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Mr. Alfred Tommy

#103, Tower No - 29, Commonwealth Games Village,
Laxmi Nagar, East Delhi, Delhi - 110092.

Email ID: [email protected] | Phone No: +91- 9971317754

Dear Alfred,

Sub: O$er Le%er for Employment in Quan%phi Analy%cs Solu%ons Private Limited (‘Company’)

With reference to your applica:on and subsequent interview you had with us on the 18-Jun-2020, we are
pleased to o=er you the posi:on of Senior Specialist - Cloud and Infra with the total package of Rs. 13,75,000
per annum (Rupees Thirteen Lakhs Seventy Five Thousand Only). The o=ered package is as follows:

Package Details
Fixed Component 12,75,000
Performance Linked Incen5ve 1,00,000
Total Cost to Company (CTC) 13,75,000

Your formal appointment le<er/agreement will be issued to you on the day of your joining our Company.
Please let us know your earliest date of joining.

We would expect you to join as early as possible, but not later than 27-Jul-2020 beyond which the o=er would
stand withdrawn, unless a new date is agreed to, by us in wri:ng. Your job loca:on would be Bangalore, India.

Your employment is con:ngent to a successful background/reference check that the Company may conduct at
its discre:on. For conduc:ng background/reference check by the Company, all the documents listed at
Annexure must be provided by you by uploading clear and legible copies of all the listed documents on the
website of our background veriJca:on agency, the link of which will be shared with you on the day of joining
or before. Such uploading must be completed by you within one day from your date of joining speciJed above.

In the event you fail to do so, the Company shall, at its sole discre:on:
1. Withdraw this O=er Le<er.
2. Terminate your services without liability in case you have already joined the Company.

This o=er is subject to you being medically Jt. We welcome you to the Quan:phi Family. A<ached along with
this le<er is your compensa:on structure, please sign the copy and send us a scan of this le<er as a token of
acceptance of the same.

____________________ __________________________
Authorized Signatory Agreed and Accepted
Vivek Khemani Alfred Tommy

Quan%phi Analy%cs Solu%ons 504, Quantum Towers Ram Baug, CIN NO. U74999MH2013PTC246212
Private Limited Behind State Bank Of India, O= S.V Road, PHONE +91 22 2844 3203
Malad (West), Mumbai 400064. EMAIL ID
WEB SITE h<p://
Version 1.1
Compensa%on Structure

Annual Remunera%on Amount (Rs.)

Fixed CTC 12,75,000
Performance Linked Incen:ve 1,00,000
Total Cost to Company (CTC) 13,75,000

Indica%ve break-up of the remunera%on:

Amount (Rs.)
Fixed Components:
Annual Monthly
I. Basic 6,37,500 53,125
II. HRA 3,18,756 26,562
III. Conveyance Allowance 19,200 1,600
IV. Medical Allowance 15,000 1,250
V. Leave Travel Allowance 53,100 4,425
VI. Special Pay 2,31,444 19,287
A. Gross Salary 12,75,000 1,06,250

I. Employer’s Contribu:on to PF 21,600 1,800
II. Employer’s Contribu:on to Gratuity 30,660 2,555
III. Professional Tax 2,500 200
B. Total Deduc%ons 54,660 4,555
C. Net Salary (A-B) 12,20,340 1,01,695

Indica%ve calcula%on of the monthly take-home remunera%on:

(this calcula:on is pre-tax)
Net Salary…..(C) 1,01,695
Employee’s Contribu:on to ESIC -
Employee’s Contribu:on to PF 1,800
D. Total Monthly Salary 99,895

 As and when ESIC becomes applicable to you and to the company the same will be deducted from
your remunera:on.
 Performance linked incen:ves, if any, shall be paid as per company policy.
 As per the Company appraisal policy, your yearly performance review & appraisal will be held in July
 If your Salary is reviewed in less than 12 months, your bonuses (if any) might be paid at the :me of
such revision. Any such bonus payment shall be pro-rated to the period that you have spent in the
 An employee is en:tled for the Group Mediclaim of Rs. 200,000 and Accidental Policy of Rs. 700,000
per year as per the company policy.
 An employee can avail for the Tax exemp:ng Paytm food wallet amount of Rs. 2,200 per month. This
amount if opted would be adjusted with the Special Pay amount from the Fixed Components sec:on.
 You will be further inducted on the performance system on the day of joining
 The above take home will be subject to deduc:on of income tax at source (TDS) as per income tax
rates as applicable from :me to :me.
 Gratuity shall be paid as per The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.

Quan%phi Analy%cs Solu%ons 504, Quantum Towers Ram Baug, CIN NO. U74999MH2013PTC246212
Private Limited Behind State Bank Of India, O= S.V Road, PHONE +91 22 2844 3203
Malad (West), Mumbai 400064. EMAIL ID
WEB SITE h<p://
Version 1.1
 On the date of your joining, you may please bring along the following printed documents:
1. Your duly accepted resigna:on le<er/relieving le<er from the previous employment
2. Previous experience cer:Jcates.
3. Copies of cer:Jcates/ diplomas / degrees of educa:onal qualiJca:ons. (Std. X, Std. XII,
Gradua:on and post-gradua:on).
4. Last 3 months’ pay slip
5. Proof of date of birth.
6. Proof of current address
7. PAN Card (3 copies)
8. Aadhar Card (3 copies)
9. Copy of latest valid passport
10. Latest Passport size photograph (3 copies)
11. Banking details for online salary deposit (bank name, branch name, account no., IFSC)

Signature: _________________________

Name: _________________________

Quan%phi Analy%cs Solu%ons 504, Quantum Towers Ram Baug, CIN NO. U74999MH2013PTC246212
Private Limited Behind State Bank Of India, O= S.V Road, PHONE +91 22 2844 3203
Malad (West), Mumbai 400064. EMAIL ID
WEB SITE h<p://
Version 1.1

Refer to the below list of documents you will be required to upload on the Background VeriJca:on Link:

1) Educa%on:
 Clear and uncut scanned copy of the degree cer:Jcate of the highest qualiJca:on (Post
 Final year or consolidated mark sheet of the highest qualiJca:on (Post Gradua:on/Gradua:on)

2) Employment:
 Clear photocopy of the experience cer:Jcate received from the organiza:on. In the absence of the
Experience cer:Jcate, provide a relieving le<er with men:on of your name and employee code.
(Please request your past employer for such documents in case you do not have them)
 Last three months’ payslips from your organiza:on.
 Employee Code needs to be men:oned clearly in this background veriJca:on form.
 Reference: Name of the reference along with func:onal contact informa:on.

3) Address:
Update the complete address along with the landmark and number that can be contacted at the :me of
the visit.

4) Iden%ty:
Clear PAN card/ Passport copy (Jrst and last page) have to be uploaded. If only PAN card is available,
kindly update the PAN number and men:oned other mandatory Jelds as NA.

5) Resume:
Please a<ached your updated resume.

Quan%phi Analy%cs Solu%ons 504, Quantum Towers Ram Baug, CIN NO. U74999MH2013PTC246212
Private Limited Behind State Bank Of India, O= S.V Road, PHONE +91 22 2844 3203
Malad (West), Mumbai 400064. EMAIL ID
WEB SITE h<p://
Version 1.1

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