Saep 319
Saep 319
Saep 319
1 Scope .......................................................................... 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations .............................................. 3
3 References .................................................................. 3
4 Definitions .................................................................... 4
5 Responsibilities ............................................................ 7
6 Authorization Requirements ...................................... 16
7 Instructions ................................................................ 17
8 Marking and Identifying RVs ...................................... 34
9 Pressure Testing RVs ................................................ 35
10 Relief Valve Test Stand (RVTS) Instructions ............. 36
11 Test Stand Requirements .......................................... 37
12 Relief Valve Technician Certification ......................... 40
Appendix A - Relief Valve Operating System Approval
Workflow Process......................................... 44
Appendix B - Initiation of Workflow for RV Equipment
Master through Operating System
Transaction IE01/IE02 .................................. 45
Appendix C - Sample RV Testing Activities Workflow ....... 50
Appendix D - RV Deviation Approval WF .......................... 51
Appendix E - Operating System Roles
and Responsible Party ................................. 52
Appendix F - Test Interval Exception Services .................. 53
Appendix G - Standard Checklist....................................... 54
Appendix H - Test Conductor Requirements ..................... 58
Appendix I - Spring Loaded RV Testing and Inspection .... 60
Appendix J - Pilot RV Testing and Inspection .................... 61
Appendix K - Tank Breather Valve Testing
and Inspection .............................................. 62
Appendix L - RV Checklist for External Inspection ............ 63
Appendix M - Example of RV In-place Test Report ........... 64
Appendix N - RV Shop Audit Form .................................... 65
Revision History................................................................. 66
1 Scope
1.1 This engineering procedure covers the identification, installation, approval, authorization,
addition, deletion, replacement, mothballing, inspection, maintenance and testing and
responsibilities for Pressure Relief Devices (PRDs).
1.2 This procedure also contains instructions for Relief Valve Test Stands (RVTS).
1.3 This procedure shall also apply to flow modulating, i.e., Ful-Flo or equivalent, relief
valves, providing:
1.3.1 They are the sole relieving device for the system being protected.
1.3.2 They can be tested in-place when an approved In-place Test Procedure is used.
1.4 PRDs in Saudi Aramco operating facilities which are owned and operated by
Contractors or tested by third party RV Shop shall be tested, inspected and tracked
through Operating System or a PM program in accordance with this procedure.
1.5 It establishes the minimum requirements for PRDs Test Conductors and Technicians
Certifications involved in testing/repair of PRDs at Saudi Aramco facilities.
1.6 Exclusions
1.6.1 The following are excluded from the requirements of this procedure:
a) Residence water heaters PRDs
b) PRDs in water heaters of less than 100 gallon capacity
c) Turbine alarm (sentinel) valves
d) Bottled gas cylinders PRDs
e) Surge suppression valves
f) Pressure reducing and let-down valves
g) Pressure controllers and regulator valves
h) Integral pump and compressor casing PRDs
i) PRDs in air compressors mounted on vehicles (portable)
j) Tank Rim Vent valves
k) ¼-inch NPT Relief Valves in Well Shut Down (WSD) hydraulic cabinets.
l) Non-industrial application chillers including A/C chillers.
m) Industrial Chillers with RV size ½-inch and below.
1.6.2 RVs excluded from the RV Program must be maintained or replaced
periodically, in accordance with a documented maintenance program that can
only be altered with Operating Facility Manager’s approval.
Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed in writing to the EK&RD
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure
SAEP-302, Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement.
3 References
4 Definitions
Base Test Interval: The interval assigned to a new valve that is derived from past
experience with similar service and RV design.
Backpressure: The pressure that exists at the outlet of a pressure-relief device as a
result of the pressure in the discharge system. It is the sum of the superimposed and
built-up backpressures.
Blowdown: The difference between the set pressure and the closing pressure of a
pressure-relief valve, expressed as a percentage of the set pressure or in pressure units.
Built-up Backpressure: The increase in pressure at the outlet of a pressure-relief
device that develops as a result of flow after the pressure relief device opens.
Burst Pressure: The burst pressure of a rupture disk at the specified temperature is the
value of the upstream static pressure minus the value of the downstream static pressure
just prior to when the disk bursts. When the downstream pressure is atmospheric, the
burst pressure is the upstream static gauge pressure.
Burst-Pressure Tolerance: The variation around the marked burst pressure at the
specified disk temperature in which a rupture disk will burst.
Closing Pressure: The value of decreasing inlet static pressure at which the valve disc
reestablishes contact with the seat or at which lift becomes zero, as determined by
seeing, feeling, or hearing.
units or as a percentage of set pressure. It is the same as accumulation only when the
relieving device is set to open at the MAWP of the vessel.
Pin-actuated Device: A non-reclosing pressure-relief device actuated by static pressure
and designed to function by buckling or breaking a pin which holds a piston or a plug in
place. Upon buckling or breaking of the pin, the piston or plug instantly moves to the
full open position.
Pressure Relief Device (PRD): All PRDs including Safety valves, relief valves,
pressure relief valves, surge relief valves, vacuum breakers, buckling pin valves and
Rupture Disks (RD) are referred to as RVs in this SAEP.
PRDs Used in Low Capacity: These include individual residence hot water heaters of
less than 100 gallon capacity, Turbine alarm (sentinel) valves, Bottled gas cylinders,
Surge suppression valves, Pressure reducing and let-down valves, Pressure controllers
and regulator valves, Integral pump and compressor casing PRDs, PRDs in air
compressors mounted on vehicles (portable), Tank Rim Vent valves.
Rated Relieving Capacity: The relieving capacity used as the basis for the application
of a pressure-relief device. This capacity is determined in accordance with the
applicable code or regulation and is provided by the manufacturer.
Replacement “IN-KIND”: Replacement of a RV with an identical RV from the same
manufacturer,i.e., same application and design code.
Operating System R/3: Operating System in data processing. “R” means 'real-time
Set Pressure: The inlet gauge pressure at which a pressure-relief valve is set to open
under service conditions.
Simmer: The audible or visible escape of compressible fluid between the seat and disc,
which may occur at an inlet static pressure below the set pressure prior to opening.
Specified Burst Pressure: The specified burst pressure of a rupture disk is the burst
pressure specified by the user. The marked burst pressure may be greater than or less
than the specified burst pressure but shall be within the manufacturing design range.
The user is cautioned to consider manufacturing range, superimposed backpressure and
specified temperature when determining a specified burst pressure.
Superimposed Backpressure: The static pressure that exists at the outlet of a
pressure-relief device at the time the device is required to operate. It is the result of
pressure in the discharge system coming from other sources and may be constant or
Safety Valve: A safety valve is a direct spring-loaded pressure-relief valve that is
actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve and characterized by rapid opening
or pop action.
Stamped Relieving Capacity: The rated relieving capacity that appears on the device
nameplate and based on the rated relieving capacity determined at the specified set
pressure or burst pressure plus the allowable overpressure.
