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Title: The Casue and Consequences of Divorce in the case of

A Research proposal submitted to the department of sociology program, in partial

fulfilments of Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Sociology.

Prepared by almaze desa

Adivisour Mr raya



CHAPTER ONE …………………………………………………………………..

1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………

1.1 Background of the study……………………………………………..

1.2 Statement of the problem………………………………………….

1.3 Objective of the study…………………………………………………

1.3.1 General objective…………………………………………………….

1.3.2 Specific objective …………………………………………………..

1.4 Significance of the study………………………………………………

1.5 Scope of the study…………………………………………………………

1.6 Definition terms………………………………………………………..

CHAPTER TWO…………………………………………………………..

2.1 Related literature review……………………………………………….

2.2 Theoretical reviews…………………………………………………………

2.3 Empirical review ………………………………………………………….

2.4 conclusion and knowledge gap……………………………………..

2.5 conceptual framework…………………………………………………

CHAPTER THREE………………………………………………………………….

3 Research method ………………………………………………………….

3.1 Description of the study area and population……………………………

3.2 Research design…………………………………………………………………………….

3.3 Source and types of data


First and for all god be thanks forever, without helping, I can to do
anything my deepest and strongest appreciation goes to my advisor Mr.
Samson mekonen. Who has given me substatial amounted amount as
suggestion, comments and adviees from the beginning to the end as this

Nexetly, I would like to thanks the social library workers for their help,
by scorching appropriate book


Divorce (dissolution of marriage) is termination of a marriage or marital union, the canceling

and reorganizing of the legal duties and respites of marriage thus dissolving the bonds of
matrimony between a married couple under the rule of law of the particular country and state.
The objective of the study was to the general objective of the study was to identify the cause and
consequences of divorce in adigrat town in kebelle 02. The study is helpful to provide
information about the cause of divorce for law administration so as to strive for the problem. In
order to conduct this study out of 150 divorces, 30 respondents were selected using purposive
sampling techniques. To provide all the necessary data and information through questionnaire
and in depth interview, which was designed for the study? In addition to, a review of related
literature was also used to get more information the cause and consequences of divorce.Based
on the factors, the necessary collected data were analyzed and interpreted through frequency,
percentage and table. Generally, divorce is understand challenge resulted from various problem
related to spouses and disintegrate families especially spouses and affect children with are
expected to be tomorrows generation that need great protection.The study was come up to
improve to criminate the family problems the issue as gender biased be talked through
compeering women counseling service and other those spouses divorced should discuss openly
on their problem and tries to find ways of consensus.

Keywords: Causes, consequences of divorce on divorced partners and children.

Chapter One

background of the study

Human being pass varies stages as development in their life including child hood youth
adolescence maturity aging and death thus to a sustain and replace. Their race people inter in to
marriage contracts for different purposes such as for having child personal satisfaction and
produce new generation. Marriage was legally recognized union between two people generally a
man and a women in which they are united sexually cooperate economically and may give birth
to adopt or rear children (bryan staring 2008)

Thus after contracts on performed some marital Ties continued functionally while others get in a
worse condition. The predominant marriage counselors observed that on the day of marriage
people have three kinds of raw materials with which to work first there are things they have in
common ( the things they both like ) second, there are the ways in which they are difference are
complementary third unfortunately there are the differences between them that are not
complementary and that cause them to meet head on with a big bang so, when move closer to
each other those differences become disagreements couples who resolve conflict with mutual
satisfaction and who find ways to adopt areas as conflict tend to be more satisfied with their
relationships over all and are less likely to divorcee (bryan strong 2008).

There is a wide variation among the countries of the word as well as within single nation
concerning ground for divorce. Divorce rates in the United States are two to three times as high
as those in such other Industrialized countries as Sweden. Canada france and united kingdom
(nijolevbenotraitis 2005)

In Ethiopia case also divorce rates increases from time to time because of different factors like
poverty gender biased unhappy marriage and others Even though the problem of divorce is
global problem.

