COMP1710-6780 Wk10 - L1 - v1

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Web Development and Design

Week 10 10-14 October 2022

Why ePubs
What are ePubs
ePub tools
This week’s lab

<a href="">Designer desk vector created by macrovector -</a> 1

Course updates

CI sessions were very valuable, thank you to all who

participated; we’ve been able to make some of the changes
and will provide a summary next week. In the meantime, CI
marks are continuing to be populated

Problems with Partch delayed some marking:

• Assignment Pt2 marks – mark finalisation underway now
• Most but not all Assignment Pt1 review requests are done
and will be complete in the next couple days.

There is a quiz this week opening tomorrow – due a week

from Sunday to give you plenty of time for this last quiz.

Why not just a pdf?
Foundation of Robotics book views

…in Acrobat
…in browser

In Calibre ePub viewer

Cross-platform: ~40
different devices,
operating systems,
online viewers
Easy navigation

Why not just a pdf?
Foundation of Robotics book views

Edit css files to change styling

Why ePubs?

State of ePublications (USA Study) [1]

72% of U.S. adults have read a book in the last year.

37% of adults read only print books.
28% of adults read both print and digital (ePubs & audio books)
7% adults read only digital books

Formats people have used for reading in the last year:

65% have read a print book (down 8%)
25% have read an ePub (up 11%)
20% hae read an audiobook (up 14%)

[1] Thomas a. Dodson. (2022) Ebooks & Accessibility. Portland State University Online Northwest

How do we read ePubs?
State of ePublications (USA Study) - devices used by
eReaders - changes since 2016:
Smartphones +13% Tablets +15% PC/laptops +11%

Tony Alter, osde8info brewbooks
0/8050816442/in/photostream/ /8686288543 0/4575290954

Dedicated devices like Kindle reducing in popularity

What is an ePub?

From the user perspective, an ePub is an online book.

The text is reflowable – displays fluidly on different

devices from smartphone to PC monitor

Reader controls font style and size

Usually swipe or arrow for page turns (depending on


Images can be difficult to display adjacent to desired text

What is an ePub?

(From the user perspective, an ePub is an online book.)

From a webdev perspective, an ePub is a file with the

extension .ePub, a container file format that holds multiple
files of potentially many different types.

ePub is the open standard for e-books created by the

International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) created
November 2014: ePub3 ISO/IEC TS 30135

As at May 2019, EPUB 3.2 consists of 4 open standards

covering 1) semantics, 2) structure, 3) containerisation, and
4) media overlays for syncing text and audio.

Why not just a pdf?

What you need to know about ePubs

If you are not doing an ePub in your website

Then you really just need a basic understanding, for
example what ePubs are, how they are different to other
formats like pdfs, how users use them.

If you are doing an ePub in your website

You will need to know the above plus how to create and
edit them to create your ePub content in your website.

What is an ePub?

In practice, EPUB 3 is slowly being adopted with less device and tool
support so in many cases you will be better off with version 2 because it
is more broadly supported, but there are reasons to use version 3:

• Version 2 is unsuitable for precise layouts,

for example comics
• Version 2 lacks ability to include math equations
• Version 2 can still be error-prone in respect of hyperlinks
and annotations; you can learn more about this by visiting

How to make an ePub
Creating an ePub file is usually a lengthy and error prone process. It involves
following strict specification rules which can be summarized as follows
– Code and write multiple XHTML files, one per chapter
– Link to external pictures, videos
– Handle complex configuration XML files to order chapters
– Package the content correctly so its widely compatible

eBook authoring tools reduce the time and effort needed

(This example software, HelpNDoc, is free for personal use
[Windows only])

Image: 11
How to make an ePub
Microsoft has a ‘help’ format that has been around for a long time (since
1996!), and can be used to create ePubs: Microsoft Compiled HTML
Help otherwise known as CHM.

However, there are more prominent ePub tools available. The one we’ll
be talking about today and suggesting you use in labs is Calibre.

Image: 12
How to make an ePub
Apple .ibook format

iBooks author is free on Mac, but may not be as easy as


Apple’s free iBooks program can read epubs well

How to make an ePub

Creating epubs in week 10 Lab

We’ll use the free Calibre and Sigil programs

The lab is under specified – its an advanced lab so
we’ve provided a very quick way to get to an epub
– But to make it better will require digging around
– Provided some links, beyond that, search engines are
your friend
– Perhaps you should use your print css (if you did that)
and convert from the pdf?

How to make an ePub

How to make an ePub

How to make an ePub

Create an ePub from a Word document

Word to pdf to ePub

Let’s make a simple one…

Create an ePub from a Word document

The trick to creating a PDF file that converts properly into ePub is to
set up the pages in a way that can be read by an e-reader and to
use the word processor’s built-in formatting styles. Here are a few

• Use styles to format headings, indented paragraphs, numbered

lists, and bullet lists.
• Use page breaks when you intentionally want a page to stop at a
particular spot (for example, at the end of each chapter).
• Choose an 8.5” x 11” page size with a portrait orientation and .5-
inch margins.
• Left align or center align the paragraphs. 19
Create an ePub from a Word document

The trick to creating a PDF file that converts properly into ePub is to
set up the pages in a way that can be read by an e-reader and to
use the word processor’s built-in formatting styles. Here are a few

Use a single font for the text. Recommended fonts are Ariel, Times
New Roman, and Courier.
• Use 12 pt font size for body text and 14 pt to 18 pt for headings.
• Create images in JPEG or PNG format with a maximum size of
600 pixels tall and 550 pixels wide. Images should be in RGB
color mode and 72 DPI.
• Do not wrap text around images. Use inline images where the
text is above and below the image. 20
Put your ePub in your website

How would you add a download link in your website to

allow your ePub to be downloaded by your visitor?

One option:

<a download href=“filename-of-your-ePub.epub”> Download ePub now! </a>


Tomorrow’s lecture is in-person and online as usual.

David will be lecturing on and live coding Javascript


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