2131 1981 Reff2021

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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kumar Amritam - Jaipur
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IS: 2131 - 1981
( ReafTmned 1997 )
Indian Standard
( First Revision)

Soil Engineering and Rock Mechanics Sectional Committee, BDC 23

Chairman Representing
DRJAGDISH NARAIN University of Roorkee. Roorkee

(F. E.) RDSO
( SOIL-MEOH ) RDSO ( Alternat. )
SHRI P. D. AGARWAL Public Works Department, Government of Uttar
Pradesh, Lucknow
DB B. L. DHAWAN (Alternate)
DR ALAM SINGH University ofJodhpur, Jodhpur
COL AV'l'AR SINGH EnJ?ineer-in-Chief's Branch, Army Headquarters
Vl'-COL V. K, KANITKAB (Alternate)
CHIEF ENGINEER ( D&R ) Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab,
DR G. S. DHILLON (Alternate)
SHRI M, C. DANDAVATE The Concrete Association of India, Bombay
SHRI N. C. DUGGAL (Alterntlte)
SBRI A. G. DASTIDAR In pf'rsonal capaCity (5 Hungerford Strut, 12/1,
Hungerford Court, Calcutta 700017)
Dlt.G. S. DHILLON Indian Geotechnical Society, New Delhi
DIRECTOR, IRI Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar
Pradesh, Roorkee
SHRI A. H. DIV~NJI Asia Foundations and Construction (P) Ltd,
SURX A. N. JANGLE <-Alternate)
DR GOPAL RAJ AN Institution of Engineers ( India), Calcutta
DR GOPAL RANJAN University of Roorkee, Roorkee
SHRI S. GUPTA Cemindia Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRI N. V. DE SOUSA ( Alternate)
SHRI G. S. JAIN G, S.Jain & Associates, Roorkee
SHRI VUAY K. JAIN (Alterntlte)
( CAtttilllUd ... PtJf' 2)
c Copyright 1982
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright A" (XIV of 1957) and
reproduction in whole Or in part by any means except with written perini.sion of the
\ publisher sball be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kumar Amritam - Jaipur
([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 2131 • 1981
( Continued from page I )

Members Representing
SllRI A. B.JOSHI Central Water Commission. New Delhi
COL M. V. K-\.YERKAR Ministry of Defence (R&D)
SHRI V. B. GHORl'ADE (Alternate)
SHRI O. P. MALHOTRA Public Works Department. Chandigarh Adminis-
tration, Chandigarh
SaRI D. R. NARAHARI Central Building Research Institute (CSIR).
SaRI B. G. RAO ( Alternate)
SaRI T. K. NATRAJAN Central Road Research Institute, New Dellii
DRG. V. RAO Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
DR K. K. GUPTA (Alternate)
REsEAROH OFFICER ( B&RRL ) Public Works Department. Government of
Punjab, Chandigarh
SHRI K. R. SAXENA Engineering Research Laboratories, Government
of Andhra Pradesh. Hyderabad
SECRETARY Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi
SaRI N. SIVAGURU Roads Wing (Ministry of Shipping and
Transport )
SHRI D. V. SIKKA ( Alternat,)
SHBI K. S. SRINIVASAN National Buildings Organization. New Delhi
SHRIN.SUBRAMANYAM Karnataka Engineering Research StatioD..
SUPBRINTENDING ENG I N B B R Public Works Department. Government of Tamil
( p&nC) Nadu. Madras
SaRI G. RAMAN, Director General, lSI (Ex-ojJiciIJ Memb,,)
Director (Civ Engg)
Deputy Director (Civ Engg). BIS

The Site Exploration and Investigation for Foundation

Subcommittee, BDG 23 : 2
SHRI V. S. AGGARWAL Central Building Research Institute (aSIR),
SHBI M. P. JAIN (Altlrnal')
DB ALAI( SINGH Univenity of Jodhpur, Jodhpur
( SOIL MEOH ) RDSO (Alt".nat, )
DIREOTOR (aSMRS) Central Water Commiasion, New Delhi
( Cfllltirlllld 011 pa:l4 10 \

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kumar Amritam - Jaipur
([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS-: 2131 - 1981

Indian Standard
( First Revision )
o. FOR E W 0 R D
0.1 This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 24 December 1981, after the draft finalized by
the Soil Engineering and Rock Mechanics Sectional Committee had been
approved by tbe Building Division Council.
0.2 Standard penetration test conducted by means of the split spoon,
specified in this standard, furnishes data about resistance of the soils to
penetration which can be used to evaluate standard strength data, such
as N values (number of blows per 30 cm of penetration using standard
split spoon) of the soil. Methods of calculation of bearing capacity of
soils based on N values are covered in IS: 6403-1981*. For obtaining
dependable and reproducable samples, a standard procedure is necessary
and this code is intended to furnish necessary guidance to the soil explorer
in this regard.
0.3 This standard was first published in year 1963 and this revision has
been done so as to include a standardized split spoon sampler for which a
detailed specification has been formulated separately, besides including
the details of the correction factors which are necessary in calculation of
bearing capacity.
0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded oft' in
accordance with IS: 2-1960t. The number of significant places retained
in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value
in this standard.