5 Responsibilities
5.2 RV Administrator
5.2.1 Evaluates the designated Maintenance Relief Valve Test conductors.
5.2.2 Conducts final evaluation of RVTS used in Saudi Aramco facilities upon
5.2.3 Performs periodical assessment on RV program.
5.2.4 Administrates the Pressure Relief Devices programs.
5.2.5 Reviews and concurs RV external deviation requests.
5.2.6 Provides guidance and consultation to RV Coordinators and RV technicians.
5.2.7 Verifies and Approves the RV Work Flow (WF) data in Operating System.
5.2.8 Administers the authorization of RV Tracking Program in Operating System.
5.2.9 Authorize transfer of the custody of any RV in Operating System.
Reviews and concurs RV in-place testing procedures and external deviation requests as
required by this procedure.
5.5.1 Troubleshoots the RV Operating System related issues and maintains RV database.
5.5.2 Provides Operating System technical support to all Saudi Aramco facilities.
5.5.3 Provides Operating System transaction codes that are used for RV tracking
5.6.3 Performs RV T&Is in Mechanical Services Shop for Saudi Aramco facilities.
5.6.4 Notifies the RV proponent when problems are identified, such as stuck, dirty,
corroded, etc., so that an Engineering decision can be made prior to
release/testing of the RV.
5.7.2 Approves Relief Valve external deviation requests WFs (i.e., > 3 months) to
deviate from Equipment Inspection Schedule.
5.8.2 Prepares and attaches the scanned copy of ISS (SA-8020-6XX) for each RV
type. Refer to SAEP-1027 for conventional and bellows RV types.
5.8.4 Enters the RV data into the Operating System using Transaction Code IE01
with Equipment Category “R” for new RVs or IE02 for any updates.
5.8.7 Verifies that the PM02 Work Order is created by Operating System R/3
through Transaction Code ZI0014 and Code IW39 for Displaying Service and
Maintenance Orders.
5.8.11 Proposes RV Test Interval optimization through OME and initiate Operating
System Workflow through transaction IE02.
5.9.2 Maintains a current technical library that includes applicable relief valve
documentation for the RVs used in the Facility under Construction.
5.9.4 Verifies that all RVs installed in the newly constructed facility are approved in
the RV Operating System tracking system, tested and properly tagged prior to
final MCC and PMT turnover of the facility to Saudi Aramco operations.
5.9.6 Verifies that RVTS used for testing PRD in projects meets the requirements of
this procedure.
5.10.3 Verifies applicable documentation for the RVs are properly maintained.
5.10.4 Obtains required approval stated in this procedure for In-place Test.
5.10.7 Verifies that all RVs installed in the newly constructed facility are entered and
approved in RV Operating System prior to Saudi Aramco operations accepting
facility from PMT.
5.11 RV Coordinator
5.11.1 Administers the RV tracking program for all facilities under his area of
5.11.2 Verifies and approves the Relief Valve Operating System Authorization WF
data against the Form SA-8020.
5.11.5 Verifies that copies of all RV data are scanned and attached to the WF such as
latest P&ID drawing, SIS, and MOC, if applicable.
5.11.6 Verifies that all technical reports, Form SA-3750, annual external inspection,
P&ID, SIS / ISS, Defect Notification, and other correspondence related to the
RV are attached in the Operating System RV records.
5.11.9 Assists Originating Engineer if requested, with the Relief Valve Operating
System Authorization and deviation WF, to ensure conformance with the
requirements of this procedure.
5.11.11 Assists local Inspectors and maintenance to resolve questions concerning test
interval revisions, deletions, additions, change requests, test shop activity and
troubleshooting RV problems.
5.11.14 Confirms that the maintenance plan status is set to deleted/inactive prior to
deleting/mothballing RV.
5.11.15 Verifies that the PRD approved interval in Operating System is reflected in the
maintenance plan task list by displaying Operating System Transaction ZI0094.
5.12.1 Verifies the Relief Valve Operating System Authorization WF data against
approved Form SA-8020-6XX, and approves RV for newly constructed
5.12.2 Verifies that PRD pressure testing matches design specification provided by
5.12.3 Verifies third party RV Shop is approved by Saudi Aramco if the RV testing
in a third party non Saudi Aramco facility.
5.12.5 Verifies that installed RVs are sealed, in the correct location as per current
verified P&ID, correctly painted and properly piped to a safe location per
5.12.6 Verifies that block valves are properly installed and painted, as per SAES-J-600
and SAES-B-067.
5.12.7 Verifies that the isolation valve installed between the remote pressure gauge
and the area being monitored (the area between the rupture disk or rupture pin
and the relief valve) is locked open.
5.12.8 Verifies that RV bonnets are vented to a safe location, per SAES-J-600, and
painted green for bellows type RVs, per SAES-B-067.
5.12.9 Verifies that installation, deletion or a change has taken place through visual
For remote areas, the Inspection Field Supervisor has the authority to act on behalf of
5.13.1 Provides an audit of the RV T&I Program once a year as required by this
procedure and generates audit report within 14 days.
5.13.3 Verifies that area inspectors complete the due RV external checklist.
5.13.5 Verifies that installed RVs are approved in Operating System, tagged, sealed, in
the correct location, and piped to a safe location, as required by SAES-J-600,
during annual external inspections by designated OIU staff.
5.13.6 Verifies that block valves are properly installed and painted, as per SAES-J-600
and SAES-B-067, during annual external inspections by designated OIU staff.
5.13.7 Verifies the Relief Valve Operating System Authorization WF data against
approved Form SA-8020-6XX, and approves the RV in the Operating System
5.13.8 Investigates RVs that have been commissioned without a Relief Valve
Authorization in Operating System and reports findings to Engineering for
initiation of the Operating System Authorization WF.
5.13.11 Verifies that the two-year periodic, comprehensive physical review mentioned
in this procedure is completed including:
a. assigning a member of the Inspection Unit as team member
b. timely completion
c. documenting the result of the physical review and follow up on corrective
5.14 Operations Superintendent
5.14.3 Approves RV in-place testing, and assures that the correct equipment pressure
is strictly maintained during the test.
5.14.4 Assures that RV Work Orders are distributed for timely RV T&Is.
5.14.5 Verifies that a comprehensive physical review is conducted every two years.
The two years’ periodic comprehensive physical review involves:
a. Punchlisting of deficiencies by a team with representatives from
Inspection Unit, Operations/Plant Engineering and Operations.
b. Scheduling by the Area Operations Foreman.
c. Verifying all RVs are installed at locations specified in Operating System
and in good condition (i.e., no leaks, cracks, corrosion, etc.).
5.14.6 Verifies and assures that a monthly RV checklist is used by the responsible
Operations personnel.
5.14.7 Verifies the monthly RV checklist should be created to include data for all
fields in Appendix L signed by Area Operator and approved by Supervising
Operator (SO) and Area Foreman.
