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Caso de Estudio
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Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 228340500; fax: +351 228321159. E-mail address: [email protected]
Maintenance has assumed an increasing importance in the reorganization of the industrial sector. However, there are several companies where a
maintenance strategic plan needs to be implemented. This work was developed in an industrial context, in a company of Clutches and Hydraulic
Controls. The focus was the implementation of a strategic plan for maintenance. The methodology chosen was Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) and the cells chosen for implementation were CNC Lathes and CNC Machining Centers. The TPM uses some maintenance activities,
whose come from preventive maintenance (PM), and focuses on eliminating efficiency losses. The main problems of the cell equipment were
analyzed and eliminated. Through the analysis of maintenance manuals and internal know-how, autonomous maintenance (AM) procedures and
preventive maintenance plans have been created to be executed following a given timeframe. At the end of the study, the results were clearly
positive due to the corrective and preventive maintenance. There was a decrease in breakdowns due to failure by 23% for CNC lathes and by
38% for CNC machining centers, which resulted in an evident increase in machine availability and OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
improved by 5%.
© 2020The
© 2020 TheAuthors.
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Keywords: Industrial Management, Maintenance, Continuous Improvement, Process Optimization, TPM, Planning, Failure Analysis, 5S, MTBF, MTTR, OEE.
describes the methodology applied in this work and Section 4 environment, the activities became well defined, consolidating
describes the results achieved. Finally Section 5 draws the main the idea that the service should be self-controlled and “everyone
conclusions, highlighting the results obtained and drawing takes care of their own equipment”. In other words, the proposal
guidelines for future work. of “autonomous maintenance” emerges, as one of the TPM
characteristics [16]. This methodology incorporates the concept
2. Literature review of PM and autonomous maintenance, which includes: a set of
planned inspections, cleanings, replacements and repairs to avoid
With the globalization of markets, competition has become compromising failures and to control machine deterioration [17].
more aggressive, demanding higher quality products at more The fact that continuous improvement is also one of the bases
competitive prices [6]. Business profits can be increased by of TPM, is a sign that the individuals, teams and the company
increasing sales, reducing costs or both. One way to do this is by itself are continually learning and sharing the development,
the elimination of all types of waste associated with the transfer and use of knowledge and skills. Indeed, when thinking
production processes [7]. One common type of waste at about reducing waste, the use of Lean tools is practically
manufacturing companies refers to breakdowns due to machine inevitable. The reduction of waste usually leads to an increase in
failures [6,8] and the best way to minimize this type of waste is OEE, which directly depends on quality, performance and
the adoption of strategic maintenance management policies equipment availability [1,6,18]. While sectors such as Production
[9,10]. Maintenance is an essential activity in the equipment life and Logistics are primarily concerned with product quality and
cycle to achieve high machine availability at low costs. delivery performance, Maintenance must ensure the highest
Maintenance is defined as the set of operations necessary to possible equipment availability. However, for this to take place,
reestablish an equipment to accomplish the tasks it was planned it is common to make use of Lean tools, such as the 5S or the
to do [11]. Monchy [12] establishes two important milestones, SMED methodology [19,20]. The 5S refer to five Japanese
birth and death, namely, entry into service and death. Between words, Seiri (Organize), Seiton (Fix), Seiso (Clean), Seiketsu
these two milestones, he points out three distinct phases. Child, (Normalize), Shitsuke (Discipline) [21]. Recently, Pinto et al. [1]
where there is a decrease in typical diseases of this age; carried out a research work in a company that manufactures
adolescent and adult, where diseases are randomly revealed; rubber articles for the automotive industry, which was induced
geriatric age, where there is a tendency for the disease to by the need for that company to comply with the IATF 16949:
increase. Another decisive factor for the evolution of 2016 standard [22], which implied having updated records of
maintenance was the technological evolution, namely indicators such as the MTBF, MTTR and OEE. As the work
informatics technology. Thus, it allows to easily gather a large evolved, mainly through the calculation of the OEE indicator,
amount of information in an easy and organized way and to waste was detected in the press setup processes, which forced the
provide information on the overall performance of equipment application of the SMED methodology. In order to improve
[1]. maintenance services and reduce equipment downtime, the 5S
The market is also increasingly demanding on quality tool was also used. This resulted in a savings in setup time of
requirements. As a result, equipment becomes increasingly 11% and an increase in the OEE to values of 90.22%, which is
complex and maintenance is affected. Because of this high clearly above the world benchmark of 85%. In the graphic
degree of requirement, tools have emerged in maintenance printing sector, Moreira et al. [6] mitigated the causes that
strategy, for example, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), affected the lack of quality of the final product and the
Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM), RBI - Risk-Based unavailability of the machines, having achieved a minimum OEE
Inspection, TQMain - Total Quality Maintenance [13]. The increment of 2%, analyzing equipment to equipment, also
common denominator of these maintenance strategies is the use reducing costs with non-conformities by 32.9%.
