Mecip Book Report Class Bravo Final June 1 2023
Mecip Book Report Class Bravo Final June 1 2023
Mecip Book Report Class Bravo Final June 1 2023
to the
Puerto Princesa City
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………………………………. i
OVERVIEW …………………………………………………………………………………….. ii
I. SUMMARY ……………………………………………………………………………. 1
II. INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………….. 2
a. Purpose ………………………………………………………………………….. 2
b. Scope …………………………………………………………………………….. 2
c. History ……………………………………………………………………………. 2
d. General Data …………………………………………………………………….. 3
1. Population …………………………………………………………………… 3
2. Location ……………………………………………………………………… 3
3. Topography ………………………………………………………………….. 4
III. POLITICAL FACTOR ……………………………………………………………….. 6
a. Stability of Governance ………………………………………………………… 6
e. Unemployment ………………………………………………………………….. 7
IV. ECONOMIC FACTOR ………………………………………………………………. 8
a. Employment ……………………………………………………………….…….. 8
b. Financial and other Economy-related Institutions ……………………........... 8
c. Public Works/Transport ……………………………………………………...... 9
d. Others …………………………………………………………………………… 9
V. SOCIAL FACTOR …………………………………………………………………... 10
a. Population Structure …………………………………………………………... 10
b. Education ………………………………………………………………………... 11
c. Public Welfare Programs ……………………………………………………… 12
d. Public Health …………………………………………………………………….. 12
e. Religious Belief and Sects ……………………………………………………… 13
f. Important Events, Local Customs and Traditions …………………………… 13
g. Social Problems …………………………………………………………………. 14
h. Persons of Interest/Prominent Personalities …………………………………. 15
VI. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTOR ……………………………………………………… 16
However, poor relations between community and police can leap to feelings of
distrust, anger and fear.
Good Police Community Relation (PCR) prevent the possibility that the public
thinks that police are simply a mechanism for intelligence collection.
According to the result of Interview Survey, 98.8% of families possess the houses they
are staying. 95% of households are electrified, and 89.3% of families have available
potable water resources within their Barangay. 60.7% of households replied that they are
using firewood as source of fuel .
People’s Organization Aside from religious and woman’s groups, there is
minimum organized group in this area observed. Only Macarascas has Multi-Purpose
Cooperative, however their capital are minimum and they have difficulty in rendering
micro-credit to members. The Interview Survey shows that 68.45% of households in this
Area belongs to any people’s organizations within their Barangay. Likewise, 11.9% of
household replied they are being avail of loan/credits from any organization.
A. Purpose
As stipulated in the Declaration of Policy and Principles of RA 8551, known as PNP
Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998 as amended by Amending RA 6975, says that the
Philippine National Police (PNP) shall be a community and service-oriented agency
responsible for the maintenance of peace and order and public safety.
On the other related Act under Sec. 2 of RA 6975, it is the policy of the State to
promote peace and order, ensure public safety, and further strengthen local government
capability aimed towards the effective delivery of the basic services to the citizenry through
the establishment of a highly efficient and competent police force that is national in scope
and civilian in character.
The foregoing legal bases, provide all personnel of Philippine National Police and
concerned stakeholders are given clear guidelines and mandates to carry out plans and
programs with the common goal of promoting peace and order-the basic services that
must be served to the community.
It must be understood further that policemen are also part of the community that
could in a way serve as a bridge between the national agencies and the community.
Policemen are the extended arm of the government that delivers basic services. When this
concept bridge is connected, surely peace is attained especially to those places that are
susceptible to enemy intrusions.
Fruits of these programs are the CSOP, E-CLIPS, BARANGAYANIHAN of the AFP,
and PNP. In these programs, the government’s responses to the needs of the community
are immediately delivered and problems are immediately answered.
Interestingly, the concluded community immersion conducted by the PSJLC CLASS
2021-01 Bravo synergized all concern agencies' efforts in the City of Puerto Princesa,
Palawan. The class consolidated all the necessary services that the Brgy Macarascas, the
selected recipient, had been asking from their local government.
The five-day activity, although a very short time, has been very fruitful. The most
important tasking were carefully filtered to come up with the most needed services and
assistance that the community needs.
B. Scope
The scope of this study covers the Area of Responsibility (AOR) of the of Barangay
Macarascas, about ninety three (93) minutes away from the town proper. People usually
travel by means of Four wheels, motorcycle, tricycle and bicycle. Barangay Macarascas
was divided into four (7) Purok namely: Purok Matahimik, Purok Bagong Pag -asa, Purok
Masagana ,Purok Masaya,Purok Bagong Sikat, Purok Maligaya and Purok Mandaragat.
Purok Matahimik -One of the existing
Community based and potential eco
tourism which have continued to attract
eco tourists in the City was located in
Purok Matahimik which is described as a
“island that isn’t an island,” but is
actually a small territory surrounded by
water that gives the impression of being
an island.The magical island is only 500
square meters in size and is bounded by
Purok Mandaragat- has a widest foreshore area and suitable for fish sanctuary because of
the extensive Mangrove Forest. In this area, fishery is the main source of income for fishery
products, brackish water fish such as Kalapato is the main catch. Most people in Barangay sell their
products in Puerto Princessa City, since land access can be easily made by commercial-based
Jeepney from these area to the City.
