
 Nickname : Mylen
 Home Address : Banday, Malabang lanao del sur
 Date of Birth : August 02,2001
 Place of Birth: Dapao, Pualas Lanao Del Sur
 Citizenship : Filipino
 Civil Status : Single
 Tribe : Maranao
 Religion : Islam
 Father’s Name : Jamin Sarip Asinda
 Mother’s Name : Esnaimah Pamaloy Asinda
 Cellphone Number : 09387769837
 Email : [email protected]

Educational Background

 Kindergarten Level :
o Maharlika
o (2007-2008)
 Elementary Level
o Malabang Central Elementary Pilot School
o (2008-2013)
 Junior High School
o Pualas National High School

o (2013-2021)
 Senior High School
o Our Lady of Peace High School
o (2021-2023)
 Strand : Humanities and Social Science


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