Case Study Assignment 1
Case Study Assignment 1
Case Study Assignment 1
Student ID : 202230210
Semester-Year: 2023-2024
“Creative, curious, and independent” is what I can imagine a 4-year-old. Each person has five basic
developmental zones, as we have learned in psychology. They are the development of the physical, cognitive,
moral, language and literature, social, and emotional systems. Scholars have created hypotheses to explain each
advancement. Using the ideas, I have learned thus far, I will conduct this research to examine the developmental
Cognitive development
Piaget proposed four phases of cognitive development that humans go through from infancy until early
adulthood. Through assimilation and adaptation, people modify their plans for handling the world. Piaget
During the formal operational stage (age 11 to adulthood), young people develop the ability to deal with
As kids use and play with language, predictable patterns in their language development emerge. The
development of early literacy in children depends on their experiences at home and what they learn about books
and letters.
Students advance quickly in their reading comprehension and vocabulary. Both require motivation and
opportunity to practice reading and new vocabulary with peers in novel contexts.
Moral Development.
According to Kohlberg, moral thinking or moral judgment goes through six phases. These six stages were
divided into preconventional, conventional, and postconventional by Kohlberg's. How a kid or adult defines
what they believe to be righteous or moral action distinguishes these three levels. Like with previous stage
theories, most people move through them in the same order, with each stage being more advanced and
complicated than the one before it. Duis imperdiet varius eros eget lacinia. Sed laoreet commodo ex eget
Social Development
According to Erikson's theory, people go through eight psychological phases in their lifespan. Crises or
important problems need to be tackled at each level. Most individuals successfully overcome each psychological
crisis and go on to take on new challenges, but other people are unable to fully overcome these crises and must
Emotional Development
The egocentrism that Piaget characterized as a feature of preoperational thinking is something that children may
get over with the support of their peers. Caring, sharing, offering consolation, and cooperating are examples of
prosocial conduct.
School significantly impacts development since it is where children establish their public individuals, develop
their social skills, and construct their self-esteem based on academic and non-academic accomplishments.
Preadolescence is characterized by an increase in the importance of peer conformity, mixed-sex social groups,
Adolescents may be seen as resolving In order to eventually achieve greater autonomy and intimacy in peer
relationships, they pay attention to how other people see them, look back in the past, experiment with roles, act
on feelings, and explore their views. Premature role choice can lead to foreclosure, but by late adolescence, the
majority of people have reached a condition of identity accomplishment. Adolescents are at danger for a variety
I hope the reader of this case study will be able to understand everything presented on this because I am
not a professional researcher. The subject of my research for this case study is Inaaya Ilaaf, a beautiful girl who
is also highly talented and energetic. I would characterize her as a little angel. Her eyes and hair are two other
physical characteristics that I would like to mention because they are highly noticeable in regard to how she
looks. She has solid eyelashes, a large eye, and black hair that is curled. She appears to be in good physical
For the Inaaya’s Developmental investigations, I used a descriptive research methodology. In this study, I
used an interview, a task connected to each development, an observation, and a survey tool in this research. I
combined thoughts from the two observation periods using the same survey questionnaire that the other
caregivers—her father and aunt—completed. The purpose of choosing these specific caregivers is to compile a
sample of people who have known thze Inaaya for varied durations of time and under diverse circumstances
Inaaya Ilaaf’s Parent
In addition to Inaaya, Aidin Ilaaf, her two-year-old brother, is also a child of Amal and Sahad. Since the
parents and Aunties have known Inaaya her entire life, their views and viewpoints, which are included in this
study's tables, are considerably more trustworthy than of this study, are obviously considerably more trustworthy
The two aunts who regularly provide caregiving are Eeman and Henan. Their perspective includes bedtimes and
wake-up times as they spent the night and witnessed Inaaya on several occasions in her home setting over the
years. The parents claim that their daughter adores her aunts and can be herself while Abbey is doing caregiving
He is a very quiet and reserved kid. He became thus energizing, though, when he was around his sister. Her
sister has always influenced him. He makes an effort to mimic his sister's actions. He is extremely in love with
Observation Experiences
On the 3rd and 4th of June 2023, with Inaya's entire family present, the observation and interview sessions lasted
around 3 hours and took place at her home and a nearby park.
Family of Origin
UAE's Dubai is where Inaaya was born and raised. However, she resides in the UAE and is of Indian
descent. Their home is in a quiet residential area. In front of their house, they have a little garden space and an
empty sand area where Inaya likes to spend much of her time.
Inaaya has a biological advantage due to nature. She is in perfect health and has no significant health
issues. She is typical in many ways, as seen in the tables below, yet for her age, she looks intelligent,
hyperactive, and talkative. Her mind races at an amazing pace as if attempting to take everything in around her
in.The nurture factor in Inaaya’s life was observed to be a predominant factor in her lifestyle. She regularly gets
cuddles from her father, and Inaaya appears to have a lot of natural affinity for him. Additionally, Inaaya
frequently receives attention from her working mother, who is involved in a variety of aspects of the child's life.
