Materi Perkuliahan - Drill Blast (English Version)

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Primary Examiner—Ernest R, Purser ‘Autorney—James J. Flynn FIP7811 XR 396239771 erneeey eee UU 3,623,771 (72 ovens Edert Same ABSTRACT: Dritanden ctcwatng spain ta 9 earns poraed sriage tags even hich Tater ct pay apena. Saas Sey enamel naa aaa Ga) ARSE? Sees, aso emmy aeced oe citer sat seat te tal teaus Reracn cat eae al eee, {33 Atsgns EanPentaeNenursand Company Tasha ted tts hfe, ad te ie rasestoe| role lee cael [54] DRILL-AND-BLAST EXCAVATING APPARATUS. nicating with the modules; a ventilating unit; at least one pair ‘AND METHOD of gathering arms and a conveyor associated therewith een ring ated st elves chal vois si cng sed isaesteosaene Sl eased enon etc ae AGT) merece ns beatae ei eae 150) resets ieee eeeratieg nn eter ne eee 8 rete raat anh conten mea isa weaning seer ears saseus aA MTEDSTATESATENTS: nga tone Rime sed suman ie ee Sn ison etal. 13 X face to the extent that blast pressure and noise levels in a zone 3,511,538 5/1970 Guenter. 299/13 Pes behind the transition region, e.g. a zone up to about 50-100 {feet from the face, are within preseribed safe limits of human tolerance. 3,623,771 PATENTED xOv30 W971 SHEET 1 OF 4 INVENTORS EDWARD J. SOSNOWICZ FRANK M, WILLIS fe" BY 3,623,771 PATENTED Xov30 171 SHEET 2 OF 4 INVENTORS: EDWARD J. SOSNOWICZ FRANK M. WILLIS BY PATENTED Kov 301971 3,623,771 SHEET 3 OF 4 CYCLE 4 (MODULE 2) » INVENTORS: EDWARD J. SOSNOWICZ sy FRANK M. WILLIS pee fp 3,623,771 PATENTED Koy 30 197 SHEET 4 OF 4 EDWARD J. SOSNOWICZ —_l : a 9 bi g 30¥a 40 WOLLOE iv 5 (¢*z) sa ~ [e'2suor3anoo ONY Smuy oNIUZHIvS Suvuae0 1 iNOUd © SEMOASANCO ONY SmUY _OMIasHAyS 2aeeeO en eee s3ent sv siinn Sua aingon L|aaay anisovaxa} | suinn sation | |""Q3ay L| Stnoom @ avo7 38079 sovelse avon xaant T1380 NO 3A0W N3dO “ONINSGO ae ninco HOABANOD (@)30vs Wows Sasvo _isnvHxa HH soa3anoo a a a a isvis vor TUNE was (1) av ) Ww3s RANK M, WILLIS pf BY 3,623,771 1 DRILL-AND-BLAST EXCAVATING APPARATUS AND METHOD, BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ‘This invention relates to a mobile dril-and-blast excavation 5 apparatus, and to a method of quasi-continuous excavation employing the apparatus. Excavation is the process of digging out and removing material at or below the earths surface either to form a useful cavity, ein tunneling, of to derive profit from the removed ‘material, eg, in mining. Although atthe present time there is an ever-increasing need for underground excavation, efor constructing water and vehicle tunnels, parking spaces, and riltary defense sites, and for exploiting very large mineral deposits under conservation constraints, significant reductions in cost and increases in the sustained rate of heading advance are needed if underground construction and mining are to be Utilized effectively to meet the challenges of urbanization and natural resource conservat In the conventional drill-and-blast method of underground excavation in a geological formation such as rock, holes are drilled in a predetermined pattern in the rock; afterall of the hholes have been drilled, a secondary explosive charge is loaded therein, usually by hand; an initiating device, ie., a blasting cap oF primer, in contact with the charge in each hole, ‘oF with detonating cord leading to the charge, is connected to ‘a remotely located common actuating device such as a blast- ing machine; and the charges thereafter are initiated by ener- sizing of the actuating device. After a ventilation period or Smoke time,” which is necessary to clear the airborne fumes and dust produced asa result of such a blast, the round iscon- ‘huded with the mucking operation, i. the loading and trans- porting of the disintegrated material (muck) from the excava- tion 10 a disposal area. This cycle of operations is then re- peated In recent years, mechanical excavators, or “moles,” have been developed which are capable of boring a tunnel or shaft, ‘or mining out ore, by means ofa rotating cutterhead driven by clectric or hydraulic motors, the muck being picked up by scoops, mounted on the periphery of the cutterhead, which discharge the muck onto a belt conveyor that carries it back behind the machine. At their present respective levels of technological development, mechanical excavators have @ treater driving capability per day in weak and medium- strength rock than the drill-and-blast method. This is due chiefly tothe fact that the mechanical method involves a near- continuous operation, although delays are encountered because of changes in geological conditions, mechanical and electrical failures, the need for frequent cutter changes, etc. “There are serious limitations to the use of mechanical ex- ceavators, however. One of these is that mechanical excavators ‘cannot be used economically in hard and/or abrasive rock, eg., Fock having a compressive strength of more than about 15,000-20,000 psi. or a Moh’s Scale hardness greater than about 5. Rock ofthis nature is presently encountered in about ‘one-third of the excavation projects, and itis expected that this percentage will increase as future public construction de- ‘mands force excavations to be made at greater depths and in areas of known hard-rock conditions. Also, the use of ‘mechanical excavators in many short tunnels is imited either because of lack of economic justification in view of the high initial investment required, or because of the long waiting periods required for the construction or modification of the ‘machines. Furthermore, investment in a new excavator usually is necessary in each mechanical tunnel-driving project because the different diameter requirements and geological ‘conditions encountered from project to project necessitate the ‘designing of a machine for each individual tunnel, even though machines which have been used in completed projects ‘may still have some useful life. With respect to mining opera- , continuous mining machines sometimes are too large and inflexible to permit the efficient mining of narrow ore seams, For reasons such as these, the dril-and-blast method of 75 20 30 35 40 ss 0 65 10 2 ‘excavation is the method of choice in many operations at the present time. ‘As now practiced, however, the drilland-blast method has erent delays in each cycle which cause the rate of heading advance, or driving eapability per day, to be low. The low rate fof advance and requirement of large labor crews make the total excavation costs high. Cycle delays and high manpower requirements are inherent in the procedures presently em- ployed to prepare the formation for the disintegration step, ives the blast, and by the condition of the environment in the ‘work area during and after blast. The preparative operations include moving the drilling equipment up to the face, dling the holes, moving back the drilling equipment, charging the holes with secondary explosive, tamping the explosive when required, and connecting the blasting leads (cap leg wires, or lengths of detonating fuse or safety fuse) to form a blasting cit- cuit to a remote actuating device, e.g, a blasting machine or powerline. ‘Because of the time required to drill, load, and otherwise prepare the holes for blasting, it has been necessary, in the in- terest of efficiency, to design the rounds (the drill hole ar rangement at the face) to pull lage cross-sectional areas of, the face in one blast, e.g. the full cross-sectional area (full- ace method), or a large part of it (top heading and bench method). Rounds of this size require a large number of drill holes and consequently the detonation of a large number of explosive charges. For example, fora full-face round in atypi- cal railroad tunnel 28 feet high and 21 feet wide, about 900 pounds of explosive may be detonated per round. Because of the pressure and rock-throw effects resulting from blasts of| this magnitude, the immediate blast area must be cleared of personnel and equipment. This is the reason why remote ac- tuation of the initiating devices, and therefore connection of all of the charges into an energy-transmitting circuit, have been necessary. Large single blasts such as have been employed heretofore ccan produce strong ground vibrations which may be detrimen- tal to surrounding structures. In addition, such blasts produce large quantities of airborne fumes and dust which must be ex- hhausted before personnel can move in with mucking equip- ‘ment, Usually fans must be operated for a period of atleast ‘about 20 minutes to clear the area so that work can be resumed. After the “smoke time,” the mucking machine is ‘moved in, the round is mucked out, and the mucker is moved out, Drilling procedures have been made more efficient in recent years with the introduction of modern drilling ‘machines, such as pneumatic percussive drills mounted on a dil jumbo (a mobile work platform), and dril hole loading time can be reduced considerably by the use of such devices as 1 pneumatic cartridge loader having a semiautomatic breechpiece for feeding cartridges into a loading tube continu- ously, and a robot loader for displacing the tube axially so as to feed it into, and withdraw it from, the drill hole and tamp the explosive in the drill hole (both devices developed in Sweden). However, the efficient use of equipment and man- power still has necessitated large-round blasts, and delays therefore have remained considerable owing to the time required for moving the drilling equipment up to the face to be blasted; moving it back before the blast; moving the loading ‘personnel and equipment in and out; performing the manual ‘operations of connecting the blasting leads; and “‘smoke time.” It can readily be seen that a considerable percentage of the time consumed in drill-and-blast operations as now prac- ticed i time when neither disintegration nor mucking is taking. place, and that disintegration and mucking cannot be per- Formed in uninterrupted succession ‘Obviously, the rate of advance could be increased, and costs ‘the drill-and-blast method of excavation ifameans ‘were to be provided which would eliminate the need for ‘manual operations atthe face, including the connection ofthe charges into a blasting ciccuit, and would mechanically per- form all of the operations required to advance a face by drill. 