2012 JRSHistory of LASIK
2012 JRSHistory of LASIK
2012 JRSHistory of LASIK
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3 authors:
Marine Gobbe
Columbia University
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Figure 1. Jose I. Barraquer Moner using his first cryolathe to mill the under- Figure 2. Close-up of the corneal milling showing tissue being removed
side of a ressected disc of anterior corneal tissue. This original lathe was a from the underside of the frozen ressected disc. (Image courtesy of
modified watchmaker’s lathe. (Image courtesy of Carmen Barraquer, MD.) Carmen Barraquer, MD.)
Figure 3. Photograph (above) and technical diagram (below) of the first flattens when tissue is removed from the center and
manually driven microkeratome developed by Barraquer for corneal disc steepens when tissue is removed from the periphery.”
resection in keratomileusis. (Image courtesy of Carmen Barraquer, MD.)
His earliest patients were treated in the early 1960s
at the Clinica de Marly in Bogota, Colombia, where he
based on a carpenter’s plane (Fig 3). Barraquer then had to leave the patient on the operating table after res-
used trigonometric calculations to derive the volume secting the corneal disc while he hurried 3 km across
of tissue removal required for a particular refractive town to where he had set up the lathing workshop in
error correction. In his 1964 thesis on the “Law of his home. After reshaping the corneal disc with his
Thicknesses”6 (Fig 4), he described that “the cornea cryolathe, he would drive back to the hospital to
Two of Barraquer’s disciples, Krumeich and Swinger,
worked on a refinement of the technique to perform
keratomileusis without freezing, referred to as the Figure 5. Diagram (top) and intraoperative photograph (bottom) of
Pureskin’s technique of creating a hinged flap followed by trephination of
Barraquer-Krumeich-Swinger (BKS) technique, which a stromal disc. (Reprinted with permission from Pureskin NP. Weakening
was published in 1986.10,11 This BKS non-freeze tech- ocular refraction by means of partial stromectomy of cornea under
nique involved placing the ressected disc epithelial experimental conditions [Russian]. Vestn Oftalmol. 1967;80(1):19-24.
side down onto a curved suction die or mold where a Copyright © 1967. Izdatelstvo Meditsina.)
second pass of the microkeratome removed tissue from
the exposed posterior stromal surface according to the stromal bed (Luis Ruiz, MD, personal communication,
shape of the die (Fig 6). The BKS technique aimed to April 13, 2010). This was called in situ keratomileusis
reduce surgical trauma to the tissues and improve (Fig 7).
visual recovery time.
IN SITU KERATOMILEUSIS Ruiz was responsible for designing a gear system to
Around the same time, another non-freeze technique automate the passage of the microkeratome head (Luis
called in situ keratomileusis12 was developed. The pro- Ruiz, personal communication, April 13, 2010). This
cedure was first performed by Ruiz, who having com- eased the technical challenges of using a manual micro-
pleted his residency at the Barraquer Institute, was per- keratome, as the head could be passed with a constant
forming up to 20 keratomileusis procedures a day. Ruiz and reproducible speed, thereby avoiding irregular re-
was interrupted in his flow by a corneal disc resection sections and improving the accuracy. The procedure
that was found to be too thin for the required stromal became known as automated lamellar keratoplasty
tissue removal. With the patient on the table, he came (ALK). Automated lamellar keratoplasty was further
up with the idea of passing the microkeratome a second refined by replacing the disc without a suture and ad-
time using a different suction ring with the height ad- hesion was aided by drying, after which the eye was
justed to resect the required lenticule directly from the patched overnight until the epithelium sealed the disc
At this point, the excimer laser story joins the ker-
atomileusis story to become laser in situ keratomileusis,
or LASIK. The idea of using an excimer laser to ab-
late tissue under a flap was springing up in various
parts of the world. In 1988, Razhev et al53-55 in Novosi-
birsk, USSR began using a 5-mm trephine to produce
a central 100-μm deep circular keratotomy and then
a scalpel to create a lamellar hinged flap (Aleksander
Razhev, personal communication, August 23, 2010)
(Fig 12).56 They then used an excimer laser to ablate
the stromal bed before replacing the lamellar flap in
four myopic and five hyperopic eyes. They presented
their results with up to 2-year follow-up in September
1990 at Columbia University, New York.55
At around the same time, Buratto was performing Figure 12. Intraoperative photograph during the first LASIK procedure
classical keratomileusis,57 but in October 1989 he performed by Razhev in 1988. The hinged flap can be seen to have been
lifted and the excimer laser ablation can be visualised by the blue area on
used an excimer laser for ablation on the underside the stromal bed. (Image courtesy of Aleksander Razhev, MD.)
of the cap (instead of a lathe or microkeratome) and
published the results of his first 30 high myopic eyes 3. Barraquer JI. Method for cutting lamellar grafts in frozen cornea.
with few complications and 1-year follow-up in 1992. New orientation for refractive surgery. Arch Soc Am Oftal Optom.
In December 1989, Buratto had a case where the cap 1958;1:271-286.
was too thin for the required tissue removal, much like 4. Barraquer JI. Autokeratoplasty with optical carving for the cor-
rection of myopia (keratomileusis) [Spanish]. An Med Espec.
Ruiz previously with ALK, and so decided instead to 1965;51(1):66-82.
perform the excimer laser ablation directly on the stro-
5. Barraquer JI. Keratomileusis. Int Surg. 1967;48(2):103-117.
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6. Barraquer JI. Conducta de la còrnea frente a los cambios de
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this procedure in his 1990 paper.14,58 Pallikaris treated
9. Pureskin NP. Weakening ocular refraction by means of partial
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MD, PhD, personal communication, July 1, 2010) and Vestn Oftalmol. 1967;80(1):19-24.
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13. Ruiz L, Rowsey JJ. In-situ keratomileusis with a hinged flap. Pre-
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AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Dulaney Winter Meeting; February 21-24, 1989; Aspen, CO.
Study concept and design (D.Z.R., T.J.A., M.G.); data collection 14. Pallikaris IG, Papatzanaki ME, Stathi EZ, Frenschock O,
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