Thus the study entirely to focus in the area of 01 with some related problems that occur within

Statement of the problem

Social problem are increasing from time to even daily among those problem related to marriage
divorce is most dominant in many societies. The problem of divorce can be significant life
stressors for with children (tudith 2001)

Divorce almost always cause psychological and social problems for the spouse and children
involved even families the selves psychiatry problems are also associated with an increased risk
for divorce in part because of selection factors in marriage that is adults with psychiatry problem
have a higher livelihood of marrying someone who also has problems producing even more
marital stress.

The rate of divorce new a day’s increased daily and getting high due to the newly emerging
economic independence of women. Thus divorcee is more common now than it was generation
ago or century ago. The problem of divorce aggraded by the increasing factors like illegal
marriage and weakening in traditional role as mediator

The problem as divorce is also worst in kebelle 02 where it is involved by polygamous marriage
due to people need to have many children to get prestige and social respect within kebelle 02
traditional culture spouses suffer different social and cultural stigma whenever they dissolving
marriage in fact this traditional culture have effect on the lives of spouses in the area as kebelle

A number of studies have been carried out on the issue of divorce over the world, but little
emphasis had been given on the causes and consequences of divorce on the life of divorced
partners and their children especially in Ethiopia. This study is based on evidences from the lived
experiences of divorced partners and assessed the major contributing factors of divorce and
consequences on the life of divorced husbands and wives, and their children as well.

Even if the previous researcher like aissetu barry in 2004 at Addis Ababa university were
attempted to underlay some impacts as divorce on mothers and their children she were not
clearly addressed the courses as divorce this paper was attempted to fill the gap by identifying
reliable information about the causes and consequences as divorce on children and spouses.

Objective of the study

General objective

The general objective of the study will to identify the cause and
consequences as divorce in a digrat town in kabelle 02

specific objectives
To describe the major causes of divorce
To assess the socio- economic impact of divorce on spouses children and family
To look for mechanisms to coping impacts from divorce

Significance as the study

The study may provide information about the impact of divorce for law
administration so as to strive for the problem. Above all the study was
play a great so by a great role by providing valid information for the
policy planners and social practitioners of so well welfare services.

Scope of the study

The research is limited interms of area of analysis and unit of analysis.

Because the area of analysis is specified in adigrt town specifically in
01. This research is delimited to the cause and consequences of

Limitation of the study

Conduct this study the researcher was challenged by varies problem

including lack of sufficient time, willingness of some respondents to
give information, respondents involuntary reurning questionnaire on
time, lack finance and other. That problem enforced the researcher to
focus on specific aspects.
Chapter two

2. Literature review

2.1 An overview of divorce

Divorce has been defined overtimes by many scholars. But the
systematic way of their definition had some common view of agreement
oxford advanced dictionary (1995) defiance as dissolution of marriage
relationship or dissolving marriage by legal agreement. This means that
divorce is the legal action that ends marriage. Similarly divorce is the
dissolution of marriage contract between a man and a woman. By a
judges order or by an act of state legislature (Tudith worell 2001:355)

Thus divorce can be defined as a complete failure of martial bond the

couples separated and returning to their original place and later are being
free to marry again divorce can viewed as a process involving six
stations or processes emotional; Legal, Economic to parental,
community and psychic. As people divorce. They undergo these stations
simultaneously but the intensity level of theses stages varies at different
times (Bryan strong.2008:521).

Therefore, divorce is the process by which a marriage which a marriage

which was recognized as valid. Can be dissolved in the life time of the
partners whom them encounter single status and are free to remarry.
This reveals that divorce represents the end of hopes. There are concepts
those overlapped with the concept of divorce which seems similar but
have different meanings.(Braynstrang 2008)

Generally, Even though scholars have been made different definition for
the divorce. Basically they agreed on the idea that divorce is the end of
marriage contract between spouses. That is husband and wife.

