Schedule H1 Drugs

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@q" do grro-33004/99
REGD. NO. D . L.-33004/sg


trhe (\sz e\!X of &ndio
qFI Il.*qug 3_3rr_€w
PART ll-section }*Sub_section
crftrdrR t
€. 44ll ?$ m,yJfrqn, srrlpt 30, 2013,/qr* ffi
\o.44lf NEw DELHI, i.Rmey
-------------'____::{UGtl9l 30, 2013/BHADRA 8, I 93S

.TqR&T $ft{ qftqn :nqrq q-drtrq

(er+eq qa uR-*n a,anuT

sse(a;.-eturv .* **1ffi;,.H'#:il 6ri

r) F1 * ,, u,t-* ,, * *+fu*, **f"s o*i#
'n{ csrE' s*n eTfirf{cc 1s40.( syrrqr fdq qfrqq
Hsq rrqq, 3ft{Ri
, rsqo ET
ru1 f,411 q'.tr srfiR e'er+rq rilr FflETFR +d i wq*
"** srsrsRur,(qTeea;".ft*
-:strr) nrfrg zo qd' zot: trlTr q..fl *^n'qvr +wM frqrq) +1 sTRru-q{r ri€q,.s
qm 2, uug
-z.ffid t, 6qfi sc$ 3, wqo-s (i) dlfrg zo qrd, 20rz qi,
w es
+,zei{ qi, *ilftrs fto
sqrfr_f, r]-+r qrTrq t, vs nrfrq
;, *#;,__*" qrd n=qr{ s1 epdqr.qrar qt
'i{ T^n"to
* vqq i g .+rqlq .fu g.," ,ft ;q|1" 6-ii * fdq c6rfrr? sctr'Fr
e*E n-qc-r d efrqr'furd
3-sT 31t qTr ;,ft" q1 ,ri ,ft,
fs{,rq .i;
arfro zo qrd, :oiz qi q_*ar +)aqrdrr qrqr
3Th 3ffiq ilsffi vf,r.s,R *d t eqa
fqqq { c{,*l
{ d S;
sk +ao vcs'R dRr sfi vr.c frqrn'81
sT fuqr riqr t;
*^"T **l*, * god qc fr-qR q.r
*; fr* .rqr
3{d:' or{' **qscsrt, 3ficrtl e*{ RIqq qrqit efqF{qs,
,noo'(,noo 61 23)o1 q*r tz a*c s*r
qr s-d'r eri gq sftTftr
,reilTr E-ri * fdq
i-*ffi *.t"" t
+d crnvi *-ri ;'oyu,q effiq sit{ qrqfr
33 H* n.Er
t+rtfonsa F-cq qn-fi t,*utq , frqq, rs+s E-r sfR
r. ( l ) Fq Frqqi'q.r qfeTn ?Tc trq
(z) rrql-x q rr* rrlvn d.wr qns qwqr{d cs}rfl ffi.rtl rrqc, zor:
3ih s-ffq{.sqrfr
i t r

z. ffii eft lr€T*rq Hrqfr t{qq, rs+s (fs+.*U
* r*e_m ftqq q_fl rrqr d^) d,_
(i) irqq os d,
(6) vd (l) * gc (r i d,-_
(3T) scsb (q) d 3ft 3cd's (E)
s f,tsi crgfi q.i qc (ii) c "ergqfl q,,rrq efu srs* g
*.vt.*.or5r's v..:ft ql " yFq, ^ *iF{ q(
(3Tr) qe (B) $iT vsd ci@'+ 5qicysr(ffif,k "rm "ft:
.:rfi {d qdri;
ei-d.Tqrft-d fuzn vrg.n, e{r{tEr_
" (q) 3{{s q1 d frfifie d*l * v-qrc si.**
Er :urr, .ffq q'r qrq eft r<rq +1
* t* qd d vrq rFqr +*+ ft-r rFr s< vn, rhfr
riil fffitot ti'gq rr* v* |6*; .h,rfrfu. f+.qr qryr
sft tS oTf*q nt{ sd + frq rd'r$qr}+
r (iti:.0Il
* nneTrT * fdq qd r*t r,,
ll),ltr II Sr,t:. 3(i)l

