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Research Article
Centre for Advanced Material and Energy Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Jalan Tungku
Link, BE1410, Brunei Darussalam.
Received: 4th May 2021; Revised: 6th July 2021; Accepted: 6th July 2021
Available online: 8th July 2021; Published regularly: September 2021
The activity of reducible metal oxide Sm2O3, CeO2, and ZnO as Ni nanoparticles support was investigated for CO2
methanation reaction. CO2 methanation was carried out between 200 °C to 450 °C with the optimum catalytic ac-
tivity was observed at 450 °C. The reducibility of the catalysts has been comparatively studied using H 2-
Temperature Reduction Temperature (TPR) method. The H2-TPR analysis also elucidated the formation of surface
oxygen vacancies at temperature above 600 °C for 5Ni/Sm 2O3 and 5Ni/CeO2. The Sm2O3 showed superior activity
than CeO2 presumably due to the transition of the crystalline phases under reducing environment. However, the
formation of NiZn alloy in 5Ni/ZnO reduced the ability of Ni to catalyze methanation reaction. A highly dispersed
Ni on Sm2O3 created a large metal/support interfacial interaction to give 69% of CO 2 conversion with 100% selec-
tivity at 450 °C. The 5Ni/Sm2O3 exhibited superior catalytic performances with an apparent phase transition from
cubic to a mixture of cubic and monoclinic phases over a long reaction, presumably responsible for the enhanced
conversion after 10 h of reaction.
Copyright © 2021 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA
License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).
How to Cite: A. Ayub, H. Bahruji, A.H. Mahadi (2021). Ni Nanoparticles on Reducible Metal Oxides (Sm 2O3,
CeO2, ZnO) as Catalysts for CO2 Methanation. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 16(3), 641-
650 (doi:10.9767/bcrec.16.3.10948.641-650)
Permalink/DOI: https://doi.org/10.9767/bcrec.16.3.10948.641-650
ranging from 200 to 450 °C. 0.5 g of catalyst Where xCO2(%) is the CO2 conversion, SCH4(%) is
was placed in a tubular fixed bed reactor and the CH4 selectivity, SCO(%) is the CO selectivi-
reduced in situ with H2 gas (99.9%) with flow ty, YCH4(%) is the CH4 yield, and m is the num-
rate of 20 mL/min at 450 °C for 3 h. The cata- ber of moles of the gases.
lysts were cooled down to room temperature
and CO2/H2/N2 (15%/60%/25%) gases at 20 3. Results and Discussion
ml/min were flowed in the reactor for catalytic
3.1 XRD Analysis
reaction. The gas effluent from reactor was an-
alyzed by GC (Shimadzu GC-2014) after 1h. Figure 1 showed the XRD analysis of
Reaction temperature was increased by 50 °C 5Ni/CeO2, 5Ni/Sm2O3, and 5Ni/ZnO after calci-
every hour and data were recorded. CO2 con- nation in air at 500 °C and reduction in H 2 for
version (Equation (2)), CH4 (Equation (3)) and 3 h at 400 °C. For 5Ni/CeO2, the characteristic
CO selectivity (Equation (4)), and CH 4 yield peaks of CeO2 were observed at 2θ = 28.6°,
(Equation (5)) were calculated as follows: 33.1°, 47.5°, 56.4°, 59.2°, and 69.4° (JCPDS
043-1002). For 5Ni/Sm2O3, the peaks assigned
mCH 4 + mCO
xCO2 = 100% (2) to Sm2O3 cubic crystalline phases were ob-
mCH 4 + mCO2 + mCO served at 2θ = 28.2°, 32.7°, 46.9°, and 55.6°
(JCPDS 043-1029) [15]. For 5Ni/ZnO, the
mCH 4 characteristic peaks of ZnO were observed at
SCH 4 = 100% (3) 2θ= 31.9°, 34.5°, 36.3°, 47.5°, 56.7°, 62.9°,
mCH 4 + mCO 66.4°, 68.0°, and 69.2° (JCPDS 036-1451).
Small NiO peaks were observed in Ni/Sm2O3 at
SCO = 100% (4) 2θ = 37.4° and 42.0°, corresponding to the NiO
mCH 4 + mCO nanoparticles with estimated sizes of ~1.2 nm.
In the 5Ni/CeO2, no peak associated with NiO
YCH 4 = xCO2 SCH 4 (5) was observed that may be due to the formation
of highly disperse Ni nanoparticles [24]. The
additional peak was observed at 2θ = 23.9° on
5Ni/ZnO catalyst which indicated the for-
mation of Ni-Zn alloy.
Figure 2. (a) N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm plot and (b) pore size distribution for 5Ni/CeO 2,
5Ni/Sm2O3, and 5Ni/ZnO after calcination at 500 °C.
Figure 3. H2-TPR profiles of 5Ni/CeO2, 5Ni/Sm2O3 and 5Ni/ZnO after calcination at 500 °C.
