2011 New KY Fishing Regulations

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The items highlighted here are a quick overview of the changes to this years regulations. Changes from last season are printed in bright blue in complete detail throughout this guide to assist you in noticing those changes. FISHING Gigging, snagging and bowfishing is now allowed on all trout streams except for the Cumberland River from Wolf Creek Dam to the Tennessee state line. This includes Hatchery Creek and all other tributaries of this section of the Cumberland River for 1/2 mile upstream of their confluence with the Cumberland River. It is still illegal to gig, snag or bowfish for trout. Please see the sections on gigging and snagging (page 16) and bowfishing (page 17). Barkley Lake: The daily creel limit on crappie is now 20 fish per day. Cave Run Lake: An 18-inch minimum size limit on smallmouth bass. Cedar Creek Lake (Lincoln County): The 9-inch minimum size limit on crappie is now removed. (30 fish daily creel limit remains.) Bluegill and redear sunfish now under statewide regulations for minimum size and daily creel limits. A 12-inch minimum size limit and no daily creel limit on channel catfish. Dix River from Herrington Lake Dam downstream for two miles: Brown trout now under statewide regulations for minimum size and daily creel limits. Doe Run Lake (Kenton County): Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. A 15-inch minimum size limit with a 3 fish daily creel limit on largemouth bass. A 4 fish daily creel limit on channel catfish with no minimum size limit. Fishpond Lake: (Letcher County): Boats with electric (trolling) motors only are now allowed on Fishpond Lake. General Butler State Park Lake (Carroll County): Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. A 15-inch minimum size limit on largemouth bass with a 3 fish daily creel limit. A 4 fish daily creel limit on channel catfish with no minimum size limit. Kentucky Lake: A 20 fish daily creel limit on crappie. Lake Blythe (Christian County): There is a now a 12 to 15-inch protective slot limit on largemouth bass. All largemouth bass caught between 12 and 15 inches must be immediately released. Lake Jericho (Henry County): Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Lake Mingo ( Jessamine County): A 15-inch minimum size limit with a 3 fish daily creel limit on largemouth bass. A 4 fish daily creel limit on channel catfish with no minimum size limit. Lake Pollywog (Grant County): A 15-inch minimum size limit with a 3 fish daily creel limit on largemouth bass. A 4 fish daily creel limit on channel catfish with no minimum size limit. Lake Shelby (Shelby County): A 15inch minimum size limit with a 3 fish daily creel limit on largemouth bass. A 4 fish daily creel limit on channel catfish with no minimum size limit. Laurel River Lake: There is now a 2 fish daily creel limit on smallmouth bass. Leary Lake (Grant County): Bluegill now under statewide regulations for minimum size and daily creel limits.

Martin County Lake (Martin County): Boats with electric (trolling) motors only are now allowed on Martin County Lake. Mauzy Lake (Union County): Largemouth bass now under statewide regulations for minimum size and

daily creel limits. New Haven Optimist Lake (Nelson County): A 15-inch minimum size limit with a 3 fish daily creel limit on largemouth bass. A 4 fish daily creel limit on channel catfish with no minimum size limit.

Peabody WMA: Goose, Island and South Lakes: Bluegill, redbreast sunfish, channel catfish and walleye now under statewide regulations for minimum size and daily creel limits. Taylorsville Lake WMA ponds: A 3 fish daily creel limit on largemouth bass.


Some waterbodies have different size and creel limits, please refer to the Special Fishing Regulations section for more details.



Daily Limit 6* 6* 6* 6* 15 20 6* 1 5 none 15** 5 30*

Possession Limit 12* 12* 12* 12* 30 40 12* 2 10 none 30** 5 60*

Minimum Size Limit 12 12 none none none none 15 on walleye and hybrids; none on sauger 30 none none none** 15 none none 12

Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass Kentucky (Spotted) Bass Coosa Bass Rock Bass Redear Sunfish Walleye, sauger and their hybrids Muskellunge Chain Pickerel Northern Pike White, hybrid striped & yellow bass Striped bass Crappie (black & white) Rainbow trout Brown trout Brook trout

Daily limit 8, only 3 may be brown trout Catch and release only

* Singly or combined; a total of these species ** No more than 5 fish in the daily creel limit may be more than 15 inches long. Fish not included in this list are considered rough fish. There are no size or creel limits for rough fish, unless special regulations apply.

STATEWIDE SIZE AND CREEL LIMITS (301 KAR 1:060, 1:201; KRS 150.010) Fishing season is open year-round in Kentucky, except on waterfowl refuges and as otherwise noted in this guide. Statewide size and creel limits apply to all Kentucky waters, public and private, except some waters have different limits (see, Special Fishing Regulations.) The Kentucky Trout Waters information is now incorporated into this guide. Please see page 26.

Squeezed tail

How is a daily creel limit different than a possession limit?


A: The daily creel limit is the


MEASURING FISH (301 KAR 1:201) Measure all fish from the tip of the lower jaw (closed) to the tip of the tail with fish laid flat on rule with tail lobes squeezed together. Undersized fish must be returned immediately to the waters from which they were taken in the best possible physical condition.

number of a particular sport fish species you may keep in one days fishing. A possession limit is the maximum number of sport fish a person may hold in the field after two or more days of fishing.

Ask first!!
Always ASK FIRST before entering privately owned land.