.. (g) ar$ (e) * Eis (fl 3ik ric (s) Jt, ,,s;rs$"i., arq rtt* $aTt t +rnq
q{ "3rtrsfr a 3il-{ 3rg.q-ff fl1" Qr<, 3{rr{ 3lk:i4. rS qr.qi; \
(O ar6 (ti) ii, "J5qfr ;f' srq rilr rrefi *-rrna tr{ ',rrgq-fi n 3it{
sEq-* a.l" qrq, 3{ar{ 3rt{ si6'Td ilfr;
(EDart (11 F) f, 's-gq-S cr arta :ik :ren t +rna q-{ "}rfl* w :itq
3qq"fr d'1" sr<, 3rcru Jit{ Ji+. Td arai ;

(ii) ftqfi' 97 *. sc ftra' 1t) dl ds GD t qcflq frFRRa ds 3ia'€lTft-d f,+-qr anr'ff rrerl-a;-
'(s) qfr F€d sEq{I d1 it frftfrs 3rtqfr q{ret 3idffiu' t d }ffi
RFffi-d fi d-dfi rrr Rx fu;r +T ilqs am {zr d. lrrq req sc" g f+a
scrt Ere 6ti q{ ai-4llfl arcryrT :ilr q+ * ui* d.ara l-ar t Erlc *
effd{ ffifriT srqt S qm d-ca rfr .wnq qrfrn :

"3rg.qfr il
3frqfiI-tarafr :
' frErq Rftrcsr crtpTrt d fs Ffi-d mr g-+a
srrar+' Hr
q-STa frfuffir fr rr{rfilt t funr
Tr+-r 3+rrrr tr{
ft-*-q a-fr f*-q1q-;1i $1. '.

5m'fui fr rrf,fr a. if ffifu6 srqft"f *1 dq f+-qr ;1l.q_fl.r, 3$ia .

"1. lr"ffi'a'q
2. fin-ffir
3. €Sqga-
4 t$'er*c frdfuE
s. *wqrEtrs
6. ffidrwqq-dEF*fud"
7. Mergq qirdT-*E
8. *serdrcn{n dlBqq"
e. qffi#ffirlg
10. +*+ffinrga
11. m}ffa.
12. srsilcrfr
tg. G+r@c ril-t gst n-qur
1+. qnrrEela
rs .qEziarrflFg
16. ffic?ttrFfrd
17. f$farr
18. frsrdl-cq
i srfi ll_Er,:c 3(i)l
ql(d qT {FIrFi elglrtKu,
19. ql+SqRiq1Trtra
20. arEffnqrq
2r tfu61o*
22. qr{{tvr$-drqTFs
23. Fqr{FTflrRfin
2+. fuqnfercia
25' trffifil
26. rla-*Sq,';
4' vm fut *I 3r{{S s + q4nd ffifra
ryw 3ia,wrra 4;r orqrrtr, srq?d :_
@-+q 65 .iil't eqm 97 tfu(r)

1. rai;ir-e-q
2. srd)cdq€T$-a
3. gi-ffi'a
4. hfa@a
s. Ssr*fR-
6. ffitca
7. *$tr'gq
8. $nrer$-c
9. tfrdTSrr
to. ffi*rcita
11 *{rtFsq
12. *r+,rftrtq
te. ffistfir{ff
rs. ltreEea
t0. ffifrsrgrr
17. Sq&qriilld
19. 6ft66ff1-ryqE
tg. +dgfrarsry
20. rntdfa
2t. rr5*Strsgq
22. 3rsffnF
zg. fi*'*#r&d
2+. *fthlq
25. rrrat*a
26. SernTg*fr
zz. \'fuqrarqrfs
ze. qtltt+{
zg *ftqe}ryr$a
3o gfi+t4
31 r*itBzrfrs