Table 1. Physical and textural properties, and CO2 conversion of Ni on CeO2, Sm2O3, and ZnO. Reaction
temperature: 450 °C.
Pore Volume Pore Size Ni sites
Catalyst SBET (m2/g) XCO2 (%) SCH4 (%)
(cm3/g) (nm) (mmol/g)
5Ni/CeO2 15 0.0431 2.3, 3.3 6.8 67.6 99.5
5Ni/Sm2O3 9 0.0419 2.0, 11.0 18.5 69.3 100
5Ni/ZnO 13 0.0421 2.1 5.2 26.6 99.5
presumably due to the formation of interparti- Sm2O3 to SmO in the absence of Ni [31]. It is
cle mesopores. suggested that the reduction peak of Sm2O3
was reduced to temperature below 700 °C due
3.3 H2−TPR Analysis to the H2 spillover from Ni. The reduction peak
of NiO was overlapped with the reduction peak
Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR)
of Sm2O3 thus produced a broad TPR profile on
was carried out on the catalysts to investigate
Ni/Sm2O3. The Sm2O3 was reduced at tempera-
the reducibility and the dispersion of Ni parti-
ture below 700 °C, significantly lower than the
cles (Figure 3). In general, the reducibility of Ni
reduction of CeO2 which was occurred at tem-
catalyst was determined based on the position
perature above 700 °C. The results implied the
of the reduction peak at 250–500 °C due to re-
tendency of Sm2O3 to generate oxygen vacan-
duction of NiO to metallic Ni. 5Ni/ZnO showed
cies under H2 flow was higher than CeO2.
the first reduction peak centered at 470 °C and
was accompanied with a broad reduction peak
3.4 TEM-EDX Analysis
between 550–700 °C. The first reduction peak
was associated with the reduction of -type TEM analysis was carried out to determine
NiO species, generally reduced at low- the morphology of 5Ni/Sm2O3 catalyst and to
temperature region (300–500 °C) [27,28]. acquire the average diameter of Ni particles.
Meanwhile, the broad reduction peak observed 5Ni/Sm2O3 was calcined in air and reduced in
between 550–700 °C was due to the segregation hydrogen gas prior to the TEM analysis. Figure
of ZnO to Ni-Zn alloy [29]. The presence of Ni- 4 showed the representative TEM image of
Zn alloy was evidenced from the XRD analysis 5Ni/Sm2O3 with its corresponding EDX analy-
(Figure 1). The 5Ni/CeO2 showed the first re- sis. Ni was well distributed on Sm2O3 surface
duction peak appeared at 350 °C and a small evidenced from the formation of spherical
peak at 290 °C. The multiple H 2 consumption shapes particles as shown in a small red circle.
peaks indicated the differences between inter- The particle size of Ni nanoparticles was ana-
action of NiO species with the metal oxide sup- lyzed using ImageJ and the average diameter
port [30]. Increasing the temperature to 900 °C was determined at ~2 nm. The EDX elemental
showed a broad reduction peak started at 600 analysis of 5Ni/Sm2O3 further confirmed the
°C and was continuously increased at tempera- presence of Ni at ~5% loading. The elemental
ture above 900 °C. At temperature above 600 mapping also indicated the homogeneous dis-
°C, the oxygen in ceria surface was removed persion of Ni on Sm2O3.
when reacted with H2, releasing water and cre-
ating surface oxygen vacancies [30]. The vacan- 3.5 Catalytic Activity
cies were formed from the reduction of Ce4+ to
CO2 methanation was carried out 200–450
Ce3+ under H2 flow. The 5Ni/Sm2O3 showed a
°C at atmospheric pressure (Equation (6)). Pri-
broad reduction profile of NiO with the peak
or to the reaction, the catalyst was reduced in-
centered at 411 °C. Sm2O3 was reduced at tem-
situ at 450 °C under H2 flow for 3 h. Table 1
perature above 700 °C due to reduction of
summarized the physicochemical properties Ni5Ga3 alloy was also observed on Ga2O3 sup-
and the catalytic performances of all the cata- port, responsible for enhanced methanol for-
lysts at 450 °C. The 5Ni/CeO2 showed 67.6% of mation from CO2 [35]. There is also possibility
CO2 conversion with 100% selectivity towards that NiZn alloy further catalyzed the resulting
methane. When Ni was impregnated onto methane into CO via dry reforming reaction
Sm2O3, the conversion of CO2 was slightly in- [36]. Therefore, the efficiency of Ni alloy in
creased to 69.3% at 100% selectivity to me- 5Ni/ZnO catalyst for methanation reaction was
thane. If the reaction was carried out using reduced to give only 26.6% of CO2 conversion at
5Ni/ZnO, the CO2 conversion was observed at 450 °C, with CO was also determined as the re-
26.6% with 99.5% selectivity to methane. Un- sult of reverse water gas shift reaction
like CeO2 and Sm2O3, ZnO showed a relatively (Equation (7)).
