Rauhil IWCP2
Rauhil IWCP2
Rauhil IWCP2
Arranged By:
Class : TBI 3A
A. Introduction
Teaching English needs to be done because based on the facts that occur
today the world has changed eras, namely the era of globalization which makes
each country connected to each other so that when a country is connected to each
other it needs a communication tool to express cooperation and as a means of
connecting between countries, then English as a language that can be said to be a
language that is successfully used as a world language because English able to
solve problems related to communication liaison tools between countries so that
English is very necessary in carrying out life routines in today's globalization era.
Because of, English is currently very necessary to be learned, understood, and to
practice English today can be find in informal environments such as on the beach,
hotels, restaurants and other tourism sectors and formal environments such as in
the campus environment and places that are still in the academic environment
such as seminars and so on.
IWCP 2 is one of the subjects that can improve our writing skill. In this
subject students learn ways of writing, how to write a good essay in English, and
also practice it. So students have a good comprehension the ways to make a
good essay, and practice to make an essay. It is one of the ways to increase the
writing skills of the students. IWCP 2 is one of lessons in writing that can get
good skills, in IWCP 2 there are a lots of theories that students should
understand. Here, lecturer should explain to students by good steps, and lecturer
needs a lots of time, because of lessons in IWCP 2 can say difficult. In addition,
students must study hard and consistent of learning process in writing. Besides,
there are many characteristics of students, there are diligent students,
intermediate students, and lazy students. So, lecturer must be patient in teaching
that lessons to students. Therefore if students want to be good writer, students
should understand types of sentences, it can helps students ability in writing
especially in IWCP 2.
a. Divide the structure of the discussion group starting with the chairperson,
scribe/clerk, and participants.
Techniques of activity
a. Dialogic Presentation
b. Discussion Method