Psoriasis Niños
Psoriasis Niños
Psoriasis Niños
Psoriasis in children
Roxanne Pinson 1 Abstract: The clinical presentation, disease associations, and diverse treatment modalities in
Bahman Sotoodian 2 overcoming the challenges of managing pediatric psoriasis have been extensively summarized
Loretta Fiorillo 2,3 in this article. An extensive literature review revealed the differences in presentation of psoriasis
during infancy, childhood, and adolescence. We also summarized the latest topical, systemic, and
School of Medicine, 2Division of
Dermatology and Cutaneous Sciences, biological modalities in treating recalcitrant psoriasis. The association of psoriasis with juvenile
Department of Medicine, 3Division of arthritis and obesity and the significant influence of the disease on the children’s quality of life
Pediatric Dermatology, Department
were explored. The clinical presentation of psoriasis can evolve during the child’s lifespan. While
of Pediatrics, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB, Canada many treatment modalities already exist for treating pediatric psoriasis, some of the new biologics
that are approved for adult patients have not been investigated in the pediatric population and no
algorithm exists for their use in this population. Large clinical studies in the future will enhance our
understanding with regards to their safety and potential implications in pediatric populations.
Keywords: pediatric, epidemiology, juvenile arthritis, topical treatment, systemic treatment,
phototherapy, biologics
Psoriasis is a common, chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the skin, nails, and
joints of ~ 2.0%–3.5% of the general population.1,2 Psoriasis begins in childhood in
approximately one-third of the cases.1,3–5 When psoriasis starts in childhood, it has
more adverse implications. Extensive research has focused on the comorbidities
associated with psoriasis and its effects on the quality of life (QoL) of the child and
the adult caretaker. Children suffering from psoriasis have a higher prevalence of
obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, juvenile arthritis, Crohn’s disease (CD), and
psychiatric disorders.1,3,5,6
The goal of this article is to review the common and unique manifestations of pedi-
atric psoriasis, its specific treatment approaches, and the challenges that this disease
presents in children.
Correspondence: Loretta Fiorillo
Department of Pediatrics Materials and methods
3-555 Edmonton Clinic Health
Academy, 11405-87 Avenue, Edmonton, A literature search was conducted using the PubMed database. The search terms were
AB T6G 1C9, Canada pediatric (all fields) or pediatrics (all fields) AND psoriasis (MeSH terms) OR psoriasis
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Clinical presentation
Diagnosis of psoriasis in the pediatric population is more
challenging when compared to the well-delineated adult
psoriasis. Although the clinical subtypes may be similar, the
distribution, morphology, and clinical symptoms at presen-
tation vary according to the age group.13 Additionally, skin
biopsy may not often be performed on younger patients, thus
making the diagnosis more difficult. According to a recent
study of 887 patients ,18 years of age, the most common
subtypes of psoriasis are as follows: plaque psoriasis (73.7%), Figure 1 Plaque psoriasis involving scrotum, mons pubis, penile shaft, as well as
perianal area.
followed by guttate psoriasis (13.7%), scalp psoriasis (7.6%), Notes: Multiple well-demarcated erythematous plaques over inner thighs as well as
and pustular psoriasis (1.1%).12 over anterior trunk are noted too.
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Up to 75% of older children have chronic plaque psoriasis.7
The lesions are sharply demarcated, round/oval plaques
Figure 2 Presence of hyperkeratotic plaques over the top of the scalp as well as with adherent silvery white scales. Psoriasis plaques can
periauricle area is noted.
appear at any part of the body but are generally distributed
Notes: The importance of examination of the pediatric patient while the parents
hold the patient is clearly demonstrated here. symmetrically with elbows, knees, and scalp being the most
Diagnostic tools
Psoriasis is usually diagnosed clinically and occasionally a
skin biopsy may be necessary. Histological features of psoria-
sis are epidermal acanthosis with parakeratosis, indicative of
chronicity of the disease, loss of the granular cell layer, elon-
gation of the rete ridges, and neutrophilic aggregates within
the parakeratosis (microabscesses of Munro). The neutrophils
and parakeratosis alternate in stratum corneum forming the so-
called sandwich sign. The neutrophils are also grouped within
the epidermis forming spongiform pustules of Kogoj. Tortuous
and dilated blood vessels are present in the dermis, and there
is a perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate.16 Dermoscopy is a new
diagnostic tool that features psoriatic plaques as having dotted
vessels regularly distributed over a light red background and
diffuse superficial white scales.21 Further research is warranted
to determine the added value of dermoscopy in diagnosing
psoriasis. If a patient complains of joint pain and swelling,
X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging of involved joint may
help differentiate features of psoriatic arthritis from other
forms of arthritis.
