Lecture 5 - The Dialog Between Business and IT
Lecture 5 - The Dialog Between Business and IT
Lecture 5 - The Dialog Between Business and IT
In This Lecture
The most typical practical problems associated with
using a business strategy as the basis for IT planning,
i.e. as an input for an EA practice
Five common discussion points providing a convenient
middle ground meaningful to both business and IT
representatives and suitable for establishing a productive
dialog between them
The hierarchy and relationship between these discussion
The so-called EA uncertainty principle
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #2
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #3
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SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #4
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SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #5
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SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #6
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SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #7
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SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #8
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SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #9
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SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #10
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #11
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Operating Model
An operating model is the desired level of organization-
wide process standardization and data integration
An operating model defines what business processes
are standardized and what business data is shared
across major business units, e.g. lines of business,
business functions or regional offices
An operating model determines global standardization
and integration requirements for the key business-
enabling EA domains, i.e. business, applications and
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #12
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Process Standardization
The required level of process standardization indicates
the degree to which business units should perform same
business processes in the same way
Standardization of business processes has both
advantages and disadvantages for organizations
Standardization of business processes facilitates brand
recognition, global efficiency and predictability
Standardization of business processes limits local
opportunities for customization and innovation
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #13
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Data Integration
The required level of data integration indicates the
degree to which business units should share business
data between each other
Sharing of business data across business units also has
both advantages and disadvantages for organizations
Data integration allows presenting a “single face” to
customers, enables end-to-end transaction processing,
increases transparency, coordination and agility
Data integration increases coupling between business
units, requires achieving a common understanding of
shared data entities and developing their standard,
commonly agreed definitions and formats
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #14
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #15
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Diversification (Description)
The diversification model is an operating model with
low process standardization and low data integration
The diversification model is appropriate for highly
decentralized organizations consisting of diverse and
independent business units, e.g. lines of business
Business units are managed autonomously, design their
own business processes, have independent transactions
and share little or no common customers and suppliers
IT landscapes consist of global IT services and
infrastructure and local applications and databases
owned by specific business units
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #16
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Diversification (Capabilities)
Core elements of IT landscapes are lean layers of
shared infrastructure and technology services supporting
all business units
The key capability of IT landscapes is providing
economies of scale through sharing IT services and
infrastructure without limiting local independence
The diversification model relies on the independence,
flexibility and local autonomy of separate business units
in serving customers and generating profits
The diversification model may be unsuitable for any
centrally orchestrated business innovations
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #17
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Coordination (Description)
The coordination model is an operating model with low
process standardization and high data integration
Coordination is appropriate for decentralized companies
consisting of diverse but interdependent business units,
e.g. business functions or product divisions
Business units are managed autonomously and may
offer their own local products or services, but depend on
transactions in other business units and have shared
customers, products, suppliers or partners
IT landscapes consist of global databases, IT services
and infrastructure shared by all business units and local
applications owned by specific business units
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #18
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Coordination (Capabilities)
Core elements of IT landscapes are central data hubs
storing common information accessible to all local
applications in business units
The key capability of IT landscapes is providing easy
global access to the shared data through standard
technology interfaces
The coordination model relies on superior customer
service, local innovation, cross-selling and upselling
opportunities, transparency across key transactions and
supply chain processes
The coordination model may be unsuitable for competing
based on lower costs
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #19
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Replication (Description)
The replication model is an operating model with high
process standardization and low data integration
The replication model is appropriate for decentralized
organizations consisting of similar but independent
business units, e.g. regional offices selling same product
Business units are managed autonomously but follow
centrally defined business processes, have independent
transactions, manage their customers locally and share
little or no common customers
IT landscapes consist of globally standardized
applications and databases owned locally by specific
business units and global IT services and infrastructure
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #20
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Replication (Capabilities)
Core elements of IT landscapes are replicable IT
systems supporting core business processes and
deployed in all business units
The key capability of IT landscapes is providing standard
sets of information systems for standardized business
processes optimized for global efficiency
The replication model relies on efficient, predictable and
repeatable business processes enabling consistent
customer experience as well as on the capacity for
organization-wide process innovation
The replication model may be unsuitable for building
complex customer relationships
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #21
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Unification (Description)
The unification model is an operating model with high
process standardization and high data integration
Unification is appropriate for centralized organizations
consisting of similar and interdependent business units,
e.g. interrelated regional or market segment divisions
Business units are managed centrally, perform similar or
overlapping business operations, run standardized
business processes, have globally integrated
transactions, shared customers, products or suppliers
IT landscapes consist of global applications, databases,
IT services and infrastructure shared by all business
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #22
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Unification (Capabilities)
Core elements of IT landscapes are globally accessible
systems enabling core business processes in all
business units, often comprehensive ERP systems
The key capability of IT landscapes is providing standard
IT systems with global data access reinforcing
standardized business processes
The unification model relies on maximizing efficiency and
reducing variability of business processes, using
integrated data, minimizing costs and ensuring
consistent customer experience
The unification model may be unsuitable for competing
based on highly innovative offerings
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #23
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #24
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #25
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #26
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Business Capabilities
A business capability is a general ability or capacity of
an organization to perform a specific business activity
The full set of all organizational business capabilities
represents everything that an organization can do or
needs to do to run its business
Business capabilities are multifaceted notions
encompassing all underlying business processes,
people, knowledge and other resources, including
information systems, required to fulfill these capabilities
Business capabilities of an organization offer a stable
view of its business and change pretty rarely, only in
case of significant business transformations
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #27
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #28
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #29
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #30
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #31
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #32
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Business Processes
A business process is a sequence of specific activities
carried out by particular actors intended to produce
some valuable business outcomes
Business processes are also characterized by certain
inputs and outputs, material or immaterial, e.g. physical
goods or information
Business processes define the steps and tasks
accomplished by the employees as well as the roles of
relevant IT systems in enabling these steps and tasks
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #33
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #34
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #35
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Business Requirements
Business requirements, or system requirements, are
detailed functional and non-functional specifications for
concrete IT systems
Business requirements describe the expected behavior
of a particular IT system from the business perspective
Business requirements specify how exactly an IT
solution should work and imply certain underlying system
components implementing these requirements in
software or hardware
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #36
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #37
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #38
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #40
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #41
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #42
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
EA Uncertainty Principle
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #43
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
Lecture Summary
The business strategy rarely provides a sound basis for
planning due to ambiguity, volatility and irrelevancy to IT
Productive discussions between business and IT often
revolve around five key discussion points:
• Operating model – helpful for the horizon of more than 3-5 years
• Business capabilities – helpful for the horizon up to 3-5 years
• Specific business needs – helpful for the horizon up to 2-3 years
• Business processes – helpful for the horizon up to 1-2 years
• Business requirements – helpful for the horizon of 6-12 months
The EA uncertainty principle suggests that organizations
can be planned for wider scopes and longer horizons in
less detail, and vice versa
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #44
The course of lectures on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev ([email protected])
SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #45
Svyatoslav Kotusev, PhD