3,623,771 3 Aand-blast while all of the necessary equipment remained sta- tioned atthe face. In other words, a drill-and-blast excavation apparatus is needed which is capable of performing the preparative and disintegration steps ofthe excavation process in rapid, uninterrupted, continuous, repetitive sequence, and ‘mucking and ventilating operation: simultaneously with the preparative steps, ie, excavating on a quasi-continuous basis. In considering a driland-blast excavating apparatus oF ‘machine, it is immediately clear that such a machine not only hhas to perform efficiently in terms of fragmentation and frag ‘ment removal, but also safely, a most important consideration since the machine is required to position detonable materials in drill holes and initiate the detonation of such materials at specified times. In order to protect the machine itself and, ‘more importantly, personnel who may be stationed on oF neat the machine £0 a5 to be in close control of its operation, its csiential that the nature of the materials handled by the ‘machine be such that there is no risk of accidental explosions ‘of materials in of near the machine. Also, since the machine is required to confront a face while explosive charges are detonating in holes in the face, the environment at the face, i.e. fly rock, airborne fumes, blast pressures, and noise levels, needs to be isolable from the area where personnel are sta tioned. Not only must fly roek and fumes be prevented from arviving at the personnel area, but blast pressure and noise levels atthe later area must be reduced to within acceptable toleration limits. USS. Pat. No, 3,511,538 describes an excavation apparatus having a rotary cutter, for cutting a core in a rock face, and a shield provided with holes through which drills are operated to drill holes in the core, and through which special explosive cartridges having a delay charge therein, after having been ig- nited, are moved into the drilled holes and stemmed. Each cartridge is introduced into a drill hole individually, and detonates separately from other cartridges, The time at which the cartridges detonate depends on the time of ignition and on the amount and burning characteristics of the delay charges therein. There are several disadvantages tothe use of such an apparatus, some of them of considerable significance with re gad to safety considerations. In each cartridge, a percussion- actuated primer device is embedded in the base charge of blasting secondary explosive, e.., about a half;pound charge. ‘Thus, within each cartridge there is a completed connection between the relatively insensitive blasting explosive charge land the highly sensitive primary explosive charges (ie. in @ ‘continuous reaction train inthe cartridge: impactsensitve ig- nition charge, flame-sensitive delay charge, flame-sensitive burning charge, heat-sensitive detonating charge, high-explo- sive primer charge, blasting charge), requiring only impact of the ignition charge to cause detonation, The storage of such cartridges and their passage through feed tubes in the ap- patatus are not without risk since unintentional impact of one fof more of the primer eases in the storage area of in transit through the apparatus can result in accidental detonation of the cartridges, endangering personnel as well as disabling the apparatus. Of even greater concern, however, is the fact that the apparatus described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,511,538 manipu- lates “live,” i.e, already ignited, cartridges, The cartridges are ignited before they leave the apparatus, and since theit detonation is entirely out of the apparatus" control after igni- tion, no steps whatsoever can be taken to avoid detonations at unintended locations should any one of a number of possible mechanical failures occur after ignition, e., falure of the fluid pressure to advance and discharge the ignited cartridge from the conduit, failure of the cartridge feed mechanism to retract so as to withdraw the conduit from the blast hole be- fore detonation, failure of the shield to index angularly to move the hole in the shield out of registry with the blasthole before detonation, etc. Thus, it can be seen thatthe sequence ‘of steps performed by the described apparatus, ie, dling a hole, igniting an explosive charge, and thereafter loading the hole with the ignited charge is an extremely dangerous one, 20 2s 30 40 45 30 35 6s 10 18 4 In the apparatus described in the aforementioned patent, the drills and cartridge feed mechanisms are mounted on a plate behind @ shield, and operate through holes in the plate ‘and shield. This arrangement is disadvantageous for three reasons. Fist of all, the location and attitude of the holes drilled by the apparatus are fixed by the mounting location and attitude of the drills on the plate, and thus with a given drill mounting arrangement it is not possible to change the spacing between holes or groups of holes, the geometry of the Overall hole pattern fora round, oF the angle ofthe holes, oF to ‘add holes. Such changes may become necessary during the ex ccavation process due to changing geological conditions or face profile. Secondly due to practical limitations on the length of drils,a shield between the drils and the face has to be placed relatively close to the face, e., within 5-10 feet or less, acon: dition which requires the shield to be able to withstand max ‘mum pressures due to the small volume between shield and face. Furthermore, a shield of the design shown in the patent in question does not provide attenuation of the blast pressure and noise attained with blasts of an economically acceptable size suficient to permit men to be located behind the shield ‘Thus, it can be seen that a means is needed whereby all of the operations required to advance a face by drilland-blast fare performed mechanically with the necessary equipment remaining stationed atthe face, under conditions which assure (1) maximum safety against accidental detonation, (2) hu: ‘manly tolerable blast pressure and noise levels ata selected lo- cation on or near the equipment, and (3) the capability of adapting blast patterns and sizes as required by changing ‘geological circumstances. SUMMARY OF THEINVENTION This invention provides a mobile drill-and-blast apparatus for advancing a subsurface face ina geological formation, and 1a method of quasi-continuous excavation employing the ap- paratus The mobile excavation apparatus of the invention com: prises 1a powered carriage having a forward end which confronts aface to be advanced; D. at least one supporting arm member, eg, a boom, pivotally mounted at its back end on the carriage; 4 plurality of drill-and-blast units positioned in at least one drilland-blast module, the module being pivotally and rotatably mounted on the front end of a supporting arm member, the drilland-blast units comprising (1) riling means, (2) means for delivering @ condensed secondary explosive charge into a hole made by the Grilling means, and (3) means for delivering energy to the secondary explosive charge in the hole to initiate the charge, ¢.., a gun which propels a high-velocity projec~ tile into the explosive, the location, attitude, and mobility of each supporting arm member with respect to the car riage and other elements of the apparatus, and of each ‘module with respect to its supporting arm member and other elements of the apparatus, being such that (A) the ‘module ean adopt a position wherein the operating end of each drill-and-blast unit therein i its leading end with respect to an intended direction of drilling and (B) with the apparatus in a position such that it confronts, and ie separated from, the face, the drill-and-blast units’ fune- tional components have an unobstructed axial path in said direction; explosives feeding means including explosives delivery hoses each of which has a forward end portion terminat ing in a dril-and-blast nit, the explosives feeding means being in communication with explosives supply means and adapted to deliver explosive material from the explo- sives supply means, through the explosives delivery hoses, and out of the free forward ends of the hoses when the latter are in communication with dil holes; 3,623, 5 , means mounted on the carriage for collecting and trans- porting solid fragments, the collecting means being. adapted to move fragments to the transporting means from the path ofthe apparatus atthe forward end of the ‘carriage, and the transporting means being adapted to S ‘move fragments away from the apparatus; ventilation means adapted to draw airborne fumes away from the face and cause fresh air to move up to the face; and shielding means adapted to protect components of the ap paratus from blast pressure and rock impact, the shielding. means comprising (1) at least one transverse barrier ‘mounted on the cartiage behind the supporting arm ‘member and drill-and-blast module and forward of the explosives supply means, and being adapted intermit- tently to engage the surrounding surfaces of an un- erground opening as a seal, and (2) armored housing on the supporting arm member and module, the transverse barrier having at least one opening therein through which (A) the fragment-transporting means extends 30 a8 to communicate with the fragment-collecting means at the forward end of the carriage, (B) the explosives delivery hhoses extend so as to terminate in the drill-and-blast units, ‘and (C) the ventilation means extends to the space between the ventilation means and the face, all openings in the transverse barrier which permit communication between the external environments ahead of and behind the barrier being adapted to be closed off intermittently When the energy-delivering means of the dill-and-blast units are guns, the apparatus also includes projectile supply ‘means, also behind one or more transverse barriers, in com- ‘munication with projectile feeding means including projectile delivery hoses, each of which passes through an opening in the transverse barrier and communicates with the chamber of a gun in each dril-and-blast unit, the projectile feeding means being adapted to deliver a projectile from the projectile supply ‘means, through the delivery hoses, and into the gun chambers. ‘When the apparatus of this invention is stationed and ‘operated at a location which confronts, and is separated from, a subsurface geological face to be advanced, e.g, a location where the operating ends ofthe drilland-blast units are about 1 to 6 feet away from the face, excavation is performed by a ‘quasi-continuous process also provided by this invention and Which comprises (a) performing a substantially continuous succession of groups of substantially continuous drill-load- biast sequences, each sequence ata single location inthe face different from the locations therein where other sequences are performed, te sequences in each group being carried out sub- stantially concurrently, and each sequence comprising, the steps of (1) drilling a hole in the face, (2) placing a charge of ‘condensed secondary explosive inthe hole, and (3) delivering energy to the secondary explosive charge in the hole, eg. by projecting propagative energy, such as kinetic energy of mo- tion via a projectile, to the charge, in a manner such that ener ay is released into’ the charge at a rate sufficiently high to cause detonation thereof; (b) concurrently with steps (a) (1) and (a) (2), removing from the vicinity of the face dislodged fragments and airborne fumes produced during step (a) (3) of 60 the previous group of sequences; and (c) attenuating blast pressure and noise in an environmental transition region be- hind the face, preferably at a location such that the volume ‘between this region and the face is at least about 150 cubie feet per pound of explosive placed in holes in each concurrent group of sequences, to the extent that the blast pressure and nose levels in a zone behind the transition region, e.g, zone Lup to about 50-100 feet from the face, are within prescribed safe limits of human tolerance, ‘The