Restoration of Crown Hall

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Mies van der Rohe, Crown Hall, Chicago, USA, 1950–1956. Restoration by Krueck + Sexton Architects.

© William Zbaren, 2005.


Restoration of Crown Hall


This essay documents the research of restoration and modifications to Mies van der Rohe’s masterwork, Crown
Hall, the heart of the Chicago campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology. Restoration was necessitated by 5
decades of use during which the building had fallen into major disrepair. During the restoration, practical and
philosophical issues arose from the building’s landmark designation by regional and national authorities.
The essay describes the forensic research that preceded design, investigation and selection of alternate ma-
terials modifications to the building envelope. This includes a detailed description of modifications balancing
original materials and systems with current codes.
The essay concludes by placing the restoration of Crown Hall in the larger context of preservation of modern
buildings and the threat to these works which, unlike Crown Hall, are rarely protected by landmark designation.

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Introduction tects imparted certain influences on form, proportion and
S. R. Crown Hall is widely recognized as one of the supreme detail influencing his architectural perspective. Eventually,
achievements of 20th century architect Mies van der Rohe. his innovative structures on the drawing board and in built
Housing the College of Architecture on the campus of the form were held in high regard throughout Europe5. In 1930,
Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), the building was des- he was chosen to succeed Walter Gropius as director of the
ignated a City of Chicago Landmark in 1997 and a National Bauhaus, the German school of experimental art and design.
Historic Landmark in 2001. National landmark recognition Under pressure from the Nazis, Mies van der Rohe closed
is very rare for a building fewer than 50 years old. At its the school in 1932, after a short two-year tenure6. Lacking
dedication in 1956, Mies van der Rohe characterized Crown work, he departed Europe for Chicago in 1938, accepting an
Hall as “the clearest structure we have done, the best to offer to head the Department of Architecture the Armour
express our philosophy”1. The exposed structural system is Institute (now IIT)7.

central to its design. Whether observed from the interior
or exterior, the glass curtain wall reveals a straightforward Mies van der Rohe: iit , Curriculum, Campus Plan
understanding of the clear-span universal-space structure. Upon his arrival, Mies van der Rohe set out to “rationalize”
As a physical manifestation of Mies van der Rohe philoso- the architecture curriculum. The Institute’s Beaux Arts cur-
phy of “almost nothing”, it imparts the De Stijl principles riculum gave way to Bauhaus principles developed in 1922
of rationalization and universality combined with Frank by Walter Gropius. Students received a 3-step education8.
Lloyd Wright’s open plan2. After 50 years of continuous use, The first stage focused on drawing. Next came mastering
Crown Hall remained a fully functional school of architec- the uses and qualities of materials. Finally, students trained
ture. Although the structure remained sound, specific com- in the fundamental principles of design and construction.
ponents of the building were in a condition of significant Building practices were covered in courses while the studio
deterioration including the south terrace and entry, wood was dedicated to problem solving9. Like his buildings, Mies
partitions, glazing stops, glazing, and coating3. Past renova- van der Rohe’s curriculum was an update on contemporary
tions intended to address code issues and patchwork/emer- craft and materials, combining art, craft and technology
gency repairs undermined the space’s original character. with an emphasis on aesthetics10. As architectural historian,
The damaged envelope obscured the aesthetic clarity of the Kevin Harrington explains, “Mies wanted to create a cur-
structure and threatened its longevity. This essay focuses on riculum which would always yield excellent craftsmen and
the most substantial structural phase: the curtain wall. occasionally produce or encourage those with gifts to make
expression of technique an act of high art”11.
Mies van der Rohe: Germany to USA Early in his tenure, Mies van der Rohe taught in rooms
Mies van der Rohe was born into a family of stone carvers in provided by the Art Institute of Chicago12. In 1940, Armour
Aachen, Germany, in March of 18864. Ambitious to shed his Institute and Lewis Institute merged, forming the Illinois
artisanal heritage, he worked at several architecture offices Institute of Technology. This development required a new
throughout Germany. His work with various leading archi- campus plan which Mies van der Rohe was commissioned