5.14.8 Verifies that any RV found not to be entered in the RV Operating Tracking
System prior to turnover of newly constructed facility to Saudi Aramco
operations is entered in the Operating Tracking System by Engineering within
thirty (30) days from date of discovery of the RV.
5.15.1 Verifies and concur with the RV approval and deviation WF in Operating System.
5.15.2 Verifies that the RV location and marking are correct as per the current
verified P&ID.
5.15.3 Verifies that inlet and outlet block valves, for active RVs, are open completely
and properly sealed.
5.15.4 Verifies that the block valves are painted orange, as required by SAES-J-600
and SAES-B-067.
5.15.5 Verifies that the block valve stems are oriented horizontally or sloping away
down maximum 45 degree from the valve as per SAES-J-600.
5.15.6 Verifies that all RVs are in Operations RV Checklist whenever RV is installed
on site after being tested and inspected.
5.15.8 Initiates Maintenance Orders for the repairs of RVs not due for T&I under the
Preventive Maintenance system in Operating System and attach the Operating
System notification with the SA-3750 maintenance report.
5.15.9 Verifies that a pressure gauge is present between a reclosing RV and an in-
series rupture disk.
5.15.10 Prepare and approves field generated RV T&I Work Order PM07, as required.
5.15.11 Verifies every installed RV is tagged, sealed properly and transportation gauge
is removed.
5.15.12 Verifies the vents on bellows RV's are opened or piped to a safe location.
5.16.1 Verifies the performance of physical inspection, testing, and repair of RVs in
accordance with the RV Tracking Program and SAEPs.
5.16.2 Verifies that the RV technician entering the test Data is trained to use the
Operating System System and familiar with the terminology for RV repair to
recognize data entry messages and errors.
5.16.3 Approves Relief Valve Maintenance Report, Form SA-3750, for each RV
repair activity entered in the Operating System.
5.16.4 Verifies the integrity of the data prior to requesting approval by the RV
5.16.5 Sends the original Form SA-3750 to the local Inspection Unit/RV Coordinator
for test results approval.
5.16.7 Verifies that each RV conforms to its design description in Operating System
5.16.9 Maintains “TEST” RVs for pressure testing purposes, with associated service
and design records.
5.16.11 Verifies that the RV Technicians are certified and tracks training schedule.
5.16.13 Maintains access to Operating System Database and Transactions. The database
should consists of all RV data including ISS, P&ID, SA-3750 communication
letters, memos, and any other related information pertaining to RVs.
5.16.14 Maintains and update the RV Test Shop Annual Audit items. A quarterly
report on the status of agreed corrective actions and ETC shall be sent to plant
Inspection Unit.
5.16.15 Verifies the re-installation of RVs that have been tested within 14 days after
the completion date in Operating System.
5.17.1 Tests and inspects RVs according to manufacturer's requirements, per this
procedure, QA Manual.
5.17.3 Perform RV pop and leak tests using an approved test stand per this procedure.
5.17.4 Records the test results and the condition of the RV on Maintenance Report
(Form SA-3750) and any additional format needed to provide a meaningful
historical record of RV condition and performance through Operating System
Transaction QE17.
5.17.6 Replaces the tag after calibration, interval change, or when tag has faded or lost.
5.17.7 Handles and transport RV's carefully and maintain RV at vertical position at
all times.
5.17.9 Leak tests RV bellows and closed bonnet, where applicable, using minimum
acceptance criteria per this procedure.
5.17.10 Apply the adjustment seals upon completion of the T&I (overhaul).
5.18.1 Provides RV Maintenance data to the originator upon request. The originator
must verify the integrity of the data prior to requesting an RV number.
5.18.2 Creates maintenance package, plan, and develops task list and other items
related to the PM program for all approved RVs.
5.18.3 Ensures the availability of critical material spare parts list for PRDs in
Operating System which are used in proponent facilities.
6 Authorization Requirements
6.1 To authorize a new RV installation, the Originating Engineer completes, attaches the
ISS Form SA-8020-6XX and other relevant documents, then starts the Relief Valve
Operating System Workflow.
6.1.1 The Originating Engineer should coordinate with the Maintenance Division
and the local RV Coordinator in order to fill in the Maintenance Plant,
Functional Location, and Plant Number in Operating System. If the Plant
Number does not exist in the Operating System, the Originating Engineer or
his assignee shall make a request to the Hydrocarbon Applications Department
(HAD)/Plant Maintenance & Industrial Services Applications Group to add
the new Saudi Aramco Engineering Plant Number (EPN) to the Operating
System Location Table.
6.1.2 The Originating Engineer enters the data into the corporate Operating System
using the Transaction Code IE01 (Create Equipment). At this stage of the
process, the RV is assigned a permanent number which should be kept in a
permanent RV data records having “CRTD” Created mode in User Status.
Once all required RV data records are entered, then the Originator should select
“Awaiting Approval” mode in User Status field of the Operating System.
6.1.3 The Originating Engineer shall notify the Operations Foreman or Project
Supervisor to execute the RV Maintenance Order for testing and field installation.
6.1.4 After RV physical installation, RV's shall be verified and documented in the
RV Monthly Operation Checklist.
6.1.8 Changes that DO NOT AFFECT RV operations require the Operating System
Authorization WF approval of the Supervisor of Operations Engineering, and
should be reviewed by the local RV Coordinator and Supervisor of the
Operations Inspection Unit.
6.1.9 Deletion of an existing Relief Valve number can only be authorized through
Operating System Authorization WF and only when the equipment being
protected has been permanently dismantled, when the existing RV is to be
replaced or if the RV is lost.
6.1.10 When a deleted RV is to be replaced with another RV, authorization for the
new RV should be completed through Operating System Authorization WF
and a new RV number assigned, prior to deleting the old RV.
6.2.3 Verification is required within three months of RV authorized activity after the
Operating System workflow approval.
7 Instructions
7.1 Test Interval The following factors should be considered when determining the base
test interval, and subsequent intervals such as service conditions, RV
types, similar service experience, manufacturer's recommendations,
industry experience and recommendations of RBI or SAEP-20. The maximum test interval for RVs with operating history equal to or
higher than one full cycle of the base test interval shall be 60 months
except for:
Steam Boilers which have a maximum of 24 months.
Services listed in “Appendix F” which have a maximum of
36 months.
Integral RVs with Grove Ball, Model B-5 Valves shall be
replaced at mandated intervals as per Technical Alert
ALERT-94-016. When mandated intervals are reached, the
Operating System-generated Maintenance Report will state that
the valves must be replaced.
7.1.3 Other Considerations for Test Interval Setting Rupture Disk (RD) shall be replaced at every test interval and update
the system with the new Operating System number. The disassemble
indicator for the RD shall be set to zero. Once the integral RVs with Grove Model B-5 ball valves is due for
replacement then delete the existing RV from the Operating System
using transaction IE02, then create a new Operating System number
through transaction IE01as required by this procedure.