32. Adc;etrq.rr$-fr

34. trsrdrflrq
. 35.ffin
36. @crq'
37. ffia
gg trffif,
gg. qg{rdIdr4Tgc
+0. @a
al' ftqTffid
42. dB{r{ tir-3lfuffic
a3. qq-1qlqqffi-a
++. qrqdrercrla
45. dma,*il
a6 #iq
frquT : Xetm 3ffi q-{Ff rik rn+ irdq'fr st 3idffis +.ri dr$ Rffift-qi, ffi * erfr-f,
afr t, Gfr rfrffid rn EEr rdm ($Ys, rit* +rarar* frFffffi * R=crq) h R\' 3rRrft-fr t, mr*
Td-n caTf 3iaffis t, sfr $F'qft * stffa
grfr ilr

[rnr. e. t0t4/6/201O-@1

315q s. qrg-I, qTff qfuq

qr{faarr: qe h'a-a rrqqa fr 3tftTfq-dr +i us'.zg-to/45-(-q(1), arfts zt fl6FT{, l94s 6RT

q-srftTa frv e6' rl 3if{ Fd-$ 3ift-n d?frrfr 3rfuq-q-dr d. drfts 6Kr
fr'qr aqrt


(Department of Health and Family \lUelfare)
New Delhi, the 30th August, 2013
GS.R.588(E)--Whereas certain draft rules further to amend the Drugs and Cosrlnetics
Rules, 1945, weid'Tublished, as required by sections 12 and 33 of the Drugs and Cosntetics
Act, 1940 (23 of 1940), without consulting the Drugs TechnicalAdvisory Board vide notifi(ation
of the Government of lndia, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Department of Healtth anO
Family Welfare), number G.S.R. 228(E), dated the 20th March, 2012, published in the Gdzette
of lndia, Extraordinary, Part ll, Section 3, Sub-section (i), dated the 20th March, 2012, inMiting
objections and suggestions from all .persons likely to be'affected thereby before the expir| of a
period of forty-five days from the date on which the cdpies of the Official Gazette cont{ining
the said notification were made available to the public;

And whereas the copies of the Gazette in which the said notification was publlished
were made available to the public on the 20th March ,2012i

And whereas, the Drugs TechnicalAdvisory Board has been consulted in the,rnattgr,

And whereas, objections and suggestions received in respect of the said draft rules
have been considered by the Central Government;
I fi it qU-s 3(i)l
llKf, 6l-{fstn : qglgRrrl
Now' therefore, in exercise of the powers
conferred by sections 12'and 38 of the
Bij"l?'J;*:,1*,,1:lg,(::-,"tJl1gi,i[:il'i#i*iou","n,.nent, after consurtation with the
l;;n;":ffjil$ffl1,:?n,_r1"#*ff l+,i.r*in-ilffi ilJ';,"d,;ffi ::lJ:ilHf l,,:H":!:
1' (1) These
ry]es may be called the Drugs -..'- cosmetics (Fourth Amendment)
v- and
Rules, 2013.
(2) They shall come into force after six months
of their publication in the official
2' ln the Drugs and cosmetics Rules, 1945 (hereinafter
referred to as said rules),-
(i) in rule 65,-
(a) in condition (3), in clause (1),_
(A) in sub-crause (0 and in item (ii)
of the third proviso to sub_crause (g),
for the words and retter,schedure
H,, the words and retters ,,schedure
and schedure H1",sharr respectivery
be substituted;
(B) after crause (g) and the provisos
thereof, the foilowing shal be
inserted, namely:-
"(h) the supply of a drug
specified in schedure H1 shall be recorded
in a
separate register at the time of
the suppry giving the name and address
of the prescriber, the name of the patient,
the name of the drug and the
quantity supplied and such records
shall be maintained for three years
and be open for inspection,
(b) in condition (g), in crauses (a) and (b),
for the words and retter ,schedure
H', the words and retters ,,schedure H and
schedure H1" sha*
respectively be substituted;
(c) in condition (11), for the words and
retter,schedure H,, the words and
letters "schedure H and schedure. H1"
shafl be substituted;
(d) in condition (11A), for the words
and retter ,schedure H,, the words and
letters "schedule H and Schedule H1,,shall
be substituted;
(ii)'in rure 97, in sub rure (1), after crause (d),
the foilowing shail be inserted,
'(e) if it contains a drug substance specified
in schedure Hl, the drug
formulation shall be labelled with the
symbol Rx which shall be in red and
conspicuously displayed on the left top corner
of the label, and shall also
be labelled with the following words,in a box with
i7 dz <4 ts-2 a red border:
{P,rr<r Il- Sr,r.. J(i)J