3.2 Cause of divorce

When wedeal with the cause of divorce. We have to keep in mind that
the regal and so logical and sociological points of view there are certain
basic causes of diverge retied social. Economic, Biological,
Psychological and marital aspects of the life of the spouses. These may
be more or less applicable to almost all darts of society.(Gorge Ritzer

Experts in divorce explain the causes of divorce on three levels: macro

or social demographic. And interpersonal first macro level causes for
divorce compose four important reason social instructions. Social
integration gender roles, and cultural values. Second, demographic
reasons include parental divorces, age at marriage race, Income and
others. Third, interpersonal problems include causes like substance
abuse. Conflict over money, lack of communication. Disagreement
about raising children and other (nijloe v.benokraitis.2005:431).
Divorce rate is also affected by rapid social changes and social
upheavals such as war and depression. For example in USA the divorce
rate increases after both world wars and during and after Vietnam War.
It decreases during the great depression. Some of the social issues that
appear to have contributed to the increase in the divorce rate are
increases in individualism, increasing marital expectations, the economic
independences of women and no- fault divorcee laws (George

2.2.1 When do Husband and Wife Gets divorce?

Much research had tried to find out who dissolve their marriage of the
many occurrences that enhance conflict among and between husband
and wife are absences of free discussion. Lack of ethical socialization
during early stages. Prior checking the behavior of the two couples and
simply immerse into marriage. Gender inequality empty shall family
disease and mate selection by parents, parental interference. Children
and large number of children.

2.2.2 Factor associated with divorce

1. Early marriage

Age at first marriage has played amount role for the longer marital ties
together. Early marriage accounts for divorce granted to fairly young
people. The early marriages that at which most divorce are granted also
reflect the short of duration marriage that end up in divorce. Generally,
Early marriage may be the predictor in the first five years of marriage
(nijole v. benokraitis 2005:434

2. Negrtive Behavior

That husband reported their wives engaged in eluding getting their

feelings hurt easily being moody. Not takings being critical and getting
angry easily specific behaviors associated with a couple’s subsequent
divorce sexual infidelity drinking spending money moodiness not
communicating and anger.

3. Lack of conflict resolution

Though every relationship experiences conflate, not every couple has the
skills to effectively resolve conflate some partners respond to conflate
something emotionally. Blaming and failed to listen to their partner
point of view. Without skills to resolve conflate m their relate ships
partners drift in to communication that may escalate rather than resolve
conflict. When partners don’t partner don’t reduce conflict. They
become vulnerable to divorce when couples are lack conflict resolution
they faced anger and frustration instead of winning their life success
fully (kottack: 2004:299).

4. Lack of planning for successful marriage

Marriage is a system of binding man. Women together for reproduction

care. Physical, emotional, And socialization of spring, unlike any other
mammals, humans are oriented towards equalized and arranged
marriages, however, many people undergone marriage which is not
permanent arrangement such as marriage by abduction. Marriage by
rape and other. This summarized by the nation of Saint Paul wrote “it is
better to marry than to burn”(Bryan strang 2008)

2.3 Impact of divorce

Divorce is not easy for any of the people who involved in it. So, Divorce
is a complex legal process involving highly charged feelings about
custody property and children (who are sometimes treated by angry
partners as property to be fought over (bryan strong 2008:505)

2.3.1 Socio Economic Impact of Divorce

Divorce has great destruction on the socio economic development of

society. Following divorce women are primarily responsible for both
childrearing and economic supper. As a result, women are at a greater
risk for poverty then they were during their marriage (bryan strong

When marriage ends, many women face the triple consequences of

gender. Ethnic and age discrimination as they to support themselves and
their children (ibid) women men experience enhanced financial well
being following divorce. This outcomes depends on the division of wage
craning that characterized the failed marriage (bryan strong 2008:505)
2.3.2 Effects of divorce on children

The way a couple deals with divorce may have long term effects on their
children divorce is beneficial for some children but harmful for most the
harmful effects of ten decreases within two to six years of children have
protective factors that help their adjustment (nijole v. benokrait

1. emotional and behavioral problems

Most children are resilient in the face of divorce related stress.