to design. A 4-block area laid out on a 24 foot by 24-foot the technologically advanced glass and steel structural
(7.3 m x 7.3 m) grid straddled the 33rd street axis on the system defines the building21.
south side of Chicago. All buildings were rectangular with The interior of the building features a completely unob-
variable heights based on 12 foot (3.7 m) modules. The grid structed main hall. This expansive, open workspace encour-
imparted a strict order of organization and a fluid sense ages a collaborative exchange of ideas through cooperative
of flexibility by overlapping placement of buildings. The learning (figure 02). Free-standing oak partitions barely
campus plan reached its peak when Crown Hall opened in separate spaces, retaining the expansive feeling of the hall.
1956, just two years prior to Mies van der Rohe’s resignation Two vertical chases placed 80 foot (24 m) apart are the only
as Director of the School of Architecture13. features that rise from floor to ceiling. Two internal staircas-
es punch through the main floor, descending to the lower
The Building level. At the south entry, two partitions frame an exhibition
Crown Hall has been home to the School of Architecture space. The ceiling is set back approximately 1 foot (0.3 m)
at IIT since its opening (figure 01). Like its curriculum, it re- from the exterior walls and appears as a suspended continu-
flected Mies van der Rohe’s concept of an open cooperative ous plane. 1 foot square (0.3 m x 0.3 m) acoustical tiles make
education. The college classroom building, without the tra- up the ceiling finish. To retain the purity of the space in the
ditional classrooms, alludes to “a modern incarnation of the main hall, Mies van der Rohe created a lower level with
historic one-room schoolhouse” . Mies van der Rohe sought standard divisions allowing for building services, restrooms,
to create an open space, flexible enough to accommodate lecture halls and other operational necessities22. 50 years
changing needs over time. For example, at the time of its after Mies van der Rohe last taught at IIT, this “temple of
opening the building housed approximately 120 students. By architecture” embodies his architectural philosophies more
2003, it accommodated more than 400 students, meaning effectively than any textbook. “Form and function unite in
the drafting tables with ample space around each in the late Crown Hall - the clear-span, universal-space structure car-
1950s, were now stacked likes eggs in a crate. Students were ries out Mies’s belief in the value of a collaborative architec-
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no longer just drafting but also working on computers. The tural education” to this day23.
natural light flooding into the building was no longer an
asset. While the plan lent itself to rearrangement to econ- Discovery Process
omize on space, high performing replacement blinds were Analysis and design work began in 2003 and restoration was
required to block the glare . completed in 2005. Due to the important nature of this proj-
As much as the Chicago School architects and Mies van ect, an interdisciplinary design team led by Krueck + Sexton
der Rohe had in common, they had differing perspectives Architects, was formed, representing architectural, preserva-
on function and its relationship to form: “What Sullivan tion, glazing, sustainability, engineering and construction dis-
said, ‘Form follows function’, I think that has changed in our ciplines. A comprehensive 1998 report by Fujikawa Johnson
time. The function is very short-lived today, and our con- and Associates and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards
structions last much longer. So, it only makes sense to make for the Treatment of Historic Properties guided the planning
the plan very flexible” . He referred to this design concept process. Joseph Fujikawa had worked on the construction of
as “universal space”17. To create a large clear span structure Crown Hall as one of Mies van der Rohe colleagues24.