of computer media for information management. Among these Pombal et al. [23] applied 5S and Visual Management in the
strategies, RCM and TPM are widely used in today's industries. storage of cabinets material for maintenance, having achieved
RCM is a methodology based on equipment failure modes and time reductions in operations by around 70%. In addition, it also
the severity of their consequences. TPM is a methodology that remodeled the material stock management, through
involves managers and operators and aims to maximize overall improvements in the application of Kanban, having achieved
efficiency by eliminating waste [1,9]. savings of around 30% in the time needed for repair. The use of
For a company to function, all its constituent departments a milk-run supply system for that same material warehouse was
must function in harmony with the company's overall objectives, also studied, which was expected to bring added benefits to the
and maintenance is no exception. Maintenance objectives cannot operation of the Maintenance Department of the company under
be dissociated from the main goals established for a certain study.
company, believing in Coetzee's opinion [14]. Maintenance, like In this work, it was proposed cv a maintenance model that is
other auxiliary activities of a company, directly affects the cost, intended: (1) to reduce the number of curative interventions on
quality and delivery reliability of products. two CNC machining cells; (2) to reduce machine breakdown
TPM proposes that maintenance should involve the whole time due to failures, and (3) to reduce the time spent in
structure of the company, from the leadership to all the workers, maintenance interventions.
although with differentiated roles. TPM maximizes equipment
productivity by creating an environment in which efforts to
improve reliability, quality, cost savings and creativity are
encouraged through the participation of all [15]. In this
G. Pinto et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1423–1430 1425
Author 1 et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000 3
3.1. TPM – Defining pillars to be used Table 1 – Number of breakdowns at Machining Centers and CNC Lathes.
Reason for breakdown Machining Centers CNC Lathes
TPM is the methodology approached and implemented in this Human Error 291 116
work. There are several ways to organize and implement TPM. Lack of PM 55 21
The TPM pillars considered are the following (even if the End of part life 127 68
literature there are variations in the number and name of each Total 473 207
one): (a) Elimination of the main problems; (b) Autonomous
maintenance; (c) Planned maintenance; and (d) Formation and As already discussed, the company presents problems in terms
training. of organization and cleanliness. These were reflected in the way
• Elimination of the main problems - Consists of promoting the work was performed and how the equipment was handled. It
analysis and identification of the main problems and their was possible to verify from the beginning that to implement
causes. These problems must be eliminated or reduced; TPM, and more specifically AM, it would be necessary to have
• Autonomous maintenance (AM) - Places responsibility for a 5S base behind it. Thus, and in order to improve the state of the
routine maintenance in the hands the workers; company's internal organization, the planning and production
• Planned maintenance - Consists of the planning and team started a 5S implementation program. In order to maximize
systematic performance of maintenance activities by the chances of success of the 5S implementation, a series of
qualified technicians or by the worker himself, to keep the documents were produced, such as, 5S implementation schedule,
equipment in the ideal operating conditions and avoid 5S audit sheet, audit planning, list of measures to be
unexpected stops; implemented, layout to identify before and after. It is important
• Formation and training - Consists of providing knowledge to note that after training, the Planning and Production
to workers and operational heads of theoretical and Department will take an active role in controlling the process.
practical information about the machines to avoid losses. Internal audits will be carried out weekly to identify problems
The benefits of training may not be immediately. and comply with the measures implemented.
Based on the brand maintenance manuals, internal documents
were made, whose must contain the maintenance tasks and the 3.3. TPM implementation
respective periodicity. Maintenance plans were carried out by
type of machine, and divided according to the periodicity, Table 2 describes the steps used to implement the TPM.
containing both autonomous and planned tasks.