Figure 4 Significant nail pitting and onycholysis are depicted on this image.
Differential diagnosis
Table 1 summarizes the most common differential diagnosis
common site of involvement.16 New lesions may appear of psoriasis in the pediatric population.
following direct cutaneous trauma, which is known as the
Koebner phenomenon. QoL of children with psoriasis
According to a study by Manzoni et al,22 psoriasis was one of
Complications of juvenile arthritis the skin diseases that had the most negative influence on one’s
and its prevalence QoL. Using the Infant Dermatitis Quality of Life Index score, a
Juvenile psoriatic arthritis is the most common comorbidity of regression analysis was performed, which concluded that patients
psoriasis. Because of difficulties in diagnosis and classification with psoriasis had 2.7 times more impaired QoL as compared to
of psoriatic arthritis in children, prevalence data range from the general pediatric population. Compared to atopic dermatitis,
1% to 10% of children with psoriasis.13 The peak of onset psoriasis had a higher impact on patients within the following
in childhood is between ages 9 and 12, and skin psoriasis categories: having a symptomatic cutaneous state and suffering
often precedes psoriatic arthritis. A relationship between nail from sleep disturbance secondary to their underlying disease.22
involvement and psoriatic arthritis in adults has been suggested, A recent Swedish study including children as young as 4 years
and a recent study in children supports this correlation.19 old used the Infant Dermatitis Quality of Life and the Dermatitis
Family Impact and showed that younger children (aged 5–8 years)
Obesity among pediatric patients and those with joint pain had a greater impairment to their QoL
with psoriasis than those aged 9–16 years or without joint pain.23
A multicenter, cross-sectional study of 409 children assessed A retrospective study done by Kimball et al3 evaluated the
the prevalence of obesity among children with psoriasis relationship between the age of onset of psoriasis and the comor-
and control group. The odds ratio of obesity in the group of bidities associated with it. In this study, patients were given a
children with psoriasis was 4.29; unfortunately adiposity does questionnaire regarding their current disabilities, relationships,
not appear to decrease when psoriasis improves according education, finances, and health status. The study demonstrated
to another study.20 A retrospective pilot study of 27 obese that those diagnosed at a younger age were more likely to have
children demonstrates how being overweight or obese pre- a higher lifetime disease life quality index (P,0.001), be more
ceded psoriasis by at least 2 years in 93% of children.5 depressed (P 0.003), believe that psoriasis had caused their
124 submit your manuscript | Psoriasis: Targets and Therapy 2016:6
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Table 1 Differential diagnosis for pediatric psoriasis17 potency of steroid selected is based on the age and the loca-
Type of psoriasis Differential diagnosis tion of the lesions. A recently published systematic review
Guttate psoriasis Lichen planus highlighted two studies that focused on the efficacy of corticos-
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica teroids, in particular, halobetasol cream 0.05% and clobetasol
Pityriasis rosea
Pityriasis rubra pilaris
propionate emulsion 0.05%. Both of these studies showed
Secondary syphilis efficacy after a 2-week treatment with local side effects includ-
Tinea corporis ing skin atrophy and hypopigmentation.24 Due to the risks of
Pustular psoriasis Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
cutaneous atrophy, striae, and telangiectasia, it is best to limit
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis the application of these high-potency steroids to a short period;
Pustular psoriasis Infected contact dermatitis low-potency topical corticosteroids can be used on the face and
Infected dyshidrotic dermatitis genital areas with lower risk of causing skin atrophy.21
Sweet syndrome
Tinea corporis, manuum and pedis
Erythrodermic psoriasis Congenital nonbullous ichthyosiform Vitamin D analogs
erythroderma by other causes (atopic There have been several case studies and clinical trials sug-
dermatitis, lichen planus, pityriasis rubra gesting that vitamin D analogs are safe and effective for
pilaris, seborrheic dermatitis, etc)
Langherans cell histiocytosis
pediatric psoriasis.21 The two vitamin D analogs, calcipotriol
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome and calcitriol, inhibit keratinocyte proliferation and thus can