Nevertheless, Children from divorced families are more likely then
children from non divorced families to show both externalizing
behaviors (conduct problems and aggression) and internalizing
behaviors (sadness and anxiety) especially during the first two years
after divorce (tudith worell, 2001:335)

2. Academic problem

Compared to children from married families children from divorced

families show slightly lower standardized test scores and grade and have
more misconduct in the class room and suspension from school (ibid).

Generally telling children that their parents separating is one of the most
difficult and unhappy events in life. Whether or not the parents are
relieved about the separation they often extremely guilty about their
children (bryan strong 2008:508)
2.3.3 Impact of divorce on a adults

Divorce has significant effect in at least three areas of a couples or

families life physical emotional and psychological well being economic
and financial changes: and child custody and child support arrangements
(nijole v. Benekraicis 2005:437).


3.1 Description of the study area

The study would be conducted in 01 02 which is found in Adigrat town

Tigray national regional state eastern tigray zone at a distance 894 km
from Addis Abeba and 114 km from Mekelle the regional capital. Its
astrinomial location is 140029 north latitude and 39029 east longitude. It
is one of the reform town in the region and has a city administration,
municipality and 7 kebelles. Adigrat was the last important Ethiopian
city south of the border with Eritrea and is consider to be a strategically
important gate way to Eritrea and the red sea. Adigrat was part of
gantaafesiumworeda before a separate woreda was created for the city.
It is the capital of the a game distrct, has an interesting or istocratic
history. This town has a total population of 57,588 of whom 260% are
men and 31,578 women. The majority of the in habitants said they
practiced Ethiopian orthodox Christianity with 94.01% reporting that as
their region, while 3.02% of the population was catholics, and 2.68%
were muslim. Adigrat is the home to the Adigrat University.

3.2 Research design

In order to assess the cause and consequences of divorce on adigrat town

in 01. The researcher will descriptive research design. This study will
also used both qualitative and quantitative research types.

3.3 Types and source of data

The study employs both primary and secondary sources of data to obtain
in-depth information in relation to the proposed problem and objectives
of the study.

3.3.1 Primary data

Primary data will be obtained by preparing questionnaires for the

divorced spouses and also interviews with spouses who have no formal

3.3.2 Secondary data

Beside primary data secondary data will be used. Secondary data also
will be obtained from different sources such as books, research
publications, conventions, journals, articles, newspapers, websites,
published and unpublished documents from government and non-
government organizations.
3.4 Sampling techniques and Size

The researcher has used non-probability sampling techniques; because

this sampling technique was important than other techniques to select
the required type and amount of respondents with of the kebel
administration. Hence, out of the 150 divorced couples found in the
kebele 02, 30 divorced couples were selected.

3.5 Method of data collection


The data will be collected through both close ended and open ended type
of question open ended questionnaire aimed at validity of information
and close ended also use for relevant information. The questionnaire was
distributed for those divorce males and females spouses interview


The researcher will be used structured interview especially for those

spouses who cannot read write in order to get sufficient and valid
information the researcher prepared those question in order to
understand attitude towards divorce of separate spouses.

3.6 Method of data analysis

The data will be collated through questionnaire were analyzed and

presented through tables including the number as respondents with
respective parentage similarly, by interview presented by description
explanation. This is because of the data are both qualitative and
quantitative in nature.

Ethical consideration
Since ethical consideration plays crucial roles to gather the relevant data from study participants
it will be taken in to primary consideration. Thus, all the study participants and concerned bodies
will be informed about the objectives and the purpose of the research. The researcher is
responsible not only for maintaining the confidentiality of all information protected by law, but
also for information that might affect the privacy and dignity of research participants. During
collecting data the researcher respects norms, values, view, religion, culture, and attitude of each
participant. The researcher also takes a responsibility for any sort of harm that can damage the
participants physically or mentally. Furthermore, providing information will be only based on the
free will of the participants and they will not be forced to give information without their full
interest by any means of threatening. The information that the research participants give will be
kept confidential and the researcher will not tell to someone their information and name.

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