BULLFROGS (301 KAR 1:082) The taking season for bullfrogs opens at noon on the third Friday in May (May 16, 2008) and runs through Oct. 31. If a gun or bow and arrow are used, a hunting license is required. If frogs are taken by pole and line, a fishing license is required. If frogs are taken by gig or by hand, then either hunting or fishing license is valid. The daily noonto-noon creel limit for bullfrogs is 15. The possession limit is 30. TURTLES (301 KAR 1:058) Anglers may take snapping turtles (except alligator snapping turtles) and softshell turtles year round by the same methods legal for taking rough fish species. Commercial fishing gear may not be used to take turtles. A hunting license is required when taking turtles by gun or by bow and arrow. Otherwise a fishing license is required. Turtle traps may be one of two kinds: either a barrel or drum with a tilting trigger board or a floating log raft with an enclosed twine or wire mesh bag. Turtle traps must be inspected daily. All turtles must be removed daily except one decoy turtle may remain. Any other species (except soft shelled and snapping turtles) caught in a turtle trap must be released unharmed. GRASS CARP HARVEST PROHIBITED (301 KAR 1:201) Harvesting grass carp is prohibited in any lake owned or managed by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. Anglers who catch a grass carp from one of these lakes must immediately return the fish to the water where it was caught. Grass carp are used to control aquatic vegetation. Signs are posted at applicable lakes. LIVE BAIT FOR PERSONAL USE (301 KAR 1:130, 1:122) No live fish, live bait fish or live bait organisms that are not native or established in Kentucky waters shall be bought, sold, possessed, imported, or in any way used or released into waters of this Commonwealth. Blueback herring are not native to Kentucky and may not be imported or possessed in this state. Holders of sport fishing licenses may take live bait from public waters and may possess up to 500 minnows, 500 crayfish, 25 spring lizards or dusky salamanders, 5 frogs (other than bullfrogs), 100 tadpoles, 100 native lampreys, 500 other aquatic invertebrate organisms other than mussels, 500 shad (except on lakes where shad possession/use is prohibited), 500 herring and any number of unshelled Asiatic clams. A commercial license is required to take live bait from public waters open to commercial fishing for the purpose of selling. Regardless of size or how obtained, it is illegal to use any sport fish for bait. (Sport fish species listed on page 5). Minnows are defined as all fish, except sport fish species, less than 6 inches long. Also, see page 24 for a description of fish species protected in Kentucky under the Endangered Species Act these fish species shall not be taken for any use. Bluegills are not sport fish and may be taken for bait as described above. Live bait may be taken with the following gear: Dip Nets: Maximum size of 3 feet in diameter is legal in the Ohio, Tennessee and Mississippi rivers, Cumberland River below Barkley Dam, Kentucky River below Lock No. 14, and all lakes having 1,000 or more surface acres. Minnow Traps: Maximum legal size statewide: 3 feet long, 18 inches in diameter, 1-inch openings for catching. Seines: Maximum legal size statewide: 10 feet long, 4 feet deep, 1/4-inch mesh. Maximum legal size in the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and Kentucky and Barkley lakes: 30 feet long, 6 feet deep and 1/4-inch bar mesh. Sport Cast Nets: Maximum sport cast net size is 20 feet in diameter with maximum 1-inch bar mesh statewide except in the following waters. Sport cast nets prohibited in: 1) lakes having fewer than 500 surface acres, 2) any of the streams and tailwaters listed in the Trout Waters section of this guide, 3) tributaries of the Cumberland River between Wolf Creek Dam and the Tennessee state line except Crocus and Marrowbone creeks where sport cast mesh size must be made of 1-inch bar mesh only, 4) from the mouth of Crocus Creek upstream for 50 yards. All sport fish incidentally taken while capturing live bait with seines, dip nets or cast nets must be released immediately and unharmed into the water.

NEED A PLACE TO FISH? Check out new fishing information on waterbodies all over Kentucky by logging on to the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources website at fw.ky.gov. Click on the Fishing tab, then click on Where to Fish and lastly Find A Place to Fish. Anglers may search lakes, rivers and creeks for boat ramps and access points, what species are available and maps of how to get there plus other useful information. Also, log on to fw.ky.gov to find the 2008 Fishing Forecast found under the Where to Fish tab. The Fishing Forecast details the anticipated fishing success for each species in the major waterbodies of Kentucky based on population samples conducted by KDFWR fisheries biologists.


(301 KAR 1:080, 1:180, 1:201, 4:100, 4:200E; KRS 150.010, 150.025) SPECIAL REGULATION WATERS LISTED ALPHABETICALLY The public waters listed below have different size and/or creel limits than statewide regulations allow. Statewide size and creel limits apply unless otherwise mentioned below. Special boating regulations are listed in the Boating section of this guide. Some privately owned waters may have special size and creel limits as posted by signs. Always ASK FIRST before entering privately owned land. BARK CAMP CREEK Whitley County All trout caught from October 1 through March 31 must be immediately released and only artificial baits shall be used during this period. BARKLEY, KENTUCKY LAKES (and their connecting canal) Crappie: 10-inch minimum size limit, 20 fish daily creel limit. Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. Sauger: 14-inch minimum size limit. BARKLEY TAILWATER See Cumberland River BARREN RIVER LAKE The boundaries of Barren River Lake are from the dam upstream to the Highway 100 bridge, Long Creek to the Highway 100 bridge, Beaver Creek to the Highway 1297 bridge, Skaggs Creek to the Matthews Mill Road bridge and Peter Creek to the Peter Creek Road bridge. Crappie: 9-inch minimum size limit. Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit except 1 fish in the daily limit or 2 in the possession limit may be less than 15 inches long. BEAVER CREEK Wayne County All trout caught from October 1 through March 31 in the section of Beaver Creek from the Hwy. 90 bridge upstream to the Hwy. 200 bridge must be immediately released. Only artificial baits shall be used during this period. BEAVER LAKE Anderson County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum size limit. BERT COMBS LAKE Clay County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. BESHEAR LAKE Caldwell County Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum size limit. BIG BONE CREEK Boone County All trout caught from October 1 through March 31 must be immediately released and only artificial baits shall be used during this period. BOLTZ LAKE Grant County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum size limit. BRIGGS LAKE Logan County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. BUCKHORN LAKE Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. Muskellunge: 40-inch minimum size limit, one fish daily limit. Crappie: 9-inch minimum size limit. BULLOCK PEN LAKE Grant and Boone counties Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum size limit. CANE CREEK Laurel County All trout caught from October 1 through March 31 must be immediately released and only artificial baits shall be used during this period. CARNICO LAKE Nicholas County Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. CARPENTER LAKE Daviess County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. CARR CREEK LAKE Crappie: 9-inch minimum size limit. Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. CARTER CAVES STATE PARK LAKE (also called Smokey Valley Lake) Fishing during daylight hours only. Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily or in possession. CASEY CREEK Trigg County All trout caught from October 1 through March 31 must be released immediately and only artificial baits shall be used during this period. CAVE RUN LAKE Gigging and snagging prohibited in the main lake and all tributaries up to the first riffle. The location of the first riffle may change depending on water levels. Largemouth Bass: 13 to 16-inch protective slot limit. All largemouth bass between 13 and 16 inches in length must be released immediately. Smallmouth Bass: 18-inch minimum size limit.


