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Rauhil IWCP2

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IWCP 2 (Intensive Written Communication Practice)

Supporting Lecturer : Hizbullah, M. Pd.

Arranged By:

Name : Rauhil Jazully

Student Number : 210107022

Class : TBI 3A

Attendence : 22 (twenty two)




A. Introduction

Teaching English can be interpreted as a process of transferring

knowledge or language skills to students who are taught with the aim that students
can understand deeply the science in English and get skills that are able to
compete and contribute in society and are expected to get a job that can increase
the possibility of getting a decent life in the future.

Teaching English needs to be done because based on the facts that occur
today the world has changed eras, namely the era of globalization which makes
each country connected to each other so that when a country is connected to each
other it needs a communication tool to express cooperation and as a means of
connecting between countries, then English as a language that can be said to be a
language that is successfully used as a world language because English able to
solve problems related to communication liaison tools between countries so that
English is very necessary in carrying out life routines in today's globalization era.
Because of, English is currently very necessary to be learned, understood, and to
practice English today can be find in informal environments such as on the beach,
hotels, restaurants and other tourism sectors and formal environments such as in
the campus environment and places that are still in the academic environment
such as seminars and so on.

Teaching English based on facts that occur in society in this globalization

can be classified into two types, namely teaching English in a campus
environment and outside the campus which is meant by teaching English outside
the campus, namely the process of teaching English which is carried out in
various institutions such as courses that have the aim of providing an in depth
understanding of English as a means of communication between The country and
expect students to be able to have the skills to communicate with foreign tourists,
But what we will discuss in depth in this report is the process of teaching English
which is carried out on the campus of the State Islamic University of Mataram
which has the same goal of providing students with a deep understanding of
English, having communication skills that are able to adapt and compete in the
international world, being able to contribute and do community service, and
increase the chances of students getting a decent life in the future.

Teaching English in this modern era can be categorized as process

transfering knowledge that cannot be sparated by technology even every study
process at the classroom is really dependent on technology, that fact can be seen
on the lecturers always using technology projector and laptop as a tool to helping
lecturer acess teaching English process with the aim of facilitating lecturers to
transfer their knowledge to students so students will be easly to undertand the
material was delifer by lecturers, and based on the fact that also made unique
phenomenon in the process of teaching English, last time teaching English can
only be accessed at the classroom but in this modern era teaching English can also
be accessed at students home trough technology as intermediary, as well as can
be found in various application for example like youtube application which makes
it easier for students to find material that capable very effective in facilitating
students and lecturer to deepen their understanding of english language.

Teaching English is a means of reading, listening, writing and speaking.

Understanding and conveying ideas, facts, and emotions while using the same
language all fall under the category of communication. The ability to perceive
and/or produce spoken and/or written texts is known as the "potential to talk" and
is found in the four language skills of listening, speaking, studying, and writing.
those four social skills are utilized to contribute to or start conversations in real
life. Hence, English courses are designed to develop those skills so that graduates
can converse and write in English at a specific level of literacy.

In order to participate in multilingual societies at home and abroad,

teaching English provides an essential tool for interaction and communication.
These exchanges cultivate attitudes that encourage investigating the viewpoints
behind cultural customs and products and rewarding those cross-cultural
encounters. The likelihood of continuing your study might be boosted by having
strong English abilities, which can ultimately benefit students future professional
prospects. It is crucial that must be able make English language by students need
so that studying it does not feel burdensome or boring, but rather like a necessary
step toward becoming students with a wider perspective who are open to chances
in the future.

Teaching writing is a crucial skill to teach since it allows us to express our

feelings and thoughts on paper. It will also assist people, particularly students, in
their academic lives, such as doing scientific work, proposals, theses, and essays,
among other things. After students finish their studies, student must submit an
application letter in order to obtain employment; in such instances, students will
realize the importance of writing ability. However, before beginning to write a
scientific paper, proposal, thesis, or essays, students must first understand what
they will be doing, such as understanding parts of speech, modifiers, sentence
structure, types of sentences, and some editing by a writing specialist.

