The Witch Is in Book of Shadows Index

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The Witch is In
Technologically Inclined Eclectic Witch. Gemini. 26. Allegedly the Martha Stewart of Witches. I post and reblog
spells, grimoire ideas, witchy humor, and asthetic. My ask box is always open for any curious witchlings!


L’s Book of Shadows Index

So I’ve seen a few posts about how to organize your Book of
Shadows and I thought I would share with you guys how I organize
my Book!

I have both a physical and a digital Book of Shadows. I have both

divided into “Books” similar to how the Christian Bible is. My physical
Book is made up of eight “Books” while my digital Book is divided
into twenty-three “Books.” Much of the information is the same, it is
just divided up differently. For the sake of a shorter post, if a Book in
my digital Book has additional info, I’ve listed it and marked it

This type of formatting was inspired by one of the first Wiccan books
I ever read, “A Wiccan Bible” by A.J. Drew, in which each Chapter is
called a “Book.”

In the beginning of my Book of Shadows I have my dedication, my

title page, my Book blessing, the Witches Blessing, and a quote by
Silver Ravenwolf. After that, the eight sections I have my Book
divided into are:

The Book of Wisdom

The Book of the Sun
The Book of the Moon
The Book of the Stars
The Book of the Earth
The Book of Practical Magick
The Book of Magick
The Book of the Divine

The Book of Wisdom serves to hold everything that reminds me of

my beliefs or nuggets of wisdom that I gain during life or meditation.
I also keep spiritually inspiring poetry or images in this section. What
I have in this Book:

A simple bedtime and mealtime prayer

The Wiccan Rede
The Celtic Commandments
The Witches 13 Principles of Belief
The Hermetic Principles
13 Goals of a Witch
The Witches Commandments
The Nine Noble Virtues
The Witches Rune
The Noble Eightfold Path/The Four Noble Truths
“I Am A Witch” by Gerina Dunwich
The Witches’ Pyramid
“Living a Magickal Life” (This was found on Pinterest and I
could not find the original author and so it is not listed)
The Nine Satanic Commandments 
“A Witches Blessing” by Doreen Valiente (Digital)
The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth (Digital)
The Nine Satanic Sins
When to Use Witchcraft (Digital)
“My God is not Dead” - a reflection by me.
A Chart of Directional Correspondences

Then comes the Book of the Sun. In this Book I keep all of my Witchy
information that relates to the Sun as a celestial body or as an

Solar Correspondences
Magickal Times of the Day
Magickal Hours in a Day
Days of the Week Correspondences
Seasonal Correspondences
Sabbats; their Lore and Correspondences
Sabbats; Recipes and Rituals (This is a pocket glued into my
I am in the process of making a separate physical Book of Sabbats to
include all lore, correspondences, recipes, rituals, crafts and spells.

Following that we have the Book of the Moon, which similar to the
Book of the Sun has any information related to the Moon, both as a
Celestial body and an energy.

Lunar Correspondences
Moon Phase Correspondences
Solar Eclipses
Lunar Eclipses
The Moon Void
Blue Moons and Black Moons
Monthly Full Moon Correspondences

The final Book in the celestial trilogy in the Book of the Stars, which
as the others holds all information about the stars, astrology and the

Western Zodiac Correspondences

The Celtic Zodiac
The Chinese Zodiac
Planetary Correspondences
12 Fold Planets Chart
All Planetary Retrogrades until 2026

The next Book is the Book of the Earth, which holds all my
information on the Elements. 

