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Marketing Activities of Ranisha Fashion Limited

The internship report is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of
the degree of Master of Business Administration, Asian University of Bangladesh

Submitted To:
Mohammad Tareque Quddus
Associate Professor of Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Asian University of Bangladesh

Submitted By:
Marzana Islam Toma
ID. No: 202120029
Major: Marketing
Program: MBA
Asian University of Bangladesh


Date of Submission: 22nd February, 2023

Letter of Transmittal

Date: 22nd February, 2023

Prof. Dr. Md. Nurul Islam
School of Business
Asian University of Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of internship report on Marketing Activities of Ranisha

Fashion Limited

Dear Sir,
It is a great pleasure for me that I have the opportunity to submit the report on
Marketing Activities of Ranisha Fashion Limited as a requirement for the degree
of MBA of Asian University of Bangladesh with your kind supervision and
continuous guideline throughout the period. I have collected as much as information
from Works Factory and Corporate office. and other sources.
I have tried my best to put meticulous effort for the preparation of this report. I
believe that this report will certainly help you in evaluating me. I would be grateful if
you kindly accept the report. Thank you for your time & consideration.

Yours Faithfully

Marzana Islam Toma

ID. No: 202120029
Major: Marketing
Program: MBA
Asian University of Bangladesh


Dedicated to my respected parents

Student's Declaration

I am grateful for giving me the opportunity to undergo this type of study through the
MBA program. We shall be benefited of our education system if we can effectively
apply the institutional education in practical fields. Hence, we all need practical
education to apply theoretical knowledge in the real world. By considering this
Importance’s our University arranges internship program each semester compulsory
for the students through MBA program. As a part of this program I am here with such
a wonderful topic as Marketing Activities of Ranisha Fashion Limited
Even though if there any mistake appears, it is truly undesirable. So, I would request
to look at the matter with merciful eyes.
I also declare that this paper is my original worked and prepared for academic
purpose may not be used in actual market scenario.


Marzana Islam Toma
ID. No: 202120029
Major: Marketing
Program: MBA
Asian University of Bangladesh

Supervisor’s Certification

This is to certify that internship report on Marketing Activities of Ranisha Fashion

Limited has been submitted for the award of the degree of Master of Business
Administration (MBA) program Major in Marketing from Asian University of
Bangladesh carried out by Marzana Islam Toma bearing MBA & ID No-202120029
under my supervision. This report is an essential requirement to obtain Master of
Business Administration (MBA) degree from the Asian University of Bangladesh

The report has been prepared under my guidance is a record of the bonafide work
carried successfully.

I wish him every success in life.

Mohammad Tareque Quddus
Associate Professor of Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Asian University of Bangladesh


First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to almighty Allah because without
his mercy it was just impossible for me to do this report. Then I would like to
acknowledge the help of my honorable Supervisor Mohammad Tareque Quddus,
Associate. Professor, Department of Business Administration, Asian University of
Bangladesh, who has given me important suggestion, guidelines and supervision for
preparing this report with such a tremendous topic throughout the course of my MBA

I would like to acknowledge and thanks the following personnel of Marketing

Activities of Ranisha Fashion Limited who has extended their whole hearted co-
operation during for preparing the report as well as specially Md. Khamruzzaman
Khana Marketing Heads employees for their earnest co-operation. So, I gratefully
remember their assistance & guidance can never be paid back .I will remain ever
grateful to be part of their corporate culture.

I convey my profound gratitude to all Faculty Teachers & Professors of Asian University
of Bangladesh of their teaching on the various courses that enable me to complete the
degree of Master of Business Administration with specialization in Marketing

Finally I would like to say that the report is a subject to error or mistakes that are inherent
in human endeavor. I therefore request every reader of this paper to forgive me for any
kinds of mistakes.