According Harmer (2001:79) teaching writing is a form of conversation to

supply through written shape. Suparno Jonah (2006:14) argues that writing is a
chain of activities taking place and involve numerous stages, the preparatory
section, the content development and evaluate, in addition to revisions or
enhancements posts, Jonah (2006:29) argues that teaching writing can be use as an
oblique approach of communique to others to convey facts.

Based on the statements of these experts, teaching writing is very

important because in this process student will find easy and comfortable to think
critically, and teaching writing is one type of language skill’s must mastered by
students. Teaching writing also away to express our heart’s content. Because
students teaching writing almost everyday, especially in class every lecturer must
ask students to write important point’s of the learning content. Therfor teaching
writing can not be kept away from students because by teching writing students
can always remember learning.
Teaching writing is categorized as a difficult process when compared to
speaking because in speaking, it can be said that what is highlighted is only the
pronunciation, in contrast to teaching writing which has to pay attention to
grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Require such as spelling and
sentence form. Teaching writing in universities is more difficult when compared
to junior high schools and senior high schools learn teaching writing official,
unofficial correspondence and papers, while in college the learning about writing
is more in-depth and more specific because it prioritizes journal writing, articles,
and reports.

Teaching writing is a very effective activity to change the mindset of

student’s. Because, by learning to write students directly learn intensively, the
application of punctuation, the correct paragraph structure, grammar, and when
the theory of the theory has been studied in this process there is an intensive
learning process carried out by students so that what student’s get is not only
understanding specifically about the theory in writing but in this process, there is
an interaction between lecturers and students which makes, students also learn
how to communicate formally through the role of social media or directly.
Teaching writing is the most significant component of the learning
process, so lecturers make an effort to plan and organize writing experiences for
their students. Teaching writing is, generally speaking, an activity that encourages
verbal expression of one's thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Writing can also be seen
as a process designed to create a sequence of student activities that result in a
composition under the supervision, direction, and inspiration of the lecturer.

Teaching writing is one of the competencies that lecturer must mastered

because it is a skill that is crucial for lecturers to learn. It is important to note that
teaching writing involves more than just the hands; it also involves other elements
of one's body, which included the brain. This is because teaching writing is one of
the ways we may improve our critical thinking, so students often express what
they are thinking through writing. Teaching Writing is made up of the words
Teaching and Writing, which have two syllables each. It is one of the tasks that
lectures perform in order to impart knowledge. While employing tools for
teaching writing is one of the actions that is done.

Teaching writing is a creative process of transferring ideas into written

symbols. As well as must be interpreted as a process aimed at developing a series
of student activities in order to produce writing under the guidance, direction, and
motivation of the lecturer Teaching writing activities are identified with the use of
graphic symbols which are combinations of letters associated with the sounds of
spoken language, not only more clearly teaching writing activities but also
produce graphic symbols These symbols need to arrange under the appropriate
provisions, both in forming words, composing words into sentences, composing
sentences into paragraphs, or arranging paragraphs into a text.

In learning IWCP 2 Students must understand the learning objectives

because when students already know the learning objectives, students will begin
to prepare mentally, methods, and good time management for learning, time
management is also quite influential on IWCP 2 learning. Because when time
management is not right, there will be a possibility that students will have a lack
of understanding of the material provided by the lecturer which is accompanied by
a lack of time to study, this time management will also affect student focus such
for example when time management is not good students are complacent to play
handphone until midnight, this will affect the focus of student’s when the material
is being explained by the lecturer.
IWCP 2 is a course that helps student’s develop their writing skills, help
students to get the best knowledge about writing, and is a series of courses as a
way to get to know and develop writing. In this course, lecturer and students need
more efforts to study such as learning grammar, reading and practicing writing.
Furthermore, lecturer must have a good method in educating students so that the
learning process is fun and not boring. However, students are require to practice a
lot and reading texts related to English. So that it can support students to write
well. In addition, teaching IWCP 2 is easy if students want to focus on learning
and listen carefully when the lecturer describe the course. In addition, teaching
IWCP 2 provides several materials that can help student’s improve and develop
writing skill’s.
In IWCP 2, students can learn many punctuations of writing, so that
students can make our writing become a good writing. The students choose ideas
that they can use in their writing. The students use a practical strategies to writing
that students can find in IWCP 2. From IWCP 2 students be able to write well and
correctly. In learning IWCP 2 students have to focus and be skilled to have a good
writing. Because writing skill is not come automatically, however students have to
practice a lot.

