♥ Romeo Bear
Romeo is a little baby brown bear
Soft, warm and utterly huggable....
he's loved by all who visit the tearoom!
1 Pair of 3.25mm Knitting Needles (U.K No.10/ U.S 3)
1 Pair of 3mm Knitting Needles (U.K No.11/ U.S 2.5) Plus 1 spare Knitting Needle/Stitch Holder
2 Long Pointed Darning Needles approx 8cm (3”) for embroidery / 1 Wool Needle for closing seams and
working duplicate stitch to ear (Long doll needles are also useful for passing yarn through head and body)
Good Quality Washable Polyester Filling conforming to Current Safety Standards (approx 100g )
Plastic-Headed Pins or Position Eyes for placing features (I used patchwork pins here)
Stuffing Stick/Chop Stick or blunt end of a Knitting Needle for stuffing (all are useful)
4 Buttons to decorate (optional) - I used Coats Crafts Wooden Buttons No. 1065 1.5cm (See also safety P.3)
Brown embroidery thread/floss to attach buttons and Black thread/floss for nose /mouth (or use yarn)
Soft tape measure
A few notes before beginning
Below are the details of the yarns used to create Romeo
Romeo ♥
I always use good quality natural yarns which I feel give the best, long-lasting results but you can use
up leftover yarns of the corresponding weight with a very satisfactory outcome.
Standard DK yarn (light worsted/ 8 ply) has been used in this pattern) The original ball band details
are listed below as a guide to help when substituting yarns.
Abdominal circumference is 24cm at widest point Insert needle through base to embroider features
Now Make Up The Legs
Close seams of sock using mattress stitch and B. At this point stuff the foot and ankle firmly (check
measurements P.3) and then close the rest of the leg, stuffing as you work. Thin the stuffing slightly at top of
each leg to aid sitting (the leg openings at the top should remain open)
When the legs are completed lightly press the leg seam under a cotton/linen cloth with an iron if needed then
place the cloth over the sole seam (protect your hand too) and press firmly applying a puff of steam. This will
flatten the sole area giving a really neat appearance. The Walking Boot will stretch over the foot securely.
Baby Bear Body 3.25mm Needles(1 piece)
Cast on 15 sts in A beg at neck edge
P 1 row
Next row: K1, (M1, K1) to end - 29 sts
P 1 row
Next row: (K2, M1) 7 times, K1, (M1, K2) 7 times – 43 sts
St-st 9 rows beg with a P row
Next row: K15, M1, (K2, M1) twice, K5, (M1, K2) twice, M1, K15 - 49sts
St-st 5 rows beg with a P row
Next row: K17, M1, K4, M1, K7, M1, K4, M1, K17 - 53sts
St-st 9 rows beg with a P row
Next row: K15, SSK, K4, SSK, K7, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K15 - 49sts
St-st 5 rows beg with a P row
Next row: K15, SSK, K3, SSK, K5, K2tog, K3, K2tog, K15 - 45sts
St-st 5 rows beg with a P row
Next row: K1, (K2tog) to end - 23sts.
P 1 row
Cast off leaving yarn end for centre back closure.
To Make Up Body
Close centre back seam using cast off yarn end. Fill body firmly from each end, turning and moulding
stuffing as you work. Slightly 'square off’ the bottom end as you stuff (as photo P.5) and keep in mind
that you need to ‘fill out’ the abdominal area (the abdominal girth should measure 24cm at widest
point when finished) Close the bottom end seam using mattress stitch but leave the top end open for
the moment. Attach open ended legs to body by slip (whip) stitching around the edges then fasten off.
Use pins to position features Draw back yarn to create an eye socket
Head 3.25mm Needles (I piece)
Cast on 11sts in A beg at back of head and leaving yarn end to close seam
P 1 row
Next row: K1, (M1, K1) to end – 21 sts
Rep last 2 rows once more – 41 sts
St-st 5 rows beg with a P row
Next row: K1, (M1, K3) to last st, M1, K1 – 55 sts
St-st 21 rows beg with a P row
Next row: K1, (K2tog) to end - 28 sts
St-st 9 rows beg with a P row
Next row: K1, (K2tog.) to last st, K1 - 15 sts
P 1 row
Break off yarn, thread through remaining stitches, gather and secure, leaving yarn
end to close nose to chin seam. Put head piece to one side for moment.
Baby Bear Ears 3.25mm Needles (Make 4 - 1 piece is embroidered using duplicate st - optional)
Cast on 11sts in A beg at top of ear.
P 1 row
Next row: K1, M1, K to last st, M1, K1- 13 sts
P 1 row
Next row: K1, M1, K to last st, M1, K1- 15 sts
P 1 row
Next row: K1, M1, K6, (lie a strand of coloured thread between st just worked and next st on L needle to mark the
point where you will begin duplicate st ) K to last st, M1, K1- 17 sts
Next row: P9, (take coloured thread strand on WS over to RS now and tie ends together to form thread tag), P to end.
Next row: K1, SSK, K1, (SSK) twice, K1, (K2tog) twice, K1, K2tog, K1- 11 sts
Cast off leaving long yarn ends to oversew around ear later and to secure to head.
Lightly weave in cast on yarn end of each ear on WS
Diagram illustrating position of heart (Tag marks the base of the first 'V' stitch at base of heart)
Working in duplicate stitch (Swiss
darning) and black yarn embroider a heart
motif (as diagram) on 1 ear piece
beginning at base of heart (marked by tag)
and working across each row.