with 120 x 220 x 18 foot (36.5 m x 67 m x 5.5 m) of unob- A design review committee of College of Architecture
structed interior space he moved all structural supports to faculty, some of whom occupied the building in its ear-
the building's exterior wall18. ly years, assisted the team’s research and decisions while
The exterior structural components allow Crown Hall serving as liaison with the University community. A rigorous
to be “almost nothing” . Often referred to as “skin and review process including discussion and presentations to city
bones” architecture, the exterior skin is comprised of and state preservation officials provided critical input.
welded steel components, steel glazing stops fastened with The review process focused on the steel and glass stop
countersunk steel screws and glazing divided into three details of the façade where all of the building’s elements –
horizontal layers20. The main hall has an east-west axis, steel, glass and paint – come together at a critical point. An
divided cross-wise into 3 60-foot (18 m) bays. Comprised exemplar of Mies van der Rohe’s meticulous approach to
of two floors, the main floor is elevated so that light come construction, this detail required modification to capture
into the lower level through clerestory windows. All joints and hold the replacement glass. Adherence to the highest
are held together with field welds ground down to provide level of historic preservation initially seemed to be at odds
a seamless appearance. A steel framed roof is suspended with the current code and safety requirements. The detail
from four externally exposed steel girders. The roof cantile- needed to change; but how to most appropriately choose
vers longitudinally 20 foot (6.4 m) beyond the last support- the modification that would have no adverse impact on
ing girders. Columns run the full height of the building, the historic building? Replacement of the glass presented
supporting each girder. All exposed steel is painted black. a similar challenge. Glass and modified aluminum stops
As the façade is minimalist, the only exterior features are installed in 1975 were to be removed because they were not
a steel and travertine terrace that provides access to the in keeping with the highest standards of historic restoration.
raised main floor. Through its “purity of form, perfection of The new glass needed to meet the current code require-
proportions, elegance of detail and dignity of expression”, ment. More importantly, it needed to restore the building’s

01 Mies van der Rohe, Crown Hall, Chicago, USA, 1950–1956. 02 Mies van der Rohe, Crown Hall, Chicago, USA, 1950–1956. Interior studio.
© Hedrich Blessing, 1956. © Hedrich Blessing, 1956.

03 Mies van der Rohe, Crown Hall, Chicago, USA, 1950–1956. Detail drawing of original (left) and restored (right) glazing stop condition. © Krueck + Sexton, 2005.

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04 Mies van der Rohe, Crown Hall, Chicago, USA, 05 Mies van der Rohe, Crown Hall, Chicago, USA, 1950–1956. Restoration works.
1950–1956. Restoration works. © Krueck + Sexton Architects, 2005.
© Krueck + Sexton Architects, 2005.

06 Mark Sexton. 07 Mies van der Rohe, Crown Hall, Chicago, 08 Mies van der Rohe, Crown Hall, Chicago, USA, 1950-1956. Mock-up sample of
© Krueck + Sexton USA, 1950-1956. Detail view of sill with various materials on glass to test seal. © Krueck + Sexton, 2004.
Architects. glazing stop removed.
© Krueck + Sexton, 2005.

original subtle play of transparency and translucency. The at glazing channels, due to excess condensation and at door
design team extensively studied potential glass formulation, sills due to the use of de-icing salt.
thickness and finishes, eventually arriving at six strate- The glazing stops on the lower lights appeared to be
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gies. Full size mock ups of the building curtain wall were the original steel bar stock. However, the exterior glazing
reviewed by the team and university and city and state stops on the upper lights were replacement aluminum
preservation authorities. A consensus emerged on the best pieces installed during the 1975 renovation. The original
direction forward, which deployed a thicker float glass in steel bar stock remained on the interior side and appeared
the clear upper lights matching the transparency and color not to have ever been removed. A new stop profile and
of the original ¼ inches (6 mm) polished plate glass. The detailing were investigated to prevent trapped water
team sampled a wide selection of glass for the lower glazing within the glazing channel and to keep moisture off the
that was more suitable than the laminated glass installed in glazing assembly.
the 1970s. A careful review of chemical, moisture, galvanic, electro-
The restoration of the exterior steel consisted of remov- chemical thermal expansion and historic preservation issues
ing and replacing steel that had corroded beyond repair, led to implementation of steel replacement stops and for
sandblasting the remaining steel frame and a three-coat the entire glazing system. While higher-performance metals
paint system. The building’s entry doors were removed and offered apparent advantages, the designers determined that

