HW4 Pete550
HW4 Pete550
HW4 Pete550
Homework #4
To evaluate the quality of predictions, the available data is split into two parts: the first 50% is used to
train the VFM model, and the remaining data is used to test the accuracy of predicted flow rates. The
virtual flow metering setup can be formulated as follows: with the transient measurements of pressure
and temperature downhole, it is necessary to predict the topside flow rates of oil, gas, and water.
Feedforward MLP, LSTM, and TCN are integrated into a single predictive model to perform the predictions.
The results for predicting oil, gas, and water rates are compared in terms of prediction accuracy and
training time. The error represents the average of the three multiphase rates used in testing data (Table
1). The results show that TCN performs best with a medium amount of training time. However, the regular
neural network achieves acceptable accuracy at a significantly lower computational cost when training
the model. The LSTM fails to meet expectations in both multiphase rate prediction and overall efficiency.
Accuracy can be improved using a recurrent scheme of prediction, i.e., the use of the known flow rates
from the previous time steps, though training time has increased.
Table 1. Performance comparison of data-driven methods
The example of prediction with TCN is given in Figure 2, and it is important to note that the quality of
predictions is worse for the test part of the data than for training, as anticipated. The effect of the
recurrent scheme is demonstrated in Figure 3, where the uncertainty is plotted for both methods used to
predict oil rate. For the regular approach, the relative error can be as high as 40% at certain time instants,
however, these peak values are significantly reduced once the past values of multiphase rates are used to
improve the predictions. Another observation is that although the relative error can be quite high locally,
still the uncertainty averaged over the whole testing dataset is reasonable.
Figure 2. Comparison of estimated gas flow rate (a), water flow rate (b), and oil flow rate (c) using TCN model and regular
prediction scheme.
Figure 3. Regular versus Recurrent estimation method for oil
The authors state that neural networks can be used to predict multiphase rates from measurement data
and can be a valuable tool for production monitoring. They discuss various data-driven algorithms and
their practical implementation for time-series prediction. Different types of neural networks have
different benefits depending on the problem formulation, with more advanced methods performing
better but requiring more computational time and effort to prepare a model. Recurrent use of features
can improve prediction quality, but it is sensitive to data quality and should be used with caution. For
future research, the authors suggest the application of data-driven methods for field use and further
investigation into the effects of noise on real-life scenarios.