Astro Forecast Higher Calling Worksheet
Astro Forecast Higher Calling Worksheet
Astro Forecast Higher Calling Worksheet
Discover Your
Higher Calling
There is a greater plan, according to astrology We’re all here for a reason and
we each have unique talents & strengths that we’re meant to share with the world.
Your birth chart is a cosmic blueprint of your potential. In this worksheet, I’ll teach
you how to read your own blueprint to unlock your higher calling in life.
Each planet on your chart adds a different layer to your higher calling, but here are
the most important points.
First, we assess your overall identity by looking at your Sun, Moon, and North Node,
which represents who you are at the core. They give us a snapshot of your innate
strengths, talents, and greatest potential. This is who you were born to be.
Then, we look at your MC and Rising signs, which represent how you make the
biggest impact on the world. They form the persona and “mask” you use when
you’re interacting with people in public and professional situations. This gives us
practical specifics on your role in society, potential career paths, and how you’re
meant to do your job.
synonymous with your career. In order for a job to qualify as a higher calling, it should be
something that:
Your higher calling is really that dream job that pays the bills + so much more!
By looking at everything together, we can determine:
1. Your natural strengths & talents
2. What makes you happiest in life
3. The kinds of activities you’re good at doing
4. The kinds of outcomes you’re meant to bring to other people
This gives us a broad outline of what your higher calling will entail. Then comes the
fun part—letting your imagination soar! Use this criteria to narrow down the
careers and fields that fit your goals. What kind of job would encompass this
criteria? Can you find it at an existing company, or do you need to branch out on
your own?
The MC and Rising sign are good indicators of the actual job you’ll do for a living,
but it’s not a one-size-fits-all. You can also thrive in careers matching your Sun,
Moon, or North Node sign. You may even need to invent your own career or field
that’s as unique & original as you!
At the end of the day, the ultimate goal is to find a path that helps you get closer
and closer to your North Node—the person you’re meant to become, the best
version of yourself. But don’t worry too much about the end goal. As long as you’re
following the outline of your higher calling, you’ll naturally be on the path that takes
you towards your greatest potential.
The Sun tells you what you’re naturally good at and how you shine in the world.
Acting like your Sun sign will help you feel like your best and brightest self.
The Moon tells you what makes you the happiest in life. Doing activities related to
your Moon sign will help you feel fulfilled and taken care of.
The North Node tells you your greatest potential in life—what you’re meant to
achieve and who you’re meant to become. This is your overall life purpose and soul
mission. Striving for your North Node is how you become the best version of
Think of it as a second Sun sign. Your Sun sign tells you who you were born as—
your values, philosophies, and core motivations in life. Your North Node sign tells
you who you’re meant to become—the new values, drives, and attitudes you must
embrace, because that’s what your soul is here to learn in this lifetime. If your Sun
and North Node are in the same sign, it just amplifies the message that you should
embrace the best qualities of this sign.
Your Rising sign tells you the kinds of activities you excel at doing, or the actual
work you’re meant to do for a living. Acting in these ways will help you reach your
destiny (North Node).
Your MC signs tells you how you stand out in your line of work. It’s the way you’re
meant to do your job that’s special & different from other people. This is how you
easily gain success and recognition. Acting in these ways will help you reach your
destiny (North Node).
Fill out the prompt below using the keywords in this guide. Keywords begin on page 10.
Here are the page numbers to reference.
Sun sign adjectives — Page 11-12 Rising sign activities — Page 18-19
Sun sign fields — Page 20 Rising sign fields — Page 20
Moon sign — Page 18-19 MC sign noun — Page 15
North Node sign noun — Page 13 MC sign adjectives — Page 16-17
North Node sign message — Page 14
Page 21 is a fun bonus that gives you career ideas for each sign!
I express myself best when I help people feel (Sun sign adjectives) .
I'm naturally good in fields like (Sun sign fields) .
Example 1
I express myself best when I help people feel (Taurus) calm, serene, grounded.
I stand out at my job by taking on the role of a (Sagittarius) teacher and sage.
I should be (Sagittarius) intellectual and spiritual with how I do & present my
work. This is what sets me apart from other people in my line of work. This is
how I easily gain recognition, achieve success, and go viral.
Example 2
Katie McCarthy, a massage therapist who's leaning into her Taurus North Node
as a physical healer. She incorporates Scorpionic shadow work and other
healing modalities into her practice. Her Virgo MC was called on to offer a free
weekly massage as community service, which has attracted a huge response.
I express myself best when I help people feel (Cancer) nourished, taken care of,
and healed.
I'm happiest when I am (Pisces) tapping into my intuition, practicing magic, and
uplifting people.
The kinds of activities I excel at are (Scorpio) shining a light on darkness, helping
people deal with difficult emotions, and shadow healing. I have a knack for
fields like (Scorpio) occult practices.