C. History
Mr. Vicente S Licerio or known as “Tay Ente” by his friends arrived in Palawan on
1947.He returned to Boracay,Malay Aklan and after one year he went back to Palawan
together with his famili with the help of Gov. Alferdo Abueg Sr. Around the year of
December 1950,the conducted survey along with the district Forester Mr. Gavino Neontillo.
The pioneering residents allocated 24 hectares for Barrio Site, On October 24, 1954 and
created a Farmers Association,whom Mr. Rufino Cajilig, Sr. became the president f the
said association, Mr. Matias Licerio- Vice President,Mr. Francisco Labindao-
Treasurer,Romia Licerio-Secretary,Pedro Sualog-PRO and Board of Directors are the
following;Milagros Cajilig,Honorata Licerio,Albina Licerio,Sebastian Labrador Sr.,Abelardo
Licerio,Merenciano Sullano and Sgt. At Arms Ernesto Sullano.The first election was held
on 1958,composed of 82 population only of which the same year. Barangay Macarascas
was separated from Barangay Bahile, Mr. Matias Licerio became the first Barrio Lieutenant
and has three Councilmen, Marina Cajilo was assigned for Livelihood, Catalina Cajilig was
assigned for Education and served as their Secretary, Mr. Quintin Coching and also
assigned for Health. They constructed Youth Club Building and they held a Leadership
Training through the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) on January 20,
1959.The first opening of Macarascas Elementary School was on 1969 and the Barrio Hall
or known “tribunal” served as school building. On 2004,the connection of
electricity,telephone company and other modern technology started to operate on this
barangay. Barangay Macarascas has a land area of 2,871.34 hectares. The word
Macarascas is a result call to the sound of birds chirping,bknowing that the area is home to
a large number of different species of birds since then it has been used to be called.
D. General Data
1. Population
Macarascas is a barangay in the city of Puerto Princesa .One among sixty six (66)
Barangays in Puerto Princesa which is situated close to the
villages Buenavista and Salvacion. Its population as determined by the 2020 Census
was 1,715.According to the data of Bgy. As of 2023 the total population was 2,111.This
represented 0.56% of the total population of Puerto Princesa and a total land area of
2,871.34 hectares/ 18.60 km² Area which 2/3 of the total area is an Agricultural land and
1/3 is foreshore land.
2. Location
Macarascas is situated at
approximately 10.0187, 118.7955,
(10° 1' North, 118° 48' East in the
island of Palawan. Elevation at these
coordinates is estimated at 16.6
meters or 54.5 feet above mean sea
3. Topography
a. Climate
Barangay Macrascas is under Puerto Princesa City which features
a tropical wet and dry climate (Köppen climate classification ). It is usually wet from May
to December and with very little rain from January to April. Average temperature is
27.43 °C (81.37 °F) while the annual average rainfall is 1,563.8 millimetres (61.57 in)
per year. It is warm and humid all year round. Climate is favorable for vegetation
throughout the year under the Type III climate type, with relative humidity at
81%. The average temperature ranges from 22.9 to 33.7 degree Celsius and
the fairly humidity is 85.67%. However, based on the climate projections of
PAG-ASA, the city will experience an increase in minimum temperature by
2011 to 2040 for all seasons.
Climate Impact
Tropical savanna climate or tropical wet and dry climate is a tropical climate sub-type that
corresponds to the Köppen climate classification categories Aw (for a dry "winter") and As (for a dry
"summer"). The driest month has less than 60 mm (2.4 in) of precipitation and also less than mm of
precipitation. This latter fact is in a direct contrast to a tropical monsoon climate, whose driest month
sees less than 60 mm (2.4 in) of precipitation but has more than of precipitation. In essence, a tropical
savanna climate tends to either see less overall rainfall than a tropical monsoon climate or have more
pronounced dry season(s).
In tropical savanna climates, the dry season can become severe, and often drought conditions prevail
during the course of the year. Tropical savanna climates often feature tree-studded grasslands due to
its dryness, rather than thick jungle. It is this widespread occurrence of tall, coarse grass (called
savanna) which has led to Aw and As climates often being referred to as the tropical savanna.
However, there is some doubt whether tropical grasslands are climatically induced. Additionally, pure
savannas, without trees, are the exception rather than the rule.
a. Stability of Governance
Macarascas is a barangay in the city of Puerto Princesa, City. Jane C.
Villarin as the Barangay Chairperson wholeheartedly perform their mandated duties
and responsibilities at the community level by maintaining public order, enforcing
laws and ordinances, and by promoting the general welfare of the community, among
others. Barangay officials are heavily-relied upon by their constituents at the
grassroots level. Viewed as village elders, they also work informally with a number of
organizations. The non-involvement of barangay officials in illegal activities
prioritizing the general welfare of the barangay and its inhabitants is their gain.