It is clear that the constant care she receives from her mother, aunts, and father helps her feel secure, happy, and
Developmental consideration
Tables 1–5 include data related to six developmental categories, including emotional, social, cognitive,
The case study will conclude with an overall evaluation from my perspective that will examine certain
Outstanding characteristics
The following are the links sent to the parents and aunts for each developmental survey question can fill
in and submit.
Cognitive Development
Social Development
Emotional Development
Moral Development
Language Development
Cognitive development
Table 1
Piaget’s Conservation
Inaaya falls into Piaget’s preoperational stage - ages 2-7. I conducted an experiment with Inaaya using the length
test whereby two sticks are aligned in front of her and asked if the sticks are of the same length (Inaaya agreed).
Then, I moved the top stick slightly to the right and asked inaaya if they are equal in length. Inaaya responded
that the stick on the top was longer thereby confirming Piaget’s conservation task theory.
Piaget’s Centration
I next studied Piaget's idea of centration. When I showed her two identical glasses of milk and asked which one
had more milk, she said that both had the same amount. When I asked her which container had more milk after
she had poured it from a tall, narrow container into a shallow, broad one in front of me, she replied that the
Piaget’s Reversibility
I most recently studied Piaget's reversibility hypothesis. In order to find out, I questioned Inaya whether she had
a brother. She acknowledged it, and it is Aydin. Then, when I asked if Aydin had a sibling, she replied in the
affirmative. Therefore, I guess I might claim that she can think reversibly about something she knows extremely
Piagets Egocentric
In an experiment to see whether Inaya exhibits egocentrism, two different toys were placed between them, and
she was asked if she could hear both. She replied with a yes. I then questioned her about if the toys could see one
another. She continued by saying yes. It suggests that she is an egocentric child.
Language development
Table 2
Social development
Table 3
Table 4
Emotional development
Table 5
Given the subject, it has been a pleasure to undertake this case study. Inaaya is a kind young woman
whose family of origin is a wonderful illustration of caring parents who diligently meet their children's physical,
emotional, educational, and social needs. This four-year-old is being raised and educated in a stable, secure, and
joyful home.
Inaaya ‘s Interview
I interviewed Inaaya at her house on June 4, 2023. Prior to the interviews, I conducted a survey by emailing
parents and aunts a Google form with questions pertaining to all developmental theories. The subsequent
Inaaya's parents, brother, Aunts, and other significant relationships had been previously identified in the study.
The goal was to get first-hand input from Inaaya on these relationships. These are questions
9. What are some things you like about your Aunty and why do you like her?
Inaaya: I love to play with clay and also the paratha dough
Inaaya: I like to draw rabbit monkeys’ ears, butterflies, Girls, and flowers, and can you buy me some
Inaaya: Can you buy an airplane car.? Because the one he had was broken.
Me: What are some things you like about your Aunty and why do you like her?
Inaaya: I like Hena because she always let me talk with Haqq (Fiancé of Hena) and also, I like to sleep
with Hena. Hena makes donuts. Hena gives me my favorite food. She never scolded me. She hugs me.
Inaaya is more socially adept than someone her age. Despite being on the tiny side,
she has no issue mingling with her peers and joining in straight away to play, learn, and
interact with them. Even though she had never met them before, she quickly began
connecting with the kids as she was doing her observation at the park. By fostering a positive
relationship with their peer, she is also very generous to share her treats with her friend. Even
elders find it easy to get along with her. I can say that she is really outgoing. She is having a
good time. She fit in well with her peers and appeared to love being with anybody she chose
to be wit
Outstanding Characteristics
She never fails to support her little brother. She occasionally prefers to care for him
much as a mother would. She assists with bathing and attempts to feed him. whatever her
brother does, even small things. She always compliments him with "Good boy" and "Well
done." She even instructs him in a manner similar to how we instruct her. She occasionally
demonstrates that she can relate to others’ emotions and that she herself has experienced
similar emotions. Even I saw during the father's interview that whenever her mother is not
feeling well, she constantly comforts her, embraces her, and says, "It's OK Mommy."
She occasionally acts like an adult, much like her mother. She constantly makes an effort to
implement what she sees on YouTube. After seeing the YouTube video, she attempts to
sketch something truly creative. By viewing videos, she attempted to learn English and use it
for communication. She is capable of handling her own tasks. Additionally, she enjoys
According to all appearances, Inaaya Ilaaf is a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted little girl.
She is typical in the majority of categories, but when I checked the reversibility, I saw that
The nurturing atmosphere that Inaaya's parents and aunts have diligently developed seems to
provide her every benefit and chance to continue developing into a lovely young woman. She
gave a lot of cooperation throughout the interview and with the assignment that was assigned
to her. She is slightly advanced for her age even in terms of emotional and social
development stages. Her case study was incredibly pleasant and entertaining to do.
Suggested Intervention
She is highly capable of carrying out tasks with very little assistance, as I understand from
my observations, therefore I advise you to offer her initiatives and challenges so she may go
forward in all of her developmental stages. Additionally, I would suggest reading aloud to her
or giving her materials that would improve her writing and reading skills. Talk to her in a
way that will allow her to learn more about the subjects she is interested in learning by asking
more questions. Encourage doing physical activity under guidance from an adult. She also
enjoys painting, so if you could help her with that, she may potentially become proficient in
that area.