Plaque psoriasis Nummular dermatitis work synergistically with corticosteroids.21 A systematic
Pityriasis rubra pilaris
review in 2010 evaluated ten studies in this category.24 Both
Seborrheic dermatitis
Tinea corporis calcitriol and calcipotriol were proven to be effective. How-
Scalp psoriasis Atopic dermatitis ever, calcitriol was less irritating than calcipotriol.21 Further,
Seborrheic dermatitis Oranje et al,25 performed a randomized double-blind study
Tinea capitis
in 77 children aged 2–14 years. Calcipotriol was applied
Nail psoriasis Subungual hyperkeratosis: onychomycosis
Pitting nail: alopecia areata and lichen planus twice daily to lesions on all body areas except the face, scalp,
Inverse psoriasis Intertrigo genital region, and areas covered with occlusive clothing (eg,
Candidiasis diapers) for 8 weeks. The investigators reported a decrease
Darier’s/Hailey–Hailey disease
in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) score of 52%
Contact dermatitis in the calcipotriol (n=43) and 37.1% in the placebo group
Genital psoriasis Contact dermatitis (n=34). Although theoretically serum calcium levels may
Lichen planus be increased by this treatment, this was not observed in the
Lichen sclerosis
Lichen simplex
study of Oranje et al.25
Acrodermatitis enteropathica Three studies used the compounded formulation of calci-
Notes: Reprinted by permission of Bentham Science Publishers. Matteo Megna and potriol and betamethasone dipropionate.26–28 In a prospective
Maddalena Napolitano, Balato A, Scalvenzi M, et al. Psoriasis in children: a review. Curr
Pediatr Rev. 2015;11(1):10–26. Copyright © 2015 Bentham Science Publishers.17
cohort study, 73 children (aged 3–18 years) with plaque-type
psoriasis were treated with calcipotriol/betamethasone dipro-
pionate ointment once daily for 4 weeks and 4 days a week
depression (P,0.001), experience lifetime sleep problems thereafter, with a median treatment duration of 35 weeks.
(P 0.004), use recreational drugs (P,0.001), and are more likely An improvement of the PASI score was noticeable after
to experience lifetime discrimination in social settings.3 1 week and progressed at weeks 12 and 24, with maintenance
of improvement thereafter to week 35. Five children reported
Management an adverse event, most commonly, the development of
This section summarizes the most current literature on the striae.26 A multicenter, open-label study by Gooderham et al27
treatment options available for pediatric psoriasis. found calcipotriol/betamethasone dipropionate gel applied
once daily for 8 weeks in adolescents (aged 12–17 years) with
Topical treatments moderate to severe plaque psoriasis to be well tolerated and
Topical steroid preparations effective. Oostveen et al28 demonstrated that calcipotriene/
Topical treatments are considered the first-line treatment for betamethasone dipropionate gel can be used as a treatment
psoriasis in both the pediatric and the adult population.21 The in pediatric scalp psoriasis (patients aged 4–17 years).
Striae of the scalp skin were described as an adverse effect the children compliances with the treatments.36 Consider-
(AE) in three patients.27 Currently, vitamin D analogs are ing that the role of PUVA in developing skin cancer is well
not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for documented, it is generally recommended not to use it for
individuals ,18 years of age. children.36,39
126 submit your manuscript | Psoriasis: Targets and Therapy 2016:6
Dovepress Psoriasis in children
and apoptosis. The two documented retinoids used for treat- 181 patients, 145 (80.1%) reported one or more AEs, with
ment of psoriasis in the literature are etretinate and acitretin the most common being upper respiratory tract infections
(a metabolite of etretinate).47 Acitretin replaced etretinate as (24.9%), nasopharyngitis (17.1%), streptococcal pharyngitis
of 1998.47 Acitretin is considered as a first-line therapy for (12.7%), headache (11.6%), and sinusitis (10.5%).54
generalized pustular psoriasis.43 It is also used as a mainte-
nance treatment for severe guttate psoriasis, palmoplantar Adalimumab (Humira)
psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis, or plaque psoriasis.47 Side Adalimumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody to TNF-
effects include pruritus, cheilitis, skin fragility, hair loss, α. It is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
musculoskeletal pain, focal osteoporosis, elevated serum for use in adults with psoriasis and other disorders, and it is
transaminase levels, dyslipidemia, glomerulonephritis, and approved for the treatment of severe chronic plaque psoria-
paronychia.48 Due to the teratogenicity of oral retinoids and sis in the European Union in children and adolescents from