Government Code of 1991) The barangay justice system, the laws and ordinances in
the area helps in the fight against crime and in the protection of general safety in the
community. In addition, it will fill the current police force with major security and
police operations in line with the policy of the PNP. Moreover, the Barangay adopted
s Laws and Ordinances of the City Government of Calapan:
Republic Act 7611 Implementation of Legal Systems on the Mangrove Use
City Ordinance No. 993 An Ordinance Regulating the Utilization of Single
Use Plastic and Polysterine Foam
City Ordinance No. 544 or the “Code of General Ordinances of the City of
Puerto Princesa,” a strict 10:00 PM to 3:00 AM curfew will be implemented in
the city to minors, those below 18 years old
City Ordinance No. 737 “Septage Management Program in Puerto Princesa
City Ordinance No. 163-91 “An ordinance prohibiting the dumping of waste refuse,
garbage, non-biodegradable objects and other waste materials in any place in the
street and other places.
Under Republic Act 9003, or the Philippines’ Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act, open burning of solid waste is prohibited.
City Ordinance No. 1039 An ordinance deputizing the barangay officials in the
inspection of Mayor’s permit and business plates within their respective
jurisdiction and entitling them to a share in the collection of penalties in case of
d. Taxation Policy/Trade Regulation
Continuously generating income taxes business establishments and gross
sales receipts. A barangay can also collect income from the following: • Service fees or charges for
the use of barangay property or facilities; • Barangay clearance fees; • Fees or charges for the
commercial breeding of fighting cocks and on cockpits and cockfights; • Fees or charges on places of
recreation with admission fees; • Fees or charges for billboards, sign boards, neon signs and other
outdoor advertisements; • Revenues from the operation of public utilities and barangay enterprises
(markets, slaughterhouses, etc.); • Fines (not exceeding P1,000) for the violation of barangay
ordinances; and, • Proceeds from the sale or lease of barangay property or from loans and grants
secured by the barangay government.
e. Unemployment
The unemployment problem in Barangay Macarascas could be solve immediately
solved because there are many available ways to earn money such as fishing and farming.
To address the unemployment , it is essential to increase production in the
agriculture and industrial sectors.
a. Employment
Out of 2,111 population, 87(4.12%)persons have their source of living.
Kind of Livelihood Number of Person
Farming 19
Fishing 31
Poultry and livestock 2
Carpentry 4
Government Employee 6
Collecting Shells\crab 14
Collecting Woods 6
Collecting Plants 1
Business Own 2
Laborer 2
Total 87
c. Public Works/Transport
Barangay Bondoc has no terminal or ports of public conveyances in the
area thus, authorities are not confronted with issues of congestion and poor road
condition. As a result, it does not add to traffic situation in the country making us
with the worst traffic situation among six Asian countries, and it ranked ninth worst
in the world according to Numbeo’s 2020 traffic report. However, the existence of
ports and public conveyances in the City will be served as gateways not only to
ensure barangay economic stability but also to generate and accelerate economic
growth and to promote employment opportunities. Moreover, public works/transport
helps in maintaining internal peace and unity of a community if there’s any.
d. Others
Only one Filipina is married to Bruno Buguini, 63 years old, a Swiss
French National who is an electrical engineer and presently residing at Sitio Itaas.
They help the community by providing and selling potable water.
Social problems are general factors that affect and damage the community
often involve problem that influence real life. Some of the social problems and issues
in the barangay are drunkenness and illegal gambling (tupada). Also, some of the
basic concerns includes the cultural trends, demographics, populations, local customs
and traditions (religious beliefs, marriage/wedding, fiesta, etc.).
1. Population Structure
a. Population by Sitio
As previously discussed, Barangay Bondoc consist of 140 Families with
614 total population subdivided into three sitios: Sitio Ibaba has a total population
of 472 or 76.87%; Sitio Centro has a total population of 124 or 20.20%; and Sitio
Itaas has a total population of 18 or 2.9% of total population.
Number of
Sitio Population
Sitio Centro 25 124
Sitio Itaas 6 18
Sitio Ibaba 109 472
TOTAL 140 614
The computed Age Dependency Ratios mean that among the population
of Barangay Bondoc, there are 5 youth dependents to every 10 of the working
age population; there are 1 aged/senior citizen to every 10 of the working
population; and overall, there are 6 dependents (young and old-age) to every 10
of the working population.
c. Population Growth
The population of Bondoc grew from 142 in 1990 to 416 in 2015, an
increase of 274 people. The latest census figures in 2015 denote a positive
growth rate of 15.52%, or an increase of 221 people, from the previous
population of 195 in 2010.
2. Education
Barangay Bondoc does not have any public or private school in the
community that hampers the children/youth to go to formal school where he/she
wants. Many poor families unable to finance and send their children to the schools
outside the barangay. The reason why Out of School Youth (OSY) happens that
forces a child/youth to work early that they shouldn’t be.