apparatus of the present invention is an excavating ‘machine which makes use of the power of detonating explo- sives to cause fragmentation. Asa machine which perform all. of the operations required to advance a face by driland-blast while remaining stationed atthe face, the apparatus can afford, the high-advance-rate capability of totally mechanical excava- 75 1s 20 2s 30 3s 40 45 so ss 65 0 771 6 ‘ors without their limitations, e.., their inability to excavate hhard rock and inadaptability for use under greatly changing ‘geological conditions. In addition, whereas totally mechanical ‘excavators are restricted to use with a given size and configu ration of face, the present apparatus is easily adaptable to use with changing face sizes and configurations by modification of the number, size, and/or positioning of the drill-and-blast ‘modules therein. The apparatus of the invention can advanc 8 face in a succession of small blast cycles, a “blast cycle referring to the multiple dril-load-blast sequences performed as a substantially concurrent group. In smal-blastcycle operation, of the total number of sequences performed (sumber of drill holes made, loaded, and blasted) to advance ‘an entire face, only a portion, eg., about 5-50 percent, and usually about 10-35 percent, of the total number of sequences, are performed per blast cycle. Since the apparatus has the capability in rapid sequence, of drilling and loading hholes with secondary explosive, and thereafter delivering energy to the explosive to initiate it, and also of removing ‘muck and airborne fumesand dust from the face and attenuat- ing blast pressure and noise during the drill-load-blast Sequences, and since the apparatus remains stationed at the face throughout the process, use of the apparatus eliminates the delays heretofore requited inthe performance of the dril- blast technique, ie., time needed to move equipment up to and back from the face, connect blasting leads, clear the area ‘of equipment and personnel, “smoke time,” and exclusive ‘mucking time. Deleterious effects of large bats, e.., strong. ‘round vibrations, also can be eliminated ‘The apparatus and process of this invention overcome the limitations of totally mechanical excavators as well as the ds- advantages of conventional large-blart-cycle dril-and-blast processes while at the same time affording meximum safety against accidental detonation, a safe environment for person- nel during blast, and flexibility with respect to changing drill hole locations as may be required. With respect to safety ‘against accidental detonation, in the present apparatus the relatively insensitive secondary explosive used for blasting is hhandled separately from the means used to initiate it. There is no primary explosive in a continuous reaction train with the blasting explosive in the present apparatus. More importantly, there is no preignition of explosive in the apparatus, After the secondary explosive charges have been placed in the drill holes, the detonation ofthe charges is under the control of the Apparatus, which delivers initiating energy to the explosive in ‘the holes only after the required mechanical operations have been performed, e.g. retraction of the explosives delivery tubes from the drill holes, elosing of doors and other sealing ‘means in the shielding means, etc. A safe environment for per- sonnel during blasts provided inthe present apparatus by one ‘or more transverse barriers adapted to engage the surrounding surfaces of an underground opening as.a seal to effect pressure ‘and noise attenuation. The transverse barrier(s) are located behind the supporting arm member(s) which bear the drill- ‘and-blast modules. Such positioning of the barrier(s) is ad- vvantageous in that (1) the pressures to which the barrier(s) are exposed are minimized owing to the relatively large volume between the barrier(s) and the face, and (2) the post tions of the drillnd-blast modules are not restricted to those ‘corresponding to apertures in the barrier In the apparatus of the invention, the modules ate pivotally and. rotatably mounted on pivotable supporting arms forward of the trans. verse barrier(s) and are free to move to new postions as may be required. ‘The “ mont, 31a of 31D, concerned. Plates 36 are also pivotally con- nected to barrier segments 31a and 1b near the edge surfaces of the segments. Actuation of cylinders 37 thus permits inde- pendent forward and backward motion of laps 35 fastened 10 plates 36, which act as hinges. The extension layer around the edges of Segments 31a and 316 engages the walls, ceiling, and, oor of a tunnel and acts to seal off the environment ahead of the transverse barrier So as to reduce pressure and noise levels at the back end of the apparatus, The independently movable hinged flap design ofthe layer permits itt form a seal with ir- regular and variable wall and ceiling configurations. ‘A second transverse metal barrier 38, substantially the same as the one just described, is fixedly mounted on carriage frame 16 behind stabilizing member 34. Members 382, 380, 39, 40, 4, and 42 on the second barrier are counterparts to members 31a, 31b, 32, 38, 36, and 37. The second barrier provides ad- Gitional capability in pressure and noise level reduction, Barrier segment 31a has an opening therein through which conveyors 28 and 29, and material carried thereon, pass. Similarly, barsir segment 382 has an opening therein to allow the passage of rear conveyor 29 and material carried thereon. ‘A mctal plate 43 is mounted on frame 16 directly behind bar- rer segment 3a, and substantially parallel thereto, by means 20 25 30 35 40 4s 50 35 60 65 0 15 12 of two lugs attached one to each side ofthe plate and extend- ing laterally therefrom, each lug being pivotally connected to the piston rod of a cylinder pivotally mounted on frame 16. ‘The sides of plate 43 fitin guiding channels through which the plate is moved up and down by actuation of the cylinders. ‘When plate 43 isin its lowered position, it covers the conveyor ‘opening in segment 31a as far dawn as front conveyor 28 and, together with material amassed before it on conveyor 28, ef fectively seals the opening. When plate 43 is in its raised posi tion, material on conveyor 28 is allowed to move back freely. ‘The conveyor openings in barrier segments 31a and 38a are joined together by a duct (not shown) which fits snugly in the ‘opening in barrier segment 38a and extends up to plate 43. “Thus, operation of plate 43 seals and opens the opening in bar rier segment 382 as well. The conveyor openings in barrier segments 31a and 38a can serve also as manways to the for ‘ward end ofthe apparatus. ‘Ventilation duct 44 leads from exhaust fan 45 to metal plate 43, passing through the conveyor opening in barrier segment ‘38a above conveyors 28 and 29. Cartier tubes 46 and 47 ex tend longitudinally on the sides of frame 16, passing through ‘openings in barrier segments 38@ and Slain close fit with the inner surfaces ofthe openings. Carrier ube 46 carries module feed line 17 from supply unit 19, and powerlines from control cab 48, to supporting arm member 9; carrer tube 47 carries ‘module fed line 18 from supply unit 19, and power lines from control cab 48, to supporting arm member 10. When plate 43 is in its lowered position, ventilation duct 44 is closed off; ‘when plate 43 isin its raised position, ventilation duct 44 com- ‘municates with the space ahead of transverse barrier 31 ‘through the conveyor opening therein. ‘Stabilizing member 34 has a substantially horizontal platelike upper postion atop two pairs of legs fixedly mounted ‘on opposite sides of frame 16s in an Ashaped configuration. A side clamping device is mounted on each leg of stabilizing member 34, clamping devices 49 and 50 on a pair of legs on ‘one side of the apparatus, and clamping devices 51 and 52 on 8 pir of legs on the other side of the apparatus. Each clamp- ing device is comprised of a cylinder mounted on member 34 normal to the length of the apparatus, and having it piston rod pivotally connected to a pad having a serrated outer sur- face. Two top clamping devices, 53 and 54, are mounted on frame 16, each being comprised of a cylinder vertically ‘mounted on frame 16, passing through the horizontal upper portion of member 34, and having its piston rod pivotally con- nected to a pad having a serrated outer surface, Actuation of the eylinders in the clamping devices allows the serrated sur- aces tobe pushed against the sidewalls and ceiling of a tunnel ‘thereby clamping the machine in position when desired Two sloping guide members, $5 and $6, are mounted lon- situdinally on frame 16, one on euch side of front conveyor 28 from transverse barrier segment 31a forward. Guide members '55 and 56 slope gradually downward toward conveyor 28 and their angle of inclination is adjustable by means of cylinders (not shown). Sloping guide members, §7 and $8, mounted on frame 16 at the forward end of the machine, slope downwardly in the forward direction. Their angle of inelina tion also is adjustable by means of cylinders (not shown). Guide members 85 and 56 direct rock fragments onto the con. veyor, and guide members $7 and $8 direct them into the path fof the gathering arms, The angle-adjusting cylinders as sociated with the guide members are actuated 50 as to release rock fragments which may become jammed between the machine and the tunnel wals The “cylinders” mentioned above are actuated by fluid power and can be hydraulic or pneumatic, hydraulic being preferred on the basis of smaller power package requirements and ease of control ‘Atypical operation ofthe apparatus shown in the drawings to advance a geological face in a tunnel according to the [process ofthis invention in rounds comprised ofa suecestion ‘of small drill-load-blast cycles will now be described. The blast pattern for a round is that shown in FIG. 5, and the order of 3,623, 13 ‘operations per eycle is that shown in FIG. 6, The machine has 10 drilland-blast units clustered five to a module “pod,” the units operating substantially concurrently in successive 10- hole blast cycles. The total number of holes employed to ad- vance the entire face is SO, and the rounds therefore are 50-5 hole rounds effected in five successive drill-load-blast cycles at 10 locations per cycle. The amount of condensed secondary explosive loaded into each hole is 1 pound, or 10 pounds per cycle With the extension layers around the edges of bartier seg- ‘ments 31a, 314, 38a, and 38) disengaged from the walls cell- ing, and floor of the tunnel, and the serrated surfaces on the pads connected to the eylinders of clamping devices 49, 50, 51, $2, 53, and $4 disengaged from the sidewalls and ceiling of the tunnel, the machine is moved to a location before a 100- sq. ft face such that the operating ends of the drilland-blast units are about 2 feet from the face, and transverse barrier 31 is about 30 feet from the face. The volume of space between ‘transverse barrier 31 and the face is 300 cu.ft. per pound of explosive loaded per cycle. The distance between the back surface of transverse barrier 38 and the face is 40 feet. The machine is anchored in place by actuation of