The Basic Elements (Earth, Air, Water, Fire)

The Advanced Elements (Metal, Wood, Ice, Lightning)
The Lesser Elements (Sand, Steam, Light, Shadow, Space)
The Darker Elements (Lava, Deep Sea, Rot, Tempest)

Then we have the Book of Practical Magick. In this Book I keep all
my information about crystals, herbs, incense and various other

Crystal Info (only includes Crystals that I own)

Crystals by Intention (a fold out that lists Crystals based on
Gem Elixirs
Cleansing Crystals
Programming or Charging a Crystal
Holy Waters; Rose, Moon, Salt, Florida, etc.
Tea Recipes
Herb Correspondences (only includes herbs I have practical
access to)
Herbal Intentions (a fold out that lists Herbs based on
Carrier Oils
Scent/Essential Oil Correspondences
How to; Potions, Tinctures, Bath Salts, Teas and Infusions,
Decoctions,Ointments, Incense, Sprays, Herbal Oils, Elixirs,
Flash Paper, Homemade Candles.
Color Correspondences
Metal Correspondences
Sound Correspondences
Number Correspondences
Seashell Correspondences

After this we have the Book of Magick which has all information on

spells, spell writing, ritual, divination and more. In my digital Book of
Shadows, this Book is divided up into several different Books.

The Tools of a Witch

Types of Magick
Sacred Space
Room Candle Cleanse
Cleansing Tools
Consecrating and Charging
Basic Altar Setup
Prayers and Dedications
Travel Altars, Devotionals, Portable Sacred Space
About Magick
Scott Cunningham’s Nine Rules to Writing Spells
Creating Spells
Recording a Spell
What to do with Spell Remnants
Tips on Writing Spells
All Purpose Spell
Spell Folder (A pocket to hold all my spells and notes)
Spells Every Witch Should Have
About Latin
Planning a Ritual
Defining Purpose
Casting a Circle
Invocation and Evocation
Spirits (How to Call and Banish)
Elemental Spirits
Invoking Deity
Ways to Raise Energy/The Cone of Power
Intention Ritual
New Moon Ritual
Full Moon Ritual
Esbat Spells and Rituals

Cleansing Baths
Rites of Passage
Divination; Runes, Numerology, Lithomancy, Scrying, I-Ching,
Spell Chants
Amulets and Talismins
Knot Magick
Curses and How to Cast Them

The Three Minds - Christopher Penczak

The Three Requirements of Magick - Christopher Penczak
Levels of Conciousness
Instant Magick
The Inner Temple - Christopher Penczak
The World Tree/Shamanism
Developing Psychic Abilities
Shadow Work
The Three Worlds
A Witches Bag
The Shamanic Journey
The Chakras
Morpheus Dream Spell
Lucid Dreams and Triggers
And finally we have the Book of the Divine, which is obviously about
all things Divine.

The All
Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine
The Greek Pantheon
The Tree of Life
The Thirteen Buddhas
The Triple Goddess; Maiden, Mother, Crone
The Triple God; Master, Father, Sage
The Grand Rite
Drawing Down the Moon/Sun
Satanic Deities
Modern Pagan Living/Everyday Magick/Living Like a Witch
Seven Steps to a Pagan Practice
How to be more Spiritual

And that is it for now for my physical Book of Shadows. I still have
about 25 blank pages in my Book to fill up still.

My digital Book of Shadows is held in OneNote and also on this blog.

I use my tags to quickly find things on my tumblr blog and the search
bar in OneNote. It’s very convient when I’m on the go or limited on
space.  For the sake of ending this post, I’ll just list the Books below:

The Books of Wisdom, Sun, Moon, Star, and Divine stayed almost the
complete same. In OneNote I essentially divided the Book of Magick
into several smaller Books.

The Book of Sabbats

The Book of Planets
The Book of Crystals
The Book of Herbs
The Book of Ritual (Full Moon Ritual, New Moon Ritual, etc)
The Book of Magick (How to write spells, tips on magick, circle
casting, etc)
The Book of Spells (Where I keep all my actual spells)
The Book of the Mind (Levels of Conciousness, Dreams, The
Inner Temple, Meditation, etc)
The Book of the Shaman 
The Book of the Dead (Ancestors, Communicating, Offerings,
Graveyards, Spirits)
The Book of the Shadow (Shadow Work)
The Book of Mirrors (Personal Reflections)
The Book of Art (Various Crafts)
The Book of Ceremony (Rites of Passage; Wiccaning,
Dedication, Hand Fasting, etc)
The Book of Divination
The Book of Curses
The Book of Prayers

If you’ve gotten all the way to the bottom of this post, then I sincerely
thank you for reading all of it. It’s a lot I know, and frankly I‘m
surprised my Book is still functional with all the stuff it’s got
crammed in there.