7.2.1 T&I (Testing & Inspection) schedules for RV's are defined by the Operating
System Maintenance Plans which are scheduled based on predetermined
inspection intervals assigned to each RV through allocated Maintenance
7.2.2 Test and Inspection Maintenance Planned date is controlled from within the
Operating System by use of the Maintenance Plan.
7.2.3 The Operating System RV Maintenance Plan, generates and releases the Work
Order (PM02) sixty (60) days prior to the planned T&I date which marks the
start of testing activity.
7.2.4 Maintenance Planner will download a list of outstanding Work Orders using
Operating System Transaction Code IW39 (Work Order List Editing), and
coordinate execution of the RV T&I with the proponent organization.
7.2.5 After completion of the RV T&I the RV test results are entered into Operating
System by the maintenance technician using Operating System Transaction
QE17 or as required by this procedure under Responsibilities section.
7.2.7 Transaction ZI0069 is used to display and print the RV Due and Overdue list
for a facility. The Operating System will generate due/overdue notifcation to
upper management.
7.3.2 Scheduling early T&I can be approved by the local Operations Foreman by
starting the Work Order (PM02) to initiate the work. The next planned due
date is automatically adjusted when the Maintenance Report, Operating
System-generated Form SA-3750, is entered into Operating System and after
Usage Decision is made based on the entered test result date.
7.3.3 Delayed T&I (local deviation) schedule shall be approved by the local
Operations Superintendent providing the delay does not exceed 3 months
through Operating System WF. The WF shall be initiated by the Operation
Forman or Plant Engineer and reviewed by OIU Supervisor prior to
Operations Superintendent approval. This action will still show RV in
Operating System as overdue.
7.4.1 To deviate the T&I schdule for RVs, Operation Foreman or Plant Engineer
shall intiate RV Deviation Request through Operating System tansaction
ZIF0015 prior to the planned date. After the WF approval, the system will
reflect the proposed T&I date in Operating System under the column
“Deviation Approved Till Date”.
Conduct the “As Received” POP test on an adequately sized Test Stand that
causes a “sharp pop” when testing a gas service RV. A simmer RV action
shall not be a valid test for gas service.
Leak test bellows to verify that the bellows sealing joint is 100% effective and the
bellows is not leaking. An approved bellows test procedure shall be included
in the QA Manual. The procedure shall minimally cover the following:
a) A test shall be conducted by pressurizing the external side of the bellows
to 30 psig or 25% of CDTP, whichever is smaller. Over pressure can
damage the bellows.
b) Check the non-pressurized side of the bellows using a method that is
sensitive to low volume flow, e.g., an apparatus similar to the seat leak
test is recommended.
7.5.6 RV Sealed Bonnet Leak Test
a) RVs that are intended to have sealed bonnets and body joints and
connected to closed discharge systems shall be tested for tightness of the
bonnet and body joints to assure that NO discharge gases or liquids
escape to atmosphere.
b) Test shall be conducted by applying a 30 psig regulated air pressure to the
RV body and bonnet cavity. There should be no evidence of leakage at
anybody joint. A soap test should be conducted to ensure the integrity of
the body joints.
7.5.7 Final Cold Differential Test Pressure, CDTP
a) Final CDTP shall be conducted on an approved test stand from an
approved source by Saudi Aramco. This shall meet the requirements of this
procedure and shall be included in the QA Manual.
b) CDTP tolerance shall conform to ASME Table XI requirements for spring
and pilot operated RVs. Tank breather and pressure / vacuum relief valve
tolerances shall conform to manufacturers' guidelines.
c) CDTP shall be within the spring range except for temperature
compensated settings, as required by the manufacturer.
The final seat leak test shall be conducted immediately after the final pressure
setting is achieved per this prpocedure and API STD 527. Originator Engineer shall annually review the generated list of RVs
and recommend interval changes as part of the RV Regulating
System of this procedure. Test Interval Revisions can be made for RVs which have been in
service based on key data in the Relief Valve Maintenance Report. Frequent poor inspection ratings shall initiate the T&I regulating
system according to this procedure.
7.8.2 Maintenance shall exercise care in handling RV's at all times that is
appropriate for a delicate mechanism. Do not drop or jar, avoid stressing the
RV body and parts, protect flanges and nozzles.
7.8.3 Store, transport and install RVs in the vertical position, and thoroughly secure
during transport. Cover flanges, threads and nozzles with tape or special
plastic plugs (available from storehouse stock) to protect the RV from dirt and
mechanical damage during storage and transport.
7.8.4 A gag may be applied to a weighted flapper type breather valve during rough
transportation to avoid damage. Retest the RV when an unusual rough
transport or handling occurs. Be sure that the gag is designed so that the RV
cannot be installed until the gag is removed.
7.8.5 Operations shall verify that the RV is isolated from the process when
removing a RV from in-service active equipment by checking the following: Verify block valves are closed and car-sealed (both inlet and outlet
lines/connections). Verify that the block valves are not passing by unscrewing the vent
plug and slowly crack open the vent block valve. Vent any trapped
fluid to a safe area. A blind flange is required to be installed on all
flanged connections immediately after removing the RV for testing.
(Refer to SAES-J-600 for safe venting locations). Verify all pressure has been removed from the points of isolation at
inlets and outlets of RVs. Verify contained liquids have been
removed and drained to a safe location such as oily water sewers. Identify the type of work permit that should be used for the job.
Control or specify associated hazards and required protection on the
work permit, such as high pressure, H2S hazard, gas release, and
nearby sources of ignition. If the external inspection per SAEP-20 of the mothballed facility finds
a problem with the RV protection measures; then, the RV Regulating
Program, as defined in this SAEP, shall be initiated to evaluate RV
condition and T&I needs. The test interval shall be within the following periods prior to its
intended use in a pressure test, per SAES-A-004.
Intervals for RVs in multiple (or dual) installations and the spare RV in a
multiple installation shall be the same when performing the steps outlined in
Appendices B, C, and D of this procedure.
7.10.1 The Interval of a Surge Relief (SR) valve shall be determined by its life
expectancy but shall not exceed the maximum interval limit set in SAES-J-605.
Change or update of SR valve interval shall follow the provision stated in this
testing if it has been set and tested within the time frame limits set
in SAES-A-004 for the intended use:
a) New construction projects
b) Maintenance operations. The user is responsible for returning the “Pressure Test” RV to the
shop. The Local Inspection Unit shall evaluate disk/pin condition, complete
the Pressure Relieving Device Maintenance Report, Operating
System-generated Form SA-3750 and approve installation. Local Inspection shall verify that the inlet and discharge piping is
clean. Local Inspection shall verify that the RV number is stamped on the
holder. The Engineer shall generate a final report that defines the RV
condition, the cause of the condition, and the corrective action
recommended. The report is to be submitted to the Operations
Foreman for approval. The Engineer shall update the Test Interval,
if required. Maintenance shall make the recommended repairs upon
approval by the Operations Foreman. Recommendations shall
include measures that will prevent any similar future problems. A copy of the report shall be sent to the RV Administrator who will
distribute it to other Saudi Aramco Operating Units with similar
RV applications. The audit shall determine if the RV T&I Program conforms to the
requirements of the RV SAEPs, has adequate information and
equipment to perform the work, implements the Quality Assurance
Manual procedures, maintains adequate records and parts
inventory, participates in the Regulating System, and provides
active training for the RV technicians. The local Inspection Unit shall publish the audit findings and
recommendations and track them quarterly to completion.