- Most people served are - It can create a system of
children and elders abuse
- Helps reduce crime - Can create a pattern of
- It is often limited dependence
- Did not address the root
cause of poverty
- It creates social cliques
4. Public Health
Non-existence of both private and public hospitals/clinics in the barangay
posed financial risk for the community especially the poor, marginalized and
vulnerable. However, Barangay Bondoc produced four trained Barangay Health
Works (BHWs) who render primary care services such as first aid, maternal,
neonatal, and community-based interventions including immunization and one
Barangay Nutrition Scholar (BNS) who identify and lobby for the care of the
malnourished children, and help engage the community to act on nutrition related
To sustain the long-term fight against coronavirus the Barangay Task Force
on COVID-19 and all barangay officials adopted a measure to promote health and
safety, maintain peace and order and to preserve the comfort and convenience of
the barangay inhabitants during public health emergency. Moreover, the task force
and barangay officials are more proactive in the enforcement of minimum health
protocols. Therefore, police and other Law Enforcement forces has a bigger chance
of slimming policing in the community and allowing them to concentrate in crime
5. Religious Beliefs and Sects
The Philippines boasts to be
the only Christian nation in Asia but
despite as being known as a
catholic country, it has many religion
sectors in the entire region. Thus,
majority of the Barangay Bondoc’s
population is Roman Catholic and
Saint Fatima Chapel, Barangay Bondoc, Calapan City
others belong to Muslim
denomination. Hence, both sects
have place of worship located in
Sitio Ibaba while the latter was
constructed thru the initiative of a
former PNP member, PO3 Renante
A Antonio (Ret.), a Muslim.
Likewise, Muslims from nearby
barangays celebrate their mass to
this place of worship. After all, religion can provide social coherence with people
sharing common aims, values and moral systems.
7. Social Problems
- Drug situation
The negative consequences of drug abuse affect not only individuals
who abuse drugs but also their families and friends, various business and
government resources. Thus, it is the paramount concern of the government to
maintain peace and order nationwide and to effectively curb the proliferation of
dangerous drugs. The government with the help of the PNP shall pursue
intensified campaign against illegal drugs and shall endeavor to secure the
assistance of the LGUs in drug clearing operations.
Further, Chapter IV, Section 39, Paragraph 20 of R.A. No. 7160 or the
Local Government Code of the Philippines mandates that barangay shall adopt
measures towards the prevention and eradication of drug abuse. Undoubtedly,
Barangay Bondoc complies. Furthermore, following memorandum Circular No.
2015-063 of the DILG, the creation of Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council
(BADAC), Barangay Bondoc was given a certificate of Drug-Cleared Barangay
by the Regional Oversight Committee on Barangay Drug Clearing Operation
(ROC BDCO) pursuant to Dangerous Drug Board Regulation No. 3, Series of
2017. (See Annex “d”)
Besides, there’s one PNP retired personnel in the area in the person of PO3
Renante A Antonio (Ret.)
It might be unclear how technological factors can directly affect a certain area
like the Barangay Bondoc, unless you take a step back and look at all the innovations
in technology that may affect the operations of the barangay and industries/business.
Sadly, Barangay Bondoc has no better telecommunication facilities like telephone,
telegraph, communication satellite, etc. The only means of communication is through
cellular phone with limited or poor signal range that might troubles on how it delivers
its services and even its markets. Technology hugely pictures the way many things are
This factor includes all those that influence or are determined by the
surrounding environment. This aspect is not limited to tourism influx, local products,
agriculture output, waste disposal, energy consumption, pollution monitoring,
consumers’ buying habits, increasing number of factories.
a. Tourism Influx
Influx of tourism in the
barangay particularly in Camp
Wagi located at Sitio Itaas of
Barangay Bondoc significantly
can help inject much needed
cash into the local economy.
The barangay has been strictly
implementing rules and
regulations and expecting tourist and even the locals to follow:
Rules to prevent the place from becoming a garbage dump;
Vehicles should be left at designated parking area or drop off point;
Establishments must follow the standard pricing for accommodation;
Do not disturb mass in the church; and
Tourists are encouraged to bring their own refillable water tumblers and
discouraged from using plastic bottles
b. Local Product
Buying local products
negates colonial mentality.
Patronizing local products of the
Barangay Bondoc like banana,
coconut, citrus fruits and
vegetables is one simple way
that every Filipino could do,
showing love for the country.
Having a mindset that proudly local/pinoy products are will always be the best.
c. Agriculture output
In terms of agriculture output, wild boar (native pig) and native chicken are
the main product of the barangay.
The barangay council are always aware of emergencies that may occur in
the barangay. Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management (BDRRM) knows
the number of beneficiaries and also the number of supplies for the needs of the
possible victims.
This factor takes a closer look on the barangay unit, the crime and security
environment and other issues and concerns that may affect the peace and order
situation in the area. Maintaining law and order means making sure everyone
follows the law, including the cops. Hence, making sure that society run smoothly,
with little conflict, with known expectations that get properly fulfilled, with known
social roles with everyone doing their part and have respect for others’ rights.
Besides, law and order is an essential ingredient in boosting and maintaining the
barangay’s economic development and political stability. Also, it facilitates the
growth of investments, generates more employment opportunities and attracts more
a. Government Unit
For a small unit of government like Barangay Bondoc, the barangay
structure is likewise not a simple one, it has an elected Punong Barangay, a
Sangguniang Barangay consisting of seven elected members and the SK
Chairperson and a separate appointive secretary and treasurer. (See Annex “j”)
c. Security Environment
Hatred is the primary tool of communist terrorists in pushing for change
and the kind of revolution they want. As a result of our area study, poverty is not
the root cause, it is among the issues being exploited to general public.