sent to the original manufacturer, Ellison Bronze Inc., for use of these metals may have unintended consequences,
refurbishment then reinstalled with modern hardware and such as complicating the glazing system and compromising
integrated security devices. Italian travertine for the entry the future performance of the building.
porches was selected to match the texture, color and grain The question remained as to the cause of the great
of the original stone. amount of base glass cracking. Certainly, there was visible
oxidation but could the cause of the glass failure be due to
Metal Stop Design water infiltrating the glazing channel and freezing? Remov-
A predominantly glazed building, Crown Hall consists al of the existing steel window stops revealed that in many
of a primary steel structure of plate girders and main places the original red iron oxide primer was visible through
columns and a secondary steel structure of intermediate the top coat. In other locations, the steel stops were found
columns, mullions and frames. By 2003, years of inadequate to have only a light coating of primer on concealed surfaces.
maintenance and piecemeal renovation projects left the Sealant joints around the lower level windows were fail-
steel frame and glazing system in a state of severe disre- ing and in disrepair. The sealant, presumably replaced along
pair. Glass panels on the main floor and lower level were with all the glass during the 1975 renovation was nearly 30
cracked, the steel stops showed signs of advanced corro- years old. Large areas of sealant showed signs of material
sion and, due to oxide jacking, window frames were bent breakdown and adhesion loss, leading to water infiltration
out of alignment, exerting pressure on the glass and stops. of a vulnerable point of the wall system.
Most of the corrosion found on the existing painted steel The original drawings called for use of a mastic tape prod-
structure and glazing stops was surface corrosion. The two uct at various locations, which in all likelihood was intend-
primary causes of this corrosion were failure of the aged ed to provide separation and a layer of protection between
paint coating system and a glazing system unable to repel components of the steel frame. However, this material was
or weep water. Advanced corrosion due to excess moisture not found between the steel stops and frames. This steel-
accumulation was found at areas of dense ivy growth and to-steel condition permitted water to infiltrate the glazing

assembly where it had access to the open glazing channel with a right angle “just didn’t look right”. A lengthwise view
and no way to escape. of a right angled (instead of sloped) lip showed that this stop
It was only after removing a dozen steel stops that severe design would read as another line from a side perspective,
oxide jacking was conclusively identified as the singular disrupting the clean lines. Having proven to be cost effective
cause of the glass breakage. The most significant corrosion in pricing exercises, the sloped profile offered a compromise
was found at the bottom horizontal bar of the window between the original detail and current code while address-
frame (figure 07) and approximately 12-18 inches (300-450 ing historic, aesthetic, performance and pragmatic concerns.
mm) along the vertical jamb members. This caused moder- The original sized fasteners, 5/16 x 1 inches (8 mm x 25
ate amounts of pitting of the top surface of the steel frame mm) flat head slotted machine screws, were maintained at
that was readily apparent after sandblasting. Corrosion all of the glazing stops. Thus, existing locations and spacing
build-up and oxide jacking at the glazing setting blocks were maintained on all lower level windows. The spacing
exerted an upward pressure on the glass. This corrosion was modified slightly at the upper stops to accommodate an
build-up, combined with the increased thickness of the angled fastener following the sloped profile of the stop. The
glass installed during the 1975 renovation, caused a signifi- original glazing stop fasteners were steel but during forensic
cant number of the lower level translucent panels to break. exploration, stainless steel screws were discovered in several
The original 5/8 x 1 ½ inches (16 mm x 38 mm) profile of stops. The team specified stainless screws to resist corrosion.
the steel stops was maintained using all new materials at the The fasteners were then set in a bed of sealant further isolat-
lower level lights. This afforded a high degree of shop fab- ing materials and protecting against water infiltration.
rication and finishing quality control while eliminating the With the newly fabricated stops sandblasted, and steel
need for costly specialized efforts to repair material or areas frames and new glass components defined, a full-size mock-
of material that had deteriorated through the years. up was built consisting of one full window bay. This bay
At the upper stops, current codes required increased served as the benchmark for quality control as well as an
thickness of the stop at the glazing channel from the in-situ laboratory to test the glazing system for air and wa-

