Multi-Jet Atmospheric Glow Plasma For PCB Desmear Process

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2P08: 2P09:

A Polyphase Power Supply and Peristalaltic Flow

Multi-jet Atmospheric Glow Pasma for PCB Desmear Accelerator System Using a one Atmosphere Uniform Glow
Process Discharge Plasma (OAUGDP)'

Eung-Seok Lee, Hae-II Park and Hong-Koo Baik Hojung Sin. R. Madhan and J. Reece Roth

Yonsei Universiry UT Plasma Sciences hborarory

Deparrmenr of Merallurgical Engineering, Yonsei Universiry, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Seodamoon, Shinchon 134, Seoul 120-749, Korea 77ze Universiry of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-2100
In recent years, the plasma desmear process is widely used in the
printed circuit hoard industry. During drilling, drill hits become In the UT Plasma Sciences Laboratory, we developed an
heated resulting in the melting and smearing of the epoxy-resin apparatus to simultaneously generate a One Atmosphere
base material across the inner-layer copper surfaces within the Uniform Glow Discharge Plasma (OAUGDP) 111, and effect
hole barrel to which subsequent through-hole plating must peristaltic flow acceleration of atmospheric air. Lorentzian
connect. If not corrected, the smear would constitute a dielectric momentum transfer from plasma ions can accelerate the
layer between the inner-layer copper surfaces and the plated embedded neutral gas to several tens of meters per second using
copper, and the circuit would be defective. paraelectric effects [2]. and potentially to hundreds of meters
per second using peristaltic flow acceleration [2,3]. Peristaltic
In order to effectively remove the residual smear like epoxy- flow acceleration requires a polyphase power supply to excite
resin base material commonly found on the micro-via blind the OAUGDP at progressive voltage phase angles on successive
holes after drilling, We invented the multi-jet atmospheric glow linear electrode strips [2,3]. This excitation produces a traveling
plasma system and have compared the effect of micro-via blind wave analogous to the "moving" lights on a theatre marquee,
boles desmearing at low pressure with that of a multi-jet which accelerates the ions and neutral gas to velocities that may
atmospheric glow plasma source at atmospheric pressure. approach Mach one.

A multi-jet atmospheric glow plasma system with the radio We used LahViewO software and data acquisition CAD to
frequency generated hollow cathodes was used for the PCB generate four polyphase sinusoidal signals, each with a phase
desmear process which operated in atmospheric pressure. The angle 45' greater than that preceding. These four signals are fed
size of the proto-type system is 180 by 60 nun. The electrode into four power amplifiers, the outputs of which each drive the
comprises 100 hollow cathodes with flowing gas and the primary of a transformer. The transformers are capable of
distance of both electrodes is adjustable between 1 and 10 mm. operating at kilohertz frequencies and have a high voltage
However, The construction perfectly enables further scaling up. secondary winding capable of 5-6000 Vrms with a center-
The forward rf- power to sustain the discharge at atmospheric tapped ground. The outputs of the four secondary windings
pressure can be as low as 12 W. provide eight phases separated by 45'. The flow accelerator
panel consists of 24 parallel continuous electrode ships and
Using this multi-jet atmospheric glow plasma source, we have three complete phase periods. The operating frequency range is
successfully verified a possibility to ignite and maintain an usually 3 - 10 kHz, the width of each electrode is 0.5 mm, and
atmospheric pressure discharge in He and He + 0 2 in the rf- the distance between two adjacent electrodes is Icm. The
powered multi cylindrical hollow cathodes with inner diameter system is designed to operate without tracking (surface
of 500 pm. The discharge is stable, volume filling, silent, with sparking) when operated in normal air, and may accelerate gas
no streamer. flows to a velocity of over 100 d s . If the system operation is
Our results show that residual smear can he effectively removed successful, peristaltic flow acceleration should find many
by a He + 0 2 plasma, If it is performed under optimum process applications in subsonic plasma aerodynamics.
condition. The optimum process conditions for the removal of
residual smear existing on the micro-via blind holes are the *This work has been supported in part by Air Force contract AF
plasma exposure time of 1 min and the rf-power of EO W. F49620-0 1- 1-0425(ROTH).

On the other hand, the highest efficiency of the residual smear J. R. Roth (1995). Indusrrial Plasma Engineering, Volume I -
clearing was achieved for a low-pressure plasma exposure time Principles, Institute of Physics Press, Bristol, UK ISBN 0-7503-
of I min and rf-power of 40 W. In both experiments, the higher 0318-2, Section 12.5.2, Section 9.6.3.
0 2 content in the He plasma, the residual smear of micro-via J. R. Roth, Industrial Plasma Engineering: Volume 2,
blind holes effectively removed. Applications 10 Nonthermal Plasma Processing. Institute of
Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia 2001, ISBN 0-
As a result, the multi-jet atmospheric glow plasma source may 7503-545-2. Section 18.6.
substantially save coats by avoiding investment of the vacuum J. R. Roth, "Method and Apparatus f o r Covering Bodies with A
equipment and may bring a number of interesting applications in Uniform Glow discharge Plasma and Applications Thereof'. U.
large area cold atmospheric plasma processing. S . Patent #5,669,583, Issued Sept 23, 1997.

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