Each square represents one duplicate st (cover
6 ' V' stitches in all taking care to watch
tension and secure yarn ends on reverse)
Begin at base of heart *
Make Up Ear Pin 2 ear pieces (WS tog) and using one of the long yarn ends oversew small sts around
curved edges to join together (leave second yarn end in place if needed to secure ear to head later) No need to
sew cast off edges together at this point as you can do this when securing ear in place. Smooth around edges of
ear carefully with an iron and small puffs of steam under a cotton/linen cloth if needed.
Now Make up Head
1. Sew
Close nose to chin seam (ending just past K2tog decrease) then fasten off. Gather up the stitches at the back of
the head and close the seam leaving an opening of approx 2.5cm (1") at the base of the head. You will use this
opening to embroider the facial features before closing (see photograph P.5)
2. Fill
Fill with small amounts of stuffing at a time starting at the nose and back of the head areas first then working
evenly around the head (tearing off small amounts at a time will ensure that the fibres knit together)
Mould and firm the stuffing as you work (the head should be firm to the touch) but avoid overstretching the
stitches resulting in holes. This may seem to take quite an amount of time but you will suddenly see everything
fit into place! Stuffing tip: Carefully insert the tip of a darning/wool needle into the stuffing between
the stitches from the RS of head and gently move stuffing forwards into areas such as around the nose
and to also fill out the cheeks for a perfect shape (a useful tip for all areas)
Gently smooth any uneven areas around the nose, back of head and seams if needed by placing a cotton/linen
cloth over the area and giving short puffs of steam with an iron (build up the heat gradually so that you don’t
overdo this)
4. Embroider
To help you position the features pin the ears in place at this point (approximately 4cm apart/ 1.6”) Mark out
the features with round headed pins (count your pins to make sure they are all removed afterwards)
The centre of each eye lies on the decrease row and there should be 4 stitches between each eye when complete
(see photographs P.6 and P.8)
Now begin to embroider as follows:
Thread a long darning needle with black yarn .Tie a knot approx 10cm (4”) from the end of the yarn. Insert the
needle into the opening at the base of the head and bring out through the centre of the eye area where you have
placed your pins. Remove these pins now and return the needle back through the stuffing and neck opening
pulling back the yarn significantly so that this produces an eye socket and also adds contour to the
face (You will also see that the nose area rises up as photograph below)
Thread another long darning needle and repeat this process for the other eye so that you are now
working with 2 needles and threads. Once the eye sockets are evenly placed knot your yarn ends to
secure and now you can continue and apply the French Knots. I make a series of these in each eye
working from one eye to the other and building up. Don’t worry if they aren’t perfect as they are
sitting in the socket and thus just creating a dense mass. You will know you have finished when you
feel that someone is looking directly back at you! When you are happy that the eyes are equally sized,
tie the ends of the yarns together again securely at the base of head and cut off any excess.
(Tip: A successful alternative is to use the small teddy/doll eyes which are readily available these days if you
don’t want to apply French Knots (size 7mm) Make sure they are still embedded in the eye socket for greatest
effect although these are not suitable if around very young children. Alternatively make a large knot in the
middle of a long thread of yarn then pass both ends through the eye socket and out through the head opening,
finally tying together securely. The knot will ‘sit’ in the eye cavity.
♥ Baby Bear Breeches 3mm Needles (1 piece) Finished L12cm/ W19cm (at widest point)
Ist leg * Cast on 33sts in C beg at inside of leg hem.
St-st 5 rows beg with a K row.
K 1 row (WS) to mark hem edge
St-st 5 rows beg with a K row.
Next row: (Ktbl) to end (WS)
Next row: K1, (kfb) to end – 65sts (RS)
St-st 10 rows beg with a P row
Next : Continuing in St-st dec 1 st each end of following 5 rows beg WS – 55sts**
Break yarn leaving stitches on a spare needle / stitch holder
2nd leg
Work from *to **
Next: Join both legs as follows...
With RS facing place both leg pieces on working needle then K across both legs and at the
same time K2tog at centre of row where legs join – 109sts
St-st 17 rows beg with a P row
Next row: K1, (K2tog) to end – 55sts
G-st 3 rows beg WS for waistband
Cast off (RS) then check waistband size around abdomen and adjust cast off tension if too loose/tight
- correct cast off tension makes quite a difference.
To Make Up
Press piece lightly under a cotton/linen cloth avoiding hems/waistband. Turn up hems using cast on
yarn ends and slip (whip) stitch in place on WS. Close decrease edges at centre front to form crotch
(these were the 5 decrease rows at ends of leg pieces ) using backstitch (WS) Now close centre back
seam including decrease edges using mattress stitch and leg seams joining front to back. Press lightly
avoiding hems/waistband.
♥ Braces 3mm Needles (Make 2)
Cast on 50sts in C (yarn end will be used to attach braces on WS of reverse side of breeches)
G-st 5 rows
Cast off and fasten off yarn end (RS)
Attach each strap and button at front of breeches (put breeches on to position straps) securing on WS
of waistband. Take the straps over to reverse side and cross over (see P.10) then secure on WS of
waistband at chosen length (if knitting jumper you may want to secure on reverse side later)
♥ Hearts & Kisses Jumper 3mm Needles (Finished L9cm/ W13cm/ Sleeve 6cm )
Front (If you prefer a plain jumper then knit the back x 2)
Cast on 39 sts in B beg at lower edge (leaving a yarn end to sew up side seam later)
G-st 3 rows
Next: Working in St-st and following 13 rows of panel as diagram below begin at row 1* in C
(remembering every odd row is a K row (RS) and every even row is a P row (WS))
(Tip: Carry yarns not in use up side of work wherever possible if 4 rows or less between colour
change when on same side)
♥ ’Hearts and Kisses Panel’
♥ ♥ ♥
Romeo ♥
and all his friends at