For instance, the CNN is using every opportunity brought by the ongoing
coronavirus disease to generate and stir hatred against the government for even
the slightest error in its response. Through verification from RID, PRO
MIMAROPA, Barangay Bondoc is insurgency cleared. (See Annex “e”) After all,
the barangay rest assured of their active support to the PNP and NTF-ELCAC
development programs.
d. Crime Environment
A peaceful community like the Barangay Bondoc allows for efficiency and
productivity to flourish. With these, a peaceful barangay provides the inhabitants
many benefits such as:
Peace of mind
Positive energy
Stress relief
Better focus
Relax body
Better sleep
According to records from the Barangay and PNP CIRAS the Barangay
Bondoc has zero crime rate as of this date.
Crime Statistics
Table 1. Barangay Bondoc Crime Statistics (March 2021)
Table 3. Barangay Bondoc Crime Statistics (January 2021)
Table 6. Barangay Bondoc Crime Statistics (January 2020)
limited or poor
signal range
Travel Influx of Environment
Prone to
Environmental Destination/To investors al
urism industry destruction
Existence of
Purok Maligaya
Purok Mandaragat
Community Profile of Brgy. Macarascas
(Based on 2021 Census of Population)
TOTAL LAND AREA: Barangay Macarascas has a land area of 2,871.34 hectares Most of the
residents are living in Purok Matahimik Centro with 31% of Macarascas population while 29% are
located at Purok Bagong Pag -asa, 15% at Purok Masagana, and Purok Masaya and the least
percentage Purok Bagong Sikat, Purok Maligaya , Purok Maligaya , Purok Mandaragat
Farming and Fishing are the most common occupation in the barangay followedbybeing employed in the
government and private employers, some in carpentry while therearealso unemployed residents in the
Majority of the barangay’s resident are Roman Catholic with61%while the remaining population are
members of Born Again, 7th DayAdventist, Iglesia ni Cristo and Fundamental Baptist.
Majority of the people in the area are high school level comprising 56% of the population, 17% are college
level, 16%onelementary level and only 11% of the population graduated fromcollege
30% of the products of the barangay is palay/rice, 23%for coconuts/copra, 13% for root crops and 34% of
its primary products are sea foods
09973448219 09051435668 09675110149
BARANGAY KAGAWAD Barangay Secretary
“ To provide quality and reliable services to citizenry that would rebound to the
spiritual, social, economic,cultural and political development and to enhance a high
standard community living. ”
Primary Issue Taradungan Bridge It's been five years after the typhoon that destroyed the
TaradunganBridgelocated in Purok 1, Barangay Taradungan, Roxas Palawan.The said bridgeconnectsfrom
the center of the barangay to its three (3) sitios and two other nearby barangays. According to Hon.
Miguelito C. Cabate, Barangay Chairman, on the year 2013allegedly during the impact of Typhoon Yolanda
and Surayda the bridgewasdestroyed and with the help of the Provincial Government it was repaired again.
But in the year 2015, some part of the bridge was again damagedandapparently it is no longer safe to use
as of this day. In the meantime, the barangay wishes that the Provincial Government will act to address the
problem and lead to the construction of a stronger bridge. Barangay Taradungan is composed of five (5)
sitios wherein three (3) of thesesitios are separated by Taradungan River from Sitio Centro wherein
majorityof thepopulation resides. They used to be connected by Taradungan Bridge whichmadethe
transportation in the barangay much easier. Since 2015, a repair/reconstruction was never made until
today, andpeopleare forced to use a detour around the river resulting to a thirty-minute longer triptothe
other side which can be reached in just five (5) minutes if the bridge is usable. ISSUE/PROBLEM AFFECTED
AGENCY REMARKS/ACTIONTAKENReconstruction of Taradungan Bridge Residents of Barangay Taradungan
(1336 Population) Provincial Government Creation of a BarangayResolution to Follow-uponthe budget to
be allottedinthe said project anddialogue with concernedGovernment Officialsregarding the
issueandtapping the local mediatofurther call the attentionof the Provincial Government. III
According to Hon. Miguelito C. Cabate, this issue was already addressedthrough the barangay’s effort in
making requests to the Municipal Government of Roxas. But unfortunately, it was said that such project
requires a larger amount of funding and the local government of Roxas is unable to provide for it
thereforethesaid project request was raised to the Provincial Government of Palawan. To further help solve
the issue the team conducted a dialoguewiththebarangay officials encouraging them to make a new
resolution for the constructionof the said bridge addressed to Governor Jose Chavez Alvarez, Provincial
Governorof Palawan. Moreover, the team representative also talked to the Municipal Mayor of Roxas for
assistance in the follow-up of the said project and he respondedpositivelyin helping Barangay Taradungan.