1.1 This standard specifies a standara procedure for conducting the
standard penetration test for soils.

·Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity ofsoils (first ,.ms;on).

tRules for rounding off numerical values (rlVis'd).

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([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 2131 - 1981

2.1 Drilling EquipJllent

2.1.1 The equipment used shall provide a clean borehole, 100 to 150 mm
in diameter, for insertion of the sampler to ensure that the penetration
test is performed on undisturbed soil and shall permit driving of the split
spoon sampler to obta in penetration record and the sample in accordance
with the procedure specified in 3.
NOTE - The stiffness of the drill rod used for testing influences the N value
obtained by ~ans of the test. A light rod 'whips' under the blows of the hammer.
The drill rod shall preferably have a stiffness equal to A-rod (41-3 mm outer
diameter)_ For depths of exploration more than 10 m, special precautions shall be
taken to keep the rod vertical by using centering spacers and/or by using stiffer rods
to minimize the whipping effect_ Spacers may be provided at every 10 m, or more
frequently, if necessary_

2.1.2 Casing or Drilling Mud - It shall be used when drilling in sand, soft
clay or other soils in which the sides of borehole are likely to cave in_ In
sandy and other non- cohesive soils, below water table it is often
preferable to use drilling mud rather than a casing_ If drilling mud
alone is not successful, casing may be used along with the drilling mud.

2.2 Split-Spoon SaJllpler - The split spoon sampler shall conform to

IS : 9640-1980*.
2.3 Drive Weight Assem.bly
2.3.1 Tbe drive weight assembly shall consist of a driving head and a
63'5 kg weight with 75 em free fall. It shall be ensured that the energy
of the falling weight is not reduced by friction between the drive weight
and the guides or between rope and winch drum_
2.3.2 The rods to which the sampler is attached for driving should be
straight, tightly coupled and straight in alignment_ For driving the
casing, a hammer heavier than 63-5 kg may be used.

2.4 Lifting Bail, Tongs, Rope, Screw Jack etc

3.1 Driving the Casing - Where casing is used, it shall not be driven
below the level at wbich the test is made or soil sample is taken. In the
case of cohesionless soils which cannot stand without casing, the
advancement of the casing pipe should be such that it does not disturb the
soil to be tested or sampled; the casing shall preferably be advanced by

·Specification for split spoon sampler.

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([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS : 2131 - 198]

slowly turning the casing rather than by driving, as the vibration caused
by driving may alter the density of such deposits immediately below the
bottom of the borehole.

3.2 Cleaning the Borehole

3.2.1 In case wash boring is adopted for cleaning the borehole,
side-discharge bits are permissible, but in no case shall a bottom-discharge
bit be permitted. The process of jotting through an open tube sampler,
and then testing and sampling when the desired depth is reached shall
not be permitted.
3.2.2 While boring through soils, such as sands that may be disturbed
by the flow of water into the drill hole, no water shall be added to the
borehole while boring above the water -table. While boring below water
table, the water in the borehole shall be maintained at least 1'5 m above
the level of the water table. Bentonite slurry of appropriate -consistency
-may be required to help the water level to be maintained above the
water table. The raised level of the water in the borehole should be
maintained even if casing is used to stabilize the borehole. While boring through sand using casing to stabilize the sides
of the borehole, the outer diameter of the shell shall be at least 25 mm
smaller than the inner diameter of the casing. The distance between the
end of the casing and the bottom of the borehole should be as close as
possible and in any case not exceed 150 mm, if only water is used to
stabilize the borehole; in case bentonite is used, this distance may be up
to 300 mm.
3.2.3 The borehole shall be cleaned up to testing or, sampling elevation,
using suitable tools, such as augers, that will ensure that there is minimum
mixing up of the soil from the bottom of the borehole. In cohesive soils,
the borehole may be cleaned with bailer with a flap valve. This should
not be used in sands.

3.3 Obtaining the Samples

3.3.1 Tests shall be made at every change in stratum or at intervals of
not more than l·S m whichever is less. Tests may be made at lesser
intervals if specified or considered necessary. The interv-als be increased
to 3 m if in between vane shear test is performed.
3.3.2 The sampler shall be lowered to the bottom of the borehole. The
following information shall be noted and recorded:
a) Depth of bottom of borehole below ground level,
b) Penetration of the sampler into the soil under the combined
weight of sampler and rods (to be noted from readings of the
scale over the drill rod at the top).

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kumar Amritam - Jaipur
([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS : 2131 • 1981
c) Water level in the borehole or casing, and
d) Depth of bottom of casing below ground level.