7.11.8 Lapping
a) Recognize that lapping is a specialized function, and provide the necessary
special tools and describe their functions (example: Optical comparators
for checking seat flatness, Measuring Magnifier, Straight Edge).
b) Prepare a more detailed lapping procedure than those shown in the
manufacturer's services manuals, if possible. Describe which type of
lapping compounds and blocks are used when lapping a disk and seat
(with or without an angle). Note any special lapping problems that the
Machinist should expect to run into and how to resolve them.
c) Describe how to make sure that all lapping equipment is inventoried,
functional, clean, and complete. (This may be best achieved by assigning
this responsibility to a RV technician).
7.11.9 Records
8.1 Each RV shall be identified by attaching a corrosion resistant metal tag FIRMLY
secured by a 16 gage stainless steel wire. Tags are available from storehouse stock
(SCM Operating System Stock # 1000168143). For rupture disks and rupture pins,
attach the tag to the holder. (Galvanized metal tags should not be used).
8.2 The tag shall be die stamped in the same units specifying at least RV number, Set Pressure,
CDTP, Test Date, and Due Date.
8.3 The Due Date on the RV tag equals to the Planned Date which is designated
automatically by Operating System based on the last test date. This represents the date
at which the next T&I is due for a RV based on the specified interval.
8.4 The RV number, as described in tag requirements, shall be die stamped on the body of
screw type valves. The RV number shall be stamped on the outlet flange of flanged
RVs. Stamping the mating pipe flange or installing a field RV number tag is
recommended to avoid installation errors.
8.5 The mounting flange of a rupture disk or a rupture pin holder shall be die stamped with
the disk/pin RV number.
8.6 The bonnets of all bellows type RVs shall be painted GREEN, per SAES-B-067.
This is to indicate that the bonnet must be vented and the vent piping is to be directed
away from other equipment or walkways.
8.7 All other RVs shall be painted with the mandatory aluminum color, as per SAES-B-067.
9.1.1 Each RV shall be assigned with a serial number for tracking and record
9.1.2 Each RV shall have a history log file in Operating System. This file should
include the RV Engineering data, and components (i.e.; spring), changes, and
9.1.3 TEST RVs used for PRESSURE TESTING shall be identified with a
corrosion resistant metal tag specifying at least TEST RV number, Spring
Number, Set Pressure and Test Date.
9.1.5 TEST RV shall not have a data base RV number assigned to it.
9.2.1 RVs in mothballed facility shall remain in Operating System under Relief
Valve equipment category.
9.2.3 The Maintenance Plan (Maintenance Order) shall be put on “INAK” status,
i.e., Inactive, by the responsible Plant Maintenance Plan Processor.
10.1 The test stand shall have a volume large enough to provide reliable RV adjustment and
pressure testing at the specified, Cold Differential Test Pressure (CDTP) within the
tolerances set by the applicable Code.
10.2 For gas service, a test stand must be able to cause a sharp pop of the RV for the test to
be valid. Simple opening and passing of air or nitrogen is not acceptable. The gas
service test stand design described in this procedure is intended to provide a sharp pop
action with minimum altering of the blowdown ring adjustment. However, the
blowdown ring may be adjusted to assist in achieving a valid pop action for the test.
Upon these occasions it is essential that the blowdown ring be returned to its original
operating position upon completion of the test.
10.3 The RV test stand shall provide sufficient capacity to adequately verify the pressure at
which the RV pops without damaging the valve trim. Insufficient volume, poor
pressure control, inaccurate gauges or contaminated test media may cause unreliable
testing and/or additional maintenance. Test stand design is intended to produce a pop
action, because a pre-simmer action is not the true opening pressure of a gas service
RV, by manufacturer's definition. This pre-simmer test method can result in a 10-15%
difference in the actual popping pressure. RV manufacturers have recommended that
“lift restrictors” be used for testing even with the Saudi Aramco test stand.
10.4 Blowdown adjustments shall be made in place with an approved RV In-place Test
be available and entered into the SAO Drawing System by the User.
e) If a test drum is included in the RVTS design, the test drum shall have an
approved Equipment Inspection Schedules (EIS) per SAEP-20 with a
maximum of 60 months interval.
10.5.2 Relief Valve Test Stand (RVTS) Pressure Gauges
a) The test gauges shall have a range of 1.25 to 2.0 times the RV CDTP set
b) Gauges shall have scale markings in the same measurement units as those
of the RV set pressure shown on the. Conversions between units shall not
be made. The gauge scale definition shall be adequate to determine the
pressure tolerances.
c) All gauges must have evidence of calibration within three months.
d) Re-calibrate gauge if it appears to be functioning improperly.
e) New gauges shall be calibrated before use.
f) Gauge calibration procedures shall be included or referenced in the QA
document. The procedure shall include calibration stickers and a
calibration log for scheduling to assure the task is performed and the
responsibility is defined.
g) Units for installed gauges shall be standard units.
11.1 Test stand control valve configuration and/or regulators shall be designed for the
necessary control needed for leak testing and low set pressures.
11.2 A vacuum pump shall be included in the Test Facility where vacuum type breather
valves are maintained.
11.3 All fabricated flange adapters shall be approved by RVTS manufacturer prior to use.
11.4 Adapter plates and special fixtures shall be readily available for mounting and testing
the various types of RVs being maintained.
11.5 The pilot of Pilot RVs may be adjusted using the gas test stand or a specialized pilot test
11.6 A single unit with capacity to test multiple services (gas and liquid) is acceptable
provided purging capacity is built in.
11.7 Accumulator tank size specification and other design specification shall be adequate to
prevent RV seat hammering.
11.9 Any modification to the original design of the RVTS shall include proponent approved
engineering package, MOC document, and ITSD re-validation, if modification exceeds
the maximum design pressure limit.
11.10.1 RVTS shall be installed in safe location away from shop traffic with adequate
barrier to protect personnel not involved with the RV testing.
11.10.5 Interlock device is installed to prevent release of the clamping pressure unless
test pressure is first released.
11.10.7 Safety shatter resistant screen between the RV Test Technician and the clamp
bench installed.
11.10.8 An approved Equipment Inspection Schedule (EIS) exist for the RV Test Stand.
11.10.9 Noise suppression shall be used when necessary to maintain safe working
conditions, as required by Industrial Hygiene measurement of sound levels.
Exhaust piping, mufflers or hose shall be large enough to prevent back
pressure rise, and shall be vented to a safe location. Noise suppression may be
by vertical upward venting, venting to a large insulated baffle chamber, or any
other method acceptable to local Loss Prevention.