Lastly, the team conveyed the issue to 93.9 Radyo Bandera Roxastobefeatured that may encourage the
attention of the concernedagency. Secondary Issues Electricity
Aside from the issue stated above, the barangay is also facing a secondaryproblem; electricity. Barangay
Taradungan’s source of electricity aresmall generators and solar panels, but these sources are insufficient
to providetheresidents of their needs. Most households are still using the traditional lampcalled“kingki” as
The Community Based Immersion Program was conducted at BarangayTaradungan, Palawan from March
22, 2021 to May 1, 2021. Similar to anyotherendeavors, the CBIP also encountered different difficulties
before it wasmadepossible. Before the conduct of the project, problems encountered were the following:
Funding; and Transportation In order to succeed in the community immersion, the teamseek
helpfromdifferent individuals and agencies and through the team members’ own salariesaswell the 45-Day
Community Based Immersion Program was funded. As to transportation, Taradungan is quite far from town
which is why theteamasked for help from various individuals to lend the team a vehicle for their mission,
while sometimes personal motorcycles of the team members also became useful. In addition, during the
conduct of the CBIP in the area, the teamnoticedthat most of the residents are cooperative and friendly
type of people causinganeasyapproach to them. Whenever they see uniformed men and women, they
naturallyshow their hospitality and display interest during dialogues and conversations. This shows that
people in the area are collaborative and are well awareof thegood intention of the Government troops thus
making it easier in terms of informationgathering regarding Communist Terrorist Group. Moreover, some
Sitios are hardly visited by the team due to distanceandthethreat cause by the Communist Terrorist Group
in the neighboring barangayof Antonino, Bagong Bayan and the municipality of Dumaran.
Willed to Serve and Protect.
Desire to serve
. Familiarity to the community.
Believing that this barangay is in need of help and protection.
Lack of Education
Threat from the enemies of the government who are often sighted inthetwoneighboring barangays;
Antonino and Bagong Bayan.
To strengthen the police-community relation in the area.
Be able to establish a KKDAT.
To prevent the influence of CNN in the community.
To cripple their operation; and
To prevent any possibilities of CNN recruitment in the area. 25Community
BasedImmersionProgramBarangay Taradungan, Roxas, Palawan“Wakasan at bigyang sulosyon mga
suliraning hadlang sa mapayapang bayan.”
Current Behavior
They cater the presence of police in the area.
Absence of KKDAT in the barangay.
Willingness in giving any information relating to CNN to PNP/AFP.
Responsive or cooperative to PNP programs
Not giving enough attention to the Health Protocols implementedbythegovernment.
Desired Behavior
Stronger ties with the PNP/AFP.
100% of the community will participate to PNP/AFP programs.
Active KKDAT. Become a more developed community.
Become aware of health related aspects.
Team Taradungan
LGU (Municipality of Roxas)
Palawan Provincial Police Office
2 nd Palawan Provincial Mobile Force Company
Roxas Municipal Police Station
Barangay Taradungan Secondary:
Hon. Efren Magbanua
Hon. Mary Ann B Catalan
Mr. Edgar Demayo
Hon. Jerry Garnado
Hon. Grace Baňes
Mr. Virgilio Guinto
Mrs. Phebe Gatchalian
BCT Trading and Construction
93.9 Radyo Bandera Roxas 26Community BasedImmersionProgramBarangay Taradungan, Roxas,
Palawan“Wakasan at bigyang sulosyon mga suliraning hadlang sa mapayapang bayan.”
Face-to-Face Activities
Information dissemination
Initiation of Meeting/Pulong-Pulong
there together with the Barangay Captainsfromthe four (4) selected barangays of Roxas;
Taradungan, Mendoza, Caramay, andSandoval. Thereafter, an orientation/briefing to the
CBIP Participants was heldbythe2ndPPMFC together with the MBLT-12 Philippine
Marines. During this activity, theparticipants were informed of the do’s and don’t’s of a
community immersion, aProgram of Instruction was also handed to each of the four teams
to serveasaguide of the program. The next day, all teams were then deployed to their
assignment. Afterwards, a Courtesy Call was made by the participants of CBIPtothehead
of the barangay. Later on, a meeting or “pulong-pulong” was held at the BarangayHall of
Taradungan attended by all Barangay Officials and Tanod as well as representativefrom
different groups that exist therein like Guardians, Farmers, Fisherfolks, Kababaihan, 4Ps,
and Aenior Citizen. On the said meeting, the program and other upcoming activities by
theteamwere discussed as the team was introduced. Information disseminationabout
government programs “E- CLIP” (Enhanced Comprehensive Local IntegrationProgram)
was done and afterwards. Moreover, the personnel encouraged and convinced the
barangay officialsand tanod to become part of campaign against criminality especially on
anti-terrorismand encouraged them to report to this unit whenever if they see a
suspiciouspersonor group of person in the area and they responded positively.
In order to know more about the community, the team conducted ahousetohouse survey
through Social Investigation and Class Analysis. During this activity, abarangay profiling
was also conducted by other members of the team.
30Community BasedImmersionProgramBarangay Taradungan, Roxas, Palawan“Wakasan
at bigyang sulosyon mga suliraning hadlang sa mapayapang bayan.”