the cylinders in clamping devices 49, $0, $1, $2, 53, and 54, whereby the ser- rated surfaces are extended against the ceiling and sidewalls of 25 the tunnel. Cylinders 12, 13, 14 and 18 are actuated as required to position supporting arm members 9 and 10 on the required longitudinal axis for the proper axial positioning of ‘modules 1 and 2 to produce the drill hole pattern of eycle 1 (FIG. 5). Modules 1 and 2, which are substantially coaxial with arm members 9 and 10, are rotated with respect to the arm members from the unit postions shown in FIGS. 2 and 3 to those of Cycle 1 in FIG. §, ic., module 1 is rotated 90° ‘counterclockwise and module 2 90° clockwise by energizing ‘motors 126 and 127 (FIG. 4A). This places apertures Ta and ‘7b, and apertures 8a and 8D, on the axes of the holes to be drilled in Cycle 1. The drilling means, e.., the drill steels (92) and bits (91) of rotary percussion drills, of the dill-and-biast units are on these axes. Doors 3a and 30 of module I and 4a and 4b of module 2 are moved to their open positions, and support means, e.g, drill feed channels (88), on which the drilling means in the units are mounted are moved axially out to the face where metal “stingers” (96) on the support means firmly engage the face, helping to stabilize the modules when the units’ components are extended, With the support means inthis position, the drill are moved axially to the face through chain or screw feeds (87) driven by air or hydraulic motors, and the dril bits bore holes of the desired depth in the rock by the thrust and rotating action imparted to them by the chain or sctew feeds and drill motors (86). Rock fragments in the holes are removed by the air from the drills, of flushed out with Alter the holes have been drilled, the chain or screw feeds act to retract the drill, and the units are indexed, Le. cylinder 112 is actuated to rotate indexing dise 110 and pivot the units 50 as to position the explosives delivery hoses coaxially with the holes drilled by the drilling means, The explosives delivery hhoses are moved axially and into the drill holes by the action of robot loaders, as described in the aforementioned copend- ing application. After the hoses have been passed to the bot tom of the holes, the required amounts of explosive, eg., number of secondary explosive cartridges, are ejected from the hoses, the explosive being fed to the explosives delivery hhoses in eed lines 17 and 18 from an explosives supply means at supply unit 19, and propelled through the hoses and out of their forward ends in the drill holes by pumping or by com- pressed air. The delivery hoses are withdrawn from the holes bby means of the robot loaders, with repeated light counter- rmovernents (tamping), when required, so as to pack ejected carteidges to high density ‘Alter the holes have been loaded with explosive (and explo- sive tamped, if required), the explosives delivery hoses are retracted by means of the robot loaders, the support means are retracted, and the units are indexed, this time 50 as to posi- 10 1s 20 30 35 40 45 50 35 0 6s 0 15 771 14 tion the guns coaxially with the loaded drill holes, Doors 3a and 34, and 4a and 45, are moved to their closed postions. Cylinders 37, attached to hinge plates 36 on barrier segments 3a and 314, and cylinders 42, attached to hinge plates 41 on barrier segments 38a and 38D, are actuated so that laps 35 and 40 engage the walls, ceiling, and floor of the tunnel, ef fecting a seal to attenuate blast pressure and noise levels be- hind the transverse barriers. Plate 43is in its lowered position, and front chassis segment 20 is in its retracted position (beneath frame 16), as shown in solid lines in FIG. 1. The 10 ‘guns ate fied, e.g, by pneumatic or electrical tigger action, a bullet having previously been delivered into the chamber of each gun from a projectile supply means at supply unit 19, {rom which the bullets are fed to the projectile delivery hoses in feed lines 17 and 18, compressed air propelling them for- ward and positioning them in the gun chambers. Firing of the {guns propels a bullet through each aperture in doors 3a, 3b, 44a, and 4, and into the explosive charge in each ofthe 10 drill hholes, detonating the charges and fragmenting the rock sur- rounding the holes. Immediately after the blast, plate 43 is raised, enabling exhaust fan 48 to draw fumes away from the face and blow them back under positive pressure through ven- tilation duct 44; and gathering arms 26 and 27 on apron 24, the gathering arms on apron 28, and conveyors 28 and 29 are actuated, front chassis segment 20 being moved to its ex- tended position (dotted lines in FIG. 1) to enable the gather- ing arms to clean the floor ofthe tunnel up to the face. Fresh air moves toward the face through the conveyor openings in barrier segments 31a and 382, and/or through air feed ducts capable of being opened and closed, Supporting arm members 9/and 10 and modules 1 and 2 are repositioned for the Cycle 2 driling step (FIG. 5), apertures 7 and 7, and 8a and 8h being placed on the axes ofthe holes to be drilled in Cycle 2 In this eye, since one module operates atthe bottom of the face, front chassis segment 20 is retracted beneath frame 16 (solid lines in FIG. 1) and the operation of gathering arms 26 and 27 interrupted during the positioning and operation ofthe modules. Module 1 is rotated clockwise 90° and tilted downward, and arm member 9 is lowered and swung to the left; while module 2 is rotated clockwise 90° and tilted up- ‘ward, and arm member 10 is raised and swung to the right. ‘The dril-and-blast units are indexed o as to position the dill, con the axes ofthe holes tobe drilled in Cycle 2, doors 34 3b, 4a, and 4b are reopened, and Cycle 2 is continued with the ‘same sequence of operations as in Cycle I. As is shown in FIG. 6, ventilation at the face continues until the blast step of the cycles, immediately prior to which fume exhaustion and fresh air feed are interrupted by lowering plate 43, and closing the doors in the air feed ducts, if present. Immediately after the bist step of the eycles, mucking and ventilating operations Cycles 3, 4, and § follow Cycle 2 consecutively with the same sequence of operations as in Cyele 1, the supporting arm members and modules being repositioned before each new cycle to give the drill hole pattern shown in FIG. §.In Cycles 3 land 4, front chassis segment 20 remains extended and the fathering arms and conveyors continue to operate during the drill and load steps, as is shown in FIG. 6. In Cycle §, the modules operate atthe bottom of the face and therefore, as in Cycle 2, front chassis segment 20 is retracted and the opera- ton of gathering arms 26 and 27 interrupted during the posi toning and operation ofthe modules In the blast step of each cycle, the majority of rock frag- ‘ments fall ahead of transverse barrier 31. With 100 percent tunnel closure provided by transverse bartiers 31 and 38, oF about 95~100 percent closure provided by transverse barriers 31 and 38 plus one or two like transverse barriers mounted be: hhind barrier 38 in ander, the sound pressure level in the zone behind the rearmost barrier is below 140 decibels, a limit set by law for human tolerance, ‘The excavation apparatus of the present invention has a plu- ralityie., wo oF more, of drill-and-blast units which enable it to advance a face in cycles of multiple sequences. The multi 3,623,771 ty ple units can be housed each within a separate single-unit module, ie. in a module comprising a single drilling means, single explosives delivery means, and single energy-delivering means, suitably supported and housed or multiple units ean be clustered within 2 common housing member in a composite ‘module oF pod as ilustrated in FIGS, 4, 4A and 4B. The ap- pparatus can have a single composite module, multiple single- ‘unit modules, multiple composite modules, or a combination fof single-unit and composite modules. Multiunit composite modules are preferred over single-unit modules because they offer the advantage of greater efficiency with respect to space land weight utilization. The apparatus can have a single sup porting arm member with all ofthe modules mounted thereon (one oF more); of multiple supporting arm members each with a single module, each with multiple modules, ot one or more bearing a single module and one of more others bearing multi- ple modules. Multiple arm members can together support a ingle module The specific number of drilland-blast units, modules, and supporting arm members, and the distribution pattern of the lunits with respect to multiple modules, and of multiple ‘modules with respect to supporting arm members therefor, can vary. The mumber of units in the module(s) and the number of modules mounted, or mountable, in the apparatus determines the maximum number of holes which can be worked on per cycle or, in other words, the number of loca- tions at which a group of drill-load-blast sequences ean be ear ried out concurrently (e.g, drill at all ofthe selected locations. substantially simultaneously, then load at all of the locations substantially simultaneously or in rapid succession, followed bby a breakin the blasting to begia the drill step ofthe next cy- cle), Thus, ta be eapable of the highest possible rate of ad~ vance with a given size of explosive charge in the dril holes, it is desirable to have the largest possible number of units per ‘module, and the largest possible number of modules mounted, for mountable, in the apparatus as can be supported satisfac” torily, operated freely, and serviced conveniently, in the con templated work space, while the size ofthe cycles Keptsmall tenough that the pressure capability of the machine is not ex ‘ceeded. Preferably, as many ofthe dril-and:-blast units in the “apparatus as possible are operated in every cycle, although not ‘every unit need be operated in every cycle, Furthermore itis not necessary that the capacity of an apparatus for mounting modules be utilized fully in ll operations, the apparatus being ‘capable of operating with fewer or more modules as may be equired with a changing bast pattern or changing conditions. Considering as a typical case the advancement of a 9-foot- wide by 9footshigh tunnel face with about 20-S0 holes per round, an apparatus having atleast about two, and up to about 25 drill-and-blast units, usualy is suitable, with about four to 12 being preferred, the larger numbers of units being used as the number of holes per round is greater, space permitting With a larger tunnel face, $0 or more units may be employed. To provide greater versatility with respect to changeability of blast cycle patterns, its preferred that at least two multiunit modules or pads be employed, in any suitable distribution pat- tem, eg, 2 tworto 10 -unit module together with 2 second two-to I0-unit module, the number of units in one module being the seme or different than the number of units in the other(s). The geometric arrangement or cluster pattern of the lunts within a composite module or pod can vary as required. Linear (straight or curved) or polygonal clusters of units can ‘be employed for working in linear or polygonal drill-hole pat- ‘The