11.10.10 Ensure visual and audible safety alarms in the RVTS are available.
11.11.2 Preventive maintenance plan shall meet the RVTS manufacturer recommendation
and this procedure.
11.11.3 Minimum Spare parts for the test stand shall be maintained.
11.12.2 Hold 90% of CDTP for the required test period as follows:
One minute for 0.5” to 2” RV inlet size
Two minutes for 2.5” to 4” RV inlet size
Five minutes for all other larger inlets sizes
11.12.3 Compare BUBBLES PER MINUTE leakage rate to the acceptance criteria, as
Table XII for RV's with CDTP up to 1,000 psig.
Table XIII for RV's with CDTP over 1,000 psig.
11.12.4 When the RV body can not be sealed for the API STD 527 test method (such as
an open bonnet RV design) then use the Half Gasket Dam Leak Test Method.
a) Cover the lower half of the outlet flange with a half gasket or a fabricated
device that allows the body cavity to be partially filled with water.
b) Fill the body cavity with water to cover the seating joint.
c) Raise the test bench pressure to 90% of the CDTP set pressure and look
for evidence of bubbling from the seating joint. Use a mirror to observe
the activity; never look directly into a RV outlet while it is under pressure.
No bubbles are acceptable with this method.
11.12.5 For small screwed RVs, attach an elbow on the outlet, and fill the body cavity
and the elbow with water. Raise the test bench pressure to 90% of the CDTP
set pressure and look for evidence of bubbling at the open elbow. Never look
directly into the elbow while it is under pressure. No bubbles are acceptable
with this method.
11.12.6 The maximum test pressure for RVs tested in the RVTS shall be specified and
11.12.7 Dryness procedure for RVs tested in liquid shall be available and included in
the Quality Assurance (QA).
11.12.8 Post-test Requirements: All post tests shall comply with this procedure
11.12.9 Use a lift restrictor to limit the disk travel when momentum forces cause
hammering damage to the disk. Dresser Consolidated recommends 1900
Series valves with orifice sizes D and greater be tested with lift restrictors.
Crosby also state that their valves should be tested with lift restrictors.
Contact ID/ITSD for fabrication and adjustment details.
11.12.10 Avoid testing with incorrect test equipment. Contact ITSD or Dhahran Shops,
Planning and Coordinating Unit, Dhahran, if assistance is needed in locating a
RV Shop with a larger capacity or specialized test equipment.
11.12.11 Steam boiler safety valves shall not have the blow down adjusted on a test
11.13.1 Specialized RV testing Devices, such as direct spring assist units, shall be
ASME stamped. Inspection Department and P&CSD approval is required and
concurrence by Loss Prevention prior to using the equipment.
11.13.2 A direct spring assist device should incorporate precise, accurate, and
repeatable pressure recording, as a minimum.
RVs shall be repaired by certified technicians only. Corporate Job Task Standard (JTS)
shall be completed for each Standardized RV Technician Certification categories listed
below prior to certifying by a Certified Test Conductor. The prerequisites, types and
duration of trainings for each category are listed in the table below.
Category Description Prerequisites Class Room Training
Completes Safety Relief
Inspection, repair and testing of
Valves Training
1- Liquid liquid service spring actuated N/A 6
Operating System
(conventional / Bellows) RVs.
# 40008311
Completes Safety Relief
Inspection, repair and testing of
Valves Training
2- Gas gas service spring actuated N/A 12
Operating System
(conventional/Bellows) RVs
# 40008311
Completes Pilot valve
Inspection, repair and testing of
3- Pilot N/A Training Operating 12
pilot operated RVs.
System # 40009969
Completes Steam Valve
4- Steam Inspection, repair and testing of
Valid Category #2 (Gas) Certificate Training Operating 18
Boiler steam boiler safety RVs.
System # 40009871
Completes TK training
Inspection, repair and testing of
5- TK N/A Operating System 18
breather/vacuum breaker RVs.
# 40076450
Completes Safety Relief
6- Inspection, repair and testing of Valves Training
N/A 24
Spheroid spheroid RVs. Operating System
# 40008311
- Valid Certification for
- Complete Category #2
Category #2 and 4.
and 4. Training.
- On-job training for assisting
- Completion of a
7- In-place in testing of a minimum of 5
In-place testing of RVs. manufacturer's 24
Test In- Place tests followed by
maintenance course
performing a min of 5 tests
for Steam Safety
with assistance & monitoring
by Certified Technician.
Other RVs inspection, repair and Completion of the
8- SR &
testing,Surge Relief Valves, N/A required training of the
Rupture Disc, Buckling Pin specific RV type
12.1 Each category shall be individually evaluated and certified by the Certified Test
Conductor designated by the ITSD, Dhahran and Maintenance Superintendent except
for Category # 8. Test conductor shall meet the requirements listed in Appendix H.
12.2 Technician Certification shall be valid for all Saudi Aramco facilities. All certifications
shall be valid for three (3) years except Category # 8 that must be trained by the
manufacturer of the specific RV type.
12.3.2 For recertification for a RV Technician who does not practice RV repairs full
time will not be granted until the technician has completed the recommended
formal instruction, and a minimum of a 6 months on-job training. On-job
Training (OJT) shall be carried out full time in the RV Test Shop according to
manufacturer and company repair procedures. The trainee shall be assigned a
Certified RV Technician to mentor in the JTS Tasks in test and repair of all
the RV types for which the Shop is responsible.
based on the recommendations of the test conductor and the Shop Supervisor.
f) When an examination is rated “unacceptable performance” the maintenance unit
shall assign additional training based on the results of the test as interpreted by the
test conductor and the Shop Supervisor.
12.7 Validity of Certification
Technician certification shall be valid at all times. The certification shall be from an
international RV Technician Certification Agency.
Periodic Verification of Qualifications
Contractor technician shall have a valid certification for the category of RVs they
are repairing.
To maintain validity of RV Repair Shop Certification, Contractor shall invite MSSD
and ID/ITSD for periodic assessment every 3 years or earlier if required.