Thereby, troops from the 2
nd PPMFC are also conducting Clearing Operationsat the boundaries of Taradungan as
well as the neighboring barangays thereat aspreventive measures and to ensure the
security of the CBIP Team. After the conduct of Social Investigation and Class Analysis
the teambegangathering the data which became their basis in making a narrative report
inorder tocome up with plans about the activities that the team must conduct inorder
toaddress the issues and concerns in the community that needed attention. As the team
stayed within the community, they also participatedreligious/spiritual activities in the
barangay during Sundays as part of theBlessourCommunity Movement.
Initially, the team made respective information operations throughvideopresentations,
house to house lectures, and distribution of flyers with regardstoPropaganda Development
Mechanism, PNP Strategies to influence opinionandmindset of the community, and
Composition and Role Organized CommunityinBarangay Peace Keeping. As to the Multi
Awareness and Empowerment, the teamconducted the“OplanTanim Gulay” wherein they
encouraged the residents of Taradungan to engageinvegetable planting and cultivate their
own organic vegetable garden inorder toprovide for their own barangay as they make an
income from it. Also, during the Women’s Month Celebrations, the
teamconductedactivitiesexclusively participated by Taradungan Women’s Group wherein
gift givingactivitiesand lectures about RA 9262, 8353 and 7877 were conducted. During
the 45-Day CBIP the team was also able to establish KabataanKontraDroga at Terorismo
or KKDAT in Taradungan in coordination with Roxas Municipal
Police Station PCR Team, Hon. Rey Anthony U. Baradas, SKChairmanof
Taradungan and Hon. Efren C. Magbanua, SK Federation President of theMunicipality of
Roxas. A KKDAT Summer Youth Camp was conducted in the area participatedbyatotal of
twenty-eight (28) teenagers. Different activities were conductedwhiletheteam brought
awareness to the youths of Taradungan through lectures about thedanger of Terrorism
and Drugs. RA 11749 Anti-Terrorism law was also discussedaswell as the Community
Anti-Terrorism Awareness. The following are the set of KKDAT Officers elected to serve as
youthleadersin the community:
KKDAT Officers of Barangay Taradungan:
31Community BasedImmersionProgramBarangay Taradungan, Roxas, Palawan“Wakasan
at bigyang sulosyon mga suliraning hadlang sa mapayapang bayan.”
Lanie S. Namia KKDAT President
Ronie M. Baradas Vice President
Janice G. Dadores Secretary
Shiela Mae N. Tabarangao Treasurer
Precious Mae S. Rodriguez Auditor
BPATS/BIN Training and Mobilization were also conducted by conductingSeminars for the
Barangay Tanod of Taradungan and potential BINs. TopicsonBasic Intelligence,
Information Gathering, Knowing the Enemy, and Barngay/BariioModule were discussed
and lectured to them. Moreover, the team also conducted lectures regarding Arrest and
DisarmingTechniques and Defense Tactics to the Barangay Tanod and Barangay
Officialstoimpart knowledge and skills for them to be able to defend not only their
also the community against threat from lawlessness. While several videopresentations
were played to bring awareness and knowledge to the residents. Through the help of the
stakeholders and other agencies, the 2nd PPMFCthrough the CBIP Team rendered
services such as gift giving thereby extendinghelpto those in need. Aside from the
programs above, health, hygiene and sanitation werealsooneof the focuses of the
program. There were feeding programs for the residents. Freedistribution of face masks,
tooth brush and toothpastes for the kids as well asslippers to replace their old and rugged
ones. As part of maintenance of a clean surrounding the teamtook part onClean-Drive
around the area. Afterwards Mangrove Tree Planting was also conductedbythe team
together with some of the residents. COVID-19 Awareness and lectures was also
conducted in the communitythrough house visitations while free face masks were being
distributedtotheresidents. Campaign posters, flyers were also diffused around the
barangaytogivewarning and awareness of the danger of the virus. Subsequently,
personnel of this unit together with continued on conductinggift
giving (Grocery Items) to the different sitios of the barangay which aimstogiveassistance
and create good rapport and harmonious relationship.
32Community BasedImmersionProgramBarangay Taradungan, Roxas, Palawan“Wakasan
at bigyang sulosyon mga suliraning hadlang sa mapayapang bayan.”
Moreover, various activities like community pantries throughtheBARANGAYanihan and
BARANGAYuda were conducted thrice and benefitedmorethan a hundred families,
meanwhile more than fifty (50) gift packs weretakentofamilies residing in “sugod” or areas
away from the barangay. During these activities, the team also continued educating the
residents, a“Pulis Ko, Teacher Ko” was also conducted to selected pupils who are under
theonline schooling/modules of the Department of Education to further teachandhelpthem
in their studies. By the end of the 45-Day CBIP, the team conducted an exit call
tothecommunity of Barangay Taradungan. During the last day of the teamin thearea,
theresidents showed their support and gratitude towards the PNP Personnel. Several
individuals personally and emotionally thanked the members for making Taradungana
better community. Through the CBIP, Taradungan became a better community as
theteammade an impact and were able to make a difference in attaining their
aimtogiveservice to the community which they swore to serve and protect.
33Community BasedImmersionProgramBarangay Taradungan, Roxas, Palawan“Wakasan
at bigyang sulosyon mga suliraning hadlang sa mapayapang bayan.”
