Weekly Assessment Question
Weekly Assessment Question
Weekly Assessment Question
Weekly Assessment Question
1. Explain Industry 4.0 concept U
2. Functions of -Central Electricity and State Electricity Authorities. R
3. Write the Importance of utility engineering and management. U
4. Explain TQM-kaizen, 5S and six sigma U
5. Causes and prevention of electrical accidents R
6. Precautions to be taken during electrical repair and maintenance work A
7. Write the Functions of Electrical Maintenance Department U
8. Explain ISO 9001:2015- QMS (Quality Management System) , • ISO 14001:2015- EMSEnvironment
Management System U
9. What is design thinking? R
10. Explain 5 steps of Design Thinking U
11. Why is design thinking so important? R
12. How can ‘Design Thinking’ help utilities prepare for a new energy future? A
13. Draw the layout of any large scale factory showing – security room, entrance gate, exit gate,
parking, transformer substation, DG power plant, LT room, UPS room, computer network server
room, office, Engineering department design department, purchase department, accounts
department, canteen, board room, production line, packing section, dispatch section, fire hydrant
pumping station, solar power plant, rain water storage and pumping station , STP,ETP, earth pits
etc. Functions of each department. A
■ 4 No’s of 1Ph, 230V, 80 Watt CFL Bulbs, Diversity Factor is 0.8; Starting & Running P.F
is 0.8.
■ 2 No’s of 1Ph, 230V, 3000 Watt Air Condition, Diversity Factor is 1, Starting & Running
P.F is 0.8.
■ 1 No’s of 1Ph,230V, 10KW Motor with Y-D Starter, Diversity Factor is 0.8,Starting P.F is
0.7 & Running P.F is 0.8 A
27. Conduct routine test on DG set and check for the normal working conditions of the DG set.
28. Demonstrate operation of AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) A
29. Block diagram and operation of AMF panel U
30. Carry out maintenance work on DG set check radiator water level, engine oil level, battery condition,
AVR (automatic voltage regulator). crank and check for normal working condition A
31. Draw the Wiring diagram and its working of Auto Electrical System U
32. Testing of AVR and batteries in Diesel Generator set R
33. Components of solar PV ON Grid power plants and their specifications. R
34. Difference between ON grid and OFF grid Solar PV power plant
35. Design a solar photo-voltaic on-grid power plant for a given roof area- No of solar panels A