Table 2 - Work method.
3.2. Diagnosis - conditions before TPM application Tasks Description
Initial document related to the maintenance
The conditions found before applying TPM were as follows: Survey and analysis of machine activities to be carried out. Current
• Previously, maintenance was not structured. Maintenance maintenance manuals information: task to be performed and its
tasks were not well distributed and followed over time; frequency.
• Maintenance was based on a weekly cleaning operation, Crossing information from Creation of the final document version with
just in one machine for each productive cell; manuals and know-how of planned and autonomous maintenance
• The 5S methodology was not implemented; maintenance workers activities and respective checklist.
• There is no history of malfunctions or interventions. There Collection of machine failure Data collected: Type of failure, downtime,
was no history of maintenance costs or breakdowns; data.Period: 3 months. reason for stopping and machine serviced.
• Company had not maintenance control software available; Implementation of the TPM 4
• No damage analysis had ever been carried out and no pillars.
As described in 3.1
studies had been carried out regarding the causes, Collection of machine failure
seasonality and their prevention; data. Comparison with the data collected before
• There was no stock management or history of consumption Period: 3 months after TPM the TPM implementation.
of spare parts. implementation.
Due to all the previous assumptions, it would not make sense Check for improvements after preventive
to use and implement the eight pillars of standard TPM, but rather Conclusions and corrective actions applied with the TPM
to define documentation that is practical and that allows a quick implementation.
and effective implementation.
3.3.1. 1st Pillar - Main problems elimination
3.2.1. Collection of machine failure data during 3 months
The 1st pillar consists of the continuous analysis of problems
During the first 3 months of this work, all downtimes that and the definition of corrective and preventive actions, with the
occurred at CNC Lathes and machining centers were collected. intent of continuous improvement. This pillar supports a
The reasons for breakdowns are identified in the Table 1 and proactive attitude to define all the necessary actions to
categorized as follows: significantly reduce the downtime associated with a problem, or
• Human error; even eliminate that problem. The steps of this pillar are as
• Lack of preventive maintenance (PM); follows:
1426 G. Pinto et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1423–1430
4 Author 1 et al./ Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000
It was thought to sensitize operators to be more careful, but Fig. 3. Filing in the door guidance (a), door guidance without filing (b).
this method would hardly bring long-term benefits. It was
necessary to work on another solution that will be detailed in the In order to eliminate this problem, a daily cleaning procedure
next chapter. was created, and this area of the machine was added as an area
• Safety door sliding problem (Fig. 2) - The machines have a to pay special attention. The cleaning procedure was reflected in
safety system that only allows the machining operation to the form of a shift ticket. The workers, at the end of each shift,
be carried out with the door closed. Sometimes the sliding must carry out the operations described and sign the sheet as a
of the machine occurs poorly or even stalls, causing form of confirmation.
production to stop.
G. Pinto et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1423–1430 1427
Author 1 et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000 5 Step 4 - Create and normalize After analyzing the machines manuals, it was found that it
would be possible to normalize maintenance activities per cell,
Standardization is essential to control a process, allowing to
i.e., there would only be a need to carry out a maintenance plan
quickly identify deviations in the processes and obtain useful
for the Lathes and another for the Machining Centers. Although
indicators. Thus, in order for the measures implemented to be
machines with different operational characteristics exist within
effective, it was decided to:
each manufacturing cell, the maintenance characteristics are
For problems with filling the coolant tank:
similar. In order to enforce the daily AM, the shift ticket was
• Install a float that controls the tank coolant level;
created, i.e., each operator must guarantee, at the time of the shift
• Install a coolant filtration system;
change, the cleaning of the various parameters described in the
• Insert a refrigerant concentration control activity into the
shift ticket checklist. The AM plans are divided into three
weekly AM procedure;
periods: daily, weekly and monthly.
• Include in the planned maintenance procedure, an annual
activity of total replacement of the coolant. Step 3 - Perform maintenance activities independently
For problem with sliding security door:
and improve standards
• Creation of cleaning procedures for machines and
workstations and make this task mandatory; In order to allow workers to carry out AM activities
• Periodic control of cleaning and signing the Turn ticket. autonomously and correctly, a meeting was held with workers
and explained what was intended and how to achieve it.