Fish propagation
It is unlawful to use public waters for the private or commercial propagation of fish.


CEDAR CREEK LAKE Lincoln County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth Bass: 20-inch minimum size limit, 1 fish daily limit. Crappie: 30 fish daily creel limit, no minimum size limit. Bluegill and Redear Sunfish (shellcracker): Refer to statewide regulations. Channel Catfish: No daily creel limit, 12-inch minimum size limit. CHIMNEY TOP CREEK Wolfe County A 16-inch minimum size limit and 1 fish daily creel limit for brown trout and only artificial baits may be used. CLEAR CREEK Bell County All trout caught from October 1 through March 31 shall be immediately released and only artificial baits may be used. CORINTH LAKE Grant County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum size limit. CUMBERLAND GAP NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK (301 KAR 1:035) Special fishing regulations are in effect on Cumberland Gap National Historical Park. For complete fishing information on this area contact: Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, PO Box 1848, Middlesboro, KY 40965, phone (606) 248-2817. CUMBERLAND RIVER, including Hatchery Creek, below Lake Cumberland from Wolf Creek Dam to the Tennessee state line All licensed anglers must possess a trout permit on this portion of Cumberland River. This also includes Hatchery Creek and all tributaries up to the first riffle. Trout stocking dates will no longer be announced. Anglers shall not cull trout by replacing a trout in their possession with another trout. Once an angler holds a trout in their possession on this

section of the Cumberland River, it counts toward the daily trout creel limit. Anglers may not attract or chum trout with bait, corn or other attractants designed to draw numbers of trout to a specific area. This includes all tributaries up to the first riffle and in Hatchery Creek. Brown Trout: 20-inch minimum size limit, 1 fish daily limit, also applies to all tributary streams. Rainbow Trout: 15 to 20-inch protective slot limit. All trout caught between 15 and 20 inches must be immediately released. Five fish daily limit, only one rainbow trout may be longer than 20 inches. Also applies to all tributary streams.

protective slot limit. One fish over 21 inches and one fish under 16 inches may be kept daily. Sauger: 14-inch minimum size limit, 10 fish daily limit. Rainbow and Lake Trout: April 1-Oct. 31: no size limit, 7 fish daily limit (only 2 may be lake trout). Nov.1-March 31: 22-inch size limit, 2 fish daily limit, singly or combined. Walleye: 16-inch minimum size limit, 5 fish daily limit. DEWEY LAKE Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. DIX RIVER from Herrington Lake Dam downstream for two miles Fishing with artificial lures or flies only. Brown Trout: Refer to statewide regulations. DOE RUN LAKE Kenton County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily creel limit Channel Catfish: Four fish daily creel limit, no minimum size limit DOG FORK Wolfe County Only artificial baits with a single hook shall be used. Brook Trout must be immediately released. EAST FORK INDIAN CREEK Menifee County All trout caught from October 1 through March 31 shall be immediately released and only artificial bait shall be used during this period. ELKHORN CREEK in Franklin County from confluence of North and South forks downstream to Kentucky River Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 12 to 16-inch protective slot limit. Largemouth and smallmouth bass caught between 12 and 16 inches long must be immediately released. Daily limit of 6 may include no more than 2 fish longer than 16 inches. ELK SPRING CREEK Wayne County All trout caught from October 1

Q: May I fish around a dock or

a marina?

A: It depends. Public marinas

on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lakes have contractual agreements that address lease space on public waters. The Corps presently allows the marina owners or operators to post signs that prohibit fishing within 150 feet of their floating structures. These agreements do not prohibit a person from fishing in their boat rental slip. This policy does not apply to privately owned boat docks on Corps lakes.

CUMBERLAND RIVER from Lake Barkley Dam downstream to confluence with Ohio River Snagging only permitted downstream of U.S. 62 bridge with a daily creel limit of 8 fish. Harvesting of sportfish by snagging is prohibited. Snagging anglers cannot release or cull any snagged paddlefish. Sauger: 14-inch minimum size limit. DALE HOLLOW LAKE Crappie: 10-inch minimum size limit, 15 fish daily limit. Black Bass creel: includes largemouth, smallmouth and Kentucky (spotted) bass 5 fish daily limit on black bass singly or combined, only two of which may be smallmouth bass. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. Smallmouth Bass: 16 to 21-inch

through March 31 must be immediately released and only artificial baits shall be used during this period. ELMER DAVIS LAKE Owen County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth Bass: 12 to 15-inch protective slot limit. All largemouth bass between 12 and 15 inches in length must be released immediately. Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum size limit. FAGAN BRANCH LAKE (also called Lebanon City Lake, Marion County) Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 12 to 15-inch protective slot limit. All largemouth and smallmouth bass between 12 and 15 inches long must be released immediately. FISHTRAP LAKE Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. GENERAL BUTLER STATE PARK LAKE Carroll County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily creel limit Channel Catfish: 4 fish daily creel limit, no minimum size limit. GOLDEN POND (Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area) Channel Catfish: 15-inch minimum size limit, 5 fish daily creel limit. GRAYSON LAKE Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. GREENBO LAKE Greenup County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Bluegill and other Sunfish: 15 fish daily creel limit. GREEN RIVER LAKE Crappie: 9-inch minimum size limit. GUIST CREEK LAKE Shelby County Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum size limit.