I stand out at my job by taking on the role of a (Virgo) expert and civic servant.
I should be (Virgo) sefless and conscientious with how I do & present my work.
This is what sets me apart from other people in my line of work. This is how I
easily gain recognition, achieve success, and go viral.
Example 3
Dr. Tracy Timberlake, a business coach and digital strategist who helps people
flex their entrepreneurship muscle. In true Sagittarius fashion, she started off in
law & higher education but quickly realized the universe had bigger plans for her.
Dr. Timberlake is a renowned speaker, writer, and YouTuber.
I express myself best when I help people feel (Sag) bold, adventurous, optimistic,
and knowledgable.
I'm happiest when I am (Sag) educating, giving advice, spreading optimism, and
being spiritual.
The kinds of activities I excel at are (Aries) taking charge, firing people up,
empowering people. I have a knack for fields like (Aries) coaching.
I stand out at my job by taking on the role of a (Capricorn) authority figure and
teacher. I should be (Capricorn) commanding and powerful with how I do &
present my work. This is what sets me apart from other people in my line of
work. This is how I easily gain recognition, achieve success, and go viral.
Example 4
I'm happiest when I am (Pisces) performing, being creative, and inspiring people.
I stand out at my job by taking on the role of a (Virgo) expert and the best at my
craft. I should be (Virgo) meticulous and methodical with how I do & present
my work. This is what sets me apart from other people in my line of work. This
is how I easily gain recognition, achieve success, and go viral.
Sun adjectives
North Node
North Node nouns
North Node message
ARIES ...meant to embrace independence and find the courage to create my own
path in life. I must prioritize myself and inspire others to do the same.
TAURUS ...meant to embrace self-reliance and build a secure & stable foundation for
myself. I must find joy in the simple life. I have the power to be a calming and
grounding force for other people.
GEMINI ...meant to be curious, open-minded, and objective. I should see things from
a higher perspective and live in the "here & now". I must explore my quirky
interests and share information in a way that’s easy for others to understand.
LEO ...meant to follow my heart and find the courage to create something new.
I must become the best version of myself and inspire others to follow my
shining example.
SCORPIO ...meant to go deep and shine a light on darkness in order to uncover the
truth. I shouldn't be afraid of change. I must embrace transformation and do
what makes me feel powerful, so that I can help others do the same.
SAG ...meant to get out of my comfort zone & expand my horizons to find greater
meaning in life. I should focus on the bigger picture. I have the power to
educate and inspire.
AQUARIUS ...meant to embrace my quirky, weird side and spread revolutionary and
progressive ideas that make the world a better place for all. I have the power
to see the future.
PISCES ...meant to embrace magic by tapping into my intuition and allowing myself
to be guided by the cosmos. I have the power to make miracles happen.
MC nouns
MC adjectives
Activities By Sign
TAURUS Building something, Supporting people, Advocating, Helping others feel calm
& grounded, Helping others feel stable, Protecting people, Creating art,
Creating something tangible, Playing or creating music, Beautifying, Working
with my hands, Working with the Earth, Managing people, Relaxing,
Indulging, Taking it slow.
Activities By Sign
SCORPIO Deeply reflecting, Digging deep to find the truth, Shining a light on darkness,
Helping people deal with difficult emotions, Helping people feel powerful,
Counseling, Shadow healing, Transforming, Researching something deeply,
Investigating , Protecting, Sharing resources, Managing people, Healing,
Influencing, Captivating people, Practicing magic or occultist arts.
Career Ideas By Sign
Fields & Industries
ARIES Sales, marketing, fitness, sports, coaching. Jobs that are fast-paced, action-
oriented, or competitive. Jobs where you lead or empower others.
TAURUS Finance, money management, arts & culture, beauty, fashion. Tactile jobs
involving the five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch). Jobs that build
something tangible or help others feel more grounded.
CANCER Healthcare, childcare, mental health, social welfare, women’s issues, home &
real estate, government. Jobs that are creative or mystical.
LEO Theater, performing arts, fashion, sales, marketing, fitness. Jobs that let your
personality shine. Jobs where you stand out and inspire people.
LIBRA Art & culture, beauty, fashion, luxury goods, law, justice, diplomacy, social
causes. Jobs that require teamwork & collaboration.
PISCES Creative arts like painting, acting, dancing, and music. Caretaking, nursing,
healing, social welfare, mystical practices, spirituality.
Career Ideas By Sign
Potential Jobs
CANCER Nurse, Pediatrician, Social Worker, Interior Decorator, Real Estate Agent,
Women’s Advocate, Foreign Service Officer, Historian, Psychic.
SCORPIO Loan Manager, Insurance Agent, Counselor, Therapist, Weight Loss Coach,
Surgeon, Private Investigator, Research Analyst, Tarot Reader.
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