3.3.3 The split spoon sampler resting on the bottom of borehole should
be allowed to sink under its own weight; then the split spoon sampler
shall be seated 15 em with the blows of the hammer falling through
75 cm. Thereafter, the split spoon sampler shall be further driven by
30 cm or 50 blows (except that driving shall cease before the split spoon
sampler is full). The number of blows required to effect each 15 cm of
penetration shall be recorded. The first 15 cm of drive may be
considered to be seating drive. The total blows required for the second
and third 15 em of penetration shall be termed the penetration resistance
N; if the split spoon sampler is driven less than 45 cm (total), then the
penetration resistance shall be for the -last 30 cm of penetration (if less
than 30 em is penetrated, the logs should. state the number of blows and
the depth penetrated). The entire sampler may sometimes sink under its own weight
when very soft sub-soil stratum is encountered. Under such conditions,
it may not be necessary to give any blow to the split spoon sampler and
S-PT value should be indicated as zero.
3.3.4 If on lowering the sampler by means ofa string of rods it is
found to rest at a level above the bottom of the casing, the penetration
test and sampling shoula not be carried out at that stratum.

3.4 Removal of Sampler and Labelling

3.4.1 The sampler shall be raised to the surface and opened. A typical
sample or samples of soil from the opened split spoon shall be put into
jars without ramming. The jars shall have a self-sealing top, or shall be
sealed with wax to prevent evaporation of the soil moisture. Jars shall be
of such a size that they can be filled without deforming the sample.
Typical samples shall be cut to such a size as to fill the jars and thereby
reduce the water loss to the air in the jars. If packing as specified is not
available, liner may be used in the sampling spoon. In such a case, the
internal diameter of the sampling spoon should be so adjusted that the
total internal diameter after incorporating the liner is 35 mm. The
sample in the liner shall be waxed properly at both the ends to keep up
the natural moisture content during transit.
3.4.2 Labels shall be fixed to the jar or notations shall be written on
the covers ( or both) with the following information:
a) Origin of sample,
b) Job designation,

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(S : 2131 - 1981

c) Boring number,
d) Sample number,
e) Depth of sampling,
f) Penetration record,
g) Length of recovery, and
h) Date of sampling.

3.4.3 The jars containing samples shall be stored in suitable containers

for shipment. Samples shall not be placed in the sun.

3.5 Field Observations

3.5.1 Information with regard to water table, elevations at which the
drilling water was lost or elevations at which water under excess pressure
was encountered shall be recorded' on the field logs. Water levels before
and after putting the casing, where used, shall be measured. In sands,
the level shall be determined as the casing is pulled and then measured
at least 30 min after the casing is pulled; in silts, at least 24 h after the
casing is pulled; in clays, no accurate,water level determination is possible
unless pervious seams are present. However, the 24 h level shall be
recorded for clays. When drilling mud is used and the water level is
desired, casing perforated at the lower end shall be lowered into the
borehole and the borehole bailed down. Ground water levels shall be
determined after bailing at time intervals of 30 min and 24 h until all
traces of drilling mud are removed from inside the casing.

3.6 Corrections
3.6.1 Due to Overburden - The N value for cohesionless soil shall be
corrected for overburden as per Fig. 1 (N' ).
3.6.2 Due to Dilatancy - The value obtained in 3.6.1 shall be corrected
for dilatancy if the stratum consists offine sand -and silt below water table
for values of N' greater -than 15, as under (N"):
N" = 15 + t ( N' - 15)

4.1 Data obtained in borings shall be recorded in the field and shall
include the following:
a) Date of boring,
b) Reference datum,
c) Job identification,

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([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 2131 - 1981

d) Boring number,
e) Sample number,
f) Type of -sampler,
g) Drilling method,
h) Sample elevation and recovery ratio,
j) Limits of stratum,
k) Water table information (see 3.5),
om) Soil identification, including condition of samples,
n) Penetration records,
p) Casing used, and

q) Weather data.

~ 2

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I 0·8 1·2 2·0


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([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 2131 - 1981

4.2 The data oLtainecl shaH be prepared in a final form as a soil profile
to show the nature .lUel ex lent of the soil strata over the area under

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([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 2131 • 1981
( Continued from page 2 )

Members Representing
DIRECTOR, PWDRI Pl\blic Works Department, Gov, rnm<'nt of Uttar
Pradesh, Lucknow
EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ( DESIGN)V Central Public Works Department, New D elhi
EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ( SMRD ) Public Works Department, Governm ent of Tamil
Nadu, Madras
SHRI M. D. NAIR Associated Instruments Manufacturers ( India)
Private Ltd, New Delhi
PROF T. S. NAGARAJ (Alternate)
SHR! T. K. NATRAJAN Central Road Research Institute, New D elhi
LT-COL K . M. S. SAHASI Engineer-in-Chief's Branch, New D e lhi
SH),U A. K. CHATURVEDI ( Alternate)
SHRI S. K. SHOME Geological Survey of India, Calcutta
SHIU P. N. MEHTA (Alternate)
Smu N. SIVAGURU Roads Wing, Ministry of Transport
SHIt! P. K. THOMAS (Alternale)
SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (IP), Irrigation Department, Gov ernment of
NAGPUR Maharashtra, Bombay

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