KENTUCKY, BARKLEY LAKES (and their connecting canal) Crappie: 10-inch minimum size limit, 20 fish daily creel limit. Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. Sauger: 14-inch minimum size limit. KENTUCKY LAKE TAILWATER see Tennessee River KINCAID LAKE Pendleton County Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum size limit. LAND BETWEEN THE LAKES NATIONAL RECREATION AREA (301 KAR 1:031) Special fishing regulations are in effect for ponds and small lakes within Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area. For complete fishing information on this area, anglers should contact: Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, Golden Pond, KY 42231, phone (270) 924-2000. LAKE BLYTHE Christian County Largemouth Bass: 12 to 15-inch protective slot limit. All largemouth bass caught between 12 and 15 inches must be immediately released. LAKE CHUMLEY Lincoln County Fishing during daylight hours only. LAKE CUMBERLAND Crappie: 10-inch minimum size limit. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. Smallmouth Bass: 18-inch minimum size limit. Striped Bass: 24-inch minimum size limit, 2 fish daily and possession limit. LAKE JERICHO Henry County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. LAKE MALONE Largemouth Bass: 12 to 15-inch protective slot limit. All largemouth bass caught between 12 and 15 inches must be immediately released.

Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum size limit. LAKE MINGO Jessamine County Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily creel limit. Channel Catfish: 4 fish daily creel limit, no minimum size limit. LAKE POLLYWOG Grant County Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily creel limit. Channel Catfish: 4 fish daily creel limit, no minimum size limit. LAKE SHELBY Shelby County Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily creel limit. Channel Catfish: 4 fish daily creel limit, no minimum size limit. LAUREL RIVER LAKE Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. Smallmouth Bass: 18-inch minimum size limit, 2 fish daily creel limit. Crappie: 9-inch minimum size limit, 15 fish daily limit. LEARY LAKE Grant County Fishing during daylight hours only. Bluegill: Refer to statewide regulations. Channel Catfish: 4 fish daily, 8 fish possession limit. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily, 6 fish possession limit. LEBANON CITY LAKE see Fagan Branch Lake LEFT FORK, BEAVER CREEK Floyd County All trout caught from October 1 through March 31 must be immediately released and only artificial baits shall be used during this period. LICK CREEK Simpson County All trout caught from October 1 through March 31 must be immediately released and only artificial baits shall be used during this period.



LINCOLN HOMESTEAD STATE PARK LAKE Washington County Fishing during daylight hours only. Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Channel Catfish: 4 fish daily, 8 fish possession limit. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit; 3 fish daily limit. MARION COUNTY LAKE Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. MAUZY LAKE Union County Largemouth Bass: Refer to statewide regulations. MCNEELY LAKE Jefferson County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. MIDDLE FORK, RED RIVER Powell County Within the Natural Bridge State Park, all trout caught from October 1 through March 31 must be immediately released and only artificial baits shall be used during this period. MILL CREEK LAKE Powell and Wolfe counties Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit; 3 fish daily creel limit. NEW HAVEN OPTIMIST LAKE Nelson County Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily creel limit. Channel Catfish: 4 fish daily creel limit, no minimum size limit. NOLIN RIVER LAKE Lake upper boundary extended to the Wheelers Mill Road bridge in the Nolin River arm and to the Hwy. 728 bridge in the Bacon Creek arm (formerly defined as first riffle upstream in Bacon Creek and Nolin River). Crappie: 9-inch minimum size limit. Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch size limit, except 1 fish in the daily limit or 2 in the possession limit

may be less than 15 inches long. OHIO RIVER see also, Bordering Waters page 15 Walleye, Sauger and their Hybrids: no minimum size limit, 10 fish daily limit, singly or combined. White Bass, Yellow Bass, Striped Bass and their Hybrids: 30 fish daily limit, only 4 fish in daily limit may be 15 inches or longer. OTTER CREEK Meade County All trout caught in Fort Knox Military Reservation and in Otter Creek Park from October 1 through March 31 must be immediately released and only artificial baits shall be used during this period. Fort Knox Military Reservation requires the purchase of a $10 permit to fish and is closed to fishing on Tuesdays. Anglers must check-in with the Fort Knox Hunt Control Office at (502) 624-2712 before each days fishing. There is a one-mile section of Otter Creek as posted by signs in Fort Knox Military Reservation where trout fishing is open to statewide regulations. PAINT CREEK Johnson County 16-inch minimum size limit and 1 fish daily creel limit on trout from the KY 40 bridge downstream to the first U.S. 460 bridge crossing and only artificial baits shall be used. PAINTSVILLE LAKE Largemouth Bass: 12 to 15-inch protective slot limit. All largemouth bass caught between 12 and 15 inches must be released immediately. Smallmouth Bass: 18-inch minimum size limit. PARCHED CORN CREEK Wolfe County Only artificial baits with single hook shall be used. Brook Trout must be immediately released. PEABODY WMA LAKES Fishing open March 16 through October 14, during daylight hours only. In addition to a fishing license, a $15.00 user permit is required of persons age 16 and over while on Peabody WMA. Permits can be purchased where fishing licenses are sold.

Goose, Island and South Lakes: Bluegill: Refer to statewide regulations Channel Catfish: Refer to statewide regulations Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily creel limit. Redbreast Sunfish: Refer to statewide regulations. Walleye & Hybrids: Refer to statewide regulations. Frogs: May not be taken by any method on Goose, Island and South lakes. PENNYRILE LAKE Christian County Largemouth Bass: 12 to 15-inch protective slot limit. All largemouth bass between 12 and 15 inches must be immediately released. PIKEVILLE CITY LAKE Pike County Largemouth Bass: All largemouth bass caught must be immediately released. POOR FORK and its tributaries Letcher County Downstream to the first crossing of Highway 932, only artificial baits with single hook shall be used. Brook Trout must be immediately released. REBA LAKE Madison County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily limit. ROCK CREEK McCreary County From Bell Farm Bridge upstream to Tennessee state line, all trout caught from October 1 through March 31 must be immediately released and only artificial baits shall be used during this period. ROUGH RIVER LAKE Crappie: 9-inch minimum size limit. Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit except 1 fish in the daily limit or 2 in the possession limit may be less than 15 inches long.


