Jesus will still be there. We’re an anchor for those who are hurting
When no one else is true, We’re a harbor for those who are lost
He'll still be lovin' you. Sometimes it’s not always easy bearing
When it looks like you've lost it all Calvary’s cross
And you haven't got a prayer, We’ve been ridiculed by those who don’t
Jesus will still be there. believe
Still I love standing up for my Jesus
Time flies, hearts turn, ‘Cause of all that He’s done for me
A little bit wiser from lessons learned.
But sometimes weakness wins That’s why I am not ashamed of the
And you lose your foothold once again. Gospel
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
When the going gets tough, when the No I am not afraid to be counted
ride's too rough, And I’m willing to give my life
When you're just not sure enough. See I’m ready to be all He wants me to be
Give up the wrong for the right
No, I am not ashamed of the Gospel
THE CALM OF MY STORM No, I am not ashamed of the gospel of
( Lifebreakthrough ) Jesus Christ
When I’m down and feeling so empty For every moment His hand has held
When my eyes are full of tears because of mercy
pains For all the love He’s shown all my life
When I’m helpless, broken into pieces A simple thanks doesn’t say how I’m
Yet I know you are always there for me feeling
I get tears in my eyes
Though there are times I suffer from So as for me I’m gonna keep on believin’
heartaches In the One whose been faithful to me
And my soul is pierced with sorrows and I’m not out to please this whole world
griefs around me
Fears and worries overflow inside me I’ve got my mind on eternity
Yet my heart still trusts in You my Lord
and King I’ve got too much behind me
To let this world bind me
You are the Calm of my Storm To some He’s a name but to me He’s my
You are my Hiding Place everything
I trust in Your unfailing love I am not ashamed of the Gospel
You are the Refuge of my soul No, I am not ashamed of the Gospel
No, I am not ashamed of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