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original 5/8 inches (16 mm) bar to 3/4 inches (19 mm) to ter infiltration. Water testing demonstrated that construc-
allow sufficient support of the large upper glass lights. tion methods and techniques would need to be as tight as
The important design question was whether this could be the architecture itself to achieve system integrity.
accomplished within the spirit and letter of preservation.
A detailed study determined that a sloped profile at the Glazing Design
upper stop would maintain the appearance and proportion All of the exterior glazing was replaced during alterations
of the original 5/8 inches (16 mm) front face of the stops made in 1975. The original ¼ inches (6 mm) polished
while addressing the increased support requirement at the plate glass in all upper lights was replaced with 3/8 inches
glass (figure 03). This profile also improved window wall (9.5mm) clear float glass. The upper light exterior stops
performance by establishing positive drainage away from were replaced with a two-component extruded aluminum
the glazing channel. stop with a ¾ inches (19 mm) leg for the added bite needed
Incorporating a slope into the rectilinear building was to support the thicker replacement glass. This redesigned
considered detrimental to Mies van der Rohe’s adherence stop resulted in a subtle outward shift of the glass. The orig-

to right angle relationships. Another objection was that the inal ¼ inches (6 mm) sandblasted plate glass in the lower
sloped stop would require custom fabrication. Despite his lights was replaced with translucent laminated glass.
fondness for artisanal craftsmanship, Mies van der Rohe was From the day the building opened the sandblasted
committed to utilizing mostly off-the shelf building materials surface could be stained with simple fingerprints as well as
as an expression of universality and industrial era aesthetics. such ubiquitous products as masking tape, spray paint and
Both tenets were influenced by the De Stijl principles of markers. While the laminated glass provided both safety
“transcending the individual in order to evolve towards the and an interior surface that could be easily maintained, it
universal”25. As debate raged among the design review com- also created two new problems.
mittee members, the design team’s response was simple: “you Atelier Ten, a London based environmental engineer, dis-
don’t see it”. Mies van der Rohe was a visual purist above all covered that the mylar interlayer absorbed 30% of solar ener-
but he was also practical. For example, at 860 and 880 Lake gy compared to less than 5% with sandblasted glass. Having
Shore Drive, another Mies van der Rohe design, the vertical nearly a third of the façade of the building retain solar energy
beams at the columns of the apartment towers serve no affected user comfort. While easy to maintain, the laminat-
functional purpose. They are purely aesthetic. According to ed glass added to the building’s summer cooling load. The
Mies van der Rohe, the building “just didn’t look right” with- second problem was that the reflectivity of the laminated
out them26. Aesthetics and “spirit” were ahead in the agenda glass compromised the quality of light in the interior space.
compared to honestly expressed structure. Instead of the soft, almost shoji screen quality of Mies van der
In the summer of 2004 a full-size mock-up confirmed that Rohe’s sandblasted glass, the laminated glass was reflective.
the height of the upper window bay completely concealed The effect was even more dramatic at night when light levels
the bar stop slope. It was almost impossible to perceive, dropped on the exterior and increased on the interior.
even knowing it was there. The mock-up also proved that In 1975, the original lower light steel bar stops were re-used
thickening the entire face of the stop or replacing the slope with the thicker replacement laminated glass. By 2003, glass

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09 Mies van der Rohe, Crown Hall, Chicago, USA, 1950-1956. Restoration by Krueck + Sexton Architects. © William Zbaren, 2005.

breakage was primarily in the lower translucent lights. Al- requirements for the lower units allowing the use of original
though oxide jacking was the primary source of glass failure, thickness and type of glass.
the modified proportion of the glazing channel was another.
Thicker glass combined with the original stops compromised Lower Translucent Glass
the ability of the system to accommodate thermal move- For the lower translucent glass, ¼ inches (6 mm) clear
ment. Expansion of the original steel stops due to corrosion tempered glass that was sandblasted, as originally designed
also contributed to the glass breakage. The combination by Mies van der Rohe was selected, however, it was coated
of stress from thermal expansion of the steel and corrosion with a three-part epoxy clear sealer. The sealed sandblasted
expansion were the primary cause of glass breakage. glass was selected after full-size mock-ups were compared
for color, surface texture, translucency and interior reflec-
Upper Clear Glass tance to an adjacent untreated sandblasted panel. No one
Due to more stringent wind load requirements, ½ inches on the design team, the University committee or city and

