Orca Share Media1681431711029 7052435751300456049
Orca Share Media1681431711029 7052435751300456049
Orca Share Media1681431711029 7052435751300456049
GPlan Biz 999 (Unli All Net Calls, Unli Tex Statement Summary
Bill Payment for your business accounts is now made easy through, online payment, or over the counter
Step 1: Pay your bill at any of the following channels:
Wire Transfer Online Direct Deposit Over the Counter Bank Deposit Other Online Channels
Standard Chartered for Php BPI BPI www.globe.com.ph/paybillcorp
JP Morgan for USD BDO BDO GCash
Metrobank Online banking
00:28:11 GH0
Step 2 : For wire transfer, online direct deposit and over the counter bank deposit, please fill out the Wired and Direct Deposit Payment
Posting Request to send the details of your payment at <http://glbe.co/billpay> to ensure accurate and timely posting of your payments.
No need to submit details of your payment for other online channels.
Step 3 : If your company is identified as a withholding agent by BIR, you may use the eCWT Portal at https://ecwt.globe.com.ph/portal/
1129682218LGU BARANGAY SAN* * 000000019980
Account Owner Account Number Billing Period Page 2 of 2
LGU BARANGAY SAN FELIPE 1129682218 02/16/23 to 03/15/23
Plan Summary
GPlan Biz 999 (Unli All Net Calls, Unli Text, Unli 03/16/23-04/15/23 P 891.96
Landline and 12GB Data)