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Such an instrument is called a shunted movable coil ammeter,

I. to James VII. From the centre rises a shaft, 12 1/2 ft.

1891-1895 448,139 407,260 967 10,436,549

nitriles. By the action of bromine and alcoholic potash on

of sulphuric acid upon maize or other starchy material, and

eagle-wood or aloes-wood, which contains much resin and oil.

to the eyes retaining their normal pigmentation, areas similar

The Early Days of the Prince Consort, published in 1867; and

300,000, of whom about two-thirds were white and slaves,

commencing of two or more words, in close juxtaposition, with

life. There the first printing press was set up, the first

the ``game'' element tends to be minimized, and if its

during the war, including all penalties and forfeitures incurred

term Acacia is often applied to species of the genus Robinia

the plant of two colour factors which may be designated by

beauty of their plumage. Great numbers of eagles, vultures, hawks,

H. Stables.

provoked by the oppressive Persian governor Shahnawaz Khan

they may be ordained.'' The 57th Novel empowered the bishop

reputation. For a time he was director of the physics

mouth of the Moshi river, the other at one of the mouths of the

troops had now become part of this army) and the Army of

characteristic peacefulness, he came to the great denials, and

establishments and colleges are in his hands. He appoints

an architect's office, and started to write plays. After many

body politic of the empire and a hastener of its impending

potash than the cereals, and comparatively little of it is

and throwing for ever little specks of light on the still

House and Orphanage, St Martha's Home for Girls, St Margaret's

literature, viz. the relation of this attitude to that of

lawyer, was born at Kufa in A.H. 80 (A.D. 699) of non-Arab

nature study and manual training are prominent; German

King Milan into Servian territory as far as Pirot, which he

still flourishing in A.D. 967. In 1037 it was taken by the

of the colony. The governor-general is assisted by:--

stage that zoospores are formed at all; but in most cases, such

frigate "Macedonian" (38), which he carried back to port.

to his sanctity worked during his lifetime and at his shrine.

object of the Formula Concordiae, 1577. Another Adiaphorist

different animals, and in calibre with the nature of the

pits. The Ainu, on the contrary, never had any knowledge of

instrument of the future independence of the seven Dutch

Philosophy of the Beautiful, pt. i. ``History'' (Univ.

and experiences of different persons. This general agreement

Phys. Camb. and Lond. vols. xiv., xvi., xvii., xviii.;

of admiralty'' (2 Parsons Adm. 176), and that it embraced all

it, really play a greater part than the alkali. From 58.5

chemical analysis. He may be called upon, in the discharge of his

he was appointed Generalsuperintendent at Neubrandenburg

The lower Nile valley, however, forms an exception; flint

because he is the chief of those who see the wonders of the

of their own religion --to which the Holy Spirit had from of

Niger Company all that fairly belongs to the kingdom of Sokoto;

to the Amazon, but the whole island-bordered, river-cut and

acids, and double salts with platinum chloride, and they

pressures. The pockets contained the active material. On the

board (see ALBUM). After remaining there for a reasonable

more or less chemically manufactured. All coal contains iron

(Paris, 1846); T. Whittaker, The Neo-platonists (Camb.,

time in perfect possession of those good qualities which he

shows in detail, the Kharosthi alphabet is derived from

his fellow-citizens. Subsequently the garden became the

are not essential to it. Of the three forms of absolution

about the same time (180-210), Clement of Alexandria in his

agitation, and this policy was followed until 1871. However,

endeavour to study their words and frame opinions not only

has a palace, and Protestant missionaries have a church.

Apollo, and that a swarm of bees settled upon his infant

one of practice rather than of law, and that the difference

Simony, Das Dachsteingebict (1889-1896); L. Sinigaglia,

ACCOMPLICE (from Fr. complice, conspirator, Lat. complex,

to a perpetual autumn. The immediate environs are very fertile

I. ROBERT STEWART, duke of Albany (c. 1345-1420), regent

in its first seven volumes, and of these Addison wrote 274

section, a decree in this sense was issued by ben Adret in

of the optical system, i.e. the radii, thicknesses, refractive

isomorphous with augite, crystals intermediate in composition

nuisances abatement is also allowed provided there be no

(7) Histones.

depth is never less than 45 ft. It is navigable by steamers

that they had ``come to the clear conclusion that the Royal

after them, while avoiding a conflict, was sound strategy

site, from which it was transferred by the Genoese in 1492.

cocks, steam pipes and so forth. Tepid water is run in at one

history. There he remained till 1870, when considerations of

of drilled turnips on his farm in one year. An Act passed in

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