Drug Master File
Drug Master File
Drug Master File
Arthur B. Shaw, Ph.D. FDA DMF Expert Adapted from DIA Webinar March 19, 2007 Revised November 7, 2008
Type of DMFs
Originally Five Types I Manufacturing plant information II Drug substance, drug product, intermediates and material used in their manufacture III Packaging IV Excipients V Other Usually clinical, tox
Active 41%
Inactive 59%
Whos Who?
The person or company who submits a DMF is the HOLDER The person or company who represents a DMF HOLDER is the AGENT The person or company who references the DMF is the APPLICANT or the CUSTOMER or the AUTHORIZED PARTY (AP)
Whats What?
Application = Investigational New Drug Application (IND), New Drug Application (NDA), Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) Supplement to an A/NDA = A report of a change in an approved A/NDA Since a DMF is not approved, there can be no supplements to a DMF, only amendments Amendment to an application = Additional information to an existing IND, a pending A/NDA or a pending A/NDA supplement
Non-prescription Drugs
Some non-prescription drug products (Over-theCounter = OTC) drug products are marketed after approval of NDAs e.g. OTC Tagamet. CMC information for such OTC products is reviewed by FDA Some OTC drug products are marketed without prior approval by FDA under the OTC monograph system. e.g. aspirin CMC information for such OTC products is NOT reviewed by FDA
Acknowledgement Letter
Assigns number and type. Includes Title (Subject) and Holder of DMF. Will appear on list posted on web site (see next slide) Reminder of obligations of holder
Submit all changes as amendments Notify FDA of change in holder name or address Notify FDA of change in agent/representative SUBMIT ANNUAL UPDATE (Annual Report) Submit Letter of Authorization (LOA) for each item referenced for each customer Notify authorized parties of changes
LOA (cont)
LOA must contain a specific reference to a particular item in the DMF. This is especially important for large Type III or IV DMFs that contain many products Specify the item by its code name, page number and, most importantly, DATE OF THE SUBMISSION as it appears on the cover letter of that submission (not an internal document date) Volume number usually not helpful since volume numbers are generated in CDR
If no deficiencies
No letter to DMF holder Applicant not notified.
Changes to a DMF
Amendment = A report of a change or addition of technical or administrative information. NOT a supplement (Supplements apply only to approved applications) Annual Update = Annual Report See slide below All amendments and annual update should be paginated within the submission. Pages that replace an already-numbered page from a previous submission should also contain the page number in the current submission (e.g. a page replacing Page 10 in the original submission may be page 14 in the new submission) NO PAGES ARE EVER PHYSICALLY REPLACED IN A DMF
Amendment entered into database by CDR NO ASSIGNMENT, no review until submission of
Amendment to a pending application Or Supplement or annual report to an approved application
Administrative Amendments
Change in holder name and/or address Agent appointment or termination Authorization termination Request for closure Not necessary to report personnel changes except for contact person or responsible official
Recommend: Submit EACH change as a separate AMENDMENT. Do not include ANY changes in Annual Report
Annual Updates
Not required by regulation. RECOMMENDED in DMF Guideline (Section VII) Includes:
List of authorized parties, what they are authorized to reference, and the date of the LOA List of changes reported during the past year. Note that this is NOT a list of changes MADE but a list of changes already REPORTED. Stability updates should be reported as amendments.
If the anniversary date is missed FDA will not send a reminder (unlike applications) (See below Retiring a DMF) If no changes, send update with a statement to that effect
Do not use the word authorize in appointing an agent. This can be easily confused with a Letter of Authorization. Use the word is appoint.
Agents as Holders
The holder of a DMF is expected to be the manufacturer of the material described in a DMF. If a manufacturer (Company A) of a MATERIAL wishes to have the DMF submitted by another company (Company B) and Company B wishes to act as the holder (as well as the agent), the DMF must include statements from both companies that Company B
Takes full responsibility for
the accuracy and currency of all the information in the DMF all the processes and testing performed by the manufacturer
Will submit all changes to the DMF as required under 21 CFR 314.420(c).
The title of the DMF which will appear on the list of DMFs will be MATERIAL manufacture by COMPANY A in LOCATION OF COMPANY A for COMPANY B.
Type V DMF
Regulation 21 CFR 314.410(a)(5) states:
A person wishing to submit information and supporting data in a drug master file (DMF) that is not covered by Types II through IV DMF's must first submit a letter of intent to the Drug Master File Staff, Food and Drug Administration, 5901-B Ammendale Rd., Beltsville, MD 20705-1266.) FDA will then contact the person to discuss the proposed submission.
Post-approval Changes
Some post-approval changes (PAC) to an approved application must be reported. Some PACs are not reportable but must be available in the manufacturing plant. Non-reportable changes are not reviewed by CDER. The category of reportable changes varies depending on their POTENTIAL (not actual) impact on Identity, Purity, Quality, Strength, and Potency (IPQSP) of the DRUG PRODUCT as they relate to Safety and Efficacy (S&E) Changes can be made to drug product (e.g. manufacture with changed drug substance) but it cannot be marketed until the appropriate filing and action has occurred
Note that Annual Reports (ARs) for approved applications are required by regulation. Not the same as Annual Updates to DMFs.
Submit a CBE supplement reporting change Submit a CBE supplement reporting change
Submit a Prior Approval Market only after Supplement reporting approval of change supplement
Inspections of drug substance manufacturers are usually triggered when there is an application under review that references a DMF for the manufacture of that drug substance.
Type IV DMFs
CMC for a compendial excipient is usually not reviewed and therefore a DMF is not necessary. Exceptions: New route of administration or total dosing that may affect safety and efficacy, e.g. RESPITOSE, lactose for dry powder inhalation products
Retiring DMFs
If a DMF has had no activity (amendment or annual report) in three years FDA will initiate retirement procedure Note: LOA does not count for activity
Quality by Design
FDA is working with industry on the Quality by Design (QbD) initiative Guidances: ICH Q8, Pharmaceutical Development, http://www.ich.org/LOB/media/MEDIA1707.pdf ICH Q9, Quality Risk Management http://www.ich.org/LOB/media/MEDIA1957.pdf The principles of QbD can be applied to drug substance manufacture. Process understanding links input variables (raw material attributes) and process parameters to Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs)/specifications and hence to the desired performance of the finished product Implementation of QbD, including establishment of design space and control strategy, by drug substance manufacturers in a DMF could lead to less need for reporting changes to DMF.
Review only when referenced in application No Open and Closed parts DMFs are neither approved nor disapproved The holder must notify customer of changes
The DMF system presents challenges for both the industry and the FDA Problems can be minimized if holders and applicants
Understand their responsibilities Adhere to the regulations Follow the recommendations in the Guidances Communicate with each other