SHANTY HOLLOW LAKE Warren County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum size limit. SHILLALAH CREEK Bell County Outside the Cumberland Gap National Park as posted, only artificial baits with single hook shall be used. Brook Trout must be immediately released. SPORTSMANS LAKES Franklin County Upper Sportsmans Lake: Fishing during daylight hours only. Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. Channel Catfish: 4 fish daily limit, 8 fish possession limit. Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily limit, 6 fish possession limit. Lower Sportsmans Lake: Fishing during daylight hours only. Only children 12 years of age and younger may fish, 3 fish daily limit regardless of species. SPURLINGTON LAKE Taylor County Possession or use of shad for bait is prohibited. SWIFT CAMP CREEK Clifty Wilderness, Wolfe County All trout caught from October 1 through May 31 shall be released immediately and only artificial baits shall be used during this period. SYMPSON LAKE Nelson County Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. TAYLORSVILLE LAKE Lake upper boundary extended to Dry Dock Road on Salt River (formerly defined as first riffle upstream in Salt River). The area east of Van Buren Boat Ramp as marked by buoys and signs is closed to all hunting, fishing, boating and trespassing (except for quota deer hunts) November 1 through the last day of February, except the area between

Van Buren Boat Ramp and the Hwy. 248 bridge is open to fishing November 1 through November 14. Crappie: 9-inch minimum size limit, 15 fish daily limit, possession limit 30. Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit. TAYLORSVILLE LAKE WMA PONDS Largemouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit; 3 fish daily creel limit. Channel Catfish: 4 fish daily creel limit. TENNESSEE RIVER from Kentucky Lake Dam downstream to confluence with Ohio River The area from Kentucky Dam to the new U.S. 62 bridge will be open to snagging 24 hours per day from January 1 through May 31. From June 1 through December 31, the area is open to snagging from sunset to sunrise. The area of the Tennessee River from the new U.S. 62 bridge to the I-24 bridge is

closed to snagging year round. The area from the I-24 bridge to the confluence with the Ohio River is open to snagging year round. There is now a daily creel limit of 8 fish in aggregate and shall not exceed the daily creel limit for any sport fish in which the creel limit is under 8 fish per day. Snagging must cease if any sport fish daily creel limit is attained. All fish snagged, except shad or herring, must be kept and counted toward the daily creel limit. Snagging anglers cannot release or cull any snagged paddlefish. Sauger: 14-inch minimum size limit. WOOD CREEK LAKE Laurel County Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit Crappie: 9-inch minimum size limit YATESVILLE LAKE Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch minimum size limit.



Bait and non-native plants and animals hitchhiking in bait can harm our lakes and rivers.


For more information about non-natives, visit www.sgnis.org

Developed by Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, Illinois National History Survey, and Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at University of Illinois.




Annual Hunting (deer, elk or turkey) Annual Fishing Joint Husband/Wife Annual Fishing 1-Day Fishing Nonresident 7-Day Fishing Nonresident 15-Day Fishing Trout Permit 1-Day Hunting (not valid for deer, elk or turkey) 5-Day Hunting (not valid for deer, elk or turkey) Annual Youth Hunting (ages 15 and under only) Annual Combination Hunting/Fishing Senior/Disabled Combination Hunting/Fishing Deer Permit (statewide) (two deer) Youth (15 and under) Deer Permit (one deer) Bonus Antlerless Deer Permit (two deer) Bonus WMA Quota Hunt Deer Permit (two deer) Spring Turkey Permit (statewide) (two turkeys) Youth (15 and under) Turkey Permit (one turkey, spring or fall) Fall Turkey Permit (statewide)(four turkeys) Kentucky Waterfowl Permit Migratory Bird Permit Annual Trapping Annual Landowner/Tenant Trapping Annual Youth Trapping Sportsmans License** (Includes combination hunting/fishing, statewide deer permit, all spring and fall turkey permits, state waterfowl permit and trout permit.) Youth (1 and under) Sportsmans License** (Includes youth hunting license, youth deer permit and youth turkey permit. Fishing license, waterfowl permit and trout permit not required for youth.) Elk Lottery Application Elk Quota Hunt Permit (if drawn) Out-of-Zone Elk Permit Peabody WMA User Permit Land Between the Lakes (LBL) User Permit Temporary Hunter Education Exemption Permit (available online at fw.ky.gov only) Resident $20.00 $20.00 $36.00 $7.00 * * $10.00 $.00 * $5.00 $30.00 $5.00 $30.00 $10.00 $15.00 $30.00 $30.00 $10.00 $30.00 $15.00 $10.00 $20.00 $10.00 $.00 $95.00 Nonresident $130.00 $50.00 * $10.00 $30.00 $40.00 $10.00 $10.00 $40.00 $5.00 * * $60.00 $10.00 $15.00 $30.00 $60.00 $10.00 $0.00 $15.00 $10.00 $130.00 * * *

$2.00 $10.00 $30.00 $30.00 $15.00 $20.00 $.00 $15.00

$2.00 $10.00 $365.00 $3.00 $15.00 $20.00 $.00 $15.00

Federal Migratory Bird Duck Stamp (available at post offices)


* Not available ** Peabody and LBL User Permits, Elk Lottery Application, Elk Quota Hunt Permit, Out-of-Zone Elk Permit and Federal Duck Stamp not included. Annual licenses and permits are valid from the date of purchase through the last day in February. New licenses are required annually March 1. A 1- or 5-day hunting license is valid only for the period shown on the license. Beginning with the 200-0 license year, all resident and nonresident kids under the age of 12 will no longer have to purchase licenses or permits (except the Elk Lottery Application, Elk Quota Hunt Permit and Out-of-Zone Elk Permit).


Kentucky fishing (and hunting) licenses and permits can be purchased from more than 1,000 locations throughout the Commonwealth. Most Wal-mart, K-mart, county court clerk offices and outdoor sporting goods stores sell licenses. A complete list of license retailers can be found on the internet at fw.ky.gov. Unless license exempt, anglers must purchase and carry the correct type of fishing license and/or permit while fishing. Anglers who purchase a paper license must fill in their signature, address, city, state, zip code, eye color, hair color, sex, height and weight in the blanks provided on the license prior to fishing. Hunting and fishing license sales may be handled by phone or the internet and may be purchased 24-hours a day. Except for a Senior/Disabled License, Youth Hunting License, Youth Deer Permits and Youth Trapping licenses, all other licenses can be purchased over the phone.