In learning IWCP 2 students have to really focus to produce a good

writing, also students had to read a lot. Because by reading students can had much
knowledge especially here students are diligent in reading IWCP 2 certainly they
will be very easy to write correctly. Because writing is also one way to always
remember the lesson. So in the classroom when the lecturer gives the task
student’s are not overwhelmed in doing it. So students can enjoy the task,
moreover in IWCP 2 should that the students had to study hard, so that the
lecturer happy to teach students. Also we as students can study with comfortable
and calm. IWCP 2 also encourages students to focus on the correct use of
language. Perform compilation writing they also think, and this can develop their
interest in writing. Writing is often use das a means to strengthen the language
that has been thought of. Students use writing skill to take notes about what they
had learned while studying in class. Writing is oftenusefulas a preparation for
some other process activities.

The purpose of IWCP 2 is to provide the understanding and knowledge of

imformation contained teaching writing. Besides speaking. In this IWCP 2
learning activity the students had to understand language structure, vocabulary
and writing paragraphs because the writing skill takes a lot of practice. From some
of the benefits above, the lecturer concludes that the benefits of reading can obtain
information not only from oral but also information and communication in the
form of writing in lesson IWCP 2 and writing in lesson IWCP 2 has a role in
expanding one's knowledge and as a place to express all one's ideas and

In IWCP 2 students discusses the writing as to know that writing is one

of four foremost skill that the students must learn when the students want to be
master of english language, those are writing, listening, reading and speaking
Teaching IWCP 2 discusses how to make good writing, from short sentence to
long sentence, from sentence to paragraph and from pragraph to cassy,butthe
students can make the good sentence if the sudents have known of all the
structure of writing or grammar. Teaching IWCP 2 discusses it all but to quickly
understanding all the material the students must be seriously to attention the
lecturer, if the students do not attantion their lecturer so the students will be
difficult to get understanding to all the material, and then if the students do not
understand the material so the students can not make good writing.

IWCP 2 is one of the subjects that can improve our writing skill. In this
subject students learn ways of writing, how to write a good essay in English, and
also practice it. So students have a good comprehension the ways to make a
good essay, and practice to make an essay. It is one of the ways to increase the
writing skills of the students. IWCP 2 is one of lessons in writing that can get
good skills, in IWCP 2 there are a lots of theories that students should
understand. Here, lecturer should explain to students by good steps, and lecturer
needs a lots of time, because of lessons in IWCP 2 can say difficult. In addition,
students must study hard and consistent of learning process in writing. Besides,
there are many characteristics of students, there are diligent students,
intermediate students, and lazy students. So, lecturer must be patient in teaching
that lessons to students. Therefore if students want to be good writer, students
should understand types of sentences, it can helps students ability in writing
especially in IWCP 2.

In IWCP 2, students can get a lots of materials to learn. If students want

to get good skill in writing, students should understand all of the materials.
Besides, students should focus on the input dot, comma, semicolon, and so on.
In addition, students should be careful in using present tense. Therefore, there
are many theories that must be learnt by student. One of them is paragraph
writing. It is a theory that discusses how students make paragraphs well. There
are many steps that must be considered in making paragraphs. One of them is
pre-writing. It is a way of explaining that students are free to write whatever is to
write without looking grammatical, in other words, in the pre-writing method
students are not emphasized in grammar. After that, the next method starts to
look at the grammar of what students write. Therefore students must be careful
in writing on these methods. Finally, students can become good writers.

