GH IGF-1 Berghe JCEM 2000
GH IGF-1 Berghe JCEM 2000
GH IGF-1 Berghe JCEM 2000
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright © 2000 by The Endocrine Society
184 VAN DEN BERGHE ET AL. JCE & M • 2000
Vol 85 • No 1
has been attributed in part to distinct alterations within the TABLE 1. Male and female patients included in both studies and
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and/or effects of sex community-living controls were matched for relevant clinical and
demographic characteristics
steroids (10, 11). Moreover, in healthy rodents and humans,
a sexual dimorphism in the GH secretory pattern is thought Females Males
P value
to determine gender differences in metabolism. Female rats (mean 6 SD) (mean 6 SD)
exhibit a more irregular and less pulsatile GH secretory pat- Controls n 5 50 n 5 50
tern compared with males (12, 13), a difference that may be Age (yr) 67 6 11 67 6 8 0.9
related to lower insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) gene BMI (kg/m2) 25 6 4 26 6 3 0.4
Study I n59 n59
expression and serum levels in the female, in turn contrib- Age (yr) 67 6 15 67 6 11 0.9
uting to the gender differences in growth (13–16). Women, BMI (kg/m2) 29 6 7 25 6 3 0.1
both premenopausal and elderly, also display more disor- Cal/kg/24 h 27 6 7 27 6 6 0.9
derliness in the GH secretory pattern compared with men of Apache II score 17 6 5 16 6 7 0.6
ICU stay (days) 21 6 6 35 6 25 0.1
the same age, which may determine differences in body
of this immunoradiometric assay was 0.2 mg/L. In the second study (GH secretion (percentage) was calculated as the pulsatile production over
responses to GH secretagogues), GH was measured by RIA, using a 9 h divided by the total nocturnal GH production, multiplied by 100. In
polyclonal antibody (25). The intraassay coefficient of variation was 7.3% healthy humans, both males and females, more than 90% of GH is
at 6.7 mg/L and 4.6% at 14.4 mg/L. The detection limit was 1.2 mg/L. All released in a pulsatile fashion (28, 29).
processed samples had detectable GH values using these assays. As an approximate measure of IGF-I and ALS responsiveness to GH,
The serum concentrations of total IGF-I were measured by RIA, after the IGF-I/GH and ALS/GH ratios [either IGF-I (ALS)/total GH output
acid-ethanol extraction. The intraassay coefficient of variation was 10.1% ratio or IGF-I (ALS)/pulsatile GH ratio) were calculated, while recog-
at 95 mg/L and 5.5% at 474 mg/L. The between-assay coefficient of nizing that the dynamics of the two analytes, and the volume base on
variation was 14.8% at 109 mg/L and 10.1% at 389 mg/L. which their concentrations were calculated, are different.
Serum concentrations of IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2, IGFBP-3, IGFBP-6, and The regularity in the GH secretory pattern was quantified by the
ALS were determined by RIA, as previously described (26). ApEn statistic (24). ApEn measures the logarithmic likelihood that runs
The serum GHBP levels were measured by enzyme-linked immu- of patterns that are similar remain similar on next incremental compar-
nosorbent assay (DSL Kit, Diagnostics Systems Laboratories, Inc., Web- isons. ApEn assigns a single nonnegative number to a time series with
ster, TX). The intraassay coefficient of variation was 5.4% at 0.82 mg/L, larger values corresponding to greater irregularity. ApEn is stable to
1.8% at 3.83 mg/L, and 5.1% at 10.4 mg/L. small changes in noise characteristics and to infrequent and significant
TABLE 2. Results from all measurements (mean 6 SD) in male and female patients
FIG. 4. Circulating IGF-I and ALS levels during protracted critical illness correlated positively with pulsatile, but not with nonpulsatile, GH
secretion in both genders.
the somatotropes determines the depth of the troughs and rather than to determine nonpulsatile GH release (35, 36).
the frequency of GH pulses (34). In the human, however, Therefore, in the face of reduced somatostatin tone, higher
somatostatin seems to primarily blunt GH pulse amplitude GH pulses would be anticipated (35) as well as a more pro-
observed gender dissociation in the GH/IGF-I axis could be myocardial infarction (55) in both male and female patients.
an intrinsic underlying difference in hypothalamic signaling In view of the hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in pro-
between men and women (e.g. lower endogenous GHRH tracted critical illness and the postmenopausal age of most of
effect in the male), which is only unveiled when the impact the studied women here, it is unlikely that the elevated
of sex steroids is identical. A tendency to equalize sex ste- estrogen levels originate from the gonads. Indeed, the find-
roids in men and women occurs in protracted critical illness, ing that serum concentrations of E2 and E1 are elevated
unlike in normal aging, where circulating testosterone levels proportionately is consistent with increased aromatase ac-
remain substantially higher in men (21). tivity either in adipose tissue or in muscle. The latter could
The mechanisms underlying the profound alterations in be explained by the concomitantly elevated cortisol (56) and
circulating sex steroids during critical illness remain incom- PRL (57) levels, by effects of endotoxin (58), endogenous
pletely understood. Leydig cell dysfunction and hypogona- catecholamines (59), and/or increased fat storage as a result
dotropism in critically ill men have repeatedly been reported of feeding during critical illness (1, 60). Conversely, altered
(2, 47–53). Elevated levels of E2 and E1 have been previously pulsatility of GH secretion could contribute to changes in
documented in sepsis (52), in burn injury (54), and after hepatic steroid metabolism (61– 63).
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