By Internet:
Visit fw.ky.gov Persons purchasing online: 1. Must use Visa, Mastercard or Discover; 2. Must provide their name, address, date of birth and Social Security number; 3. Must print their own paper license/permit at the end of their purchase; and 4. Will not receive a paper license/ permit in the mail.

By phone:
Call toll-free 1-877-598-2401 Persons purchasing by phone: 1. Must use Visa, Mastercard, Discover or e-check; 2. Will be charged a small fee; 3. Must provide their name, address, date of birth and Social Security number; 4. Will be issued a paper license/ permit by mail; 5. Will be issued an authorization number which serves as a license/permit until paper license/permit is issued; and 6. Must have the authorization number in addition to a picture ID while hunting, if they have not yet received their paper license/permit in the mail.

All Kentucky hunting and fishing licenses and permits, except Youth Hunting Licenses, Youth Deer Permits, Youth Trapping licenses and Resident Joint Husband/Wife fishing licenses, can be purchased through the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife website at fw.ky.gov.


License expiration
Annual license/permit authorization numbers are valid from the date of purchase through the last day in February. New licenses are required annually March 1. A temporary fishing license is valid for the period shown on the license. (301) KAR 3:022

WHO NEEDS A LICENSE? (KRS 150.010, 150.170) All persons must fill out and carry the proper license and permit to fish any Kentucky waters except the following (for permit requirements see Trout Permit on this page): The resident owner of farmlands, his spouse and dependent children may fish on their land without a license. Tenants, their spouses and dependent children may fish without a license on farmlands where they live and work. Resident servicemen on furlough of more than three days may fish state-

wide without a license, but must carry proper identification and papers showing furlough status. Residents and nonresidents ages 15 and younger. Persons fishing on the first Saturday and Sunday in June ( June 7-8, 2008) during Free Fishing Days are not required to have a license or permit. Persons fishing within the boundaries of Mammoth Cave National Park. A resident is anyone who has established permanent and legal residence in Kentucky and resided here at least 30 days immediately prior to applying for a license. Full-time students enrolled in an educational institution for at least a six-month term and service personnel on permanent assignment in Kentucky are also classified as residents. All others are considered non-residents for licensing purposes. TROUT PERMIT (301 KAR 1:201) Unless license exempt, anglers who intend to keep trout must have a trout permit ($10). A trout permit is included

with the resident senior/disabled combination license and resident sportsmans license. All licensed anglers fishing the portion of the Cumberland River from Wolf Creek Dam to the Tennessee state line, its tributaries up to the first riffle and all of Hatchery Creek are required to possess a trout permit. (See the Trout section in this guide for details and for a complete list of waters where trout are present.) RESIDENT SPORTSMANS LICENSE (SAVE $50!) Residents who both hunt and fish for several species may want to consider the Resident Sportsmans License. This license includes a combination hunting and fishing license, spring turkey permit (two turkeys), fall turkey permit (four turkeys), statewide deer permit (two deer), state waterfowl permit and trout permit. Purchased separately, these items would cost $50 more than buying the Sportsmans package deal. WMA user permits, an elk draw permit and bonus deer permits must be purchased separately. Sportsmans License holders



must fill out a hunter harvest survey for migratory birds. RESIDENT SENIOR (65 AND OLDER) LICENSE Kentucky residents 65 years of age and older who present proof of age and residency are eligible to purchase the discounted Senior/Disabled Combination Hunting and Fishing License ($5). Those eligible for this special license are not required to purchase any other state permits or bonus permits to keep trout, hunt deer, turkey or waterfowl or other migratory birds. WMA user permits and elk quota hunt application permits must be purchased separately. Seniors should carry ID with proof of age/residency while hunting or fishing. The minimum value of the hunting/fishing privileges of this special discounted license is $145.


Who qualifies? The following are eligible to purchase the discounted ($5) Senior/Disabled Combination Hunting and Fishing License (which includes the same license and permits as the Resident Senior License described at left: Kentucky residents certified totally and permanently disabled by the Federal Social Security Administration, a state Workers Compensation Board, the Kentucky Teacher Retirement System or the United States Railroad Retirement Board. Kentucky resident employees of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, declared totally and permanently disabled by a recognized authority. Kentucky resident veterans at least 50% disabled as the result of a service-connected disability. Persons with the disabilities listed above must first obtain a disability authorization card to be able to purchase this special $5 license from a license vendor or online at fw.ky.gov. To obtain a disability license authorization card: Except for those who If your disability is through the: qualify for a Disability Federal Social Security AdministraLicense through Workers tion: Contact your local Social SecuCompensation, mail or fax rity office and request a form showing your disability certification to: your name, address, Social Security number and date of birth, which states KDFWR Disability License that you are disabled and drawing #1 Sportsmans Lane benefits. Send form to KDFWR. Frankfort, KY 40601 Veterans Administration: Contact FAX: (502) 564-9368 your local VA office and request a letter that verifies you are at least 50% disYou may also bring the abled as a result of a service-connected documentation in person to the disability. Send letter to KDFWR. KDFWR office in Frankfort at State Workers Compensation #1 Sportsmans Lane during Board: Request an application from business hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 the KDFWR, fill it out and send to the p.m. Eastern Monday - Friday. State Workers Compensation Board. United States Railroad Retirement Board: Contact the Board and request a letter stating you are 100% totally and permanently disabled. Send letter to KDFWR. Kentucky Teacher Retirement System: Contact the Teacher Retirement System and request written documentation stating you are on disability retirement. Send documentation to KDFWR. United States Office of Personnel Management: Contact the federal Office of Personnel Management and obtain certification of employment and documentation of being 100% disabled. Send documentation to KDFWR. Once the proper documentation is processed, applicants will receive by mail an authorization card that allows the individual to purchase the $5 discounted Senior/Disabled Combination Hunting & Fishing License from ANY license vendor or online at fw.ky.gov. The authorization card is not a license. The authorization card must be presented to the license seller, or the authorization number entered online, at the time of purchase. License vendors cannot sell a disability license using an expired authorization card. Senior/Disabled Combination Licenses are valid through the end of February like any other license. If you lose your card, you may contact the KDFWR at the above address for a replacement.