IWCP 2 is one of the ways to get the best knowledge of writing. In

this subject, the lecturer and students need more effort to learn and practice to
write. Furthermore, the lecturer must have good methods to teach his students in
order to make the learning process enjoyable. Moreover, students are required to
read a lot of reading texts that relate with English, such as reading a journal,
newspaper, magazine, novel, and others in the form of English. So, it can support
them to write well and get new knowledge. In addition, teaching IWCP 2 will be
easier if students want to focus on learning and listen carefully to the explanations
from the lecturer about this subject. Besides, teaching IWCP 2 provides some
materials which can help students to increase and develop their writing. Finally
the students will be able to know their ability in writing through teaching IWCP 2

B.The objectives of IWCP 2

Based on the introduction above, the objectives of IWCP2 are to improve

students’ skill in advance writing category, improve learn many punctuations to
provide the understanding and knowledge of imformation contained teaching
writing to get other information, to express our ideas, heart’s content, and easy to
think critically. IWCP2 was a lesson that help the student to write with the good
grammar rule so the writing will become more interesting and well-organize.
IWCP2 course also best alternative for student to develop essay writing
skills and other skill in English so student’s can easily master the other skill like;
Reading, listening, and speaking. From the IWCP2 course the student was guided
to not only make a good writing but also can organize student ideas into different
types of paragraph. So in the end, student’s obligation be able to use English in
written communication in daily activities.

C.The significance of IWCP 2

The course of IWCP2 is expected to be useful for increasing the student’s

writing and be able to organize and produce a good paragraph with the good
grammatical structure that can make people understand what the students really
want to inform. The IWCP2 course can also make the student ready to face the
future where writing skills are solely needed. The students can also get to
mastered another skill besides writing like speaking, listening, reading and high
order thinking. So IWCP2 is the best choice for English student to learn.

D.Steps and Method of activities

Steps of Discussion Method

a. Prepare a discussion plan.

b. Determine the direction of the discussion so that the discussion can be by

the learning target.

c. The number of discussion group members is adjusted to the character of

the discussion and objectives, members must have certain qualifications so
that the discussion runs smoothly.

d. The problem to be discussed is well-planned.

e. Time management of the discussion must be well determined.

Implementation of Discussion

a. Divide the structure of the discussion group starting with the chairperson,
scribe/clerk, and participants.

b. Arrange the division of tasks for each member.

c. Stimulate students so that the discussion can be volatile.

d. Write down every idea considered important.

e. Students are challenged to be able to accept every other


f. Make the discussion environment comfortable.

g. Present the results of the discussion.

h. Conclude from the results of the discussion.

i. Revise and evaluate the results of the discussion.

j. The results and activities of the discussion are assessed to be used as

evaluation material. So that the next discussion can be better.

Techniques of activity

a. Dialogic Presentation

b. Discussion Method


Based on the explanation above, Teaching English is the process of

imparting knowledge or skills in English to students, with the goal of enabling
them to compete on a global scale with the facts of the current situation, the rapid
development of the toy industry while also learning English. Speaking and writing
skills are said to be developed through teaching English, but what's interesting is
that there are two types of English instruction: academic instruction that is
conducted on campus and non academic instruction that is conducted off campus,
where the entire process cannot be separated from technology intermediaries
facilitating the process.

Teaching writing which is crucial skill to teach since it allows us to

express our feelings and thoughts on paper also important because in this process
student will find easy and comfortable to think critically, therefor very effective
activity to change the mindset of student’s. As well as teaching writing is a
creative process of transferring ideas into written symbol. Than that lecturer must
mastered because it is a skill that is crucial for lecturers to learn however as a
difficult process when compared to speaking because in speaking, it can be said
that what is highlighted is only the pronunciation, in contrast to teaching writing
which has to pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

So that, IWCP 2 is one of the subjects that helps students to improve,

increase, and develop their writing skills. In addition, teaching IWCP 2 can help
students in using grammar correctly in writing. Students can conclude that writing
is one of the most important abilities and must be possessed by students, and in
writing we can express our ideas, events, feeling or thinking. IWCP 2 is one of the
right subjects to improve students writing skills in writing. Finally, IWCP 2 can
be easily understood by students if the lecturer uses interesting methods to teach
his students in the learning process.

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