specific number of supporting arm members in the ap pparatus is selected chiefly on the basis of the number of modules and drilland-blast units in the modules, and the available working space. in the preferred apparatus wherein there are two oF more multiunit pods, i is preferred to have a single module per supporting arm member. Thus, considering versatility as well as expected space limitations, a preferred apparatus is one having one to eight supporting arm members, each having a single multiunit module mounted thereon, 25 40 3s 60 65 0 15 16 “The apparatus of this invention operates with its front end confronting a generally vertical face to be advanced. The for ‘wardmost components of the apparatus are the fragment-col- Iecting means, asiociated with the front end of the lower sup: porting frame or chassis ofthe carriage, and the drilland-blast ‘odules(s), the front end{s) of which confront the face, fol lowed by the supporting arm member(s) for the module(s), the module(s) and arm member(s) adopting a normal or oblique attitude (Frontto-back dimension) with respect to the vertical. The apparatus is stationed before the face during every operation of the drillload-blast cycles. Therefore, all ‘components of the apparatus are capable of withstanding the effects of fly rock or air blast to which they will be exposed. “The chassis and associated fragment-collecting and transport- ing means are of sufficiently rugged construction to withstand these effects, All components of the drilland-blast units, in- cluding motion-imparting mechanisms therein, power supply Tines, mechanisms, and joints associated with the supporting ‘arm member(s), the control means, the ventilation means, and the explosives supply means and feeding means (and projec- tile supply means and feeding means, if the energy-delivering ‘means are guns) are protected from biast pressure and fly rock by shielding means, The shielding means comprises armored housing on the supporting arm member(s) and module(s), and at least one transverse barrier, e.g, a metal platelike member ‘mounted on the eatriage with its large-area surfaces substan- tially parallel to the face, the transverse barrier being located behind the supporting arm member(s) and module(s) and for ward of the explosives supply means and, if present, the pro- jectile supply means. “Armored housing” on the module(s) ‘and supporting arm member(s) denotes an outer shell or ‘covering capable of withstanding air blast and impact effects. Such shells protect the module components, motion-imparting ‘mechanisms, powerlines, e.g, hydraulic, pneumatic, and elec trical lines, and mountings from the blast e., Except where flexibility is required of the housing, e4., at movable joins, the housing is rigid and usually metalic. The closure member at the operating end of the armored module is adapted to be ‘opened to permit axial extension and operation ofthe drilling and loading means, and to be closed during the blast step ‘when the axially extendable members are in the retracted position and the energy-delivering means is to be actuated. ‘The closure member has an aperture or porthole therein for ‘each drill-and-blast unit in the module "pod," each porthole being on an axis on which the initiating energy is to be delivered to initiate a condensed secondary explosive charge in a drill hole. The mechanical means employed to achieve ‘opening and closing of the closure member isnot ertial. In fone embodiment, the module has a swingable closure ‘member, eg. in the form of one oF more doors, which form fone or mote openings at the operating end when swung open, permitting extension of all required components. This type of ‘pening affords front access to the module components, when required, and therefore is preferred. On the other hun, it i also posible to provide a local opening for each drill-and- blast uunitin the closure member, with means for narrowing the rela- tively large opening required for operation of the drilling and Toading means tothe size required for delivery of the initiating energy. Although the configuration ofthe supporting arm and ‘module outer shell or housing is not a critical feature, a coni- cal or wedge-shaped operating-end-closure configuration on the modules is preferred as a means of providing added pro- tection against rock impact, this design resulting in @ greater degree of glancing rack impact. For the same reason, sloping surfaces on the atm and module outer shell are preferred. Greater protection against rock impact can be provided along the leading edge of the module by a “bumper"-type member (ee.,5in module 1, and 6 in module 2, in FIGS. 1,2,3,4, and 4A) made, for example, of hard rubber or a tough, hard metal, eg, Stellte “The configuration and dimensions of the supporting arm member(s), their mounting location on the carriage, thei at titude and mobility with respect to the carriage, and the con: 3,623,771 17 figuration and dimensions of the structural member(s) or framework on the carriage to which the back end of each arm member is secured can vary widely, depending on such factors as the configuration and weight of the module(s) to be sup= ported and maneuvered, the dimensions of the face to be ad- ‘vanced, the type of arm maneuverability required to carry out Aril-load-blasteycles of the desired patterns witha given com- bination of drill-and-blast units, the size ofthe blasts, etc. As a rule, however, the arm members will be cylindrical, of any convenient cross-sectional configuration, and preferably will be long enough, ., mounted on the carriage sufficiently far back, that an inordinate degree of arm lift is not required for repositioning of the module(s) to achieve a desired blast pat- tem, For many situations, adequate capability is achieved when the arm(s) are secured at their back ends to the machine ‘carriage in a generally horizontal attitude and are capable of lifting to a position of about 15° above the horizontal and lowering to a position of about 15* below the horizontal Preferably, the arm(s) also have the capability of swinging t0 the right and left, eg, to positions of about 15° on opposite sides of a line normal to the face. Modest angles of lift and swing are preferred because they permit the use of less-lexi- ble powerlines, ie., pneumatic and hydraulic hoses, and pro- vide less impact surface to fly rock. “The type of mounting for the supporting arm member(s) on the carriage, and the location and design of the mechanisms for moving the arm member(s) are not critical provided they afford the required support for the module(s) and repostion- ing capability. Double pivot or double clevis mounting with swing and lift hydraulic cylinders associated with the mount- ing can be employed. Another type of construction isa spheri- cal segment mounting (modified ball joint allowing passage of power and feed lines) of the back of the arm to the carriage, and an arm-positioning device attached to the carriage floor and to the under portion ofthe arm member at a forward loca- tion near the module (38 shown in FIGS. 1 and 3). The post tioning device can consist of two cylinders preferably forming. a triangle with the floor between them, the arm being secured to the two cylinders atthe apex angle formed by the cylinders. Alternatively, the supporting arm member can be positioned bby means of a serew actuator, which isa preferred device for the reason thatthe position of the arm can be monitored more readily therewith. The arm-positioning devices preferably are shielded from fly rock, e.g, by a surrounding skirt shield or a vertical bumper ‘The module is pivotally and rotatably secured to the front tend ofthe supporting arm member, with its operating end for- ‘ward and generally on about the same longitudinal axis as the farm member, The module is adapted to rotate with respect to the axis of the arm member, e.g, through an angle of up to about 360° , as well as to tilt upward and downward, eg, through an angle of up to about 15° in each direction. Such ‘motion capabilities allow the driland-blast units in a com- posite module to operate on different sections ofthe face with alteration of the positioning ofa given group of drill holes with respect to the axis normal to the face, and permit the com- ponents of the units to be positioned as close tothe periphery ‘of the face as possible. ‘The motion capabilities ofall supporting arm members and ‘modules can be substantially the same, or different. For exam- ple, the apparatus can have one or more central arm members and modules in fixed positions, and peripheral arm members ‘and modules movable as described above. A preferred ap- paratus, however, on the bass of versatility, is one in which all, farm members and modules are movable, ‘The specific nature of the working components of the drill: and:blast units can vary, eg., as described in the aforemen- mned copending application. With respect to the drilling ‘means, for example, mechanical drilling means, such as per- cussion drills or hammers, rotary drill, or rotary percussion ris; drilling means employing high-pressure fluids, such as abrasive-laden hydraulic jets; or thermal drilling means em- ploying hot gas or flame jets, electrical disintegration, electron 20 35 40 45 50 60 6s 10 15 18 bbeams, of lasers; or any combination of such driling means can be employed in the units. The energy'delivering means preferably isa means of projecting propagative energy to the ‘charge through an inactive medium, ie. energy which derives from the intensity and time dependence of the dynamic physi- ccal phenomena utilized to transport it from one place t0 another, eg, the energy which derives from the intensity and time dependence of an electromagnetic field or of shock wave pressure, the velocity of a projectile, etc. Projectile-propelling devices (guns), lasers, and high-energy electrical discharge devices in combination with electrode-feeding means are ex- amples of such energy-delivering means. Means for conveying and positioning a blasting cap, eof the instantaneous type, in the drill hole in contact with the condensed secondaty ex: plosive charge therein and subsequently actuating the cap also ‘can be employed as the energy-delivering means, but such ‘means may not be preferred because of the risk of accidental detonation due to the presence ofa primary explosive charge in a continuous reaction train with the secondary explosive ccharge in the drill hole when the cap has been positioned therein, ‘The exact nature ofthe mounting structure forthe drill-and- blast units is not critical provided the structure allows the ‘components to move freely as required, and to withstand the ‘effect of shock of the magnitude which will be encountered in use. A solid mounting block with suitable longitudinal aper- tures oF slots for receiving the units can be employed. A Tighter weight structure which can be used consists of two or ‘more transverse platelike supports (a8 in FIG. 4A) fixedly at- tached to the module housing, the working components ofthe units iting in corresponding apertures or slots inthe platelike supports. The design of the cross section of the support struc- ture normal to the module axis