Non -Project
Senior Supervisor
Project Reject Reject Operation
Engineer Engineering
Accept Accept
End of Process
Terminate Workflow
Reject Reject
Coordinator Coordinator
Accept Accept
Send Mail to
Supervisor Originator Supervisor
Project Reject Engineer Reject Operation
Inspection And Inspection
RV Coordinator
Accept Accept
Superintendent Superintendent
Reject Reject
Operation Operation
Accept Accept
Initiation of Workflow
II - Initiation for RV Equipment
of Workflow Master through
for RV Equipment MasterTransaction IE01/IE02. IE01/IE02
through Transaction
IE 02
IE 01
Change RV equipment
Create RV equipment master
master in SAP
status= “created”
status= “change”
Set RV equipment
status “AWAP”
(awaiting approval)
Workflow Get Batch E-mail to RV
Started User ID Coord. And Originator
Notify in SAP inbox to
Next Approver
Remove The
Enter Batch E-mail to RV Terminate
RV Equipment Functions
Comments Coord. And Originator Workflow
Reject System Status
Remove The
Enter Batch E-mail to RV Terminate
RV Equipment Functions
Comments Coord. And Originator Workflow
Reject System Status
Notify in SAP inbox to
Next Approver
Remove The
Enter Batch E-mail to RV Terminate
RV Equipment Functions
Comments Coord. And Originator Workflow
System Status
Remove The
Enter Batch E-mail to RV Terminate
RV Equipment Functions
Comments Coord. And Originator Workflow
System Status
Change RV system as
Batch E-mail to RV Workflow
RV Administrator Decision Approve per WF and reflect
Coord. And Originator Approved
equipment status in SAP
Get Batch E-mail to RV
Engineering Decision Approve No
User ID Coord. And Originator
Get Batch E-mail to RV
Inspection Decision Approve No
User ID Coord. And Originator
Notify in SAP inbox to
Next Approver
B-E. Effect of change in user status of RV equipment master during active workflow.
Workflow Get Batch E-mail to RV
Started User ID Coord. And Originator
Get Batch E-mail to RV
Engineering Decision Approve No
User ID Coord. And Originator
Remove The
Enter Batch E-mail to RV RV Equipment Terminate
Comments Coord. And Originator Functions System Workflow
Reject Status
Remove The
Enter Batch E-mail to RV RV Equipment Terminate
Comments Coord. And Originator Functions System Workflow
Reject Status
Get Batch E-mail to RV
Inspection Decision Approve No
User ID Coord. And Originator
Remove The
Enter Batch E-mail to RV RV Equipment Terminate
Comments Coord. And Originator Functions System Workflow
Notify in SAP inbox to
Next Approver
Remove The
Enter Batch E-mail to RV RV Equipment Terminate
Comments Coord. And Originator Functions System Workflow
Reject Status
Maintenance Remove RV to
RV shop
Pass Maintenance Technician Fail
Test RV
RV Deviation
Deviation WF
WF Approval
Approval Charts
Local Deviation Deviation Extension
Approval WF Approval WF
Start Start
Accepted Accepted
Supervisor Supervisor
Operation Reject Reject Operation
Engineering Engineering
Accepted Accepted
RV Reject System release RV
Coordinator notification to Coordinator
originator and
RV Coordinator
Accepted Accepted
Accepted Accepted
(under the procedure
WF Closed
Role : 04 Engineer
Role : 35 RV Coordinator
ZI0127 Maintain RV Workflow Approvers by Cost Center, Plant for a Project or Non-Project
Role : 19 Maintenance
Transaction Description
This checklist shall be the standard practice used by the test conductor to test and
evaluate the performance of the RV technician.
2. Initial Contact
2.1 Prior to scheduling a RV technician candidate test, an initial contact should be
made with the RV test shop Supervisor that includes the following questions:
2.2 Confirm that the technician has successfully completed the required classroom
2.3 Confirm that the technician has taken the vendor course for the RV being
worked on, if the test conductor deems the course to be necessary.
2.4 Confirm that the RV shop QC manual, is complete and in use.
2.5 Confirm that RV manufacturer and SAEP reference data is available.
2.6 Confirm that the parts inventory is available to repair the RV.
2.7 Confirm that proper tools and shop facilities are available.
4.3 Records nameplate data that is missing from the RV file, such as orifice size,
serial no., material, rating, size, model/type, manufacturer.
4.4 Performs the pop test using the basic steps in this procedure connects the valve
to bench with the right tools and bolts, makes provisions for discharge, records
pop pressure.
4.5 Followed safe practices for a dirty RV by using face shield; recognizes the need
for minor cleaning which does not affect the test, or stopped the test if not safe.
4.6 Aware of correct calibration. Uses correct gauge, and does not test beyond
110% of CDTP, Cold Differential Test Pressure (i.e., the pressure at which the
RV is adjusted to open on the test stand after temperature and backpressure
5. Disassembly of the RV
5.1 Avoids loss or mixing of parts.
5.2 Sequence of parts removal is in accordance with the appropriate RV procedure's
5.3 All parts are visually inspected.
5.4 Part identification is verified when stamped.
5.5 Spring correctness is verified, and spring and washers are carefully inspected for
damage. The spring is measured to verify that it meets the manufacturer's
5.6 Critical dimensions are measured and recorded as per shop procedure and
manufacturer manuals. Should include, but not be limited to: seat to body
dimension, upper and lower ring positions, spring set nut position, overlap collar
position, spring washer positions (factory matched with spring), steam service
blowdown vent orifice size.
5.7 Uses measuring tools per procedures.
5.8 Knows where to obtain tolerance data.
6.7 Chattering
6.8 Simmering
6.9 Spindle runout
6.10 Body corrosion/damage
6.11 General wear
6.12 Cracks in any part
6.13 Burrs, nicks, scratches, scoring.
7. Technician can list the steps or methods that are available to help determine the cause or
extent of a problem, and that the local Inspection unit and Engineering Unit are
available through his Supervisor.
8. Technician can evaluate: when a seat and disk need lapping, critical dimensions of seat
and disk, lapping compounds to use, lapping ring sizes and conditions, final surface
acceptance using optical and visual evaluation.
11. Technician can conduct leak tests using this procedure, API STD 527, and
manufacturer's manual instructions. Knows where to find tolerance information, and
can evaluate the test results.
1. Job Requirements
1.1 In general, the test conductor should be an individual who is a good communicator,
has a positive work attitude, is committed to improving Saudi Aramco, and has
extensive knowledge and skill in maintaining safety relief valves.
1.4 Must be organizationally separate from the technician being tested to avoid
biased judgment.
2.7 The test conductor should have access to a current library of RV shop manuals
and Vendor catalogs, and applicable code data.
2.8 RV shop repair experience should be a minimum of 5 years which has resulted
in a good practical working knowledge of repairing all RV styles, as defined in
2.10 Completed PEDD RV course PCI 210 (Relief Valve Sizing and System
Analysis) or equivalent vendor course.
3. The test conductor must be able to evaluate the following categories based on his
knowledge and the guidelines set forth in the related Saudi Aramco Engineering
Procedures, Specifications, and Industry Standards.
3.1 Evaluate safe work procedures, RV Shop QA Manual, and In-place testing.
3.6 Evaluate technician's ability to identify critical measurements and surfaces, measure
them accurately, and determine if they are within tolerance.
4. A test conductor should be able to evaluate a written In-place test procedure, and
determine if a technician is capable of performing the test. He shall have adjusted
boiler RV blowdown In-place, and attended a vendor course on blowdown adjustment.
1.Verify the RV Identification by comparing the tag and nameplate against the database description.
2.Begin recording T&I data on SA-3750-ENG form.
3.Examine RV visually per manufacture's manual and shop QA manual, looking for corrosion, scale, debris, clogging
and mechanical damage.