(13 mm) float glass was used for the upper clear lights. state preservation officers could detect a difference. When
Glass of a lesser dimension would require heat strengthen- the University requested another mock-up to test the sealer,
ing. This tempering process causes roller wave distortion, a sealed panel was divided into sections (figure 08) and a
adversely affecting the visual flatness of the glass. Center- variety of materials from markers, spray paint, spray glue
of-glass deflection also increases as the dimension of glass and masking tape were applied and aged for 3 months. With
is reduced. Deflection of as much as 1.8 inches (46 mm) design team direction, University maintenance was able to
is possible with glass less than a ½ inches (13 mm) thick, remove all the markings without affecting the visual charac-
requiring an increase in the dimension of the glazing stops ter of the sandblasted glass. The quality of the sandblasted
to prevent pop-out of the glass units. Clear annealed and glass was retained and completely maintainable.
low iron glass were both considered for the upper lights,
with the goal being to closely match the color of the orig- Coating System
inal polished plate glass. The low iron option proved to be In 1998, Fujikawa Johnson, in collaboration with Krueck +
the closest match. Using low iron glass offered the chance Sexton Architects completed a report that revealed that
to double the thickness of the upper glass panels without the original iron oxide lead paint system had remained
increasing the amount of iron or color. Because of the large intact beneath several layers of finish coat material. Various
size and color of the upper glass panels, low E coatings members of the Architectural Committee recounted that
were not considered. subsequent recoating “always faded from dark black to
charcoal gray after several years”. The report called for
Lower Clear Glass abatement of the original lead paint as a prerequisite for fu-
For the lower glass panels adjacent to the entry doors of ture renovations. During the early design stages, a forensic
the north and south elevations, ¼ inches (6 mm) clear consultant was engaged to determine a color match for the
tempered glass was used. Tempered glass met the safety original paint used by Mies van der Rohe: Pre-War Superi-

or Graphite #30 (natural black) manufactured by Detroit 5 Id..
Graphite Company27. 6 Ibid..
7 Ginny Pearson, “Historical Significance of the Mies Campus at Illinois
The coating system recommended by the design team Institute of Technology (IIT)”, Chicago, IIT Media Relations, 2003;
was a high-performance system by manufactured by McClier, op. cit..
Tnemec Systems. For proper adhesion, prior to application 8 Eric Thompson, “National Historic Landmark Nomination: S.R. Crown
of this product the existing steel frame and structure had Hall”, Washington, DC, National Park Service, 2001.
9 Catherine Wetzel, “An Integrated and Collaborative Approach:
to be sandblasted to a minimum surface preparation of Integrating Technology in Beginning Design”, Proc. of 2008 National
SSP-SPC6 Commercial Blast Cleaning. Removing the red Conference on Beginning Design Student, Atlanta, Georgia Institute
iron-oxide lead primer required an extensive environmental of Technology, 2008.
control program that included wrapping the building inside 10 Id..
11 McClier, op. cit..
and out with a protective plastic layer for proper abate- 12 Eric Thompson, op. cit..
ment and control of lead dissipation into the atmosphere. 13 McClier, op. cit..
The first coat of the Tnemec System applied was the Se- 14 Eric Thompson, op. cit..
ries 90-97 Primer. This coat was spray applied in the field 15 Atelier Ten; Trans Solar, “Illinois Institute of Technology Crown Hall
Renovation Environmental Study-Stage I Report”, New York, Atelier
within 4 hours after sandblasting to prevent flash rusting Ten, 2003.
of the newly prepared steel surfaces. The 90-97 Primer 16 McClier, op. cit..
is an organic zinc-rich primer that provides maximum 17 Id..
protection against surface corrosion of the steel surfaces. 18 Ibid..
19 Ibid..
The second coat, also field applied in this application, was 20 Eric Thompson, op. cit..
the Series 66 Hi-Build Epoxyline intermediate coating. The 21 Id..
final topcoat product was the Series 175 Endura-Shield 22 Ibid..
Polyurethane Product. 23 Eric Thompson, op. cit..
24 Id..
The original steel glazing stops were primed, fastened to 25 Richard Padovan, Towards Universality: Le Corbusier, Mies, and De Stijl,