can vary from a comparatively ‘open design, e.g. central dislike portion with radial spokes emanating therefrom and fixed to the housing wall, the units ‘being mounted radially on the central portion between spokes, to a more closed design, e.g., one in which a cutout or open portion of the cross section is substantially no larger than that needed to fit the units and permit their required indexing mo- tion. The use of the structure shown in FIGS. 4, 44, and 4B is aa preferred one in that the bulkhead-type plateike supports, if thin enough toflexin the direction ofthe module axis, afford a ‘means of uncoupling the housing wall from the axial shock, reducing the shock effect on the module components. Also, the comparatively closed design in the transverse direction provides a certain degree of protection against the entry of ‘duty from the front end of the module. ‘The powered carriage of the apparatus ofthis invention is comprised of a movable chassis, or lower supporting frame, and a body set thereon. The carriage has a forward end which confronts the face to be advanced, the face being substantially normal to the direction of the apparatus’ travel, ie, the irection of the carriage’s traction propelling devices. The supporting arm member(s) and module(s) extend in the same general direction as the earriage’s traction propelling devices. The front end of the chassis is formed into a loading apron oF deck, which forms a part of the fragment-collecting means. ‘The apron is adapted to contact the ground surface ahead of the assembly and slopes downwardly to the ground at its for- ‘ward end. Mounted on the apron, one at each side thereof, are ‘wo gathering arms which operate with a sweeping motion to {gather the fragments, e.g, rock pieces, from the ground area ‘immediately ahead of the apron. The module(s), which are suspended above the apron and gathering arms, extend for- ‘ward beyond the latter so that the module units can work on the bottom portion of the face. A fragment-transporting ‘means, ¢g.,an endless conveyor, is mounted on the chassis on an axis which i substantially equidistant from the axes of rot tion of the gathering arms, and extends front-to-back from the gathering arms toa discharge location. The material gathered by the armsis crowded onto the forward end of the conveyor, which transports the material rearwardly to be discharged from the apparatus. Additional fragmentsremoving capability 3,623,771 19 ‘can be achieved with an apparatus having two oF more pairs of gathering arms, each pair with an associated conveyor, ‘mounted side-by-side on the same separate aprons. ‘The design ofthe portion ofthe carriage which is set on the chassis is not a critical feature ofthe apparatus provided it al= lows the gathering arms, conveyor, and module-supporting arm members to operate as required, and permits rock to fall tonto the conveyor. In one design, ef. that shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, the body portion of the carriage is essentially a single- level framework with appropriate mounting surfaces for the supporting arm member(s), barrer(s) etc, multiple support- ing arm members being mounted at substantially the same level. In an alternate design, the body portion can be a mul- tilevel framework or gantry, which design allows supporting arm members to be mounted at different levels, e.g, to arm members per level, In a preferred apparatus, the surfaces exposed to fly rock are disposed at angles oblique to the horizontal, eg., 45° or less (nonpenetrating angles for horizontal rock motion). Also, the exposed surfaces of the carriage adjacent to the conveyor preferably slope gradually downward from the sides ofthe car- age inward to the conveyor, thereby directing the rock frag- ‘ments onto the conveyor. Further, any exposed surfaces of the upper portion of the carriage atthe front end of the apparatus preferably slope downwardly inthe forward direction to guide fly rock into the path of the gathering arms. Adjustable sloping guide members are preferred, since raising of the guide mem. bers at the sides of the apparatus changes their angle of inclination and the distance between the apparatus and the ‘nnel walls, allowing the release of any rock fragments which ‘may become jammed between the apparatus and tunnel walls, In order that the gathering arms may collect all of the frag- iments in the path of the apparatus, the arms must be able to move ahead toward the face as they work, This may be accom- plished by moving the entire apparatus forward, o the extent allowable by the supporting arm member(s). It is preferred, however, that there be a relative forward and backward mo: tion capability between the frame or deck on which the {gathering arms are mounted and the upper portion ofthe car- Fiage on which the supporting arm member(s) and module(s) are mounted. This allows the gathering arms to take up al- terately extended and retracted positions with respect to the upper carriage portion, providing more effective mucking and also affording a measure of protection to the gathering arms during the blasts by permitting thei retraction under the ear- Fiage. The supporting arm member(s) can be caused to move back with respect to the gathering arms by having the upper portion of the carriage mounted on rale, for example. Alter- atively, the chassis ean have a front frame segment, ic, that segment containing the front loading deck, gathering arms, and associated conveyor, which is independently axially movable with respect to the body portion of the carriage and with respect to one or more rear chassis frame segments so that it ean move to an extended forward position for mucking ‘while the drill-and-blast units are working at middle and upper levels onthe face, and toa retracted position while the module units are working near the bottom ofthe face. ‘The chassis is propelled by suitable traction devices, preferably crawlers or tractor treads, and, when required, two (oF more sets of traction devices, axially aligned, may be em- ployed. In particularly preferred embodiment, redundance incorporated in the fragment-collecting means by providing cone or more additional pairs of gathering arms behind a front pair as an extra measure of insurance that fragments do not remain in the travel path of the back part of the machine. A chassis of this type having front and back crawlers, and front and back gathering arm loaders, all loaders communicating With a conveyor, ean be constructed, for example, by suitably combining two or more commercially available crawler ‘mounted gathering arm loaders, ¢, 14 BU:10 Loaders, made by the Joy Manufacturing Company. The loaders can be aligned one behind the other with the front end of a back loader fitting under the back end of the conveyor associated 20 25 30 35 40 4s 50 35 60 65 0 18 20 with the loader ahead of it, the conveyors all communicating with one another. ‘The explosives supply means, projectile supply means (if present, ventilation means, and control unit forthe apparatus are located behind one or more transverse barriers. The barr- {er not only protects these components of the apparatus from impact by fly rock which may reach them, but acts as a pres- sure- and sound-attenuation shield, intermittently sealing off the space ahead of the barrier(s) so that blast pressure and noise levels in a zone behind the barrier(s) are within prescribed safe limits of human tolerance. The bartier, oF ‘combination of bartiers, constitute an environmental transi ton region wherein blast pressure and noise are attenuated. Each transverse barrier comprises a rigid, platelike member hhaving edge portions which are extensible and retractable in directions substantially normal to the edge surface(s) thereof ‘The term "platelike member" as used herein to describe the ‘transverse barrier is descriptive of the overall geometry of the member, ie., 2 member having two opposing boundary sur. faces of large dimension(s) relative to the dimension normal thereto, rather than of the structural makeup of the member. ‘The term is meant to include a single-unit structure, eg.,a sin- ale plate, slab, or disc, as well as multiunit structures, eg, two ‘or more subpiates in adjacent end-to-end position (i, with the corresponding broad surfaces ofthe subplates adapted to bbe substantially coplanar) or in offset end-to-end position (Le, with the subplates adapted to be in substantially parallel, noncoincident planes). With multiplate structures, there is substantially no free space between the two adjacent or nearest end surfaces ofeach pair of subplates inthe structure, and therefore there is an intervening (usually substantially horizontal) rigid member such 2s a plate or slab between the two nearest end surfaces of all spaced-apart pairs of plates, Also, in multiplate structures, although the subplates are adapted to be in substantially paralle planes, one or more of the subplates can be adapted to move so that an angle can be present between a pair of subplates. Preferably, each trans: verse barrier is adapted to have its vertical dimension in creased or decreased so that the apparatus can be used in ex ceavations of various sizes. For example, the barrier can com: prise a lower subplate fixedly mounted substantially vertically fon the carriage and an upper subplate adapted to pivot about a horizontal axis to enable it to be moved from the vertical posi tion as required, Furthermore, the plaelike member can have a laminar structure of side-by-side adjacent layers in vertical planes parallel tothe large-dimensioned boundary surfaces of the member, eg, layers of different materials such as a layer of granular material or corrugated metal between two solid ‘metal plates. The edge portions of the platelike member are extensible and retractable to adapt the bartir to engage and disengage the walls, ceiling, and floor of a tunnel asa seal. For example, the edge surfaces of the barrier plate(s) can be surrounded by fn expandible, eg, rubber, collar or hose. The collar is ‘adapted to extend to the tunnel surfaces as a result of expan- sion when inflated, and to retract from these surfaces as 2 result of contraction when deflated. In another type of seala- ble barrier, a bladderlike ayer is attached edgewise to the bar- rier plate(S) at or near the edges thereof. The bladderlike layer hangs limp and therefore disengaged from the tunnel surfaces when unpressurized, and rigid and erect and in en- {agement with the tunnel surfaces when pressurized with uid. Alternatively, the extensibility and retractability of the sealing ayer can be achieved mechanically by use of a hinged ‘ap of wedge layer of a heavy elastomeric material, mounted near the edge surfaces of the barrier plate(s), the flap or ‘wedge being extended to, and pressed against, the tunnel sur- face and retracted therefrom, for example, by the actuation of cylinders connected to metal hinge plates fastened to the flap ‘oF wedge. Since the tunnel surfaces are apt tobe irregular, maximum sealing potential i afforded by a barrier having an edge layer ‘adapted to extend out to the tunnel surfaces to varying 3,623, 21 degrees from location to location along the layer’s