Contacting us

Carry proof
Holders of Senior/Disabled Combination Licenses who qualify for the license due to an eligible disability must carry both the license and authorization card while hunting and fishing. Note that once a person who qualifies for this disability license reaches age 65, he or she is considered a senior for licensing purposes, and no longer needs to follow the process of obtaining a disability license authorization card.

Q: How long is my disability

authorization card valid?

A: The disability authorization

card is good for 3 years (check the expiration date on your card). Every 3 years, you must provide updated paperwork (following the instructions to the right) and get a new card.


PAY LAKES (KRS 150.660) A person fishing in a pay lake licensed by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources needs either a Kentucky fishing license or a free permit issued by the operator. If the lake is not licensed by the operator, anglers need a valid Kentucky fishing license.

FREE FISHING DAYS (301 KAR 1:210) Every year Kentucky offers free fishing days the first weekend in June ( June 7-8, 2008). On free fishing days no license (including the Kentucky trout permit) is required of residents or nonresidents to fish any Kentucky waters. All other fishing regulations remain in effect. Free fishing days are offered to promote fishing and National Fishing Week.

All Kentucky anglers who fish reciprocal waters must have a valid Kentucky fishing license. OHIO RIVER FISHING (KRS 150.170) An angler with a Kentucky fishing license may fish the entire main stem of the Ohio River from a boat, or a bordering states bank without buying the other states license (bordering states include Illinois, Indiana and Ohio). This does not apply if fishing a bordering states embayments or tributaries, which begin at a straight line between opposite points where the tributary or embayment meets the main stem of the river. Anglers fishing from a bordering states bank must follow the size and creel limits of the state where the angler is located. For example, a Kentucky licensed angler can stand on the Indiana bank and fish the main stem of the Ohio River without an Indiana fishing license, but must abide by Indianas size and creel limits. Reminder: No snagging for any fish species on the Indiana side or in any Indiana waters of the Ohio River. MISSISSIPPI RIVER (KRS 150.170) Anglers licensed in Kentucky may fish Missouri portions of the Mississippi River without buying a Missouri fishing license. Each state recognizes the sport fishing licenses and permits of the other state on the Mississippi River. The river is defined as the main channel and immediate side or secondary channels and chutes. It does not include oxbow or floodplain lakes or any tributary streams. A tributary is delineated by the straight line between opposite points where the tributary connects with the main body of the Mississippi River. Furthermore, the river does not include backwaters that extend onto the floodplain or tributaries when the river exceeds 33 feet at the gauging station at Cairo, Illinois. Sport fishing license or permit holders may fish from, or attach any device or equipment to land along the river under the jurisdiction of the other state. Landowner permission is required to fish from the bank. Sport fishing license holders shall abide by the regulations in the state in whose waters they are fishing and when fishing in waters they are not licensed to fish, shall comply with the most restrictive regulation. DALE HOLLOW LAKE Anglers may use either a Tennessee or a Kentucky sport fishing license while fishing in the Wolf River arm of Dale Hollow Lake. This includes the Illwill Creek embayment beginning at a line crossing the Wolf River at its mouth where it joins the Obey River and the main part of the lake. Anglers must obey the regulations of the state in which they are licensed. Kentucky residents must have a Kentucky license. KENTUCKY LAKE On Kentucky Lake, anglers with either a valid Kentucky or Tennessee sport fishing license may fish from Eggners Ferry Bridge (U.S. 68 and Hwy. 80) in Kentucky south to the Governor Ned McWhorter Bridge (U.S. 79 and Hwy. 76) in Tennessee. This includes all embayments and tributaries, except the Blood River embayment in Kentucky. Anglers must abide by the fishing regulations of the state in which they are fishing. BIG SOUTH FORK OF THE CUMBERLAND RIVER Anglers may use either a Tennessee or a Kentucky sport fishing license while fishing that portion of the Big South Fork from the Leatherwood Ford bridge (Highway 297) in Tennessee to the Highway 92 bridge at Yamacraw, Kentucky. Anglers must obey the regulations of the state in which they are licensed. Kentucky residents must have a Kentucky license. OTHER BORDERING WATERS On all other bordering waters, boundaries are set by state lines. Obey the laws of the state in which you are fishing.


Lost licenses and permits

Persons who need a replacement license or permit have two options: 1. Purchase the same type of license or permit from any license vendor, ask them for a license refund form, fill it out and send it to: KDFWR Licensing, #1 Sportsmans Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601. You will receive a refund minus a $5 handling fee. 2. Send $5, your name, address, date of birth and Social Security number, and which license(s) or permits you lost to: KDFWR Licensing, #1 Sportsmans Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601. The KDFWR will replace the license/permit you identify as lost, once verification of original purchase occurs.


Prevent the transport of nuisance species. Clean all recreational equipment.



No firearms
Fish may not be taken with use of a firearm.

SPORT FISHING TROTLINES, JUGGING and SET LINES (LIMB LINES) (301 KAR 1:410; KRS 150.010) A sport fishing trotline is a line with no more than 50 single or multibarbed baited hooks that must be at least 18 inches apart. A sport fishing trotline must be set at least three feet below the waters surface. Jugging is fishing with a single baited line attached to any floating object. A jug line may have no more than one single or multi-barbed hook. A set line is a line with one single or multi barbed hook. It may be attached to a tree limb, tree trunk, bank pole or other stationary object on the bank of a stream or impoundment. One person may use no more than two sport fishing trotlines or 50 jug lines (per boat) or 25 set lines at any one time. Each sport fishing trotline, jug line or set line must be: 1) permanently labeled with the name and address of the user; 2) baited, checked and all fish removed at least once every 24 hours; 3) removed from water, bank or tree when fishing ceases. Prohibited Areas: Sport fishing trotlines, jug lines or set lines may not be used within 200 yards below any dam. Sport fishing trotlines, jug lines or set lines are not allowed in Department owned/managed lakes having less than 500 surface acres, except those located on Ballard, Swan Lake and Peal WMAs. No sport fishing trotlines are allowed within 700 yards below Kentucky Dam, the area between