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the support structure and top coated. The only protection Routledge, London, 2002, 4.
against corrosion at the glazing stops was a thinly applied 26 McClier, op. cit..
primer. In the process of renovation, all the steel stops were 27 Id..
shop painted with the full three coat paint system and then References
set into a bed of silicone. The full coating of all the glazing Atelier Ten; Trans Solar, “Illinois Institute of Technology Crown Hall
stops provided a superior level of corrosion protection as Renovation Environmental Study-Stage I Report”, New York, Atelier
compared to the original paint system. Ten, 2003.
Fujikawa Johnson and Associates, Inc.; Krueck + Sexton; TT-CBM Engi-
The result of the new coating system was an impressive neers; Environmental Systems Design; Pacific Construction Services,
display of the building’s clarity and simplicity (figure 09). S.R. Crown Hall Restoration Study – 1997, Chicago, Fujikawa Johnson and
By removing layers of deteriorated coatings and applying a Associates, 1997.
high-performance coating, the pristine lines of the building’s MCCLIER, S.R. Crown Hall Historic Structure Report, Chicago, McClier, 2000.
PADOVAN, Richard, Towards Universality: Le Corbusier, Mies, and De Stijl,
structure were restored to their original elegance. Routledge, London, 2002.
PEARSON, Ginny, “Historical Significance of the Mies Campus at Illinois

Conclusion Institute of Technology (IIT)”, Chicago, IIT Media Relations, 2003.
The significance of this restoration extends far beyond the Leach, Neil, Rethinking Architecture: A Reader in Cultural Theory. New York,
Routledge, 1997.
preservation of one of the world’s most important modern THOMPSON, Eric, “National Historic Landmark Nomination: S.R. Crown
buildings. It affirms the cultural legacy of mid-20th century Hall”, Washington, DC, National Park Service, 2001.
modernism, which left a large and influential footprint on WETZEL, Catherine, “An Integrated and Collaborative Approach: Inte-
the landscape of North America and the world. Without grating Technology in Beginning Design”, Proc. of 2008 National
Conference on Beginning Design Student, Atlanta, Georgia Institute
the landmark status enjoyed by Crown Hall, many of these of Technology, 2008.
rapidly aging buildings are at risk. The vast majority of
our mid-century buildings face an uncertain future. The Mark Sexton
strategies employed by Krueck + Sexton Architects and the Founding partner of Krueck + Sexton Architects. Along with Ronald
Krueck, he designs and manages all of the firm’s work. He is a member of
restoration team at Crown Hall are applicable to buildings the GSA Design Excellence Program National Registry of Peer Profession-
of similar vintage. This project demonstrates that structures als, serves on the Board of Overseers for the IIT College of Architecture,
of the modern era can be successfully restored without loss the School of the Art Institute of Chicago Advisory Design Council
of historical, design or functional integrity. and is currently on the faculty of Northwestern University teaching an
architectural design studio in the School of Engineering. The firm has been
recognized with numerous awards including AIA National and Chicago
Notes Honor Awards, Divine Detail and Interior Awards, Business Week/Archi-
1 McClier, S.R. Crown Hall Historic Structure Report, Chicago, McClier, tectural Record – Good Design is Good Business Award, Chicago Athenae-
2000. um Architecture Award, AIA COTE Top Ten Green Building, Landmarks
2 Id.. Preservation Council of Illinois and Design Build Institute Project of the
3 Fujikawa Johnson and Associates, Inc.; Krueck + Sexton; TT-CBM En- Year. In 1997, Montacelli Press published the firm’s first monograph, Krueck
gineers; Environmental Systems Design; Pacific Construction Services, + Sexton Work in Progress.
S.R. Crown Hall Restoration Study – 1997, Chicago, Fujikawa Johnson and
Associates, 1997.
4 McClier, op. cit..


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