The total expenses for the whole duration of 5 Modified Community Immersion Program in
Barangay Macarascas, Palawan amounted to Php 43,000.00.
Community Anti-Terrorism Awareness (CATA)
RA 9262 (Anti Violence Against Women and their children Act of 2004)
RA 7610 (Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitationand
Discrimination Act)
RA 10627 (Anti Bullying Act of 2013)
RA 9344 (Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act)
Disarming technique and defense Tactics
Personal Hygiene
Establishing Vegetable Farm
Bomb threat Awareness/I.E.D
Disaster preparedness and Awareness
Barangay Taradungan, Roxas, Palawan is free and peaceful communityandthe CBIP is a good way of
keeping this situation and further strengthentheirties with the government troops making it dangerous for
the enemy toinfiltratethe area. It was also one of the few barangays of Roxas that has not yet
establishedaKKDAT, but through the CBIP Kabataan Kontra Droga at Terorismowasestablished.
RECOMMENDATION Continuous visitation and Conduct of Police Community Relationactivitiesand other
socializing activities to sustain the trust of the community. Continues conduct of activities for the KKDAT
that was recently establishedtosustain it’s goals. Funding of barangay activities and outreach programs.
Need to invite more Government and Non-Government sector in helpingandeducating the residents on
how to utilize their resources effectively for themtogain more income and enhance their state of living
through livelihoodprograms. Continuous validation of BIN’s in the area.
Continuous visitation and Conduct of Police Community Relationactivitiesand other socializing activities to
sustain the trust of the community. Continues conduct of activities for the KKDAT that was recently
establishedtosustain it’s goals. Funding of barangay activities and outreach programs. Need to invite
more Government and Non-Government sector in helpingandeducating the residents on how to utilize
their resources effectively for themtogain more income and enhance their state of living through
livelihoodprograms. Continuous validation
PSSg Jhondel M Formanes 210985 PSSg Dave L Hablado
PSSg Jorge H Vibo 1995 PSSg Wilson P Villanueva 227049
Coordination with the Office of House of Representatives ,Puerto Princesa
Members of PSJLC CL 2021-02 Bravo Company with PMAJ NOEL A
MANALO, Station Commander PS2 during coordination held at Police Station
2, Brgy. Irawan,Puerto Princesa City.
Romblon attended by Barangay Officials, Tanod and Workers of Brgy.
Canduyong spearheaded by their Brgy. Captain Jerry M. Tombocon.
After the courtesy call, the team conducted a Pulong-Pulong withBarangayOfficials and Tanod, as well as
representatives from the sectoral groups existinginthe barangay. This aims to introduce the plans and
programs of this activity inorderfor them to understand how the Philippine National Police as a whole is
eager tohelptheir community. MOA (MEASURE OF EFFECTIVENESS)
Stronger support to the government troops. Giving any information about the movements of CNN or
any other useful information to the PNP/AFP is their priority. 100% of the Community members will
participate to PNP/AFP programs. Strong relationship between the community and the police.
Assurance that subject community trusts the police and is withinthegovernment side. Willingness of the
residents in letting their children participate andjointheKKDAT that was recently established and introduced
to the barangay. 27Community B
Area profiling is the key for us be able to evaluate what
is the needof suchcommunity and introduce the appropriate programs for them, this also
helpsustodetermine the actual population of every sitio, for reference and comparisonof theoutput
after the conduct of CBIP activities.
This aerobic activity plays an important role to be physically fit and promote
the healthy way of living in the community especially this time of pandemic.
During the CBIP, Team Taradungan was able to conduct three (3) CommunityPantries in the different sitios
of Taradungan and the activity resulted to morethanone hundred fifty (150) families who benefited from it.
Through the BARANGAYanihan and BARANGAYuda many residentsweretouched by the efforts of the PNP in
extending help to them. Thus, makinganimpact to the community resulting to a stronger ties between the
police and community
Feeding program is one of the activities conducted by the CBIPTeamtargeting children to nurture them
more and be able to get closer to the heartsif theyounger
Lecture and symposium were conducted regularly during the conduct of CBIPactivities which both elder
and young individuals are the target audience. Thisaimsto educate them about the current mission of
Philippine National Police inaspectscommonly in Terrorism, Anti – Drugs campaign and other that can
The CBIP Activities conducted were all made possible through the helpof thestakeholders and other
agencies in providing the needs of the teamlike foodsupply, services, fund, and security. Various dialogues
and letter requests weremadeinorder to communicate with them.
During the team’s stay at the community, troops fromthe 2 nd PPMFCconducted several clearing
operations within the surrounding area of the barangaytoprevent any threats/attacks from the enemies.
To address the issue on Taradungan Bridge, the teamcoordinatedwiththeMunicipal Mayor through a letter
brought to received by a personnel of theOfficeof the Mayor. Afar from this, the team also encourage the
Punong Barangayof Taradungan to create a new resolution requesting the Provincial Government of
Palawan to fund the said project and to bring this to the attention of other conernedagencies and the
public, the team requested Radyo Bandera Roxas to featurethisissue on their Radio Station and Facebook