Barkley Dam and Highway 62 bridge, or below the following Ohio River dams from the face of the dam to the end of the outer lock wall: Smithland, Newburgh, Cannelton, Markland, Meldahl and Greenup; McAlpine downstream to the K&I railroad bridge; J.T. Meyers (Uniontown) to the end of the outer lock wall and that portion of the split channel around the southern part of Wabash Island from the fixed weir dam to the first dike. GIGGING AND SNAGGING FISH (301 KAR 1:410, 1:082; KRS 150.010) Gigging means spearing or impaling fish on any pronged or barbed instrument attached to the end of any rigid object. Snagging means taking fish or other aquatic animals by a rapid drawing motion (rather than enticement by bait) using a hand-held pole and attached line with a single or one multiple fish hook. A person may gig or snag fish from the bank. Snagging is not legal from a boat. Gigging is legal from a boat only on lakes 500 surface acres or larger and only during daylight hours. Gigging and snagging are not legal from a platform or within 200 yards of a dam, except below Kentucky Dam. Otherwise, gigging/snagging is permitted day or night in all portions of lakes and streams open to these methods (refer to prohibited areas below). There is a statewide limit of 2 paddlefish for either gigging or snagging, except in the Lake Barkley tailwater (Cumberland River) and in the Kentucky Lake tailwater (Tennessee River) up to 8 paddlefish may be taken daily. Snagging anglers must cease snagging once they attain the two fish daily creel limit on paddlefish on all waters open to snagging. Snagging anglers cannot release or cull any snagged paddlefish. The season for gigging and/or snagging rough fish is from February 1 through May 10 (except below Kentucky Dam). It is illegal to possess a gig on a stream or lake or in a boat from November 1 through January 31. Except, persons may gig rough fish through the ice any time the surface is frozen thick enough to stand upon. The gigger must gig while supported by the ice. Regard-

Q: May I clean my fish while

on the water?

A: Anglers shall not remove any

part of the head or tail of any fish for which there is a size or creel limit until finished fishing and off the water.

Q: How many fishing poles am

I allowed to have while fishing?

A: As many as you want. There


is no limit on the number of fishing poles (or fishing rods) an angler may use at one time.

less of condition, all sport fish taken by gigging and snagging must be immediately returned to the water except in the Tennessee River below Kentucky Dam. There are special snagging regulations for the Kentucky Lake tailwater (Tennessee River) and the Lake Barkley tailwater (Cumberland River). Please refer to the Special Fishing Regulations section of this guide before snagging on these waters. The area from Kentucky Dam to the new U.S. 62 bridge will be open to snagging 24 hours per day from January 1 through May 31. From June 1 through December 31, the area is open to snagging from sunset to sunrise. The area of the Tennessee River from the new U.S. 62 bridge to the I-24 bridge is closed to snagging year round. From the I-24 bridge to the confluence with the Ohio River is open to snagging year round. There is a daily creel limit of 8 fish and shall not exceed the daily creel limit for any sport fish in which the daily creel limit is under 8 fish per day. Snagging must cease after any sport fish daily creel limit is attained. However, snagging is not allowed on the newly installed fishing piers and jetties. All fish snagged below Kentucky Dam must be kept except shad or herring. In the Tennessee River below Kentucky Dam, a snagging rod, including the handle, may not be longer than 7-1/2 feet and must be equipped with line, guides and reel. Only one hook may be attached to the line, either single or treble. Except, in Green River, Rolling Fork River and their tributaries, up to five single or treble hooks may be used for snagging. In the Cumberland River below Barkley Dam, snagging is only permitted down stream of the U.S. 62 bridge with a daily creel limit of 8 paddlefish.

Prohibited Areas: Gigging and snagging fish are prohibited in the following waters: Cave Run Lake including all tributaries up to the first riffle (The location of the first riffle may change depending on water level) Cumberland River, below Wolf Creek Dam downstream to the Tennessee line including Hatchery Creek and all tributaries for 1/2 mile upstream of their confluence with the Cumberland River Cumberland River, below Barkley Dam downstream to the U.S. 62 bridge TICKLING AND NOODLING (301 KAR 1:410; KRS 150.010) The tickling and noodling (hand grabbing) season for rough fish is June 1 through August 31, during daylight

hours only. Tickling and noodling means taking fish directly by hand, or with the aid of a handled hook. These methods are permitted in all waters. The daily creel limit is 15 rough fish, no more than 5 of which can be catfish. BOW FISHING (301 KAR 1:410) Rough fish may be taken yearround by bow and arrow with line attached. Sport fish may not be taken with a bow and arrow. Catfish have a daily creel limit of 5 (in aggregate) and paddlefish have a daily creel limit of 2. Bow fisherman may fish within 200 yards of a dam, except by boat in boat restricted areas. Bow fishing is prohibited on the Cumberland River below Wolf Creek Dam downstream to the Tennessee line, including Hatchery Creek and all tribu-

taries for 1/2 mile upstream of their confluence with the Cumberland River. Persons using a bow and arrow for fishing must have the appropriate fishing license and may take rough fish from bank or boat. There is no limit on other rough fish. SPEAR FISHING (301 KAR 1:410) Underwater spearing of rough fish with hand-held or mechanically propelled spear is permitted year-round, but only in lakes having 1,000 surface acres or more. All participants in this sport must be submerged while spear fishing. Only rough fish may be taken and the appropriate fishing license is required. The daily limit is 15 fish of which only 5 may be catfish.


o Fish Habitat Restoration o A National Issue - A Kentucky Initiative

The goal
Fish require healthy habitats. Degraded habitat translates into fewer fish and fishing opportunities. Kentucky has over 90,000 miles of streams and rivers. Many of these streams are in need of restoration and would qualify for habitat restoration funding. KDFWR administers a new multi-agency program with funds for stream restoration and enhancement. For more information contact the Stream Restoration Program, # 1 Sportsmans Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601 or call 1-800-858-1549.

The problem


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