3.3.2. 2nd Pillar - Autonomous Maintenance Theoretical and practical training was given on AM, where
activities were explained, their importance and all doubts that
As previously discussed, AM is performed by workers. The
arose were clarified. It was pointed out to the operators that the
steps to implement maintenance with maximum efficiency are:
involvement, cooperation and communication between
• Perform basic inspection of machinery and equipment;
maintenance and production would be essential to keep the
• Normalize maintenance activities, including cleaning and
machine in a state that allows for long durability and good
quality of the manufactured products. In addition to the shift
• Perform maintenance activities independently;
change forms, which reflect a commitment to carrying out daily
• Continuously improve equipment and process quality.
activities, weekly and monthly checklists were also
These steps will be used to implement AM in this work.
implemented. Step 1 - Perform basic inspection of machinery and Step 4 - Continuous improvement of equipment and
quality of processes
The objective of this step is to inspect the machines and
Continuous improvement is the main target after AM
equipment to improve or create access for maintenance, to
procedures have been created. The standard activities and the
prevent dirt and leakage and to correct anomalies. The machines
documentation of these activities are intended to discipline
studied in this work are MAZAK machines, which were
workers for their realization, but always emphasizing the role
developed and designed to facilitate access to lubrication and
that workers need suggest improvements and implement good
cleaning, making no sense to do changes to the equipment. In
practices. To instruct workers on these good practices, a
this sense, the first stage of this process was not considered.
document was created, made available to them, one per machine,
which allows them to suggest changes to the standard and the Step 2 - Normalize maintenance activities including
creation of good practices. With regard to equipment, what is
cleaning and inspections
intended is the proper functioning of each one.
In order to ensure and assist the AM performance, it is
essential to normalize these activities. This step consists of 3.3.3. 3rd Pillar - Planned maintenance
creating AM and cleaning procedures according to the needs of
In the company, the planned maintenance was already
the machines. In order to guarantee these habits, AM procedures
implemented in the production cells covered by this work,
were created. The frequency is Daily, Weekly and Monthly. To
however, there are several points to be changed in order to make
define the maintenance activities that should be included in the
the most of the planned maintenance:
AM procedures, it must be considered:
• The activities contained in the planned maintenance plans
• The maintenance manuals of the machines were analyzed.
and the respective periodicity do not correspond to what is
The recommended activities and their frequency were
recommended by the brand and they are not adapted to the
machine's needs;
• Problems and anomalies that workers face daily were
• It was not clearly defined who and when should
discussed, as well as the maintenance activities and the
perform each of the activities defined in the planned
frequency with which they should be carried out to
maintenance plans;
eliminate/prevent these problems;
• The timings for planned maintenance did not apply.
• It was discussed with maintenance workers with deep
Too often they were "run over" by the needs of
knowledge about the equipment, activities and
periodicity that would be important for the proper
• There was no maintenance information management
machine functioning.
system, jeopardizing its control and realization.
1428 G. Pinto et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1423–1430
6 Author 1 et al./ Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000
According to the 1st pillar, all maintenance actions that 4.2. Maintenance performed
require skills and technical knowledge will be included in the
PM plans. AM: the implementation of the shift change form was viewed
positively by most of the group. Initially, all workers fulfilled Implementation of preventive maintenance plans their assigned tasks, but after 2/3 weeks of implementation,
results have been declining. A new call was made to workers to
As in AM case, the machines manuals and the experience of
practice this activity, which has brought positive results. The
the maintenance technicians were crucial to carry out a plan that
performance of the monthly AM was carried out in the timings
could take advantage of the company's experience and of the
imposed in the maintenance schedule sheet. One machine was
recommendations of the brand.
serviced per week in each of the sections. As there are eight
Lathes and eight Machining Centers, maintenance was carried Requests for curative maintenance intervention
out with the same frequency. The results can be considered
The curative intervention requests result from a malfunction positive, since previously this maintenance was not carried out
or anomaly of the equipment. Any worker of the company is on a scheduled basis.