length. With such a layer, the amount of extension employed from section to section ean conform to that required by the distance between the section and the tunnel surface. Such a capability ‘can be provided, for example, with a hinged elastomeric flap for wedge having asufficient number of independently actuata bie hinge plates to move sections of the flap as required to seal the tunnel. In another embodiment, the extensible-retractable sealing layer can be sectionalized inthe direction of the layer’s Tength, each section of the layer being variably extensible and retractable. One type of sectionalized layer which ean be used consists of bladderlike members positioned adjacent each other around the edge surfaces of the barrier plate(s) in the nature ofa sectionalized collar. The collar sections can be in- fated and deflated independently to the degree required by the surrounding tunnel surface. Alternatively, a number of flexible hoses can be attached at one end to the barrier plate(s), the hoses being adjacent each other and hanging limp when unpressurized, and rigid and erect when pressurized with uid. With sectionalized inflatable layers, it is ad vantageous to use two or more adjacent layers with the sec- tions of one layer staggered with respect to those of the next to assure optimum sealing. The hinged lap or wedge seal layer ‘described above also can be sectionalized with each flap or ‘wedge section movable via a separate metal hinge plate, e.g, sis illustrated in FIGS. 1, 2, and 3. Overlapping of adjacent ‘aps, andor the use of two or more adjacent layers with the faps of one staggered with respect to those ofthe next, can be ‘employed for optimum sealing. The flap or wedge type of seal {s preferred since itis more rugged than the inflatable seals, being less prone to failure as a result of accidental cuting on rock. The barrier engages the surrounding surfaces during blast, and és disengaged when movement of the apparatus is required. Also, all openings in the barrier(s) which permit communication between the external environments ahead of and behind the barrier(s) are adapted to be closed off during blast, and opened during the remaining steps ofthe dril-load- biast sequences. Two or more transverse barriers mounted on the carriage in tandem are preferred to provide maximum, pressure and noise reduction capability, With two or more transverse barriers, each barrier can have its own closure ‘means for the opening(s) therein, eg. sliding or pivotable doors, or the openings in the different barriers may be joined together by a duct and the duct shut off atthe opening in the front barrier In a preferred apparatus, the distance between the trans- verse barrier (i.e. a single barter, or the forwardmost of mul- tiple barriers) and the face during operation ofthe apparatus is great enough, that most of the fragments propelled back from the face fallin front ofthe barrier, the falling fragments boing guided onto a conveyor by the sloping exposed surfaces ‘of the carriage (5S and 56 of FIG. 2) and the gathering arms of, ‘aback gathering arm loader (e-g., the arms on deck 25 of FIG. 1), Having the Barter set back from the face inthis manner is advantageous not only because the effect of repeated impact fon the barrier is avoided, but also because the pressure ex- certed on the barrier, and therefore the pressure to be attenu- ated by the barrier(s), is lower owing to the larger volume of 9 space ahead of the barrier. To facilitate pressure- and sound attenuation with blast cycles of an economically acceptable size, the location of the transverse barrier(s) should be such as to provide between the barriers) and the face (i.e, between the environmental transition region and the face) a volume of 65 atleast about 150 cubic feet per pound of condensed seconda- ty explosive detonated per eycle. The zone of reduced pres- sure and noise levels behind the transverse barvier(s), ie, be- hind the environmental transition region, is the zone where personnel may be located. The distance between this zone and the face depends on the number and positioning of transverse barriers on the carriage, but generally is no more than about 100 feet, and usually no more than about 50 feet. Each drilland:blast unitin each module inthe apparatus in ‘cludes an axially movable forward end portion of an explo- 15 20 2s 30 35 40 50 ss 0 18 771 2 sives delivery hose in communication with an explosives feed ing means, the latter communicating also with an explosives supply means. The explosives supply means is mounted either fon the same carriage as the transverse barrie(s) or trails the barriers) on a separate carriage. The type of explosives supply means and feeding means depends on the nature of the explosive. For example, the supply means can be a magazine containing cartridged explosive or bulk solid explosive, or one ‘oF mote storage tanks for slurry explosive ingredients, The feeding means can be, for example, pneumatic loaders for solid explosives, or pumps for slurry explosives, The feeding ‘means has loading tubes or delivery hoses which terminate in dril-and-blast units. For loading cartidged explosives, eg. dynamite, preferred feeding means are pneumatic cartridge Yoaders such as are described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,040,615 and in The Modern Technique of Rock Blasting, V. Langefors and B. Kiblstrom, Stockholm Almavist & Wiksell, 1967, pp. 97-101. With the pneumatic cartridge loader, a semiauto- ‘matic breechpiece can be used to feed cartridges continu ‘ously. The tubes or hoses leading from the feeding means to the dril-and-blast units are somewhat flexible and can be made, for example, of metal or plastic. All of the explosives Aelivery hoses can be housed within a common feed tube for passage through the apparatus, as shown in FIGS, 1 and 2, preferably ina manner such that each individual hose is free to ‘move independently in an axial direction with no effect on neighboring hoses. The reason for this preferred condition is ‘that the operation of the working components of a given dril- and-blast unit, including the axial extension and retraction of the explosives delivery hose, preferably is controllable inde- pendently of the operation of the components of other units. This permits the operation of less than all of the units in a given cycle, the drilling of holes of different depths by a given group of units, the loading of different amounts of explosive in the different holes by a given group of units, etc, When the energy-delivering means of the units are guns, projectile supply means is mounted either on the same car. riage as the transverse barrier(s) of trails the barrier(s) on & separate carriage. The projectile supply means. eg. a magazine, communicates with feeding means, such as the pneumatic loaders mentioned above, the later having tubes or hoses leading to the chambers ofthe guns, ‘The mechanisms (actuators and sensors) in the machine for ‘cooperatively moving and positioning the various components thereof in a preselected overall pattern, eg, that shown in FIG. 6, are energized by power transmission thereto from a control unit or center in a control cab located behind the transverse barrier(s). The control unit can be located on the sme carriage as the supporting arm member(s) and trans- verse barrier(s), as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, or it can trail be- hhind on aseparate carriage. ‘The apparatus can have a face-lluminating means, Le., a light source adapted to be focused on the face, and a viewing. Port through which the face can be viewed directly. Alterna- tively, or in addition, indirect face-sighting means, eg.. a closed-circuit television camera mounted behind a transverse barrier at a port therein ean be incorporated in the machine, the port being adapted to be closed when the energy-deliver- ing means of the module units are operating. Air blowers can bbe mounted in the modules and operated when needed to clear dust away from the face and thus assist visibility ‘The apparatus of the invention performs all of the opera tions required to advance a face by drilland-blast, including the intial cut. No mechanical cutting means are required, In carrying out the process of this invention, the location, pattern of the groups of dril-and-load-blast sequences (hole pattern), the time pattern in which the groups of sequences are per” formed, the number of sequences carried out concurrently (holes per cycle), and the amount of explosive detonated per ‘eycle are all conditions that can vary widely and indepen dently, depending on many factors such as the overall size of the face, the physical properties of the material being ex ‘cavated, the number of drill-and-blast units available, the mo- 3,623,771 23 bility of the units, the degree of constriction of the working area, ventilation and noise abatement requirements and capa bility, ete. In most cases the size of the cycles will be about 5-50 percent of the sizeof the entire round, most often up to about 35 percent of the total number of holes required, of such that no more than about 100 pounds, usually up to about 30 pounds, of explosive detonates per cycle ‘The angle of the drill holes with respect to the face may vary. In some instances, the holes will need to be drilled non- normal to a face be cause of space restrictions atthe sides, ceiling, and floor ofa tunnel. In other instances, oblique holes willbe used to provide a special ype of cut. Also, the length of, the explosive charges in the holes ofa given cycle can be sub- stantially uniform or different. Variations in angle andjor ex- plosive charge length from hole-to-hole may be employed in some eyeles and not in others, but they are used more often in the first cycle (e.g, Cycle 1 in FIG. 8), in which the opening cutis made. Any ofthe patterns commonly employed in drill= And-blast operations can be employed in the present process In a given cycle, the explosive charges in all holes can be detonated substantially simultaneously, or a small delay can bbe used between detonations in individual holes or groups of holes. When delays are employed ina given cycle, they should bbe short enough that fly rock produced by detonation in a given hole or group of heles is aot propelled from the hole(s) before the initiating energy is delivered to the explosive ccharge(s) in the adjacent hole or group of holes. Asa rule, any delay between detonations in adjacent holes or groups of holes js no more than about 3 milliseconds per foot of distance between the holes or groups of holes. In the blast cycle pattern shown in FIG. 8, for example, the explosive charges in the groups of holes at the periphery of the Face in some or all of, the peripheral cycles (2, 3, 4, and $) may be detonated at some small interval after the charges in the groups of inside holes, ie, those closer to the opening in the face made in Cycle 1. €g., an interval of about 1~6 milliseconds when the spacing between the peripheral groups and inside groups is about 24 inches or les ‘The overall sequential pattern of operations performed in each eycle in the process ofthis invention is that of drill, load, and blast, with pressure