Either way, thank you so much for reading this post. Feel free to send
me any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you guys!

#book of shadows #my post #my book of shadows

#book of shadows idea #idea #witch #wicca #wiccan #pagan
#paganism #organization #spells #grimoire tips

1,077 notes May 19th, 2016


#book of shadows #my post #my book of shadows

#book of shadows idea #idea #witch #wicca

#wiccan #pagan #paganism #organization #spells

#grimoire tips


The Witch Talks: How I Got Into Witchcraft

In my Book of Shadows (my physical one, not my digital one) I have

an envelope labeled “My Magickal Memories” which I started earlier
this year. When I was younger I was a practicing Wiccan but I didn’t
keep a Book of Shadows, I just made different notes in about 6 or 7
different notebooks.

When I reached adulthood and finally moved out on my own once

and for all, I got rid of all my notebooks, journals, etc and thus lost a
TON of my reflections that I no longer have to look back on. So as a
solution, I began to write down my special magickal memories so
that I can reflect on them.

I started actively practicing Wicca around the age of 13. I am no

longer Wiccan, but that was the beginning of my spiritual path. At the
time I was living with very Christian relatives and I frankly just wanted
to be different. I had always loved the idea of Witchcraft, and at that
age I thought Wicca and Witchcraft were the same thing, so I went
with it.

During some point in my reflective time, I triggered a memory from

my young childhood from when I was about 5 or 6. I was a smart kid
at that age (way above where I should have been developmentally)
and I loved to read. I was just learning how to read, but I had a knack
for it and I read anything I could get my hands on (I even read the
stuff Jehovah’s Witnesses gave us).

Well, at somepoint, my mother was big into Wicca and Witchcraft. I

didn’t realize this when I started my own studies. But I remember her
picking up various books at the library on the subject. One night I
remember sitting down in the corner of our living room and picking
up on of these books, trying to read it. I was fully capable of reading
children’s books and I wanted to see if I could read a “grown up”

So, here I am, a small child, reading a book on Witchcraft. My mother

ended up spotting me. She made a gentle off handed comment
about how I wouldn’t be able to read that book because it had big
words. So, what did I do? I started reading it out loud so that she
knew I could totally read a grown up book. I’m sure I was only reading
the introduction to the book, but it caught my mother’s attention. 

I must have ended up asking her a question about what something

meant, because then she ended up sitting down with me and
explaining the Rule of Three to me. I don’t remember any other times
where we would have talked about Witchcraft except for that time,
but it stuck with me.

When I was 13 and I recalled that memory, I knew I was on the right
path. My mother had died when I was 9 and so many people told me I
was just like my mother and I kept being interested in the same
things she was even though she never taught me (cooking, crafts,
witchcraft, the list went on). So knowing that I was instinctually
following the same path as my mother made me feel so much closer
to her.

My Spiritual path and practices have grown and changed and evolved
since then, but those are my best memories of beginning my
practice, and so I wrote them on pretty little Project Life cards and
have kept them in this envelope so that I never lose them (or Hera
forbid, forget them).

There are so many magickal memories that a Witch can have, and I
personally thinks it’s super important to keep a record of your most
significant ones. The memories that spark that deep spiritual
connection and that concrete solid belief are the ones that I write
down and keep in my Book of Shadows. They always serve as a
reminder to me about why I practice and why I believe.

So, if any of you Witches are looking for something new to put into
your Book, maybe this would be a good addition (and something
awesome to pass down later on!)

Until next time, Witchies!

Originally posted by undeadghoul

#thewitchtalks #violetwitchcraftchallenge #magickal memories #witch

#witchcraft #pagan #book of shadows idea #my post #grimoire tips

119 notes

“Being a Witch means you want to

work everyday to be a better person.
When you change yourself, then the
world around you cannot help but
—  Silver Ravenwolf; Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for
the New Generation

#witch quotes #witchcraft #wicca #pagan #paganism

#silver ravenwolf #quotes #basic witches

204 notes
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