responsible for reporting such situations in the system. This type
of order must be filled out, first, by the worker who detected the 4.3. Evolution of indicators
failure and, subsequently, the person in charge of maintenance
will receive an anomaly notification. After the intervention, the Thanks to all the corrective, preventive and improvement
maintenance team must fill in some information in the system, actions carried out, the AM activities and investment in spare
such as number of hours spent, spare parts used, description of parts and consumables, there is an effective reduction in the
the problem and respective description of the intervention. equipment downtime which translates into an increase in the
machines availability. In the case of Machining Centers, the
4. Results downtime has been decreasing over the months, there were two
major stops that occurred in the months under study, which were
In this section, results of the work performed will be caused, one by human error and the other by the end of life of a
presented, namely: the reduction in downtime achieved through bearing. As can be seen in Table 3 and Fig 4, downtimes were
the maintenance carried out by the Production workers, the always more than 100 hours per month and are currently less.
implemented actions effectiveness, the indicators evolution and The reduction in downtime was 23.4% and the number of
all the non-measurable results achieved through this work. interventions reduced by 38.1%.
4.1. Main problems elimination Table 3 - Time, in hours, and the reason for stopping at CNC Machining
The tank coolant filling problem cannot be seen as a Months N.o of Stops
malfunction, but it is clearly a problem that causes unnecessary Reason 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5 th 6 th 1st to 3rd 4th to 6th
waste of time and excessive expenses. Before the supply and Human error 72 62 157 36 38 24 10 4
filtering system have been installed, the total coolant change was Lack of PM 18 23 14 8 13,5 3 6 5
carried out approximately every three months. This exchange is End of part life 72 55 0 192 0 48 5 4
currently carried out annually. This means that the coolant Total. 162 140 171 236 51,5 75 21 13
exchange activity has a four-fold impact on the planned
downtime, compared to what happened previously. The average 300
downtime was 3 hours in this operation. If this operation was 236
Downtime [hour]
previously performed four times a year and, at the moment, it is 200 162 171
only one, this means a gain of nine hours per year. The monetary 100 140 75
impact of this improvement is also significant. Another 51,5
improvement achieved was the fact that operators did not have 0
to worry about filling the tank. Previously, coolant was supplied 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5 th 6 th
from the machine weekly (it was not a rule) and this manual
supply often caused coolant waste and unnecessary loss of time. Fig. 4. Downtime at CNC machining centers.
It is difficult to count the number of stops and the downtime
caused by the sliding security door problem during the period Table 4 - Time, in hours, and reason for stopping at CNC Lathes.
under study, but this problem caused micro stops in production, Months N.o Stops
corresponding to the time needed by the worker to clean the area
Reason 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5 th 6 th 1st to 3rd 4th to 6th
affected in the machine. This activity was inserted in the shift
Human error 61 25 30 48 22 12 9 8
change form.
Lack of PM 11 0 10 4,5 4 2,5 5 4
Thus, as it was difficult to count downtime before the
End of part life 8 48 12 0 24,5 11 4 3
implementation of the shift ticket, it is also difficult to account
Total. 80 73 52 52,5 50,5 25,5 18 15
for the impact it caused in combating the problem, however,
The same happened for CNC Lathes. There was a reduction
improvements in the cleaning of the machines are evident, so
in machine downtime by 37.3%, and the number of interventions
there was an improvement brought by this implemented action.
reduced by 16.7%. Table 4 and Fig 5.
G. Pinto et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1423–1430 1429
Author 1 et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000 7
Downtime [hour]
80 73
60 52 52,5 50,5
20 Fig. 6. Before the implementation of the 5S (a) after (b).
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5 th 6 th
Table 5. MTTR (h), MTBF (h), Availability and OEE (%) values in the 4.5. Non-measurable results
previous year (y-1) and in the year under study (y).
MTTR (h) MTBF (h) Availability (%) OEE (%) Throughout all this improvement process, other non-
y-1 y y-1 y y-1 y y-1 y measurable results were obtained, namely (a) the involvement
CNC Lathes 4,2 3,1 920,3 1156,5 90 92 49 54 and cooperation between everyone involved in the TPM; (b) the
CNC Machining development of the autonomy and technical capabilities of
5,9 4,3 1533,1 1782,4 90 92 56 61
Centers equipment operators; (c) improved communication between
operators and maintenance technicians; and (d) development of
To calculate availability, the real available time was divided operators' responsibility in relation to the equipment in which
by the theoretically available time. Regarding the performance, they operate.
it was used (available real-time - time to change parts - setup
time) / available real-time. Regarding quality, the (number of 5. Conclusions and future work
pieces produced - number of non-conforming pieces) / number
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