Executive Summary

In this Internship report I tried to explain the Marketing practice of the Marketing
Management of. The main goal of this report is to find out the Merchandising
Activities of Bangladesh a case study of Works Factory and Corporate office. To
know the details of the Human Resource Practice I interviewed some Marketing
managers and employees of Works Factory and Corporate office. and other
information were collected and gathered with the help of the internet. Works
Factory and Corporate office. is the organization where actually the Marketing
activities are applied with a huge effort, and the outcome is also very satisfying.
This report is focused on the Merchandising activities that Works Factory and
Corporate office. practices internally and externally to develop their organization
goal. They have always been committed to good employment practices and have
set out the framework of Employment Principles on workplace practices, employee
relations and employee human rights. That’s why they select the most talented and
dynamic professionals from the available candidates, trusts in team work and
respect each other.
The report also includes the theoretical framework along with some interviewed of
employees of various concepts of Merchandising Management and also contains
the practices of Merchandising Management in Works Factory and Corporate
office. for the purpose of relating the theoretical concepts with the relevant areas of
an established organization. Although some negative things come but according to
my conception I tried to give some solution for overcome the negative affected
thing of the company.

Mainly my report is focusing the financial position of these garments for the last three
year where the financial trend of the company has been cleared.

Table of Contents

Details Page
Title page
Dedication i
Letter of Transmittal ii
Student`s Declaration iii
Supervisor`s Declaration iv
Acknowledgement v
Executive Summary vi
Chapter : 01 Introduction 1
1.1 Origin of the Study 2
1.2 Objective of the Case Study 2
1.3 Scope of the Study 3
1.4 Limitation of the Study 3
1.5 Methodology 3
1.5.1 Data Instrument 3
1.5.2 Data Collection Procedure 4
Chapter : 02 Organization Overview 5
2.1 Factory Profile of Works Factory and Corporate office. 6

2.2 Vision 7
2.3 Mission 7
2.4 Board of Directors & Executive Committee 8
2.5 Factory Organogram 8

2.6 Company Objectives 9

Chapter : 03 Production Process 10

3.1 Business Process of Works Factory and Corporate office. 11

3.2 Terms and Conditions 11

3.3 Buyer/ Customer Base 11

3.4 Sources of Raw Materials 12

3.5 Types of Raw Materials 12

3.6 General Ethics & Legal Regulation 13

3.7 General Manufacturing process Overview 13

3.8 Computer Aided Design (CAD) 15

3.9 Stage of Sample Making 16

3.10 Quality Control (QC) Table 16

3.11 Functional Departments 17

3.11.1 Merchandising Department 17

3.11.2 Sampling Department 18

3.11.3 Commercial Department 18
3.11.4 Accessory Supply Department 19

3.11.5 Production Department 19

3.11.6 Shipping Department 19
3.12 Machine Description 20
Chapter : 04 Marketing Activities of Ranisha Fashion Limited 24
4.1 Marketing merchandising: 25

4.2 Product me Merchandising:

4.3 Merchandiser's other Responsibilities

4.4 Internal & external communication:

4.5 Preparing purchase orders:

4.6 Accessories and Trims:

4.7 Preparing internal order sheet:

4.8 Advising and assisting production: 25

4.9 Advising production and quality department about quality


4.10 Taking responsibility for inspections:

4.11 Helping documentation department: 26

4.12 Following shipment:

4.13 Required qualities of a merchandiser:

Chapter : 05 Letter of Credit (LC) & Invoice 27

5.1 Letter of Credit (LC) 28

5.2 Terms of LC 29
5.3 Commercial Invoice 30
Chapter : 06 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 30
6.1 Corporate Social Responsibility of Works Factory and Corporate 31
Chapter : 07 Job Part 32
7.1 Responsibility of A Trainee Officer 33

7.2 Activities of A Trainee Officer 33

7.3 My Activities at Works Factory and Corporate office. 34

7.4 Problem Faced During Internship 34

Chapter : 08 Findings & Analysis 35

8.1 Value Chain Analysis 36

8.2 Findings of Value Chain Analysis 36

8.3 Findings Related to Primary Activities 36

8.4 Key Success Factors 37

Chapter : 09 Recommendation & Conclusion 38

9.1 Recommendation 39
9.2 Conclusion 40
Bibliography 41

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