-lt is dangerous to take this preparation \
except ini
accordance with the medical advice.
-Not to be sord by retail without the prescription
of ar
Registered Medical practitioner, "';

3. ln the said rules, in Schedule H, the following entries shall be omitted,

"1, Alprazolam

2. Cefdinir
3. Cefepime Hydrochloride
4. Cefetamet pivoxil
5. Cefpirome
6. Cefpodoxime poxetil
7. Ceftazidime pentahydrate
B. Ceftizoxime Sodium
9. Chlordiazepoxide
10. Clofazimine
11. Codeine

12. Diazepam

13. Diphenoxylate and its salts

1 4. Ethambutol Hyd rochloride

1S. Ethionamide

16. Levofloxacin
17. Meropenam

18. Midazolam

19. Moxifloxacin

20. Nitrazepam
23. Sparfloxacin
25. Tramadol hydrochloride

, 26.Zolpidem',;
lwT rr-_qu-s j(i)l gr{f, ?S',t TrFl-f . slffgr{ur

4' ln the said rules, after schedule H, the following

$chedule shill be inserted,

. "Schedule Hl
(See rules 65 and g7)
1. Alprazolam
2. Balofloxacin
3. Buprenorphine
4, Capreomycin
5. Cefdinir
6. Cefditoren
7. Cefepime
8. Cefetamet
9. Cefixime
10. Cefopeiazone
11. Cefotaxime
13. Cefpodoxime
14. Ceftazidime
15. Ceftibuten
16. Ceftizoxime
17, Ceftriaxone
18. Chlordiazepoxide
19. Clofazimine
20. Codeine
21. Cycloserine
23. Diphenoxylate
24. Doripenem
25. Ertapenem
26. Ethambutol Hydrochloride
27. Ethionarnide
28. Feropenem

29. Gemifloxacin

:. 31. tsoniazid
32. Levofloxacin
33. Meropenem
34. Midazolam

35. Moxifloxacin
36. Nitrazepam
38. Prulifloxacin
39. Pyrazinamide
40. Rifabutin
41. Rifampicin
42. Sodium Para-aminosalicylate
43. Sparfloxacin
Note.- Preparations containing the above drug substances and their salts
excluding those intended for topical or enernal use (except ophthatmic and ear
or nose preparations) containing above substances are also covered by this

[F. No. X-1 1 014/6/201 0-DFQCI


Foot note The principal rules were published in the Official Gazette vide
notificali-.ion No. F.28-10/45-H (1), dated 21"t December, 194s and last amended
vide notification number G.s.R. z2 (E), dated the gth February, 2013.

l)nntcd i)!'tlre )\'[anagcr, (;overrrrncnt of ]ttdia Press, Rrng Road, Mayapuri, Nctv l)elhi-ll{)06"1
and Puhlishcd br the Controller of Publications. Dclhi-l 10054.

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