Ibn Taymiyyah Against Mawlid - 230122 - 004830
Ibn Taymiyyah Against Mawlid - 230122 - 004830
Ibn Taymiyyah Against Mawlid - 230122 - 004830
“And similarly what some people innovate by analogy
with the Christians who celebrate the birth of ‘Eesa
(Jesus), or out of love for the Prophet (saw) and to exalt
him, and may Allaah reward them for this love and effort,
not on the fact that it is an innovation…” (Majmu’a al-
Fatawa, Vol.23 p.163, Iqtida’ al-Sirat al-Mustaqim,
p.294-295, Section entitled, ‘The innovated festivals of
time and place.’)
However, this is a false interpretation and representation
of his words which is not surprising to say the least, as
one would only be surprised if they were accurate and
precise for once in quoting Ahl al-Sunnah. Imam Ibn
Taymiyyah said in his monumental book, Iqtidaa’ al-Sirat
al-Mustaqim li Mukhalafat Ashab al-Jahim ‘Following
the Straight Path in Opposing the People of the Hell-Fire’
“And like that, what some people have innovated, be it
out of analogy to the Christians in the birth of ‘Eesa or be
it out of love for the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam)
and honor for him and Allah, they may be rewarded for
this love and ijtihaad, not for the innovation as an ‘Eid.
Along with the difference between the people with regards
to his birth, this (celebration) was not done by the early
generations of pious scholars even though factors that
would have necessitating [the Mawlid] were present and
there was a lack of any factors that would prevent them
from doing so if it had indeed been good.
Most of them who you find eager upon such innovations
(Bid’ah) despite their good intention and striving – for
these two things reward is hoped (i.e. their good intention
and striving) – however you find them weak in following
the command of the Messenger (Sallalahu Alayhi
Wasallam) in that which they were commanded to be
energetic and enthusiastic. They are like a person who
adorns the Mushaf (a copy of the Qur’an) yet does not
read what is in it; or they are like somebody who reads
[what is in the Qur’an] but never follows it; or somebody
who adorns the Masjid yet does not pray in it or only
prays a little in it; or like a person who takes extravagant
prayer beads and mats. Such apparent adornments which
have not been legislated and are accompanied with
showing off, pride and being pre-occupied away from
what is actually legislated – this all corrupts the state of
the person who is like this.
Know that from the actions are those that have some good
in them, due to including types of legislated actions and
also they include evil such as innovations and other than
that. So this action would be good due to what it includes
of good and [at the same time] evil due to what it contains
of turning away from the religion in its entirety – such is
the state of the hypocrites and disobedient people. This is
what most of the Ummah has been afflicted by in the later
Iqtidaa’ al-Sirat al-Mustaqim li Mukhalafat Ashab al-
Jahim (2:619-620) with the checking of Shaykh Nasir al-
Aql, Maktabah al-Rushd 1417/1996,5th edn)
Even the beginning ardent supporter of the Mawlid knows
who Shaikh al-Islam Imam Ibn Taymiyyah was and his
firm positions on innovations and their destructive affects.
They find literally one sentence from his magnitude of
works and say he supported the Mawlid!!! Sometimes
even shame is ashamed of the antics of these people.
an answer to the simple beguiled Muslims who
sympathize with the Barelwi Sufi’s doctrine due to their
cultural background and link with what they have been
custom to without looking at the intrinsic arguments.
(Iqtida al-Sirat al-Mustaqim li Mukhalafat Ashab al-
Jahim (2:584)
ruling and reasoning may be flawed, incorrect and
understanding it would be contradictory for him to say
there is a great reward for the one who practices the
mawlid. (al-Nabuwwah (p.154)
cited the same words of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
whilst distorting them. Shaikh Ismail al-Ansari answers
such points in his specific and detailed treatise on this
issue titled, al-Qawl al-Fasl Fi Hukm al-Tawassul Bi
Khayr al-Rusul. (See Rasai’il Fi Hukm al-Ihtifal Bi al-
Mawlid al-Nabawi (2:391-884)
answer, he expands on the discusison and deals with all of
the innovated festivals or Eids. he said.
“The gathering of the people for food during the two eids
is a normal sunnah as they are the rites of Islam which the
Messenger of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) set for
the muslims and by caring for the poor by feeding them
during Ramadan is a a sunnah of Islam. The Messenger of
Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) said whoever feeds
the fasting person will receive a similar reward to him.”
Also helping the poor recitors of the Quran is a virtuous
act at any time and therefore whoever supports them
shares the reward. And as for the establishment of a
seasonal festival (mawsim) that is not among the lawful
i.e. shari’ah festivals such as one of the nights of Rabi al-
Awwal, which is said to be the night of the mawlid or one
of the nights of Rajab or the 18th of of Dhul Hijjah of the
first friday prayer of Rajab or the eighth of Shawwal
which the ignorant call the festival of the righteous ones
i.e. Eid al-Abrar, THESE ARE AMONG THE
PRACTISE and Allah the mighty and exalted knows
best.” (Majmu’a al-Fatawa (1:312)
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah deals with the innovated
festivals and Eids in great detail and lays the foundations
and principles of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama’ah. A lot of
content can be added to the understanding of the mawlid
from the words of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah which would be
beyond the simplicity of these papers.
However, before we conclude the series on Imam Ibn
Taymiyyah on the mawlid and how the Sufiyyah have
miserably failed to show Ibn Taymiyyah approved the
mawlid, let us show the Sufi Barelwi and the global
Sufiyyah that they are very quick to quote Ibn Taymiyyah
to us, so we ask what they make of Muhammad Alawi
Maliki arguing that special gatherings of the Prophets
Birthday are lawful because it is understood to be a
custom and not worship and not ibadah. Muhammad
Alawi Maliki furthers his argument and says if the
mawlid was considered a special day of worship it would
be an unlawful i.e. haram bid’ah (see his Hawl al-Ihtifal
Bil Mawlid al-Nabawi al-Sharif (p.12) and Mafahim Yajib
An Tusahhaha (p.224-226)
it no longer remains a custom. Secondly customs are only
accepted if they do not oppose the texts of Islam as any
custom which opposes the clear guidance from the Quran
and Sunnah is rejected.
One only needs to ask the participants of the mawlid
gatherings to see how much Islam they have within them
and how the pristine shari’ah is violated. To say the
mawlid is a muslim custom is the most powerful stretch
of the imagination because there is no reward in a custom
so then why do it and if it is a custom as wishfully
claimed, then why is it called an Eid, surely this is highly
contradictory and a case of polemics???
As for Muhammad Alawi Maliki’s second point, then we
find the mawlid sympathisers do consider the mawlid to
be a special day, wherein special gatherings are organised,
food is made, lights adorn the houses and special events
and processions are organised around the globe. This
clearly shows they do consider the mawlid to be a special
day of worship and they do single out special day i.e. the
12th of Rabi al-Awwal. Therefore according to their own
scholar, Muhammad Alawi Maliki the Sufi Barelwis are
committing an unlawful innovation i.e. a haram bid’ah.
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