specific concerns about the delayed clearance of acitretin, 4 years of age who have had an inadequate response to or
oral isotretinoin may be a more appropriate choice for use are inappropriate candidates for topical therapy and photo-
in adolescent girls of childbearing potential due to the sig- therapy. In the US and Canada, it is approved for juvenile
nificantly more rapid clearance.49 The washout period for arthritis and CD from 4 years of age. A Phase III interna-
isotretinoin is 1 month; however, due to re-esterification of tional multicenter randomized double-blind study showed
acitretin, contraceptive measures has to be continued for at superiority of adalimumab 0.8 mg/kg every other week to
least 3 years post stoppage date of acitretin.50 Regarding the MTX. The parent company is presently seeking approval
application of topical retinoids in the treatment of psoriasis, for the use of adalimumab in pediatric psoriasis in Canada
Diluvio et al51 demonstrated in an isolated case report that and the US.55,56
off-label use of tazarotene 0.05% gel once daily for 8 weeks
provided considerable improvement in the treatment of pitting Infliximab
associated with nail psoriasis. Infliximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody that recognizes
soluble and membrane-bound human TNF-α, thus preventing
Biologics it from binding to its receptor.57 It is approved in most coun-
Biologics are pharmacologic agents developed to target tries for use in adults with psoriasis and other diseases. It is
specific mediators of inflammation and thus used against also approved for use in children aged 6 years and older with
diseases such as psoriasis, IBD, and arthritis.24 CD and ulcerative colitis.57 It is not approved in any country
for the treatment of pediatric psoriasis. A recently published
Etanercept review of biologics in the pediatric population noted that
Etanercept is a recombinant protein that binds to TNF-α infliximab had a consistently higher rate of reported malig-
and inhibits binding of TNF-α to its target receptor.21 It is nancies (66/100,000 for all malignancies and 44/100,000
approved for use in Europe for the treatment of plaque psoria- for lymphomas) than background rates in the general pedi-
sis in children aged 6 years and older who have not responded atric population (16.8/1,000,000 for all malignancies and
to conventional therapy and/or phototherapy. A case report of 2.4/100,000 for lymphomas).57 Interestingly, psoriasis has
using etanercept in even much younger children (22 months been reported to be induced by treatment with infliximab
of age) for the treatment of severe and recalcitrant psoriasis for IBD in the pediatric population.58,59
has been published.52
In 2008 a randomized, double-blind, Phase III clinical Ustekinumab
trial treated 211 patients from ages 4 to 17 years old with Ustekinumab is a monoclonal antibody that attacks the p40
either etanercept or placebo for 12 weeks, followed by an subunit of IL-12 and -23 in the inflammatory process. It is
open-label period of 24 weeks, and subsequent second approved in most countries for the treatment of moderate-to-
randomization at 36 weeks to investigate the effects of severe plaque psoriasis in adults. It is approved in Europe for
withdrawal or treatment.53 At the end of the initial 12-week the treatment of adolescent patients with moderate-to-severe
phase, PASI 75 was seen in 57% of the children versus 11% psoriasis (ages 12–17 years) based on a positive Phase III
in the placebo arm.53 An open-label extension study enrolled of CADMUS study, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-
182 patients, of which 140 completed 96 weeks of therapy, controlled, parallel, multicenter trial. In this study, 80% and
demonstrated PASI 75 in 61% and PASI 90 in 30%.54 Of 61% of patients, respectively, achieved PASI 75 and PASI 90
at week 12. Dose regimen was two loading doses (weeks 0 and 4. Zampieron A, Buja A, Fusco M, et al. Quality of life in patients with
scalp psoriasis. G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2015;150(3):309–316.
4), followed by maintenance doses q12w. The dosing approved 5. Becker L, Tom WL, Eshagh K, Benjamin LT, Paller AS. Excess
by the European Medicines Agency is as follows: ,60 kg, adiposity preceding pediatric psoriasis. JAMA Dermatol. 2014;
0.75 mg/kg; $60 to #100 kg, 45 mg; .100 kg, 90 mg. 150(5):573–574.
6. Paller AS, Mercy K, Kwasny MJ, et al. Association of pediatric psoriasis
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very appealing for the pediatric population.60 Since the weight- sectional study. JAMA Dermatol. 2013;149(2):166–176.
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