and noise attenuation ater blast and with mucking and ventilation during the dill and load opera- tions, except in cycles in which the holes being drilled and loaded are at the bottom of the face. In the latter cycles, mucking begins immediately after the blast step of the previ ‘ous eyele and ie interrupted before the modulets) are repos. tioned. Ventilating operations proceed continuously except uring’ the blast step. Within this overall pattern, certain specific operations ean be performed substantially simultane ously, as shown in FIG. 6, e-., the positioning ofthe support. ing arm member(s) and module(s) and opening or closing of ‘module doors and shield opening(s). Others are sequential, ©-8, opening of module doors before the extension of drill feed channels and drills to the face; retracting of explosives delivery hoses before closing of module doors; closing of module doors and shield opening(s) before the blast step; and ‘opening the barrier seal before repositioning the machine Because the apparatus remains at the face during the entire succession of eycles constituting a round, and many of the operations are performed simultaneously, the drill-lond-blast sequences and the succession of eycles are substantially com- tinuous. Typically, the total “dead time” per sequence, ic, the time between drilling and charge placement steps pls the time between charge placement and charge initiation steps, is on the order of 0.25 minute or ess; while the “dead time between cycles is less than about 0.25 minute. The total time ‘lapsing per round depends chiefly on the number af holes to be drilled and loaded. A round carried out in the blast eye pattern shown in FIG. 5 with 3-foot-long holes loaded with dynamite cartridges, for example, is performed in about 11 We claim: 1. Am excavating apparatus for advancing a subsurface face Jina geological formation comprising 0 20 2s 35 40 45 50 5s 6 6s 0 1 24 4. powered carriage having forward end which confronts ‘face to be advanced; b. atleast one supporting arm member pivotally mounted at its back end on said carriage; . a plurality of drilland-blast units positioned in at least cone drilland-blast module, said module being pivotal And rotatably mounted on the front end of a supporting, farm member, said drilland-blast units comprising (1) Griling means, (2) means for delivering a charge of con- densed secondury explosive into a hole made by said driling means, and (3) means for delivering energy t0 said secondary explosive charge in said hole to initiate said charge: 4. explosives feeding means including explosives delivery hhoses each of which has a forward end portion terminat- ing ina drill-and-blat unit, said explosives feeding means being in communication with explosives supply means and adapted to deliver explosive material com said explo sives supply means, through said explosives delivery hhoses, and outof the free forward ends of said hoses when the latter are in communication with drill holes; means mounted on said carriage for collecting and trans porting solid fragments, said collecting means being adapted to move fragments to said transporting means from the path of the apparatus at the forward end of said carriage, and said transporting means from the path of the apparatus at the forward end of said carriage, and said transporting means being adapted to move fragments away from the apparatus; f. ventilation means adapted to draw airborne fumes away from the face and cause fresh air to move up to the face, and {shielding means adapted to protect components ofthe ap- pparatus from blast pressure and rock impact, said shield ing means comprising (1) a least one transverse barrier ‘mounted on said catriage behind said supporting arm ‘member and drill-and-blast module and forward of ssid explosives supply means and being adapted intermittently to engage the surrounding surfaces of an underground ‘opening as a seal, and (2) armored housing on said sup: porting arm member and said module; said transverse barrier having at least one opening therein through which (A) said fragment-transporting means extends s0 a8 t0 communicate with suid fragment-collecting means at the forward end of said carriage, (B) said explosives delivery hoses extend so as to terminate in said drill-and-blast units, and (C) said ventilation means extends tothe space between said ventilation means and the face, all openings in said transverse barrier which permit communication between the external environments ahead of and behind said transverse bartier being adapted to be closed off in termittently 2. An apparatus of claim 1 wherein said means for deliver: ing energy to said secondary explosive charges in said holes are guns, and projectile supply means is located behind said ‘transverse barrier and in communication with projectile feed- ing means including projectile delivery hoses, each of which [passes through an opening in said transverse batrier and com- ‘municates with the chamber of a gun in each drilland-blast nit, said projectile feeding means being adapted to deliver a projectile from said projectile supply means, through said Selivery hoses, and into said gun chambers '3.An apparatus of claim I wherein a plurality of supporting arm members are mounted on said carriage, and a drill-and: blast module containing a plurality of drill-and-blast units is ‘mounted on each of said supporting atm members 4. An apparatus of claim 3 wherein said module unite are ar ‘ranged in the form ofa polygon, 'S. An apparatus of claim I wherein the location of said transverse barrier on said carriage is such that the majority of dislodged fragments propelled toward said barrier from the face fall forward of the barrier. 6. An apparatus of claim 3 wherein the location of said transverse barvier on said carriage is such as to. provide 3,623,771 25 between said transverse barrier and the face a volume of at least about 150 cubic feet per pound of condensed secondary explosive delivered into holes substantially concurrently by said dril-and-blast units. 7. An apparatus of claim 1 wherein said transverse barrier has @ lower segment fixedly mounted on said carriage and an upper segment pivotally secured to the upper edge of the lower segment to enable the upper segment to pivot about a horizontal axis, 8. An apparatus of claim 1 wherein said ventilation means includes atleast one duct which communicates with the space between a transverse barrier and the face through an opening in said transverse barrier and is adapted to be closed inter tently. 9. An apparatus of claim 1 wherein openable closure means are mounted adjacent all openings in said transverse barrier which permit communication between the external environ- ‘ments ahead of and behind said transverse barrier. 10. An apparatus of claim I wherein a plurality of tans- verse barriers are mounted on said carriage in tandem, said fragment-ransporting means and said explosives delivery hoses passthrough al of said transverse barriers, and said ven tilation means includes a duct which communicates with the space between the forwardmost transverse barrier and the face and which pastes through all other barriers, said duct being adapted to be closed intermittently 11, An apparatus of claim 10 wherein the location of sai for- wardmost transverse barrier on said carriage is such that the ‘majority of dislodged fragments propelled toward said bartier from the face fll forward of sai bartie, 12. An apparatus of claim 1 wherein the chassis of sad car- riage has a front frame segment and at least one rear frame segment, each of said frame segments bearing fragment-col- lecting and fragment-transporting means, sid front segment being adapted to move forward and backward independently of the body portion of said carriage and other frame segments, 13. An apparatus of claim 12 wherein each of said frame segments of said chassis is mounted on a separate pait of spaced crawlers and each frame segment bears a fragment- collecting means communicating with a fragmenttransporting ‘means, the fragmenttransporting means on all of said frame segments communicating with each other. 14. An apparatus of claim 1 wherein said fragmentcollect- ing means isa plurality of gathering arms and said fragment- ‘transporting means isan endless conveyor. 15. An apparatus of claim 1 wherein surfaces forward of a single transverse barrier, of ofthe forwardmost of a plurality fof transverse barriers, are disposed at angles oblique to the 20 2s 20 35 40 4s so 35 cy 65 10 15 26 horizontal, and said surfaces which are adjacent to the frag ‘ment-transporting means slope downward from the sides of said carriage inward to sad fragment-transporting means. 16. An apparatus of claim 15 wherein said surfaces which slope downward to said fragment-transporting means from the sides of said carriage are surfaces of adjustable guide mem= bers, sid guide members being adapted to have theit angle of inclination changed so as to change the distance between said guide members and the neighboring side surfaces of an un- ‘erground opening, 17. A process for advancing a subsurface face in a geologi cal formation comprising: ‘a. performing a substantially continuously succession of ‘groups of substantially continuous "dril-load-blast Sequences, each of said sequences ata single location in the face different from the locations therein where other sequences are performed, the sequences in each of said groups being carried out Substantially concurrently, and each sequence comprising the steps of (1) drilling a hole inthe face, (2) placing a charge of condensed secondary explosive in said hole, and (3) delivering energy to said secondary explosive charge in said hole in a manner such that energy is released into said charge at a rate sulfi- ciently high to cause detonation thereof, b. concurrently with steps (a)(1) and (a)(2), removing from the vicinity ofthe face dislodged fragments and air- ‘borne fumes produced during Step (a)(3) of the previous group of sequences; and «attenuating blast pressure and noise in an environmental transition region behind the face, to the extent that the blast pressure and noise levels in’a zone behind ssid re- gion are within prescribed safe limits of human tolerance. 18, A process of claim 17 wherein energy is delivered to said ‘secondary explosive charge in each sequence by propelling a projectile into said charg. 19. A process of claim 17 wherein the location of sad en= vironmental transition region is such as to provide between said region and the face a volume of at least about 150 cubic feet per pound of condensed secondary explosive placed in holes in each substantially concurrent group of drill-load-blast sequences, said zone behind said transition region being up to about 100 feet from the face. 20. A process of claim 17 wherein in each group of substan- tially concurrent drill-load-blast sequences, step (a)(1) is per- formed in all sequences substantially simultaneously, step (a)(2) thereafter is performed in all sequences substantially simultaneously, and step (a)(3) thereafter is performed with les than about 6 milliseconds between any two sequences,

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