low catalytic conversion presumably due to the
formation of Ni-Zn alloy on the catalysts that CO2 (g) + 4H2 (g) ↔ CH4 (g) + 2H2O (g)
reduced the activity of Ni towards methanation ΔH298K = −165 kJ/mol (6)
reaction. In CO2 methanation reaction, it was
reported that Ni must be in its zero oxidation CO2 (g) + H2 (g) ↔ CO (g) + 2H2O (g)
states to catalyze hydrogen dissociation [32]. ΔH298K = −41.2 kJ/mol (7)
The use of ZnO as support, formed Ni-Zn alloy
that changed the electronic properties of Ni. CO2 methanation was carried out further at
The charge transfer from Ni to Zn transformed different reaction temperatures to study the
the metallic Ni with zero oxidation state to be performance of Ni on reducible metal supports
partially positive charged NiZn [33]. The NiZn at low temperatures (Figure 5, Table 2). All the
promoted the formation of CO2 hydrogenation catalysts were seen to be inactive at both 200
to C2 products due to further hydrogenation of °C and 250 °C but methane formation was
formate intermediates [34]. The formation of starting to observe at 300 °C, in exception for
5Ni/ZnO catalyst. Evidently, 5Ni/Sm2O3
showed the highest activity at low tempera-
tures with the CO2 conversion at 300 °C was
measured at 20.1%. The reactivity was then
followed by 5Ni/CeO2 and 5Ni/ZnO. At the vari-
ation of reaction temperatures, both 5Ni/CeO2
and 5Ni/Sm2O3 displayed 100% CH4 selectivity.
However, for 5Ni/ZnO, as reaction temperature
increased over 350 °C, 5Ni/ZnO only demon-
strated 73.7% selectivity towards methane,
with CO was produced as a side product. The
production of methane was enhanced at 450
°C, to give 87% selectivity with 26.6% conver-
sion of CO2.
Table 2. Catalytic activity of Ni on CeO2, Sm2O3 and ZnO at different reaction temperatures.
min into the reaction. The conversion was sig- with a minimal bond energy [38]. Although the
nificantly improved after 2 h to give ~32% con- transition between cubic to monoclinic phase in
version and the conversion was stable for the Sm2O3 was reported at high temperatures
next 10 h of reaction. It is interesting to note ~1000 °C [39], there was a possibility that im-
that CO2 conversion was improved to ~51% at pregnation with Ni and annealing under H 2
15 h of reaction and the conversion was main- gas reduced the temperature for the phase
tained until 28 h. The XRD of the catalysts af- transformation. HRTEM analysis of Ni/Sm2O3
ter 5 h and 28 h were analyzed to determine further confirmed the presence of cubic and
the structural changes of 5Ni/Sm2O3 (Figure monoclinic phases (Figure 4). The distances be-
6(b)). XRD analysis of 5Ni/Sm2O3 following 5 h tween planes were measured to be 0.318 nm
reaction showed no significant differences on which corresponded to the (222) planes of cubic
the structure of the catalysts. All the peaks cor- phase Sm2O3 [31], meanwhile the monoclinic
responded to the Sm2O3 in the cubic crystal phase was identified with the shorten lattice
structure were visible, according to JCPDS spacing at 0.27 nm due to shorter distance be-
043-1029. When the XRD analysis was carried tween the ions with a minimal bond energy of
out on 5Ni/Sm2O3 after 28 h catalytic reaction, the monoclinic phase [38].
the new peak corresponded to Ni metal at 2θ = The activity of Ni nanoparticles was signifi-
47° was gained significant enhancement in in- cantly enhanced when Sm2O3 was used as sup-
tensity suggesting the NiO nanoparticles was port mainly due to the increase of Ni dispersion
sintered to form large Ni crystallites. Two new on Sm2O3. Despite the surface area of Sm2O3
peaks corresponded to Sm2O3 with monoclinic was significantly lower than ZnO and CeO 2,
phase were observed at 27° and 39.8° (JCPDS the number of Ni active sites on 5Ni/Sm2O3
card no 042-1464) [37]. The transition of Sm2O3 were determined at 18.5 mmol/g, which were
phase from cubic to monoclinic implied the in- higher than 5Ni/CeO2 at 6.8 mmol/g and
crease of catalytic activity after 10 h of reaction 5Ni/ZnO at 5.6 mmol/g. Apart from the disper-
maybe due to the formation of more active sion, the reducibility of metal nanoparticles al-
Sm2O3 sites due to the prolonged reduction un- so played an important role during the catalyt-
der CO2/H2/N2 mixed gas during reaction. Cu- ic reaction Surface oxygen vacancies improved
bic phase was characterized by a larger dis- the adsorption and dissociation of CO2. The en-
tance between the ions with isometric and ergy required for the formation of vacancies in
higher entropy, meanwhile monoclinic struc- reducible oxides was relatively low compared to
ture had a shorter distance between the ions the non-reducible metal oxide. The activity of
Figure 6. (a) CO2 methanation of 5Ni/Sm2O3 at 350 °C for 28 h; and (b) XRD analysis of post reaction
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