Lab 3 Ahmad Abdullah

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Ahmed Abdullah

Student ID: S20221127

LAB 3 Assessment

Question 1: Write the exact commands to configure static routing on

Student_Router1.Set the enable password as your first name and show the
running configuration of the router.

 I entered privileged EXEC mode by typing enable and entering the enable password (in
this case, your first name).
 I entered global configuration mode by typing configure terminal.
 To configure a static route for a network, I used the following command: ip route
destination network subnet mask next hop address.
 I Repeat step 4 for each network that you want to configure a static route for.
 After configuring all the necessary static routes, I saved the configuration by typing write
memory or copy running-config startup-config.
 For password configuration mode: enable password ahmad.

Question 2: Write the exact commands to configure static routing on the

Student_Router2. Set the enable password as your first name and show the running
configuration of the router.

 I'll enter privileged EXEC mode by typing "enable" and entering my enable password
when prompted.
 I'll enter global configuration mode by typing "configure terminal".
 Next, I'll identify the destination network that I want to configure a static route for by
typing "ip route [destination network] [subnet mask] [next-hop address]".
 I'll repeat step 3 for each destination network that I want to configure a static route for.
 Finally, I'll save my changes to the router's configuration by typing "write memory" or
"copy running-config startup-config".
 To view the running configuration of my router, I can use the following command:"show
Question 3: With “show ip interface brief command”, show that the IP addresses on
Student_Router2 are correctly configured?


 Once I am logged in to the router's CLI, I enter the "show ip interface brief" command at
the prompt. This command displays a table showing the status of all interfaces and their
IP addresses.
 To verify that the IP addresses on Student_Router2 are configured correctly, I locate the
IP addresses associated with the interfaces on the router. These IP addresses are listed
under the "IP-Address" column of the output. I check that the IP addresses are the correct
ones that I intended to assign to each interface.
 I also need to ensure that the "OK?" column shows that the interface is operational and
configured correctly. The "Status" column should show that the interface is currently up
and running. The "Method" column should also indicate that the IP address assignment
method is appropriate (e.g., "manual" if configured statically or "dhcp" if assigned
Question 4: Change the Student_Router1 hostname as your first name_Router1 and
display the routing table of the router. What is the meaning of “S” in the routing


 Once I am logged in to the router's CLI, I enter the global configuration mode by typing
"configure terminal". Then, I change the hostname using the "hostname" command,
followed by my chosen name and "_Router1".
 To display the routing table of the router, I use the "show ip route" command. This
command displays the routing table, which includes information about the directly
connected networks, as well as any remote networks learned through routing protocols or
static routes.
 I enter the "show ip route" command at the prompt, and the router displays the routing
table. The output includes columns such as the network address, the next-hop IP address,
the administrative distance, and the metric for each route
What is the meaning of “S” in the routingtable? Briefly explain.
In a routing table, the "S" stands for "static". This indicates that the route is manually configured
by a network administrator and does not change automatically based on network events like
dynamic routes do.
Static routes are useful in situations where a network administrator wants to control the flow of
traffic in a specific way. For example, a static route can be used to direct traffic through a
particular path or to a specific destination. They can also be used to override dynamic routing
protocols and provide a backup route in case the primary path fails.
However, static routes require manual configuration and are not as flexible as dynamic routing
protocols, which can adapt to changes in the network topology. They also do not scale well for
large networks.

Question 5: Show that StudentPC1 is accessible from StudentPC2?

 To verify that StudentPC1 is accessible from StudentPC2, I first need to check the IP
addresses assigned to both PCs. I can do this by opening a Command Prompt window on
each PC and using the "ipconfig" command to display the IP address assigned to the
network interface.
 Once I have confirmed the IP addresses assigned to both PCs, I can test the connectivity
between them using the "ping" command.
 If the "ping" command is successful, it indicates that StudentPC1 is accessible from
StudentPC2. I can repeat this process in reverse by opening a Command Prompt window
on StudentPC1 and pinging the IP address of StudentPC2 to confirm bidirectional
Cisco. (n.d.). Networking Academy. Retrieved from Cisco Packet Tracer:

OpenAi. (n.d.). Chatgpt. Retrieved from CHATGPT:

PacketTracerNetwork. (n.d.). Packet Tracer network. Retrieved from


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