4.Conduct initial "As Received" pop and leak tests to determine if RV is operational.
5.Disassembly is required if either tests fails, if it is third interval or as defined in QA manual.
6.If RV is not to be disassembled, and it passes all tests, go to TEST TAG SEAL.
1.Disassemble RV per manufacturer’s instructions or QA manual's procedures.
2.Control all parts to ensure they are not mixed or lost.
3.Record obvious corrosion or damage on SA-3750-ENG form as the RV is disassembled.
4.Immediately contact Engineering and Inspection for further evaluation before cleaning, if unexpected damage or
corrosion is found.
1.Clean all parts to bare metal for further detailed inspection.
2.Body and other "rough surface" parts can be abrasively cleaned, as limited by manufactures’ instructions.
3.Protect the nameplate from damage.
4.Critical dimension parts and surfaces shall be cleaned with methods that do not cause damage to the surface
finishes and contours.
1.Inspect all parts per manufacturer's manual and QA manual procedures.
2.Request NDE examination by Inspection where required for crack detection or wall thickness measurements.
3.Check critical surfaces and dimensions.
4.Check for wear, corrosion, free movement, mechanical damage and bent or cracked parts.
5.Check spindle and spring for straightness.
6.Evaluate the capability of parts to be reconditioned.
7.Record finding on SA-3750-ENG report form.
1.Restore parts within manufacturer's tolerances.
2.Lap metal seating surface and replace soft seats as defined in manufacturer's manual.
3.Use tools adequate for the work intended.
4.Evaluate parts with suitable measurement instruments.
5.Replace parts that do not meet manufacturers’ requirements and all soft goods.
6.Replacement shall be manufacturer supplied or made from approved material per manufacturer's drawings.
7.All external surfaces shall be cleaned to bare metal and coated.
8.Paint bonnets or bellows RVs green.
1.Verify the RV Identification by comparing the tag and nameplate against the database description.
2.Begin recording T&I data on SA-3750-ENG form.
3.Examine RV visually per manufacture's manual and shop QA manual, looking for corrosion, scale, debris, clogging
and mechanical damage.
4.Conduct initial "As Received" pop and leak tests to determine if RV is operational.
5.Disassembly is required if either tests fails, if it is third interval or as defined in QA manual.
6.If RV is not to be disassembled, and it passes all tests, go to TEST TAG SEAL.
1.Disassemble RV per manufacturer’s instructions or QA manual's procedures.
2.Control all parts to ensure they are not mixed or lost.
3.Record obvious corrosion or damage on SA-3750-ENG form as the RV is disassembled.
4.Immediately contact Engineering and Inspection for further evaluation before cleaning, if unexpected damage or
corrosion is found.
5.Check pilot tube for plugging, the pilot pistons for sticking and main valve piston for sticking.
1.Clean all parts to bare metal for further detailed inspection.
2.Body and other "rough surface" parts can be abrasively cleaned, as limited by manufactures’ instructions.
3.Protect the nameplate from damage.
4.Critical dimension parts and surfaces shall be cleaned with methods that do not cause damage to the surface
finishes and contours.
5.Verify that all pilot control cavities and orifice surfaces are clean.
1.Inspect all parts per manufacturer's manual and QA manual procedures.
2.Request NDE examination by Inspection where required for crack detection or wall thickness measurements.
3.Check critical surfaces and dimensions.
4.Check for wear, corrosion, free movement, mechanical damage and bent or cracked parts.
5.Check spindle and spring for straightness.
6.Evaluate the capability of parts to be reconditioned.
7.Record finding on SA-3750-ENG report form.
1.Restore parts within manufacturer's tolerances.
2.Lap metal seating surface and replace soft seats as defined in manufacturer's manual.
3.Use tools adequate for the work intended.
4.Evaluate parts with suitable measurement instruments.
5.Replace all soft goods and pilot control parts that are worn, corroded and do not meet manufacturer's
6.Replace pilot tubing if damaged.
7.Replacement shall be manufacturer supplied or made from approved material per manufacturer's drawings.
8.All external surfaces shall be cleaned to bare metal and coated.
1.Verify the RV Identification by comparing the tag and nameplate against the database description.
2.Begin recording T&I data on SA-3750-ENG form.
3.Examine RV visually per manufacture's manual and shop QA manual, looking for corrosion, scale, debris, clogging
and mechanical damage.
4.Conduct initial "As Received" pop and leak tests to determine if RV is operational.
5.Disassembly is required if either tests fails, if it is third interval or as defined in QA manual.
6.If RV is not to be disassembled, and it passes all tests, go to TEST TAG SEAL.
1.Disassemble RV per manufacturer’s instructions or QA manual's procedures.
2.Control all parts to ensure they are not mixed or lost.
3.Record obvious corrosion or damage on SA-3750-ENG form as the RV is disassembled.
4.Immediately contact Engineering and Inspection for further evaluation before cleaning, if unexpected damage or
corrosion is found.
5.Check pilot tube for plugging, the pilot pistons for sticking and main valve piston for sticking.
1.Clean all parts to bare metal for further detailed inspection.
2.Body and other "rough surface" parts can be abrasively cleaned, as limited by manufactures’ instructions.
3.Protect the nameplate from damage.
4.Critical dimension parts and surfaces shall be cleaned with methods that do not cause damage to the surface
finishes and contours.
5.Remove all Soft goods and clean for inspection.
1.Inspect all parts per manufacturer's manual and QA manual procedures.
2.Request NDE examination by Inspection where required for crack detection or wall thickness measurements.
3.Check condition of all soft goods.
4.Evaluate seating and moving part surface to determine if repair or replacement is required.
5.Record findings on SA-3750-ENG report form.
1.Restore parts within manufacturer's tolerances.
2.Lap metal seating surface in their assembled position using a reconditioned in manufacturer's repair manual and
assure that the soft goods are lying smoothly.
3.Use tools adequate for the work intended.
4.Evaluate parts with suitable measurement instruments.
5.Replace parts that do not meet manufacturer's requirements.
6.Replacement shall be manufacturer supplied or made from approved material per manufacturer's drawings.
7.All external surfaces shall be cleaned to bare metal and coated.
Verified by (RV Coordinator): _______________________________ Corrective Action made by: _______________________Date: _____________
Valve Adjustment
Valve Action
Commission Screw
No. Anti-
Simmer Chatter Reseat Blow Clockwise Lower Upper Overlap
Time Clockwise
PSIG PSIG At Down Turns Ring Ring Collar
Revision History
2 March 2020 Editorial revision primarily to change the Next Revision date, removed Figure II in 11.12.1,
and changed SAP to Operating System.
2 July 2017 Major revision. The document is revised to:
1. Merge all 6 SAEPs into one comprehensive document on Pressure Relief Devices
covering all Inspection, testing, and training requirements
2. Align the RV inspection and testing requirements with other MSAERs and international
3. Address the automation of RV authorization through Operating System
4. Address the escalation process of overdue RV
3 July 2012 Major revision.